Dismissal due to health reasons compensation. Voluntary dismissal for health reasons

Termination of the employment relationship between employer and employee is common, but dismissal of an employee due to illness must be justified and legal. This situation is decided by paragraph 6 of Article 42. Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that the basis for dismissal of an employee of an enterprise may be incapacity for work, the period of which exceeds 4 months.

U of this rule There are exceptions. This applies to the period maternity leave, as well as some serious diseases that require long-term treatment. In this case workplace must be retained by the employee for more than four months. For example, if an employee is sick with tuberculosis, he can return to work after 12 months.

Patient's rights

Those employees who have been injured and are forced to sit at home, having stopped working, usually ask the same question: can I be fired if I am on sick leave? If an employee of an enterprise is injured at work or acquires a disease, the development of which was influenced by his professional activity, he can count on not being fired. They are required to maintain this job until their health status is fully restored or until they receive the disabled status. This rule is valid regardless of who is responsible for the injury or occupational illness.

Dismissing an employee who has been on sick leave for more than four months can be difficult. This point is spelled out in Russian labor legislation. If in production there is no urgent need for a certain specialist to appear at the workplace, it can be reserved for the employee who is undergoing treatment or diagnosis. If the employee's illness is treated successfully and he will be able to return to work in the near future, there should be no dismissal. When emergency management has the right to hire a temporary employee. However, as soon as permanent employee returns from sick leave, he must be immediately reinstated to his previous job.

If termination is necessary employment contract with a sick employee, the employer must provide an alternative to continue labor activity. Also, two weeks before dismissal or transfer, notification must be received by the trade union committee.

Reasons for dismissal

Dismiss an employee who is on sick leave long time, possible for several reasons. This becomes possible if the employee’s health condition does not allow him to return to his previous place and perform duties as before. For example, if the incorrect performance of one person’s duties can threaten the health and life of the entire team.

The employer is obliged to provide alternative location, where the employee with poor health will be able to cope with the assigned tasks. Here must be created special conditions to make it easier for the employee to cope with his task. If an employee refuses such an offer, he may be fired.

In case of transfer to a lower-paid position, the first salary must be no less than what the employee received before the transfer.

If a medical examination finds a person completely incapacitated, the employer has the right to terminate his employment. labor Relations.

However, this is possible if you have a certificate confirming your disability status.

What can you expect when leaving due to illness?

After the employment contract with a sick employee is terminated, he can receive sick pay. The employee can receive money for the missed period if a new job has not been found. All these days count towards the insurance period.

If a person is laid off, but the company is not liquidated, the employee can count on paid sick leave. To obtain due payments, you need to contact the previous hirer. A company does not pay sickness benefits to employees if it is declared bankrupt. In this case, it is possible to receive a payment from the Social Insurance Fund.

If an employee leaves due to at will, he remains entitled to paid sick leave. This is especially true if the disease prevents you from getting a new job. The employer does not have the right to refuse this type of payment. The amount is calculated based on the amount of earnings and insurance period former employee. If a person has worked for less than six months, the basis is taken minimum wage in the region.

Dismissal process

Dismissal of an employee on sick leave is impossible, unless the company is facing liquidation. IN the latter case employment contracts are terminated with all personnel.

If a person who is on sick leave is going to quit due to own initiative, he may well do this by agreement of the parties.

The Labor Code does not have clear deadlines within which a notice of resignation must be submitted. For this reason, a sick employee has the right to terminate the employment relationship while he is on sick leave. The two-week period allowed for compulsory service upon dismissal, will be counted even in case of absence from work.

Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs are obliged to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. IN otherwise You can get a lot of fines that follow the violation of the established procedure.

Sometimes an employer has problems determining the date of dismissal when an employee is completely disabled. The Labor Code states that this date is the last day before disability is determined. It can be determined by a certificate that must be provided to the hirer in as soon as possible. If a person who has been recognized as disabled continues to work, then the date of his dismissal will be the date on which the certificate medical examination will reach the management table.

To avoid various troubles and misunderstandings, it is worth reflecting the date of dismissal of the employee in special act, which is attached to the order.

Dismissal due to the death of an employee

Russian labor legislation provides for absolutely all situations that may arise in the process of labor relations between an employer and his subordinate. The death of a company employee was no exception.

The death of an employee serves as the basis for the employer to terminate the employment contract. This procedure is carried out in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The employer draws up a dismissal order in a special form, prepares necessary documentation, and also makes a full settlement, including compensation payments. All required entries are made in the work book of the deceased employee.

Dismissal must be made on the basis of documents such as a death or imprisonment certificate forensics declaring a person dead. One of these documents is prerequisite to terminate the employment contract. In the column where it is necessary to indicate the reason for dismissal, it is written “due to death.” This is also indicated in the work document, which is then transferred to the relatives of the deceased.

Calculations are made after drawing up a note in form T 61. The amount of payments should not exceed the level established by the state maximum. Social assistance to the relatives of a former employee can be paid at the initiative of the employer. The recipient of this money can only be a direct relative of the deceased. In turn, funeral compensation is paid to any person who takes on the responsibility for organizing the event.

At any time life path a person may inevitably face health problems. It is impossible to always guarantee stable physical state body.

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Its proper functioning can be disrupted by a variety of acute and chronic diseases, injuries and other disorders.

Any employee of the organization can suddenly become ill or find himself in a situation that will lead to a deterioration in his physical condition.

If serious problems health problems may pose obstacles to working. In this case, either the working conditions can be changed, or the work activity can be stopped completely.

Labor legislation provides for several options for dismissal for health reasons.

General information

If an employee loses the opportunity to work or becomes disabled, this has certain consequences for him.

The most difficult of these is the severance of the employment relationship between the employee and the employer. In this case, the employment contract is terminated.

The procedure for dismissal due to the employee’s health condition is regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for several articles on the basis of which labor relations are terminated due to the employee’s health status:

  • 5 point. Applies if an employee is recognized as unable to fulfill work obligations based on an existing medical report.
  • 8 point. Applies if an employee refuses to be transferred to another job due to health conditions. The need for transfer must be determined by the availability of a medical report.
  • 3 point. Applicable if the employee’s health condition prevents him from continuing to work for the company. In this case, the employer may offer the employee to remain in the organization, subject to transfer to a vacant position that corresponds to his state of health. The article applies in the absence vacant position or the employee’s refusal to occupy it.


Termination of the employment relationship is possible or. The most common termination of employment is at the employee's own request.

In this case, the employee must provide the reasons for dismissal and prove them with documents (medical certificates).

Grounds for dismissing an employee:

  • his subsequent fulfillment of his labor obligations may harm both himself and his colleagues;
  • the employee has experienced significant changes in his health status that prevent him from carrying out work activities in accordance with the requirements;
  • The employee was declared incapacitated by medical workers.

Dismissal due to health reasons

If there is a significant deterioration in health, the employee must undergo a medical examination, and then notify his employer of the current situation by providing medical reports.

This is stated in Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The responsibility to monitor their health rests entirely with the employees themselves.

In this case, the employer is required to study the opinions of medical specialists.

After this, the employer is obliged to make a decision regarding subsequent cooperation with the employee.

At one’s own request (at the employee’s initiative)

In case of dismissal of his own free will, the employee must provide the employer with documents about his state of health and write a letter of resignation.

It is written on an A4 sheet of paper free form, indicating the details, date of preparation and signature.

After reading the application and medical reports, the employer must issue a dismissal order. The employer has no right to detain such an employee at work.

1,2 or 3 disability group

Upon receiving a disability group, the employee must provide his employer with documents confirming this fact.

Dismissal of an employee with a disability at the initiative of the employer is unacceptable and threatens management with liability.

In addition, a situation is possible when a disabled person copes with the fulfillment of his own labor powers. It is also possible to subsequently restore a person’s health.

For example, if a disability group of 1 or 2 was received, dismissal for health reasons is possible on the initiative of the employee himself. And in the case of group 3, a person can find the strength and desire to continue working.

Each case must be considered individually.

If a disabled employee has contraindications to his past work, he may be transferred to another position if there is an open vacancy. If he refuses the new position, he may be fired. When dismissing a disabled person, it is possible to apply the wording.


A serviceman may be dismissed if he has an aggravation of chronic disease, or he acquired an illness during service that prevents further service.

Unfitness for service is established by a decision of a military medical examination.

A military man can spend the period of time required to make a diagnosis and complete documentation for dismissal in a hospital or medical unit.

At this time he should not be involved in military duties.

Total disability

In case of complete incapacity for work, confirmed by medical reports, unconditional dismissal is necessary. However, neither party should object to such a decision.

There are no alternatives to dismissal due to total disability, so all that remains is to come to terms with the situation.

When leaving work for this reason, the employee has the right to receive.

Registration procedure

Labor legislation provides certain order upon dismissal of an employee due to health limitations.

How does dismissal happen:

  1. The employee provides the employer with a medical report. This document issued by a medical or clinical expert commission. The conclusion must include the name of the disease, injury or injury. The commission must establish the possibility of the employee continuing to work and, if necessary, assign a disability group.
  2. The employer is obliged to review the documents provided.
  3. In case if medical specialists established the possibility of transferring an employee to another position, the employer is obliged to offer him to take a vacant position, if available. In this case it may be proposed new position with a lower salary. Otherwise, the employee must be fired.
  4. The employee is obliged to familiarize himself with the employer's offer and sign for it. The offer from the employer is subject to registration in the notification register.
  5. Within the period set by the employer, the employee must either agree to the offer or refuse it.
  6. In case of refusal, the employer is obliged to dismiss the employee. Refusal of an offer must be documented. The employee must write a letter of resignation for health reasons.
  7. Then it is published. The employee must sign, confirming his/her familiarity with the document.
  8. The employee makes an entry in work book with a link to the relevant article Labor Code.
  9. On the day of termination of the employment contract, the employee receives a work book, a calculation and, if necessary, a certificate of earnings.

Required documents

To terminate an employment relationship due to health conditions, it is necessary next package documents:

  • a report on the employee’s health status from a medical institution;
  • refusal to transfer an employee to another position;
  • a document confirming the presence or absence of an open vacancy for the transfer of an employee;
  • resignation letter;
  • notification of an employee about dismissal;
  • order from the organization on dismissal due to the employee’s health condition.

Is work required?

In case of dismissal due to deteriorating health, the employee may not work, and the employer does not have the right to force him to work.

Calculation and payments

In 2019, after dismissal due to health conditions, employees are provided with wages and... At the same time, when making calculations, accounting should take into account only the time actually worked by employees.

An employee dismissed for health reasons may qualify for severance pay. It is calculated based on the average employee’s salary for 2 weeks.

IN in some cases employers want to dismiss employees on grounds unrelated to poor health in order not to pay them compensation.

Such actions on the part of management are unacceptable, and the employee must insist on dismissal due to poor health.

In this case, it is necessary to try to establish contact with the employer through negotiations. If the result is negative, you can write a motivated complaint to labor inspection, attaching copies of medical reports.

The calculation must be carried out on the day of termination of the employment relationship. In the event that an employee is seriously injured during work, wage he is paid until he recovers.

Consequences of violations

In the event that the employer insists on continuing the employment relationship with an employee who has contraindications to this species work, then this may be regarded as forced labor.

In the presence of medical certificates, confirming the employee’s unfitness to fulfill labor obligations, appropriate measures regarding dismissal must be taken as soon as possible.

The dismissal of an employee due to illness is provided for in paragraph six of Article 42 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code). Temporary incapacity for work can serve as one of the grounds for dismissal if it lasts continuously for more than four months. The exception is leave due to pregnancy and upcoming childbirth. For certain diseases, more long term maintaining a job. For example, if an employee contracts tuberculosis, the workplace is retained for up to twelve months.

Those who have lost their ability to work as a result of a work injury or have received an occupational disease also have the right to retain their place of work for a long time until they are fully restored to their ability to work or until disability is established. The application of this rule does not depend on the culprit who caused the injury (employer or employee) and the occupational disease.

Dismissal of an employee due to illness lasting more than four months is also regulated by law. It depends on availability production needs. On final decision influences the possibility of recovery in the near future, as well as the feasibility of hiring temporary worker. The employee is subject to full restoration on same place work if it is established that there is no production need for dismissal. In the process of terminating an employment contract, the employer is obliged to take measures to transfer the employee to an alternative place of work and notify the trade union committee two weeks in advance.

How to dismiss an employee due to death?

Labor legislation provides for all situations that arise in the interaction between employees and employers. Dismissal due to the death of an employee is no exception. For an employer, the death of an employee can serve as one of the grounds for ending the employment relationship. In this case, the employer is obliged to fully comply with the dismissal procedure. An order is drawn up in the appropriate form and all kinds of documents are prepared for the payment of compensation provided for by law, and the remaining funds are also calculated. A corresponding entry is made in the work book. There can be two documents as grounds for dismissal. These include:

  • A court ruling declaring a person dead;
  • Death certificate from the registry office.

The presence of one of the documents is considered a necessary condition to terminate an employment contract, it is terminated regardless of the will of the employer. For the Order of Dismissal there is special form T-8. It was approved by GoskomStat on 01/05/04. The reason for the end of the relationship is indicated - “due to death.” A mandatory entry is made in the work book. After all the necessary entries, the work book is handed over to the relatives of the former employee.

Relatives in in writing request a work book. It can be sent by mail by registered mail. After the death of an employee, his relatives must be paid mandatory sums of money due to the deceased. The employer is obliged to make a payment within a week upon receipt of all necessary documents. The amount obligatory for payment includes accruals due to the employee under the employment contract, funds obligatory for payment in connection with death.

All possible calculations of amounts paid for a deceased employee are drawn up in a special note in the T-61 form. The amount cannot exceed established by law maximum payout. If desired, the employer can pay social assistance relatives. The recipient of monetary compensation due to a deceased employee can only be his immediate relative. Financial compensation funeral expenses can be paid not only to relatives, but also to any other person who takes upon himself the responsibility to pay funeral expenses.

What can a person fired from work expect to receive in case of illness?

The employee is required to do so. The former employee receives money for missed days if he did not find it new job. When calculating sick leave, the same scheme is used as during work. All missed days are taken into account, taking into account the insurance period.

If an employee is laid off without liquidating the enterprise, the employee is given the right to receive sick leave in case of illness.

To pay, he must contact his to the previous employer. An enterprise that has become bankrupt and reduced its workforce is not required to pay sickness benefits to its employees. Those laid off in this way receive their disability payments from the Social Security Fund.

If an employee leaves work of his own free will, then even in this case he can exercise the right to payment for days of incapacity, which he retains. This is relevant when illness excludes the possibility of finding a new job. Refuse to pay sick leave in in this case the employer cannot. Maximum time sick pay can be twelve months. To pay sick leave it is taken average amount earnings and insurance experience, and on this basis the amount of payment for each day of illness is calculated. For less than six months of experience, the basis is taken minimum amount wages by region.

How to fire an employee during illness?

According to the law, dismissal of an employee for sick leave prohibited if the initiator is the employer. The only exception is . In such a situation, all staff are fired, including those on sick leave. It’s another matter if this is the will of the employee. In this case, based on the application, the employer can dismiss the employee in two cases.

An employee's illness may be the reason for his dismissal for health reasons or transfer to another position in the same company. From the moment of receiving the examination medical commission the employer acts in accordance with legal norms Labor Code of the Russian Federation. What payments and compensations are due to the employee? How does paragraph 5 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation oblige you to act when registering for labor? Is there a list of diseases that oblige the dismissal of an employee if the serviceman has 1, 2 or 3 disability groups? Let's figure it out.

Legal basis

There are a few legal documents, according to which the employer acts (if the employee is unable to perform his duties due to illness):

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Code of administrative offenses(Article 5);
  • Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court RF No. 2 dated March 17, 2004;
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 4, 76, 77, 81, 83, 137, 178, 182, 185, 213, 214, 254, 261);
  • Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens from 1993, etc.

Significant reasons for dismissal

What exactly can be grounds for dismissing an employee for health reasons? Let me explain. The basis for dismissal of a victim due to health reasons is expert opinion one of the special commissions:

  1. Clinical Expert Commission (CEC), which issues an opinion on the employee’s health status and recommends conditions for continuing his work activity.
  2. A medical and social expert commission (MSEC), which decides whether the patient is still able to work or whether he needs to give up work (full or partial recognition of a person as disabled).

How exactly does dismissal due to health problems occur?

Option for the development of events Dismissal
Regardless of the recommendations of the commission, after illness the employee himself decides to resign1. Providing the employer with a medical examination report on partial or complete loss of ability to work.
2. If an employee does not want to continue working, he may demand voluntary dismissal for health reasons without two-week work.
3. If the employer has such an opportunity (and this is noted in medical report), then he can offer the victim another position, perhaps with a lower salary, but corresponding to his condition and qualifications. The actions and decisions of both parties are documented (proposal for transfer, refusal or consent of the employee).
4. Dismissal of an employee for health reasons (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Articles 77, 83) occurs due to:
· lack of suitable positions in the company;
· refusal of the employee to continue the employment relationship (including transfer to another job);
· complete loss of ability to work of the victim.
5. A notice of termination of the employment contract is drawn up in 2 copies (indicating all reasons). The employee's signature is placed on it. The employee’s refusal to familiarize himself with the document is recorded in a special act.
6. Drawing up an order of dismissal for health reasons and marking the employee’s familiarization with it.
7. Calculation with former employee.
8. Entering information about the termination of the contract in the work book, indicating the relevant legal framework.
The employee is completely unable to work due to illness
The employee can no longer perform his duties without risk of harm your own health(or colleagues)
The employee is unable to perform the job for which he was hired

What calculations must the employer make?

On the last working day, settlement is made with former employee fired due to illness:

  • payment for actual time worked;
  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • special payment ( average earnings in 2 weeks).

Payments upon dismissal for health reasons are the same as upon ordinary dismissal, excluding last point. The special payment is calculated as follows:

(monthly salary x 12 months / number of days worked per year) x 10 days.

If an employee is injured at work, then the average salary is paid to him until his final recovery.

Documents required for dismissal due to health

To comply with everyone legal requirements regulating dismissal due to employee health, the following documents are required:

  • conclusions of the medical commission;
  • notifying the victim about the absence or availability of a suitable position in the state;
  • employee refusal to transfer to another job;
  • notification of the employee about dismissal (with his note of receipt);
  • employee's resignation letter;
  • an order to terminate the employment contract indicating the relevant legal basis.

An employee can be dismissed for health reasons only if all rules and regulations are followed, provided by law. In order not to let things get to a point judicial trial, the employer is obliged to understand all the intricacies of this process. The main mistakes of the employer usually come down to incorrect assessment of the recommendations of the medical board (if the period of suspension from work is specified as less than 4 months) and failure to comply with the procedure for dismissing the employee.

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