How to calculate average per capita family income. Calculation of average income - indicators that are taken into account

Not all employed persons can provide for the needs of their family. The functions of the state include providing material support to those in need, so you should know when to apply for it. To determine the need additional help citizens are given a quarterly indicator living wage. Its size depends on the cost of the minimum human needs for food, clothing and other goods needed in Everyday life.

Which families can receive low-income status?

To receive social assistance, you must obtain low-income status. It is awarded by decision of a commission of bodies local government. The main criterion for allocating subsidies to low-income families in 2018 remains average per capita income. It is determined by summing up all payments that family members received over 3 months. When determining total income take into account:

  • salary, vacation pay and payments in case of temporary disability;
  • All social payments: scholarships, pensions, unemployment benefits, child care benefits, disabled benefits and others;
  • compensation paid for the performance of government or public duties;
  • retirement benefits;
  • income received from rental property (apartment, car, equipment);
  • income from the sale of vegetables, fruits, animals from their own subsidiary farming;
  • royalties;
  • income from shares;
  • income from business activities;
  • payments under a civil contract;
  • alimony, etc.

The amount is divided by three and the number of residents. The obtained result is compared with the regional subsistence level. The PM is revised quarterly taking into account changes in prices for goods from consumer basket. It is expected that for the first quarter of 2018 it will be:

  • 10,423 rubles for children;
  • 11,163 rubles for people of working age;
  • 8,726 rubles for pensioners (approved by Federal Law No. 362-FZ of December 5, 2017).

Criteria for assessing the situation of family members by social protection authorities

To recognize citizens as needy, in addition to the average per capita income, other factors are taken into account, but first the commission will have to establish the circle of people who apply for material support. Family members include spouses, their children and parents, adoptive parents and adopted children, sisters and brothers. To receive a subsidy for low-income families in 2018, you must:

  • all family members live together and lead general farming, and between spouses must be formalized in legislative order marital relations(in the absence of a marriage certificate or presence marriage registration, but if they live separately, spouses are deprived of the right to apply for subsidies for low-income families in 2018);
  • all able-bodied persons must earn an income or be registered with the Employment Center (with the exception of women in maternity leave);
  • among family members there should not be persons suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction and causing bad material condition relatives.

Families who have:

  • low level of earnings of all employed persons;
  • one working citizen supports disabled persons: minors or disabled people;
  • spouses are raising 3 or more children (their own or adopted);
  • one or both parents minor children died;
  • the spouse does not pay alimony;
  • one of the parents is absent due to military service.

Official confirmation of status

Registration of the status of low-income citizens is carried out by district authority social protection population. An applicant for state assistance must write an application requesting a subsidy. low-income family in 2018 and provide documents:

  • passport and birth certificate;
  • income certificate;
  • if you have unemployed status - a certificate of registration at the Employment Center, possibly - work book and a statement of payments;
  • marriage certificate of the spouses;
  • extract from the house register about family composition, which is issued by the administration at the place of residence;
  • plastic card, account number for transfer social assistance.

To assign social assistance, it is necessary to meet the conditions - employment of all adult citizens. In the absence of a citizen and the possibility of establishing his place of residence, in order to provide proof of income, the applicant must agree to initiate a case regarding the search by internal affairs bodies for absent persons.

Help for the poor in 2018

Financing of expenses for subsidies to low-income families in 2018 is provided from federal treasury. Additionally on regional level authorities decide on the allocation of funds from local budget. Government of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities authorities provide material support to the poor by providing:

  1. Cash payments. Benefits are targeted and are paid mainly to children (after birth, before reaching 3 years of age, 18 years of age).
  2. In-kind assistance. Distribution of food, clothing, shoes, other consumer goods, medicine, fuel.
  3. Increasing the amount of compensation for housing costs utilities.
  4. Housing subsidies.
  5. Benefits. Provided: for schoolchildren - compensation of 50% of the cost of travel by public transport; children - free trips to the sanatorium once a year; students – non-competitive enrollment for education in universities and appointment of state social scholarships; adults – exemption from taxation of social benefits, from payment legal advice and a contribution upon registration of individual entrepreneurial activity.
  6. Land and garden plots.

Low-income citizens are provided with the following types of support:

  1. Child benefits for children under 18 years of age. There are: one-time and monthly; children aged from birth to 3 years, from 1.5 years to 3 years, until they reach 18 years of age. The size and targeting of assigned benefits depends on regional legislation. In regions where the birth rate is low, large low-income families are paid one-time benefits for each child. Parents receive a monthly allowance for their 3rd child and all subsequent children until they reach three summer age in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum. For example, for persons with registration in St. Petersburg, for a child from 1.5 to 3 years old complete family will pay 913 rubles; for a single parent, a spouse in the absence of alimony, as well as when the parent is serving in the RF Armed Forces - 1,318 rubles.
  2. Social payments. The legislation provides lump sum payments to low-income families in case of illness, accident, loss of property. Their size depends on the region of residence and ranges from 15,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles.
  3. Medical benefits. Children under 6 years old medical services and medicines are provided free of charge. If there are indications, the child is entitled to free receipt trips to Spa treatment 1 time per year.
  4. Targeted assistance. Provided to families of military personnel, large families, single parents, and pregnant women in the form of benefits. Additionally, food and clothing may be provided to large families. The pregnant wife of a serviceman is paid 25,892.45 rubles in a lump sum, and for the child of a parent who is in conscription service, a monthly allowance of 11,096.76 rubles is paid.
  5. Financial assistance to students. Schoolchildren receive: to the beginning of a new school year school and sports uniform(or parents are compensated for the cost of its purchase), and during the training period free two meals a day, a discount of 50% of the cost of travel to public transport, opportunity free visit exhibitions and museums (no more than once a month). Outside the competition, a student from a low-income family is enrolled in a university and is paid a state scholarship until he reaches 20 years of age, provided that his parent is disabled in the first group, and the child has achieved the passing minimum when taking the Unified State Exam.

What subsidies are available to low-income families in 2018?

A significant part family budget expenses for utilities and rental housing. Without the help of the state, low-income citizens cannot purchase housing into their own property, therefore there are provisions for the following types subsidies for low-income families in 2018:

  • increasing the amount of compensation for housing and communal services;
  • free housing or purchase with a mortgage on preferential terms.

Regulatory and legal framework

Providing state support those in need are regulated legislative acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999, as amended on December 8, 2010, “On State Social Assistance.”
  2. Federal Law No. 44-FZ of 04/05/2003 “On the procedure for recording income and calculating average per capita income...”.
  3. Housing Code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 512 “On the list of types of income taken into account when calculating average per capita income...”.
  5. Decree of the Moscow Government No. 805-PP dated October 31, 2017

Housing subsidy

The state provides assistance to low-income people to improve living conditions. The subsidies apply to citizens of the Russian Federation. Are being implemented government programs by:

  1. Registration of those in need of improved housing conditions. Social housing for low-income people is provided from the state or municipal housing stock.
  2. Purchasing your own real estate or building a house with the help of social mortgage. It features preferential interest rates, availability social guarantees, the ability to pay the down payment or part of the loan with funds maternity capital. Exist special programs, which involve additional financing for repayment mortgage loan due to budget funds. Thus, according to the “Young Family” program, up to 70% of the mortgage amount can be obtained from the state budget to pay for the cost of purchased housing. In 2018, low-income citizens will be issued mortgages for construction or finished housing at 6%, the rest of the interest will be covered from budget funds.

To register, you should contact local authorities, write an application and provide the following documents:

  • passport of adult citizens;
  • children's birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate of absence of residential property;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • income certificate.

The decision is made within a month, but before making it, the living conditions are examined by a commission. Mostly housing subsidy for the poor is allocated in the form of a certificate. To obtain housing in this way, you should follow the following algorithm:

  • open a bank account for crediting certificate funds;
  • choose residential real estate(when purchasing from a developer, its readiness must be more than 70%);
  • draw up a purchase and sale agreement;
  • provide an agreement to the bank to transfer funds to the seller;
  • take a receipt from the seller about the receipt of money, draw up an act of acceptance and transfer of real estate;
  • register property;
  • provide a certificate of registration to the housing stock.

Conditions of receipt

In article 49 Housing Code The Russian Federation specifies the right of low-income citizens to free priority housing. According to Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, citizens are recognized as in need of improved housing conditions and are registered for the allocation of social housing on the following grounds:

  1. There are no residential property owners or social housing tenants among family members.
  2. The premises in which they live low-income citizens, is unsuitable for habitation, is located in emergency condition.
  3. One of the family members is seriously ill.
  4. Several families live in one room (apartment, house).
  5. Own or rented housing does not comply established standards. According to the law, 1 person is entitled to at least 18 square meters. m of living space.

Compensation for utilities for the poor

As before, subsidies will be provided to low-income families in 2018 to pay for utility bills. Owners and tenants of housing have the right to receive such material assistance from the state, provided that they:

  • there are no arrears in paying for housing and communal services;
  • the total cost of paying for all types of utility services exceeds established by law index.

On federal level it represents 22% of total family income. Local authorities the authorities determine their threshold for providing compensation for the cost of housing and communal services. Mostly it is below this indicator, so you can count on an increase in subsidies. For example, in Moscow it makes up 10% of the family budget, the rest of the expenses are compensated from funds municipal budget.

Types of subsidies for housing and communal services

When calculating consumption rates by type of utility services, the number of residents and the size of living space are taken into account. Low-income citizens have the right to choose how to receive a subsidy:

  • payment full cost housing and communal services with subsequent compensation part of the paid amount and crediting funds to a bank account;
  • payment of utility services at reduced rates - taking into account the assigned subsidy.

Who is eligible to receive

Subsidies for low-income people to pay for utilities are assigned to home owners and tenants. Right to receive state aid to pay for apartments and utilities is provided to the following categories of residents:

  • who use state or municipal housing stock;
  • renting housing under a rental agreement;
  • housing construction cooperatives;
  • homeowners - apartments, houses or parts thereof.

There are cases of refusal to issue subsidies for utility bills. According to the law material aid The following are not assigned for partial compensation of housing and communal services expenses:

  • when, upon concluding a rental agreement, citizens live in the same living space with the owner real estate;
  • annuity recipients.

Submission period

Subsidies for the poor to pay for utility services are assigned by the social protection body for a period of 6 months. Funds are allocated monthly. After 6 months, it is necessary to reissue compensation for utility bills. Please note that when applying for a subsidy:

  • until the 15th, the allocation of funds begins from the month the application is written;
  • after the 15th – compensation is allocated starting from the next month.

How to apply

To receive a subsidy for housing and communal services, you must complete the following actions:

  1. Find out the list of documents required to receive compensation for the cost of housing and communal services.
  2. Collect documents.
  3. To write an application.
  4. Submit an application along with documents to assign compensation for expenses for housing and communal services.

Where to contact

To know necessary information to provide this type of state support, you can contact the department of social protection of the population, a housing maintenance organization or multifunctional center. The above bodies are provided with collected documents and a completed statement. The decision on the assignment of subsidies is made within 10 days.

List of required documents

To receive compensation for the cost of housing and communal services, you must provide the following documents:

  • passport or birth certificate of all residents;
  • tax certificates;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of ownership of housing or rental agreement;
  • income certificate;
  • certificate of no debt;
  • documents on the basis of which residents receive utility benefits(certificate of a pensioner, single mother, mother of many children, etc.).

What social payments are due to low-income families in Moscow in 2018?

In 2018, low-income residents of the capital will receive benefits:

Purpose of payments

Size monthly allowance, rubles

For parents when raising a child from birth to 3 years:


military spouse

who do not receive alimony

everyone else

For parents raising a child from 3 to 18 years of age:


military spouse

who do not receive alimony

everyone else


Low-income citizens– these are citizens recognized as such by a decision of local government bodies, taking into account the income that falls on each family member. The status of a low-income family gives the right to receive social assistance from the state in the form of certain benefits and subsidies, full list which depends on the region of residence.

Benefits, assistance, allowance and procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of a low-income family. And the income of a citizen living alone to recognize them as low-income and provide them with state social assistance. Installed in Federal law dated April 5, 2003 No. 44-FZ.

The procedure for determining the cost of living for a low-income family. Or a low-income citizen living alone is established by the subject Russian Federation. Taking into account the subsistence minimums established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

Note: . Who can receive a new monthly child benefit for the first child at birth in 2019 for care.

The procedure for determining the subsistence level of a low-income family

According to Article 7 of Law 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance". The procedure for determining the cost of living for a low-income family or a low-income citizen living alone established by the subject of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the subsistence minimums established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

Also see Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2005 N 17. "About approval Methodological recommendations for organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation and local governments. To establish the procedure for recognizing citizens as low-income for the purpose of registration. And providing low-income citizens recognized as needing residential premises with residential premises of the municipal housing stock under social tenancy agreements"

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Which families are low-income?

The level of average per capita income for the poor is the main, but not the only criterion. To identify citizens in need of government support. It is also important that persons applying for social assistance live together and run a common household.

Who counts? low-income family? Such a family is considered to be spouses, parents and children, adoptive parents and adopted children, grandparents and grandchildren, stepchildren. And stepfathers and stepmothers, guardians (trustees) and wards. Single-parent and large families, as well as families with pensioners and disabled people, have the right to priority receiving state support for the poor.

Childless married couple or a parent raising a child alone. Also, if necessary, they can submit documents to receive social assistance to the poor. But if a man and woman, living together, are not in a relationship official marriage. Or, on the contrary, if there is a registered marriage, they live separately. They have no right to count on help for low-income families.

Thus, low-income status cannot be assigned to families. In which able-bodied parents deliberately parasitizing or do not work due to alcohol abuse.

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Criteria for calculating the average per capita family income for receiving benefits for the poor

The average per capita income of the poor is calculated as total amount all income of each family member three months before applying to social service. IN the specified amount hits not only wage, but also a pension. Alimony, benefits, royalties, income from property, as well as income in kind. (for example, products from private farms).

List of types of income taken into account when calculating the average per capita family income. And the income of a low-income citizen living alone to provide them with state social assistance. Established by Resolution No. 512 dated August 20, 2003. Download... (format.Docx 20Kb)

Subparagraph “g” of paragraph 1 of this List stipulates. When calculating the average per capita family income or the income of a low-income citizen. To provide them with social assistance, income from occupations is taken into account entrepreneurial activity. Including income received as a result of the activities of a peasant (farm) enterprise. Including farms without the formation of a legal entity.

The resulting amount is divided twice: first by three, according to the number of billing months. And then on the number of members of a low-income family. The result of the division is compared with the level. And if its value is less than the subsistence level, the family assigned low-income status.

The document confirming income is the income book. And to confirm the amount of income received reflected in the accounting book, it is necessary to submit the relevant source documents. These include pay slips, receipts cash orders and other documents. Written in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 28, 2016 No. 03-11-11/63166.

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Required documents to obtain low-income status

If low-income citizens decide to confirm their status as a low-income family, then, first of all, it is necessary to collect the following documents:

  • Passports, not only of the person who is involved in the registration, but also of all adult family members.
  • Birth certificates are collected for minors.
  • Family composition paper (confirmation that all people live together).
  • To receive financial assistance, a certificate of income of all members for the last three months is submitted.
  • Details, bank account to which payments will be sent.

In addition to the basic requirements, there are also separate categories citizens for whom additions are required:

  • if there are persons in the family preschool age, then you must present a certificate from the institution about the benefits provided for three months;
  • Certificates from schools and other educational institutions are also required;
  • pensioners present their work book;
  • individual entrepreneurs submit not only a work book, but also an income declaration;
  • single mothers confirm their status and provide information about received or absent alimony;
  • in some cases, a certificate of divorce or marriage is presented;
  • death certificates;
  • certificates of adoption of children, etc.

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Procedure for registering a low-income citizen

After collection necessary documents, the family just needs to submit them to the department of the Ministry of social development and wait for a decision. The problems here lie elsewhere: directly during the collection of documentation, you need to know where each important paper take.

For example, a certificate of composition is issued by the Department housing stock. If members live in different places, then there will be more certificates, and each of them is valid for only ten days.

The most expensive certificate is about income. People often forget that it should show their salaries before taxes. And it is from this amount that the level of income can be calculated.

After submitting the documentation, the authorities review it and make a decision. The timing here depends on the workload in a given period of time, but does not exceed two weeks from submission.

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Benefits for low-income families

In any civilized country there are poor, poor people (in our country). Typically, low-income families include families with 3 or more children, families with only one parent, pensioners and disabled people. Therefore they need additional support, receive the status of the poor. Benefits for the poor are aimed at increasing the standard of living and income of citizens.

Social benefits

  • allowance to pay for kindergarten. For the first child the discount is 20% of the average fee for kindergarten, for the second child - 50%, for the third and subsequent children - 70%;
  • payments to students from low-income families. When studying on average professional institutions Allowed 856 rubles, in universities - 2358 rubles. This minimum values payments, the amount of which is established educational institutions on one's own. Receipt of this scholarship is not affected by academic performance or use of academic leave;
  • pension increases. Produced at the federal level (if the pensioner’s total income is less than the subsistence level in the region of his residence) and regional (if his income is below this national indicator);
  • additional financial assistance to persons who find themselves in difficult life situation. Available as Money, food products, shoes, clothing, hygiene items, etc.;
  • monthly allowance large families With low level income. Paid until the child reaches the age of 3 years. The amount of the benefit depends on the region;
  • monthly payments for a child under 16 years of age (if the child is studying at government institutions, then up to 18 years old);
  • receiving free legal assistance;
  • benefits for children when entering universities (if they receive at least minimum quantity exam scores);
  • food benefits. Children under three years old are provided with a dairy kitchen;
  • free breakfast at school, compensation for the purchase of school and sports uniforms;
  • children under 7 years old – discounted travel public transport;
  • special benefits for large families (provision of medicines, free or discounted monthly visits to museums, theaters, recreation parks, etc.).

Benefits for education

Along with others, applicants from low-income families can participate in competitive competitions on a general basis.

Support for low-income families when submitting documents to admissions committee The university is granted to the applicant subject to the following conditions:

  • the applicant has only one parent - a disabled person of group I or II;
  • when passing the exams, the minimum allowed number of points is scored, which is automatically recognized as successful completion;
  • The applicant's age is no more than 20 years.

Throughout the entire study period full-time department At this university, a student receives a state scholarship.

Tax benefits

Low-income families are not required to pay personal income tax on social benefits, which are transferred from the budget of any level.

Benefits for paying for housing and communal services

The benefit is paid for six months. Its value is calculated by regional standards and depends on the area of ​​housing and the cost of housing and communal services. The share that these expenses make up in total income families. Currently, its maximum permissible value is 25%.

  • Everyone non-working pensioners, whose total amount material support does not reach the pensioner’s subsistence level (PLS) in the region of his residence, a social supplement is made up to the pensioner’s subsistence level.
  • Every year in our country there are more and more families who legally receive low-income status.

    They also have the right to count on receiving other types of financial assistance.

    The so-called average per capita income plays special role in obtaining low-income status.

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    About the composition of families

    When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account who is included in the family:

    • Stepfathers with stepmothers.
    • Parents who are not married. When continuing cohabitation, farming.
    • Single parents or adoptive parents, minor children living with them.
    • Adoptive parents and married parents. This also applies to those who live separately. And children under the age of majority.

    But there are also those who should not be included in the composition when determining average per capita income. This applies to:

    • Spouses who are under arrest or imprisoned due to a court verdict.
    • Spouses who pass military service on call.
    • Children who are fully supported by the state.
    • Children for whom guardianship has been granted. The state also pays financial assistance for their maintenance.
    • Children in respect of whom parents have lost their rights.
    • Those who have reached the age of majority.
    • Other persons living with the applicants.

    Average per capita income. Calculation rules

    This requires all income to the family budget, both natural and financial. Reporting period The last three months are considered.

    The government has separately established a list of income that is subject to mandatory accounting:

    • Interest associated with bank deposits.
    • Child support group.
    • Transfer of money under civil and agency agreements.
    • Income related to the rental of premises.
    • Budget payments social nature. This is a group consisting of insurance, benefits, scholarships and pensions.
    • Severance pay, which is paid after dismissal.
    • Salary, including bonuses and interest with bonuses, and other types of related payments.

    When the amount of income is calculated, it is divided by the number three. And then again, only now – on the number of people in the family.

    Low-income families are those whose results from all the above actions are less than the current minimum subsistence level.

    What is social assistance for the poor?

    Exists different kinds support for families recognized as low-income.

    • IN in kind, which has the form of fuel with food, medicine with shoes, clothing and other essential items.
    • Money transfers.

    Children from such families also have the right to receive certain varieties help.

    Benefits are established at the regional level. But most often their list consists of:

    • Discounts for paying for kindergartens.
    • Receiving dairy products free of charge for those who have not yet reached the age of three.
    • Public use at no additional cost.
    • Acquisition-related compensation school supplies along with the form.
    • Free meals.

    Organs local authorities They themselves determine exactly how much social assistance to provide. They will help you understand To How to calculate the average per capita family income in 2016.

    About social assistance at the federal level

    Federal benefits differ from ordinary regional ones.

    • For admission to universities.
    • Receive legal advice free of charge.
    • Benefits when paying taxes.
    • Housing group subsidies. For example, to receive and pay for utilities.

    Even children must meet several criteria in order to count on preferential admission and study at universities.

    This is a minimum set number of points when passing the Unified State Exam, age not older than 20 years, disability of the first group, or the presence of only one parent.

    To confirm income information, you must provide a certificate from your place of employment.

    A mandatory requirement is the company seal along with signatures from the manager and chief accountant.

    What other documents are needed to get help?

    It is mandatory to contact representatives of the social protection authority at your place of residence, with assembled package papers Which includes:

    • Information about receiving government assistance in the form of social services.
    • Description of the property for which the family has registered ownership.
    • Income data.
    • about family composition

    An important requirement is the validity and realism of the data presented.

    Help will simply be refused if any shortcomings are identified.

    Positive or negative decision accepted ten days in advance.

    Only in some cases the time extends for a month.

    When registering the right to receive assistance from other bodies vested with relevant powers, sometimes there is a need for additional documents.

    To the organ executive power you need to apply, for example, to receive housing subsidies.

    The video shows how the family income budget is formed:

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