Specifications for the connection of the gas pipeline. Truth and lies about technological connection to gas networks

On the eve of 2014, the Government of the Russian Federation once again "delighted" the inhabitants of the country with new rules for technological connection to gas networks (Resolution No. gas distribution networks" .

This Decree put a heavy cross on the possibility of choosing the Contractor for the gasification of facilities for both individuals and organizations. But not everything is so clear. The Customer has the opportunity in some cases to refuse the imposed services of Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC for the gasification of facilities.

In accordance with Rules 1314, a gas distribution organization is obliged to lay a gas pipeline to the border of the owner's land plot, as well as take measures to tie into an existing distribution gas pipeline. At the same time, the cost of technological connection includes design work, the cost of materials and gas equipment from the gas distribution pipeline to the boundaries of the land plot. This is where Gazprom's monopoly ends.

Gas pipelines within the boundaries of the land plot, internal gas pipelines and installation of gas equipment (stove, boiler, column) can be performed by any specialized installation organization. Gas workers often deliberately keep silent about this.

To conclude an agreement on the technological connection of a new or reconstructed residential building or commercial property, the owner of the land plot applies to the local branch of Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC with an application for obtaining technical conditions, providing copies of the necessary documents.

You can familiarize yourself with the documents required to conclude an agreement for technological connection for all categories of applicants, as well as application forms and agreements, on the website of the local gas distribution organization.

All consumers are divided into three groups. The first group includes those subscribers whose gas consumption will not exceed 15 m3 per hour with an operating pressure of up to 0.3 MPa for legal entities and 5 m3 per hour for individuals. The second group is consumers whose gas consumption will not exceed 500 m3 per hour with a working pressure of up to 0.6 MPa. And the third group - the gas consumption of which exceeds 500 m3 per hour with a working pressure of more than 0.6 MPa, and the payment for technical connection is calculated according to an individual project.

If the gas consumption network to which the applicant is going to connect belongs to another subscriber, the applicant must provide consent from the main subscriber to connect the applicant's capital construction facility to its gas consumption network.

The issue of technical specifications may be refused if there is no technical possibility of connecting the facility (for example, if the throughput of the gas distribution network has reached the maximum allowable value) or if the capital construction facility is not subject to gasification.

The term for consideration of documents and conclusion of an agreement on technological connection is 1 month.

The technological connection agreement must contain the following conditions:

1) a list of connection activities to be performed by both the owner of the site and the gas distribution company;

2) obligations of the parties regarding the implementation of connection measures;

3) the term for the implementation of connection measures;

4) the procedure for delimiting the balance sheet ownership of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, the procedure for the operational responsibility of the parties;

5) the amount of payment for technological connection;

6) the procedure and terms for making payments for technological connection;

7) the cost of developing a gas supply project and conducting its examination (if the payment for technological connection is determined on an individual project);

8) a provision on the responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the deadlines for fulfilling obligations;

9) technical conditions for connection.

An annex to the technological connection agreement is the technical specifications, which most often contain a breakdown into two construction phases:

1st stage - activities of Gazprom Gas Distribution JSC for the installation of a gas pipeline to the boundaries of the land plot and the organization of a tie-in;

2nd stage - the Customer's activities for the design and installation of gas pipelines within the boundaries of the land plot, internal gas pipelines and gas equipment (stove, boiler, column).

The cost of the technological connection agreement includes the construction of a gas pipeline to the border of the applicant's land plot; tie-in of the constructed gas pipeline; acceptance of the gas pipeline built by the applicant inside its section at its own expense (both the underground part and the internal part); as well as starting gas.

Decree of the Department of Energy and Tariffs of the Ivanovo Region No. 164-g/1 dated November 15, 2017 approved tariffs for technological connection to gas distribution networks for 2018.

March 1, 2014 was remembered by many citizens of the Russian Federation as the day when new rules for connecting private houses to the gas main came into force. The good news stirred up the Internet - they say, if earlier it was necessary to pay a round sum of hundreds of thousands of rubles for connecting to gas, now a couple of tens are enough. Is that so, let's find out.

Enough time has passed since the entry into force of the new rules to draw any conclusions. Recall that earlier local governments themselves determined the tariffs, on the basis of which capital construction objects, or, simply speaking, private houses, could connect to the gas main. In practice, this approach worked in a very peculiar way - some municipalities did not set tariffs at all, others made them unbearable.

So, in the Moscow region, gasification before March 2014 could cost 700 thousand rubles, sometimes it reached a million, and a good hundred thousand went to bribes in order to speed up the procedures. Already in the Leningrad region, a tie-in into a gas pipe cost 300 thousand, and somewhere far away, for example, in the Republic of Udmurtia, the owner spent a maximum of 60 thousand rubles on everything about everything.

We warn you in advance - no new rules can simplify the complex and multi-stage process to the gas pipeline. As before, many approvals are needed, as before, you will have to sit in queues for many hours. The resolution, which made changes to the rules for connecting capital construction facilities to the gas pipeline, only regulates quite clearly both the cost and the timing of bringing the pipe to the border of the site in those settlements where the gas pipeline has already been connected. That is, life was made easier, first of all, for those who could previously observe the gas pipeline from their window, but due to lack of funds, had been waiting for the connection for years. Today it is allowed to connect to municipal networks, and not just to private gas distribution points.

According to the innovations, for individuals who plan to consume up to 5 cubic meters of gas per hour, tie-in into a gas pipe, regardless of the region, can cost 20,000 rubles. True, at the same time there is an important condition - the distance from the boiler in the house to the gas main in a straight line should be no more than 200 meters. In this case, gas can be connected in just a year.

At a flow rate of up to 15 cubic meters per hour, connecting a gas pipe only to the boundaries of the site will cost about 50 thousand rubles and it will take at least a year and a half. If the amount of expenses is even greater, then the calculation of the connection cost will be individual. With this money, local gas services, according to the new rules, are obliged not only to issue technical conditions, but also to bring a pipe from the distribution main to the boundaries of the land plot. And then it is up to the owner himself to decide where the gas pipe will run, with the amendment that the result will still be evaluated and accepted by a commission, which includes all interested authorities.

But all this is only if the pipe is close. In practice, most new houses and villages today are built quite far from the gas distribution point, and the developer does not always take on the mission of connecting the village to blue fuel. By the way, it is much easier for a developer to do this than for a single inhabitant of a new house - an ordinary person simply cannot cope with such a task on his own. The total cost of summing up the gas pipe in this case will be unbearable hundreds of thousands of rubles.

The only way out is to unite all the inhabitants of the village in a public organization and collectively seek to bring the highway to the streets of the settlement at the expense of the budget.

It is impossible to predict how long this will take, but in the end, people will only have to pay for the supply of gas from the street to the house, the design, purchase and installation of the appropriate equipment. Therefore, it is still quite dangerous today to acquire a plot or a finished house, which for some reason is not yet connected to gas. If the developer does not even have permits, it may take many years for new residents to equip the gas pipeline.

If you are the lucky one whose house is not far from the gas distribution station, then you have all the cards in your hands - it's time to connect to the gas, otherwise it is not known what rules may be adopted in the future. By the way, the most detailed step-by-step instructions can only be given to you at the local gas service - only there they can know all the intricacies and nuances of connection and the latest innovations. Approximately it looks like this:

  1. First of all, the consumer must calculate future gas costs and select the appropriate equipment. Many do the opposite - they purchase equipment that, in their opinion, is capable of providing the house with warmth and other benefits of civilization. In the data sheet for the equipment, the possible gas costs are indicated.
  2. Obtaining specifications is a more complex step that is directly related to the local gas service.
  3. The development of the project is still in the power of the consumer himself. It is clear that he will not draw anything on his own - everyone turns to experienced specialists.
  4. If the gas pipeline under the project will run through the sites of your neighbors, then they need a notarized consent to carry out such work.
  5. Next, a gas pipeline is laid to the boundaries of the site.
  6. A contract for gas consumption is concluded.
  7. Gas is connected directly to the house, equipment is installed and configured.
  8. The commission accepts works and evaluates the readiness of the equipment for operation.

In case of successful completion of all stages, you will become the proud owner of a house with gas supply. By the way, this automatically makes your site and buildings on it much more expensive.

Calculating gas costs is quite simple - for this you need to know the heated area and the maximum possible consumption of hot water. Traditionally, they start from the fact that heating 10 square meters requires 1 kW of thermal energy, therefore, for a house of 150 m 2, a power of 15 kW is needed, for an area of ​​200 m 2 - 20 kW, and so on. But this is only for heating, you still need to take into account the needs for hot water supply. To heat one cubic meter of water by 40 degrees, you need 46 kW of thermal energy, but you hardly know the exact amount of maximum water consumption per hour, so you can do it easier - add half to the power required for heating.

For example, for a house of 200 m 2, you will need a 30 kW boiler - 20 kW for heating, 10 kW for hot water supply. When choosing a boiler, the user manual will indicate what gas consumption this model has. So, a 30 kW boiler can consume from 10 to 12 cubic meters of gas per hour in maximum performance mode. Of course, this mode will only turn on in severe frosts. A great way to save on gas consumption is to purchase a single-circuit boiler, which is equipped with an indirect storage boiler. This will save you up to 25-30% of the volume of gas consumed. Having decided on the needs for natural gas, you can begin to obtain technical specifications. As mentioned above, for consumers whose needs fit within the framework of 5 cubic meters per hour, the connection will cost from 20 thousand rubles, provided that their house is located near the highway.

For technical specifications, you should contact the local service responsible for the gas supply to the population. Specifications are the requirements that are followed when connecting a private house to a gas pipeline. The document sets out the gas pressure standards, the connection point and other values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for the development of the project. Provided that the level of consumed gas does not exceed 8 cubic meters per hour, this document is issued to the consumer free of charge. At the time of filing an application for obtaining technical specifications, the future gas consumer must have documents confirming his rights to the land plot, the plan of the land plot, the floor plan of the house and an application signed by the head of the Gas Trust. Please note that if the house belongs to several people, they must give written consent to carry out all the work - in this case, the cost of gasification is divided among all owners.

To develop project documentation, you need to have ready-made specifications, a BTI passport, a topographic survey agreed with the Gas Trust, and a service agreement for gas equipment. If the area of ​​​​the house exceeds 300 square meters, then you will also need a thermal calculation of the building. It is possible that by the time of your visit there will be some other requirements.

If earlier the consumer had to independently find a design organization to develop a project for connecting a gas pipeline to his home, today, when issuing technical conditions at the local gas service, they should be referred to certified specialists.

The main objective of the project is to fulfill all the requirements for the premises where gas equipment will be installed. Until this is done, no one will take the gas boiler into operation. For all, these requirements are the same - for example, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room must be at least 15 m 2, with a constantly operating ventilation system that will reduce the concentration of gas in the event of a leak. Simply put, it can be a constantly open window.

To reduce the power of the blast wave in the event of an emergency, the doors in the boiler room should swing open towards the street. For the same purpose, windows should be installed. Natural lighting is also necessary during repair explosive work. Access to the equipment must be completely free. Keep in mind that you should keep in constant contact with the designers, otherwise the technical solutions that they came up with may come as a surprise to you. The finished project is approved by the local gas service - if there are any shortcomings, it is returned for revision.

If you can install gas equipment in a house on your own, then only a specialized organization under the supervision of Rostekhnadzor can carry out the construction of a gas pipeline. Again, installers should be found in the local gas service, often these functions are combined by the design organization. By the way, their services are cheaper by 15-30%. When the gas pipeline is brought to the boundaries of the site, in the presence of a commission of representatives of the operating company, Rostekhnadzor and the installation organization, pneumatic or hydraulic tests are carried out. Upon successful test results, an appropriate act is signed.

Documents for gas connection are submitted to the relevant branch of the service that provides the population with gas. At this stage, in addition to the act confirming the readiness of the gas pipeline and project documentation, you need to have with you the passport of the owner of the house and documents of ownership.

The worst thing for everyone is to hear the final cost of connection. Only those who bought or built a house very close to the gas pipeline will get off easy. So that the shock from the number is not so strong, try to calculate the costs yourself.

So, if you want to speed up the connection of your house to gas and not wait a year and a half, you can pay extra - the amount can range from several thousand rubles to several tens of thousands. The gasification project will cost a maximum of about 20 thousand rubles. The layout of the gas pipeline for the site and the house is calculated depending on the length of the pipe - at least 1000 rubles will have to be paid per meter.

The tie-in to the main line costs about 10 thousand rubles on average - you need to pay the gas trust, having previously concluded an agreement. The most uncertain item of expenses when connecting gas is the payment for the inspection of the object by the commission. Each region and district sets its own tariffs, and most of them go to banal bribes - there will certainly be impossible or stupid requirements that are easier to get around this way.

In order to successfully connect to the gas supply networks, all users must comply with certain terms and conditions, which can be found by obtaining a document called "Technical conditions for connection to the gas supply networks". They will be mandatory if the connection to the gas supply takes place in a private or multi-apartment building, industrial or municipal enterprise. The document is issued by a special organization, after the subscriber submits an appropriate application.

Mandatory technical conditions for gas connection

Obtaining technical conditions for connecting gas for a private or multi-apartment building, industrial or utility company takes a lot of time. To do this, you need to go through a series of procedures for collecting and submitting documents. The conditions prescribed in the technical conditions largely depend on how correctly the documentation is collected, the questionnaire is filled out.

To agree on the project, start construction and conclude a contract, the technical specifications must follow all the rules and conditions specified in the document.

When drawing up a project of engineering communications, the initial data are taken into account. No linear object can be designed if there are no technical conditions. The data required in order to design a gas system is contained in the document on the technical conditions for connecting to gas supply networks.

What should be written in the document:

  • Address of the object to be connected;
  • The place where the source of gas supply is located;
  • The method of laying the main gas pipeline and the material for it;
  • Parameters possessed by the gas supply system and its tie-in point. Here it is important to evaluate the gas pressure, the allowed hourly gas extraction, and the gas pipeline diameter.
  • Description of the place where it is possible to insert a new pipe.

The resource supply organization is responsible for issuing and compiling all documentation. Usually, Gorgaz does this for residents of different cities of Russia, in Moscow and the Moscow region. There are other options for obtaining relevant documentation. You can clarify all the nuances by contacting the resource supply department.

Technical conditions for connecting water supply

The technical conditions indicate not only the main characteristics of the point at which the water supply is connected. The volume and conditions prescribed in the documentation depend on the area and area in which the technical work on the connection will be carried out. All prescribed provisions usually occupy 1-3 sheets.

When compiling the documentation, the characteristics that the connecting parts must have are taken into account. Each user can learn how to coordinate and submit project documentation. It is better to choose a design organization on the advice of a water supply service.

What you need to present to individuals:

  • Passport, copy of passport;
  • Documents of the taxpayer;
  • The right to own a land plot;
  • Description of the situation on the site where the land ownership is indicated on the map;
  • The amount of water to be used.

A situational plan and a plan describing the location of the site can be obtained from the Administration. Before looking for a design organization and signing a contract, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications. The procedure for obtaining technical specifications by legal entities is different - they must provide a larger number of documents.

Obtaining technical conditions for gas supply

To produce gasification, it is necessary to carry out design and installation work. Compliance with all gasification rules will allow the use of gas, which can be the main source of heat supply, as well as its use for household and industrial purposes. The entire gasification process can be divided into three points: design, installation and commissioning.

The design phase is very important, as it must take into account all issues related to the immediate installation phase.

At the initial design stage, you should find out everything about the owner of the gas pipeline. The owner of the site may be GorGaz, RayGaz, or a “cooperative”, which laid the pipeline at its own expense. You need to know the owner in order to apply to him for permission to connect to the gas pipeline.

What you need to know:

  • Before submitting an application, it is necessary to decide which heating equipment will be used, as well as in what place it will be placed.
  • When submitting an application with a request to obtain technical conditions, along with all documents, it is necessary to present a passport for heating equipment. As heating appliances and devices that complement them, you can use a stove, boiler, meters, signaling devices, etc.
  • To speed up the process of obtaining a permit may be to seek help from contractors.
  • When deciding to engage in design on your own, it is important to consider that you will need to make an examination of the project, coordinate the project in special instances.

It is necessary to carry out the necessary measurements with the help of a design engineer. It is with its help that you can coordinate the location of devices, the best and most suitable brand of equipment, draw up a diagram according to which the gas pipeline will be laid in an apartment or house. If the project is being developed in GorGaz, the user must pay for the technical conditions and the project.

Calculation of gas demand to obtain technical specifications

In order to have technical conditions, it is necessary to provide a calculation of gas demand. The main purpose of the calculation is to determine the annual consumption of natural gas using gas-using installations (boilers). The calculation involves the content of information about power supply, ventilation, heating and those needs.

You can calculate the maximum heat load if you have information about the heat consumption of a particular type of equipment. The heat load on the hot water supply is based on the data on taps and shower points. Boiler equipment is usually selected after calculating the heat load.

Nuances in the calculation:

  • It is important to correctly calculate the heat consumption on average per day and year. It is necessary to consider how much water will be consumed.
  • The calculation must be agreed upon in the structures that control this process.
  • It is possible to perform the calculation only if there is an SRO for carrying out these types of work.

It is rather difficult to obtain a power of attorney for such gas supply to a residential building, since the procedure requires painstaking preparation. A power of attorney template can be downloaded online. The issuance of all necessary permits will take a long time. To simplify the procedure, you can use the services of specialized gas companies. How much the services cost can be found on the websites of companies.

What are the technical conditions for connecting to gas supply networks (video)

The power of attorney must specify the period of validity of the permit to use the gas pipeline. After the expiration of the term, you can get an extension. Before starting the design, it is important to decide on the insertion of one or two gas pipes. It is important to know the order of behavior of all procedures in advance. When calculating gas consumption, it is important to consider what the gas will be used for: cooking, heating, etc. You can't do a new project on your own. It is difficult for one to do this - it is better to use the help of a designer.

FORUMHOUSE users have already read the article, which talked about the features of choosing a heating and water supply system. Therefore, readers of our site are well aware that at the moment natural gas is one of the most cost-effective fuels. And the boiler operating on it is distinguished by the maximum level of automation, which ensures the comfort of living in a private one.

In this article, we will consider the procedure for connecting gas to a private house and talk about the procedure for the gas main.

You will learn:

  • What changes related to the connection procedure took place in March 2014.
  • Will the high cost of connecting gas during operation pay off;
  • How is the consumer group defined?
  • How to calculate the estimated gas consumption in the house;
  • Connecting the house to gas. What is the algorithm of actions for gasification;
  • The procedure for connecting the house to gas. What documents need to be collected to bring blue fuel.

Gas connection - 2017: procedure-related changes.

Despite all the benefits that the gas supply promises, the main obstacle to the "blue" fuel is the high cost of connecting gas to the house. Depending on the region, it can be 500 thousand rubles or more. And many novice developers simply do not know where the process of gasification of a cottage begins.

Therefore, in order to bring blue fuel to the house, first of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the new ones, through which gas is connected to a private house. So, when connecting gas, Mosoblgaz is guided by a new resolution.

Rules for connecting a house to gas

Viktoria Grebennik, Deputy Head of the Department for Technological Connection and Services, State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz:

– Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 came into force on March 1, 2014. One of the key changes was that the contractor for all technological connection work related to the gasification of any facilities is now a gas distribution organization (GDO).

Previously, the developer had to independently deal with all activities in order to connect gas to the house: from obtaining technical specifications to coordinating the passage of the gas pipeline to various owners and formalizing all legal relations. According to the new resolution, all issues related to connection to gas networks up to the boundaries of the applicants' land plots are resolved by the GDO. That is, if a consumer wants to connect gas, he needs to contact Gorgaz, Oblgaz (in the Moscow Region - Mosoblgaz). Submit all the necessary documents there and conclude an agreement for connection to gas networks, which indicates the work carried out by the GDO to gasify the facility, the amount for the services provided and the deadline. The Contractor under this agreement is GRO.

Today, it has become more difficult to supply gas from the point of view of legislation. The existing procedure differs from the previous one primarily in that the Technical Conditions, according to which design and construction can be carried out, ceased to exist as an independent document. They exist as part of an annex to the connection agreement. The connection of gas in 2017 provides that the technical conditions, which can be obtained within 14 days, are preliminary and speak only of the possibility of gasification. It is possible to supply gas, but it is impossible to build or design within the framework of the new requirements.

According to the new requirements, only those consumers whose MCHRG (maximum hourly gas consumption) is more than 300 cubic meters per hour must make a request for preliminary specifications sent to the GDO without fail.

How much does a gas connection cost

The main question that concerns applicants at the stage of making a decision on gasification of their home is how much it costs to connect gas. Technological connection of gas has a number of conditions for determining the cost. It proceeds from those measures that need to be carried out for the gasification of the facility. For convenience, such events are conditionally divided into 3 categories.

Victoria Grebennik:

The division into categories is due to the use of three approaches to the formation of connection fees:

  1. The first category includes private households whose gas equipment is designed for gas consumption of no more than 5 cubic meters per hour, and small businesses whose fuel consumption for technological equipment of connected facilities does not exceed 15 cubic meters per hour. This category includes private houses up to 300 square meters. m. and small objects of the public utility sector.

There are also restrictions on the activities that are necessary for gasification: the distance from the gas supply source to the gas-using equipment is not more than 200 m, the pressure of natural gas in the gas supply source is not more than 0.3 MPa. And it is planned to build only gas pipelines-inputs without the installation of gas reduction points. All these factors will determine how much gasification costs.

Gas connection in the Moscow region

The fixed price for gas connection for the first category of objects is set by the regulatory body in the Moscow region in the amount of 50 thousand rubles for private houses, whose gas consumption does not exceed 5 cubic meters. meters per hour. The gas connection in the area takes into account the fuel consumption of all equipment, including the one to which this gas connection point was connected earlier. Provided that the distance from the gas-using equipment (boiler, stove) to the nearest gas distribution network (with a design working pressure of not more than 0.3 MPa), measured in a straight line to the connection point, is not more than 200 meters. Technical connection measures involve such a service as the construction of only pipes of gas pipelines-inlets without the installation of reduction points.

Gas connection - requirements

  1. The second category includes capital construction facilities, the connection of which requires the construction of distribution gas pipelines and / or the installation of reduction points; the volume of the declared capacity exceeds the normalized volume of the first category, the pressure in the gas supply source is 0.6 MPa, etc.

Such objects include large private houses, etc. Gas supply to the house is carried out at standardized tariff rates. The gas connection tariff is calculated in accordance with the methodology approved by the Federal Tariff Service and approved by the executive authority in the field of state regulation of the REK (Regional Energy Commission) in the subject in which this organization operates.

  1. The third category includes capital construction facilities, the connection of which is carried out according to an individual project. The final determination of the cost is made on the basis of the design and estimate documentation that has passed the examination, and the final price is set for each object individually by the executive authority in the field of state regulation in the subject in which the organization operates.

The signs of this category include any objects with a MCHRG of more than 500 cubic meters per hour, as well as objects that require passage through the lands of the forest fund, swamps of the 3rd degree, in rocky soils, through water barriers and any obstacles that require the performance of work by the HDD method (horizontal directional drilling).

Thus, the procedure for connecting gas within the framework of the rules has several levels of state control to determine the cost of technological connection to gas networks.

Starting from 2015, new gas connection rules have been in force, according to which the specified fee is indexed to the forecast average annual inflation rate. Applicants, whose MCDH of a capital construction object exceeds 300 cubic meters per hour, must agree on the possibility of technological connection with the GDO, technologically connected to the contractor's network.

How to calculate maximum hourly consumption

This question worries many developers. Despite the fact that 5 cubic meters per hour is enough to supply most private houses, a preliminary calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption can be carried out using the following formula.

FORUMHOUSE user Stessi:

- The maximum flow rate is determined by the formula:
B \u003d qx103 / Nx1.163x8000

B - gas consumption by equipment, m 3 / h;

q is the heat output of the equipment, kW;

N is the efficiency of the equipment; usually is - 90-92%;

8000 - net calorific value of natural gas, kcal/m 3 .

To the figure obtained, it is necessary to add all other appliances that consume blue fuel in the house.

On average, the power of a four-burner stove with a gas oven is taken as 10 kW. The calculation is carried out in the same way as the calculation of the boiler, only without taking into account the efficiency. From here: 10 / 1.163 / 8 = 1.1 cubic meters / h.

FORUMHOUSE user Brother Fox:

- For a 100 sq. m, the required boiler power will be 10 kW. Such a boiler consumes an average of 1.2 cubic meters / gas / h.

Connection steps

Blue fuel connection is carried out if the technical capabilities of the gas distribution network (GDS) allow connecting a new consumer without prejudice to existing subscribers. In this case, the general algorithm of actions for gasification includes the following steps:

  1. Obtaining preliminary specifications.

In cases where the maximum hourly fuel consumption does not exceed 300 cubic meters per hour, applicants can apply to the GDO to conclude a connection agreement without obtaining preliminary technical conditions.

  1. Submission of an application for connection and conclusion of an agreement with the GRO on technological connection.

Required documents:

  • An application containing the details of the applicant (passport data), contact details, name and address of the location of the facility to be joined, the nature of gas consumption, the timing of the design and construction of the facility, the MCWG, the number and date of preliminary technical specifications, if such were issued;
  • Documents confirming the ownership of the land;
  • Calculation of the maximum hourly gas consumption (not required if the MCHRG is less than 5 m3/h);
  • Situational plan with reference to the territory of the settlement.

In the case of providing all the necessary information and documents, the GRO within 30 days prepares and transfers to the applicant a technological connection agreement signed on its part. After signing the contract by the applicant and submitting it to the GRO, according to the terms of the connection contract, measures for technological connection are carried out within the established time limits.

Moreover, the activities to the border of the land plot are carried out by the GDO, and the design, construction within the site, as well as the installation of the VDGO (in-house gas equipment) are carried out by the applicant.

  1. Implementation of activities within the applicant's site carried out through the conclusion of a contract. Design and construction and installation work on gasification within the applicant can be carried out not only by Gorgas, oblgaz, but also by other construction companies that have an SRO permit (permit to carry out relevant work) to perform design and construction and installation work on the basis of an agreement concluded with the applicant.
  2. After completing the activities within the site, the applicant sends an application to the customer service of the GDO to verify compliance with the technical conditions.

    In order for the possibility of connecting gas to be realized, and the service to be provided to you properly, it is necessary to draw up: an act of acceptance of the completed construction and an act of delimitation of property and operational responsibility.

  3. Conclude an agreement with the GDO for the supply of fuel, maintenance of the gas pipeline and gas equipment.
  4. Agree with the GDO on the date of the initial start-up.
  5. Issue an Act on technological connection.

At FORUMHOUSE you will get access to the full information, learn about the real practice of carrying out and about blue fuel, which is recommended to ask for home and blue fuel according to the new rules.

Until recently, the gasification of a private cottage took a lot of nerves and money. The scope of this activity was highly monopolized and had not always explainable prices. Now the situation has changed: it is enough to get the technical conditions for connecting gas to a gas distribution company - and blue fuel is practically in your house.

We will tell you who is better to entrust the preparation of the project, what documentation and in what order you will need to receive. We describe in detail the nuances of connecting households to the gas main and to the gas tank. The strengths and weaknesses of both options are given.

Specifications (TU) for gas - a document confirming on the part of the blue fuel supplier the very possibility of technological connection of a new facility to existing networks. This piece of paper is the actual beginning of the process of connecting to the existing gas infrastructure in the village.

Technical specifications can be issued both for an already erected house, and for a building still under construction.

All rules and procedures for connecting gas are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314, it describes all the nuances of the process, however, there are many pitfalls in this matter

All consumers of natural gas are divided into four categories according to the volume of its pumping from the main pipe:

  1. Up to 5 m 3 / hour - the owners of cottages.
  2. Up to 15 m 3 / hour - small business.
  3. Up to 300 m 3 / hour - medium organizations.
  4. Over 300 m 3 / hour - large industrial and energy companies.

Almost all private houses fall into the first group. Five cubic meters per hour is enough to heat housing up to 200 square meters. meters and cooking food in it.

But a lot here depends on the level of temperature minus outside the window and the number of people in the family. Before applying for technical conditions, it is necessary to calculate the gas consumption to the maximum. It is this estimated figure that will need to be indicated in the application.

Technical conditions for gasification can be issued exclusively for a capital construction object (cottage, utility yard or other building), it’s just that no gas fuel supplier will issue specifications for a plot of land

The issued specifications include:

  • approved volumes of gas consumption;
  • recommendations on the materials of pipes and fittings for tapping into the main;
  • description of the procedure for approval of project documentation.

If gas is planned to be used for profit (not for consumption for the purpose of heating a private house or other building), then such a consumer immediately falls into the second group. Even if the volume of consumption is below 5 cubic meters, it will still be carried out in the second category with slightly different connection conditions.

Here it is also better not to rely on your own strength, but initially trust the professionals. Natural gas is not to be trifled with. A leak plus a spark results in a fire.

If a gasification project costs approximately 50-100 thousand rubles, then the estimate for installing a pipe from a highway running along the street rarely exceeds 25 thousand, but here we must also add the cost of laying gas pipes around the house and connecting boilers, boilers and stoves

In order to reduce Russians' spending on gasification of their homes, in many regions of Russia there are subsidies for connection. Of course, not all categories of citizens can use them. But it will not hurt to study in more detail the programs existing in the region or region. The money saved will definitely not be superfluous.

After making a tie-in into the main, which is carried out on the basis of the issued technical conditions, it is necessary to call a representative of the gas supply organization.

It is needed in order to:

  • check the compliance of the work performed with the specifications;
  • make sealing of metering devices;
  • conclude a contract for the supply of natural gas;
  • instruct the customer on the rules for using gas equipment in everyday life;
  • put signatures on the act on putting the gas supply pipe into operation.

By law, all responsibility for the serviceability of gas in-house equipment lies with the gas consumer who has concluded an agreement with the supply company. However, it is the specialists of this company that in the future will constantly come to inspect the networks and devices inside the house for their performance and the absence of leaks.

Gasification of the house with a gas tank

If there is more than a hundred meters from the house to the gas main, or it is impossible to connect to it at all, then only option c remains. This is a container for pumping and storing gas, from which it enters through a pipe directly into the cottage to the boiler or stove.

If the installed gas tank has a capacity of up to 10,000 liters (which is more than enough for most private houses), then it is not required to obtain technical specifications or other permits for it. All projects and documents will be provided by the company that will carry out its installation.

This capacity itself costs a lot of money, but if there is no opportunity to connect to the highway, then the gas tank is a good replacement for it. Usually its volume is calculated in such a way that refueling should be carried out two or three times a year. Otherwise, such a gas supply system to the house does not differ from the option considered above. The same sensors, valves and gas supply pipe.

The strengths and weaknesses of connecting a private house to are thoroughly analyzed in the article we have proposed.

The process of connecting the cottage to the highway step by step

Technical conditions as such are just a piece of paper with requirements and capabilities. In addition to them, among the documents for connecting the main gas to a private house, there are various plans, projects, statements, acts and contracts. The problem is that without all this paperwork it is impossible for its owner to gasify the cottage by definition. These are the norms in our country.

The process of connecting a house to a gas pipeline in Russia is strictly regulated by laws, this is done in order to limit monopolists and reduce prices for gasification of private households

The complete “ceremony” with connecting the cottage to the main gas is as follows:

  1. Estimation of gas fuel consumption volumes.
  2. Applying for TU.
  3. Receipt of specifications.
  4. Designing a gas network from the highway to the house and inside the latter.
  5. Conclusion of a contract for connection.
  6. Installation of input outside and gas equipment inside the building.
  7. Checking the readiness of all this to work.
  8. Drawing up an act of connection.
  9. Conclusion of a service contract.

Plus, it is necessary to sign more acts of delimitation of the operational responsibility of both parties and property ownership.

The section from the highway to the fence of the personal plot belongs to the gas supply organization, and everything further is already the property of the owner of the cottage. At the same time, the gas supplier (or a subsidiary authorized by him) is obliged to maintain all gas equipment and monitor its serviceability.

You will find information on how it is produced in the article recommended by us for review.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To connect to the gas, you need to collect a fairly large package of documentation, but without it, nowhere. The videos below will definitely help you understand all the nuances of this procedure.

Everything about the order of gasification of cottages:

The nuances of the internal wiring of gas pipeline houses, which should be considered before approving the project:

A video that allows you to understand how much it will cost to connect a country house to the main gas:

Connecting a private house to a gas pipe is a tedious and long approval process. The installation itself is carried out within a few days, but the development of the project, submission of requests and waiting for response papers take a lot of time.

However, the presence of blue fuel in the cottage immediately removes many issues with heating and cooking. The use of natural gas allows you to save a lot, the agony of waiting for connection is worth it.

Please place stories about how you received the technical conditions for connecting a country house to the main network in the block below. Please write comments, ask questions, share useful information and photos.

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