The deadline for obtaining a passport for a child is up to 14. Visit to the UVM department

A child’s general international passport (OFP) allows him to travel outside the country with his parents for vacation or to visit relatives. There are “old” passports and biometric sample(with microchip). Parents can apply for a foreign passport for their child urgently at the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or use the help of specialized companies. The cost of producing the document depends on the timing and purpose of the passport.

A foreign passport, as well as other migration documents, are prepared by the department at the place of registration and location. The applicant has the right to choose which passport to order: “old” or biometric. The first is valid for 5 years, and the second – 10 years. Actually, the final option depends on the needs and financial capabilities of the applicant.

Experts advise submitting documents to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at your place of residence. In this case, there is a chance to receive a new passport within 30 working days. So, when submitting an application, for example, not in Moscow, at the place of registration, but in Tambov, at the location (long business trip), the time frame for preparing the application for application is increased. The maximum period is usually 2 months from the date of submission of the document.

The most convenient way to order a passport is through the Unified Government Services Portal. Electronic submission applications significantly speeds up the processing procedure. You can make an appointment with the registrar using an online application. Thus, the child’s parents will not have to stand in long lines. You can make an appointment through your Personal Account on the website.

What does the law say about production times?

The law does not establish a clear framework for the minimum and maximum term preparing a document for a child. The parent has the right to contact the registrar if he has a license and operates within the legal framework. During the registration process, the application for application is approved by several responsible persons at once. It is not possible to obtain a passport for a child from the department in one day.

For newborns

Newborns are children whose birth has passed no more than 28 days. The production time for OPP for children is 10 days(similar to obtaining a regular passport). The question arises, why is the period so short? This is due to the fact that only one document is valid for infants - a birth certificate. Consequently, registering a foreign passport involves a minimum of effort to check all the documents for the baby.

Immediately after the birth of a child, it is in the interests of the parents to think about whether to contact the migration department or order the services of special companies? There is not much difference, but the price for OPP from third-party registrars is much higher.

For children under 14 years old

Minors aged one to 14 years have the right to expect to receive a foreign passport on the same basis as adults. In other words, The production time for the OPP will be one month. However, if the child’s parents apply to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs not at the place of permanent/temporary registration, but at the location, the time for preparing the document will increase to 60 days.

Why is this happening? The whole point is this: the timing of receiving an old-style international passport for children depends on the return response at the request of the migration department. Before issuing a document to leave the country, employees will check the authenticity of the information submitted by the parent.

How to quickly obtain a passport: Video

Help from companies

Urgent production of a foreign passport is by no means uncommon in our society. Such services are provided by companies that promise to issue an OPP within 5-7 days for a fee. The main advantage is saving time, especially if parents and children want to quickly go abroad. Such companies may offer the production of “old” and biometric IDs.


The activities of intermediary firms are not prohibited by law. Providing services for accelerated production foreign passports, they interact in one way or another with the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. All seals and stamps are affixed in accordance with standards. But here, as in any other industry, fraudsters cannot be ruled out. Risk of encountering unscrupulous companies, especially in large cities, is quite large. By handing over money to obtain a passport, clients risk being left with nothing.

International passport for a child in 1 day: myth or reality?

At first glance, it seems that it is actually unrealistic to produce a child’s international passport in just 24 hours. In practice, such cases are possible. But it is important to fulfill several conditions.

  1. It should be noted that it will be possible to produce OZP only for newborns and children under 1 year of age. Older children will not be able to receive a passport in an expedited manner - just checking documents by the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take 3-4 days.
  2. The second condition for obtaining a foreign passport in 1 day is the presence of registration in the region where the certificate is issued. When ordering the production of a passport in third party organization not at the place of residence, the client can only count on a slight reduction in terms.
  3. The third important circumstance is the type of passport. For example, when ordering a biometric document, you will need to visit the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take a digital photo. Hence the conclusion that it is quite difficult to prepare OCP for a newborn in just a day.

Turning to the law, you can see that urgently issuing a foreign passport for a child under 14 years of age is in principle possible, but not within 24 hours. The reasons for urgently issuing a passport are: a serious illness of a relative or leaving to say goodbye to a deceased person abroad.

The rules indicate that an urgent passport can be produced at the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no earlier than three days in advance (excluding weekends). In this case, you have to prove the fact of urgency, for example, attach a certificate of a serious illness of a relative. The Migration Agency makes a decision based on the seriousness of the reason. If approved by the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, parents will be able to issue their child an international passport of the “old” sample. The document is valid for 5 years from the date of receipt.

Package of documents

The migration department is in charge of issuing foreign passports for children. The request is submitted by parents during a personal visit. You can make an appointment in advance through the government services portal. Let's list.

  1. (following the example). The written notification is filled out not by the child, but by a legal representative - a parent or guardian. The application form for a child is different from similar document per adult.
  2. Birth certificate. A mandatory document issued to children immediately after birth. The item of interest to registrars in the certificate is the citizenship of the child.
  3. Applicant's (adult) passport. The identity card of the father, mother or one of the guardians who is issuing the OPP for a child under 14 years of age is suitable.
  4. International passport of the “old” sample (if available). If this is not the case, you do not need to present anything. If the child has a previously valid passport, the child must return the document to the migration department. It is important that the validity of the passport has not yet expired at the time of registration of the new one.
  5. A copy of the receipt for payment of the state duty.

It is not enough to simply submit documents for registration of a foreign passport to the migration department. According to the rules, the child must be personally present when submitting the application., of course, together with the parents. Decor biometric passport assumes digital photography. At the same time, the child’s fingerprints will be taken. The specified information will be included in the microchip on the new international passport.

How much will the registration cost?

When considering the issue of preparing an OPP, it should also be said about the cost of processing the document. The price varies depending on the region of residence and the use of third-party services. :

  • a booklet of the “old” form for an adult – 2 thousand rubles;
  • per child – 1 thousand rubles;
  • new passport per adult – 3.5 thousand rubles;
  • per child – 1.5 thousand rubles.

The final cost may vary up or down. It is best to find out the prices for how much a child’s passport costs in a special office on official websites or on site.

Reasons for refusal

Obtaining a foreign passport is possible only after approval from the migration authority. Refusal is an obstacle to the execution of the document. As a rule, children are denied documents less often than adults. The grounds for refusing to issue OPP to an adult are:

  • finding a citizen under investigation;
  • hiding from military service until age 27;
  • Free access to state secrets or other information of national importance;
  • avoidance of responsibility within judicial recovery;
  • reporting knowingly false data in the application form.

The refusal is issued in the form of a resolution of the migration department. The person retains the right to appeal.

What you have to do:

  1. Prepare Required documents(you will find a list of them below), it will not take long to collect them for a child under 14 years old.
  2. Fill out a special application form for a child under 14 years old; it is better to download the form on the official website of the FMS.
  3. Take a photo of your child in a photo studio, warning that you are taking the photo for a foreign passport, and they will do everything as needed (just in case, the requirements for the photo will be given below).
  4. Pay the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport.
  5. Submit all documents, photos, application form and payment receipt to the nearest FMS office at your place of residence.
  6. Wait the allotted time and get the coveted passport.

There is an alternative option - .

Now let's look at each point in more detail.

What documents need to be collected?

  • The child’s birth certificate (or an insert for the certificate indicating the child’s citizenship of the Russian Federation, if you have one at all);
  • Passport of one of the parents ( legal representative);
  • A previously issued international passport (if the child has one).

As you can see, the number of documents is minimal. We have described in more detail what documents are needed for a foreign passport for a child under 14 years old.

Advice: take care in advance of photocopies of your Russian passport and child’s birth certificate. A copy is made of all pages of the passport where there are entries.

How to fill out the application form?

This stage will require concentration, accuracy and attention. so as not to have to redo everything later. The questionnaire consists of 2 sheets. The child’s parent fills it out and submits it to the FMS. You can use a pen with blue (black) ink or a computer to fill it out. If you fill out by hand, write legibly, preferably in block letters.

You cannot correct, cross out or use a proofreader! If you made a mistake, rewrite it again. If you fill out on a computer, then you must print out the form strictly in one copy, filled out on both sides.

Step-by-step instructions for filling out the application form (point by point):

  1. Indicate the child’s full name (Ivanova Alla Yuryevna);
  2. We put a cross (male or female gender of the child);
  3. Date of birth of the child (05/23/2012);
  4. Indicate the child’s place of birth, but be sure to indicate it in the same way as it is written on the birth certificate. (city of Asha);
  5. If the child’s last name, first name or patronymic was changed, then indicate the changed data;
  6. Address where you are permanently registered and date of registration;
  7. You skip it if you submit documents at your place of registration. Fill in if you are submitting documents at the place of registration or actual residence;
  8. This point should be skipped as it concerns children aged 14 to 18 years;
  9. Fill it out if the child still has a valid passport (series, number, date of issue, issuing authority) or skip it if he doesn’t have one.

At the bottom there will be a rectangle - the place where the child should sign.

Attention! Only children over 14 years of age can leave their signature. A child under 14 years of age should not sign. Leave the rectangle empty.

Reverse side of the application form

The details of the legal representative (parent, guardian) are indicated here.

  1. Full name of the legal representative;
  2. We put the appropriate cross (male or female);
  3. Date of birth of the legal representative;
  4. The place of birth of the legal representative is exactly as indicated in the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  5. Permanent residence address and registration date (the registration date is indicated in the passport on the page with the address);
  6. Do not fill out if you will submit documents at your place of permanent residence. Fill in if you will submit documents at the place of registration or actual residence;
  7. Be sure to include a contact phone number;
  8. If you want, you can provide an email address;
  9. Data from the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the legal representative (strictly as in the passport, especially “issued by whom”).

At the very bottom of the form you need to put the date and signature of the legal representative.

Advice: you can take your time and sign the form immediately before submitting the documents to the FMS. To submit all documents to the Federal Migration Service, you do not need to bring your child with you.

You can download a sample application form.

Additional information and sample questionnaires can be found here: for, for.

What kind of photos should there be?

Must be submitted to the FMS 2 photographs of the child in size 35 by 45 mm with a clear image of the face strictly from the front without a headdress. It is better to ask for the photos to be made matte, black and white or color, it doesn’t matter.

How much will you have to pay?

On January 1, 2015, Federal Law No. 221-FZ “On Amendments to Chapter 25.3 of Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation” came into force, and therefore the amount of state duty increased significantly.

So, to obtain a foreign passport for a child under 14 years old, you will now need pay 1000 rubles. Make payments at bank branches. You can get the receipt from the FMS or download the form from the FMS website.

Advice: if you paid a receipt, but suddenly lost it or simply cannot find it, do not panic. The Federal Migration Service can independently request this information from the bank.

Production time

If you contact the Federal Migration Service at your place of residence, then the period should not exceed 1 month(subject to correct completion of all data entered into properly photographs and documents).

If you are applying for a foreign passport at your place of stay, it may take up to 4 months.

Receiving a ready-made passport

When the passport is ready (and sometimes they are done very quickly, in 2-3 weeks), they will call you (you indicated your phone number in the application form) or write to your email address (if indicated) with a request to come to the FMS office at your place of residence and get a passport.

If they don’t call or write to you, and a month or more has passed, then feel free to go to the FMS office yourself to get your document.

Foreign travel has become accessible and commonplace. Many parents travel with their children to visit relatives, for treatment, on vacation or for work. They send children to study, sports competitions, international Olympiads, and music festivals.

When leaving for adult citizens over 18 years of age, a foreign passport is absolutely required. But do younger children need a passport?

New rules for the travel of minor citizens abroad

If a child was included in the old-style international passport of the parent with whom he traveled outside the Russian Federation, a separate document for him was not required until 2010. Data and a photo with a stamp from the passport and visa service were enough.

On January 19, 2010, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 13, it was established new order, according to which all citizens traveling outside the Russian Federation must have a personal international passport, which means this document is also necessary for minor children.

The procedure is regulated by Article 20 and Article 21 of Federal Law No. 114 - Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996, as well as the regulations of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and/or instructions of the Border Service of the FSB.

International passport for minor child issued from the first day of life.

Minor citizens are divided into categories by age:

— Children under 14 years old;

— Children from 14 to 18 years old.

There are slight differences in the registration and departure of a minor child under 2 years old and the peculiarities of departure of teenagers, but they are not significant. The general provisions apply to all minors traveling abroad, accompanied or unaccompanied.

Russia has intergovernmental agreements with some CIS countries that allow the entry of children under 14 years of age using a parent’s international passport. These are Moldova, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. The last two states, as well as Abkhazia and South Ossetia, allow Russian citizens to enter their territory using internal passports.

For all other countries, the entry about children in old-style international passports and the pasted-in photo are not grounds for entry, but only confirmation of the fact of kinship.

In case of unforeseen or emergency situations, it will not be possible to take the child out. Therefore, it is better to spend a little time and money and get each child their own personal passport. Moreover, if the parents have new passports, the children simply cannot be entered into them.

When going through passport control, border services have the right to request a child’s birth certificate.

If the parent(s) and children have different surnames, to avoid unnecessary questions, you must have with you additional documents confirming changes at some point in your life:

- Marriage certificate;

— certificate of divorce;

- certificate of change of surname, etc.

Strict rules are enforced for the safety of children and are aimed at combating the illegal movement of persons across borders.

Types of international passports for children under 14 years of age

For children, you can issue a new one - . Both have the same legal force and are valid for the entire period of validity.

The choice is made by parents depending on circumstances or desires.

Advantages of the new passport:

passport control takes less time (information is read from the chip rather than entered manually);

— high degree of protection;

— consists of 46 sheets (convenient for frequent trips);

— validity period — 10 years.

Advantages of an old-style passport:

- it is cheaper;

— the applicant without a child submits an application and picks up a passport;

— validity period — 5 years (sufficient due to changes in appearance).

Biometric data involves taking fingerprints for a database and a pattern of the iris of the retina.

Fingerprints are not taken from children under 12 years of age.

Where do you get a passport?

A passport of any type can be issued in several instances. However, not all regional issuance points at the place of residence or registration issue biometric passports, since they require certain equipment. In these cases, documents for registration can be submitted in another way.

Through the Federal Migration Service

The Department of the Federal Migration Service within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation accepts applications for registration and issuance of international passports of Russian citizens.

The website of the State Administration for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation makes it possible to make an appointment in an electronic queue. On the website you can find out the service's opening hours and check the list of documents.

Through MFC

The form for servicing applicants in (otherwise known as “My Documents”) has been accelerated and simplified. Convenience lies in the “One Window” operating principle. The centers accept applications for all kinds of documents, including foreign passports for minors. Online registration is open on the website.

Through State Services

The most convenient option, since the form is filled out on the portal and scans or photocopies of the required documents are uploaded. You can then track the status of your application. Quite often the passport is ready earlier than expected.

Unlike the two previous methods of submitting an application, when you need to come with documents on the appointed day and hour directly to the institution itself, and if you are late, you must stand in the “live queue”, when applying for a foreign passport through the applicant must personally contact the relevant unit of the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation only upon receipt of the document.

You must have the originals of all documents with you.

List of required documents

To obtain a foreign passport for a minor child under 14 years of age, the following documents are required:

  • application form - filled out on both sides of one sheet (with information about the child and the applicant);
  • child's birth certificate (with a special citizenship stamp);
  • a document confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation (according to the established list of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” No. 62 of May 31, 2002).
  • identification documents of the applicant - originals and photocopies of his internal and international passport;
  • guardianship document;
  • original and copy of the child’s internal passport (if available);
  • original and copy of previously issued passport with expired actions (if any);
  • photographs - 3 pieces, color or black and white, 3.5 * 4.5 cm, in an oval on matte paper;
  • a receipt for payment of the state fee (you do not need to present it from January 2013, since the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a database on contributions available).

According to Article 11 Part 1 of Federal Law No. 114 - Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996, if the old passport is lost, but not declared invalid, there was no statement to the police about the loss and expiration date It has not yet expired, then a new passport will not be issued!

If a foreign passport is issued for a teenager aged 12-14 years, then information about his educational and/or labor activity.

To obtain a foreign passport, male citizens aged 17 to 27 years old need either a military ID or a registration certificate.

For boys of pre-conscription age, it is better to get a biometric passport valid for 10 years, so that you can travel even during the period of conscription age, without wasting time on additional certificates and waiting for a new travel document to be issued.

Who is applying from?

To obtain a passport for a minor child, an application is submitted by one of the parents or a legal representative (guardian, adoptive parent).

When filling out the questionnaire and forms, no mistakes, blots or corrections are allowed.

The issuance of a foreign passport may be refused if false information was provided. You can submit a new application with correct data no earlier than in a month.

If the applicant's surname does not coincide with that indicated on the certificate, all documents related to the change of surname, personal identification or adoption documents (guardianship, etc.) must be attached.

A foreign passport is issued to the same person who submitted the application for registration.

To obtain a completed international passport, the child’s presence is not required. Neither the applicant nor the owner of the passport - a child under 14 years old - signs the passport!

Conditions for the child's departure

Despite having a foreign passport, minors under 14 years of age cannot travel independently, but only accompanied by an adult.

For a child to leave with one of the parents, the consent of the other is not required (Article 20 and Article 21 of Federal Law No. 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996).

If he is accompanied by a third party (family member, relatives and friends, teacher, coach, doctor, etc.), a power of attorney (consent) from one of the parents is sufficient.

But this does not mean unhindered entry, as other countries may require it.

If one of the parents is not alive, you must have the appropriate certificate.

Sometimes divorced parents, sometimes to the detriment of the child’s interests, do not allow their children to be taken outside the territory of the Russian Federation. You can find out about such information in advance at the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or on the Border Service portal.

It is better to consult in advance and take with you:

— child’s birth certificate;

- consent of the other parent.

If the family is incomplete and, in order not to ask each time for the consent of the other parent with whom there has been no contact for a long time, it is better to contact law enforcement agencies. If his whereabouts are not revealed within 3-6 months, a certificate will be issued. If the trips are regular or the travel ban is not justified, you should go to court and judgment will get rid of this problem.

There are times when a child must travel alone and he goes abroad by plane. Russian airlines warn:

— children under 2 years old cannot travel unaccompanied;

- from 2 to 12 - you can fly independently, but under the supervision of the carrier (airline) and with his consent.

- from 12 years old - you can fly unaccompanied.

If the trip is planned on flights of airlines from other countries, you must clarify the rules in advance and, with the consent of the parents (both), be sure to indicate that the child is traveling unaccompanied!

IN exceptional cases The child’s consent may be required to travel to live in another country (certified by a notary).

All documents must be translated into the language of the host country or English. It is better to draw up the permission (consent) of the parents in several copies, because one of the originals remains at the consulate when issuing a visa!

On the territory of Russia you can travel accompanied by any parent, family members, relatives, loved ones, etc.

Production time and cost of obtaining a passport

The amount of state duty is specified in Tax Code RF N 117-FZ RF dated 05.08.2000. In Article 333 dated 18.07. In 2017, changes were made and for children under 14 years of age the state fee for obtaining a foreign passport is:

  • 1,500 rubles (from August 3, 2018 - 2,500 rubles) - for a new type of biometric passport;
  • 1000 rubles - for an old-style passport.

To obtain a new generation foreign passport for a child, that is, a person under 18 years of age, one of his parents (guardians or trustees) applies for a new generation passport for a minor citizen.

A foreign passport of a new type, a new generation, a biometric passport - these are the names of the same document, the rules for filling out an application for the issuance of which we will consider below.

The form of the application form and the procedure for filling it out are provided for by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for the registration and issuance of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, identifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated November 16, 2017 N 864.

The requirements of this Regulation are mandatory for all employees of migration departments; they must be guided by them when accepting documents for issuing a foreign passport.

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for registering a child’s departure abroad.

Attached to our article is an application form and a sample of how to fill it out in pdf format, which can be downloaded and used as a template when filling out an application with the data of your child and his parent or legal representative. To do this, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar installed.

In addition to a personal appeal regarding the issue of obtaining a child’s international passport, current legislation it is possible to obtain a foreign passport for him through government services. You can read more about this in.

Documents required to fill out the application

It should be noted that an application for the issuance of an international passport to a minor differs from an application for the issuance of an international passport to an adult in that, in addition to information about the child for whom the international passport is issued, it contains information about his legal representative (parent, guardian, trustee).

To enter information into an application for a foreign passport, the following documents are required:

    identification document of the child (birth certificate - up to 14 years of age, passport - for a minor who has reached 14 years of age);

    the child’s foreign passport, if its validity has not expired;

    documents indicating changes in the child’s personal data (if available);

    internal Russian passport of the legal representative;

All information in the application form is entered in accordance with the above documents.

General requirements for filling out an application

An application for a new generation passport for a minor citizen, which is often called an application form, is filled out on the established form (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations) in one copy.

The application is filled out using electronic computers. It is also acceptable to complete the form by hand in legible handwriting in block letters in black or blue ink.

Correction of errors by crossing out or using corrective means is not permitted.

Since the general requirements for filling out applications for a new type of international passport are the same for both adult and minor passport recipients, you can use the recommendations posted in this article.

Filling out the application items

A peculiarity of filling out the form of the application under consideration is that on the front side the details of the minor are indicated (points 1-10), in whose name the foreign passport is issued; on the reverse side are the details of his legal representative (paragraphs 11-24).

Front side

Reverse side

Let's look at the rules for filling out each paragraph of the application step by step:

1. The child’s last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in Russian. Entries are made in accordance with the entries in the child’s internal passport (aged 14 to 18 years) or in the birth certificate (up to 14 years of age).

For example:

Last name: VOLKOVA


Patronymic: SERGEEVNA

2. A record of the child’s gender is selected from the two options indicated on the form by checking the selected option.

3. The date of birth is indicated in full: day, month and year.

For example: 09/03/2002.

4. Place of birth is indicated in full: country, republic, region, region, locality.

5. This paragraph indicates one of two options:

    “yes” - if the child previously had a different last name, first name, patronymic;

    “no” - if he didn’t.

If the “yes” option is selected, then the child’s previous last name, first name or patronymic name, as well as the date and place of the change are indicated.

If the child’s last name, first name, and patronymic have not changed, then the corresponding records are not made.

If additional information about the child’s previous last name, first name, and patronymic is provided in Appendix No. 1 to the application, the number of sheets of the Appendix must be indicated.

This need arises very rarely, only if the child’s last name, first name or patronymic is changed two or more times.

If the child has not changed his last name, first name, or patronymic, then the “no” option should be checked.

6. Residence address: information is located in the order in which it is listed in the application.

For example:

Country Russia




Registration date: 09/25/2016

7. If an application for the issuance of an international passport to a child is submitted by his legal representative at the place of stay (temporary registration), the registration address at the place of stay is indicated, if at the place of actual residence (in the absence of registration at the place of residence and at the place of stay in a given locality), the address of registration is indicated. address of the actual residence.

This paragraph is completed in the same way as paragraph 6 of the application.

In case of registration at the place of stay, its duration is indicated.

For example: from 12/11/2016 to 12/11/2018.

8. This paragraph indicates the details of the main identification document of the child. For a minor aged 14 to 18 years, such a document is a passport, for those under 14 years old - a birth certificate.

For example:

Series: 4616

Number: 327251

Date of issue: 09/25/2016


9. By checking the appropriate box, the receipt of a passport by the child is indicated: primary, in addition to the current one, in replacement of the current one, in replacement of the lost one, in return for the used/damaged one.

10. A note is made about whether the child has or does not have a valid foreign passport.

If the child has a valid foreign passport, indicate the details of this passport, as well as when and by whom it was issued.

For example:

Number: 5980742

Date of issue: 10/10/2011

Authority that issued the passport: FMS 61014

On the reverse side of the form, the details of the child’s legal representative are indicated (points 11-24).

Information in these paragraphs is entered in accordance with the information specified in the passport of the legal representative.

11. This paragraph indicates the last name, first name and patronymic of the child’s legal representative.

Last name: VOLKOV

Name: SERY

Middle name: PETROVICH

12. The gender of the parent is indicated by checking the box.

13. The date of his birth is indicated in full: day, month and year.

For example: 07/07/1970

14. Place of birth is indicated in full.


15. Information about the address of residence is located in the order in which they are listed on the form.

For example:





Registration date: 08/21/2009

16. This paragraph contains information about the registration address at the place of residence (indicating the period of registration) or the address of actual residence if the application for a foreign passport is not submitted at the place of residence.

17. This paragraph indicates the applicant’s telephone number.

For example: +7 1111234567.

The telephone number is indicated at the request of the applicant.

18. The email address is indicated at the request of the applicant.

If the applicant does not want to indicate it, then this item is not filled in.

19. Information about the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation (passport) of the child’s legal representative is indicated.

For example:

Series: 4615

Number: 982318

Date of issue: 02.08.2015


20. Information about the document confirming the rights of the legal representative is indicated: series, number, date of issue and the authority that issued the document.

Paragraphs 21-24 are completed if the applicant does not object to another legal representative of a minor citizen receiving a passport (to be completed at the request of the applicant).

21. The last name, first name and patronymic of the other legal representative are indicated.

22. His gender.

23. Date of birth.

24. Place of birth.

This completes the filling out of the application form.

The application requires the signature of a minor citizen from 14 to 18 years of age, as well as the signature of the child’s legal representative.

These signatures, as well as the date of submission of the application, are affixed in the presence of the employee who accepts the documents on the day of their submission.

The current Regulations do not provide mandatory submission receipts for payment of the state duty, however, at the time of submitting the documents the state duty must be paid.

Lack of information about payment of the state fee may be grounds for refusal to issue a new passport.

How to issue a receipt for a foreign passport online using the service of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as pay the state fee for a foreign passport through Sberbank Online is discussed in detail in this article.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the personal presence of a child from the day of birth until he reaches the age of 18 when submitting documents for registration to him biometric passport Necessarily. This is necessary for digital photography.

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