Certificate of experience, sample completion. Confirmation of special experience

A certificate of insurance experience is submitted by an individual to the Pension Fund Russian Federation according to the SPV-2 form. This document contains up-to-date information about accounting for certain periods, as well as information about the insured person.

The document is created on the basis of a special application from an employee of each specific organization who wishes to retire. Submission of the SPV-2 form must be completed within 10 days from the moment the employee applies in writing.

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The completed form must be in mandatory certified by the signature of the head and state seal organizations.

List of documentation

The current legislation of the Russian Federation establishes following list documents required for counting length of service and pension calculations:

  • certificate from tax service about the income of a person not engaged in entrepreneurial activity;
  • a certificate confirming payment of contributions to the Pension Fund within established periods;
  • certificate from the Pension Fund for individual entrepreneurs about their income;
  • receipt for payment of single tax on certain type activities;
  • documents from the employer on payment for civil contracts, the specific features of which are the provision of a certain range of services or performance certain type works;
  • pay slips and books issued by trade union structures;
  • application in form SPV-2.

To understand the process of submitting a certificate, it is necessary to take into account the main features of the operation and analyze references to the current legislation

Directly affect size pension accruals when applying for a pension.

You can find out what continuous insurance experience is, and under what conditions its value is taken into account when calculating a pension.

The rules for filling out the SPR-2 form are given below in a tabular version:

Requisites Filling Features Mandatory
Registration numbers in the Pension Fund Indicate the number under which the employer was registered as an insurance premium payer Necessarily
Company name Indicated briefly
TIN Individual is indicated tax number and the reason for registration
Codification of the insured person Filled in based on a single classifier
Date of preparation The expected moment of payment of the labor pension is indicated
Date of provision to employees of the Pension Fund The date of receipt of the form for processing is indicated; the month and day must be entered Not required, to be filled out by the regional Pension Fund department
Reporting period The time period for which current information is provided is indicated. Necessarily
Information about the insured person Indicate full name, insurance number, period of employment for last place work, and territorial affiliation of the person

References to the law

In order to understand where to get a certificate of insurance experience, you need to refer to the basic provisions current legislation RF, or rather to Federal Law No. 173. In accordance with the same federal law a requirement may be established to attach an additional package of documents to the application.

This list of securities is as follows:

  • certificates confirming work experience at previous places of employment - Articles 27 and 28;
  • children’s birth certificate – Article 28;
  • on the upbringing of children up to the age of 8 years - Article 28, a fact confirmed by the provision of documents from regional self-government bodies;
  • confirmation of children's disability – Article 28;
  • on recognition as a visually impaired person, as a result of which there are restrictions on labor activity– paragraph 1, article 28.

It is worth noting that the assignment of other pensions may require an additional set of documents.

Registration of a certificate of insurance experience

It is important to say first of all that during 5 years It is necessary to keep copies of all documents that are provided to the regional office of the Pension Fund. This requirement regulated by Article 29 of Federal Law No. 402. This is due to the fact that the information specified in these documents may be required by Foundation employees for quick organization issuing certificates of insurance experience and contributions.

An application for insurance experience must be submitted because, on the basis of of this document An employee of the Pension Fund will be able to provide detailed information about the status of the applicant’s personal account. The information presented in the invoice includes not only data on the insurance period, but also on periods of temporary disability, the amount wages, as well as leave without pay.

The application must indicate the time period in which it is necessary to make an extract on the insurance period. It is worth noting that information can be requested for any past reporting period, for example, per month or per year. However, at the place of work, the employee will be able to receive only the information that was transferred to the regional branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by the last employer.

The document must be drawn up in in writing, with the mandatory inclusion of the employee’s full name, as well as his insurance number and the period for which the certificate must be issued.

The application is supported by a signature, its transcript and the date of submission for processing

Confirmation nuances

To issue certificates of insurance experience, you must check all the information that is necessary to calculate the corresponding period of time. An individual has every right to contact the Pension Fund to verify documents for the last reporting year.

On this moment, the main document with which you can confirm your insurance experience is employment history. All entries in the book must be clear. It is also necessary to indicate all current dates of admission to places of employment and dismissals.

If a Pension Fund employee finds any, even the most minor, inaccuracies in the document, the applicant will have to request an additional package of documents to confirm the periods of employment. These could be contracts, extracts from relevant orders, copies of personal account or any other papers.

It is worth noting that to confirm insurance period in preferential service, one work book will not be enough. Representatives of the Pension Fund, in in this case, require the presentation of new documents with which you can confirm the place and period preferential activities. The corresponding sample can be obtained by an individual at any branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If there is no work book or it was lost, then the individual must provide special document about length of service indicating the start and end dates of work. A certificate of experience can be issued in those organizations in which activities were previously carried out. If such a company no longer exists, then the search for information is carried out in the archives.

If an individual for any reason cannot independently If you request such a certificate from your employer, you can write an application addressed to the head regional office Pension Fund with a request to organize the issuance of the document. In the corresponding application, it is recommended to indicate the name of the organization and its exact location, as well as the period of work of the person at the enterprise.

Legislation established different terms storage of documents in organizations. Thus, employers are required to keep employment contracts with employees for 75 years, and documents personnel- 50 years. During this time, employees can apply for confirmation of work experience, performance of certain functions, and assignments on business trips. In the article we will analyze a sample archival certificate, which HR officers can take as a basis when providing information upon employee requests.

Where to get an archived certificate

Depending on what information is needed and how old it is, citizens can contact:

  • directly to archives that operate in the region, or directly to the Federal Archive;
  • in organizations that have necessary information, if the deadline for transferring them to the archives has not yet arrived;
  • in the MFC authorized to provide such services.

For example, when registering inheritance rights or privatization may require an archival certificate of Form 9 - as it is also called, about registration or registration. You can get it either at the MFC or at local authorities authorities. And if you need proof of experience, for example, to receive the title “Veteran of Labor” or upon retirement, then you should contact your employer directly - the current one and, if necessary, the previous one. If for some reason the organization no longer exists, then information should be requested either from its successor or from the city archive.

Regardless of where you apply, you must submit a written application for information. We'll have to clarify:

  • name of the organization to which the request is sent;
  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • reasons for contacting and the essence of the request;
  • Contact details.

The written request is personally signed by the applicant and dated to the current date.

What data is considered mandatory?

Most often, people turn to the HR department for confirmation of work experience, so let’s take a sample of an archival certificate of work experience and use its example to look at the structure similar documents And mandatory information in them.

A sample of an archival certificate confirming work experience (one of the options) looks like this:

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that mandatory form in this case it does not exist. A HR specialist can use any convenient template. At the same time, in the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives” dated 02/06/2002 there is Appendix 42 with an example of a certificate. But since the Rules are methodological and informative in nature, this example does not need to be used. The main thing that is required from the personnel officer is to comply with the basic requirements for the issued document:

  • it is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead;
  • indicate the date of compilation and number;
  • specify in whose name the information was issued;
  • in case of confirmation of length of service, indicate the period of work with reference to orders on hiring and dismissal indicating their details, in other cases - with reference to other official orders issued by the employer;
  • indicate the purpose of issuing information based on the request. In our case - for submission to the Pension Fund;
  • must be signed by the manager and affixed with a stamp, if available, for additional confirmation reliability.

It is important to understand that issuing certificates in archives and from employers is free. Regarding the timing, we can say that according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, upon a written request from an employee (current or former, it doesn’t matter), documents relating to his work activity must be provided within three days from the date of application.

It is according to the data contained in it that the Pension Fund inspector calculates and issues a pension.

There is no book - you need to prove your work activity with certificates. A certificate of length of service will be needed from each enterprise where the newly minted pensioner worked.

Certificates of work experience are needed to confirm periods of work when applying for a pension.

Including for registration of preferential pensions ( and ).

In this case, all types of activities are taken into account when deductions were made from income to the Pension Fund:

Essentially, a certificate is official information about a particular event, certified according to the rules of document flow. Its main task is to prove at what time and where a person worked. If a preferential pension is issued, for example, due to harmful working conditions, the certificate will confirm that the profession (or position) in which the citizen worked actually gives the right to.

Document structure

Any official documents must be clearly structured, that is, divided into parts.

The certificate of experience must necessarily contain:

  • information about the organization that issues the certificate (corner stamp with details or full name of the company);
  • information about the recipient (full name and position of the employee);
  • information about the job (profession, category, when the employee was hired and);
  • the purpose and basis of the certificate (where it is provided and at whose request or application);
  • certification signatures and seal.

How is it processed?

Since this is an official document, it must be executed either on letterhead, or on A4 paper with a corner stamp. The stamp or form must contain the company details:

The document must be assigned registration number indicating the date of preparation.

If the certificate is issued by official request, its details are indicated - date and outgoing number.

At the beginning it is written to whom the certificate was issued: full name, patronymic, last name, date of birth (this information is entered on the basis of the passport). If your last name has changed, you will need to attach a supporting document (marriage or divorce certificate, change of last name).

The description of work activity begins with an indication of the organization, profession and position of the employee during employment. Next, write the date of return to work and the details of the order. The end of work is indicated - when the employee was fired, by what order (it is not necessary to write the reason for dismissal).

Next stage- description of work activity:

  • translations;
  • assignment of ranks;
  • combination of professions.

In this case, you must indicate the numbers and dates of the orders.

The profession for which you can retire early must be named exactly as specified in Resolution No. 10 of January 26, 1991.

If the company changed its name, this also needs to be written in the certificate.

The certificate is signed by the head of the company and sealed. If The personnel officer has a power of attorney for the preparation and issuance of certificates; he has the right to independently endorse the document, but indicating the power of attorney number.

An algorithm for issuing a certificate for a preferential pension is given. If you only need it, everything is simpler. IN simple form only turns on total time work in all organizations. The personnel officer simply adds up the periods (according to information from the work book) and writes the result into the document.

Where and how to get it?

If a certificate is needed by an employee who is still working, he can write an application for issue addressed to the director and submit it to the secretary. Former employee The document will be issued only with a passport, also on the basis of an application. In this case, it is better to register the application: the secretary will sign and put a number on the copy that you need to keep.

According to the rule of Article 62 Labor Code, documents related to the employee’s work are issued to him within 3 days.

The certificate is issued by the organization where the person last worked. Each organization makes a copy of the work record book during employment, so the personnel officer of the last employer can issue a certificate using the copy.

If there is neither the book nor its copies, certificates will need to be collected from all places of work. The problem may occur if or . In this case, you can contact:

  • to the successor company (transferred there personnel documents during reorganization);
  • to the city archive (if the company is liquidated).


There is no deadline for the certificate of experience, because it already contains necessary information, which will not change. Pension Fund employees require fresh.

There is also no prohibition on the number of certificates issued - as many as the employee needs, so many must be issued (maximum after 3 days). You just need to write an application or submit a request from the Pension Fund.

Sample certificate confirming work experience and determining the possibility of early retirement


Dana IVANOV Nikolai Nikolaevich, 00.00.0000 year of birth in that he actually worked as a tiler 3rd category of the Specialized Department No. 74 of the Mosotdelstroy No. 1 trust from 07.29.1974 (Order on hiring No. 63 of 07.29.1974), where and worked until November 12, 1974 (Dismissal Order No. 100 of November 12, 1974) in connection with conscription into the Soviet Army.

On 01/04/1977, he was again hired as a tiler of the 3rd category in the Specialized Department No. 74 of the Mosotdelstroy No. 1 Trust (hiring order No. 2 dated 01/04/1977)

02/26/1979 awarded the 4th category of tiler (order No. 75 of 02/26/1979)

On September 20, 1983, he was temporarily transferred to the position of foreman (order No. 160 o/k dated November 20, 1983)

11/04/1983 transferred to the position of foreman (technician) permanently (order No. 191 o/k dated 11/04/1983)

02/13/1985 transferred to the position of work foreman (order No. 42 o/k dated 02/13/1985)

06/06/1987 transferred to the position of foreman (order No. 161 o/k dated 06/04/1987)

08/01/1988 transferred to the position of work foreman (order No. 103 o/k dated 07/29/1988)

On March 21, 1996, he was transferred to the position of tiler of the 5th category (order No. 24-k dated March 18, 1996)

Currently, he continues to work as a tiler of the 5th category. Fully working working week, did not take unpaid leave, did not have multiple professions.

Based on the certificate of the Moscow Companies House No. 033011 Specialized Department No. 202 of the Mosotdelstroy No. 1 Trust from 07/08/1994 was renamed into Specialized Department No. 202 of the State Enterprise of the Mosotdelstroy No. 1 Trust.

Due to the change internal structure State Enterprise Trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1" Specialized Department No. 202 from 08/17/1998 on the basis of the order for the State Enterprise Trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1" No. 13 dated 08/11/1998 was renamed State enterprise trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1". Based on the Certificate of Registration of Changes in constituent documents Moscow Registration Chamber registration No. 33011 dated October 28, 1999, from December 1, 2000, the State Enterprise Trust “Mosotdelstroy No. 1” was renamed into the State Enterprise Unitary Enterprise Moscow trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1".

Reason: personal cards SU-74, State Unitary Enterprise of Moscow Trust "Mosotdelstroy No. 1", books of orders for personnel for 1974, 1977, 1979, 1983, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1996. Help is provided to determine the possibility early exit for retirement in accordance with List No. 2, section XXVII, position code 2290000b-24441, position code 2290100a-15220, 2290100b-23419, as well as to confirm work experience.

The Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Trust “Mosotdelstroy No. 1” confirms the authenticity of the information provided.


Head of HR Department________________/_________________

Chief Accountant ________________/_________________

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