Certificate of preferential length of service for pension sample. Deadlines for applying to the Pension Fund

"Personnel officer. Personnel records management", 2012, N 10


Approximately 25% of Russians currently enjoy the right to preferential pensions. True, to receive a pension for preferential terms, many of them have to acquire a whole “stack” of documents confirming this legal right. Unfortunately, due to the fault of employers, citizens quite often have problems in obtaining necessary documents. The article tells how you can confirm your preferential length of service, how to correctly prepare documents confirming it, etc.

Currently, to determine the categories of citizens enjoying the right to a preferential pension, it is necessary to be guided by the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions” (as amended on December 3, 2011) and the so-called “lists”. It's about on Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991, which approved List No. 1 of productions, works, professions, positions and indicators for underground works, in jobs with particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms, and List No. 2 of industries, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to a retirement pension (old age) on preferential terms.

When considering a citizen’s right to a pension on preferential terms, it is first necessary to determine the type of production in which he is employed, and thereby decide which section and subsection of Lists No. 1 or No. 2 should be followed in in this case. Then it is necessary to establish what data is required to confirm the worker’s right to a preferential pension based on the structure of production, the nature of the work performed, working conditions, and confirm these data with documents.

As is known, if in accordance with federal laws with the execution of work on certain positions, professions, specialties are associated with the provision of compensation and benefits or the presence of restrictions, then the names of these positions, professions or specialties and the qualification requirements for them must correspond to the names and requirements specified in the qualification reference books. One of these directories is the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers National economy USSR (ETKS).

Regulatory legal acts on the procedure for maintaining work books (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/16/2003 “On work books” (as amended on 05/19/2008), Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10/10/2003 N 69 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books”) There is no provision for entering information into the work book about the nature of the work performed or working conditions. However, the name of some professions according to ETKS may contain such data, for example, an assembler for installing steel and reinforced concrete structures(Issue 3 ETKS); operator for maintenance of dust and gas collection installations (ETKS Issue 1). The job title may also contain data necessary to confirm the right to preferential pension provision, for example, master of the cutting department of a foundry; mining standardizer of the underground section of the mine, etc.

IN qualification characteristics, given in the ETKS, there is also information about the work performed by each profession, and sometimes the location of the work is indicated. Thus, in the Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers and Sections of the Coal Industry there is a list of professions of workers engaged only in underground work.

If all the information that determines the right to preferential pension provision is entered into the work book in accordance with the Instructions and the ETKS, and these entries do not raise doubts among the authorities social security(in particular, the Pension Fund), then there is no need to issue other documents.

If a profession name is entered in the work book that does not correspond to the ETKS, then such an entry cannot be taken into account when determining the right to a preferential pension, regardless of whether such name corresponds to Lists No. 1 and No. 2 or not. For example, List No. 2 (section XIV, subsection 10) provides for “workers on stripping, pointing, and grinding metal products and tools with abrasive wheels using a dry method.” This is a collective entry. Such a profession was not and is not in the tariff and qualification reference books, but it is often included in work books. IN similar cases you can check the correctness of the name of the profession according to Issue 67, which contains the list (alphabet) of ETKS professions.

In cases where the work book does not contain all the necessary information, the enterprise administration issues the employee a clarifying certificate, which indicates on the basis of which documents it was issued, taking into account documents from the period when the person applying for the pension was employed at work, provided for by the Lists No. 1 and No. 2. Responsibility for the correct issuance of such certificates lies with those officials who sign them.

What documents available to the employer can be used when resolving issues regarding preferential pension provision for employees?

These documents can be grouped into six factors (features), which cover all cases of the special nature of work and working conditions provided for in Lists No. 1 and No. 2, as the basis for the provision of pension benefits:

1. Work in certain structural divisions.

2. Employment in hot work or hot areas of work.

3. Employment in underground work.

4. Performing work in a certain way, or in a certain industry.

5. Direct employment in certain jobs.

6. Employment in repairs, maintenance, installations and various types equipment.

Let's get to know each group in more detail.

Factor 1. Work in certain structural divisions

Some sections of Lists No. 1 and No. 2 require that work in certain professions and positions take place in certain structural units (shops, departments, sections, spans, processing areas, stations, offices, laboratories, etc.).

The lists include:

Mechanics and electricians on duty, mechanics and electricians for the repair and maintenance of equipment and automation in workshops: boiler rooms, machine (thermal power), fuel supply and dust preparation (List No. 2, Section XIV);

Masters, senior masters and assistant masters of melting, pouring (pouring), chill-casting, heat treatment of castings and trimming departments, spans and areas of foundry production (List No. 1, section XI, subsection 1);

Laboratory assistants and chemists of shop chemical laboratories (List No. 1, Section XVI);

Telephone operators of long-distance telephone exchanges (List No. 2, section XXIX);

What these employees should confirm:

a) the presence at the enterprise of a structurally separate specific workshop, section, processing area, etc.;

b) the employee’s employment in this department.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 1.

Table 1

About work

in certain structural divisions

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 1

about hiring (transfer)

Last name, name
professions, positions,
structural unit, in
in which the employee is employed

Staffing table (staffing

Name of structural
divisions of the enterprise and
availability of positions
engineering and technical
workers and professions
workers (for each workshop,
department, laboratory and

Pay slips
for wages

Last names of employees for each
division, name
their professions and positions

Personal account

Last name, profession or
position, place of work (workshop,
site, laboratory, etc.)

Time sheet

Employee's surname, his
profession or position and
name of the structural
department in which he

Personnel log book
workshop, department, laboratory and

Employee's last name,
name of profession or
position, area of ​​his work

Order (instruction) on
assignment to certain
work areas and

Employee's surname, his
profession or position,
work area or
equipment on which he


Nature of work performed
employee in a certain
structural unit

Training record book
safety precautions (personal

Employee's last name,
name of profession or
positions, place of work, date
conducting briefings

Standardized task

Name of works
(operations), area
work completion list
workers by profession

For example, to confirm work in certain structural units, as a rule, two documents are sufficient: a work book and staffing table. So, if in the work book there is a record of working as a laboratory assistant in a spinning shop, and according to the staffing schedule in this workshop there is one chemical laboratory, That to this employee a pension may be assigned according to List No. 1, section. XVI, as a laboratory assistant in a workshop chemical laboratory.

To justify the employment of a mechanic in the centralized repair shop of a thermal power plant for the repair of boiler shop equipment, in addition to the work book and staffing table, a task log or a standardized task can be used.

Factor 2. Employment in hot jobs

or in hot work areas

The lists include:

Mechanics, electricians in hot areas of work (List No. 2, section XV, subsection 1);

Hot repair stove masons (List No. 1, section VII, subsection 6);

Rejectors (inspectors) in hot areas of work (List No. 2, section XV, subsection 2);

Crane operators (drivers) and their assistants, slingers (slingers), hoist operators in hot areas of work (List No. 1, section III, subsection 1);

Hot tinning tinkers (List No. 1, section XI, subsection 4);

a) the presence of hot work areas or hot work in the workshop (department);

b) employment in these jobs or areas of work.

In the practice of applying Lists No. 1 and No. 2, hot areas of work include production sites with elevated temperature environment due to technological processes, accompanied by a significant release of sensible heat.

Employment in hot work areas is the performance of work in the action area elevated temperatures from heated technological equipment or manufactured products.

Hot work is work, the performance of which is due to the worker’s contact with the most common heat sources in production conditions:

a) heated to high temperature surfaces of technological equipment;

b) heated molten bodies or substances (products or materials) cooling in the production room.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 2.

table 2

Approximate list of documents containing data

about employment in hot jobs

or in hot work areas

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 2

Order (order, note)

Last name, name
professions, positions,
structural unit
(workshop, department), character
work performed

Production technology
(regulations, maps, modes and

Temperature conditions for all
technological processes,
types of used

Technological layout

Arrangement of equipment on
hot work areas

Inventory list of main
funds (equipment)

Type and name
equipment in the workshop (department)
with hot process

Planned schedule -
preventive maintenance

Type of repair for each
name of the equipment and
according to working conditions (hot,

Laboratory test log
(according to working conditions)

Measurement results
temperatures in workplaces

Personnel log book
workshop, department, laboratory and

Employee's last name,
name of profession or
positions, area of ​​work

Order (instruction) on
assignment to certain
work areas and

Employee's name, profession
or position, area of ​​work
or equipment on which
He is busy

Time sheet

Last names of employees for each
structural unit with
indicating their professions and
nature of the work performed

Equipment inspection log

Assignment of repair workers
for certain equipment
for each department of the workshop

Work orders,
standardized task

Worker's last name
profession, place and character

Training record book
safety precautions (personal
technical instruction book

Employee's last name,
name of profession or
position, place and character
work performed

Job title (working)

Characteristics of work for
this profession, position

For example, the employment of a foundry crane operator in hot areas of work can be confirmed by the following documents:

1) by order of the head of the foundry on assignment to a crane in a certain area (for example, melting, pouring);

2) technological layout of the workshop for the placement of technological equipment on this area works;

3) a laboratory analysis log, which records the results of temperature measurements at the crane operator’s workplace in various places location of the tap.

Factor 3. Employment in underground work

The lists include:

All workers, engineering and technical workers and employees employed full time in underground mining of coal and ore (List No. 1, section I, subsection 1);

Fasteners, panel operators in the construction of subways (List No. 1, section I, subsection 3);

They must demonstrate full-time employment underground.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 3.

Table 3

Approximate list of documents containing data

about employment in underground work

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 3

Order (order, note)
about hiring (transfer) to work,

Last name, name
professions, positions,
structural unit
(mine, underground mine,

Log (sheet) of descent into the mine
or mine and recovery from them

Last name of the employee or his
Personnel Number, date and time
descent into a mine or pit and
lifting them

Staffing table (staffing

Name of workshop, site
department or other
structural unit
professions and positions
employees of structural

Pin journal
battery numbers for
workers and engineers (in mines,

Employee's name, profession
or position, date
securing the battery to

Surveying documents

Methods of working out
deposits according to
divisions (underground,
open, mixed)

Factor 4. Carrying out work in a certain way,

using hazardous materials, in specific conditions

or in a specific industry

The lists include:

Workers on peeling, pointing, grinding metal products and tools with abrasive wheels using a dry method (List No. 2, section XV, subsection 10);

Workers working in cubicles (List No. 1, section XVIII);

Painters working with enamel paints, nitro paints, nitro varnishes and lead paints (List No. 2, section XV, subsection 6);

Wipers and impregnators of products with chrome paste (List No. 2, section XV, subsection 10);

Gas welders, electric welders and cutters working inside tanks, tanks, tanks and in ship compartments (List No. 1, Section XXI);

Drivers of trucks for the removal of: coal, shale, ore, rock and concentrates in coal, shale and ore mines (List No. 2, section I, subsection 1);

Machinists (motor operators, compressor operators) servicing ammonia refrigeration units in industry and transport (List No. 2, section XXXII);

Masters and senior masters industrial training in underground work in coal, ore mining, as well as in chemical industry(List No. 2, section XXXII);

a) method or place of performance of work;

b) type of materials used;

c) the industry sector to which the enterprise or organization belongs.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 4.

Table 4

Approximate list of documents containing data

about performing work in a certain way,

using hazardous materials, in specific conditions

or in a specific industry

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 4

Order (order, note)
about admission, transfer to work,

Business name,
institutions, organizations,
structural unit
(shop, department), last name
employee, his character
work or working conditions

Journal (card, book) of accounting
hours worked (in
workshops, ship compartments, etc.)

Employee's surname, his
profession or position, type
and place of work performed

Order to assign to
certain areas of work
and equipment

Employee's surname, his
profession, area of ​​work
(camera, box) or
equipment on which he

Technical certificate

Technical capabilities
equipment to perform
work in a certain way

Order (instruction) on
creation of a brigade

Surnames of the workers of the brigade with
indicating their professions

Auxiliary consumption rates
materials, limit cards

Name of used
materials on structural

Work orders,
standardized task

Worker's last name or
foreman, list of works,
date of their completion

Inventory list of main
funds (equipment)

Name and type
equipment for structural

Production technology
(modes, regulations, maps,
techniques, etc.)

Types and methods of performed
work for each
technological operation

Task log, workbook

Worker's name, type of work
and the place where it will be performed

Driver's waybill

Car make,
name of cargo, route
destination (point of departure
and destination)

Job title (working)

Characteristics of work for
given profession or

Regulations (charter) on
enterprise, organization,

Ministry or department
to which belongs

All-Union classifier
"Branches of the National Economy"
(OKOHX), approved. Goskomstat
USSR, State Planning Committee of the USSR,
State Standard of the USSR 01/01/1976)
(as amended on February 15, 2000) - until
All-Russian classifier
types of economic
activities (OKVED) (together with
OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1),
approved Resolution
Gosstandart of Russia from
06.11.2001 N 454-st (as amended from
06/17/2011) - introduced into
effective 01/01/2003, during
from 01/01/2008 to 01/01/2013
also applies
All-Russian classifier
types of economic
activities OK 029-2007 (NACE
Ed. 1.1)

Which industry?
industry, transport,
trade, household
service, rural
farming, etc. refers
enterprise or organization,
as well as distribution of work
according to their types. For example,
list of works related to
construction or installation

For example, to determine the industry of financial and economic activity, one document is sufficient, while the method of work performed and the type of materials used specific person can be established based on several documents. So, according to the work book of the person who applied for the pension, we establish that he worked in workshop No. 5 as a grinder. By technological maps This workshop shows that grinding of metal products is carried out using abrasive wheels, both dry and using emulsion.

Based on the order to assign workers to the equipment, we determine which machine it operates on, and based on the machine’s passport, we determine the absence of a cooling system on it. If on this machine it is possible to process products not only using the dry method, then using the work orders we determine the name or numbers of the products being sanded by this worker, and using the technological map - the processing method.

Factor 5. Direct employment

at certain jobs

The lists include:

Workers medical institutions, constantly and directly working with radioactive substances(List No. 1, section XXI);

Jr medical staff working in psychiatric and psychoneurological institutions (directly serving the mentally ill) (List No. 2, section XXVI);

Workers, craftsmen, engineers, technicians, technologists, inspectors and laboratory assistants who constantly and directly work at gamma flaw detection (metal scanning) installations (List No. 1, Section XXI);

What to confirm:

a) personal participation of the employee in performing the work provided for in the Lists;

b) presence of contact with harmful substances or with sick persons.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 5.

Table 5

Approximate list of documents containing data

about direct employment in certain jobs

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 5

Order (order, note)
about admission, transfer to work,

Employee's last name,
name of profession,
positions, structural

Accounting journal (card)
hours worked

Employee's last name,
name of profession, type and
place of work

Staffing table (staffing

Name of structural
departments, professions and
positions for each

Work (duty) schedule

Employee's name, place
work and duty dates

Journal of individual
radiation monitoring
(radiation log

Employee's surname, his
profession or position,
place of work, radiation dose

Radioactive transmission log

Employee's name, time
work with radioactive

Results map
illumination of details or

Employee's last name,
the name of his profession,
type of work

Pay slips
for wages

Employee's surname, his
profession, position
(structural subdivision)

Job title (working)

Characteristics of work for
this profession, position

For example, direct employment in installations for gamma flaw detection (examination of metals) can be established on the basis of several documents, each of which contains incomplete, i.e. partial, information.

Thus, the log of individual dosimetric control indicates the last name, first name, patronymic, occupation of the worker, and daily (weekly, monthly) radiation dose. Based on the accounting of the radiation dose, it can be established that the employee was directly involved in gamma flaw detection (examination of metals). But if this data is not enough, especially in cases where the labor of laboratory workers is divided (each is engaged in either scanning metals, or developing films, or drawing up conclusions), then you can turn to the transfer log radioactive sources or to maps of the X-ray results of parts and products, from which it is clear who carried out the flaw detection and when.

Factor 6. Employment in repairs and maintenance

and maintenance of machines and mechanisms

and other types of equipment

The lists include:

Mechanics for repair of technological equipment (List No. 2, section XI, subsection 4);

Workers employed in current repairs coke-chemical units (List No. 2, Section V);

Supervisors (fitters) of radio stations and television centers engaged in servicing VHF and UHF generators (List No. 2, section XXXI);

Mechanics for repairing, refueling and changing tank valves (List No. 1, Section XX);

Workers servicing manganese furnaces (List No. 1, section III, subsection 2);

All of them need to confirm their employment in the repair, preventive maintenance and maintenance of installations of machines and mechanisms provided for in the Lists.

An approximate list of documents containing the necessary data is given in table. 6.

Table 6

Approximate list of documents containing data

about employment in repairs, prevention

and maintenance of machines and mechanisms

Ordinal N
in general

Title of the document

Information that may be
used for
confirmation of factor 6

Order (order, note)
about admission, transfer to work,

Employee's last name,
name of profession,
positions, structural
divisions (shop, department),
type of serviced

Staffing table (staffing

Arrangement of workers' professions
and engineering positions for
structural divisions

Inventory list of main
funds (equipment)

Name and type
equipment for each
division of the enterprise

Order (instruction) on
assignment to certain
work areas and beyond

Worker's name
the name of his profession,
workshop, installation or machine,
which he serves

Order (instruction) on
creation of a brigade

Names of team members with
indicating their professions

Work orders,
standardized task

Worker's last name or
foreman, name of the workshop,
type of work performed

Accounting journal (card)
hours worked

Employee's last name,
the name of his profession,
work performed

Technical certificate

Technical data
equipment, date and place

Planned schedule -
preventive maintenance

Name of the repaired
equipment of the workshop (department,

Personal account

Employee's name, profession,
structural subdivision

Pay slips
for wages

Same information

Job title (working)

Characteristics of work and type
serviced equipment
for a given profession or

For example, for employees of centralized repair or other services in confirmation actual place their work, you can use documents on assigning workers to jobs, sections or workshops, documents on recording working hours. Thus, at chemical industry enterprises, a unified form of log of hours worked has been introduced, which can be used to determine in which workshop and in what work the employee was engaged. Social security authorities have the right to check all documents that served as the basis for the submission of preferential pensions. When checking documents you should Special attention pay attention to the validity of the extradition special certificates a single form, the content of which does not decipher the nature of production. Some of these documents are standard, that is, they contain the same details or even have single form, and most of them are compiled using forms developed by employers.

General list of documents to confirm the right to benefits

on pensions

Summarizing all that has been said, we can formulate general list recommended documents, information from which can be used to confirm the right to preferential pension provision:

1. Work record book.

2. Orders (instructions, notes) on admission, transfer and dismissal.

Prepared by employees of HR departments in an arbitrary or established form (in accordance with Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of primary accounting documents for accounting labor and its payment”), signed by heads of organizations or other authorized persons.

3. Orders (instructions) on assigning work and equipment to certain areas. Prepared by mechanic services, power engineers of enterprises or workshops, as well as departments technical control By free form. Signed by the heads of enterprises, services or workshops; stored in the units that prepare them.

4. Staffing table (staffing arrangement). Developed by the labor department and wages, economic planning department, personnel department together with other structural divisions according to a unified form. Approved by the head of the enterprise, stored in the labor and wages department. Refers to documents of permanent storage.

5. Log books for personnel of a workshop, department, laboratory and others structural divisions. Maintained by the heads of structural units in a form developed at the enterprise, stored at the place of administration and in the personnel department.

6. Personal accounts. They are maintained by accounting employees in a unified form for each worker and employee of the enterprise. Stored in the accounting department.

7. Payroll records - an accounting document.

8. Time sheets. Maintained by employees of the accounting department or human resources department using standardized forms.

9. Schedules for scheduled maintenance. Depending on the type of equipment being repaired, they are drawn up by mechanics or power engineers of the workshops, approved by the heads of the workshops and the chief engineer of the enterprise.

10. Work (duty) schedules. Developed by department heads according to the form accepted by the enterprise.

11. Journals (cards) of time worked. They are carried out by raters or heads of structural divisions according to the form accepted at the enterprise.

12. Logs (sheets) of descent into a mine or mine and ascent from them. They are conducted by the lamp duty officer according to the form accepted at the mine or mine.

13. Logbooks of individual dosimetric monitoring (logbooks for recording radiation exposure). Conducted in those structural units where there are sources ionizing radiation, according to forms developed at enterprises.

14. Radioactive source transmission logs. Records of work with portable sources are kept by the head of the department in the form accepted at the enterprise. Stored at the place where sources are issued and received.

15. Task logs, workbooks for foremen. They are conducted by foremen, foremen, and shop managers according to the form accepted at the enterprise. Stored in workshops.

16. Job (work) instructions. They are developed by structural divisions of the labor organization together with other divisions of enterprises in a free form. They are approved by the heads of enterprises and stored in labor organization departments and in the relevant departments. Valid until the employee’s functions in a given profession or position change.

17. Production technology (regulations, modes, maps, etc.). Developed by employees technological services, approved by the chief technologist or chief engineer of the enterprise. Stored in the services of the chief technologist, chief engineer and in the workshops.

18. Technological passport of equipment. Developed and filled out by the manufacturer in the prescribed form. At the place of operation of the equipment it is stored in the technical departments or services of the chief mechanic. Stored for the shelf life of the equipment.

19. Technological layout of the workshop. Compiled technical departments or employees production workshops in the form of a drawing and approved by the workshop manager or chief engineer (the initial workshop layout is developed by design organizations).

20. Inventory lists of fixed assets (equipment). They are compiled during the inventory of equipment carried out annually by accounting employees in the prescribed form. Stored in the accounting department.

21. Orders (instructions) on the creation of a brigade. Prepared by employees of workshops and labor organization departments in a free form. Signed by the heads of enterprises or, on their instructions, by the heads of workshops.

22. Work orders, standardized tasks. They are filled out by workshop and site foremen according to the form developed by the enterprise. Signed by standard setters, foremen, and shop managers.

23. Waybills. Filled out by dispatchers motor transport organizations and divisions in the prescribed form. Signed by the dispatcher, mechanic, driver.

24. Equipment inspection logs. They are carried out by workers (mechanics, electricians, etc.) in any form. The correctness of the work is controlled by mechanics, power engineers and foreman of structural departments. Stored in the workshop.

25. Consumption rates auxiliary materials, limit cards. They are conducted in each structural unit according to the form developed by the enterprise. Signed by shop managers and senior accountants. They are stored in the accounting department until they are replaced with new ones.

26. Maps of the results of x-raying of parts and products. They are filled out in X-ray and radiographic laboratories according to a form determined by the enterprise. Signed by the head of the laboratory and an employee of the technical control department. Stored in laboratories.

27. Journals of laboratory tests (according to working conditions). Conducted by laboratory workers of safety departments or employees of sanitary and epidemiological stations.

28. Books for recording safety instructions. Conducted by shift foremen, safety engineers and shop managers. Stored in the workshop.

29. Journals for assigning battery numbers to workers and engineering workers (in mines and mines). Conducted by lamp masters in any form.

30. Surveying documents (plan mining operations). Developed by employees of surveying or technical departments.

Note. Each document has strictly specific place storage

In addition to those listed, other documents may also be used:

Orders (instructions) on granting leave, on remuneration and penalties;

Minutes of meetings and resolutions of certification and qualification commissions;

Route maps;

X-ray room report logs;

Gamma and X-ray logs;

Marriage deeds;

Magazines on pouring castings;

Logs of employee work with ionizing radiation;

Registration cards individual doses external irradiation;

Invoices for materials release;

Books for acceptance of parts by inspectors, books for production control;

Personal card for the issuance of workwear;

Personal medical record;

Lists for the issuance of therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

Approximate sample

Company stamp


N _____ dated ___________ 20__

specifying the special nature of the work or working conditions

for periods of work that are counted towards length of service,

giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension,

in accordance with Articles 27, 28 of the Federal Law

dated December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ

"On labor pensions in Russian Federation"

Issued by ________________________________________________________________

(Full Name)

number insurance certificate _____-_____-_____-_____

that he (she) worked full time: _______________________

(full name of organization)

company registration number ________________________________________



point ________;

in production, on site in the workshop _____________________________________________

as (profession, position) __________________________________________

under special conditions ______________________________________________________________


(nature of work performed under additional conditions)

with _______ Ex. N _______ from ________ to ________ Ex. N ________ from _________

what is provided for in the list _________ section ________ subsection _________

point ________;

in production, on site in the workshop _____________________________________________

as (profession, position) __________________________________________

under special conditions ______________________________________________________________


(nature of work performed under additional conditions)

with _______ Ex. N _______ from ________ to ________ Ex. N ________ from _________

what is provided for in the list _________ section ________ subsection _________

point ________;

in production, on site in the workshop _____________________________________________

as (profession, position) __________________________________________

under special conditions ______________________________________________________________

(nature of work performed under additional conditions)

Worked full time in the above positions.

Except for the following periods:

1. Leave without pay


from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

2. Advanced training courses from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

(indicate whether paid or not) from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

3. Maternity leave from _____ to _____ Pr. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

4. Parental leave until

1.6 years from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

5. Parental leave until

3 years from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

6. Correctional work from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

7. Other distractions from the main one

work from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

8. Working with a laid-off worker

in the afternoon from _____ to _____ Ave. N _____ from ____.

9. Periods of suspension from work,

provided for in clause 9 of the Rules (approved

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated

07/11/2002) from _____ to _____ Pr. N _____ from _____

from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

10. Part-time

weeks from _____ to _____ Ex. N _____ from ____.

The number of days worked during this period was __________________

Combined work in the position (as a percentage of the duration

shifts) _____________________________________________________________________

with _______ Ex. N _______ from ________ to ________ Ex. N ________ from _________

For this period, length of service giving the right to early appointment

labor pension in accordance with Art. Art. 27, 28 of the Federal Law dated

12/17/2001 N 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions of the Russian Federation", amounted to:

Years ________________ months _________________ days _______

Information about renaming the organization ________________________________




The certificate is given on the basis of the following documents:




(books of orders, card form N T-2, personal accounts, settlement and payment

statements, payslips for payment of field allowances, timesheets

accounting for the use of working time, staffing, functional

responsibilities, job descriptions, labor protection documents,

technological maps, technical documents and other documents,

reflecting the nature of the work).

In accordance with Art. 25 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 "On

labor pensions in the Russian Federation" the organization is responsible

for the accuracy of the information contained in the documents submitted for

establishment and payment of labor pensions.

Head of the institution

(organizations) ____________________

(signature) (full name)

Chief Accountant ____________________ M.P.

(signature) (full name)

Head of HR Department ____________________

(signature) (full name)


1. Chizhov B. A. Features of application labor legislation for certain categories of citizens. M.: Justitsinform, 2010.

2. Gusov K. N., Tsindyaykina E. P., Tsypkina I. S. Features of an employment contract with separate categories workers: Scientific and practical manual. M.: Prospekt, 2011.

A. Zavyalova


on social security

Signed for seal

4.2. Sample correct design preferential certificate.



Issued to Petr Vasilievich Ivanov in that he was accepted from 01.11.1985 electric welder manual welding (Order No. 545 dated November 3, 1985).

Worked full time, full time working week. He had no combination of professions. Leave without pay was not granted.

Transferred from 12/01/1993 master of construction and installation work (order No. 306/l dated November 10, 1993). Worked full time, full work week. He did not have a combination of professions 1.

Transferred from January 11, 1994 manufacturer works(Order No. 12 dated January 10, 1994). Dismissed on November 29, 1999 (order No. 260 dated November 25, 1999). Worked full time, full work week. He had no combination of professions. Leave without pay was provided: from 04/15/1995 to 04/30/1995 (15 days); from 09/03/1996 to 09/12/1996 (10 days); from 06/05/1997 to 06/10/1997 (5 days).

In accordance with current legislation preferential pension provision By List No. 2, section XXXIII “ General professions» (list item code 23200000-19906), approved by resolution Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10, use electric welders manual welding. In addition, Section XXVII “Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects” of List No. 2 provides masters of construction and installation works(list item code 2290000b-23419) and work producers(list item code 2290000b-24441).

Grounds for issuing the certificate: orders for personnel from 1985 to 1999; characteristics of work, job descriptions; personal accounts from 1985 to 1999; time sheet or working time log with hazardous working conditions (1985-1999); technological maps (regimes, regulations, etc.), if welders perform work provided for by the technological process of manufacturing the main product (for example, in serial machine-building production). For repair services - schedules of planned maintenance work (PMP) and reports on their implementation; defective statements to conduct repair work and other documents 2.

In accordance with Art. 25 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, the enterprise is responsible for the information contained in the certificate issued for the assignment of a pension 3.

Chief (director) (signature) Full name

Ch. accountant (signature) Full name

Head of OK (signature) Full name

Notes 1 If the name of the organization has changed during its work, you can reflect this information in the Preferential Certificate, indicating the date and reason for the renaming, as well as the new name.

2 The basis for the issuance must indicate only those documents that can be provided for verification.

3 If the employer indicates in the Benefit Certificate the characteristics of the work for the position (profession), the facility at which this work was performed, brief description production (for example, for the production of rubber products) in which the employee who applied for an early retirement pension is employed, this will not be a mistake.

In the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension in accordance with the federal laws “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, approved by joint resolution The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 No. 17/19pb stipulates that territorial body The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has the right to check the validity and reliability of the issuance of submitted documents, their compliance with individual (personalized) accounting information, to demand from legal and individuals provision of documents necessary for granting a pension.

In practice, employers provide preferential certificates containing false information about the periods of work of the insured persons (including when the employee was provided administrative leaves(without pay, study leaves), which are not included in the preferential length of service), without the basis for issuing these certificates. Very often, the documents specified on the basis for issuing the Discount Certificate are not subsequently provided to verify the validity and reliability of the information contained in the Discount Certificate and confirm the fact of the permanent and direct employment of the insured person. Some preferential certificates do not contain information at all confirming the right of the insured person to an early retirement pension in old age. The result is a refusal to grant an early retirement pension in old age.

Judicial practice confirms that employers do not take proper part in providing assistance to their employees, including former employees, in providing documents confirming the right to early assignment of an old-age pension.

Although in most cases the employer has the opportunity to assess in advance the state of the employee’s (insured person’s) documents necessary to establish an early retirement pension: check whether the information in the work book is filled out correctly, whether any corrections to the entries in the work book are certified by a signature and seal, whether the information is confirmed, the primary data contained in the documents, whether there are records on the grounds for issuing the documents. In addition, the employer is obliged to check the extent to which individual (personalized) accounting information about the insured person has been transferred to the territorial body of the Pension Fund, and take measures to provide the missing individual (personalized) accounting information.

As a result, the employee (insured person) will be able to exercise his right to an early retirement pension without any problems.

5. Additional documents when assigning an early retirement pension using specific examples.

Example No. 1.

In accordance with the current legislation, the right to preferential pension provision according to List No. 2, section XXVII “Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects” position code 2290000a-12680, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 01/26/1991 city ​​No. 10, use masons, constantly working in brigades of masons and in specialized units of masons of complex brigades (Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated 08/09/1991 No. 591).

The basis for granting a pension due to special working conditions for a bricklayer are documents confirming employment in a team of complex bricklayers.

The brigade form is the main one in construction. Depending on the volume and type of work construction organizations determine the structure of the teams. Published order on the creation of a brigade, including a complex one.

Such order- the main (but not the only) document confirming employment in a team of masons or a specialized unit of masons of an integrated team, since this order indicates the list of workers by profession.

Example No. 2.

In accordance with position 2151200a-1753a of subsection 12 “Other metalworking professions” of section XIV of List No. 2, the right to early retirement is established for workers engaged in stripping, pointing, cutting, grinding metal products and tools using abrasive wheels using a dry method.

From the entry in the work book of the citizen who applied for a labor pension, it follows that he worked in workshop No. 2 as a grinder. By technological maps This workshop established that grinding of metal products in this workshop is carried out using abrasive wheels, both dry and using an emulsion. By order to assign workers to equipment you can establish on which machine he works (worked), and according to the machine passport– the presence or absence of a cooling system on it.

Example No. 3.

To confirm work in certain structural divisions, as a rule, two documents are sufficient : work book and staffing table. If the work book contains a record of working as a laboratory assistant in a spinning shop, and according to the staffing schedule there is one chemical laboratory in this shop, then this employee may be assigned a pension according to List No. 1, Section XVI, as a laboratory assistant in a workshop chemical laboratory.

Example No. 4.

To confirm the employment of a mechanic in the centralized repair shop of a thermal power plant for the repair of boiler shop equipment, in addition to the work book and staffing table, it can be used task log or standardized task.

Example No. 5.

Direct employment at installations for gamma flaw detection (examination of metals) can be confirmed by several documents, each of which individually contains partial information. So, in the personal radiation monitoring journal Last name, first name, patronymic, worker's profession, daily (weekly, monthly) radiation dose are indicated. Based radiation dose accounting it can be established that the employee was directly involved in gamma flaw detection. But if the labor of workers is divided, i.e. one is engaged in scanning metals, the other is in developing films, or drawing up conclusions, in which case direct employment on installations can be confirmed by the information contained in the radioactive source transmission log or in maps of the results of scanning parts and products, from which it is clear who carried out the flaw detection and when.

Example No. 6.

The employment of a crane driver (crane operator) of a foundry in hot areas of work can be confirmed by the following documents:

  • by order the head of the foundry about being assigned to a tap in a certain area (smelting, pouring);

  • technological layout of the workshop on the placement of technological equipment in this area of ​​work;

  • laboratory test journal, which recorded the results of temperature measurements at the crane operator’s workplace in various locations of the crane;

  • training logbook on labor protection.
In practice, there are often cases of discrepancies between the information contained in the documents provided by organizations to confirm the fact of employment in the relevant types of work. For example: in the personal accounts of citizen V. the profession is indicated as a bricklayer, in the work book, Personal Card (form T-2) as an assembler, there are no wage accruals for a period of 5 months.

In addition, the work book very often contains incorrect and inaccurate entries about certain periods work, names of professions (positions), structural divisions necessary to confirm experience in the relevant types of work. In such cases, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation accepts certificates issued from the place of work, higher organizations, as well as archival institutions containing necessary information, confirming the fact of employment in work with hazardous and hazardous conditions labor.

Such certificates are issued on the basis of extracts from orders, personal accounts and statements for the payment of wages and other documents containing information about periods of work, names of professions (positions), structural divisions, characteristics of working conditions, etc.

There are often cases when organizations cannot confirm the length of service in the relevant types of work, the characteristics of the work performed, citing the lack of documents, which leads to difficulties or refusal of pension authorities to count the periods of work specified in the work book into special experience in the relevant types of work or in the appointment of early labor pensions.

6. List of typical management documents, indicating the periods of their storage, which are relevant to the assignment of a labor pension, including confirmation of preferential length of service.

Article number

Document type

Document storage period



Orders, instructions, documents (certificates, reports, information, etc.) to them:

* (5) Sent for information - until the need has passed

* (6) On the provision of regular and study holidays, duty, etc. – 5 l.

A) by main activity

Fast. * (5)

B) by personnel

75 l. * (6) EPA

B) on administrative and economic issues

5 l.


Staffing schedules of the organization and changes to them:


B) in other organizations

3 years


Personal accounts

75 l. EPK


Documents (consolidated settlement (settlement and payment) statements (tabulagrams) for the issuance of wages, benefits, fees, financial assistance and other payments* (2)

5 l.


Documents (acts, certificates, invoices) on acceptance of completed work

5 l.

* (2) In the absence of personal accounts – 75 l.


Documents (acts, protocols, certificates, memos) on the organization of labor when combining professions



Log books for employees combining professions

Until the need passes


Documents (reports, certificates, information) on the transfer of employees to a shortened working day or a shortened working week

5 l. EPK


Documents (summaries, information, memos, working time balance) on working time tracking

3 years


Time sheets (schedules), working time logs

1 year


Tariff and qualification directories, grids, rates:

A) at the place of development and approval


B) in other organizations

Until the need passes


Correspondence about additions and changes to tariff and qualification reference books, grids, rates

5 l.


Tariff sheets

25 l.


Approved wage grades for employee positions:

A) at the place of development and approval


B) in other organizations

Before replacing with new ones


Acts, regulations on labor protection

5 l. EPK


Documents (acts, certificates, information) on the results of inspections of compliance with agreements on labor protection issues

5 l. EPK


List of professions with hazardous working conditions:

A) at the place of development and approval


B) in other organizations

Before replacing with new ones


Lists of workers in production with hazardous working conditions

75 l.


Workers' time sheets and orders harmful professions

75 l.


Journals, accounting books:

B) instruction on labor protection

10 l.


Documents (reports, protocols, certificates, conclusions, analyses) about harmful conditions labor, industrial injuries, occupational diseases

10 l EPA


Documents (acts, memos, conclusions, correspondence) on the reduction of working hours due to harmful working conditions

5 l. EPK


Documents (protocols, statements, workplace certification cards, etc.) on workplace certification for working conditions

5 l. EPK


Notes replacing orders for personnel

75 l. EPA* (1)

* (1) On the provision of regular and educational leaves, duty, penalties, business trips - 5 l.


Personal files (applications, questionnaires, autobiographies, copies and extracts from orders for admission, transfer, etc.):

B) workers

75 l. EPK


Employment contracts(contracts) not included in personal files

75 l. EPK


Personal cards of employees (including temporary workers)

75 l. EPK


Genuine personal documents(work books, diplomas, certificates, certificates)

Poste restante* (1)

* (1) Unclaimed – at least 50 years


List (staff list) of employees



Cards, indexes to orders for personnel

75 l.


Qualification requirements:

A) at the place of development and approval


B) in other organizations

Before replacing with new ones


Lists of employees retiring on preferential pensions

50 l.


Technological maps and descriptions of technological processes


Notes used in this list, specify the storage periods for documents. The note “until the need has passed” means that the documents have a limited practical significance. Their shelf life is determined by the organizations themselves.

EPK – expert verification commission.

Specific types documents in the list are marked with the mark “EPC”, which means that these documents may have scientific and historical significance and in in the prescribed manner must be stored in the organization if the organization for one reason or another is not the source of acquisition archival institutions, or transferred to state and municipal archives.

Documents can be deposited in both state and private archives.

To transfer documents to Rosarkhiv, it is enough to conclude an agreement with its territorial branch.

The employment of a crane driver (crane operator) of a foundry in hot areas of work can be confirmed by the following documents:

  • by order of the head of the foundry to assign a tap to a certain area (smelting, pouring);
  • technological layout of the workshop for the placement of technological equipment in this area of ​​work;
  • a laboratory analysis log, which records the results of temperature measurements at the crane operator’s workplace in various locations of the crane;
  • labor safety briefing logbook.

In practice, there are often cases of discrepancies between the information contained in the documents provided by organizations to confirm the fact of employment in the relevant types of work. For example: in personal accounts for citizen V.

Sample preferential certificate to a pension fund

Sample PREFERENTIAL CERTIFICATE Issued to Petr Vasilievich Ivanov stating that he was hired as an electric welder for manual welding from 11/01/1985 (order No. 545 of 11/03/1985). Worked full time, full work week. He had no combination of professions.

Leave without pay was not granted. From 12/01/1993 he was transferred to the foreman of construction and installation works (order No. 306/l dated 11/10/1993).

Worked full time, full work week. He had no combination of professions1. From 01/11/1994 he was transferred by the work contractor (order No. 12 of 01/10/1994).

Dismissed on November 29, 1999 (order No. 260 dated November 25, 1999). Worked full time, full work week. He had no combination of professions.
Leave without pay was provided: from 04/15/1995 to 04/30/1995 (15 days); from 09/03/1996 to 09/12/1996 (10 days); from 06/05/1997 to 06/10/1997 (5 days).

Form of certificate clarifying the special nature of the work, 2015

Personal files (applications, questionnaires, autobiographies, copies and extracts from orders for admission, transfer, etc.): B) employees 75 l. EPK 338 Employment agreements (contracts) not included in personal files 75 l.

EPK 339 Personal cards of employees (including temporary workers) 75 l. EPK 342 Original personal documents (work books, diplomas, certificates, certificates) On demand* (1) * (1) Unclaimed - at least 50 years 349 List (regular composition) of employees Post.

Cards, indexes to orders for personnel 75 sheets. 362 Qualification requirements: A) at the place of development and approval Post. B) in other organizations Before being replaced by new ones 479 Lists of employees retiring on preferential pensions 50 l.

1781 Technological maps and descriptions of technological processes Post.

Certificate of preferential employment (clarifying)

B) in terms of personnel 75 liters. * (6) EPK B) on administrative and economic issues 5 l. 32 Staffing schedules of the organization and changes to them: A) at the place of development and approval of the Post. B) in other organizations 3 years 153 Personal accounts 75 l.

EPK 155 Documents (consolidated settlement (settlement and payment) statements (tabulagrams) for the issuance of wages, benefits, fees, financial assistance and other payments * (2) 5 l. * (2) In the absence of personal accounts - 75 l. 188 Documents (acts, certificates, invoices) on acceptance of work performed 5 l. * (2) In the absence of personal accounts - 75 l. 272 ​​Documents (acts, protocols, certificates, memos) on the organization of work when combining professions Post. combining professions Until the need passes 277 Documents (reports, certificates, information) on the transfer of employees to a shortened working day or a shortened working week 5 l.

Personnel page

Production and technical passports for machines, equipment, mechanisms, devices and tools Post. 1865 Technological planning and arrangement of equipment and production lines Before replacement with new ones The notes used in this list clarify the storage periods for documents. The note “before the need has passed” means that the documents have limited practical value.


Their storage period is determined by the organizations themselves. EPK – expert verification commission. Specific types of documents in the list are marked with the mark “EPC”, which means that these documents may have scientific and historical significance and, in accordance with the established procedure, must be stored in the organization, if the organization for one reason or another is not the source of staffing archival institutions, or transferred to state , municipal archives.

Documents can be deposited in both state and private archives.

What documents are needed to apply for a preferential pension?

In the Rules for applying for a pension, assigning a pension in accordance with the federal laws “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation”, approved by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2002 No. 17/19пб it is stipulated that the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has the right to check the validity and reliability of the issuance of submitted documents, their compliance with individual (personalized) accounting information, and to require legal entities and individuals to provide documents necessary for assigning a pension.
Since January 1, 2014, organizations have introduced an assessment of working conditions, based on the results of which the “preferential” nature of work is determined. Registration procedure preferential pension Application deadline: Not earlier than one month before the right to early retirement becomes available.
IN otherwise he won't be accepted. It will not be superfluous if you contact six months before the expected early retirement in order to clarify the list of required documents. Searching for documents, receiving archival references will take a lot of time.

Especially if the citizen worked in production, giving the right to a preferential pension, during the period of existence Soviet Union and the first years of post-Soviet Russia. Submitting an application for a preferential pension with the attached package of necessary documents.

If you send an application by mail, then you need to use a letter with an inventory and a receipt.


An early pension can be issued provided that shortly before the citizen’s retirement, the organization in which he worked was liquidated. For appointment, you must provide the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a package of documents similar to the list above.

It is applied to unified form a certificate containing information about the period of time counted towards the length of service. The law also provides for retirement due to staff reduction.

Sample of filling out a preferential certificate for a pension fund according to list 2

In accordance with position 2151200a-1753a of subsection 12 “Other metalworking professions” of section XIV of List No. 2, the right to early retirement is established for workers engaged in stripping, pointing, cutting, grinding metal products and tools using abrasive wheels in a dry manner. From the entry in the work book of the citizen who applied for a labor pension, it follows that he worked in workshop No. 2 as a grinder. According to the technological maps of this workshop, it is established that the grinding of metal products in this workshop is carried out using abrasive wheels, both dry and using emulsion. Based on the order to assign workers to the equipment, it is possible to determine which machine it works (worked on), and based on the machine’s passport, the presence or absence of a cooling system on it.
Example No. 3.
Judicial practice confirms that employers do not take proper part in providing assistance to their employees, including former employees, in providing documents confirming the right to early assignment of an old-age pension. Although in most cases the employer has the opportunity to assess in advance the state of the employee’s (insured person’s) documents necessary to establish an early retirement pension: check whether the information in the work book is filled out correctly, whether any corrections to the entries in the work book are certified by a signature and seal, whether the information is confirmed, the primary data contained in the documents, whether there are records on the grounds for issuing the documents.

What documents should I prepare, and within what time frame? The procedure is complete pitfalls, and inconsistency specific item threatens to receive a refusal from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Basic concepts Concepts about early pension, categories of citizens who have the right to it are subordinated legal norms in the field of labor legislation.
What is it? A preferential, or early, pension is recognized as a pension assigned earlier than the deadlines established by law: Gender Age Woman 55 Man 60 The list of jobs, positions, professions that are taken into account for an early retirement pension is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The preferential pension is assigned 5 years earlier than the established period.

In accordance with the current legislation, preferential pension provision according to List No. 2, section XXXIII “General Professions” (list item code 23200000-19906), approved by Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR No. 10 dated January 26, 1991, is used by electric welders of manual welding. In addition, Section XXVII “Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, restoration and repair of buildings, structures and other objects” of List No. 2 provides for masters of construction and installation work (list item code 2290000b-23419) and work producers (list item code 2290000b-24441 ).

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Sometimes situations arise when an employee needs to confirm his work experience. Often, this requires collecting a whole package of the most various certificates and documents. For example, such a need may arise if you lose your work book. A certificate of work experience can also be useful when applying for a pension.

In what cases do you need to prove your work experience? Who can issue a certificate confirming work experience? How long does it last? Read about this in this article. In addition, we will tell you how to correctly and competently issue such a certificate.

A certificate of work experience will be useful. For example, if for some reason you are in no hurry to do it. In addition, this is one of the documents that must be prepared to apply for a pension. Its main task is to prove the fact itself labor relations. It should contain information about each place of work of the newly minted pensioner. This certificate has special meaning and for persons working in hazardous conditions. Yes, it will need to be presented at early exit on retire.

Where to get it?

Request information about work experience You can contact your employer at your last place of work. He is obliged to issue the document to the employee within 3 working days. As a rule, the HR specialist indicates the deadlines in it. labor activity in years, months and days. In order to receive a certificate, you need:

  • Contact personnel service with a request from the pension fund;
  • Write a statement to the head of the organization;
  • Attach copies of your passport and work book to the document.

You can also obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund. To do this, you need to complete and submit an application to local branch Pension Fund or MFC. In addition, leave your request at personal account on the fund’s website or on the government services portal. The certificate must be presented to the employee within 10 days from the date of application.

In this case, you should contact the archive at the place of registration of the company. In such institutions there is quite for a long time documents of all existing enterprises. Consideration of the request in the state archive will take a little longer, but based on its results you will receive a certificate indicating accurate information O previous places ah work.

How to register it?

According to, upon application of a current or future employee, the employer is obliged to issue a certificate of work experience in this organization. This document must contain the following information:

  • Information about the organization (name, address, contact information);
  • Date and number of registration of the document in the journal for issuing certificates;
  • Information about the employee (name and position);
  • Information about work activity (from first to last place work, indicating the organization, position and reason for dismissal);
  • Working conditions (vacation, combining work with work, etc.);
  • Information about length of service (total amount of time worked);
  • Details of the work book;
  • Purpose of the document (where and to whom it is sent);
  • Signature and seal of the organization.

The document is drawn up on letterhead enterprise, or it must have a corner stamp on it. She is signed by several officials: employer, HR manager and accountant.

If a certificate is needed to assign a preferential pension, then it must include more than detailed description work activity, and also indicate the presence of the following documents:

  • Orders about;
  • Order to assign a rank to an employee;
  • Order on positions.

If you don’t have a work book, it’s not at all difficult. To do this, you need to take certificates and extracts from all previous places of work and add up the periods indicated in these documents. It doesn’t matter when exactly you took information about your work activity from your employers, since certificates of work experience do not have a validity period.

A certificate specifying the special nature of the work or working conditions is one of the documents required when applying for an early (preferential) pension. In this article we will look at the procedure for filling out this certificate, and here you can download a sample of it.

Read our article:

Download a form and sample certificate clarifying the special nature of the work or working conditions

And below we will tell you how to fill out the form correctly to avoid complaints from the Pension Fund.

Sample of filling out a certificate specifying the nature of the work or working conditions

Find the sample labor protection document you need in Help system"Occupational Safety and Health". Our experts have already prepared 2506 templates!

Why do you need a certificate specifying the special nature of the work or working conditions?

This certificate is included in the package of documents that the employee must submit to the Pension Fund to assign him an early pension.

Early retirement is considered the main benefit that is available to specialists whose... Such professions are listed in two lists. Depending on which list contains a particular profession, the pension begins to be paid 5 or 10 years earlier.

The legislative basis for assigning labor pensions to employees is. Also, the requirements for granting an early pension are specified in Article 30. In addition, since 2014, a procedure was introduced special assessment working conditions, the results of which determine whether the employee is entitled to benefits and compensation.

These innovations are unlikely to simplify the life of an employee who collects documents to receive a preferential pension. In order to confirm your rights to this benefit with the Pension Fund, you will need a certificate clarifying the special nature of the work or working conditions.

This document confirms that the employee has a certain length of service, and his work was carried out to receive an early insurance pension.

Help provides all the necessary information:

  • transition to new positions from full name these positions and indicating the nature of the work;
  • documents on the basis of which the certificate was issued;
  • references to legislative acts.

How to fill out a certificate clarifying the special nature of the work or working conditions

The process of filling out a certificate form specifying the special nature of the work or working conditions can hardly be called difficult, but in any case you need to remain careful: any mistake can lead to a refusal from the Pension Fund. Because established form this certificate does not exist, we will focus on the sample.

In the header you need to indicate the full name of the organization, its address, serial number document and date of preparation. Next, you should write down the full title of the document: “Certificate clarifying the special nature of the work or working conditions for early appointment old age insurance pension.

Below we indicate the employee’s data: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth and individual personal account insurance number (SNILS). There you should also provide references to Articles 30 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions” and “On Lists of Works, Industries, Professions, Positions, Specialties and Institutions (Organizations), Taking into Account Which Early Appointment insurance pension old age, and the rules for calculating periods of work (activity) giving the right to early pension provision.”

Let's move on to the main content. We first confirm that the named employee was indeed a full-time employee, and special conditions and the nature of the work that is counted towards the length of service gives him the right to...

It is imperative to indicate that the employee’s profession is present in or production, work, professions, positions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms. This data must include the number of the section, subsection and item of the corresponding list.

You should also refer to. If the worker’s profession is present there, then the certificate must indicate it exactly as it is indicated in the Classifier. Otherwise, enter the name of the profession from the organization’s staffing table.

In the next paragraph it is necessary to summarize all periods of work and indicate, accurate to the day total experience this employee with reference to Articles 30 and 32 of Federal Law No. 400 “On Insurance Pensions”.

In the final part of the certificate, we list the documents that serve as the basis for its preparation. Typically this will be employment history employee, his personal file and orders of the organization in which he worked.

The certificate is certified by the seal of the enterprise and the signatures of the main responsible persons. In our example, this is the director, Chief Accountant and head of the HR department.

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Eating deliciously and losing weight is real. It is worth including lipotropic products in the menu that break down fats in the body. This diet brings...
Anatomy is one of the oldest sciences. Already primitive hunters knew about the position of vital organs, as evidenced by...