Which country is easier to emigrate to? How to emigrate from Russia - the best options, profitable programs and the best countries for moving

Among the problems that most often concern people who want toimmigrate to the EU, - the ability to safely transport children with you. Parents ask a lot of questions. How easy is it to get paperwork for a child? How much will registration cost?Which country is easier to immigrate towith kids? And where will it be easiest for a child to adapt? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Difficulties in adaptation

Let's start with adaptation ... The first 2-3 weeks become the most difficult for the child, then he gets used to the new environment and new friends. Based on the experience of our numerous clients who left to live in Europe with children, we can say that a child adapts to an unfamiliar environment much easier than adults. And than younger child the faster the adaptation.

It is for an adult there are many nuances of rooting in new culture and society. We find time in a busy schedule to learn a language, and as a result, even the process of comprehending the basics of the language can stretch for many months. The child, on the other hand, masters the same basics in 1-2 months, while communicating with peers in kindergarten or school. Six months later, he can already speak fluently different topics, and a year later will begin to chat with a local accent.

Where to emigrate from Russia with children?

If you do not have a personal preference for choosing a country forimmigration with children, then it should be based on several indicators:

  • quality medical care;
  • the quality of educational institutions;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • criminogenic situation;
  • political, social and economic environment.
  • In one of his recent publications we touched on the topic of choosing a country in accordance with latest ratings. It should be noted that in all EU countries, acceptable conditions for the life of children: the education system, infrastructure, opportunities for additional development(for example, sports or cultural) are quite high.

    When choosing a country, it is also necessary to build on the availability factor. For example, according to the above indicators, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and France are among the leaders in Europe. However, entry for migrants is extremely limited. And many countries are even tightening their migration policy in connection withrecent events .

    At the same time, some EU countries are still available for migrants from countries former CIS and provide a residence permit or citizenship under a simplified scheme for investment in the economy. These includeUK, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Hungary, Cyprus, Greece. As you can see, the list includes the flagships of the European Union in terms of living standards and countries that are absolutely comfortable for living with children.

    Having the citizenship of one of the EU countries, you can send your child to any of the prestigious educational institutions available to your budget in another country. In other words, in order to send a child to private school Great Britain, you can not get an expensive status in this country, but take advantage of a much more economical and attractive offer from Hungary.

    Citizenship for children in Europethrough a residence permit

    One of the most economical ways for children to obtain citizenship is to participate in the Residence Permit by Investment program, which is offered by several EU countries at once. Then, depending on the state, you will be offered to obtain citizenship within 2-5 years. This is not a bad path if your child is 13 or 14 years of age at the beginning of the program. Then by his age he will be able to get a passport with you.


    On the this moment- the most affordable program to obtain a European residence permit for the whole family. For an investment of300 thousand euros(+60 thousand euros for registration) you can get the status of a residence permit for just3 weeksand transport the child to Europe. The quality of school and university education here is not inferior to the average European one, and the diplomas obtained open the way to prestigious European companies. Later6 monthsyou can become the owner of permanent residence status.


    Greece's offer can rightfully be called extremely advantageous now. To obtain the status of a residence permit, it is necessary to invest in the economy250 thousand euros. Your family can get the status only through1 month. And after that - to use high-quality education and medicine of the European level.

    Spain and Portugal

    Both countries are called by many experts ideal for living with children. Here warm climate, excellent infrastructure, one of the best preschool institutions, private schools and universities in Europe. And Spanish medical system considered the leader in the EU. Both countries offer similar conditions for obtaining a residence permit: an investment of500 thousand euros(+10 thousand euros for registration) with a 5-year return guarantee. The status is issued via3 months, so if you want to send your child to school on September 1, start preparing documents in May.


    If you have sufficient wealth to give your children the best education in the world and arrange their lives in the safest country with the highest standard of living, then you should pay attention to the Swiss program. A residence permit for the whole family can be obtained here only for3 months. To do this, you need to choose one of the ways: invest in a business1 million euroor pay a lump-sum tax of 100,000 francs a year.

    Great Britain

    Your children will receive no less benefits if you attend to obtaining a residence permit in this country. You can get status here for8 weeks. Investment amount startsfrom 2 million pounds. The higher the amount, the sooner you will be able to obtain citizenship of one of the most prestigious countries in the world. It is worth noting that this offer applies to investors with a fortune, as using borrowed capital will not work.

    Acquisition of citizenship by children

    Many people who want to immigrate to Europe are interested in the option of maximum quick receipt citizenship for the whole family. Some countries offer very attractive conditions for this. However, we note that these are offers for wealthy people.


    You can get a Malta passport and transport children there for14 months, investing a fairly large amount:

  • 650 thousand eurosto the fund National Development Malta;
  • 350 thousand euros- in the purchase of real estate (or at least 16 thousand per year - for rent);
  • at least 150 thousand eurosto state securities(shares, bonds).
  • It is important that for each child up to the age of 27, additional investments will have to be made in the fund25 thousand euros.


    You can obtain Cypriot citizenship for yourself and your children for just3-4 months, but the amount of investment is much larger -from 2.5 to 5.5 million euros. There are several options.

  • At least 2.5 million eurosyou need to invest in real estate (the most popular option).
  • At least 5 million eurosmust be deposited in a bank.
  • At least 5 million eurosneed to invest in the economy.
  • A combination of several options for at least5.5 million euros.
  • Registration of each child will cost an additional25 thousand euros.


    In this country, the cost of registering children is included in the cost of investments, but their amount is extremely large -from 6 million euros. You will receive an Austrian passport through1 year. However, keep in mind that the specified amount you and your children receive citizenship of a country with the highest standard of living, the best universities world, so the benefits you receive are great. You will be able to pass on to your children the business of one of the most stable economies in Europe.

    Immigration with children

    Do not be afraid to immigrate with children to a country unfamiliar to them. The benefits of obtaining citizenship for them far outweigh the slight discomfort they will experience during the first time after the move. In the end, it is in your power to make this move as quick and painless as possible for them. Choose the most suitable offer for you and contact the experts for advice to find out the details of the paperwork procedure. Your investment today in obtaining a residence permit or citizenship status tomorrow will have a positive impact on your children, who will have the opportunity to study, work and live in developed European countries.

    Most people who travel abroad emigrate in order to obtain statuspermanent residence. What it is, we told in one of our past articles. Today we'll talk aboutwhere to go for permanent residence, which countries offer the most attractive conditions for obtaining this status and where it is easiest for our compatriots to settle.

    What are the criteria for choosing a country for moving to permanent residence ? Of course, we all want to move to a developed state that guarantees us security, social benefits and acceptable level taxes.

    However, the real situation is not so rosy. The doors of far from all countries are wide open for migrants. Most developed countries there is an extremely strict migration policy, and they can rightly be called inaccessible to move.

    These include France, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, New Zealand, Australia, etc. Their governments impose severe restrictions that are extremely difficult to overcome.

    Where is it easier to get permanent residence?

    Therefore, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the proposals of states where there are special programs for immigrants.Move to permanent residencemuch easier and cheaper there.

    • In Europe, the easiest way to get moving to permanent residence in Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Malta, Cyprus.

  • Attractive but tougher conditions offerSwitzerland, UK, Austria.
  • If we consider options outside of Europe, then the countries are loyal to migrants Caribbean: .
  • Speaking of simplicity, this criterion leading in EuropeHungary. By investing 300 thousand euros (plus 60 thousand euros for expenses) you will receive permanent residence for all family members within 6 months.

    Attract and conditionsCaribbean countries: for investments in the amount of 250-300 thousand dollars (plus 40-60 thousand for registration and the same amount for each family member), it is easy to get not only permanent residence, but also citizenship. Terms - from 2 to 8 months.

    You can familiarize yourself in detail with the features of the programs of each of the countries at the relevantpagesour site .

    How to get permanent residence?

    In all listed countries there are special migration programs that allow you to obtain permanent residence (or even immediately citizenship) in various ways. There are several such ways:

    1. Investments in the country's economy.
    2. Buying real estate in the state.
    3. Obtaining permanent residence through a residence permit (that is, after a few years).

    The choice of the most correct path depends on your capabilities and the specific country. For example, if you choose investment paths, then Better conditions offersHungary. Here, permanent residence can be obtained after 6 months. In other countries - at least after 5 years, and in the most developed - after 10 years. If we are talking about buying real estate, then it is worth studying the offerPortugal, offering first a residence permit, and then permanent residence.

    What country is comfortable to live in?

    So, we have identified a number of countries where to get Permanent residence is easier thanks to special programs for migrants. Maybe now take a look at the latest international rankings?

    According to the experts of the international project "Network of Solutions sustainable development” (“Earth Institute” under the auspices of the UN), the ranking of the happiest countries in the world in 2015 is headed bySwitzerland . The level of GDP per capita, the level of corruption, civil liberties job security, a sense of security and confidence in tomorrow and etc.

    Austria ranks 13th, Great Britain 21st, Spain and Malta 36th and 37th, and Russia only 64th. At the same time, some countries from our list are lower in this rating: Cyprus is 67th, Portugal is 88th, Greece is 102nd, Hungary is 104th.

    Where is the safest?

    Let's look at another rating - the Global Peace Index - compiled in 2014 by specialists from the Institute for Economics and Peace. Safety is taken as the basis. Leader in itAustria. According to researchers, the country is characterized by economic stability and is attractive in terms of investment.

    Here the maximum high level education, medicine, transportation, social security. However, to get permanent residence here, you need to be extremely well-off - the amount of investment in the economy here is 8 million euros!

    Also included in the listPortugal - one of the most trustworthy countries in Europe in terms of the criminogenic situation. The Algarve province, located in the south, is considered the safest. Having bought real estate here for the amount of 500 thousand euros, you get a residence permit and after 5 years apply for permanent residence or citizenship.

    Where is the optimal cost of living?

    This year, the Numbeo portal conducted a Cost of Living Index 2015 study to find out which countries are the most expensive and cheapest to live in. Switzerland is the most expensive in Europe and the world.

    It is worth knowing that permanent residence here can be obtained only after 10 years of being in the status of a residence permit. And the amount of investment to obtain this status is measured in 100 thousand francs per year of taxes. But maybe it's worth it to live in a country with the best banking system in the world.

    The most accessible in the ranking wasHungary. Here are some of the most affordable housing prices in the EU. Buying an apartment can cost 30-40 thousand euros. Renting a spacious house - 400 euros. At the same time, the quality of food is quite high. This also applies to services social sphere, education.

    Acceptable prices andPortugal: 2 thousand euros per month is enough for a married couple to live.

    In which country is it easier to open a business?

    In the World Bank's Doing Business rating, one of the leaders in terms of ease of opening a company isGreat Britain. However, keep in mind that the level of taxes here is one of the highest in Europe. Apparently, this is a kind of "payment" for the stability of the British economy.

    Some European countries offer more profitable terms for doing business. For example, register commercial real estate easiest inPortugal. And from the point of view of business regulation, the most free conditions are offered bySpain.

    Adaptation to another country

    Comfortable living in the country also depends on the ease of adaptation of your family to it. Importance have climate, mentality, language. Decidingwhere to go for permanent residence from Russiaor another CIS country, you radically change the linguistic and cultural environment. Therefore, it is obvious that you should take care of learning a new language for you in advance.

    The closest to us in terms of mentality and standard of livingHungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia, Czech Republic. It is in these countries that adaptation will be easier, but it should be noted that Slovakia and the Czech Republic are extremely scrupulous in matters of migration policy, and it is very difficult to get permanent residence there. Bulgaria, in some cases, can disappoint, since the standard of living in this country is not higher than the average Russian one.

    The best countries for emigration from the CIS

    SpainEuropean leader in life expectancy (82 years), free business conditions Extremely efficient system health care, many free medical services, maximum ease of doing business
    HungaryThere is a profitable program obtaining permanent residence for investment. It is easier to adapt, the standard of living is higher, the optimal cost of living
    Saint Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada A profitable program for obtaining permanent residence and second citizenship by investment Visa-free visits to all Schengen countries, including Switzerland, the UK, Ireland and Cyprus. Visa to the USA and Canada for 10 years with an extension
    SwitzerlandThe best living conditions for wealthy people. No corruption, high job security, a sense of security and confidence in the future, the highest possible standard of living
    Great BritainThe easiest way to open a business. Transparent business conditions. The highest possible standard of living
    AustriaEuropean leader in economic and personal security. One of the most stable economies in the EU. High living standards and social security
    PortugalAffordable real estate, acceptable business conditions Favorable criminal environment, reasonable cost of living

    Thus, a single recipe and answer to the question "where to move for permanent residence in Europe" does not exist. It all depends on your personal preferences. Each country has its own advantages, which for some immigrants will be pluses, for others - minuses.

    Subscribe to our news. We will help you to better understandwhere is the best place to move to permanent residence. Follow following articles our blog, leave comments and ask questions. We hope our information will help you make the right decision.

    Moving abroad for permanent residence is a decisive and responsible step. It opens up life prospects and opportunities for you. The main thing at the same time is to plan everything correctly and take into account many nuances in order not to accidentally take old problems with you to a new place. Today we are compiling a list of things to do before going abroad.

    Step 1. Choosing a country to live in

    When a wealthy person says to himself: “I want to go abroad,” he still has little idea of ​​how many cases he will have to face. Most general question, which will have to be answered: in which country, where to go abroad for permanent residence?

    Many make the mistake already at this stage, drawing themselves a house in a wealthy German village or a French chateau. And then they are surprised to learn that moving to Germany or France is extremely difficult. When choosing a country, you must first consider how easy it is for you to get official status there.

    Countries such as Germany, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, which are among the top European states, are now not very willing to issue residence permits (residence permits) to former residents of the CIS countries. Therefore, choose countries from those where you can get the status of a residence permit, permanent residence or immediately citizenship. Without these statuses, you can only stay in the country for 90-180 days until the visa expires. And this applies to all members of your family!

    European countries where you can quickly get a residence permit, permanent residence, citizenship

    In a number of European countries there are official government programs, allowing to obtain these statuses for investments in the economy. And in some countries, it is enough to confirm your financial solvency and get into the quotas for a residence permit. At the moment, you can issue in 3-6 months:

    • Residence permit in Spain
    • Portugal Residence Permit
    • Residence permit in Switzerland
    • Residence permit in Austria
    • Residence permit in Greece
    • Residence Permit in Malta
    • Permanent residence in Malta
    • Maltese citizenship (up to 16 months)
    • Cypriot citizenship

    You can learn more about the terms of the programs by clicking on the links, as well as by studying the articles of our blog.

    Step 2. Getting to know the country

    Selecting a country in absentia only on the basis of the ease of obtaining a residence permit is not enough. You need to get first tourist visas for the family and go to the selected country for face-to-face acquaintance. Is not tourist trip. Spend your time like you live in the country.

    • Spend here several weeks a year, and come in different seasons: in winter, in summer
    • Assess the nature and climate, how it suits all family members
    • Rent an apartment / house in the proposed area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence
    • Familiarize yourself with the infrastructure, including transport
    • How friendly locals and do you like them
    • How safe is the area/city where you want to live?

    Step 3. Standard of living

    Some programs require you to declare income in accordance with certain living wage. For example, in Austria, in order to obtain a residence permit for a family of 4, you will need to confirm an annual income of about 60 thousand euros. However, please note that these requirements may differ from the actual cost of living. Therefore, when visiting the country, try to lead a daily lifestyle here and realistically assess the level of prices, your spending on purchases.

    • Spend money on common household needs
    • Buy local products, clothes, compare prices
    • Find out how much they cost utilities what they include
    • How much will the usual entertainment cost your family

    Step 4. Work, business

    Please note that the status of a residence permit obtained by investment often does not give you the right to work in the country or do business there. Therefore, think in advance how you will receive income. Many of our clients live abroad, and manage enterprises in the CIS remotely. And many go to live abroad after retirement. It all depends on your specific occupation, the degree of attachment to the workplace.

    It is assumed that if a person is planning to move to another country, then he is not tied to a workplace in the office. Although, you may be traveling to Europe at the invitation of the employer, so you can get the appropriate permission.

    Step 5: Teaching children

    At the stage of getting to know the city and country where you want to live, determine in advance where your children will study. Which kindergartens will attend and under what conditions. What schools are located in your area. Where are the nearest universities located, what specialties do they offer and how much does tuition cost.

    Step 6. Medicine

    Assess how affordable medicine will be for you. Which establishments are close to your intended place of residence. You will need to issue medical insurance for the whole family. Find out in advance how much it will cost and what it includes.

    Step 7. Taxes

    If you decide to go to live abroad for permanent residence, then automatically become tax resident in the country of residence (tax residence occurs if you live in the state for more than 183 days a year). Therefore, you will have to pay taxes in the new country. This is one of the most important points moving. Find out which taxes will affect you, what is their rate. Can you take advantage tax incentives(they are available in a number of countries for people who have recently received a residence permit).

    Step 8 Documents

    When you are convinced that the country suits you, the time comes for the fees themselves. Start by getting all your paperwork in order. We note right away that you will need most of them to obtain residence permits or citizenship. So that you do not miss anything, we recommend that you seek help from a company that professionally deals with immigration. Their specialists will help you to collect a package of documents, necessary extracts, assure them, apostille.

    We are ready to help you at all stages of preparation for the move. Call or visit our offices for consultation. We will get acquainted with your wishes, requirements and select the most suitable option.

    While world stars dream of obtaining Russian citizenship, many Russians are seriously concerned about choosing a place to emigrate. Some people are not satisfied with the political course in their homeland, others are economic situation. In any case, you should think in advance, because moving to another state is an expensive and not fast business. Let's take the path of least resistance and find out where it is easiest to emigrate from Russia, where transit for Russians will not be a problem.

    The best options for expats

    The choice of a country for emigration depends not only on the level of its economic development but also from loyalty migration legislation. Some limit the influx of foreigners, while others, on the contrary, encourage visitors in every possible way. Much also depends on the input data of the potential migrant himself: the level of his education and qualifications, language proficiency, availability of funds or family ties.

    Australia and North America

    The ranking of countries for migration is traditionally headed by such English-speaking powers as, New Zealand, and . There are special programs for immigrants. The standard of living is high, and the attitude towards foreigners is loyal - after all, these states are historically considered emigrants. Everyone is not taken there in a row, but those who meet the requirements can expect to receive citizenship within a short time. These are the best countries for working immigration.

    You can get a green card in the USA by becoming a participant in a lottery organized annually by the US government. The winning participants are presented with not the most high requirements: it is enough to have completed secondary education or work experience in a field requiring qualifications.

    To go to Canada or Australia, you need to score enough points in the competition. It takes into account not only the presence of diplomas and work experience, but also age, marital status, health status. A significant disadvantage all these English-speaking powers can be called geographical distance from Russia.


    How to emigrate to Europe from Russia? European states- Great Britain, Germany, France - are not inferior to America and Australia in terms of living standards, and, importantly, are not so far from Russia. However, due to the tightening immigration laws obtaining a residence permit there is very difficult, so weigh the pros and cons before

    For example, one of the most respectable and loyal to emigrants, Great Britain, has gradually canceled some types of visas issued earlier qualified specialists and students.

    Another popular state among immigrants from the CIS is Germany. Despite the stringent requirements for foreigners, there are quite a lot of people who want to get a residence permit here.

    If you are wondering where to immigrate from Russia with children, and at the same time do not complain about the lack of funds, you can choose any country in Europe - France, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium. If you are not afraid of the northern climate, do not hesitate to choose Sweden or Norway.

    In many states, it is possible to obtain a residence permit and citizenship for a certain amount of investment. In return, you will receive security, stability, a high level of medical care and education. Moreover, the younger the child, the easier it will be for him to get used to the new conditions. Adaptation for children, unlike their parents, is not a problem.

    South America

    Few seriously consider moving to South America. The standard of living of the main part of the population there is low. And most economies can be described in one word - developing. But there are exceptions, and if you are attracted to Latin American flavor, it is quite possible to opt for Uruguay. Emigrants are attracted by free medicine and education, stability, low level crime. English is not useful there - you need to learn Spanish.

    This option is suitable for businessmen, as well as people with stable incomes abroad. The advantages include short term naturalization - only three years.

    Middle East and Asia

    Asian countries are not particularly eager to fill the ranks of their citizens with foreigners. Traveling abroad for permanent residence from Russia in this direction is only possible due to marriage. High standard of living can offer, South Korea, . However special programs to attract expats is not there.

    One of the richest countries in the Middle East, the UAE, is constantly in need of foreign labor force. You can find a job there subject to ownership English language, and salaries attract not only Russians, but also more prosperous Americans and Europeans. Such a disadvantage as a hot climate is more than compensated for in practice. total absence crime and a high standard of living.

    However, this option is only suitable for work - it is impossible for a foreigner to become a citizen of the United Arab Emirates.

    Another popular state for emigration from Russia is Israel. Stay on legal grounds there is possible only if you and your relatives have the appropriate nationality, or through marriage.

    Emigration routes

    How to move for permanent residence in another country? AT general case The immigration process consists of the following steps:

    • in a few years can be issued permanent view for residence;
    • in a few more years, subject to other conditions, you can obtain citizenship or remain in the status permanent resident.

    Number of years to live various types residence before, - the period of naturalization - depends on the laws of a particular country and on the basis that the emigrant has, for example:

    • marriage to a foreigner or family reunification;
    • studying at a local university;
    • contract job;
    • organizing your own business;
    • investments;
    • refugee;
    • the presence of ancestors of the corresponding nationality.

    Marriage and family

    If your other half has foreign citizenship, in most cases, you can assume that the residence permit is already in your pocket. Some states immediately grant citizenship to foreign spouses without any hassle, others first check the marriage for strength, but usually do not build intrigues. Basic requirements are real family relationships, knowledge of the local language, financial solvency spouse. favorable countries for emigration from Russia to this case– Italy, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Ireland.

    A foreigner who has a residence permit there can also call a family abroad. Usually in this case, it is required that the marriage by the time of the move has already existed for at least three years.

    Study and work

    A student visa usually does not entitle you to permanent resident status. However, the experience of living, knowledge of a “living” language and local education enable the graduate to find a suitable job.


    Where to leave Russia for permanent residence in 2019 to obtain refugee status? With it, you can quickly get the citizenship of any country. The main thing is to prove that you have the right to it. For relatively well-to-do Russian families this is hardly a viable option. Even Ukrainian citizens who lived in the zone of armed conflict, despite real threat for their life and health, this status is very difficult to obtain. Lucky in the literal sense, only a few.


    Not only Russia gathers compatriots around the world - many countries that have demographic problems ready to provide preferential terms obtaining citizenship for members of their nation. The main conditions are to have at least a little knowledge of the language of their ancestors and to have original documents confirming nationality. So you can move to Germany, Israel, Hungary, Greece, Poland.

    Where is it easier to move

    As we can see, the most prosperous countries make rather high demands on immigrants.

    The issue of migration from the Russian Federation is relevant for many Russian citizens. Reasons for moving are family circumstances, the desire for self-realization or simply the desire for a better life. At the same time, migrants are often interested in questions about where and how to leave Russia forever without money. When looking for answers, there are many factors to consider, including the opportunities and risks of moving to another state. But how to make a choice? And what to pay attention to?

    At all times, Russians left the country different reasons. Most often, migration became a way to avoid revolutions, upheavals and political persecution. Now among the main reasons for moving from Russia are:

    • job search and career development;
    • the desire to significantly improve the standard of living;
    • dissatisfaction with the political situation, including the level of corruption and disregard for individual rights;
    • the high cost of goods and services;
    • low quality products and so on.

    In practice, Russians leave the country even for reasons of ecology, climate, or banal disagreement with the mentality of the Russian people.

    Emigration options

    When a citizen is looking for ways to leave the country and start life in a new place, he is interested in many questions. For example, . Legally, immigration is entry into new country for living, and emigration - leaving the native state.

    A big role in choosing a country to live and a way of migration is played by the financial issue. Including citizens are often looking for countries where to leave to live from Russia without money. In practice, there are several options for moving to a permanent residence in another country.

    distant relatives

    When looking for ways to leave Russia, migrants often begin to look for historical roots and at least distant blood ties in the country where they want to go. Not all states provide this opportunity. And if there is a possibility, then the applicant will have to prove the fact that his relatives lived or live in the territory chosen for immigration.

    At the time of marriage

    A family union with a citizen of another country allows you to obtain a residence permit, and then citizenship, in a shorter time. For example, in the USA or Italy, this is possible after 3 years of married life. However, if the migration service reveals the fact of the conclusion fictitious marriage would equate it to a federal crime.

    Within a certain time, the spouses must prove the truth of feelings and the sincerity of intentions. As justifications, you can use photos from travels, pages in in social networks testimonies of friends and relatives, and so on. Once one of the spouses obtains citizenship, checks are terminated.


    A large percentage of migrants are young people who want to get a prestigious European or other education. And then, if possible, stay in the country for the purpose of employment. It is this way of moving that is more practical and economical. To obtain a residence permit, you will need to conclude an agreement with educational institution and receive an official invitation.

    Legal employment

    When looking for where it is better to leave for permanent residence from Russia, migrants study employment opportunities and vacancies in different countries. This method of moving is considered the most prestigious. However, in most cases, a work permit is required. In practice, highly qualified specialists who were invited to prestigious positions in foreign companies or service personnel migrate more often, for whom it is somewhat easier to find a job than other categories of labor migrants.

    Not in my specialty

    Students or citizens without work experience often look for which country is better to leave to live from Russia without knowing the language. More often the choice falls on English-speaking countries, including the United States. In such states, there is the possibility of legal employment without special skills and specialization. For example, as interns or service personnel in hotels and restaurants.

    Buying a property

    But how to emigrate from Russia if there are no relatives anywhere? In practice, most states provide favorable conditions for obtaining citizenship to property owners. Of course, the cost of an apartment or house must fit into the framework and laws of a particular country. This method of moving is considered one of the easiest, but also one of the most expensive. Despite trends, many Eastern countries and some Western countries do not simplify the procedure for obtaining statehood, even when owning real estate for an impressive amount.


    Volunteering is a real chance to travel with the possibility of moving to permanent residence. Usually, young people who are studying or graduating from universities become volunteers. It is easier for volunteers to find where they can emigrate from Russia without any problems with legislation and paperwork. Often, such programs establish paid modes of activity, which allows you to move and live in a foreign land with comfort.

    Political refuge

    Many states guarantee the provision of political or other asylum to Russians and refugees from other powers. It's just that it becomes more and more difficult every year to prove the fact of real persecution or threat from the state. Without good reason you should not even try to get refugee status, and even more so a residence permit.

    Opening your business

    Entrepreneurship and investment in the economy of another state is a simple but costly way of migration. The national governments present different conditions to start a business in their territories. Among the main nuances is the need to provide jobs for local population and establishing minimum amount investment.

    Features of country selection

    When choosing which country is easier to emigrate from Russia, citizens study the advantages and disadvantages of such states. Among them:

    • migration policy;
    • options for successful employment;
    • cost of living and housing prices;
    • mentality and way of life of local residents;
    • climatic conditions and ecology;
    • official language;
    • traditions and culture;
    • a chance to get a residence permit soon and so on.

    Each migrant chooses a country that is closer in spirit, culture and own worldview.

    Most favorable countries

    List of the best countries for emigration from Russia, indicating the main advantages:

    1. CIS countries - visa-free regime and employment opportunities.
    2. Czech Republic - the similarity of mentality and rapid adaptation.
    3. Australia - a high standard of living and a shortage of personnel, which allows you to quickly find a job.
    4. Canada - economic stability and the search for highly qualified specialists.
    5. Israel is a simplified move, but only with the proven fact of Jewish roots.
    6. USA - a high standard of living, the possibility of employment and obtaining a green card through the lottery.
    7. Finland - accelerated receipt citizenship upon marriage, employment or purchase of real estate.

    In fact, it is difficult to say where it is easiest to emigrate from Russia. It depends not only on the migration policy of a particular country, but also on the level of education, income, work experience of the applicant for relocation.

    Much harder to immigrate

    Moving to another state is often burdensome financial matter. For example, it is almost impossible to leave for the USA, Germany and Switzerland without serious savings in a bank account. Difficulty can also arise from closed countries for whom citizenship is the exception rather than the rule. A striking example– Japan.

    How is the move

    Russians are increasingly concerned about the question of how to leave Russia without money. Unfortunately, this is practically impossible in practice. Emigration from Russia takes place in several stages:

    1. Visa application. To obtain any type of entry permit, you will need to fill out an application and submit a regulated package of documents.
    2. Obtaining the status of a residence permit. Usually, the status is assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country when the applicant submits the required papers and grounds.
    3. Obtaining permanent residence status. The status is also assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs or migration service after a continuous stay in the territory of the state for 3-7 years. Specific dates depend on the policy of the country.
    4. Obtaining citizenship. civil status in the new state, the applicant can receive in two ways: by birthright or by naturalization. The latter option requires residence in the country for 10 years. Exact dates depend on the country, its policies and circumstances.
    • international passport;
    • photographs of the established sample;
    • financial;
    • to rent or buy a home;
    • health insurance policy;
    • confirmation of knowledge foreign language(if necessary);
    • Marriage certificate;
    • invitation to the country educational institution or from a future place of work;
    • evidence of kinship with citizens of the target country (if necessary);
    • birth certificate and (when traveling with children).

    The consulate or services dealing with migrants have the right to request additional documents. Refusal to submit paperwork may result in a denial.

    Why they can refuse to leave Russia

    Among the most common causes negative response to the applicant's application for a new status can be distinguished:

    • incorrectly completed application;
    • detection of false data in the questionnaire;
    • use of forged documents;
    • discovery of evidence of fictitious marriage;
    • having a criminal record;
    • groundlessness of the request for political asylum;
    • insufficient financial security;
    • non-compliance with the rules of immigration or legislative policy countries.

    Some reasons can be corrected and the application reapplied. In other cases, the applicant will be blacklisted by the country. And moving will be impossible.

    Summing up

    Searching for ways to self-realization, career growth or simply the desire to improve the quality of life leads Russians to the decision to leave their homeland. It is not as difficult to emigrate today as it was 10-20 years ago. But the governments of individual countries present different requirements to migrants, each has its own nuances. The best country for those with a small budget is one that offers employment opportunities, training in preferential programs or volunteering on attractive terms.

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