What documents are needed to confirm income? How to confirm income for annual notification

How can I confirm my income if I don't work? Is a bank certificate suitable for confirmation of the temporary residence permit? Do I need to confirm income when applying for a residence permit and citizenship? These and many other questions are of interest to migrants who are involved in registration migration documents. This article will provide answers to the most popular questions about income verification. We express our hope that this article will be useful and you will find answers to your questions in it. The article was prepared taking into account changes in legislation that occurred in 2017.

How can you confirm your income when confirming your residence with a temporary residence permit and residence permit?

As you know, the law obliges a foreign citizen living in the Russian Federation on the basis of a temporary residence permit or residence permit to annually confirm the source and amount of income. About the procedure and deadlines for submitting a notice of residence. The source of income can be a bank deposit, personal savings, income from employment (salary) and entrepreneurial activity, from leasing property, receiving scholarships, pensions, social payments and even money received as a gift. For example, a migrant’s income can be confirmed by: a certificate in Form 2 of personal income tax, a certificate from the employer in free form, 3NDFL declaration, extract from bank account, and other documents that indicate the source and amount of the migrant’s income.

How much money is needed to confirm a temporary residence permit?

Attention! The amount of income received during the year (taking into account another year since obtaining temporary residence permit or residence permit) must not be lower than:

In St. Petersburg - 139,896 rubles. per year, except:

  • Pensioners - 101,700 rubles per year
  • Children -122652 rubles per year

By Leningrad region-RUB 118,896 per year except for:

  • Pensioners - 97,488 rubles
  • Children - 109,560 rubles

The frequency of receipts does not matter.

Failure to submit a residence notice within the prescribed period will result in a fine and cancellation of documents.

Where does this amount come from?

It's simple. total amount income received for the year when divided by 12 months must confirm the average monthly income at a level not lower living wage, established in the region of residence of the migrant. In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the living wage is established annually. As of the date of writing this article, the cost of living in St. Petersburg was established by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 06/07/2017 N 417 “On establishing the cost of living per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in St. Petersburg for the first quarter of 2017 ", for the Leningrad Region - by Decree of the Government of the Leningrad Region dated February 13, 2017 N 20 "On establishing the cost of living per capita and for the main socio-demographic groups of the population in the Leningrad Region for the fourth quarter of 2016."

How can I confirm my income if I don't work?

Citizens who do not have own income those who are supported by relatives or other persons have the right to confirm their income by providing a certificate of income of the person on whom they are dependent. In this case, it is also necessary to submit a statement of dependency addressed to the head of the Migration Department. The statement of dependency is drawn up in free form.

What happens if I do not confirm my income?

If a citizen does not have sufficient funds, his temporary residence permit and residence permit may be canceled (an exhaustive list of grounds for cancellation of temporary residence permit and temporary residence permit is prescribed in Article 7 and Article 9 of the Federal Law "On legal status foreign citizens in the Russian Federation")

Do I need to confirm income when applying for a residence permit and citizenship?

As is known, persons applying for a temporary residence permit are not required to document the presence of a legal source of income and the amount of cash receipts. However, when applying for a residence permit, and even more so, citizenship, this is necessary. The fact is that, issuing a residence permit to migrants, allowing them permanent residence in the Russian Federation, or making a decision to admit a person to Russian citizenship, migration authorities must ensure that the applicant has the ability to support himself. For these purposes, the law introduces a requirement to provide written evidence of solvency. At the same time, persons intending to obtain a residence permit must confirm not only the source, but also the amount of income. Requirements in in this case are put forward similar to those described above. That is average monthly size The migrant’s income must not be lower than the minimum subsistence level established in his region permanent residence. But when applying for citizenship, a migrant only needs to confirm the presence of a legal source Money, while the law does not put forward requirements for the amount of income received.

The path for a foreign citizen to obtain Russian civil status is quite long. Before a foreigner receives Russian citizenship, he will have to go through whole line necessary procedures and present many documents, one of which is a certificate of income for Russian citizenship. This the document serves as proof that the applicant for Russian citizenship has the opportunity to support himself and his family. People who are unemployed are a source of concern for authorities as they may become dependent and require material support from the state. An income certificate is intended to exclude such foreigners coming to Russia.

Acceptable income level

Providing financial guarantee required at the stage of obtaining a residence permit. Six months before the expiration of a temporary residence permit in Russia, a foreigner must provide a set of papers to obtain a residence permit, which must include a document confirming the ability to provide for himself and his family. Since the law on citizenship of the Russian Federation does not mention the amount of the amount, the question arises what the income should be to obtain citizenship.

The state accepting new citizens must have guarantees that they will not engage in illegal activities. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what income will be considered sufficient for obtaining a residence permit and further obtaining Russian citizenship. There is no reference in the law to which indicator to focus on, but the conclusion is obvious: monthly income below minimum wage the applicant cannot have any labor civil status RF. In 2017, this amount is 7,800 rubles.

In addition to the minimum wage, the well-being of Russian residents is determined by the subsistence level. This value is calculated taking into account the cost consumer basket, which is different in each region. In addition, the indicator for the country as a whole is determined. Traditionally, the cost of living in the capital, St. Petersburg, and the northern regions is higher than in other regions and the average for Russia. Today average is:

  • for an able-bodied Russian – a little less than ten and a half thousand rubles;
  • for children – a thousand less;
  • for pensioners – 8,000 thousand rubles.

A legitimate source of livelihood for citizenship is not only wage, pension or income from own business applicant. This includes a bank deposit (the amount of interest is taken into account), income from rented premises, and others.

Because of lack of clear instructions on what income is considered sufficient, it happens that with the same certificate, applicants for Russian citizenship receive different answers. One's document is accepted, while the other's is rejected. However, the latter outcome of the case is rare. Usually, in order not to receive a refusal on this point, it is enough to confirm annual income, equal to the cost of living multiplied by 12.

Confirmation paths

Main purpose of presentation financial document is to prove the existence of income, its legality and the adequacy of the amount to lead a decent lifestyle. Confirmation of income for Russian citizenship in 2017 is allowed using a variety of documents:

  • a certificate issued by the accounting department of the company where the candidate for civil status of the Russian Federation works under an employment agreement;
  • a certificate of the amount of the scholarship of a family member of an applicant for Russian citizenship;
  • document on severance pay upon leaving service;
  • judicial act, agreement, confirmation of receipt alimony payments for the maintenance of a child or incapacitated family member;
  • document from social service about the assigned monetary benefit;
  • document on the amount of dividends from securities;
  • deed of gift in the name of the applicant or his close relatives;
  • income statement certified by the tax service;
  • a paper confirming receipt of an inheritance by an applicant for Russian citizenship or a member of his family;
  • bank document with account number and deposit amount;
  • a document confirming the payment of an amount of 10 million or more; rubles in authorized capital Russian company;
  • a contract for the performance of work by an applicant for Russian citizenship with a specified payment amount.

When confirming income, it is preferable to present several legal sources of financing for the applicant for civil status in the Russian Federation and his family members.

Before foreign citizen will receive the right to permanently reside in the territory Russian state, he has to go through a series mandatory procedures and prove that he has the ability to provide for himself and his family. The greatest concern is for people who are unemployed and therefore may find themselves potentially dependent on state support. To limit the flow of such migrants to the Russian Federation, all of them were required to provide proof of income for a residence permit, and this must be done with some regularity.

The legalization process in Russia begins with entry into legally to its territory and registration with the migration service. During the permissible period of this registration, the migrant will have to decide what his further fate in the country, because after deadline he will be forced to either leave the Russian Federation or provide a document that allows his continued stay within its borders.

This means that on next stage he needs it, and subsequently - permanently. To do this, you will need to prove that the applicant has found legal work or has another legal source of funds to support normal level life.

Registration of a residence permit

Annual notification on residence permit

The next obligation with which residence permit holders are burdened is the mandatory annual notification to the migration service that the migrant has not left anywhere and continues to live and work in the Russian Federation.

On at this stage financial confirmation its stability is also a must. It is on the basis of this document migration service and comes to the conclusion that it makes sense for the applicant to continue to be in the open spaces Russian Federation. Moreover, the lack of evidence required income or its insufficient size may become grounds for cancellation of the residence permit.

What can confirm the source of income

The main purpose of the required financial document is to show that the income exists, is legal and allows you to lead a normal lifestyle. According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/09/2007 No. 91, when calculating the average monthly income of a foreign citizen, you can take into account the following types receipts:

  1. All types of payments provided by law that the employer makes.
  2. Average earnings, which are maintained in cases provided for by law.
  3. Remuneration for .
  4. Severance pay, which a migrant receives upon resignation, dismissal, as well as wages that are retained by employees in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.
  5. Monthly insurance benefits in case of accidents.
  6. Income generated by property owned by a migrant. For example, payment for an apartment that is rented, or earnings that come from the sale of products produced in a personal subsidiary plot.
  7. Scholarships received by family members of a foreign citizen.
  8. Dividends received from shares purchased.
  9. Alimony.
  10. Interest on deposits placed in deposit accounts.

But do not forget about some of the requirements for documents that will confirm the income listed above.

Get document of this order possible at your place of work. Its official name is form 2-NDFL. You can’t just write it by hand in free form. The migration service will only accept a strictly established format.

Russian legislation states that the management of a particular company is obliged to issue such a certificate to an employee at any time on the basis of his written statement. However, nothing is said in Tax Code about the period of time during which the document must be issued. This means that it depends solely on the employer himself.

But the set of labor laws states that all documents related to the work of employees must be issued no later than three days after submitting the application. This argument can be used if the employer delays issuing the certificate.

A certificate of income for a residence permit for employed persons is issued by the accounting department of the enterprise. The provided so-called extract must contain information about the employee, the employer, the applicant’s position and his income for the last year.

Tax return

This type tax reporting represents Official statement migrant about what kind of income he received over a certain period of time. Such a declaration is submitted to tax office in a strictly regulated form, which allows authorized service control the amount of duty that must be paid.

So, the following persons can provide this document to the Migration Department as proof of income:

  • those who are for last year received remuneration for the provision of services to individuals or legal entities;
  • those in private practice;
  • those who sold property;
  • citizens who received income from sources located abroad of the Russian Federation;
  • those who received compensation as the heir of the subject of patent or copyright law;
  • lottery winners;
  • recipients of an inheritance or any property on the basis of a deed of gift.

Statement from the bank

This document is a real bone of contention for representatives of the migration service. The reason for this can be attributed to discrepancies in the relevant legislation; in many regions GUVM employees The Ministry of Internal Affairs refuses to accept the account statement.

Let's look at the law:

  1. A foreign citizen is required to submit an annual notification confirming his residence in Russia. He must do this no later than two months following the expiration of the year of his life in the Russian Federation. He must include a certificate of income in the package of documents.
  2. The latter, as stated in paragraph 6 of the mentioned resolution, can be a document recording interest on deposits.

This means that in order for the migration service to accept bank statement, the applicant’s deposit must contain an amount that in 1 year would bring an amount of interest on the deposit equal to established minimum to confirm income under a residence permit. In other words, it is not enough for the required amount of money to simply be in the account. It is important that the income they generate is the minimum required by law.

Thus, whether such a document will be accepted by the Main Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or not will depend on the loyalty of the employees. But, as practice shows, they are more picky about this issue when we're talking about about RVP. When applying for a residence permit, it is important to show that you have any money at all.

Other methods

As stated above, any type of income is suitable to confirm your well-being, including alimony, scholarships, inheritance, or self-employment. The main thing is that you can prove the receipt of funds with documents.

Another one important feature, which should be taken into account - the payment should not be a lump sum. This should be a regular income received from month to month. If the payment was received only once, it must be confirmed by others, more constant sources. In general, it is important that the total amount of income does not less than that what the Russian state expects to see from a migrant.

What should the income be?

Most important question in all this aspect it sounds like this: what amount should be in the account for a residence permit, or what income should be so that it can be counted as sufficient.

And there are very specific government instructions on this matter:

  • paragraph 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/09/2007 No. 91: the calculation of the average monthly income level of a foreign citizen is made based on his personal income or the amount of income of all members of his family that were received for the next year from the date of issuance of the residence permit;
  • paragraph 4: determination of the average monthly income level is carried out by the territorial representative office of the migration service;
  • clause 3: family members of a migrant are considered to be the spouse, parents (adoptive parents), children (adopted children) who live with him in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation that issued him a residence permit.

Thus, the amount that the applicant must show must be equal to the minimum monthly subsistence level multiplied by 12 months of the past year.

But how much this subsistence minimum is is decided local authorities taking into account the characteristics of prices and living standards in the region as a whole.

Do not forget that when confirming a residence permit, the size total income families will also allow increasing such a source as a scholarship paid to full-time students, as well as to those who are on academic leave.

Submitting a notice online

The system of registration and legalization of foreign citizens is being improved every year, thanks to which most formalities today can be carried out online. But here's the thing annual notice Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a residence permit, here for now you will have to follow the old path, more familiar to migrants:

  • submit an application in person;
  • send by mail.

You can contact the department remotely regarding a residence permit only when you first receive it or replace it in case of loss or change of personal data. But even in such a situation, we are only talking about recording in electronic queue, but not about submitting documents.

In short, if possible, it is better to give preference personal visit to the migration service to make sure that the entire package of papers was correctly prepared and unconditionally accepted.

How to get a residence permit in Russia: Video

Hello. Required list documents submitted with an application for the issuance or extension of a residence permit are approved federal body executive power in the field of migration.

By general rule, the issuance of a residence permit to a foreign citizen depends on him providing evidence of the ability to support himself and his family members in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level, without resorting to state assistance.

At the same time, while giving the federal executive body in the field of migration the authority to approve the list of documents submitted simultaneously with the application for a residence permit, the legislator did not establish that the ability of a foreign citizen to support himself and his family members in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level should be supported only by certain evidence, which includes a certificate of the presence of a contribution to credit institution indicating account number does not apply .
Thus, in meaning Federal Law specified certificate, confirming the presence of a sufficient amount of funds available on deposit with a credit institution, can be presented as evidence to confirm that a foreign citizen has legitimate source means of subsistence that allows you to support yourself and your family members in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level
This conclusion is consistent with the content of paragraph 10 of the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree President of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2002 N 1325, in which a certificate of the presence of a deposit in a credit institution indicating the account number is named among the documents confirming that a foreign citizen has a legal source of livelihood.
As an additional argument, one can cite the fact that the list of documents confirming the receipt by a foreign citizen of income from activities not prohibited by law, established by clause 21.4 of the Administrative Regulations is not exhaustive. Moreover, based on paragraph four of paragraph 10 of the Regulations on the procedure for considering issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2002 N 1325, a certificate of the presence of a deposit in a credit institution indicating the account number refers to documents confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood. Thus, the conclusion that the provision in question is contrary to the law seems premature.

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Hello Dmitry.

TO official documents, confirming your income include:



10. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have reached the age of 18 and have legal capacity may be granted citizenship of the Russian Federation in general procedure on the basis of Article 13 of the Federal Law.
one of the documents confirming the presence of a legal source of livelihood (certificate of income individual, personal income tax return with a mark tax authority, certificate from place of work, employment history, pensioner's ID, authority certificate social protection on receipt of benefits, confirmation of receipt of alimony, certificate of deposit in a credit institution indicating the account number, certificate of inheritance, certificate of income of the person who is dependent on the applicant, or other document confirming receipt of income from activities not prohibited by law) ;

In my opinion, it is also possible to provide civil contracts on the provision of services, performance of work.

You can provide a lease agreement for residential premises that you rent out in Kazakhstan.

Sincerely! G.A. Kuraev

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If I provide a rental agreement from Kazakhstan, will I probably have to pay tax in the Russian Federation? And will this agreement have to be confirmed by something or someone?

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You can certify with a notary in Kazakhstan that you will pay taxes in Russia when you receive citizenship. Then the contract can be terminated at any time.

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This means that when submitting documents for a residence permit, you need to have required amount? and nothing else?
Dmitry Skopa

Yes it is. Only in this case does the law establish the possibility of refusal:

Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 115-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” (ConsultantPlus):

Article 9. Grounds for refusal to issue or cancellation of a residence permit
1. A residence permit is not issued to a foreign citizen, and a previously issued residence permit is canceled if the foreign citizen:
1) advocates a violent change in the foundations constitutional order the Russian Federation, by other actions creates a threat to the security of the Russian Federation or citizens of the Russian Federation;
2) finances, plans terrorist (extremist) acts, assists in the commission of such acts or commits them, as well as through other actions supports terrorist (extremist) activities;
3) during the five years preceding the date of submission of the application for a residence permit, was subjected to administrative expulsion outside the Russian Federation, deportation or transferred by the Russian Federation to a foreign state in accordance with international treaty of the Russian Federation for readmission, or during the ten years preceding the date of filing the application for a residence permit, was repeatedly (two or more times) subjected to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation, deportation, or was transferred by the Russian Federation to a foreign state in accordance with the international treaty of the Russian Federation on readmission;
4) presented counterfeit or false documents or knowingly announced himself false information;
5) convicted by having entered into legal force by a court verdict for committing a serious or especially felony or a crime, the relapse of which is recognized as dangerous, or for committing a crime related to illegal trafficking narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors;
6) has an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing a grave or especially grave crime on the territory of the Russian Federation or abroad, recognized as such in accordance with federal law;

7) repeatedly (two or more times) within one year was involved in administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense related to an attack on public order And public safety or violation of the regime of stay (residence) of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation or the procedure for their implementation labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation, or committed administrative offense related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their analogues or precursors, plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as their parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors;
8) cannot provide evidence of the ability to support himself and his family members in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level, without resorting to state assistance, except in the case where a foreign citizen is declared incapable of work;
9) after three years from the date of entry, does not have residential premises in the Russian Federation on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
10) left the Russian Federation to foreign country for permanent residence;
11) has been outside the Russian Federation for more than six months;
12) entered into a marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, which served as the basis for obtaining a residence permit, and this marriage was declared invalid by the court;
13) is a drug addict, or does not have a certificate of absence of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection), except for the cases provided for in paragraph three of paragraph 3 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1995 N 38-FZ “On preventing the spread in the Russian Federation of a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV infection)”, or suffers from one of infectious diseases that pose a danger to others. The list of such diseases and the procedure for confirming their presence or absence are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

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How can I get out of this situation, what can I do and what can I provide to the Federal Migration Service as proof of funds for a period not exceeding one year from the date of receipt of the residence permit.
Dmitry Skopa

Good afternoon.

Exists Administrative regulations FMS for issuing residence permits.

It clearly states how income can be verified:

Order of the Federal Migration Service of April 22, 2013 N 215 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the provision of Federal migration service public services for issuing residence permits in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons"
Administrative regulations for the provision by the Federal Migration Service of state services for issuing residence permits in the Russian Federation to foreign citizens and stateless persons
21.4. A document confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood that allows one to support oneself in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level, or a document confirming one’s incapacity for work. Such documents are: certificate of income of an individual, certificate of employment, pension certificate, confirmation of receipt of alimony, certificate of income of the person who is dependent on the applicant, certificate of availability bank deposit indicating the account number and deposit amount, another document confirming receipt of income from activities not prohibited by law or incapacity for work.
The bank deposit must confirm that the foreign citizen has funds in an amount not lower than the subsistence level, established by law subject of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which a foreign citizen applies for a residence permit, for the period of provision of a public service.
21.5. A document confirming the availability of residential premises on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation * (36), if the information contained in it is not available government agencies and organs local government.
Exhaustive list documents required in accordance with regulatory legal acts for the provision of public services, which are at the disposal of state bodies, local governments and other bodies involved in the provision of public services, and which the applicant has the right to submit own initiative to obtain public services, as well as ways for the applicant to receive them, including electronic form, the order of their presentation
36. The applicant has the right to submit, as a document confirming the existence of a legal source of livelihood that allows him to support himself and his family members in the Russian Federation within the subsistence level, a copy of the income statement with a mark from the tax authority on his own initiative.
Income declarations are at the disposal of territorial tax authorities.

That is, either a contribution is needed, or there is an indication of “another document”. If you can agree with the customers for whom you do work that you will enter into an agreement with them for certain period, then in principle this may be suitable.

Vasiliev Dmitry.

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