Structural analysis of the personality. Test Transactional Analysis

A transactional analysis is based on the concept of Eric Bern that a person is programmed by "early decisions" in relation to life position and lives its life according to the "scenario", written in the active participation of his loved ones (first of all parents), and makes decisions in the present time, Based on stereotypes that were once needed for its survival, but now for the most part are useless.

The personality structure in the concept of transactional analysis is characterized by the presence of three ego-states: parent, child and adult. Ego-state is not the roles that a person performs, but some phenomenological reality, behavioral stereotypes that are provoked by the current situation.

Transaction as part of a transactional analysis is the exchange of influences between the ego states of two people. Impacts can be considered as a unity of recognition similar to social reinforcement. They find expression in touch or in verbal manifestations.

The transaction is based on the life scenario. This is a general and personal plan that organizes a person's life. The script has developed as a survival strategy.

The main objective of the therapeutic process in the tradition of transactional analysis is to reconstruct the personality based on the revision of vital positions. A large role is paid to the ability of a person to aware of the unproductive stereotypes of their behavior, which prevent the adoption of adequate to the present time, as well as the ability to form a new system of values \u200b\u200band solutions based on their own needs and opportunities.

1. The essence of the transact analysis E.Bern

The personality structure in transactional analysis is characterized by the presence of three ego-states: parent, child and adult. Each ego-condition is a special pattern of thinking, feelings and behavior. The selection of ego-states is based on three axiomatic positions:

  1. every adult was once a child. This child in each person is represented by the ego-condition of the child;
  2. each man with a normally developed brain is potentially capable of adequate evaluation of reality. The ability to systematize the information coming from outside and make reasonable solutions refers to an adult ego state;
  3. each individual had or have parents or replacing their faces. Parental began introduced into every person and takes the appearance of the ego-state parent.

Description of ego-states is presented in Table. one.

Table 1

Ego-states and typical ways of behavior and statements


Typical ways of behavior, statements


Thoughtful parent

Comforts, corrects, helps "We will do" "" Do not be afraid "" We will help you all "

Critical parent.

Threatens, criticizes, orders "again, did you appear to work?" "Everyone on the table should be a schedule!"


Collects and gives information, assessed probability, makes decisions "What time is it?" "Who can have this letter?" "We solve this problem in the group"

Spontaneous child

Natural, immulsive, cunning, egocentric behavior "This is a stupid letter for the third time on the table" "You did it just wonderful!"

Adjusting child

Helpless, fearing, adapting to the standards, compliant behavior "I would be happy, but we will have trouble"

Bunlet child

Protesting, challenging behavior "I will not do this!" "You can't do this"

E. Bern plays the role of the arbitrator between the parent and child. Analyzing the information, the adult decides which behavior most consistent with these circumstances, from which stereotypes it is desirable to refuse, and which is desirable to include.

Diagnose the ego-state in personality is possible by observing the verbal and non-verbal components of the behavior. For example, being in a state of the parent, the phrases of the type "I can not", "I owe", critical observations of the type "So, remember", "stop it", "for nothing in the world," "I would be your place", "my dear". The physical sign of the parent is the frowny forehead, swinging head, "Grozny appearance", sighs, crossed on your chest, stroking the other on the head, etc. The child can be diagnosed on the basis of expressions reflecting feelings, desires and fears: "I want," "I am angry", "I hate", "what I do". Unbelievable manifestations include trembling lips, a disturbed eye shrug, an expression of delight.

Verbal and non-verbal interactions between people are called transactions. Transaction is the exchange of influences between the ego-states of two people. Impacts may be conditional or unconditional, positive or negative. There are parallel transactions, cross and hidden.

Parallel - these are transactions in which the stimulus emanating from one person is directly complemented by the reaction of the other. For example, a stimulus: "What time is it?", Reaction: "Fourth six." In this case, the interaction occurs between the adult ego states of the interlocutors. Such interactions do not have the ability to conflict and may continue unlimited time. Stimulus and response with this interaction are displayed with parallel lines.

Cross (intersecting) transactions already have the ability to produce conflicts into light. In these cases, an unexpected reaction is given to the stimulus, an inappropriate ego-state is activated. For example, when to the question of a husband "Where are my cufflinks?" My wife is given the answer "where put, there and take." Thus, a parent reaction is given to the outgoing from the adult incentive. Such multiple transactions begin with mutual replicas, with stalking replicas and may end slamming the doors.

Hidden transactions differ in that they include more than two ego states, since the message is masked under a socially acceptable incentive, but the response is expected from the effect of the hidden message. Thus, the hidden transaction contains implicit information through which one can affect others so that they do not realize it.

Transaction can be made on two levels - social and psychological. It is typical for hidden transactions, where they contain hidden motives on the psychological level.

E. Bern provides examples of the angular transaction in which three ego-states participate and writes that sellers are particularly strong in it. For example, the seller offers the buyer an expensive type of product with the words: "This model is better, but it's not for your pocket," what the buyer gives the answer: "I'll take it." The seller at the level of the adult states the facts (that the model is better and that it is not affordable to the buyer), to which the buyer would have to give an answer at the level of the adult - that the seller is definitely right. But since the psychological vector was skillfully directed by an adult seller to the buyer's child, it is the buyer's child that is wishing to demonstrate that he is not worse than others.

Approval in transactional analysis is understood as "stroking". There are three types of strokes: physical (for example, touch), verbal (words) and non-verbal (winking, nodding, gestures and the like). Strokes are given for "existence" (that is, they are unconditional) and for "actions" (conditional stroking). They can be positive - for example, friendly physical touch, warm words and friendly gestures; And negative - slaps, frowning glances, brands.

Unconditional strokes are obtained as in infant age, just for the fact that you are. Positive unconditional strokes are verbal ("I love you"), non-verbal (laughter, smiles, gestures) and physical (touches, caress, baubles). The conditional strokes are given rather for the actions than for the fact of existence: when the child first starts walking, parents speak with him an excited voice, smile, kissing; When the child is swollen milk or excessive measures, it can get a shock, slap or an angry look.

The next aspect of the transactional analysis is time structuring. According to E. Bern, people structure the time with the help of six ways: care, (avoidance), rituals, entertainment (pastime), activities, games, intimacy (love sexual interactions).

Transactions such as rituals, entertainment or activities are aimed at achieving certain goals - the structuring of the time and obtaining impacts from others. Therefore, they can be denoted as "honest", that is, not providing for manipulations by others. Games are the series of hidden transactions leading to a certain result in which one of the players has an interest.

The ritual is called a stereotypical series of simple additional transactions, which are given by external social factors. An informal ritual (for example, farewell) is basically unchanged, but may differ in detail. The formal ritual (for example, church liturgy) is characterized by very small freedom .. rituals offer a safe, instring confidence and often a pleasant way to structuring time.

You can determine the pastime as a series of simple, semi-curilation additional transactions, the purpose of which is to struggle the definite time interval. The beginning and end of this interval can be called procedures. In this case, transactions are usually adapted to the needs of all participants in such a way that everyone can get the maximum gain during this interval - the better the participant is adapted, the more his win. The pasting usually mutually exclude each other, that is, do not mix. The pasting is formed the basis for dating and can lead to friendship, contribute to the confirmation of the role-chosen roles and strengthening his life position.

2. Comparative analysis of psychological games by E. Bern

"The game" - fixed and unconscious behavioral stereotype, which includes a long series of actions containing weakness, trap, response, blow, board, remuneration. Each action is accompanied by certain feelings. Each action of the game is accompanied by strokes, which at the beginning of the game more than shocks. The further the game is unfolded, the more intense the strokes and blows become, reaching the maximum at the end of the game.

Games differ from the pastime or rituals with two main characteristics:

  1. hidden motives;
  2. the presence of a win.

The difference between the game is that they may contain a conflict element, they may be dishonest and have a dramatic outcome.

Bern gives a classification of games based, in his opinion, on some of the most obvious characteristics and variables:

  1. Number of players: games for two ("Frigid woman"), on three ("Well, try!"), On five ("alcoholic") and for many ("Why don't you ..." - "Yes, but...").
  2. The material used: the words ("psychiatry"), money ("debtor"), parts of the body ("I need an operation").
  3. Clinical types: hysterical ("rape!"), With obsession syndrome ("stretching"), paranoid ("Why is it always with me?"), Depressive ("again for old").
  4. According to zones: oral ("alcoholic"), anal ("tensile"), phallic ("Well, feel").
  5. Psychodynamic: counterpobs ("if not), projecting (" Parent Committee "), intriguing (Psychiatry").
  6. A classification of instinctive entrepreneurs: Mazochist ("If not you"), sadist ("stretch"), fetishist ("frigid man").

When classifying games, E. Burn uses the following qualities of games.

  1. Flexibility. Some games, such as the "debtor" or "I need an operation," can only be played on one material, while others, such as exhibitionist games, much more flexible.
  2. Tenacity. Some are easily refused games, others are tied to them much more.
  3. Intensity. Some play relaxed, others are more tense and aggressive. Games are lungs and heavy.

In mentally unbalanced people, these properties are manifested in a certain progression and determine whether the game will be quiet or violent.

All games have an important player on the fate of the players and, perhaps, decisive; But some of them are much more frequent than others become a matter of life. This group of games Bern called "games for life." It includes a "alcoholic", "debtor", "hit me", "caught, Sukin Son!", "Look, what I did because of you" and their main options (Table 2).

table 2

Characteristics of games by E. Bern


Caught, Sukin Son!

Watch what I did because of you



Justifying your behavior.

Alcoholic, pursuer, Savior, Space, Intermediary.

Victim, aggressor.


Oral deprivation

Anger of jealousy.

A soft form can be compared with premature seedwork, a rigid form - with anger, based on "Castra Fees".

Social paradigm

Adult - adult.

Adult: "Tell me that you really think about me, or help me stop drinking."

Adult: "I will be frank with you."

Adult - adult.

Adult: "Look what you have done."

Adult: "Now, when you attracted my attention to this, I see that you are right."

Psychological paradigm

Parent - child.

Child: "Try to catch me."

Parent: "You must stop drinking, because ..."

Parent - child.

Parent: "I'm watching you all the time and waiting for you to make a mistake."

Child: "This time you caught me."

Parent: "Yes, and this time you will feel the power of my anger."

A wellness is noticeable an external psychological sign (the desire to avoid responsibility). Existential position - "I am nothing to blame

1. Provocation - accusation or forgiveness.

2. Confidentiousness - anger or disappointment.

1. Provocation - accusation.

2. Protection - accusation.

3. Protection - punishment.

1. Internal psychological - a) drunkenness as a procedure - recycling, consolation and satisfaction of desire; b) "Alcoholic" as a game - challenge (possibly).

2. External psychological - the ability to avoid sexual and other forms of intimacy.

3. Internal social - "Let's see if you can stop me."

4. External social - "And the next morning", "Cocktail" and other methods of pastime.

5. Biological - alternating exchange of manifestations of love and anger.

6. Existential - "Everyone wants to offend me"

1. Internal psychological - excuses of anger.

2. External psychological - the opportunity to avoid awareness of their flaws.

3. Internal social - PSS.

4. External social - they are always ready to catch you.

5. Biological is the exchange of angry transactions, usually between the people of one sex.

6. Existential - people can not be trusted.

The game often accelerates the threat of intimate proximity, since the "justified" anger helps to avoid sexual relations.

In these games, E. Bern clearly allocates the name, thesis, goal, roles, social and psychological paradigm, illustrations, moves and "remuneration". In other games, the author highlights the thesis and antithesis.


"Debtor", according to E. Bern, more than a game, for many, she becomes a scenario, a plan of life, but most of them play a light game "if not debts", but in other relationships they enjoy life and only a few play In the "debtor" in full force.

Varieties of the game "Debtor": "Try to get", "creditor", "try not to pay", etc .. games related to money, can have very serious consequences, despite what they look superficial. This happens not only because we describe all the little things, but because we discover the petty motives in the affairs to which people get used to treat seriously.


In this game, people usually participate, who seemed to be written on the forehead: "Please do not beat me." The behavior of the players provokes for the opposite and temptation is almost insurmountable, and then there comes a natural result, this category may include any kind of rims, prostitutes and those who constantly lose work. Women sometimes play a variety of this game, which is called a "worn dress". Women make efforts to look miserable, try to make their income - according to "respectful" reasons - did not exceed the subsistence minimum. If the inheritance falls on their head, there are always enterprising young people who help him get rid of him, giving a promotion of some non-existent enterprise in exchange, etc. Their game is inordinary, and only manners and behavior as it were to say: "Why is it always with me?"


The initiator of the game is looking for injustice to be able to complain to the third participant. Thus, this is a game on three: there are aggressor, the victim and a trustee. The motto is "misfortune needs sympathy." A trustee is usually a person who also plays this game.

The psychological game is a series of transactions that follows each other with a clearly defined and predictable outcome, with hidden motivation. As a win, there is any definite emotional state to which the player unconsciously seeks.

Considering the historical, cultural, social and personal value of games, E. Bern in his book "People who play games" introduces the concept of parental programming and characteristics of various scenarios of life.

3. The essence of the concept of "life scenario"

Bern in his early works determined the scenario as a "unconscious life plan." Then he gave a more complete definition: "Life plan is compiled as a child, supported by the parents, justified by the course of events and reaches a peak when choosing a path."

The concept that children's impressions have a strong influence on patterns of adult behavior, is central not only in transactional analysis, but also in other areas of psychology. In the theory of the scenario, in addition, there is an idea according to which the child is a specific plan of his life, and not simply forms the main views on life. This plan is drawn up in the form of a drama that has clearly indicated start, middle and end.

Another distinctive feature of the life scenario theory is that the life plan "reaches the climax in the chosen alternative." Composite parts of the script, starting with the first scene, serve to bring the script to the final scene. In the theory of the scenario, the final scene received a name for the scenario. The theory says that when playing a person's scenario, he unconsciously elects behaviors that will bring it to the rules of the script.

Scenario - This is the "life plan, compiled in childhood," therefore the child himself decides on his scenario. On the decision to choose life scenario Not only external factors, but also the will of the child. Even when different children are brought up in the same conditions, they can make completely different plans for their lives. In this regard, Bern leads the case with two brothers to whom the mother said: "You both will fall into a mental hospital." Subsequently, one of the brothers became chronic mental patient, and another psychiatrist.

Term " decision"In the theory of life scenario, it is used in a value other than that is usually given in the dictionary. The child decides on its scenario as a result of feelings before talking. At the same time, the child uses the reality testing methods available at that age.

Although parents cannot force the child to take some decisions, they nevertheless have a strong influence on the child, transmitting verbal and non-verbal messages. Based on these messages, the child forms his ideas about himself, other people and lives that form the main content of the script. Thus, the scenario is supported by the parents.

The life scenario lies outside the awareness, so in adult life a person closer to the memories of childhood with dreams and fantasies. Living your scenic solutions in behavior, a person, however, is not aware of them.

The life script has content and process. The content of each person's scenario is also unique as fingerprints. While the scenario process is divided into a relatively small number of specific patterns.

Winner Bern called the "who reaches the goals set in front of him." Under the victory it is understood that the goal is achieved easily and freely. Defeated "This is a man who does not reach the goal." And the case is not only in achieving the goal, but also to the degree of concomitant comfort. If, for example, a person decided to become a millionaire, became him, but constantly feels unhappy because of the ulcers of the stomach or intense work, he is defeated.

Depending on the tragicity of the finals of the script, the defeated can be classified according to three degrees. The script of the defeated first degree is a scenario in which failures and losses are not so serious to discuss them in society. For example, repeated quarrels at work, a small depression or failure in exams upon admission to the institute. Defeated with the second degree experience unpleasant feelings, serious enough to discuss them in society. It may be dismissal from work, exclusion from the university, hospitalization about severe illness, etc. The scenario of the third degree leads to death, injury, serious illness (including mental) or a court.

A man who has a non-winner scenario, patiently carries his burden on day, not much when he wins and not much losing. Such a person never risks. Therefore, such a scenario is called banal. At work, the wrong winner does not become the boss, but he is not fired. He most likely calmly finalize to the end, will receive as a gift the clock on the marble stand and retire.

Bern suggested a way with which you can distinguish the winner from the defeated. To do this, you need to ask a person what he will do if he loses. Bern believed that the winner knows what, but does not speak about it. The defeated does not know, but only does what he says about the victory, he puts everything on one card and thereby loses. The winner always takes into account several possibilities, so and wins.

To be in the life scenario, play scenario behavior and scenario feelings It means reacting to the reality "here and now" as if it would be a world painted in children's decisions. A person most often enters his scenario in the following cases.

When the situation "here and now" is perceived as stressful.

When there is a similarity between the situation "here and now" and the stressful situation in childhood.

When the situation "here and now" reminds a person a painful situation from his childhood, and he enters the script, it is said that the current situation is associated with an earlier situation with the help of a rubber tape. This makes it possible to understand why a person reacts as if he catapulled back to his past. Usually, a person cannot consciously submit this children's scene, so does not understand what is common in these situations. Talking with people with whom a person has a serious relationship identifies them with people from their past, and does it unconsciously.

Rubber tapes can be tied not only to people from our past, but also to smells, sounds, a certain surrounding or something else.

One of the goals is the disconnection of rubber ribbons. Due to the understanding of the scenario, a person can free themselves from the initial injury and from returning to old childhood situations.

Eric Bern introduced the concept scenic signals. Body signs pointing to the fact that the person entered the script. It may be a deep breath, changing the position of the body and the voltage of some part of the body. Some therapists are specializing in this area of \u200b\u200bthe theory - a bodily scenario. Scenic signals are playing by the man of his children's decisions that he accepted against his body. For example, a man, being a child, tried to reach her mother, but discovered that she often moves away from him. To suppress this natural need, he began to strain his hands and shoulders. In adult life, such a person continues to strain his body.

A person seeks to organize the world in such a way that he justifies scenario solutions. This explains, for example, why people again and again come into painful relationships or adhere to pattern patterns that lead to punishment. When a person took his scenario decisions as a child, it seemed to him that only a terrible catastrophe could be the only alternative to these decisions. And he did not have a clear idea, which is this catastrophe, but he knew that it should be avoided at any cost. Therefore, every time scenario decisions are confirmed, a person begins to seem to appear that they still help to avoid the catastrophe. That is why people often say that it is easier for them to behave in an old one, at the same time recognizing that this behavior is self-disstaining.

To get out of the script, it is necessary to detect the needs, non-complete in childhood, and find ways to meet these needs in the present.

You need to distinguish the script and course of life. Bern wrote: "The script is that a person has planned to commit in early childhood, and the course of life is what really happens." The course of life is the result of the interaction of four factors: heredity, external events, scenario, autonomous solutions.

There are four options in the script Life positions:

  1. I-OK, you are OK;
  2. I dear, you are OK;
  3. I-OK, you are neat;
  4. I dear, you are neat.

Life position is the main qualities (values) that a person appreciates in itself and other people. This means something more than just some kind of opinion about your behavior and behavior of other people.

The life position of the child takes earlier scenario solutions - in the first months of feeding, and then the whole scenario adjusts to it. Life position is a set of basic ideas about themselves and others who are called upon to justify the decision and behavior of a person.

Each adult man has its own scenario based on one of the four life positions. We are not all the time in your selected position, and every minute of our life can change life positions, although in the aggregate most of the time it is inclined to conduct in the "your" position.

The child takes scenario solutions in accordance with his perception of the surrounding world. Consequently, the messages that the child receives from their parents and the surrounding world can be completely different from the messages perceived by an adult man.

Scenic Messages can be sent verbally, non-verbally or the other way at the same time. Before the child starts talking, he interprets the messages of other people in the form of non-verbal signals. He subtly perceives the intonation of verbal statements, body movements, smells and sounds. Sometimes the child perceives scenic messages, based on the events around it, which do not depend on the parents: loud noise, unexpected movements, parting with their parents while staying in the hospital, - all this may seem the child the threat of his life. Later, when a child begins to understand the language, non-verbal communications remain an important component of scenario messages. When talking parents with a child, he will interpret the scenic value of what they say, in accordance with accompanying non-verbal signals.

As already known, the child is constantly looking for an answer to the question: "How best to me to achieve what I want?". Perhaps a little girl notes that when a mother wants something from his father, she first begins to swear, and then crying. The child comes to the conclusion: "To get from people, especially from men, what I want to do as a mother." In this case, the daughter copies the behavior of the mother. Copied pattern patterns are another kind of scenic messages.

Scenic messages can be transmitted in the form of direct instructions (orders): "Do not bother me! Do what they tell you! Get away! Fast! Do not be fancy!" The power of these orders as scenario messages will depend on how often they are repeated from the accompanying non-verbal signals.

In other cases, the child may not say what he should do, and who he is. Such messages are called estimates: "You are stupid!"; "My little girl!"; "You will end in prison!"; "You will not achieve anything!". The content of estimates may be positive or negative, and their strength, as scenario messages, will depend on their accompanying non-verbal signals.

However, it happens that his main scenario decision of the child accepts when responding to one single event that he perceives as a particularly threatening. Such an event is called traumatic. On the day when a traumatic event occurred, a "born" is born. This means that the thoughts, feelings and patterns of the behavior of an adult in the ego-condition of the child will accurately correspond to his thoughts, feelings and behavior that day.

Bern notes that the person displeased with its scenario can begin to act on antiscenarium - the scenario on the contrary. The script continues to press a person, but the fact that in the script needed to do well, a person does badly. And vice versa. For example, a man who, in the image of his father, was prepared to be a quiet family drunk, throwing drinks immediately throws his family. Or a young man who was intended to be close to the lonely mother in old age, and therefore take care of himself and have minimal contacts with the girls, it begins to change the girlfriends every week, to use drugs and engage in extreme sports.

Parents are rarely eliminated from choosing a script for their child. Depending on how scenic messages do not correspond to the real abilities of the child and deny his desire to be, they can lead to the development of pathology. Pathology has different degrees and may vary from a mild, rarely interfering personality to use their abilities., To strong, when a person becomes a ridiculous caricature on his present J. E. Bern in one of the books described how to do this: to talk to the child "Be happy " A similar phrase, repeated by the parent, gives the child to understand that the child himself can choose the script for himself, with which he will be happy.

Thus, the script is a life plan, resembling a performance in which the personality is forced to play a role. The script directly depends on the positions adopted in childhood, and is recorded in the ego-state of the child through transactions that occur between parents and a child.


A transactional analysis is a rational method of understanding behavior, based on the conclusion that each person can learn to trust themselves, to think for themselves, to make independent decisions and openly express their feelings. Its principles can be applied at work, at home, at school, with neighbors - everywhere, where people are dealing with people. The foundations of the theory of transactional analysis were described by Eric Berne.

Transactional analysis includes:

  1. Structural analysis - analysis of the personality structure.
  2. Analysis of transactions - verbal and non-verbal interactions between people.
  3. Analysis of psychological games, hidden transactions leading to the desired outcome - win.
  4. Analysis of the scenario (script analysis) of an individual life scenario, which man involuntarily follows.

The basis of the correctional interaction is a structural analysis of the "ego-position", which involves a demonstration of interaction with the help of technology role-playing games.

Transactional analysis is effective in group work, intended for short-term psychocorrection work. A transactional analysis provides the client with the opportunity to go beyond unconscious schemes and behavior patterns, and, by taking a different cognitive structure of behavior, to obtain an opportunity for arbitrary free behavior.


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If you want to change your life - start with your character. Want to change in nature - start with your habits. Want to change the habits - start doing what I have not done before. But at the same time ask yourself: "Who am I?"
Vladimir Karikash, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Positive Psychotherapy

Each person has three states, or, as they say, three ego states that determine how he behaves with others, and that from this in the end it turns out.

These states are called: parent, adult, child. These three ego states are described in the theory of Eric Bern's transactional analysis, outlined in his book "People who play games."

At each moment of your life we \u200b\u200bare in one of these three states. Moreover, their shift can occur as much as possible and quickly: for example, just that I communicated with my friend from the standpoint of an adult, after a second he was offended by him as a child, and a minute later he began to teach him from the state of his parent.

The state of "parent" is an accurate copy of parental behavior samples.

In this state, a person feels, thinks, acts, says and reacts in the same way as his parents did when he was a child. He copies the behavior of his parents. And then you need to take into account the two parent components: one - from the father, the other - from the mother.

The state of my parent can be activated when upbringing your own children. Even when this state, I do not look active, it most often affects the behavior of a person, performing the function of the internal controller, the voices of conscience.

The state of "adult" is that a person objectively appreciates what happens to him

A man in position I am an adult is in a state "here and now." He adequately appreciates his actions and actions, completely gives himself a report and takes responsibility for everything he does.

Each person carries the features of a little boy or a little girl. He sometimes feels, thinks, acts, says and reacts in the same way as he did in childhood.

This state is called a "child"

When we are in the position of I-child, we are in a state of controlled, in the state of education objects, objects of adoration, that is, in the state of those who we were when they were children.

The person becomes a mature person when the state of an adult dominates in his behavior. If a child or parent dominates, it leads to inadequate behavior and to distorting the worldview.

It is very important to balance the three i-states by strengthening the role of an adult, and clearly analyze: who am I? In which ego-condition, I am now? Does this mean the state of the current situation?

Ego state

Stored entries

Examples of behavior


* All instructions, rules and laws that the child heard from his parents and saw in their lifestyle; * Perception of the parental relationship at the earlier age; * thousands of "no" and "it is impossible"; * Images of happy or unfortunate parents; * deterrence, coercion, permission, prohibition - "Multi-volume meeting of information, essential for human survival in the group of people.

Physical signs: Frightened forehead, pointing finger, swinging head, "Grozny appearance", kicking up legs, hands on hips, arms crossed on the chest, clicking a tongue, stroking the other on the head, etc. Words and expressions: "Always", "Never", "how many times I told you," remember once and forever, "" I would be in your place .. ", words: stupid, capricious, ridiculous, disgusting, shower, cutie Well, well, enough, it should, it should be necessary.


Information acquired by research and verification

Physical signs: Pose - straight, shimmering eyes- 3-6 times per minute. Words and Expressions: Why, when, who and how, how, relative, comparative, it is true / incorrect, probably may not know, I think I see it's my opinion, etc.


Since a small person does not own a dictionary during the most critical of its early experiences, most reactions are manifested in feelings.

    negative data about itself: "This is my wines," "Again!", "And so always";

    creation, curiosity, desire to explore and learn, the desire to touch, feel, experience, as well as records of the wonderful feelings of the first discoveries.

Physical signs: Tears, lip shakes, quick-tempered, irritability, shrug shrugs, reversed, teasing, admiration and delight, raising your hands to get permission to talk, habit of gnawing nails, picking your finger in the nose, giggle, giggling. Words and expressions: I want, I don't know, I don't care, it seems to me when I grow up

The structural model is applied when analyzing the internal state.

The Eric Bern transaction analysis is a developed system, at the base of which lies an idea of \u200b\u200bthe consciousness of a person as the composition of the three states "I":



According to E. Bern, all these three states of personality are formed in the process of contacting the child with parents, he receives images from them and an example of behavior, takes the scenario, the path of its implementation, receives an antishang. Scenario - This is the "Life Plan, compiled in childhood",

Transaction - This is a unit of communication, which consists of an incentive and reaction. For example, a stimulus: "Hi!", Reaction: "Hi! How are you?". During communication (transaction exchange), our ego-states interact with the ego states of our partner to communicate. TRANSACTIONs are three species:

    Parallel (eng. reciprocal/ compleMentary.) - These are transactions in which the stimulus emanating from one person is directly complemented by the reaction of the other. For example, a stimulus: "What time is it?", Reaction: "Frequently six". In this case, the interaction occurs between people in the same ego states (adult).

    Intersecting (eng. crossed.) - Directions of the incentive and reactions intersect, transaction data are the basis for scandals. For example, a husband asks: "Where is my tie?" The wife answers with irritation: "I always have everything to blame !!!". In this case, the stimulus is directed from an adult husband to an adult wife, and the reaction comes from the child to the parent.

    Hidden (eng. duplex/ covert.) Transactions occur when a person says one thing, but at the same time means completely different. In this case, pronounced words, the tone of the voice, the expression of the face, gestures and relationships are often not consistent with each other. Hidden transactions are soil for the development of psychological games. The theory of psychological games was described by Eric Berne in the book "Games in which people play." Game Analysis is one of the methods used by transactional analysts.

Test. Try to evaluate how these three "I" are combined in your behavior. To do this, evaluate the above statements in points from 0 to 10.

1. I sometimes lack excerpts. nine

2. If my wishes interfere with me, I can suppress them. 7.

3. Parents like more adults must arrange the family life of their children. 6.

4. I sometimes exaggerate your role in any events. 6.

5. I am not easy to spend. five

6. I would like to be an educator. 10

7. It happens, I want to think about how little. four

8. I think that I correctly understand all the events. eight

9. Everyone must fulfill their debt. nine

10. Often I do not do it, but as I want. 0.

11. Deciding, I try to think through its consequences. 10

12. The younger generation must learn from the elders how he should live. eight

13. I, like many people, having bothering. eight

14. I manage to see in people more than they talk about themselves. nine

15. Children must definitely follow the instructions of the parents. 6.

16. I am a fondant person. eight

17. My main criterion for evaluating a person is objectivity. 6.

18. My views are unshakable. eight

19. It happens that I am not inferior in the dispute only because I do not want to give up. five

20. Rules are justified only as long as they are useful. 7.

21. People must comply with all the rules regardless of the circumstances. four

Key to test Transactional analysis by E. Bern (test child, adult, parent). Role positions in interpersonal relationships by E. Bern

I (state "" child "): 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19. (9 + 6 + 4 + 0 + 8 + 8 + 5 \u003d 40)

II (state "" adult "): 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20. (7 + 5 + 8 + 10 + 9 + 6 + 7 \u003d 52)

III (state "" Parent "): 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21. (6 + 10 + 9 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 4 \u003d 51)


If you have Formula II, I, III, or Lp This means that you have a sense of responsibility, impulsive and are not prone to edification and teachings.

If you have got Formula III, I, II, or RDVit is characterized by categoricalness in judgments and actions, it is possible an excessive manifestation of self-confidence when interacting with people, most often say no doubt what you think or know without worrying about the consequences of your words and actions.

If in the first place in the formula condition I or D-condition("" Child "), then you can show a tendency to scientific work, although not always know how to manage your emotions.

Signs of actualization of various ego-states

1. Ego-state child

Verbal signs: a) exclamations: here are those on! Fu you!, God!, Damn it!; b) the words of the egocentric circle: I want, I can not, but I don't know what I do not know, etc.; c) appeal to others: help me, you do not love me, you will regret; d) self-consulting expressions: I am a fool, I do not go out for me, etc.

Appeal You are - you and you - you.

: involuntary boosters, germination, shrug, hand shaking, redness, eye ripping, replete eyes, look upwards; Intonation asking, new, fast and loud voice, angry and stubborn silence, teasing, maliciousness, excitement, etc.

2. Ego-state adult

Verbal signs: The statement expresses the opinion, and not a read-adjustment judgment, expressions of the type are used: Thus, it is probably relatively relatively, it is advisable, an alternative, in my opinion, as far as possible, let's look at the reasons, etc.

Appeal You are you and you - you.

Behavioral (non-verbal) signs: Pose straight (but not frozen); The face is addressed to the interlocutor, openly, interested: Natural gesticulation in a conversation; contact eye on one with a partner level; Voice is clear, clear, calm, smooth, without excessive emotions.

3. Ego-State Parent

Verbal signs - words and expressions of the type: a) should not, never, must, because I said, do not ask questions that people think (say); b) Estimated judgments: stubborn, stupid, insignificant, poor fellow, clever, excellent, capable.

Appeal You are - you (with me they appeal to you, I appeal to you).

Behavioral (non-verbal) signs: Pointing gesture (accusation, threat), raised up finger, patting on the back, cheek; authoritarian postures (hands on the hips, crossed on the chest), top view down (the head is thrown back), knock on the table, etc.; The voice tone is mocking, supermarked, accusing, a patronage, sympathizing.

A mature man skillfully uses different forms of behavior, if only they were relevant. Self-controlling and flexibility helps him return to the "adult" in time, which, in fact, distinguishes the mature personality from the Yunca, even if there is a solid age.


So, when we are talking about the ego states on Bern, we mean the idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the personality.

According to Eric Bernou under the ego-condition, a certain pattern of thoughts, feelings, experiences associated with certain pattern behavior are understood.

Three ego-states distinguish: parent, adult, child (child).

Ego-condition child (e)

Ego-state child - This is a complex of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that are experienced by the person earlier, in childhood. When a person is in a children's ego-condition, it is breaking bright emotions and a variety of desires and needs. You can diagnose the child's ego-condition when your interlocutor demonstrates delight, giggles, or, for example, urgently urges in a chair and is sitting under a strict eye of the bosses (just as once in childhood, seeing a harsh teacher).

Psychotherapist Irina Stubanova about the healing of the inner child (approx.

The child is characterized by grandeur and omnipotence, as well as depreciation. Often you can hear such a phrase: "I am afraid that if I leave him, he will not survive it." There are two options at once: I am so gradsted that my care can destroy another person, and the partner is so impairment that he does not have enough strength to survive the break of relationships.

From the point of view of the functional model, the child can be adaptive (obedient, brought up, relevant social requirements, it is possible to lose the feeling of their feelings, especially such socially abruptly as anger, rage, irritation) and free (creative, spontaneous, impulsive, etc.).

Ego-condition Parent (P)

Ego-State Parent - These are thoughts, feelings and behaviors that we have adopted from parents or figures that replace them. Each of us in the head sounds voice speaking, which is good, and what is bad, which is possible, and what is impossible. If we listen to them carefully, we will understand whose voice from our past one or another installation is pronounced.

For example: Evening, it's time to go to bed, and the work is not done. And in the head of the personality, approximately such a dialogue can occur:

It's time to sleep, tomorrow I get up early, you won't sleep (Mamina voice).
How to sleep?! I have to finish the project today! It was necessary to move faster and less distracted. Well, me and turtle(daddy voice).

According to the functional criterion, a caring parent is distinguished (a careful, protecting, supporting, and maybe a hyper) and a criticizing parent (criticizing, hanging labels, controlling).

Gestalt therapist Elena Mitin: About the inner parent or what makes happy adults (approx.

Ego-state adult (B)

In an adult ego-condition, we work as computers: Reality is aware, logically verified decisions are taken, causal relationships are analyzed. Information is collected by research and verification. Adult ego-condition answers questions when, how much, where, etc.


The biological age of man is not as important as his mental state. American psychologist E. Bern allocated three I-states in which every person from time to time: parent, child or adult.

The twentieth century gave the world of many outstanding people. One of them is an American psychologist and psychiatrist Eric Bern (1910-1970), the creator of transactional analysis. His theory became a separate popular destination in psychology, including the ideas of psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology.

The theory of transact analysis E. Bern outlined the language available to readers in several works. Many of them are translated into Russian and remain bestsellers for more than half a century. The most famous books: "The games in which people play", "people who play games", "outside games and scenarios".

And in the book "Transactional analysis in psychotherapy. System Individual and Social Psychiatry "Contains the whole Sleepy theory of E. Burn, and not only its main blocks deployed in subsequent publications is the analysis of games and scenarios - but also aspects that the author in other books does not expose.

In the practical sense, a transactional analysis is a system for the correction of the behavior of individuals, steam and small groups. After reviewing the works of E. Bern and taking his concept to armared, you can independently adjust the behavior so as to establish relationships with the surrounding people and yourself.

Central Concept of Theory - transaction - Act of the interaction of two people entering into communication, the basis of interpersonal relations.

Literally from English The word "transaction" is difficult to translate, but in meaning it is most often interpreted as "interaction", although transaction - This is not all interaction entirely, but only its element, a unit of communication. The interaction of people is made up of a variety of transactions.

Transaction includes stimulus and reaction. One person says something (stimulus), and the second one answers (reaction).

Simple transaction example:

- Can I help you? (stimulus)
- No, thanks, I myself. (reaction)

If the interaction was based only on the "Stimulus-Reaction" scheme would not be such a variety of human relations. Why do people behave differently with different people and is differently revealed in cooperation?

The fact is that communicating, one individual contacts another person as a personality with a person, or rather some part of his personality with a part of another person's personality.

Theory of i-states

E. Bern identified the personality structure as a composition of its three components or parts - I-state (Ego-states).


All standards, rules, prohibitions, prejudices and morals, which man learns in childhood from parents and other significant adults, is being called what is called "internal voice" or "voice of conscience". When the conscience wakes up, an internal parent awakens.

Most people know what it means to be a parent, cares, care and educate the child. In the ego-condition, the parent person seeks to manage, control, lead. His position in communication is indulgent or contemptuous, it is categorical, emotional, operates with life experiences and wisdom, loves to teach, instruct, moralize.

E. Bern shared this I am a state on a helpering parent, which mainly supports and take a critical parent, who scolds and accuses.


Everyone was a child and in adult life sometimes happen to return to the children's style of behavior. The child behaves naturally, naively, spontaneously, it will fool, rejoices of life, adapts and rewinds. In the position of the child, a person often does not care about their own desires and needs.

In relationships, the child is a parent depends on his parent, subordinate to him, shows its weakness, no independence, shifts responsibility, capricious and so on.

The child "wakes up" in a mature man when he is engaged in creativity, looking for creative ideas, spontaneously expresses emotions, plays and having fun. The position of the child is a source of spontaneity and sexuality.

Behavior, posture, facial expressions and gestures in the child are not contrived, and live and active, they express true feelings and experiences. A child's man will easily populate, laugh, lowered his head, if it feels guilty, lips inflated, if it is offended and so on. His speech is rich and expressive, filled with questions and exclamations.


I am an adult state is designed to adjust and adapt the gusts of the child and the parent to keep the psyche balance. This is a state of equilibrium, tranquility, restraint. Solving the problem, an adult will consider it from all sides, will analyze, will make conclusions, the forecast will be an action plan and will implement it. He communicates not from the position "from above" as a parent or "bottom" as a child, but on equal, as a partner. An adult is confident in herself, talking calmly, cold and only in the case. It differs from his parent with his inconsistency, insensitiousness and irregularity.

Each of the three ego states can be defined as a strategy for influencing another person. The child manipulates, occupying the position "I want!", Parent - "It is necessary!", Adult - combining "I want" and "necessary."

For example, in a married couple, where the husband occupies a parent position, the wife can consciously manipulate them by occupying the position of the child. She knows that she is only to praise, so that the husband did everything she wants.

If the states of two people complement each other, that is, a transaction stimulus entails a relevant and natural reaction, communication will go smoothly and continue for a very long time. Otherwise, misunderstandings arise, misunderstanding, quarrels, conflicts and other problems in communication.

For example, adult adult or parent-child will be smooth. If the first interlocutor appeals to the second from the position of an adult and expects that he is also an adult, but receives a child's answer, difficulties may arise.

For example:

- We are late, you need to hurry. (Adult adult)
- It's all because you are unorganized! (Parent child)

There are much more complex and intricate transactions. For example, when at the verbal level there is a communication at the level of an adult, and on a non-verbal adult

Child. If the phrase "I do not agree with you", characteristic of an adult, is pronounced offended, this is the position of the child.

A transactional analysis begins with the designation of I-states of participants in the interaction. It is necessary in order to determine the nature of the relationship and the influence of people on each other.

Each I-condition has both a positive and negative aspect. Well when a person knows how to combine all these three positions: to be a cheerful child, and a caring parent, and reasonable adults.

What is your condition you notice the most often?

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