Accountant advice and advice

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Acts, which reflect the performance of services rendered or work performed, are a kind of report of performers on the work done ...

The waybill of a truck is the primary document for accounting for the movement of vehicles in an organization. Cargo waybill ...

Among documents on personnel, the employee's personal card is the main source of information for each employee. Employer...

The process of applying for a new specialist is a painstaking and training process. From the employer's side, this is the responsibility of the HR department. IN...
Carrying out entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation, and in any other country, involves the implementation of many ...
An employment contract can be terminated at the initiative (at their own request) of the employee. As a general rule, in this case, the employee ...
The use of the special regime is beneficial for those who work with individuals, including self-employed, companies and individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN and ESHN. If your ...
We will understand the peculiarities of the application of the patent taxation system, we will briefly talk about the types of activities in the implementation of which ...
On February 1, 2017, the final stage of the implementation of the law on the Far Eastern hectare started. From that day on, free land in the Far East ...