Validity period of the certificate of length of service. What should it include?

Certificate of length of service - samples The procedure for filling it out is not established by the legislator, so the employer draws up the document in any form. The certificate is most often submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, if it is not possible to prove the length of service with a work book, as well as at the request of other organizations (for example, to the court). In this regard, the certificate must contain all necessary information. We will tell you how to arrange it correctly in our article.

We issue a certificate of work experience in the organization

At the request of a current or former employee, the employer is obliged within 3 working days (Article 62 Labor Code RF) issue a certificate of work experience at this enterprise. It is recommended to include the following information in the text:

  1. Name of organization, address, telephone numbers. You can additionally indicate OGRN, INN/KPP.
  2. Date of issue of the document and number (if numbering is carried out).
  3. Last name, first name, patronymic in full, passport details of the citizen to whom the certificate of experience is provided. If the surname has changed, then the details of the document on the basis of which such a change occurred (marriage certificate, etc.) are indicated.
  4. Position and length of service in the organization. Here we should also mention transfers, part-time work, assignment of ranks or categories, etc. In this case, the details of the supporting documents (orders) must be mentioned.
  5. If the company has been renamed, then the certificate must indicate this. At the same time, the data of those acts on the basis of which the changes were made are recorded.

The certificate is signed by the manager or personnel inspector by proxy (indicating the date and number of the latter). The document is certified by a seal.

Here you can download.

Certificates of general, continuous, insurance experience

Download the work experience certificate form

According to the current pension and labor legislation the concepts of “total experience” and “continuous experience” have lost their relevance. Currently we can only talk about insurance experience. However, not all citizens’ work activity is covered only by the insurance period, since we calculate it only from January 1, 2002. Periods of work before 2002 constitute seniority. Therefore, if you need information about general experience, then it includes both labor and insurance experience.

You can request such a document at your last place of work, since upon employment they always make a photocopy work book. Just like a regular certificate, the employer prepares this paper in no more than 3 working days.

When drawing up a certificate, the employee personnel service just adds the periods labor activity by the number of years, months and days in the manner prescribed by Chapter 3 of the Law “On Insurance...” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ. The document further reflects total duration working time. The basis indicates the numbers of entries in the work book.

A sample certificate of insurance work experience is available.

How to obtain a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation?

If according to various reasons If it is not possible to obtain information about the length of service from the employer, the citizen can apply for the issuance of such information directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This is done in the territorial PFR body, through the MFC ( multifunctional centers), personal account on the Pension Fund website or government services portal.

Data is transmitted in the SZI-6 form on the status of an individual personal account. The certificate is provided free of charge within 10 days from the date of application. It should be noted that the Pension Fund has data only since 2002.

Thus, information about work experience drawn up independently by the employer in the form established by the organization. Information about the length of service can also be obtained from the Pension Fund upon personal request.

To determine the categories of citizens entitled to a preferential pension, one should be guided by Chapter. 6 (as amended on 03/07/2018) and two lists, approved. Resolution of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 (as amended on October 2, 1991), which lists industries, positions and professions that give the right to early exit.

Before you start registration preferential pension, make sure that you have developed the required experience as of the date of application. After that, start collecting necessary papers. Except standard set documents (which includes a passport, work book, certificate of average salary for any 5 years, SNILS), the Pension Fund may require documents to confirm the right to early exit. For example, a form from the place of work certifying that the future pensioner worked for hazardous production. Where to get such a document and how to prepare it, read on.

Where can I get such a document?

The employer is responsible for preparing the documents necessary to determine an early pension. Therefore, the employee should contact the HR department of the enterprise with a written request for provision preferential certificate. The completed form will have to be handed over to the applicant within three days from the date of application.

If the organization in whose hazardous production the future pensioner worked for several years was liquidated, in order to receive documentary evidence experience, you will have to contact the archive to which the organization’s papers were transferred for storage.

What should it include?

Legislatively established form the document does not exist. Therefore, the enterprise has the right to develop own form and use it to complete the document. When compiling it is necessary to remember: the more information confirming the right to early retirement, will contain a certificate to the Pension Fund, therefore less problems the employee will have when applying for benefits.

When filling out the form, you should be guided by the calculation documents preferential length of service. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516 approved the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment labor pension for old age in accordance with Art. 27 and 28".

The certificate should reflect:

  • information about the employer;
  • Full name and the employee’s position giving him the right to a preferential pension;
  • the date of employment of the employee and the date of his dismissal (if any) with reference to orders;
  • periods of advanced training courses;
  • periods of stay in student leave;
  • periods when an employee is on leave without pay;
  • the length of time the employee is on maternity leave;
  • the form is signed by the employer, the head of the human resources department and the chief accountant;
  • The date of issue and certificate number must be indicated. A corner stamp is affixed.

It should be noted that the employer is responsible for the accuracy of the information specified in the certificate. And forms filled out with errors and blots will not be accepted by Pension Fund specialists.

It is according to the data contained in it that the Pension Fund inspector calculates and issues a pension.

There is no book - you need to prove your work activity with certificates. A certificate of length of service will be needed from each enterprise where the newly minted pensioner worked.

Certificates of work experience are needed to confirm periods of work when applying for a pension.

Including for registration of preferential pensions ( and ).

In this case, all types of activities are taken into account when deductions were made from income to the Pension Fund:

Essentially, a certificate is official information about a particular event, certified according to the rules of document flow. Its main task is to prove at what time and where a person worked. If a preferential pension is issued, for example, due to harmful working conditions, the certificate will confirm that the profession (or position) in which the citizen worked actually gives the right to.

Document structure

Any official documents must be clearly structured, that is, divided into parts.

The certificate of experience must mandatory contain:

  • information about the organization that issues the certificate (corner stamp with details or full name of the company);
  • information about the recipient (full name and position of the employee);
  • information about the job (profession, category, when the employee was hired and);
  • the purpose and basis of the certificate (where it is provided and at whose request or application);
  • certification signatures and seal.

How is it processed?

Since this is an official document, it must be executed either on letterhead, or on A4 paper with a corner stamp. The stamp or form must contain the company details:

The document must be assigned registration number indicating the date of preparation.

If the certificate is issued by official request, its details are indicated - date and outgoing number.

At the beginning it is written to whom the certificate was issued: full name, patronymic, last name, date of birth (this information is entered on the basis of the passport). If your last name has changed, you will need to attach a supporting document (marriage or divorce certificate, change of last name).

The description of work activity begins with an indication of the organization, profession and position of the employee during employment. Next, write the date of return to work and the details of the order. The end of work is indicated - when the employee was fired, by what order (it is not necessary to write the reason for dismissal).

Next stage- description of work activity:

  • translations;
  • assignment of ranks;
  • combination of professions.

In this case, you need to indicate the numbers and dates of the orders.

The profession for which you can retire early must be named exactly as specified in Resolution No. 10 of January 26, 1991.

If the company changed its name, this also needs to be written in the certificate.

The certificate is signed by the head of the company and sealed. If you The personnel officer has a power of attorney for the preparation and issuance of certificates; he has the right to independently endorse the document, but indicating the power of attorney number.

An algorithm for issuing a certificate for a preferential pension is given. If you only need it, everything is simpler. IN simple form only turns on total time work in all organizations. The personnel officer simply adds up the periods (according to information from the work book) and writes the result into the document.

Where and how to get it?

If a certificate is needed by an employee who is still working, he can write an application for issue addressed to the director and submit it to the secretary. Former employee The document will be issued only with a passport, also on the basis of an application. In this case, it is better to register the application: the secretary will sign and put a number on the copy that you need to keep.

According to the rule of Article 62 of the Labor Code, documents related to the employee’s work are issued to him within 3 days.

The certificate is issued by the organization where the person last worked. Each organization makes a copy of the work record book during employment, so the personnel officer of the last employer can issue a certificate using the copy.

If there is neither the book nor its copies, certificates will need to be collected from all places of work. The problem may occur if or . In this case, you can contact:

  • to the successor company (transferred there personnel documents during reorganization);
  • to the city archive (if the company is liquidated).

Validity period

There is no deadline for the certificate of experience because it already contains necessary information, which will not change. Pension Fund employees require fresh.

There is also no prohibition on the number of certificates issued - as many as the employee needs, so many must be issued (maximum after 3 days). You just need to write an application or submit a request Pension Fund.

Regarding pensions, there is only one question, the answer to which sooner or later all citizens of our country are looking for. And this question: how to apply for a pension? We have already talked about “regular” pensions, so today we'll talk about preferential And we will tell you not only about how to apply for a preferential pension, but also how to find out about your pension rights without leaving home. So join us - it will be educational.

How to get pension benefits?

To receive pension benefits It is necessary that two parameters - length of service and position - correspond to the "preferential" parameters. These requirements are recorded in Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 (early retirement). Typically, a person will learn about their retirement benefits from their employer or human resources department. After all, in order to confirm the “preferential” nature of the work, the state, from 01/01/14. introduced special assessment working conditions (hereinafter SOUT) - an analogue of the certification that existed previously.

If an organization conducts activities that fall under the requirements of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400, it must promptly identify and assess working conditions at “preferential” workplaces. Only those who have a class of working conditions of 3 or 4 degrees (harmful or dangerous class working conditions), with the exception of citizens employed in the fields of healthcare and education.

If the employer has not notified the employee about the possibility of receiving benefits, you should contact the HR department for clarification. It is necessary to clarify:

  • the full name of the position and institution in which you work in order to compare them with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665 of July 16, 2014;
  • when was the last time the SOUT was carried out;
  • if the SOUT was not carried out, you need to find out when the last workplace certification was carried out (its results are valid for 5 years);
  • whether a report on the results of the special assessment or certification has been drawn up (the report on the special assessment must comply with paragraph 1 of article 15 of Federal Law No. 426 of December 28, 2013);
  • read the report on the results of the special labor safety assessment and find out what class of working conditions is established at your workplace;

Find out your pension rights

If the employer has all the documents, this is a huge plus. However, it often happens that the employer does not carry out (has not carried out) SOUT or certification, and some employers do not even know about such a need. In this case, and also if you no longer work in a “preferential” workplace, but want to find out about your pension rights, you can contact the Pension Fund directly. There are several ways to do this:

  1. log into your personal account on the Pension Fund website if you have already registered in the public services system;
  2. send a request via commercial bank, in which you have a current account (about the possibility of using the service, you must contact customer service your bank);
  3. contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration and receive a response in writing within 10 days;

Pension rights are actual length of service And pension coefficient, collected by you during your working career. Having found out your pension rights, you can compare your real indicators with those necessary to receive a “preferential” pension.

Once you are convinced that your position and length of work allow you to qualify for early retirement, you need to collect documents to apply for a preferential pension. Basic list documents looks like this:

  • ID card;
  • certificate of opening an individual personal account in the OPS system;
  • work book or documents replacing it, which will reflect your full name, date of birth, periods of work, place and position;
  • certificate of income for any continuous 5 years of work before 01/01/2002;

Documents can be submitted to the Pension Fund in any way available to you: in person, through an intermediary or remotely by mail. The main thing is that these papers are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Pension Fund. All copies must be properly certified, and intermediaries must have a power of attorney.

An application for a pension should be written only if there is no more than a month left before retirement (albeit early). IN otherwise- they simply won’t accept it from you. There is no need to rush to apply even when you are not entirely sure of your pension rights, or more precisely: will they be enough to assign a “preferential” pension or not.

Deadlines for applying to the Pension Fund

When to contact the Pension Fund?

It all depends on who you work for and what your aspirations are. But in any case, it would not be a mistake to contact the Pension Fund in advance, about six months to a year before your expected retirement. Finding documents and confirming periods of work is more difficult the earlier such work took place. Particular difficulties arise with confirming periods of work in the Soviet Union and early post-Soviet Russia.

The periods of work are calculated in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 665. IN grace periods Only full-time work is counted. In most cases, the “calendar” accounting procedure is used, with the exception of some specialties for which working periods are recorded in advance.

After the first visit to Pension Fund employee The fund will most likely tell you what additional documents and certificates you will need to submit. If you have already written a pension application and it has been accepted, then you have only 3 months to submit the necessary papers. Otherwise, your application will be cancelled. If you are in time, the pension will be assigned within 10 days, and payments will be accrued from the day the application is submitted to the Pension Fund.

In general, as you can already see, the procedure for applying for a preferential pension is not much different from applying for a “regular” one, except that it happens some time earlier and you will have to provide a little more paperwork.

While work books are valid, they must be filled out according to the instructions. If the book is lost or damaged, a duplicate is filled out. But it also needs to include information about where and by whom the person worked.

Without a book, such information can only be obtained from certificates from previous employers. A certificate of work experience is required to confirm places and periods of work, they are prepared by personnel officers or archivists if the personal file is already in the archive.

When is a certificate required?

A certificate is required in any case when applying for a job. in the absence of a work book . Of course, a duplicate can be issued without certificates, but then there is a risk of losing experience. After all, if the company does not take care of hiring an archivist, personal files may be destroyed, and with them years of work may disappear, which will negatively affect the amount of the pension. This fact needs to be explained to a newly hired employee who does not have a work permit, but has experience.

Certificates must also be issued if a person worked without a salary, but contributions from his salary were transferred to the Pension Fund, for example:

  • under a contract or agency agreement;
  • from an individual;
  • under a civil contract (such contracts could be concluded with employees until 2013).


In essence, a certificate of experience is official document, certified authorized person, containing information about the period of work in the organization, transfers and positions in relation to a specific person. Its task is to confirm the fact of a working relationship. Such certificates are especially important for people applying for preferential pensions.

How to calculate work experience

Today, experience is not divided into general and continuous; there is only one name left for general period work: insurance experience. And it is calculated according to the rules of Article 10 of Federal Law No. 173 by adding up all periods of work for which contributions were transferred to the Pension Fund.

Work experience in the absence of a work book is calculated precisely according to certificates issued previous employers: they already indicate the length of service, you just need to add up the periods taken from all the certificates.

Today almost any computer program The personnel officer has a function for calculating length of service: the computer will calculate periods of work in seconds and without errors.

How to write a certificate

The document must be drawn up either on company letterhead or using a corner stamp so that the company details are recorded. The help structure should contain the following elements:

  • date and registration number;
  • Full name of the employee;
  • the exact name of the position (if it gives the right to early retirement, the name must be written in the same way as it sounds in the 10th Resolution of January 26, 1991);
  • information about length of service (number of years, months and days worked);
  • basis (work book details);
  • purpose of issuance (where it is sent or at whose request);
  • certification signatures (director, personnel officer or executor);
  • company seal.

If a certificate is needed to apply for a preferential pension, then you need to include an expanded description of work activity indicating details of orders:

  • about translations;
  • on assignment of ranks;
  • about combining professions.

It is important to know that a certificate can be endorsed by:

  • director of the company;
  • personnel officer, if he is authorized by order to issue and sign personnel documents;
  • archivist, if the personal file is in the archive.

Certificate of work experience sample

Below is a sample certificate. There is no need to invent anything. This is a strict document that precisely determines the length of service. Ask the employee for what purpose he is ordering the certificate and enter in it the information that relates to the request. There is no need to write anything extra.

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