What are passport details of an individual? Passport data is

A passport is a document that allows you to identify a citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation (a foreign passport is used for this outside its borders). Passport data is widely used in all areas Everyday life- in hospitals, clinics, educational institutions, banks, at work. . . To identify a person in all these cases, his unique passport data is used. What does it include?

First of all, this is the name, surname and patronymic (if any) of the citizen, gender, date and place of birth. The third page of the document is intended to contain this personal data - it is part of the main spread, which contains all the most important data about the citizen’s identity. And on the second page, that is, on the left side of the main spread, there is already information about the passport itself - the department of the Federal Migration Service, which issued the document, department code indicating territorial jurisdiction the authority that issued the passport, and the date of issue of the passport. Typically, when filling out various documents, requiring the indication of passport data, there is no need to indicate the department code.

Among other things, on the second page you can find an empty column " Personal code". Once upon a time the authorities planned to introduce individual codes, which would make it much easier to identify a citizen. However, the development of this identification code system was stopped and postponed until indefinite term; a significant role in this was played by protests from the religious part of the population, which compared the practice of assigning individual codes with branding people, which offended religious feelings believers. Therefore on this moment this prop The passport remains blank, and the remaining passport data is still used to identify the person.

Most an important part This data is the series and number of the passport. These ten numbers can be found on all pages of the document. The first four of them are a series, and the remaining six are unique number. The series and number of the passport, the issuing authority, the date of issue, as well as the citizen’s personal data indicated on the third page - all this is the passport data that must be indicated when filling out many documents. Despite the fact that in modern Russia extremely difficult to produce fraudulent activities, having only the passport data of a person without the passport itself, you should still follow security rules and not give your passport data to suspicious people or organizations. And the passport itself must be protected even more carefully; because he is main document a citizen who, according to the law, this citizen must keep and protect!

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Find out a person's passport details by last name for free Hello, dear friends.

I observed a funny incident the other day involving my friend Artem.

He lives 200 kilometers from me and finally came to visit.

We went with him to a sporting goods store to buy new sneakers. And they were just holding some kind of action.

But to participate, they needed data from their passport, which Artem, naturally, did not have with him. I had to tell him about the possibility of finding out a person’s passport details by last name for free.

He was very surprised by this opportunity, which became the reason to introduce you, friends, to this useful information. Dear readers! Our articles talk about standard methods solutions legal issues
, but each case is unique.

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How to find out passport details. Access to passport data Many organizations of any form of ownership, for example,, tax office financial institutions

, the organization in which the subject works, etc. have personal data of citizens, including passport data. However, the dissemination of such information is limited state legislation , in particular federal law “About personal data.” There are also many third party databases that have personal information

Information about passport data may be required to verify a tenant, other half before marriage, a potential business partner, find a debtor, determine the solvency of the borrower, etc.

A person’s passport data can be found out by knowing the last name, first name and patronymic, telephone number, registration address, identification code, car number, etc. Features of passport data:

  • They serve to identify a person, because contain a set of information about the subject: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, place of registration, Family status and etc..
  • Refers to the category of personal data.
  • Are confidential information, their distribution and use is prohibited without the permission of the subject.

The use of passport data is possible only if you have the original document and in the presence of its owner or with his permission by proxy.

Fraud is possible if an unscrupulous person who has the passport data of another entity is in collusion with official organizations, for example, credit. As a result criminal acts the subject of personal data acquires material obligations without your knowledge or consent.

The Internet is replete with offers “We’ll help you find out your passport details.” Many sites offer this service, but most of them pose a danger to the computer of the interested person.

As a result of visiting such resources, your PC may be infected with a virus that downloads personal data from hard drive, deletes them permanently and/or etc.

In some cases, the service requests the phone number of the person of interest to activate the account, then offers to send an SMS message to a short number. What the cost of sending a message will be is a mystery. In addition, there is no certainty that the answer to the request will be correct.

Data Search

Most reliable way- contact a detective agency that uses legal methods obtaining information. Often, employees of such organizations have served in the past. law enforcement agencies, thanks to which they have a wealth of experience, knowledge and connections to quickly complete such tasks.

Detective agencies have access to electronic databases data, which speeds up the process of receiving a response to a request. The cost for providing such services varies from agency to agency.
Detective agency website

If you need to find out the member's passport details self-regulatory organization, then you should contact the register of SRO members. All register data is published on the website " State Register self-regulatory organizations."

If not federal ban. Passport data and residence address are not published if there is a prohibition in accordance with federal law. Distribution and transfer of passport data to third parties by the responsible employee prohibited without written consent subject of personal data.

Source: http://sovetclub.ru/kak-uznat-pasportnye-dannye

How to punch a person?

This instruction is intended for checking your counterparties, clients, friends, acquaintances living in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Latvia and is advisory in nature.

This instruction is perfect for brokers, real estate agencies, and other companies that require customer verification. The more information you already have about a person, the better and easier it will be to find other more detailed information.

The verification will be as complete as possible if at least the passport details of the person being checked are available. If you know only single data (for example, full name or telephone number or address), then use the instructions that apply to your data, but in this case the result of your check will not be exhaustive.

Checking the validity of a Russian citizen's passport

Go to the website of the Federal Migration Service in the appropriate fields and enter the Series, Passport Number, captcha (code in the picture). If you receive an answer this passport“Valid” means everything is fine.

If the answer for this passport is “Invalid”, then this passport is invalid, that is, it is fake or has expired. If it is replaced with a new one.


This will also be reflected in the received message “Invalid (REPLACED WITH A NEW)” Lack of information about the requested passport (answer: “In electronic accounting FMS of Russia is currently not listed") does not mean that the passport is invalid.

Such a response is given if information about the issued passport has not yet been received from the relevant territorial authority, or the passport record is being tested in software package Bases.

Find out the TIN number

Visit the Federal website Tax Service follow the link to fill out the request form, fill it out and receive a TIN number in response

If you received the answer “According to the information you provided, the TIN assigned when registering you with the Unified State Register of Real Estate was not found.” tax authority“This means that the person does not have a TIN, which is extremely rare, so I recommend that you check that the initial data is entered correctly when requesting.

Tax debt

In order to check a person’s tax debt, you need to know his TIN, but not everyone has a TIN, you can check this in “Find out the TIN number”

Come here and register. After registration, you are automatically redirected to the data entry form, enter the required data. In response, you receive a List of debts as of the date of verification.

In this list you will see the amounts of debts, their nature (taxes, penalties) as well as the type of tax for which there is a debt (this, by the way, indicates what our auditee owns).

Check yourself because you will most likely find yourself in debt. If there is no debt, well done! If there is, then there is no need to panic, select the debt, payment method, check the box below and enter your home address. You print out the finished receipt and go pay.

IMPORTANT! Do not forget that not paying taxes on time carries the risk of restricting your travel abroad, and you will also have to deal with bailiffs.

Find out the person’s registration address and home phone number

Go to the Address Directory. After registration, you are taken to a page where you select your country, then the city, and enter the name of the person being checked. In response, you receive his residence address and, in some cases, his home phone number.

Criminal record and trials currently ongoing

To check a person’s criminal record or look at the trials that are ongoing against him at the moment, you need to know where he is registered. It is not necessary to know the full address, the main thing is to know at least in what area. If you have a copy of your passport, then simply open it on the registration page and see the registration address.

If you don’t have a passport, then go to the item “Find out the person’s registration address and his home telephone number” and find out the person’s registration. If a person is not registered anywhere, then look at his previous place of residence. If registered, but there is information about previous places registration, then don’t be lazy and check them too.

Knowing the area of ​​residence of a person (For example, a person is registered in St. Petersburg in the Admiralteysky district), enter “Admiralteysky District Court” in Yandex. Since there is no Admiralty Court in St. Petersburg, but it is called according to the old “Leninsky District Court”.

Then go to Leninsky’s page district court(Link). Go to the page “information on the progress of cases (Link)” sometimes called “Legal Proceedings”. In the search bar, enter the person's last name.

Based on the search results, CAREFULLY look at what information is available about the person being checked. It often happens that the last names are the same, so make sure the initials are correct.

See what cases there are in relation to the person being inspected, who the plaintiff is, who the defendant is, the essence of the claims, follow the link of the case number and study information card and information about the progress of the case. Study the information received.

Because according to the law statement of claim file a lawsuit at the person’s registration address, then using the above method you can find court cases in which the person being inspected is brought in as a defendant.

If you want to find out whether he filed a lawsuit against someone, then to do this you need to check the courts of all districts of your city in exactly the same way as described above

Search for crime suspects

Go here and click on the “Create Topic” button (registration may be required first). Then write the person’s full name and any Additional information that you know. The more information you have, the faster the search will be completed. On average, the search takes 15 minutes. The service is free.

Search for enforcement proceedings

Visit the site Federal Service Bailiffs in the search bar, select your region, enter the full Last Name, First Name, and Patronymic of the person (note that an advanced search is possible) and click on the find button.

In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually it is “Nothing was found for your request” - this means everything is in order, and the person is not wanted for enforcement proceedings.

But just in case, to be 100% sure below the search line, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and you will see a list of people wanted in your region, check the list for the name of your person being checked, make sure that it is not there and go to next point checks.

Does the person have a car?

Go to the website of the Traffic Police Database, although the database is a bit old, but useful information there's a lot here. You fill in the person’s full name, and in return you receive a list of people in different regions matching your search parameters, find there the right person and look what kind of car he has and its license plate number.

Search for debtors' cars

If the person you are checking has a car, then you need to check this car to see if he is wanted. Go to the website of the Federal Bailiff Service in the search bar, select your region, enter the state. car number (note that an advanced search is possible) and click on the find button.

In response, you will receive a message about the information found, usually it is “Nothing was found for your request” - this means everything is in order, and the car is not wanted for enforcement proceedings.

But just in case, to be 100% sure below the search line, click on the link “Show all results from the selected region” and you will see a list of cars and their owners wanted in your region, check the list for the presence of state registration. license plate number and car you are checking, make sure that it is not there and move on to the next check point.

Checking against the database of enforcement proceedings

Visit the website of the Federal Bailiff Service. To work with the data bank, you need to select a subsection in the search section - search by individuals or search by legal entities.

In chapter " Territorial authorities» region is indicated official registration individual, place of registration of a legal entity with the Federal Tax Service.

The date of birth for an individual is not required to be filled out. If the data matches, for more accurate identification you can fill in the field in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

If you have information about the number enforcement proceedings You can obtain information from the database of enforcement proceedings through the section “Search by enforcement proceedings number”

You enter the name of the person being checked, click on the find button and in response you receive a list of debtors, the number of the enforcement proceeding, and the subject of execution. Carefully review the information received and look for the person you are checking.

Checking via Internet search engines

It is imperative to check the person using Internet search engines. Here you will find many things that you don’t even know about right away (for example: advertisements for sale, registration on interest sites, mentions in the press, etc.).

To do this, open several tabs in your browser with search engines known to you: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially enter into each search engine the entire Last Name First Name Patronymic, just Last Name and initials.

Enter the information received again in parts (phrases) into the search bar search engines. Make similar transitions using the links you find. Accumulate and summarize the information found.

After found maximum amount information, repeat the same thing only with a known phone number in different interpretations: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ-ХХ, etc.

And repeat the search again various parameters that you could find per person in previous paragraphs instructions.
Accumulate and summarize all the information found into one document.

Checking via social networks

Go to social networks where you are already registered - “Odnoklassniki”, “Vkontakte”, “LiveJournal”, “My World on Mail.ru”, “Twitter”, “Facebook”, “linkedin”. Using the information accumulated after the previous search, you look for a person by full name (DO NOT forget that you can also search for girls by maiden name), photographs, place of residence, supposed hobbies, etc.

Once you have found a person who fits all the parameters, determine your range of interests and acquaintances, education, preferences, place of work, you can often find contact information, if necessary, add him as a friend, ask his friends for information you are interested in.

Show interest in photos posted by users, videos, and view status history. Pay attention to signatures when determining shooting dates and the range of participants. Summarize all the information received into a separate document.

Hit a person by car number

If you know that a person has a car and you know its license plate. number, then go to the website of the Traffic Police Database (Link), although the database is a bit old, but there is a lot of useful information here. Enter in the state column. the car number is known to you, and you will find out who it is registered to, as well as the owner’s phone number.

Another option to find the owner of the car absolutely free is to go to the website social network Numplate (Link), it appeared not long ago and is still poorly promoted, so it does not have a very large base, but it may help you find the right person. Instead of the proposed example x000xx00, enter the required state. number, in response you receive the page of the owner of the car.

Call a person by phone number

If you have a home phone number, go to the Telephone Directory (Link), select your country (at the bottom of the page), then the city, step by step select the phone number of the person being checked. In response, you receive the person’s full name and home address. If you were unable to find information in the above directory, here are a few more options for searching:

Moscow telephone directory, enter the phone number in the format XXXXXXXXX and press the search button, in response you will receive your full name, age and home address. If you know a cell phone number, then in this directory you can find out what operator a person has and how long the number has been in existence.

Punch a person through cell number phone number via search engines. To do this, open several tabs in your browser with search engines known to you: Yandex, Google, Mail, Rambler and sequentially enter into each search engine a known phone number in various interpretations: +7 921 ХХХ ХХ ХХ, 8921ХХХХХХ, 8-921-ХХХ-ХХ- XX, etc.

Follow the links found and carefully read all the information found, advertisements, various references, watch photographs and videos. Enter the information received again in parts (phrases) into the search bar of search engines. Make similar transitions using the links you find. Accumulate and summarize the information found.


Attention! Avoid various offers on the Internet that offer minimum fee call the subscriber by number cell phone because they are all scams.

You should also not get involved with offers to purchase a database of all subscribers. mobile communications, because the similar information is considered closed, and its illegal distribution is punishable by law.

By IP address

If you know the IP address, you can find out a lot of useful information about its owner. To do this you need to use special service- whois. Go to the IP Address Check website and register.

After registering in the window called WHOIS Lookup, enter the IP address and in response you will receive all the information available on it. If the IP is static, then using this service you can find out the name of the person to whom this IP address is registered, his e-mail and telephone number.

You will also be able to find out when this range was rented, for how long and for which organization. Attention! If this IP address is dynamic, then the service will only show information about the provider. Next, using the available data, follow the other points of this instruction and thus completely penetrate the person.

How to check a company

Go to the website of the Federal Tax Service, fill out the search fields and click the find button. In response, you will receive a list of companies that match your request parameters, select from them the one you are looking for and click on its name, in response you will receive current information about legal entity and information about entries made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in relation to a legal entity

Source: http://zismo.biz/topic/373183-kak-probit-cheloveka/

Little tricks for collecting passport data from the sandbox

Of course, passport data was also collected. As often happens, an exhaustive technical specification was not formulated and some things had to be completed during the process. I would like to talk about the intricacies of accounting for individuals for programmers who are faced with such a task for the first time.

The article will only touch upon issues of full name, citizenship and identification documents. The material turned out to be somewhat chaotic due to the fact that it only contains personal experience without retelling well-known facts and citing official documents.

First, about the last name, first name and patronymic. Firstly, it is not always obvious to an ordinary Russian person that there may not be a patronymic. Moreover, it may not be like foreigners (which is understandable).
The same applies to citizens of the Russian Federation (for various reasons). If this is not taken into account immediately and the field is made mandatory, then operators will be forced to enter all sorts of garbage such as hyphens.

Third nuance: foreigners (especially from Asia) when re-registering Russian visa can get Russian name in the new transcription, this is the level of work of our Foreign Ministry. Therefore, it would be a good practice to create fields in the system for the first and last names of foreigners in the Latin alphabet.

Now about citizenship and identity documents. With citizenship, everything is almost simple: with rare exceptions (we will consider them at the end), a person’s citizenship coincides with the country that issued him a passport (or other document). But with documents it’s a little more complicated.

First, we will briefly list the main documents identifying citizens in Russia. Usually people apply with the most ordinary internal Russian passport in their hands.

For military personnel, a military ID is also possible; in addition, representatives of certain professions may encounter such exotic things as a sailor’s passport or a service passport. While waiting for a new passport to be ready, for example, upon reaching 20 or 45 years of age, the document is a temporary identity card in the T-2 form.

It must be borne in mind that the T-2 form is not at all the same certificate from passport office, which they issue there when you return your old passport! A certificate is needed to exchange it for new passport, and can also satisfy the curiosity of a teaching staff employee or someone who is not too demanding about documents.

It’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a bank loan with it; for this you need a full-fledged temporary ID with a photo. Its registration is voluntary and is carried out by contacting the FMS department directly. A foreign passport certifies the identity of only those citizens who have gone abroad for permanent residence.

Usually their passports are obtained at foreign embassies and have special series - 51 or 53. In general, the series of these documents consists of two digits, the number is seven, and the codes of the issuing departments are not at all similar to the codes of internal passports.

Most foreigners have their identity verified foreign passport of their country, but citizens of some states can stay in Russia using an internal passport (there are pages with duplication of basic information in Russian). These countries include Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.

However, the most widespread category of documents encountered medium organization in Russia it is internal passports Russian Federation, so we will focus on them. There are some features that allow you to somewhat automate the control of the correctness of their details.

The passport series is, as you know, 4 digits. The first two usually correspond to the OKATO/OKTMO code of the subject of the Russian Federation in which they were issued, but with a number of exceptions. One of them is Crimea and Sevastopol. As far as can be understood from publications on the Internet, last year stocks of passport forms were brought there from all over Russia.

The last two digits are approximately equal to the year the passport was issued, but may differ by 1-2 units in any direction. In addition, there is an unanswerable question associated with the series: is there a space between these groups of numbers?

There is no unanimity even among federal departments. The Federal Migration Service, which is in charge of issuing and recording passports, processes the series without spaces in the database on its website, and the Federal Tax Service (tax) requires that the groups be separated by a space in the forms.

A good practice, in my opinion, is to enter and store a series without a space, and when generating documents that require it, add it on the fly.

Passport numbers are 6-digit, assigned sequentially within each series, and I am not aware of any tricks associated with them.

Date of issue of the passport, according to the chapter “Calculation of deadlines” Civil Code, should not fall on birthdays of 14, 20 and 45 years and the following weekends and holidays, otherwise some particularly picky organizations will declare the document invalid.

The department that issued the passport and its code are the longest fields in the list of passport details. Accordingly, they perform greatest number errors.

The department code consists of two groups of 3 digits, separated by a hyphen. The first 2 digits are the region code, but for some reason not according to OKATO/OKTMO, as in the series, but according to a directory roughly corresponding to KLADR or car codes. The 3rd digit is the type of unit (FMS, Department of Internal Affairs, etc.).


The last 3 digits are actually serial number divisions. To optimize the entry of this data, you can organize auto-completion according to the directory of departments and their codes.

It will also be useful to know that the Federal Migration Service provides a service for checking according to the list invalid passports. In fact, their entire list is available for free download.

The problem is that the file with this list takes up over 1 GB and it can be difficult to organize its processing on an average server. not an easy task. In such cases, you can use the service to automated verification passports.

Now about those cases when a person’s citizenship differs from the country in which the identity document was issued. Firstly, you need to keep in mind the category of stateless persons in general, whose identity can be verified by a residence permit.

Secondly, many residents of partially recognized Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as the unrecognized Pridnestrovian-Moldavian Republic, have Russian citizenship and Russian foreign passports, which gives them all the rights and responsibilities of Russian citizens.

Thirdly, these are some residents of a wonderful European country Latvia, having mainly Russian origin. They are considered “non-citizens” and have documents that are called “non-citizen passports”. Fourthly, these are refugees.

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