Visas to Israel for Russians. Types of visas to Israel

Israel can rightfully be considered one of the most popular countries for travel. The state, washed by four seas, attracts tourists from all over the world with the opportunity to visit without first obtaining a visa. However, if the purpose of visiting Israel is not tourism or pilgrimage, it may be worth taking care of obtaining a visa. A visa to Israel in 2019 is issued after providing certain documents and evidence confirming legal stay in the Holy Land.

  1. 2 color photographs 3.5x4.5 cm;
  2. internal passport;
  3. certificate from the place of employment (the certificate must indicate the position, size wages and guarantee of job security upon return);
  4. bank statement confirming financial stability;
  5. divorce certificate;
  6. children's birth certificate;
  7. invitation of the host party (if required);
  8. medical certificate(if the purpose of the visit is treatment or work);
  9. receipt of payment of duty.

European countries that have entered into a visa-free entry agreement with Israel: Albania, Andorra, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Great Britain, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Ireland, Macedonia, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, and all countries Schengen zone. If we talk about how long citizens of the Russian Federation can stay in Israel, this period is the same as for other CIS countries that have entered into an agreement - namely, 90 days from the date of entry.

The visa-free regime with Israel also allows entry into some countries in Oceania, North and South America.

Visa-free entry for Russians

Documents for entry under the visa-free regime

Officially, under the terms of the agreement on visa regime, to visit Israel you only need. But often, when crossing the border, refusals occur due to unsubstantiated information about the purpose of the trip. Therefore, in order to convince employees border service To ensure the legality of your visit, it is advisable to have the following documents with you:

  • return ticket;
  • medical insurance;
  • proof of solvency (certificate of employment, account statement, credit card, cash);
  • a hotel voucher (if the purpose of the trip is tourism), a medical certificate (if the purpose of the trip is treatment), or an invitation (if the purpose of the trip is a visit to relatives).

These documents may not be asked for, but if you want to avoid refusal right at the border, it is advisable to play it safe.

If you are initially considering staying in the country for longer than three months, it may be better to think about how to get visa-free entry instead of visa-free entry. long-term visa to Israel. Otherwise, after 90 days it will be necessary to leave the state, and the next entry is possible only after three months.

How to extend a visa in Israel

You can resolve the issue of how to extend a visa while in Israel by contacting local branch Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Israeli law, foreigners are entitled to a visa extension. To do this, you need to submit a corresponding application.

Along with the application, the foreigner must provide the following documents:

  1. international passport (with expiration date at least 6 months before the start of renewal);
  2. a valid visa that corresponds to the purpose of the visit (treatment, tourism, visit to relatives);
  3. photo.

The visa can be extended at your location. For example, in resort town Tel Aviv visa extension for Russians in 2019 is also available. The main condition for extension is that the applicant must prove that he does not violate the legality of his stay in the country (that is, that the visa corresponds to the original purpose of the visit).

Visa issue for other CIS countries

As of 2019, only a few countries post-Soviet space received the right to enter the territory of the State of Israel without prior paperwork. In addition to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, carry out visa-free entry Moldova also has the right to the territory of the Holy Land (only for holders of biometric passports).

In 2019, the question of whether citizens of Kazakhstan need a visa to Israel became especially relevant, since the declaration of intention of both countries to introduce visa-free regime was signed at the end of 2016.

A year after the signing of the declaration, the abolition of the visa regime for Kazakhs has still not been implemented. However, the Kazakh side has begun implementing plans to simplify the visa regime, and now Israelis can visit Kazakhstan for a period of 30 days without a visa.

Diplomatic relations between Israel and Kazakhstan celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2017. Therefore, the abolition of visas to Israel for Kazakhstanis should still happen in the near future. Countries are actively establishing international business, for the development of which, together with a visa-free regime, it is planned to introduce direct flights. Until the visa-free regime for Kazakhs begins to operate, visas should be issued through the Israeli embassy in Kazakhstan.

Those who are interested in the question of whether Armenian citizens need a visa to Israel should know: although you can get a visa upon arrival at the airport, when traveling in a group of 10 people or more, you must take care of obtaining it in advance. A visa-free regime has not yet been introduced between Israel and Armenia. Therefore, Armenians need to apply for a visa regardless of the purpose of travel.

Citizens of Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan still must obtain visas to cross borders with Israel.

Immigration to Israel: Video

Do Russian citizens need a visa to Israel in 2019 and how to get one? Visa-free entry, types of visas, terms, documents, possibility of extension, refusal of entry.

Recently, an agreement on a partial visa regime has been in force between Russia and Israel. Russians who wish to visit the country in 2019 to stay, receive treatment or for tourism purposes do not need preliminary registration visas.

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Visas to Israel: general information

IN currently for business, private, medical, tourist visits to Russians a visa to Israel need not. Important nuance- stay in the country in this case is allowed up to 90 days, you cannot work. If the purpose of the trip is study or work, then you need to collect a package of documents and visit the consular department of the embassy in Moscow to obtain the appropriate visa.

All visas are divided into two types: “A” and “B”.

  • A1. Provided to individuals wishing to move to the country and obtain citizenship. Validity period - up to 3 years.
  • A2. Study visa. Term - 1 year with the possibility of extension.
  • A3. Provided to clergy for religious ceremonies.
  • A4. Available to spouses and children of A2 and A3 visa holders.
  • A5. Provided for temporary residence in the country, in particular to spouses of Israeli citizens married to foreigners. Duration - 1 year.

Group "B" visas include: B1 (work), B2 (tourist), B3 (for non-standard situations for 1 month), B4 (volunteer).

Visa-free entry for Russians

For visa-free entry into Israel in 2019, Russians need the following documents:

  1. Round trip flights.
  2. Confirmation financial solvency - cash or credit card.
  3. international passport. Must be valid for 6 months from date of entry. It is better if it does not contain notes about stay in countries unfriendly to Israel (Iran, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen), because such tourists are of particular interest to border guards.
  4. For children- birth certificate, permission to travel from the parent and a copy of the passport (one or both), if the child is traveling with one parent or a proxy.
  5. Medical insurance. Not required, but recommended. A standard policy for up to 30 thousand euros is suitable. Without it, assistance will only be provided in in case of an accident or a terrorist attack, otherwise you will have to pay a lot of money out of your own pocket. The most convenient (by personal experience) service for selecting the optimal insurance - .
  6. Documents confirming the nature and purpose of the trip: this could be an invitation from relatives, confirmation of a hotel reservation ( tourist voucher), certificate from the clinic, etc.

Upon arrival in the country, you must be prepared for border inspection and extensive questioning. Sometimes it takes a long time. If all is well, the border guard hands you over entry visa with date, without marks in the passport. The exception is Eilat and land borders, they put stamps there. Visa fees none, except for departure situations by land transport(exit tax paid).

(Photo © Or Hiltch / / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Extension of Israeli visa on the spot

Tourists can stay in the country for no more than 90 days. If there is good reason, for which you need to extend your stay (illness or other), then you need to come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, present photographs, a passport and written justification explaining the reasons for the extension, confirm your financial solvency, fill out official form. If the extension is related to treatment, then a certificate from the clinic is needed. The cost of the service is 175 shekels, more expensive through an intermediary.

As practice shows, visas are most readily extended to close relatives of Israeli citizens, usually for a period of 180 days to a year.

Applying for a visa in Russia

Decor tourist visa not required to visit Israel. For special situations(work, study, immigration, etc.) the visa is issued at the country's embassy in Moscow, located at Bolshaya Ordynka Street, building 56.

To obtain a visa to Israel in 2019, Russians need to collect a package of documents, register for and enroll in electronic queue appointment. Then visit the embassy at the appointed time, submit documents and receive a visa. Reception is carried out daily from 9 to 12, except weekends and public holidays.

Violation of the period of stay

Violations of the period of stay in the country without contacting services are not welcomed by the authorities. If it is a matter of several days due to health, transport or other problems good reasons, then they may be loyal. IN otherwise, will enter the information into the database, and on a subsequent visit to Israel, the border guards will have an official reason to refuse entry into the country. In the most severe cases the violator is deported and banned from visiting the country for 10 years.

(Photo © fabcom / / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Refusal to enter the country or issue a visa

Theoretically, anyone can be denied a visa to Israel. For example, if a person broke the laws during previous visits: worked there without appropriate permission, stayed for a longer period, or was deported, then he will most likely be denied a visa.

Very often foreigners are refused, suspecting them of a secret intention to engage in illegal activities. labor activity in the country. May be denied work visa, if the Israeli employing company did not have a license at the time the visa was issued or had expired.

Embassy staff may simply not like the behavior or appearance applicant. The student may be refused if the consulate considers him insolvent.

Many tourists are denied entry if foreign citizen did not pass inspection, tried to smuggle prohibited items, was unable to clearly answer the border guard’s questions, or does not have enough documents to cross the border. If the database contains a note about a previous immigration violation, then entry will most likely be denied.

Recommendations in in this case simple: do not break the laws, before traveling, study the list of prohibited items. Calmly and truthfully answer the border guards’ questions, even if they seem stupid and tactless. It is useless to argue and prove something. Having been refused entry, it will be even more difficult to obtain permission in the future.

Special conditions for visiting certain territories

You should not visit closed areas - the so-called conflict zones. This is life-threatening and is considered a violation of the law. And when visiting Jerusalem and Bethlehem, two famous biblical cities located several kilometers from each other, you will have to go through additional border control. Bethlehem has become a point of contention between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Now it is under the jurisdiction of the latter and is surrounded by a concrete wall. When entering Jerusalem there is a very strict check, while entering Bethlehem it is formal.

When taking photographs, it is worth remembering that any military or strategic objects- this is a taboo for filming. This includes power plants, airports, military units, even train stations. Curious photographers can expect intense interrogations, searches and close attention from the security service, so you shouldn’t create trouble for yourself on vacation, because free time you can spend it in much more interesting ways.

(Photo © ishaip / / Licensed CC BY-SA 2.0)

Introductory image source: © tsaiproject / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

This article addresses the following questions: Do Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians need a visa to Israel? What are the conditions for entering the country? What questions does the security service ask when traveling to Israel? Do they put an Israeli stamp on a passport? Data is current for 2019.

Visa relations between Israel and citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are discussed in this article only if they visit the country for the purpose of tourism, treatment And guest visit . Workers and study visas our travel blog is not affected.

Do Russians, Belarusians, and Ukrainians need a visa to Israel?

From September 20, 2008, visa to Israel not needed for Russians. However, holders of diplomatic passports require a visa.

Extract from Timatik for Russians

Since 02/09/2011, Ukraine has joined the ranks of countries with visa-free entry into the Israeli state. So Ukrainians tourist visa to Israel also need not.

Extract from Timatik for Ukrainians

From November 25, 2015 and for citizens of the Republic of Belarus visa to Israel canceled. A month later, we tested visa-free entry into this country for ourselves.

Extract from Timatik for Belarusians

As of 2019 Russians, Belarusians And Ukrainians you can stay without a visa in Israel 90 days V half a year.

Rules and conditions for entry into Israel

Status of passports for entry into Israel:

  • The validity period of the passport at the time of entry must be at least 6 months.
  • The presence of marks in the passport about visiting other states (including Arab and other Muslim countries) do not affect for approval or disapproval of entry into Israel. It's official. However, in fact, if you have stamps from Iran, Lebanon, Syria and some other countries, the security service can arrange a multi-hour interrogation both at the entry and exit from the country.

If, after all, an Israeli stamp is included in the passport, and there is a need this situation correct - change this ID. But Russians can have more than one foreigner, so one of them can be allocated for if you often visit the country.

If you are denied entry into Israel

If a Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian was previously denied entry into Israel, a visa, and also if the tourist has previously violated the laws of the country or was deported from there, then before the new visit you need to contact the Israeli consulate/embassy to clarify your status. To obtain an entry permit, review a decision to refuse entry, or cancel deportation, a citizen can submit a corresponding request to the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Our experience passing the Israeli border

For a moment at new year holidays In 2016, we already knew that from November 25, 2015, visas to Israel were planned to be abolished for Belarusians. Actually, this fact, along with the low cost of air tickets and the small size of the country (we only had two weeks to travel), played a significant role in choosing the state for the trip.

We arrived at Boryspil airport 3 hours before departure, as we had heard about a thorough search when departing to Israel. Security officers pulled passengers out of the check-in line for an interview. Some were interrogated for 15-20 minutes. It was our turn. The security officer asked us standard questions and somehow quickly sent us to next stage– baggage check procedure. Here we had to unpack our backpacks and lay out all their contents. Laptops (we need them for remote work) were checked in a special way - they were held over them with an object on a long stem with a cotton pad attached to the end. We were not against such a check - at the same time, the gadgets were wiped of dust. 🙂

Meanwhile, our flight to Tel Aviv was approaching at catastrophic speed. Having finally reached the registration desk, we handed over our passports in order to receive the coveted boarding pass. “Where is your visa?” – asked the airline employee. “Yes, it seems that from November 25, citizens of Belarus do not need a visa to Israel,” we answered. Our opponent made a phone call, then, glancing at Kostya, the phrase came out of his mouth: “Really, you don’t need a visa. It’s just that Belarusian Jews haven’t left Kyiv for a long time.” Mmm…

Offtop. This is not the first time that kinship with various nationalities of the world has been seen in Kostya. The Pakistani we met in , considered my husband to be the spitting image of a Syrian. An Italian living in Thailand, when he saw Kostya, immediately spoke to him in Italian, without a doubt identifying him as “one of his own.” Some acquaintances and colleagues recognize his wife as a Frenchman, and a very famous one at that. 🙂

Who is Kostya really - a curly-haired Italian, a Syrian Arab, a crest, Jean Reno? Or still... Well, okay, that’s not what the post is about.

“It’s great, we’re going to join our own people here!” - said the beloved husband. Smiling, we went to the departure hall.

Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, during border control, arriving passengers were also asked questions. Here they were more concerned with the purposes of the trip, many were asked additional documents(return air ticket, hotel reservation from booking, insurance policy for tourists). There were no questions for us at all. Return ticket and insurance, of course, there were, the hotel voucher for the first night was valid, for the remaining days, just in case, I did, because we planned to travel the whole country and did not have clear dates for spending the night in one place or another. In fact, we rented housing during the process of our movements, since we are unpredictable guys. Sometimes we booked hotels, sometimes we rented an apartment from locals through the airbnb website (I wrote about how to use it). Cash was in the amount of $1000 + current bank cards four pieces. In general, we were prepared. I don’t know what had a greater influence, either our calmness or great amount visas and stamps in the passport, but they never demanded any documents from us. Hello, Israel, our country number 26!

I hope that readers of this article were able to understand the question of whether citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus need a visa to Israel in 2019. If any additional questions about crossing the border or about the rules and conditions of entry into Israel, ask them in the comments.

Shared your experience of traveling to Israel

Marina and Konstantin Samorosenko

Other related articles:


Entry procedure

For Russians who make a business, tourist, medical visit, or go to visit relatives, a visa is not required. However, such a stay is limited in time and lasts 3 months. In some cases (for example, illness), Russians can extend their stay in Israel. To do this, you must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a written justified reason for further stay and documents - passport, photographs, confirmation of financial solvency. This service is paid - 175 shekels.

If a Russian is going to Israel for the purpose of work or study, he must obtain the appropriate visa. Its exact cost can be found in consular section. This is where it takes shape.

Types of Israeli visas

There are two types of visas in Israel - A and B.

Type A has 5 categories:

1 - for persons who want to obtain citizenship. The permit is issued for 3 years.

2 - study permit. Validity period - 12 months (with the right to extend).

3 - for clergy.

4 - issued to spouses and children of citizens who have documents of categories 2 and 3.

5 - intended for persons temporarily residing in the country. Issued for 1 year.

1 - working.

2 - tourist.

3 - for non-standard situations (30 days).

4 - volunteer.

Documents for visa-free entry

For Russians, visa-free stay in Israel in 2016 is possible if they provide the following documents:

International passport. Its validity period should not expire earlier than six months from the date of entry. It is worthwhile to dwell specifically on states that are unfriendly towards Israel. These are Sudan, Syria, Yemen, Iran, Lebanon.

If a Russian’s international passport contains a visa from one of these countries, it will arouse special interest among Israeli border guards;

Round trip air tickets;

Confirmation of the purpose of the trip. For example, it could be an invitation from relatives, a hotel reservation and a certificate from medical institution etc.;

Medical insurance. Providing such a policy is not mandatory. However, it is desirable to have it. Standard insurance up to 30,000 euros is quite suitable.

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