How much is due for the first child? When patrimonial payments are paid - general rules

The appearance of a new person is undoubtedly a joyful event. But his father and mother, in addition to preparing for childbirth, should think about how much money to raise the baby. Good financial support can be state benefits. What payments and benefits are due at the birth of a child in 2019? More on this later.

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What benefits are paid?

Financial assistance from the state for young parents is divided into the following categories:

  1. one-time transfers;
  2. privileges;
  3. issuance of certificates.

Federal legislation offers young mothers several types of benefits:

  • payments that are paid once;
  • payments that are provided over a certain period.

One-time payments include:

  1. Maternal capital.
Attention! Only those women who worked at work before going on maternity leave can receive one-time benefits.

Expectant mothers who quit their jobs during pregnancy cannot count on these types of government assistance.

Important! Mom must submit documents for benefits in advance.

All payments for a baby in 2019

Before you consider existing payments, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The state allows you not only to issue monthly or one-time payments, but also provides financial support in the form of benefits and certificates.
  2. Although federal benefits are provided to all citizens, there are also regional programs.
  3. For size financial support influenced by the number of children born or adopted.
Attention! Unemployed citizens and persons who did not wish to enter into a VHI agreement cannot count on maternity or one-time payments upon registration.

Maternity benefits

Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, a woman must be provided with a certificate of incapacity for work. This document should be taken to your employer so that he can process maternity payments. Their size corresponds to the average earnings of the expectant mother.

Important! Maternity payments must be formalized by the employer within 10 days after the pregnant woman provides all necessary documents.

Pregnant women are also paid lump sum allowance. Its amount is 613.14 rubles.

A certificate from the hospital confirming registration is required for registration.

Birth certificate Expectant mothers receive in the residential complex birth certificate

  1. , which includes three coupons:
  2. the first coupon should be left at the antenatal clinic;
  3. the second coupon is provided at the maternity hospital;

The third coupon will be useful in the children's clinic. The state also provides regional benefits.

For example, in Moscow a pregnant woman receives 600 rubles. , if registered before the 20th week of pregnancy.

What to do after the birth of a child After the birth of the baby, the new mother can receive a lump sum benefit.

Since February 2017, the payment amount was 16,350.33 rubles. Before the child turns 1.5 years old, the state pays monthly allowance

for his departure.

  • The amount of financial assistance depends on the number of children in the family:
  • Almost 3,100 rubles are required for the first baby. ,

for the second - about 6,100 rubles.

The maximum amount of payments should not exceed RUB 23,120.66.

You should know! According to the law, child care can be provided by the father, grandmother and other relatives.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Maternal capital

Women who have become mothers two or more times have the right to receive maternity capital. The certificate amount in 2019 is about 453 thousand rubles. Use funds from this certificate only for specific purposes. A certificate is also issued for maternal capital

regional significance. Families in which a third child is born acquire the status of having many children. In addition, if children were born before the beginning of 2013, then it is possible to receive additional monthly benefits until 3

years .

Regional payments

Particular attention should be paid to regional programs.

  1. If we talk about Moscow, it is worth highlighting:
  2. Payment at the birth of a child - for the first baby its amount is 5,500 rubles. , and for the next children - 14,500 rubles. Luzhkov's payments, which mean additional benefits
  3. for parents who are under 30 years of age.

At the birth of three or more children, a one-time benefit in the amount of 50 thousand rubles is paid. Additional financial assistance is provided to women whose husbands are serving in military service.

With the arrival of new family members, the need for a new, more spacious home arises. One way to satisfy this need is the “Affordable Housing for Young Families” program.

Considering that today it is quite difficult to place a child in a kindergarten, you can receive compensation for not providing a child with a place in a kindergarten. The amount of compensation is comparable to the payment which mother receives child care.

However, this type of financial assistance is still provided for regional level. This means that not all mothers in Russia can receive compensation.

Also, now get in line at kindergarten can be done through the State Services portal.

Tax deductions

The birth of a child also affects tax issues. Thus, young parents can take advantage of standard tax deductions. In this case, the state will not withhold from the amount of income of father and mother income tax at the rate of 13%.

In addition, it is possible to compensate 13% of the costs of children's education. To do this, parents need to take advantage of social tax deductions.

Attention! A bill is currently being considered, under the terms of which the benefit payment period should be increased to

Last changes

At the end of December 2017 it was signed by the President of the Russian Federation new law on monthly payments for 1 and 2 children born or adopted into the family after January 1, 2018. New benefits are paid in the amount of the minimum wage established in the region of residence for children until the child turns 1.5 years old.

Apply for such financial assistance Only citizens of the Russian Federation who permanently reside in our country will be able to receive it. Provided that their per capita income per family member does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum of the working-age population in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Federal subsidies will be provided for first-born children; for 2 children, amounts will be allocated directly from maternity capital funds. Application for last view

payments can be submitted simultaneously with the application for the issuance of a certificate of family capital. To parents as social support in addition to one-time benefits are paid different kinds monthly federal and regional compensation depending on the needs of each family. In 2018 citizens with children are paid the following types of monthly benefits

at the expense of the federal budget:

Compensation payment up to 3 years

The procedure for assigning and paying, as well as the amount and indexation of child benefits based on need, is established by regional legislation for each subject of the Russian Federation on the basis federal law No. 81 dated May 19, 1995

To obtain it, you must apply in person to the district social protection department (OSZN) at the place of registration of one of the parents or to Multifunctional Center(MFC), or by filling out electronic form applications and uploading scanned documents on the government services portal.

The period for transferring this payment was changed from January 1, 2016 on the basis of Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 388 of December 29, 2015, now the benefit must be paid at least once a quarter. Specifically for each subject of the Russian Federation, it is established separately by regional laws.

After receiving a complete set of documents, the social security authorities in within 10 days make a decision on the appointment or refusal of payment. Recipients are required to promptly notify OSZN employees of reasons that may affect the right to receive benefits or the amount paid. When it changes total income families, spouses must notify a specialist district department social security for 3 months.

Organs social protection the population can selectively check the documents received for accuracy. Upon detection, knowingly false information previously provided by the applicant, an overpayment protocol is drawn up. The overpaid amount is withheld:

  1. In the amount of 20% of the amount due to the recipient of each subsequent payment.
  2. If he is not entitled to continue receiving benefits, then he must return this overpayment in cash through the bank.
  3. If there is a refusal to reimburse the over-received amount, the debt is collected through the court.

Child benefit under 16 years of age

The period for receiving child benefit is established by regional legislation; it is generally paid until the child reaches the age of 16 years. In this case, it is necessary to confirm the right to receive data annually Money, providing an updated package of documents.

In the normal case, the benefit is paid low-income families with an average per capita family income below the subsistence level calculated for each region for previous quarter. The amount and indexation of this compensation is established separately for a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The payment is made by the social security service at the applicant’s place of residence. Which can be issued by one of the parents (or adoptive parent, guardian) for each child until he reaches the age of 16 (if the child is in school, then the benefit is assigned until graduation, but no more than until adulthood).

Basic conditions to pay benefits:

  • the child lives with one of the parents (adoptive parent or guardian);
  • the family has an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level.

In order to receive this type of benefit, you must collect the following: documentation:

  • application for payment of benefits, in which you need to indicate the account number for transfers;
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate (in case of establishing paternity - a copy of the certificate of paternity establishment);
  • certificate of residence cohabitation with baby;
  • a certificate from the parents’ place of work about income for the last 3 (6) months (depending on the region);
  • if the parents (or one of them) are unemployed, you need a certificate from the employment center and a copy of the work record;
  • if the parents (or one of them) have never worked, you must attach a copy of your diploma or military ID (for men) and write a statement that no other labor activity they don't implement.
  • copies of parents' passports;
  • a copy of the marriage (or divorce) certificate;
  • for children of a single mother, a certificate from the registry office, form 25, if the full name on the birth certificate is father are indicated from her words.

Payments for a child under 18 years of age

This manual is a continuation of the previous one, if minor child studying at school. The main condition for receiving payment is the following: amount monthly income families below the subsistence level.

A monthly child benefit up to 18 years of age is assigned to one of the parents in the social protection department (OSZN). The benefit is regional and varies in size depending on different subjects RF. To receive benefits, you need to collect the same package of documents as for payment up to 16 years, additionally including certificate of study of this child At school. The benefit will be paid for the month of his or her 18th birthday, inclusive. annual confirmation eligibility by updating the required documents. When a child moves to the next grade, you must provide new certificate, which must indicate the number of the order to transfer the student to the specified class.

If the student graduated from school before coming of age, and the information giving the right to receive payment was updated in a timely manner, then the benefit will be paid until last month school year inclusive.

If the documents have not been updated for a long time, then one of the parents can apply for benefits after the expiration permissible period payments within six months. After making a decision on payment, the OSZN will pay the due amount, no more than 6 months.

Benefit for a child of a military personnel

Women for a child whose father is a military serviceman passing through conscript service In the army, an additional special monthly child allowance is provided for the child of a serviceman. They are also entitled to all other types of child benefits, depending on need.
The benefit is paid from the day the child is born, but not earlier than the day the child begins military service at the request of the child's father. Payment stops:

  • when the child reaches three years of age;
  • or upon completion of military service.

Benefit amount from February 2018 amounts to RUB 11,374.18.for each child of a military personnel under the age of 3 years. The benefit is paid by social protection authorities (OSZN). The decision to grant benefits is made within 10 days from the date of provision of a complete set of documents. And it is paid to the recipient no later than the 26th of the next month.

Documents that must be provided to receive this type of benefit:

  • application for benefits;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the military unit confirming that the father completed military service upon conscription (indicating the period of service);
  • marriage or paternity certificate;
  • a copy of the child's mother's passport.

At the end of your service, you must provide the OSZN with a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

It is no secret that when a child appears in a family, income decreases and expenses increase. Therefore, many parents are interested in how much they give for their first child, what payments are due to new expectant mothers and fathers and the size of these payments.

The very first payment, which is due up to twelve weeks of pregnancy, is 465.20 rubles. Money is paid at the place of work for working women on the basis of a certificate issued by a gynecologist in the antenatal clinic.

After the birth of a child, the mother also has the right to certain payments. In particular, immediately after the birth of a child, she can apply for. For 2012, it is equal to 12,405.32 rubles and increases every year. As a rule, it is paid at the place of work (or service) of one of the parents - to do this, you need to provide an application requesting the benefit, a certificate from the place of work of the second spouse, indicating that he did not receive this payment and the child.

If future parents do not work, but, for example, study, they also have the right to receive a lump sum benefit upon the birth of a child. social authorities. protection at the place of residence.

If the average per capita income in a family is below the subsistence level, a young mother can submit documents for a monthly benefit. How much they give for the first child depends on the region of residence.

Besides transferred payments, a working mother has the right to receive a lump sum benefit for up to one and a half years. In order to calculate how much they give for the first child (and subsequent ones) monthly, you need to multiply average monthly earnings by 0.4. The amount received will be 40% of the salary - this is what the mother will receive for up to one and a half years. If the second child is born before the first is 18 months old, the benefits for the two children will be combined.

It is difficult to determine how much they give for the first child. As can be seen from the calculations, much depends on wages and work experience. Women working in companies with “gray” salaries and bonuses, even with high incomes They receive a small monthly allowance and a small maternity benefit, which is often not enough to provide everything the baby needs. Therefore, ladies planning to go on maternity leave should calculate in advance possible payments and subsidies to avoid ending up below the poverty line for several years.

As part of the state's fulfillment of current social obligations, citizens can count on receiving benefits for their first child - additional monetary support from the government in 2019. Sharp increase in funding social programs due to the increase in the cost of goods and services, a high inflation index and an increase in the minimum wage to the minimum subsistence level, which is already planned for next year. Such measures are designed to stimulate the birth rate and prevent the growth of social tension in society, which is intensifying as the state of the country’s economy worsens.

New benefit for the first child

In 2018, Russian President V. Putin initiated the payment of a new benefit, which families can expect to receive upon the birth of their first child. The prerequisite for the introduction of such an innovation was another aggravation of demographic situation in the country and a decline in the birth rate, which in the future can lead to serious consequences.

The payment for the first child in 2019 is calculated based on annual indexation social benefits. The indexation coefficient is regulated by Law No. 444-FZ of December 2016 and is updated in February of each year. The amount of indexation depends on the level of inflation, and find out exact figure It will be possible only in February 2019. For comparison, in 2018, benefits were indexed by 3.2%.

Main the target audience payments are young families. In most cases, parents of children study in educational institutions or do not have large incomes, therefore they are in dire need of government support. But this kind cash security Not available to all citizens. To receive such benefits, two basic conditions must be met:

  • the first child must be born no later than January 1, 2018;
  • family has critical low level income (over the last 12 months, each member received no more than 1.5 times the subsistence minimum established in the region of residence).

As part of the implementation of the program, the government immediately established the approximate amount of cash payments - 10,836 rubles. But in order to find out exactly how much they give for the first child in 2019, you need to focus on living wage, based on the region of residence of the family.

Increase in basic benefits in 2019

The Social Insurance Fund reported that as of January 1, 2019, young parents can count on an increase in the amount of child benefits. For the coming year, payments will be made within the following limits:

Calculation of benefits for non-working citizens is carried out taking into account the minimum wage, which in 2018 was 11,163 rubles, and from January 1, 2019 should be increased to 11,280 rubles. Therefore, payments for this category of citizens will increase slightly (in 2018 minimum allowance was 4.4 thousand rubles).

Registration procedure

Apply for a special cash payment at the birth of your first child you can territorial body Social Security at any time before he turns one and a half years old. Moreover, if the documents are submitted after 6 months from the date of birth of the first child, the benefit will be assigned only from the date of application to Social Security.

If the mother is deprived parental rights or died during childbirth, the applicant can be the father or legal guardian who has Russian citizenship.

A woman is entitled to a fixed sum of money when visiting a medical facility in the first trimester to monitor pregnancy. This could be a district antenatal clinic or private clinic. To receive this amount, a woman must contact the LCD or clinic no later than the 12th week of pregnancy.

The amount is subject to annual indexation, so it should increase in 2019. Today it is approximately 630 rubles. Money can be added to the total amount at checkout sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, or received separately 10 days after writing the application.

To receive this benefit, you must:

  1. Contact antenatal clinic and take relevant certificate, confirming pregnancy.
  2. Submit an application directly to the Social Insurance Fund, or at your place of work (study), or to the USZN authorities (for unemployed citizens).

Important! There is no single approved sample certificate from a medical institution, so it can be drawn up in free form. The main thing is that the certificate has the doctor’s stamp and signature, as well as the official stamp of the hospital.

After submission complete package documents and applications, the payment procedure is as follows:

  • Initially, payments are set for a period of 12 months. Subsequently, it will be possible to contact Social Security again to increase the period for receiving them (provided that the child is not yet 18 months old) by providing a new package of documents;
  • the state stops transferring money after the end of the payment period, as well as in the event of the death of the recipient, a child, or the family moving to another region of the Russian Federation.

When calculating the amount of cash support, the total income of all family members is taken into account without deduction established by law taxes. However, interest accrued on bank deposits, and income from renting out your own home.

Registration of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

This type of benefit is received by women when going on maternity leave. Sick leave requires payment for all days, which include last weeks pregnancy and the first 2.5 months after birth. The duration of sick leave can be:

  • 140 days (70 days before birth and 70 days after) – for singleton pregnancy and childbirth without complications;
  • 156 days (70 days/86 days) – in case of cesarean section and other surgical procedures during childbirth;
  • 194 days (84 days/110 days) – when more than one child is born.

The benefit is equivalent to 100% of a woman’s average salary at the enterprise for the full period of sick leave. It can be accrued by the employer or the Social Insurance Fund directly.

A sick leave certificate is issued in the district housing complex or other medical institution at 28 or 30 weeks, but no later than six months after the birth of the child.

Important! If a woman officially works for several rates at various enterprises, then the benefit must take into account each of her earnings.

If a woman is not employed or is studying, she can also issue a sick leave certificate and send it to the State Social Insurance Fund or to her place of study. Size social assistance in this case it will be calculated based on established minimum wage in 2019.

Additional financial assistance can be received by the official spouse of a military personnel. The amount is calculated by the authority state protection population at the place of residence. Today its size is about 26,500 rubles.

After the birth of a baby, the state provides fixed financial assistance, which today amounts to about 16,700 rubles. How much they give for the first child in 2019 will be known in February after the indexation percentage is announced.

Benefit until the child reaches 1.5 years of age

After the expiration of the “maternity” sick leave, a monthly material compensation for child care. It is accrued to both workers and unemployed citizens. Payments are made to the person who will directly care for the child during this period (mother, father, grandmother, etc.).

Financial assistance is:

  • for the working population - 40% of the average monthly salary (from 01/01/19 maximum 26,152.27 rubles per month);
  • for the non-working population - calculated relative to the minimum wage (from 01/01/19, a minimum of 4,512 rubles per month, taking into account the increase in the minimum wage to 11,280 rubles).

A monthly allowance is also paid to the wives of military personnel who are serving in military service. Payments are made monthly until 3 summer age child or the end of the father's service. Today its amount is about 11,300 rubles per month. To receive financial assistance, you should contact the social protection department at your place of residence.

What else can you claim?

Child support – expensive pleasure, especially when life is becoming more expensive literally before our eyes and more and more citizens feel a decrease in the real level of their income. For the inability to fully support their children, they blame primarily officials and the state, believing that modern power cares poorly about people and the younger generation. At the same time, many people forget that to improve financial situation citizens need more time and this is a rather lengthy process, the success of which largely depends on the fullness of the budget.

Despite the relatively small amount of cash support, upon the birth of the first child, a family can also qualify for the following types of payments:

  • a benefit that is paid to women subject to registration during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • maternity leave for pregnancy and childbirth;
  • maternal assistance at the birth of a child (such financial support is of a one-time nature);
  • allowance for a child under 18 years of age. Considering that the amount of such assistance is very small, many families do not even want to spend time collecting the necessary documents and contacting social services.

It should be noted that you can expect to receive maternity benefit Today, not only working women can. The state also provides such assistance to students and unemployed mothers who, at the time of registration for pregnancy, did not have official employment. The only difference is the amount of payment: if, for example, a working woman can receive up to 282 thousand rubles, then a student daily form Depending on the size of the scholarship, a student can count on an amount of no more than 20 thousand rubles.

How much do they give for the first child and how to arrange payments: video

On the introduction of monthly payments at the birth of the first child. As part of the task set to stimulate the birth rate in the country and support Russian families Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev adopted a resolution that expands the capabilities of maternity capital.

We talk about the amount of payments in the regions, applicants and existing ones this moment in Russia, child benefits.

To illustrate the amounts of payments, we chose Moscow as a region with one of the highest living wages, Ingushetia, where this indicator is one of the lowest in the country, and several regions with an average cost of living.

The new benefit will be paid based on the child’s subsistence level established at the regional level for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of application for such a payment.

For example, in the second quarter of 2017, the cost of living in Moscow was 18,742 rubles. A family of three in Moscow will be able to receive benefits for their first child if total income does not exceed 84,339 rubles. per month. In this case, the amount of the monthly benefit will be 14,252 rubles.

According to a similar calculation, in Ingushetia, families whose total income does not exceed 41,935 rubles will be able to apply for a monthly allowance for their first child. The benefit for the first child will be paid in the amount of 9241 rubles.


In addition, payments will be provided to families with average per capita income not higher than one and a half times the subsistence level of the working-age population established in the region for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of application for such payment.

In Russia as a whole, the cost of living for the working population in the second quarter of 2017 was 11,163 rubles, the cost of living for a child was 10,160 rubles.

The President reported that the average size benefits will be equal to 10,523 rubles in 2018, 10,836 rubles in 2019, and 11,143 rubles in 2020. total amount, which the state will spend will amount to 144.5 billion rubles.

As Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets said, the amount of benefits for the birth of the first child in 2018 will be 21 billion rubles, in 2019 - 55 billion rubles, in 2020 - 68 billion rubles. Golodets emphasized that about 339 thousand “low-income” families will be able to receive payments.

On June 4, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree according to which maternity capital can be used for on-lending, regardless of when such a need arose. Before this, maternity capital funds could be used to refinance previously issued loans for the construction and purchase of housing, but only if the loan was taken before the birth of the second child or subsequent children.

What other child benefits exist in Russia?

Currently in Russia there are child benefits that are paid for different stages. Temporary benefit maternity leave every employed woman receives. As a rule, its amount is 100% of the average earnings for all vacation days. Pregnant women registered with early stages, get lump sum payment(in 2017 - 613 rubles).

For each newborn, the state provides the family with financial assistance in the form of a one-time payment (in 2017 it is 16,350 rubles).

If a woman worked, after giving birth she receives payments (40% of her salary) to care for a child up to one and a half years old.

At the birth of subsequent children in the family, the state pays maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles. It can be used for improvement living conditions, formation funded pension mothers, payment for a child’s education or social adaptation of disabled children.

Victor Kudrevich

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