Speech by V. Kolokoltsev on measures to combat illegal migration. Decision on the issue “On the state of the migration situation and the organization of migration control in the Tikhoretsky region





Having considered the question “About the state migration situation and organization of migration control on the territory of the Tikhoretsky region,”

The permanent coordination meeting under the head of the Tikhoretsky district municipality notes that the migration situation in the district is characterized as stable and controlled. Forced migration not recorded in the area. There are no citizens who applied for political and temporary asylum or refugee status. There were no facts of organizing illegal migration in the region. No conflicts on ethnic grounds or trends towards their emergence have been recorded. There are no risk contingents involved in the dissemination of extremist ideas in the region.

In 2013, 895 foreign citizens and stateless persons were registered for migration in the region. Most are citizens of Armenia, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Serbia and Belarus (266 from Armenia, 205 from Uzbekistan, 129 from Ukraine, 94 from Azerbaijan, 52 from Kazakhstan, 37 from Serbia, 33 from Belarus, 22 from Moldova, 15 from Tajikistan, 9 from Kyrgyzstan, 4 from Georgia, 4 from Afghanistan, 4 from Germany, 2 from Austria, 1 from Australia, 1 from Greece, 1 from Peru, 1 from France, 1 from Bulgaria, 1 from Belgium, 9 stateless persons ).

WITH migration registration in 2013, 994 foreign citizens were removed.

According to the Tikhoretsky department of the Federal Migration Service, in the district they attract and use established by law foreign order labor 8 enterprises and organizations various forms property (IP; IP; IP; ; -technology"; ,).

Interaction and exchange of information have been established between the Tikhoretsky department of the Federal Migration Service, the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as settlement administrations. This year, joint raids were carried out aimed at identifying violators migration legislation.

During these events, over 60 places of possible stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons were checked, including construction sites, trade facilities, bus and railway stations, and agricultural enterprises.

During the raids, 9 citizens of Uzbekistan were identified and brought to administrative responsibility under Art. 18.10 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - illegal exercise by a foreign citizen or stateless person labor activity in the Russian Federation.

In addition, as a result of the work carried out, 49 administrative protocols for violation of the migration legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

32 administrative protocols under Art. 18.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation by a foreign citizen or stateless person of the regime of stay (residence) in the Russian Federation);

17 administrative protocols under Art. 18.9 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (violation official an organization hosting a foreign citizen or stateless person in the Russian Federation, or a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen or stateless person permanently residing in the Russian Federation; rules for the stay of foreign citizens or stateless persons in the Russian Federation).

For these violations, fines were imposed on total amount 78 thousand 600 rubles, 68 thousand 500 rubles recovered.

Administrations of the district's settlements provide active assistance to the Tikhoretsk department of the Federal Migration Service in identifying persons violating migration legislation. An exchange of information about foreign citizens arriving in settlements has been established.

The Tikhoretsky department of the Federal Migration Service collects information of operational interest in relation to foreign citizens and stateless persons intending to carry out labor activities for hire individuals without a patent, as well as employers who illegally attract and use foreign labor.

In order to increase the effectiveness of measures aimed at stabilizing the crime and socio-political situation, as well as taking effective measures to control the migration situation in the Tikhoretsky district and ensuring the interaction of all structures involved in this work, a permanent coordination meeting under the head municipality Tikhoretsky district (hereinafter referred to as the coordination meeting), a DECISION was adopted:

1.Information from the head of the department Federal Migration Service of Russia By Krasnodar region in the Tikhoretsky district, as well as the speeches of the members of the coordination meeting, take note.

2.1.Take measures to improve the efficiency of carrying out planned operational activities - preventive measures aimed at preventing and suppressing violations of migration legislation, identifying facts of illegal migration, and increasing the efficiency of migration control.

The deadline is constant.

2.2.Continue monitoring in the area labor migration foreign citizens in order to respond to it in a timely manner possible changes and control over the attraction and use of foreign labor.

The deadline is constant.

2.3. Carry out regular inspections of places of possible stay of foreign citizens with the involvement of local commissioners, representatives of settlement administrations, and Cossacks in order to identify persons evading registration.

The deadline is monthly.

2.6. Information about the migration situation in the territory of the Tikhoretsky district, the inspections carried out and their results should be sent to the head of the municipal formation of the Tikhoretsky district.

The deadline is weekly on Mondays.

2.7. Send information to the head of the municipality of Tikhoretsky District about all foreign citizens who arrived in the territory of Tikhoretsky District and were registered with migration authorities, in order to organize monitoring of their places of stay and work activities.

3.1.Hold a working meeting with district police officers police commissioners on the issue of ensuring interaction and providing assistance to the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district in identifying and suppressing facts of illegal migration in order to prevent offenses in the field public safety, including:

providing the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district with information about newly arrived foreign citizens;

carrying out raids aimed at identifying foreign citizens evading registration, as well as employers using foreign labor in violation of current legislation.

3.2. Conduct regular inspections of places of possible stay of foreign citizens and stateless persons, including hotels, construction sites, trade, bus and railway stations, agricultural enterprises, in order to identify violations of migration legislation.

The deadline is constant.

3.3. Keep under special control crimes committed on the territory of the Tikhoretsky district by foreign citizens. Conduct an analysis of this type of crime and inform the head of the Tikhoretsky district municipality.

The deadline is monthly.

4.Recommend line department police at the station Tikhoretskaya (Slyunchenko) organize regular raid activities at railway transport facilities, including rolling stock, on the station area, platforms, to identify foreign citizens and stateless persons violating migration legislation.

5.1. Provide assistance to the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district in identifying and suppressing cases of illegal migration, including:

The deadline is constant.

5.2.Together with the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district (Kozlov):

5.4.Organize the development of a settlement map indicating the places of residence and work of foreign citizens. Carry out weekly monitoring of the migration situation and make adjustments to the specified schemes.

Information on the state of the migration situation in the territory of the settlement should be provided to the deputy head of the municipal formation of Tikhoretsky District using the form attached to this decision.

Deadline: weekly on Mondays until 12:00 noon.

5.5. Organize at citizens’ gatherings settlements settlements, carrying out outreach work on the prevention of offenses in the field of migration legislation.

The deadline is monthly.

5.6. Organize measures to prevent interethnic tension associated with ethnocultural differences and the characteristics of the socio-economic behavior of the non-indigenous population. Monitor social conflict potential, which has a national connotation at the everyday level, in order to timely eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the development of aggression from individual citizens from among immigrants.

The deadline is constant.

6. Recommend to Tikhoretsky district Cossack society(Baklanov) provide assistance to the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district in identifying and suppressing facts of illegal migration in order to prevent offenses in the field of public safety, including:

provide the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Krasnodar Territory in the Tikhoretsky district with information about foreign citizens newly arrived in the territory of the settlement;

take part in raids aimed at identifying foreign citizens evading registration, as well as employers using foreign labor in violation of current legislation.

The deadline is constant.

7. All executors of this decision, before July 10, 2013, provide information about the work being carried out to the deputy head of the municipal formation Tikhoretsky district at the address: 8, or at

8. Entrust control over the implementation of this decision to the deputy head of the Tikhoretsky district municipality.

Head of the municipality

Tikhoretsky district - chairman

coordination meeting

Secretary of the coordination meeting


to the decision of the permanent coordination meeting under the head of the municipal formation Tikhoretsky district dated January 1, 2001 No. 3


on the state of the migration situation in the territory of the ________________________ settlement of the Tikhoretsky district

Number of foreign citizens living on the territory of the settlement (by nationality)

Place (address) of residence of foreign citizens (by nationality), full name. home owner

Employers using foreign labor

Legal entities


Name of organization, head

Organization address

Residence address

Number of working foreign citizens (by nationality)

Speech by the Minister of Internal Affairs Russian Federation General of Police of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev at the 402nd meeting of the Federation Council Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within the framework of the “Government Hour” on the issue “On measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to counter illegal migration».

Below is the text of Vladimir Kolokoltsev’s speech on the issue “On measures of the Government of the Russian Federation to combat illegal migration”

Vladimir Kolokoltsev: “Dear Valentina Ivanovna! Dear members of the Federation Council! First of all, let me thank you for the invitation.
IN modern world Migration processes continue to be one of the main factors that have a significant impact on the demographic and socio-economic situation. International experience convincingly demonstrates this.

As you know, our country is the second in the world in terms of the number of migrants on its territory. Total Foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia number over 10 million people, or 7% of the total population.

At the same time, a massive influx of people from other states carries serious risks for the receiving party: it contributes to the growth of social tension, the emergence of conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds, and the persistence of threats national security and public order.

We understand how important a comprehensive and balanced approach is here, competent organization preventive measures aimed at preventing illegal migration, effectively combating crimes in this area.

At the same time, measures coercive nature must be balanced and not become an obstacle to attracting the necessary resources required by the country’s economy labor resources.

The social and cultural adaptation of arrivals, their integration into Russian society. Necessity of compliance this condition and the adoption of appropriate measures was noted by the President at a meeting of the Council on Interethnic Relations in October of this year.

The opportunity to discuss the main ways to solve these strategically important tasks within the framework of “Government Hour” will allow us to adjust the work of the Ministry to initial stage exercising new powers.

As you know, in April of this year, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, our department was entrusted with the functions of developing and implementing public policy in the field of migration, including legal regulation, as well as the corresponding control powers.

Over the past five years, a number of federal laws regulating legal relations in this area.

Installed criminal liability for crossing state border Russian Federation by a foreign citizen whose entry into the country is not permitted, as well as for fictitious registration of foreigners for migration registration.

Sanctions for organizing illegal migration have been tightened.

In addition, new offenses have been introduced, providing for the responsibility of the inviting party. In particular, for failure to fulfill obligations regarding material, medical and housing provision invited foreigner; for knowingly providing false information about the purpose of his stay in Russia when preparing documents for entry.

The list of grounds under which foreign citizens are not allowed or restricted entry into the Russian Federation has been specified and expanded. It may be closed for three, five or ten years, depending on the duration illegal stay on the territory of our country.

Thanks to accepted legislative measures It was possible to largely streamline migration flows and reduce the number of people staying in the Russian Federation in violation of current regulations.

To indicate the scale of the ongoing migration processes, I note that in ten months of this year, more than fifteen million foreign citizens entered the country.
Moreover, about seventy percent of them are representatives from CIS member states and almost eleven and a half percent come from EU countries.

In order to reduce the scale shadow economy, withdrawal of funds from legal circulation and their withdrawal abroad, corresponding changes in legislation came into force last year. They are associated with reforming the system of using migrant labor from countries with visa-free procedure entry

An important step here was the granting of foreign citizens the right to work for legal and individual entrepreneurs based on a patent. These changes contributed to streamlining their receipt of official legal status.
To replace the previously existing quota mechanism, a new economic regulator of the labor market was established - the cost of a patent, which is determined by the subject of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the regions have been given the functions of determining organizations that have the right to conduct medical examinations foreigners and take exams in the Russian language, the basics of culture and legislation of Russia.
The powers granted to the subjects had a positive impact on the law enforcement aspect in terms of extradition permitting documents for carrying out work activities.

The amount of personal income tax received by the budgets of subjects in the form of a fixed advance payment for the acquisition patents at the end of October exceeded 38 billion rubles. The growth compared to last year is almost one and a half times.

As practice shows, fixed time applying for a patent within thirty days makes it possible to exclude cases of mass and uncontrolled presence of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Increased transparency migration flows The introduction of an obligation for this category of persons to indicate the “work” purpose of entry on the migration card also contributes. This measure not only disciplines, but also creates conditions for more effective protection national labor market.

Today, the function of monitoring the timing and legality of migrants’ stay is implemented, among other things, with the help of information system. Over the three years of its application, entry has been denied to almost one million seven hundred thousand foreigners who violated the rules of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such “contactless” identification of illegal immigrants not only optimizes work, but also saves money on their maintenance and further expulsion.

Since 2014, there has also been an automated mandatory system fingerprint registration labor migrants , including the ability to verify them using fingerprints in real time. About seven million people have already undergone this procedure. The use of such a mechanism is an additional filter for identifying persons who entered our country with changed passport data.

Among the effective measures for persistent violators Migration legislation relates to the administrative expulsion of foreigners from the state. An appropriate infrastructure has been prepared for this. Currently special institutions for the detention of persons subject to expulsion, deportation or readmission, operate in seventy-six constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
However problematic issue What remains is ensuring their activities. Back in 2010, the President of the Russian Federation instructed regional leaders to take legislative, organizational and administrative measures to create these institutions.
At the same time, an analysis carried out by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs showed that more than thirty-eight percent of the buildings transferred by the subjects do not meet the requirements.
This situation is associated with the risk of emergencies and causes justified claims from foreign citizens.

In twenty-nine regions, the premises and buildings in which special institutions are located have not yet been transferred to federal property. This makes it impossible to finance the necessary repairs and construction work.
Dear senators! I ask you to focus the attention of the heads of the subjects on the importance of solving the identified problem.

In addition, the problem of identifying budget funds on payment of expenses for administrative expulsion foreigners outside our country.
Taking into account the lack of normatively established deadlines the detention of foreign citizens subject to deportation and readmission, there is an extremely a difficult situation with overcrowding in these institutions.

Based on the instructions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, this year the budget allocations in the amount of 100 million rubles for implementation Federal service bailiffs Russia functions for forced deportation. This made it possible to ensure the deportation of 1,650 foreigners out of 4,428 detained persons subject to deportation.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the issue of settlement legal status foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain asylum in the Russian Federation.
Events that happened in the Syrian Arab Republic, Ukraine and a number of other states, had a serious impact on migration processes and led to a noticeable increase in the number of refugees in our country.

Only in 2014-2015 from Ukraine to the Russian Federation in emergency en masse One million one hundred thousand citizens entered.

In the places of their temporary accommodation, and these are 262 points, in which there are almost 11 thousand people, constant monitoring of the developing situation is organized, additional measures on protection public order and ensuring public safety. This work is carried out in close cooperation with interested departments and government bodies.

Almost For a third of arriving Ukrainian citizens, the main goal is to seek asylum.A Analysis of incoming information indicates continued security challenges.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the highest concentration of visitors, the highest high level offenses committed both by foreign citizens themselves and in relation to them. This situation is primarily typical for large cities, where the bulk of labor migrants are concentrated.

Aggravation of the situation V Central Asia provokes an intensification of migration processes and creates conditions for attempts by representatives of international terrorist and extremist organizations to enter our country under the guise of refugees.

In order to timely identify and neutralize possible threats in cooperation with interested departments, permanent basis a set of operational and preventive measures is being implemented.

Thus, just the other day, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with security agencies and the Russian National Guard, in Moscow, during a large-scale operation, arrested participants and leaders of the terrorist organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami, who are citizens of Commonwealth countries. Thus, this year a criminal network consisting of citizens of countries was uncovered in the capital region Central Asia who organized illegal migration channels by producing fake documents.

With their help, recruits were transported to Syrian territory with the aim of participating in hostilities on the side of illegal armed groups, including the so-called Islamic State. As a result of coordinated actions, seven large clandestine laboratories were liquidated and a large number of passport forms, as well as other documents, seals and stamps. Criminal cases have been opened regarding the organization of illegal migration.

Migration processes also have a noticeable impact on the state interethnic relations and the level of extremist manifestations in society. One of the examples that caused a wide public outcry is interethnic conflict on the territory of the Khovanskoye cemetery. About two hundred people took part in it. These are mainly foreigners who were illegally staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.
As a result of the work done, the organizers and active participants events that occurred. In addition, a number of accused have been put on the federal wanted list.

Over a hundred people are involved in administrative responsibility for violation of immigration laws. Most of them are placed in special temporary detention facilities for foreign citizens for subsequent deportation.
At the same time, I must say that our efforts are aimed, first of all, at preventing such situations.

The creation of a preventive response system allowed the internal affairs bodies to prevent more than a hundred conflicts on ethnic grounds this year alone.

In cooperation with the Federal Security Service, Rosfinmonitoring and competent authorities CSTO member states continued to conduct special operation“Illegal 2016”, which has repeatedly proven its effectiveness and efficiency.

Everything that our department is doing to establish proper order in this area is on constant monitoring leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and we intend to continue to do this work in the future.”

MOSCOW, press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

It is also interesting that, according to preliminary data, a plane carrying Russians was detained at the South Korean Incheon airport. And as they write in the media South Korea does not confirm, but does not refute this information.
As representatives of the air harbor told REN TV, they are only ready to comment on the situation Russian authorities or relatives of passengers.

At the same time, according to an airport representative, Lately There were many violations of migration legislation, and therefore border controls were tightened.

"We contacted migration service. They only give information to relatives or persons who have sent invitations to enter Korea to these people. The country has now tightened migration controls due to big amount illegal immigrants. This may be the reason why people were detained,” the airport said.

Let us remind you that earlier a Russian woman reported that an entire plane with Russians was detained at Incheon airport. According to her, one of the passengers is her daughter, and she is now in a Korean prison.

A representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on REN TV that she was monitoring the situation, and on the page of the allegedly detained girl she wrote: “I see. We will sort it out.”

The flow of migrants to the Russian Federation will be completely controlled in 2020.

How Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports, the Russian government approved the second stage of the Concept migration policy.

Publication text:

This document is expected to help in general cope with the flow of illegal immigrants into Russia. The Presidential Human Rights Council (HRC), however, fears that as a result, corrupt officials will continue to profit from visitors. Experts do not rule out an increase terrorist threat, noting that today more and more radicals are entering the country under the guise of labor migrants.

The second stage of the Concept of the country's state migration policy should be implemented by 2020, the Federal Migration Service (FMS) is responsible for this.

The document, in particular, talks about strengthening control over the entry of foreigners into the Russian Federation and organizing a “targeted” recruitment of guest workers within the framework of international cooperation. The program also mentions bills “improving the institutions of temporary residence permits and residence permits”, and monitoring law enforcement practice regarding visitors. The document also provides a conclusion international agreements on temporary labor activity, on the organized recruitment of citizens to work in the Russian Federation, on mutual recognition countries of medical documents.

As NG found out, after a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on October 1, the HRC sent its proposals on migration policy to the Kremlin. Human rights activists have not yet received a response to them. “We had a whole package of initiatives that provided additional legal and economic guarantees migrant workers who do not break the law. But when it comes to migration issues, the Kremlin doesn’t listen to us at all,” Yevgeny Bobrov, head of the HRC commission on migration policy, told NG. According to him, the real actions of local officials completely contradict the main goal of the concept: “They are doing everything to further tighten administrative barriers and turn migration into a means of making profit. Why, for example, did the authorities define private authorized organizations for issuing patents and taking exams, when government agencies should have done this? To have the opportunity to earn money!” Bobrov believes that in the future such actions could become the cause of migration conflicts. “Migrants don’t particularly complain, so neither the Human Rights Council nor other government agencies can assess the discontent among newcomers. But it is gradually accumulating and may ultimately lead to the emergence of new radical movements in Russia,” says the human rights activist.

The FMS, however, believes that the situation with migration, although slowly, is improving. Representatives of the department attribute this to the fact that over the past three years the country has adopted a number of initiatives designed to reduce the number of offenses in the field of migration - legislators have tightened penalties for organizing illegal migration, and also expanded the list of grounds for closing entry into the Russian Federation. Let us recall that the Concept of Migration Policy of the Russian Federation was approved in 2012 and divided into three stages - the first lasted until 2015, the third will end in 2025. Senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of historical sciences Vladimir Sotnikov believes that this document itself is quite successful. However, he admits that difficulties may arise with its implementation: “The sanctions imposed against Russia, the global financial crisis - all this contributed to the fact that migrants lost the opportunity to transfer cash in sufficient quantities to their homeland. Gradually, people from Central Asia began to leave our country. If the second part of the concept is implemented in in full and officials will begin to act in accordance with the rules prescribed in it, migration flows can be regulated, directed to the right direction and weed out the migrant workers we don’t need. But there is also a possibility that due to bureaucracy and corruption, all this will remain only in plans.”

Sotnikov, by the way, also told NG that a new threat has now arisen associated with visitors - the possibility terrorist manifestations. Experts do not rule out that a stream of extremists and terrorists is moving into the country under the guise of ordinary labor migrants. “They come from the Central Asian republics to create a terrorist underground and international, including the Islamic State banned in Russia, which has secret cells. Extremists are actively recruiting supporters among migrants, as well as people from North Caucasus. Taking into account the ongoing fight against international terrorism, I admit the possibility of carrying out a number of terrorist acts on the territory of the Russian Federation,” Sotnikov said. NG's interlocutor believes that with enhanced control and adaptation measures we are not violating human rights, but “we are trying to put a barrier to potential criminals and identify threats to our internal security.”

By the way, Operation Migrant launched in Moscow last weekend. The police conducted raids in hotels, hostels, apartments, construction sites, markets, and also in basements. As a result, over a few days more than 4.3 thousand foreigners were detained, 400 have already been brought to administrative responsibility for violating the rules of entry and stay in the Russian Federation. Deportation decisions were made against 40 people. During the searches, operatives seized a large amount of prohibited religious literature - and therefore about 150 migrants have already been detained on suspicion of connections with terrorists. In general, according to the Federal Migration Service, about 3.7 million migrants are now in Russia illegally. Many refuse to assimilate even at the everyday level, explaining that they come to Russia only to earn money. Over the past nine months, only 1.5 million foreigners have passed the Russian language exam.

Ekaterina Trifonova (Nezavisimaya Gazeta)

It is no secret that one of the consequences of globalization is illegal migration, which has become the most powerful non-military weapon in undermining the stability of countries, their economies and the security of their residents. In this regard, an entire system has been developed to monitor the flow of citizens crossing certain borders and staying within a certain state. This tool received the name migration control, without which it is now impossible to enter any of the civilized countries.

Why is migrant control needed?

This procedure is part of a program aimed at maintaining the order of crossing Russian border, the timing and purposefulness of their stay in the country and the timeliness of leaving it.

The control procedure allows, first of all, to track who enters the country, when and for what purpose.

In the process of leaving the state, his task is to establish the fact of timeliness of this action. In other words, we can say that control employees are obliged to enter into special base all those who crossed the Russian border, indicate for what purpose they did this, and also ensure that they return on time.

How control is carried out

Migration control is a procedure that everyone must go through Foreign citizens, regardless of how they cross the Russian border and what type of transport.

Implemented this process through which should . This form is a document that indicates legal border crossing and also contains basic information about the foreign guest.

The card is provided by employees of aircraft, train crews, sea ​​vessels, bus drivers or employees directly on the border with the Russian Federation.

A foreigner must fill out the form before the start of the passage passport control. This document consists of two parts - entry and exit. The first one is taken by an employee checkpoint, the second remains in the custody of its owner until the moment of leaving the country.

You must fill out the card in Russian, in block letters, in blue or black ink. It is important that absolutely all points are filled out. Each person entering must enter information on the form personally. Only small children, citizens who have not been taught to read and write, and persons who, due to their physical capabilities, cannot do this, can do this with the help of another person.

Migration control of the Federal Migration Service intends to use this card to find out the following information about you:

  1. Date of birth.
  2. Citizenship.
  3. Series and number of the identity card.
  4. Purpose of the trip to Russia.
  5. Information about the receiving party.
  6. Duration of stay.

At the very end of the form it is written personal signature. All information indicated on the card is entered into single base Migration Service, and are used by its employees in the future when registering foreigners at their place of stay in Russia.

Do not neglect the “purpose of visit” column. It must be fully consistent with what you really intend to do in Russia. According to the new legislation, if you want to get a job here, but in the specified column If you have, for example, tourism listed, you can’t even count on getting a work patent.

You should pay attention to the fact that the information entered into the database will help restore your card. To do this you need to contact migration department no later than three days from the moment of discovery of its loss, where you will be given a duplicate with the appropriate note in the “official notes” column.

You can also obtain a duplicate directly at the checkpoint while leaving the country. The employee must give you new form, which must also contain a corresponding entry in the service column.

Second part migration card will be needed foreign guest in the reverse process - leaving the Russian Federation. This form will be able to certify that the traveler has not violated the terms of his stay on Russian territory, and therefore can leave it without hindrance.

Thus, the essence of migration control is to identify illegal migrants and identify them. For such citizens Russian legislation establishes preventive measures, namely: which depend on the duration of the overdue period, and a ban on further entry, minimum term which could be three years.

And you should not resort to the services of persons who will offer you to purchase already. If you use them, you may be banned from visiting the country for a long period.

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