Entry to Thailand without a visa. Tourist visa to Thailand for Russians

A visa to Thailand is not required for Russians who want to visit the country for tourism purposes for up to 30 days. To enter, all you need is a passport and return tickets. If you are going to visit the country for other purposes, or for a longer period, you need to obtain a visa in advance.

For citizens of other CIS countries, a visa must in any case be obtained in advance or upon arrival (up to 15 days, see below).

To visit Thailand without a tourism visa for up to 30 days, you must have with you:

If you do not have the listed documents, you may be denied entry.

In total, your stay in Thailand over the past 6 months should not exceed 90 days from the date of first entry.

New immigration rules

Since August 2014 have been seriously changed immigration rules. Now it is practically impossible to get a visa in Thailand. A wound visa is a round-trip border crossing in order to reset the period visa-free stay. When re-entering in such cases, border guards now prohibit entry.

Gift 2100+1000 rubles for housing!

Transit visa

A transit visa is issued in the following cases:

  • Category TS: transit through Thailand to enter a third country or return to your own country.
  • Category S: participation in sporting events. If you need to stay for more than 30 days, category “O” is issued.
  • Category C: executive or seafarers who arrive at a port/station or national territory.

Its validity period is 3 months; after entry, stay is allowed for up to 30 days. If you need to extend it or change the category, you can contact the Immigration Bureau.

Required documents

  • International passport or other valid identification (for example, a sailor's passport). The validity of the certificate must be at least 6 months.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • Photo 4*6 cm.
  • Fully paid round trip tickets.
  • Availability confirmation financial resources. 10,000 baht (approximately 13,750 rubles) will be enough for one person, or 20,000 baht for a family.
  • For TS category: A valid visa to a third country (if it is needed for entry).
  • For category S: invitation to participate in sports competitions.

For children under 18 years of age:

You must provide the original + a copy, or a notarized copy of the following documents:

  • Birth certificate.
  • Notarized permission from parents for the departure of a minor. It is only required from those parents who will not accompany the child on the trip.

Non-immigrant visa

This visa is issued to citizens for the following purposes of travel (the letters first indicate the category):

  • F: job responsibilities.
  • B: business or work.
  • IM: joint investments with government agencies.
  • ED: study visa to Thailand, as well as participation in seminars and conferences, taking courses.
  • D: producer, journalist or reporter.
  • R: religious or missionary activity.
  • RS: Scientific research, training or teaching in institutes.
  • EX: experts or highly qualified specialists.
  • O: other activities. For example, living with family, living after retirement, working sports coach etc.

One-time and multiple entry visa have a validity period of 3 months. Multiple entries can be issued for a period of up to 1 year. Maximum term stay – 90 days. Exceptions are made for persons who have received appropriate permission from the Immigration Bureau.

Required documents

  • Passport or other identification document recognized by Thailand. To obtain a 3-month visa, its validity must be at least 6 months, and for an annual visa - at least 18 months.
  • A completed application form.
  • Photo 4*6 cm, taken less than six months ago.
  • Confirmation of financial availability for the trip: 20,000 baht for one person, or 40,000 baht for the whole family.
  • O: Birth or marriage certificate.
  • ED (study visa): diploma or notification from a university or other educational institution about accepting you for training.
  • IM: letter from the Thailand Board of Investment.
  • Categories F, B, ED, M, R: a letter from the inviting organization confirming the purpose of the trip.
  • For work or business visa category B:
    • Confirmation letter from the Ministry of Labor. To obtain it, entrepreneurs need to submit Form WP3 to the Ministry of Labor, Labor Relations Office or Foreign Workers Administration Office in Thailand.
    • A letter from the company confirming the purpose of the trip.
    • A document confirming your business relationship with the inviting organization.
    • An invitation from a company that has the right to hire foreign citizens.
    • An employment contract that will include hiring information, salary, position and qualifications. It must be signed by the director and certified by the company seal.
    • For those previously working in Thailand: a copy of the work permit.
    • Copy of the cooperation document:
      • List of shareholders.
      • Registration documents and business license.
      • Company Profile.
      • Operation details.
      • List of foreign workers, indicating name, position and nationality.
      • Company location map.
      • Balance sheet, profit and loss account, entrepreneur income tax for the last year.
      • Declaration of income taxes foreign citizen.
      • VAT registration certificate.

If any of the documents are missing, an explanatory letter must be attached.

Each page of copies of documents must bear the signature of the applicant.

Visa costs and processing times

  • The consular fee for a single-entry tourist and transit visa is 1,500 rubles.
  • The fee for a non-immigrant single-entry visa is 3,000 rubles, for an annual multiple-entry visa - 7,000 rubles.
  • The fee for a 3-year multiple-entry business visa is 15,000 rubles.

All documents are processed at the embassy within 3 days. Due to changes in exchange rates, prices may vary slightly.

Documents must be submitted personally to the embassy, ​​or they can be submitted through a representative (through relatives or by proxy) or an authorized travel agency.

The Honorary Consulate General in St. Petersburg, as well as the Consulate in Vladivostok, do not issue visas.

Visa for CIS citizens on arrival

Citizens of Ukraine and Kazakhstan can obtain a visa on arrival at the airports of Bangkok, Utapao (Pattaya), Phuket and others. Full list shown in the photo.

Where can I get a visa on arrival?

Required documents to obtain a visa on arrival:
  • Passport valid for more than 6 months.
  • Photo 4*6.
  • A paid return ticket for a date within the next 15 days.
  • Funds of at least 10,000 baht per person, or 20,000 per family.
  • For children: birth certificate and powers of attorney of absent parents.
  • Payment visa fee 1000 baht.
  • Completed migration card(issued on the plane).

Residents of other CIS countries must obtain a visa at the consulate. Citizens of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan can contact the Thai Embassy in Ankara, citizens of Armenia - in Yerevan. Citizens of other countries can obtain a visa in Moscow or any other country where there is an embassy.


Low prices, good climate in winter months and simple visa rules allow Thailand for a long time remain a favorite destination among Russian tourists, along with and.

Please note that final decision entry notification is accepted by border guards. They might not let you through if they find you. sufficient grounds on this (under the Immigration Act 1979). For example, invalid passport, or lack of confirmation of the availability of funds for travel, illness or mental disorders, lack of necessary vaccinations, being on the black list.

If you are planning to enter Thailand in the coming months, it makes sense to inquire about the rules for visiting this state. Since this eastern country Tens of thousands of our compatriots enter every year, information about it is not difficult to obtain.

Thailand is one of those places where you can really relax after working year, lie on the beach, stay in an inexpensive comfortable hotel, visit a lot interesting places and take a lot of photos.

The latter will serve as a good incentive throughout the year to save money and next vacation again enjoy the beauty of Wat Arun, Phi Phi, Wat Phra Kaew and many other attractions of an amazing, vibrant country, so different from our harsh and strict Russia.

Those who have already been to a tourist state located in South-East Asia and called the Kingdom of Thailand, until 2007, they had to go to the country's consulate, submit documents and wait to be given a visa. In 2005, the authorities of Russia and Thailand, due to the fact that the flow of Russians to eastern resorts is increasing annually, decided to simplify the procedure for crossing the border of Thailand.

Abolition visa formalities for our compatriots came into force in 2007. This means that in 2019 you can enter the kingdom without a visa.

Visa-free entry is not possible in all cases. The Thai Consulate continues to accept documents from Russian citizens and process visas for those whose circumstances require permission to enter the country.

Who can visit the Kingdom of Thailand without a visa?

Visa-free entry into Thailand is possible if you meet three criteria:

  1. You are heading to a country for tourism purposes.
  2. Do you have international passport RF.
  3. We intend to stay in Thailand for no more than 30 days.

When you go on a trip, in addition to your personal belongings, you should... When crossing the border, customs officials will check your data and mark it on the appropriate page of your document. special stamp, which will simultaneously be both a permit to stay in the country and a reminder indicating when you entered the state and when you are required to leave its territory.

30 days should not be confused with a month, which can have either 28 or 31 days. You also need to take into account that the permit period also includes the date of entry, that is, the countdown starts from it, and not from the second full day your stay in Thailand.

Entry into Thailand in a visa-free regime is free, that is, you will not have to pay for a stamp upon entry.

An important rule is the time of departure from the country. If you reached last day, you must leave the state no later than 23:59. IN otherwise you will receive violator status visa regime Kingdom of Thailand.

What documents must be presented when crossing the border visa-free?

The processing of new arrivals at the Thai border is fast. In addition to your passport, you need to present your arrival card when entering Thailand. This is a standard migration card international standard(sample and instructions can be downloaded).

Sample of a completed Thailand arrival card

Sample completed reverse side Thailand arrival cards

Typically, this document is issued on the plane, where tourists must fill it out. The filling language is English.

Since only tourists have the right to enter the country without a visa, the customs officer has the right to demand from entering citizens documentary confirmation that they actually are. Therefore, be prepared to present:

  1. Return ticket, the date of which does not violate the corresponding permitted period.
  2. A hotel voucher or other documents confirming that you will be staying at the hotel.
  3. Cash that will allow you to vacation in the country. The required amount must be equivalent to 20,000 baht.

If you arrived in Thailand without a visa, you are prohibited from engaging in any activity, whether profitable or not, such as volunteering, conducting seminars, etc.

For work and social activities A Thai visa is required.

This is what a visa to Thailand looks like

Is it possible to extend a visa-free stay in Thailand?

In many visa-free countries For Russians there is the possibility of extending the period of stay; Thailand is no exception. If for some reason you need to stay in the kingdom, you can apply for a permit, which is issued for no more than seven days.

Extension of visa-free stay in Thailand

In this video you can see how you can extend your stay in Thailand.

You need to contact Immigration Bureaus located throughout the country. They operate in tourist centers and large cities. This time, you must pay 1,900 baht for the permit, which is equivalent to approximately 3,375 rubles in 2019.

When visa-free entry into the Kingdom of Thailand is not possible

Before you cross the borders of Thailand, make sure that you do not need a visa. Permission to visit the country is required in the following cases:

  1. The tourist has recently been to Thailand with or without a visa. The word “recently” means six months from the date of new arrival.
  2. The passport already has a stamp indicating visa-free entry within 90 days from the date of the new visit.

If you are not allowed visa-free visit kingdoms, there is a way out. For Russians, it is possible to obtain a visa on the spot. However, this is a risk that you should not expose yourself to.

Entry with a Cambodia visa

The governments of Thailand and Cambodia have reached an agreement in principle regarding the entry of Russians into one of these countries. In 2019, Russian citizens can enter with a visa obtained in Cambodia, and vice versa, with a Thai visa they can go to Cambodia.

Applying for a Thai visa

A decision on each applicant is made quickly; permission to enter Thailand is issued one day after submitting the application.

Visa categories for visiting the Kingdom of Thailand

If you are not a tourist or a tourist planning to stay in the country for more than 30 days, you will need to go through the visa process. The category of the document depends on the purpose of your trip. The period for which you can go to the kingdom and the contents of the set of papers required to be presented to the migration services depend on the category.

Video about how to get a visa to Thailand through the embassy in Moscow.

A visa to Thailand can be:
  1. Transit. To date customs services countries do not require a transit visa. You can choose Thailand as a transfer point and, upon arriving in the country, stay in transit for up to 30 days. The visiting procedure is the same as for tourists with presentation of a foreign passport and filling out a migration card.
  2. Tourist. Issued not only to tourists who expect to stay in the country for longer than the permitted period, but also to Russian citizens traveling to the East for the purpose of treatment.
  3. Non-migratory. This category acceptable for a number of purposes of visiting the country, this is participation in legal proceedings, family reunion, work as a journalist or director, business, study, trips to seminars or religious events, participation in investment projects and so on.
  4. Diplomatic or official. Issued to employees of diplomatic services.

If you are pursuing exclusively tourist purposes, you have the opportunity to write an application for issuance. The last one is single-entry, the six-monthly one is double-entry, that is, with it you can cross the country’s border in one direction and the other twice. You can stay in Thailand for no more than 60 days. An extension of the period is allowed, but only for 30 days, for which you need to write an application to the Migration Bureau.

Watch the video: how to receive and renew tourist visa to Thailand for 6 months.

If you have double or single entry visa, then the rules for entry into Thailand are dictated after the end of the extended period so that you must leave the country. With a double permit sticker, after departure you can return to Thailand for another 60 days with the possibility of extension.

Any type of non-immigrant visa is initially issued for 90 days. If this is not enough for you, then you can, being already in place, contact Migration Service and extend the permit for up to one year.

Standard set of documents for obtaining a visa

List of papers required for applying to consular services Thailand, is not much different from the list that must be presented to obtain a visa to any other country.

Must be presented:

  • . This is a kind of register of all other documents, where maximum information about the applicant is collected. It must be filled out in English. The form can be found on the website of the country's embassy. The document must be consistent with the other documents attached to it.

An example of filling out a visa application form for Thailand

  • International passport. According to the rules of the kingdom, its period must extend beyond the expiration date of the visa by six months.
  • Photograph 40 × 60 mm. It requires that it be made recently and be good quality. Only color photos are accepted.
  • A copy of the international passport with personal data.
  • Confirmation financial solvency applicant. If a family is going on a trip, an amount equivalent to 40,000 baht must be presented for all members, for one person - 20,000 baht. Document confirming the availability of necessary Money can replace the one drawn up in the form sponsorship letter ().
  • Air tickets (finally purchased).
  • , corresponding generally accepted rules, if the applicant is working (a sample work certificate in Russian can be downloaded

    Copies of documents must be accompanied by notarized translations. The applicant must sign on all pages of the copies.


Visa to Thailand for Russians: tourists

And now you have received the long-awaited vacation and are getting ready to relax. Have you chosen Thailand as your holiday destination? Congratulations, this is a great choice. Now you need to pack your things for vacation, collect all the necessary documents and essentials. And you also need a visa to enter a foreign country. Do Russians need a visa to Thailand in 2019? Yes, this question worries many Russian tourists. We will answer you simply – a visa is both needed and not needed. How so? It's very simple - it all depends on the purpose of your trip, its duration and other factors. But first things first.

And so, if you are going to Thailand as a tourist on vacation and intend to stay in the country for less than 30 days and you have a return ticket that confirms this, then you do not need a visa!

All you need is to get a special stamp in your passport when entering Thailand. The stamp will have your entry date on it, and after 30 days of receiving that stamp, you agree to voluntarily leave the country.
But believe us – 30 days of vacation is enough for you! Besides, if you are traveling to Thailand from travel agency, then you have most likely already calculated everything, and you are unlikely to spend more than 14 days in this country (this is the usual length of stay for tourists abroad).
So we found out that you do not need a visa. But how can we get this coveted stamp in our passport, which will allow us to enjoy the beaches and warm water in Thailand for 30 days? See the answer below.

Even when you fly on the plane they will give you something to fill out. special forms in the form of a questionnaire. They will need to fill out all the fields and do it in English. But don’t worry, because all this is already written in your passport and on your plane ticket. So this procedure is not complicated, but it is lengthy, especially if you do not speak English and do not know how to write their letters.
After the plane lands, you will be asked to go immigration control. There you will give your forms to the airport employee and they will take your photo.
After a short check of your documents, they stamp your passport, return your documents and wish you a great rest.
That's it, now you can go to the hotel and get settled in!

What difficulties may arise during passport control?

It all depends on you. If your passport is not torn, the corners are not bent and all the pages are in order, then you will be allowed through immediately. If you have a sloppy passport, they will want to talk to you. And, perhaps, you will be monitored for the first few days of your stay in Thailand.
Also, if your passport contains notes about visiting African countries, then be prepared to consult with local doctors. They are very afraid of African diseases, so they will ask you to undergo a small examination. They may also insist on vaccinations if you were in Africa about 10 days ago.
That, in general, is all that you can expect upon arrival in Thailand.

Thailand ensures its prosperity by welcoming millions of tourists every year. Everyone, from airport employees to tuk-tukers, exists on the money that vacationers leave. For example, the annual passenger flow from Russia is more than 1 million people.

This, of course, is not Türkiye, which until recent events hosted 4.5 million Russians. But even this 1 million brings Thailand almost a billion dollars annually.

Practice visa-free regime mutually beneficial:

  • eliminates unnecessary fuss.
  • convenient for those who do not have a bank account and official income that meets entry requirements.
  • saves $40.

Russians can stay in the country for up to 30 days without applying for special permission.

How can you enter Thailand without a visa?

Are you traveling in a group? organized group or individually, there is no question of obtaining an entry permit early. On the plane, you fill out an immigration card (indicating your purpose of travel, destination, income and other information) and a customs declaration.

If you are not carrying anything prohibited or subject to additional tax collections, and the cost of imported goods for personal use does not exceed 10 thousand baht (about $285), then check the box next to “Nothing to Declare”. In the zone passport control these papers along with the passport are presented to the employee immigration service, who affixes a stamp on entry into the country.

From the date marked in the stamp, the Russian has the right to stay in Thailand for up to 30 days.

Just a few years ago, having entered the country in this way, one could stay in it indefinitely, which is what many Russians took advantage of, living in Thailand with funds received from renting out apartments. To do this, on the 29th day you had to leave the country, for example, to neighboring Cambodia, affix the appropriate stamp and enter back the next day, receiving a new stamp for 30 days.

The Thai government decided to streamline this confusion and banned this practice. The official communique stated that those citizens who are not in the country as tourists must obtain entry permission in accordance with real goals stay in the country. If it is work, then the visa should be a work visa, if it is a long vacation, then it should be a multiple-entry tourist visa.

Theoretically, you can still travel to neighboring state and risk going back. However, such a maneuver is officially prohibited, and immigration officials with a 90 percent probability will not give permission to visa-free entry. In this case, the illusory question of whether Russians need a visa to Thailand turns into a very tangible one.

In what cases is a visa required?

Official permission for Russians to stay in Thailand is required in the following cases:

  • If the purpose of the trip is treatment in Thailand, which will take more than 30 days (type “MT”)
  • If you are employed or run your own business in Thailand (type “B”)
  • If you are performing official duties in Thailand (type "F").
  • If the trip is educational in nature (types “ED”, “RS”).
  • If you perform duties as a representative of the media (type “M”).
  • If you are participating in religious and missionary programs (type "R").
  • If you are a highly qualified specialist or expert (type “EX”).
  • If you are an accompanying person; a pensioner with a bank account in Thailand; side trial; operate jointly with Thai government agencies and so on. (type "O").

In the first two cases, the visa is considered a tourist visa. In the rest - non-immigration. The difference between them is in the set of documents required to be submitted to the consular service.

In addition, there are transit visas(not required for Russians), special permissions for diplomats and the so-called “courtesy visa”, which is essentially similar to the diplomatic one.

Valid term of a visa

Tourist or for the purpose of treatment (“TR”, “MT”):

  • single entry – 3 months – continuous stay for 60 days;
  • multiple – 6 months – continuous stay for 60 days.

Non-immigrant (business, work, educational and others listed above):

  • single – 3 months – continuous stay throughout the entire period;
  • multiple - from 3 to 12 months - continuous stay for 90 days, if absent additional resolution immigration authorities.


An entry permit for tourism and medical purposes costs:

  • single entry – $40;
  • multiple - $200.

An entry permit for business, work, study and other non-immigration purposes from November 2015 costs:

  • single entry – $80;
  • multiple - $200.

What do you need to get a long-stay visa?

Table. List of documents to obtain permission to enter Thailand.



International passport with six months or more validity. At multiple resolution for 12 months – at least 18 months.
A completed application form. Blank.
Photo 4x6 cm.

Financial security in the amount 20 thousand baht (about $550) per person. Or sponsorship confirmation.

Certificate of vaccination against yellow fever if the applicant has visited any country in Africa, as well as some countries in Central and South America.

Copy of the main page of the passport

Depending on the purpose of the trip:

· birth/marriage certificate;

· copy of qualification diploma;

· invitation from educational institution;

· letters from authorized government agencies;

· letter from employer;

· documents on cooperation of legal entities;

Round-trip tickets, paid, entry and exit dates fit within the visa period
Certificate of employment (if available)
For an MT visa - an invitation letter from a Thai medical institution

Minors, in addition to a passport, must have a birth certificate. In the absence of parental accompaniment, consent from them.

Documents drawn up in English, Russian or Thai languages. In other cases, a certified translation into English or Thai is required.

The form must be filled out in English. Last names, first names, street names, etc. - with Latin letters, example of filling.

Documents can be submitted in person or through an intermediary. A power of attorney for obtaining a visa is not required.

Where to get a visa

Permission to long stay in Thailand can be obtained from the Kingdom's representative offices located in the following cities:

  • Moscow

The embassy is located at st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 9.

  • Saint Petersburg

The Consulate General is located at the address: Ave. Bolshoi, 9/6.

  • Vladivostok

The Honorary Consulate is located at st. Shchedrina, 10

What happens if I stay in Thailand without a visa?

Violation of the rules of stay in the country by foreigners is punishable by an administrative fine.

If you are without a visa for more than 30 days or have an expired visa, then when leaving the country you will be forced to pay 500 baht for each day illegal presence. If you are discovered as an illegal immigrant outside the airport, a decision will be made to deport you, and your information will be added to the stop list.

You are a Russian citizen and have decided to spend some time in Thailand, let’s look at what visa options are available to you

Stay less than 30 days

In case you are planning a short trip as part of a tour package or independent travel for a period of less than 30 days, then you don’t have to read further, because there is an agreement between Russia and Thailand on visa-free travel, providing for the possibility of visa-free stay for Russians for tourism purposes in Thailand for up to 30 days. Upon arrival in the country, you will simply be given a mark (stamp) in your passport, which allows you to legally stay in Thailand for a specified period.

Extension of stay up to 37 days (30+7)

If you are a little short on time and want to stay in the Kingdom of Thailand for more than 30 days, it is possible to extend the validity of the stamp for another 7 days. To do this, you need to contact the immigration service and pay a visa fee of 1,900 baht.

Border Run from Thailand to Cambodia, stay up to 60 days (30+30)

You can double your stay in Thailand with a stamp by making the so-called “border run”. This is the name for a one-day trip at the end of a 30-day stay in Thailand to the nearest border, crossing the border and returning to Thailand, where you will again be given a visa-free 30-day stamp. Currently, this opportunity is only available once, provided that you have not previously abused border runs in Thailand. The tightening of such practices is due to the fact that people used to live in the Kingdom for years, making such trips every month.

A trip from Pattaya to the nearest Cambodia will cost you from 2 to 3 thousand baht for a one-day trip, the price already includes all related expenses. A good option is to combine this trip with an excursion to Angkor Wat - a giant Hindu temple complex in Cambodia dedicated to the god Vishnu. The cost of an excursion from Pattaya will be 4-5 thousand baht, you will be able to visit one of the most important archaeological sites in the world and extend the possibility of your stay in Thailand for another 30 days.

Single-entry tourist visa to Thailand for 90 days (60+30)

Single visit to Thailand tourist visa will allow you to stay in the Kingdom for 90 days, but after 60 days you will need to apply to the immigration office to extend your visa for another 30 days, the visa fee will be 1900 baht.

To obtain a tourist visa to Thailand for Russian citizens, you must contact the Consular Section Embassy of the Kingdom of Thailand in Moscow, where you need to provide the required package of documents in English or with a notarized translation into English language.

List necessary documents To obtain a single-entry tourist visa valid for 90 days:

  • International passport. The validity of the passport must expire no earlier than 6 months after the expiration of the visa. If the passport is not the first and new, you must provide a previous foreign passport, which contained notes on foreign trips.
  • Copy home page foreign passport.
  • Two color photographs measuring 4x6 centimeters, taken on a white background “without corners or ovals.”
  • Certificate of employment issued to letterhead enterprise, indicating the position, date of employment, average monthly salary and vacation period. The certificate must be in English or notarized translation in English, the certificate is valid for 30 days. For individual entrepreneurs It is necessary to provide documents confirming this activity.
  • Confirmation of financial solvency - Bank statement an account balance of at least 700 US dollars or an equivalent amount in rubles (for obtaining a tourist visa for up to 90 days). Extract in English or with a notarized translation into English.
  • A copy of the purchased air ticket or confirmation of a round-trip reservation for a maximum stay of 60 days (one-way tickets are not accepted).
  • Confirmation of availability of accommodation from a hotel, apartment or villa. Reservation for the entire period of stay. To obtain a multiple visa, you must provide a rental agreement for housing for the entire period of stay in the Kingdom.
  • Questionnaire with a pasted photograph (4x6 cm), filled out in Russian ( the only document, which does not require an English translation).

All documents must be translated into English and notarized.

This results in a rather voluminous package of documents, adding unnecessary hassle and costs associated with the need for translation and notarization all documents. This innovation has been in effect since September 2016. What to do for respectable travelers who want to save themselves from fees complete package documents and still spend the winter in the Land of Smiles? For comments on this matter, we contacted the heads of several visa agencies that provide services for obtaining visas and extending legal stay directly in Thailand.

Here's what they told us: despite the statement by employees of the Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow that the document requirements for obtaining a tourist visa to Thailand are the same for all countries, in fact the rules and requirements may differ slightly, especially for countries bordering Thailand, for example Laos, where the Thai embassy has long been known for its loyal attitude towards tourists and slightly simplified requirements to the package of documents for obtaining a tourist visa.

Entry without a visa and obtaining a tourist visa in Thailand, stay up to 120 days (30+60+30)

An excellent option to save yourself from the hassle of collecting and translating a full package of documents to obtain a tourist visa in Russia, as well as to increase the period of your stay in Thailand by an additional 30 days, is the possibility of entering Thailand with a stamp, which is valid for 30 days, and At the end of this period, contact your local visa agency to obtain a tourist visa in Laos using the simplified option.

IN currently tourists who are already in the Kingdom and apply to a visa agency can count on receiving a single-entry tourist visa (90 days), having only a foreign passport in hand. Visa agencies regularly organize special trips to the Royal Thai Embassy in Laos for organized receipt visa

By paying fixed amount, a foreigner receives a transfer in a comfortable minibus to the city of Nong Khai, where the border with Laos passes, after crossing the border a transfer is made to the Royal Thai Embassy in Vientiane, where a visa agency employee will fill out the correct form. questionnaire and submit documents for a visa. The visa fee is also included in the basic cost of the agency's services.

After submitting documents, tourists check into a decent hotel, lunch, dinner and breakfast the next day are included. Further free time until the morning, during which you can explore Vientiane - the capital and The largest city Laos, located on the Mekong River. Life here is calm, measured and the prevailing atmosphere is more reminiscent of a small provincial town. Among the attractions of Vientiane are Buddha Park, the National Museum of Laos, the Patusai Triumphal Arch, as well as several notable Buddhist temples.

The next morning after breakfast, go to the Embassy to pick up passports with visas already issued, then transfer to the border and go through border control, after which the group returns to Pattaya.

It should be borne in mind that the requirement to confirm financial solvency in the amount of 20 thousand baht (700 US dollars) and the presence of a return ticket from the country does not directly relate to visa issues; this may be required by an immigration officer when passing border control, regardless of the presence or absence of which -or visas. However, at border control they are loyal to clients of visa agencies and almost never find fault with organized groups.

By the time the main part (60 days) of a tourist visa expires, it can also be extended for another 30 days for 1,900 baht at the immigration office. Thus, total time Your stay in the Land of Smiles will be 120 days with one trip to Laos to obtain a visa.

Obtaining a second tourist visa in Thailand, stay up to 210 days (30+90+90)

You can extend your stay for another 90 days by obtaining a single-entry tourist visa for the second time, but we will not claim that this is 100% possible. To be sure of this issue, you must first consult with the visa agency in each individual case.

A whole year in Thailand on a student visa for 360 days (4x90)

To stay in the country for a period long term, you can get a student visa, which will allow you to combine holidays and study a language, such as English or Thai. Price student visa will be from 15 to 20 thousand baht at a time and 3 times 1900 baht every 3 months.

We will not consider pension, business and elite visas in this article, since this is a completely different story. Enjoy your holiday in the Kingdom of Thailand!

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The post is long, and I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out how to make something so lean as a dessert without it being applesauce. AND...

Today I cook about half of the cakes in a slow cooker. This is very convenient for me, and gradually many cakes that used to...

Before you start cooking according to the recipe that you like best, you need to choose and prepare the carcass correctly: First,...

Salads with cod liver always turn out very tasty and interesting, because this product goes well with many ingredients...
The popularity of canned squash for the winter is growing every day. Cute, elastic and juicy vegetables, reminiscent in appearance...
Not everyone likes milk in its pure form, although it is difficult to overestimate its nutritional value and usefulness. But a milkshake with...
In this lunar calendar for December 2016 you will find information about the position of the moon, its phases for each day of the month. When favorable...
Supporters of proper nutrition, strictly calorie counting, very often have to deny themselves small gastronomic joys in the form of...
Crispy puff pastry made from ready-made puff pastry is quick, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing you need is time to...