Statistical form 1 t prof. Resolution of the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus

Compensation for previously worked time is an informal term meaning one more day of rest for an employee. Legislatively this concept not secured. Typically, such days are received as an incentive for going to work on holidays, weekends or overtime. The Labor Code of Russia regulates all aspects of this type of recreation.

Features of the concept

Time off for previously worked time is issued in lieu of monetary compensation. In order to be granted time off, you must write an application, and it is formalized by order on behalf of the employer. Everyone officially employed has the right to take time off for previously worked time to account for unused vacation.

The term "time off" is often used in work activity of all organizations, however, it is not explained in the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The leave order provides instructions on overtime work and the provision of compensation for additional hours of work in the form of another day of rest.

So, every employee has the right to ask for extra day rest for work time behind overtime work. In this case, time off is issued:

  • as labor holiday pay;
  • as unpaid vacation pay at your own expense.

Time off is given for hours already worked or for an unused day during official leave, if the employee was called to work, citing production necessity.

What the law says

Time off for previously worked time is provided to the employee based on his application. If the authorities approve it, an order is issued. Issues related to overtime hours are taken into account in paragraphs 152-153 of the current Labor Code.

There are rules by which an employee is paid extra labor. But they are also established in accordance with the instructions of Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

  1. For the first two hours, overtime pay increases 1.5 times, and for the rest of the time worked, the payment is doubled.
  2. The amount of monetary compensation can be negotiated based on the provisions of the contract. The nuances and conditions for calculating compensation can be taken into account in the employment agreement.
  3. Additional rest days are measured according to hours worked.

Each employee chooses the type of compensation himself. This right is granted on the basis of the instructions of the Labor Code, so the employer does not have the opportunity to determine this independently.

Important: when a task needs to be completed, the employer negotiates with the employee the type of compensation. There is only one type of compensation for overtime hours.

Read also Designation of time off in the time sheet

There are also restrictions on performing production tasks - for example, you cannot be involved in them on holidays and weekends:

  • workers under 18 years of age;
  • pregnant women and with children under three years of age.

These rules are indicated in the Labor Code, in articles 113, 268.

Rules for granting time off

Typically the duration of time off is one day. But often the employee receives 5 unpaid days. This is legal, based on the rules of labor legislation (Article 128).

An employee receives several days of rest in special cases:

  • holding wedding events;
  • birth of a child;
  • death of a close relative.

When a request has been made for a few days of rest in connection with one of these cases, the request cannot be rejected. Is it justified by family circumstances or other good reasons. After submitting a request for time off for previously worked time, the parties independently agree on the nuances of the leave.

Often an employee needs to go on a business trip work trip on days officially designated for rest. Then the employee receives time off, paid at double salary. He can also receive leave for rest days during departure and arrival, which is not paid.


An employee performing duties on a day off has the right to receive a day for rest or payment. These rules are specified in the country's Labor Code, in article 153.3. If the employee chooses time off, the time is not paid. As a result, no paid time off will be provided. Output is accrued except for the time when the employee is released from duties.

The monthly salary is calculated taking into account the day of rest. It doesn’t matter when the employee wanted to register it. Taking into account the provisions of Article 13 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of payment for a day off is determined:

  • contracts;
  • acts;
  • internal regulations.

Acts must be considered at a general working meeting. They are confirmed trade union organization companies.

You can initially provide for remuneration for work performed on holidays or weekends. This is done when hiring. Lowest amount available labor payments is adjusted based on the above acts.

Important: payment of a day of rest in a single amount is a payment on top of the regulated salary. The entire amount must be paid.

Features of drawing up an application

To take time off in accordance with the rules and regulations of the law, you must write a corresponding application. It must be a request for free day. According to the law, it is received for time worked previously. However, it is important to adhere correct wording petitions. It takes into account the following points:

  • type (this may be unpaid time off);
  • the reason why an additional day of rest was needed;
  • number of days and start date.

Norms labor law, currently, do not contain such a thing as time off. This definition existed in the old Labor Code and meant giving the employee a day off in exchange for the day off he had previously worked or holiday. Today, company employees can also take advantage of such a day off, but in practice, most often it will be a vacation at their own expense.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation gives the employee the right to choose when working on days of rest and holiday between double payment during this time or on other weekends. In this case, the employee must reflect his decision in the form of a written statement.

If he gives preference to the second, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to provide him with this day of rest at the time specified by him. Also separate categories citizens, for example, donors, may be given one day off.

Workers still use the term “time off” to refer to it. However, this formulation may mean something completely different. For example, time off at your own expense is actually... Management provides it to the employee at its discretion upon his request without payment for this period. There are cases when it must allocate this time to an employee by virtue of law, but this list limited. Most employees do not have the right to use such a benefit and are forced to ask the director for such a day off.

Important! Often, employees also submit an application requesting time off on account of their vacation. This is where the HR inspector needs to be especially careful. In fact, employees request to use part of their annual leave. But they have the right to this only if they have it. In addition, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows you to split the vacation period so that the first part is at least 14 days.

Therefore, if the employee has not previously taken advantage of the first part of this rest period, then by allowing him to take a day off as a vacation, the employer is violating labor legislation and measures may be taken against him administrative influence. In this case, time off for vacation is possible only if its duration is two weeks or more. And when filling out applications, you must use the correct wording.

We must also not forget about the approved one, which must be observed by both parties labor relations. Although changes may be made to it based on orders from management.

How to take a few hours off work

Most often, employees ask the management of an organization to give them half a day off. The reasons for this can be very different, from going to the doctor, to Parent meeting etc.

To properly format this absence An employee at an enterprise must draw up a number of documents. Many employers throw away formalities for a few hours. However, it must be remembered that without the presence of correctly drawn up documents, it will be difficult to explain competent authorities, if something happens to the employee who took time off. After all, the administration is responsible for his safety until the end of his working day.

The employee must submit an application to management with a request to set him a shorter duration of work on that day, ending at a certain desired time. Here, if necessary, it is necessary to provide that payment will be made in proportion to the hours worked.

Based on this document, when positive decision director is compiled additional agreement to an existing one labor contract. It is also desirable that management issue an order to temporarily establish a reduced working day for this employee.

Please pay attention! It indicates attendance at work, but the number of hours actually worked is indicated.

How to write a leave application

When you apply for time off for previously worked time, you need to start from the top right side of the sheet. First, in the genitive case, it is indicated to whom it is sent - the name of the company, the position of the manager and his full name. After this, in the dative case, you need to write from whom the application is made - the full position and full name. no abbreviations.

Then, skipping a few lines down in the middle of the sheet, write down the name of the document “APPLICATION”.

The narrative part begins with the phrase “Please give me a day off”. Since there is no concept of time off in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is best not to use the phrase “I ask you to provide time off for previously worked time” in your application. Then you need to indicate the date on which you plan to take a vacation, after which the basis for this request is recorded - for example, “for a previously worked day<Дата>».

If an employee needs to leave work for a few hours (for example, to see a doctor or personal matters), in this case this part of the statement will look like this: “Please install for me<дата>working hours<кол-во>hours from<периоды работы>».

The application is being completed personal signature and date of compilation.


The donor has the right to time off current legislation, if he went to work on the day the blood was drawn. To confirm this fact, you must provide a certificate from the blood collection point to the company’s HR department. However, the donor can only exercise this right within a year from the date of the procedure.

Download sample applications

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Application for leave - document free form . Its preparation and submission deadline will depend on the basis for receiving days of rest. Such grounds may be provided for by law, or may be provided only by agreement with management. Let's look at each basis in more detail.

How to write in different cases?

On a day off for previously worked hours

  • Download a sample application for leave at your own expense


No one is immune from the need to temporarily interrupt their labor activity. In some cases, the law comes to the aid of the employee by establishing the employer’s obligation to provide time off for the time worked. In other cases, employees have to rely only on the leniency of the employer.

The main thing is not to forget about the need to reach an agreement with the employer, V otherwise rest without the knowledge of management can be regarded as absenteeism, which will lead to extreme Negative consequences for the employee.

Do you urgently need a day off, but are you afraid that your boss might refuse? Open this article and get comprehensive information on getting time off and complete legislative review this issue as of 2017.

Time off is the employee’s right to receive an extraordinary day off, for example, at his own expense. There may be several reasons for taking time off from work. The main thing is to draft it correctly and know exactly how to write an application for time off for previously worked time, at your own expense or on account of your vacation. Let's look at the basic rules and features of writing a sample application for time off.

Application for time off for previously worked time

By Labor Codes, the concept of “time off” is not approved by law. However, in colloquial speech this term applies to a day off granted to an employee of an organization for previously worked time or for other reasons.

If a company employee worked overtime, on a weekend or holiday, then required time a person has the right to take a day off to account for time worked or receive monetary compensation.

According to the law, the employee has the right to discuss with the employer in advance the time of rest.

In the event that an employee wishes to write a statement on family circumstances to account for previously worked days, a document must be submitted to the manager for signature. Without writing a sample application, it is impossible to legally take time off, since a day off will be considered absenteeism.

Sample application for time off for previously worked time -

Application for family reasons

Time off for family reasons can be taken out in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Persons who have continuous work experience at their main place of work for more than 6 months can take a few days or a couple of hours off for family reasons in order to receive time off.

Example of providing a day off (one or more):

  • in case of birth of a child;
  • if a wedding day has been set;
  • death of close relatives.

A worker who has not worked for six months at an enterprise does not have the right to an extraordinary day off.

The law provides for 3 categories of persons who can take time off until the end of their six-month work experience:

  • pregnant women;
  • parents of children under 3 months (adopted or natural);
  • minors.

For family reasons, time off may be granted for a period of 1, 2, 3 or more days, but not more than 5.

Sample application for leave for family reasons -

Application for time off at your own expense - reasons for writing

Persons who do not have overworked hours or days have to take days off at their own expense, or annual leave already passed. Then the employee can write an application addressed to the director of the organization to provide 1 - 4 or more days at your own expense, i.e., without pay.

To obtain management permission, the employee must indicate objective reason time off.

For example, you may need a day off or half a day to attend a court summons, a wedding of close relatives, a doctor, a child’s performance, etc.

An employee can even ask for a few hours for family reasons at his own expense. The manager may release the employee based on the application or, conversely, prohibit him from taking time off.

The grounds for prohibiting permission to take time off may be:

  • rush job;
  • lack of replacement for the employee;
  • biased reason, etc.

If a half-day or full day of leave is approved, a official order about permission to take time off.

Sample application for time off at your own expense for one or more days -

Sample application form at your own expense -

According to the law, a day off can be issued on the same grounds as with a paid additional day off - the birth of a child, the death of loved ones, a wedding (your own or close relatives).

Application for a day off on account of vacation

A sample application for a day off on account of vacation is written if there are still days off. It is impossible to arrange time off in advance and then work off the days, since work off is not provided for by law. Such time off is paid and can last no more than 14 days. Since the main holiday is 28 calendar days, then the main part should be at least two weeks. The rest can be divided into 1, 2, 3, 4 or more days at the request of the employee, in agreement with management.

The day off due to vacation is provided with continued pay. The application is accepted by the manager, who can grant or deny time off.

Sample application form for time off on account of vacation -

How to write a sample application: the correct form

  1. The header of the application is written in the upper right corner indicating the position and full name. manager, name of the enterprise, full name, position of the applicant.
  2. In the middle of the document you should write the name of the document - “Application”.
  3. The following is the text of the document with the following content:
    • type of day off (at your own expense, on account of previously worked time, on account of vacation, etc.);
    • date or period of the holiday;
    • reason for time off.
  4. At the bottom of the sample form is the date and signature of the applicant.

Correct sample document for time off -

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