A military equipment dump near Chernobyl. Abandoned equipment in the exclusion zone

There are many objects of interest to visit in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The absence of humans and the stage of irreversible degradation of buildings have formed a unique post-apocalyptic world that does not imply the presence of people in it. There are many different elements in the ChEZ that shape this world. These are the houses of Pripyat, thickets, the remains of Soviet symbols and equipment from the 80s era, the industrial of the Jupiter radio plant and the fifth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. However, there is one more important element in the culture of the Exclusion Zone, which influenced the emergence of the current post-apocalyptic reality. It's about about abandoned equipment in these places.

In the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, at one time there were RWDFs - Disposal Point radioactive waste. They were ordinary burial grounds and settling tanks for equipment that took part in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. In view of high levels radiation in 1986-1987. equipment (namely helicopters, IMR, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, tractors, etc.) were contaminated with radionuclides and, accordingly, were unsuitable for further exploitation. The contaminated equipment was sent to the PZRO, where it remained to this day, representing a real technical cemetery for various machines. There are two such PZROs on the territory of the Exclusion Zone - "Buryakovka" and "Rassokha". Particularly interesting in this regard is “Rassokha” - for a long time there were helicopters that took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident, as well as countless armored personnel carriers. But this is where the trouble lies. Starting in 2006, access to the site was limited, and at the end of 2012, Rassokha ceased to exist. Some were cut into scrap metal, some were liquidated. Since I started actively traveling to the Chernobyl Zone in 2012, I simply physically could not go to “Rassokha”. To appreciate the aesthetics of this PZRO, I recommend looking at this photo:

The stunning magnificence of rotary-wing vehicles and wheeled-tracked vehicles! For some time, the interest of fans of the Exclusion Zone equipment was satisfied by the Buryakovka PZRO. Of course, it was difficult with helicopters there, but there was plenty of other equipment. In 2012, I had two options for traveling to the Zone - in September or in August. I went in August and... didn’t get to Buryakovka. Since 2013, this facility has been equipped with limited access. In principle, technology is not the primary point of my interests in the Exclusion Zone, so I take this quite calmly. If you want to watch "Buryakovka", anzee (clickable) 2010, as well as pictures of the Pripyat City project (see and). I, in turn, will show some photographs of abandoned equipment that can be found in various parts of the Exclusion Zone. Still keeping traces radioactive contamination, affected by rust and with peeling paint, but at the same time, real attributes of the radioactive technical industrial of the post-apocalyptic world of the Zone...

Vicinity of Yanov station, IMR cemetery - engineering vehicles barriers. IMRs were used to remove radioactive soil.

The trademark of the IMR is its enchanting bucket.

For some experienced walkers in the Exclusion Zone of the IMR, visiting the IMR is akin to religion. I have a friend Alexander Artyukhovsky from St. Petersburg, for whom the technology in the Zone is much more more important than visiting Pripyat. Personally, I am indifferent to these iron monsters, but, nevertheless, I agree that they also play a role in the formation of the post-apocalyptic culture of the Zone.

Dosimetry enthusiasts always measure these wheels. There's definitely some background here, though I don't know what the exact values ​​are here, but the background is elevated. The increased background is quite logical - after all, the equipment was moving on radioactive soil.

Such a freak in Yanov.


It has its own aesthetics, but personally, one visit is enough for me to satisfy my curiosity about the technology in the Zone.

In addition to Buryakovka, equipment in the Zone is clustered at the Yanov station. By the way, it’s also difficult to get there now because they’re starting to cut down the equipment.


Time, industrial, post-apocalyptic... Machines in a world without people.

Kopachi sat down. There is an MTS nearby, so in the vicinity of the village you can meet various equipment, including agricultural purposes.

"Trolleybus that goes east." A unique Chernobyl trolleybus in one copy, the village of Kopachi. The “trawlers” themselves were not (and could not have been) in the Zone; the inscription on it speaks about the purposes for which it was used.

Winter Chernobyl trolleybus.

IMR in Kopachi. The village of Kopachi itself was completely buried by equipment. Apparently, the IMR remained just after the liquidation of the village.

Combine harvester SK-5 "Niva"

There is another accumulation of agricultural machinery in the Zone in the village of Zimovishche, but I have not been there yet.


The backyard of the Sporting Goods store in Pripyat.

Right there.

Chernobyl "Cossack", village Kupovatoe. I’ll have to recommend the famous root-crawler of all LJ to the collection yozas_gubka .

The famous Pripyat ladle. Or a ladle named after Ruslan Muradov, a well-known lover of this particular item in Chernobyl circles.

Bucket in winter time. The ladle itself was used to clean the roof of the 4th Chernobyl nuclear power plant unit from graphite. Increased inside the bucket background radiation, 8-9 milliroentgen can be caught with a dosimeter there.

Remains of equipment in the forest, the road to Volkhov. What it is doing in the deep forest is unclear.

From a different angle.



And finally - the ship cemetery, the Chernobyl backwater.

The photos were taken early in the morning, which is why they turned out so colorful.
Although I have not visited “Rassokha” and “Buryakovka,” you can still get an idea of ​​the equipment located in the Exclusion Zone. Unfortunately, the equipment belongs to the endangered objects of the Zone, since it is cut into scrap metal and every year there is less and less of it in these places. But something else can still be seen...

The equipment cemetery in Chernobyl is one of the largest man-made landfills remaining on the territory of the former Soviet Union which gives you a lot to think about. It is worth recognizing that she is not the only one. After the collapse of the USSR, quite a lot of military equipment remained in small republics. It became too expensive for the new authorities to maintain it, so they simply wrote it off and left it to rust on the street. But this cemetery is a completely different story. In this case, the equipment was deliberately thrown into danger zone to protect people from where these machines were contaminated.

Chernobyl accident

The equipment cemetery in Chernobyl is one of the consequences of the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which we can still observe today.

Perhaps the whole world remembers the date of the year. It was on this day that the largest technological disaster in the world. The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant immediately claimed many lives, but its long-term consequences were much more devastating. For many years, those who were somehow connected with this accident or its response struggled with diseases and illnesses caused by radiation. The harm to human health that this accident caused, according to scientists, will be fully reflected in the next few generations.

Elimination of the accident

More than half a million people were involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident and great amount technology that now cannot even be counted. IN as soon as possible More than 100 thousand residents were evacuated from an area of ​​30 kilometers surrounding the nuclear power plant. These places have forever become uninhabitable.

The authorities quickly decided to build a sarcophagus, which was supposed to bury the remains radioactive substances, as well as the ruins of the exploded nuclear reactor. For this they involved a large number of construction equipment, which also turned out to be contaminated.

Technology in Chernobyl

Chernobyl has one of the largest in the former Soviet Union. Of course, before the accident there simply weren’t that many cars here. They began to actively bring them here from all over the USSR in order to quickly evacuate residents and eliminate the consequences of the accident. The equipment that received the largest dose of radiation was immediately disposed of in a burial ground. She was simply buried. And some engineering vehicles that directly worked at the epicenter of the accident were walled up in a sarcophagus. They literally became supports for him.

All the buses that delivered liquidation teams to the nuclear power plant were also promptly buried. They also received a huge dose of radiation and were dangerous to humans. The basis of the equipment cemetery in Chernobyl was made up of vehicles that took part in construction work. IN in this case deactivation turned out to be either impossible or too expensive. The equipment was abandoned in a restricted area far from people.

What equipment ended up in the cemetery?

Today, a large number of photographs are available that depict the equipment cemetery in Chernobyl. These are buses, trucks, military armored personnel carriers and even airplanes. They were also abandoned personal cars local residents, since during the evacuation we had to take only the most necessary things. In addition, most people believed that very soon they would be able to return home again.

The cemetery in Chernobyl clearly demonstrates that everyone who could be involved in the shortest possible time took part in the liquidation of the accident. This primarily applies to the military and security forces, for example, to the fire services. There were also many volunteers who came in their own vehicles. Today, dismantled cars look especially creepy at the radioactive equipment cemetery in Chernobyl. It turns out that people, risking their lives, dismantled them for parts in order to resell them, without thinking about the fact that individual parts were most likely radioactive.

Ghost town

Today, the equipment cemetery in Chernobyl, a photo of which is in this article, is concentrated in the area of ​​​​the ghost town - Pripyat. There are real apocalyptic landscapes everywhere that excite everyone’s consciousness. From many cars only skeletons remained. Everything else was sold for spare parts. The insides were stolen and sold by looters. These places, like everything mysterious and mysterious, today attract many tourists. Some dream of seeing mutants in the exclusion zone, others dream of taking photographs of a lifeless world. Excursions to Pripyat are conducted, but only to those places where work was carried out to deactivate the soil, as well as surrounding buildings.

Everyone who comes to Chernobyl must visit Pripyat, as well as the surrounding area of ​​the power plant where the explosion occurred. Another important point programs - a cemetery of abandoned equipment.

Impact of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

How did it influence Chernobyl disaster on people and surrounding nature? It is difficult to answer this question even 30 years after the tragedy. It is obvious that many diseases have become younger today - heart attacks are increasingly occurring in very young people. It is possible that this is one of the consequences of the accident at the power plant. An even more obvious consequence is a surge oncological diseases. After all, radiation seriously affects oncology. Moreover, she provided Negative influence on animal world. In the restricted area today the population of individuals has decreased significantly.

The cemetery to which this article is dedicated perhaps best illustrates the helplessness that a person feels against atomic energy. Having assessed the amount of equipment that now remains in Chernobyl, one can realize what efforts were aimed at evacuating people and eliminating the consequences of the accident. All that remains around today is only emptiness and frightening destruction.

Not long ago, news appeared on the Internet that the equipment cemetery had disappeared from Chernobyl. As evidence, they even cited photographs taken from modern space satellites, and various theories were expressed. Some even claimed that contaminated equipment was being used in the conflict in southeastern Ukraine. In reality, these messages turned out to be fake. The equipment still remains on the territory of Chernobyl.

The liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was a difficult ordeal. The atom, which suddenly became non-peaceful, spared no one: neither people nor equipment. Helicopters, engineering vehicles and other special equipment that ended up in Chernobyl received a dose of radiation that excluded them further use. It was decided to mothball all this equipment and forget about it for many decades. But something went wrong and life made its own adjustments.

The area of ​​the burial ground, located in the vicinity of the village of Rassokha, Ivankovsky district, Kyiv region, was about 20 hectares, and total cost already real estate in 1986 prices - 46 million US dollars (this is more than 1,350 units of various equipment: helicopters, cars, buses, armored personnel carriers). Of course, such wealth could not help but attract lovers of easy money.

The equipment cemetery is simply immense in size. Infected cars stand in rows. Armored personnel carriers, trucks, ambulances, fire trucks, buses, excavators, robotic bulldozers and even cargo helicopters (the most powerful in the world - 50t lift). The equipment at the nuclear dump is in a very disrepair, some of which only have their skeletons left. Those pieces of equipment that were most heavily irradiated were immediately buried at great depths.
These are robotic bulldozers; they were used to dump blocks of radioactive graphite into the open reactor, which was thrown onto the roof from the reactor during the explosion. These are the buses on which the residents of Pripyat were evacuated, opposite the ambulance, and fire trucks nearby.

Now this landfill no longer exists. All dirty, i.e. infected deadly radiation the technology has disappeared. On forums where the topic of Rassokha was discussed, users identified three waves of theft of radioactive abandoned property. The first began during the USSR - then they removed scarce spare parts for working equipment in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The second - in the 90s, when they began to remove engines from trucks en masse, they cut off the front radiator lining and the hood. Sometimes such spare parts later surfaced at the Kharkov car market. The third wave began in 2000-2002, when the remaining equipment began to be taken away for scrap.

Official works The liquidation of the radioactive dump began in 2013, and today there is practically nothing left at the site of the radioactive burial ground.
This is what the radioactive equipment dump looked like a few years ago.
And this is what the Rassokhinskoye “cemetery” looks like today.

Where did hundreds of tons of contaminated iron, aluminum, copper and other metals go or what were they melted into? Where will this time bomb pop up? No one has any answers yet.

The settling tank for radiation-contaminated equipment "Rassokha", which was used in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, located near the abandoned village of the same name in the 30-kilometer Exclusion Zone, is a fairly well-known place to the general public. And the pictures placed in this photo The report is also very ordinary. Their uniqueness lies in only one thing - probably this was the last report from the radioactive graveyard of cars. In November-December 2012, the Rassokha settling tank ceased to exist, everything that could be washed and decontaminated was cut into pieces and sold for scrap metal, and the rest of the “dirty” equipment, for example, heavily polluted helicopters, was moved to a 10-kilometer zone, in radioactive waste disposal site "Buryakovka".
How did it happen that the steel loyal friends of the liquidators who challenged mortal danger, were mercilessly cut up and sent for melting down? Since 2011, rumors began to actively spread about the reduction of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone along the border of the Uzh River. The rest of the territory, recognized as conditionally clean, was to go to Yanukovych’s hunting estate, in addition to the already existing Dnieper-Teterevsky, located more than 20 kilometers from here.
In September 2012, I was lucky enough to see everything that had survived at that time. After all, Rassokha began to be slowly cut back in 2006.

1. BRDM - armored reconnaissance and patrol vehicle. They were actively used in liquidation of consequences; the armor reduced the level of gamma radiation several times; in addition, the vehicle was equipped with a built-in radiometer. As a rule, such “armor” was used for radiation reconnaissance- measurements of levels on the ground.

2. Rows of armored vehicles

3. Fas. A very maneuverable and fast machine, somewhat similar to a boat, by the way, it is capable of swimming.

4. Multi-purpose transport helicopter MI 6. "Misha". There were initially six of these beauties on Rassokha. By my visit, only one remained more or less intact.

5. A few more cut up cars

6. And all that was left was the blades. They also say that there used to be several small MI-2s here, but there was no trace of them.

7. On board the dead MI6

8. The truck body looks quite gloomy...

9. Cabins, scraps of iron.

10. Heavy engineering clearing vehicle - IMR. Now in the Donbass, the DPR army has such a colossus, its 2nd modification.
And then, in 1986-1987, these monsters were simply irreplaceable - thick armor protected them from radiation, they felled the “Red Forest”, buried entire villages...

11. This copy of the IMR, unlike many of its comrades, which are now scattered throughout the ChEZ in eternal parking, was perfectly preserved at the time of shooting. Unfortunately, this exhibit, worthy of taking a place in the LPA memory museum, was cut into metal...

12. Remains of the legendary Soviet all-terrain vehicle "Shishiga"

13. The perimeter of the settling tank and a number of surviving ZILs

14. In the literal sense of this phrase - turned upside down

16. A path leads towards the nearest residential village, located on the other side of the barbed fence of the ChEZ, with clear traces of the wheels of a hand-cart. For years, people were engaged in illegal fishing at Rassokha, hauling metal and earning pennies for food and vodka... Now this has come to an end.

17. The tap was completely overgrown, apparently he tried to imitate it, but that didn’t help him either - they sawed it off

18. Tankers

19. Military tracklayer BAT. Unfortunately, the tower has already been cut down.

20. Typical landscape of the Rassokha settling tank

21. And this is what it looked like twenty years ago... The technology simply dazzles the eyes. We would like to make a museum here...But it’s too late.

22. This is what the former Rassokha settling tank looks like from a satellite now. The equipment was cut, the field was plowed. Everything is as it was before the accident, when there was a small airfield here...

The exploits of past years are forgotten, heroes pass away, and with them the silent witnesses of everything that happened - iron machines...
The merciless pace of time and human greed erase everything.
Thank you for your attention. ChEZ, September 2012.

There are many objects of interest to visit in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The absence of humans and the stage of irreversible degradation of buildings have formed a unique post-apocalyptic world that does not imply the presence of people in it. There are many different elements in the ChEZ that shape this world. This is both, thickets, and. At the same time, there is another important element in the culture of the Exclusion Zone, which influenced the emergence of the current post-apocalyptic reality. We are talking about abandoned equipment in these places.

In the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, at one time there was a RZRO - Radioactive Waste Disposal Site. They were ordinary burial grounds and settling tanks for equipment that took part in eliminating the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Due to high radiation levels in 1986-1987. equipment (namely helicopters, IMR, infantry fighting vehicles, trucks, tractors, etc.) was contaminated with radionuclides and, accordingly, was unsuitable for further operation. The contaminated equipment was sent to the PZRO, where it remained to this day, representing a real technical cemetery for various machines. There are two such PZROs on the territory of the Exclusion Zone - "Buryakovka" and "Rassokha". “Rassokha” is especially interesting in this regard - for a long time there were helicopters there that took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident, as well as countless armored personnel carriers. But this is where the trouble lies. Starting in 2006, access to the site was limited, and at the end of 2012, Rassokha ceased to exist. Some were cut into scrap metal, some were liquidated. Since I started actively traveling to the Chernobyl Zone in 2012, I simply physically could not go to “Rassokha”. To appreciate the aesthetics of this PZRO, I recommend looking at this photo:

The stunning magnificence of rotary-wing vehicles and wheeled-tracked vehicles! For some time, the interest of fans of the Exclusion Zone equipment was satisfied by the Buryakovka PZRO. Of course, it was difficult with helicopters there, but there was plenty of other equipment. In 2012, I had two options for traveling to the Zone - in September or in August. I went in August and... didn’t get to Buryakovka. Since 2013, limited access to this site has been introduced. In principle, technology is not the primary point of my interests in the Exclusion Zone, so I take this quite calmly. If you want to watch "Buryakovka", anzee (clickable) 2010, as well as pictures of the Pripyat City project (see and). I, in turn, will show some photographs of abandoned equipment that can be found in various parts of the Exclusion Zone. Still containing traces of radioactive contamination, affected by rust and peeling paint, but at the same time, real attributes of the radioactive technical industrial of the post-apocalyptic world of the Zone...

The vicinity of the Yanov station, the IMR cemetery - engineering vehicles barricade. IMRs were used to remove radioactive soil.

The trademark of the IMR is its enchanting bucket.

For some experienced walkers in the Exclusion Zone of the IMR, visiting the IMR is akin to religion. I have a friend Alexander Artyukhovsky from St. Petersburg, for whom technology in the Zone is much more important than visiting Pripyat. Personally, I am indifferent to these iron monsters, but, nevertheless, I agree that they also play a role in the formation of the post-apocalyptic culture of the Zone.

Dosimetry enthusiasts always measure these wheels. There's definitely some background here, though I don't know what the exact values ​​are here, but the background is elevated. The increased background is quite logical - after all, the equipment was moving on radioactive soil.

Such a freak in Yanov.


It has its own aesthetics, but personally, one visit is enough for me to satisfy my curiosity about the technology in the Zone.

In addition to Buryakovka, equipment in the Zone is clustered at the Yanov station. By the way, it’s also difficult to get there now because they’re starting to cut down the equipment.


Time, industrial, post-apocalyptic... Machines in a world without people.

Kopachi sat down. There is an MTS nearby, so in the vicinity of the village you can find various equipment, including agricultural equipment.

"Trolleybus that goes east." A unique Chernobyl trolleybus in one copy, the village of Kopachi. The “trawlers” themselves were not (and could not have been) in the Zone; the inscription on it speaks about the purposes for which it was used.

Winter Chernobyl trolleybus.

IMR in Kopachi. The village of Kopachi itself was completely buried by equipment. Apparently, the IMR remained just after the liquidation of the village.

Combine harvester SK-5 "Niva"

There is another accumulation of agricultural machinery in the Zone in the village of Zimovishche, but I have not been there yet.


Backyard in Pripyat.

Right there.

Chernobyl "Cossack", village Kupovatoe. I’ll have to recommend the famous root-crawler of all LJ to the collection yozas_gubka .

The famous Pripyat ladle. Or a ladle named after Ruslan Muradov, a well-known lover of this particular item in Chernobyl circles.

Bucket in winter. The ladle itself was used to clean the roof of graphite of the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. There is an increased background radiation inside the bucket; 8-9 milliroentgen can be detected with a dosimeter there.

Remains of equipment in the forest, road to What it is doing in the deep forest is unclear.

From a different angle.



And finally - the ship cemetery, the Chernobyl backwater.

The photos were taken early in the morning, which is why they turned out so colorful.
Although I have not visited “Rassokha” and “Buryakovka,” you can still get an idea of ​​the equipment located in the Exclusion Zone. Unfortunately, the equipment belongs to the endangered objects of the Zone, since it is cut into scrap metal and every year there is less and less of it in these places. But something else can still be seen...

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