Filling out a certificate of incapacity for work by the employer. Filling out individual fields by the employer

How correctly it will be filled out sick leave, the speed of registration of documents in the Social Insurance Fund completely depends, which, in turn, affects the payment of cash benefits, or, more precisely, their speed. The person responsible for filling out these sheets can use established pattern– this will greatly simplify the entire process and reduce the chance of any error occurring in the document.

How should an employer make entries on a sick leave sheet regarding changes in 2016?

This document is issued when the fact of temporary disability of the employee is confirmed. Accordingly, its presence makes it possible not to legally visit workplace when saving wages until complete recovery occurs. The sheet itself is valid throughout the country and represents special form, which is read by the device to determine its authenticity. Its format is A4, and to make sure that the form is not a fake, it must contain, in addition to a background grid and various watermarks, a binary PIN code and a barcode consisting of 13 digits. The document is double-sided, and the fields for filling are a set of cells where information is entered in the form of printed characters. It is worth paying attention to this point, since deviation from the instructions will lead to the scanner not being able to correctly read information from the form. No other characters other than printed characters are allowed. Do not use ballpoint pens or go beyond the cells. If the scanner does not recognize the data correctly, it may cause delays in benefit payments.

As for the data to be filled out, there is a part that is filled out only by the employer, and the other part is always filled in by the employee of the medical institution. There is also an absentee portion that remains at the clinic. Even before filling out the form, it is worth studying the information located on the back of the sheet. There are instructions on how the length of sick leave is determined, the amount of benefits - all important information is defined in the form digital code, which the computer can easily recognize.

It is in the employer’s interests to monitor what information the health worker enters on the form, since the payment financial benefits lies precisely on his shoulders.

One of the most important parameters of sick leave is its duration, and it can be as follows:
  1. If you need to temporarily suspend your work activity due to pregnancy, the period will be 140 days with the possibility of extension.
  2. For simple injuries and illnesses, a month is allocated. More long term can be established after a medical commission.
  3. If you need to care for relatives who are disabled or for children, you can issue a sick leave for 15 days.

It is also the employer who should check the sheet for corrections and other errors. If an error is discovered, you need to ask for a duplicate or completely replace the document. The form with corrections simply will not pass the FSS check. Eat approximate sample completed by the employer in 2016, which can be used as it is current.

It is not necessary for the employer to fill out the sheet personally, as this can be done by special person. The form requires the full name of the organization, its registration number and subordination code. Even if the name is large, you need to leave spaces between words, but if 29 cells are not enough, then abbreviations are allowed. You will also need to determine whether this work the main or employee combines several jobs. What follows entering SNILS and TIN. The next step is to enter a form, but this must be done if absenteeism occurs due to injury at work. In all other situations, only the conditions for calculating benefits are filled in. You do not need to fill in anything in the “Date of work” field if the employment contract has been canceled. The insurance period is always filled out, the same applies to non-insurance periods. This information must correspond to the actual insurance years and months, and in full, without abbreviations. It happens that the period is less than a full calendar month - then you need to enter 00 months and the same number of years. The category of non-insurance periods includes employment in law enforcement agencies or in fire service, this also includes military service. To calculate benefits, you must enter in in full, information about the total average earnings and the average earnings per working day. The form is completed by indicating the contact information of the manager and chief accountant. If it is not there, then the manager’s data is duplicated. Signatures are entered and the organization's seal is affixed.

All other fields are left untouched, since the medical institution will be responsible for filling them out.

The Social Insurance Fund will refuse to offset expenses for benefits if it finds errors in the sick leave certificate. Find out how to correctly fill out a sick leave certificate for your employer in 2019. A sample of the ideal sheet will help you check your work with the ballots.

In this article

Why does the Social Insurance Fund refuse to credit benefits for sick leave?

An employee has the right to present a sick leave certificate within six months after illness (Part 1 of Article 12 Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). If he met the deadline and brought the ballot, then he must pay for it. Moreover, from its own funds, the employer pays only for the first three days of the employee’s illness, the rest is reimbursed by the Social Insurance Fund (Clause 1, Part 2, Article 3 of Law No. 255-FZ). To do this, the employer prepares a package of papers and fills out sick leave.

Companies often make mistakes when filling out sick leave. Is it dangerous. If the Social Insurance Fund discovers shortcomings, it will refuse to offset or reimburse the costs of benefits. Therefore, errors must be corrected. Although judges have already explained more than once that shortcomings in the sheets cannot affect the right to return the money spent on benefits. The most important thing is the availability insured event, that is, the fact of employee illness (resolution Arbitration Court West Siberian District dated 07/03/15 No. Ф04-20576/2015, definition Supreme Court RF dated November 25, 2015 No. 304-KG15-14859).

In order not to argue with the fund, it is safer to immediately fill out a sick leave certificate correctly. Let's take a closer look at filling out sick leave in 2019. But first, we note that the newsletter has official uniform(approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n). Therefore, other forms that differ from approved sample, do not accept from the employee. Moreover, do not pay benefits for them.

The deputy chief answered five typical questions about paying for sick leave legal department Moscow regional office FSS Marina Chudakova.

What to check before filling out a sick leave certificate for an employer

Electronic sick leave certificates are now being introduced everywhere, but paper forms have not yet lost their relevance. They are, as before, prescribed by the attending physician. It is he who fills out the main part of the newsletter, but there are also sections for employers.

Doctors themselves often make mistakes in the bulletin. Therefore, check the document as soon as you receive it. If there are inaccuracies, the form is considered damaged, ask the employee for a duplicate. Otherwise, there is a risk that the Social Insurance Fund will not reimburse expenses. Although technical defects do not affect compensation (determination of the Supreme Court dated 04/07/17 No. 310-KG17-4016). For example, check the address and name of the medical institution, form numbers, and any spelling errors.

The judges believe that the fund should check the sheets not only for formal characteristics. If the employee was really sick, the company is obliged to provide benefits. UNP has collected four frequent situations in which judges sided with policyholders, despite shortcomings in sick leave.

It often happens that workers skip work and then bring a fake ballot. To dispel doubts about the reliability of the sheet, you can send a request to the FSS department with a request to check the bulletin (FSS letter dated September 30, 2011 No. 14-03-11/15-11575). Attach the original ballot to your request, the fund will return it after verification.

Rules for filling out sick leave by an employer in 2019: sample

Most of the form is completed by the attending physician of the medical institution. The employer fills out only the spine of the sheet marked “To be filled out by the employer” (see sample below). But at the same time, the rules for drawing up the document are uniform, apply general procedure(approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

Filling sick leave requires special care. The form can be filled out on the computer or by hand. For manual input, use a gel or fountain pen, always black. Never use colored ballpoint pens. It is forbidden.

By line “Place of work – name of organization” Write down the name of your company - full or abbreviated. For example, like this:

However, do not include quotation marks, periods or dashes in the form. It is also forbidden to arbitrarily shorten the name of a company unless it contains more than 29 characters. The FSS reported this in a letter dated September 14, 2011 No. 14-03-11/15-8605.

Next, reflect what the employee’s job is like: "Basic" or "At the same time" . To do this, put a tick in one of the cells – V (clause 66 of the Procedure).

In lines "Registration number" And "Subordination code" Enter the information from the notice when you registered with your FSS branch.

  • the employee does not have an identification number;
  • You issue benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, or when you are diagnosed in the early stages of pregnancy.

String "SNILS" write down the number from the certificate, and enter a two-digit code in the “Calculation conditions” field. Sometimes there may be several codes. The codes are in paragraph 66 of the Procedure, or on the back of the sick leave. For example, 45 is a person with a disability.

The form contains special details, For example, “Act of form N-1 dated” . In normal cases, this detail is not filled in, only in case of injuries at work. If an employee was injured at work, which is why he opened a bulletin, then it will need to reflect the date, month and year of the incident report.

"Start date" - leave blank if the employee is still on staff. Since this date is entered when employment contract terminated, but former employee fell ill or was injured (clause 66 of the Procedure).

In line "Insurance experience" enter the number full months and years of work. Moreover, the length of service should be calculated before the onset of illness or injury. This can be done based on the entries in work book, where every 30 days is a month, and every 12 months is a year (see Table 1).

Table 1. How experience affects the amount of benefits

Cause of illness Experience Benefits, % of average earnings

Injuries sustained outside of work;



Aftercare in sanitary resort institutions;

Inpatient care for a child or family member (outpatient)

8 years or more 100
From 5 to 8 years 80
Up to 5 years 60
Occupational illness/disease, work injury Any 100
Baby care 8 years or more 100 for the first 10 days, 50 for subsequent days
From 5 to 8 years 80 for the first 10 days, 50 for subsequent days
Up to 5 years 60 for the first 10 days, 50 for subsequent days
Illness or injury occurs within 30 days of dismissal Any 60

In order not to get confused, when entering information about your experience, follow the rules of paragraph 13 of the letter of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18/15-12956.

For beginners without experience, enter zeros in the line, as in the example:

┌─┬─┐ ┌─┬─┐

│0│0 │ years │0│0│ months.

└─┴─┘ └─┴─┘

If the employee’s length of service is a fixed number of years, then enter the data as follows:

┌─┬─┐ ┌─┬─┐

│5│ │ years │0│0│ months.

└─┴─┘ └─┴─┘

By line “including non-insurance period» reflect the number of complete years and months when the employee served in the army. Then write down the period - the start and end date of the illness - “A benefit due for the period” . It is during this time that benefits will need to be calculated and issued to the employee.

In the line below, enter “Average earnings for calculating benefits” . By general rules, this value is counted as two last year before illness or maternity leave (Part 1 of Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). Billing period for 2019 - 2017 and 2018. Next, show the total information in the line "Average daily earnings» , and then "Benefit amount" . But keep in mind that payments must be made without personal income tax deductions(FSS letter dated 09/08/11 No. 14-03-14/15-10022).

According to the law, there are cases when all days of sick leave are paid for by the Social Insurance Fund. More precisely, from the first day the newsletter was opened. Therefore the line "At the expense of the employer" - leave empty. This should also be done if the employee was caring for a relative or receives maternity benefits (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 17 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated December 23, 2009 No. 1012n).

Let us remind you that when caring for a sick family member, the number of sick days per year is limited. Therefore, count all the days that the employee cared for a relative. The FSS will not reimburse benefits paid beyond this period (Article 4.2, 4.7 of Law No. 255-FZ, FSS letter No. 17-03-14/06-18772 dated December 19, 2014).

The total amount of benefits issued to the employee is reflected in the line "TOTAL" .

Next, write down the information in the cells of the line “Last name and initials of the manager” and “Last name and initials of the head.” accountant" (clause 12 of the FSS letter dated October 28, 2011 No. 14-03-18/15-12956). Enter the data exactly as written in your passport. For example, the head of a division, head office, representative by proxy. They put visas in the field "Signature" .

After the sick leave certificate is ready, prepare a calculation certificate for it. It will need to be handed over to the fund along with the ballot.

Filling out sick leave by an employer in 2019: sample according to the minimum wage

In some cases, the benefit is calculated based on the minimum wage. For example, if in the accounting year the employee did not receive income, or its amount is below 24 times the minimum wage (Part 1.1, Article 14 of Law No. 255-FZ). In 2019, the minimum wage is 11,280 rubles, which means the average daily earnings will be 370.85 rubles. (RUB 11,280 x 24/730). We calculate it using the formula:

Average daily earnings = minimum wage on the date of onset of illness x 24/730

Calculation sick leave benefit based on the minimum wage. The employee joined the company on September 3, 2018. In July 2019, he fell ill - from the 10th to the 19th. To calculate the benefit, the company determined his income: in 2017 - 0 rubles, and in 2018 - 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the employee’s experience is only 10 months.

Based on the parameters, the employee’s income is less than 24 times the minimum wage (RUB 11,280 x 24 = RUB 270,720). That's why average earnings We consider the minimum wage, it is 370.85 rubles. The employee worked for only 10 months, which is less than 5 years. This means that for benefits we take 60% of average earnings - 2,225.10 rubles (370.85 rubles x 60% x 10 days), of which 667.53 rubles. (RUB 370.85 x 60% x 3 days).

As a result, the payout:

  • at the expense of the employer - 667.53 rubles (370.85 rubles x 60% x 3 days);
  • at the expense of the social insurance fund - 1,557.57 rubles (2,225.10 rubles - 667.53 rubles).

We enter the data on the certificate of incapacity for work:

Sick leave in 2019: mistakes made by employers

If you made mistakes, typos or other shortcomings when filling out the form, they can be corrected (paragraph 4, clause 65 of the Procedure). But to do this you will need to do the following:

  1. cross out erroneous entry black gel pen;
  2. enter the correct information on the back of the sick leave certificate;
  3. assure new entry with the wording “Corrected Believe”, affix the signature and seal of the company.

Please note that according to the rules, the employer is not limited by the number of corrections in the bulletin. Therefore, if you made several incorrect entries, correct them. FSS employees should skip such sick leave.

An employee can now bring an electronic sick leave to any accounting department. Such leaflets are issued by more than half of the clinics in the country. Colleagues have problems working with electronic sheets. The editors of the UNP, together with the FSS, found solutions.

This law amended Articles 59 and 78 of the Federal Law No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011.

All necessary instructions on the interaction between a medical institution, an employer and the Social Insurance Fund were given in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1567 of December 16, 2017. Rules for issuing and filling out sick leave, as well as various cases its design is contained in another by-law– in Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 624n dated June 29, 2011.

Important! The form of the certificate of incapacity for work has not changed. The information included in the electronic sick leave is no different from that entered in paper form in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation 347n dated April 26, 2011.

How to fill it out correctly: step-by-step instructions

Let us remind you that ENL is filled out only with the consent of the patient. Let's consider detailed instructions on filling out a certificate of incapacity for work.

What information does the doctor enter?

The doctor can fill out the ENL if the medical institution has connected to information system FSS and if the patient gave written agreement for registration of sick leave in electronic form. The doctor fills out several sections in the program, which can be downloaded.

First section: certificate of incapacity for work

Second: release from work

  1. Two dates of release from work are indicated: on what date this period began and on what date it ended. Dates are entered in the format day, month, year. For example, 03/12/2018.
  2. Doctor's position. She is selected from a pre-entered list of doctor positions for a given medical organization. For example, "therapist".
  3. Last name and initials of the doctor. This information is also entered from a drop-down list, which includes information about all doctors in a particular clinic. For example, “Voronova AN” (initials are indicated without dots).

Third: travel package, child care

Fourth: hospital, disability, violation of the regime

  1. For pregnant women, it is indicated how long they were registered up to 12 weeks (at early stages) or after this time.
  2. If the patient violated the regimen, the doctor selects a violation code from the drop-down list. This may include non-compliance with the regimen, leaving the hospital, late appearance for an appointment, going to work without being discharged, and more. The date on which the regime was violated is also indicated.
  3. The dates on which the patient was hospitalized are indicated.
  4. The dates of referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (MSE), registration of documents and examination by the ISE are indicated.
  5. If the patient's disability group is assigned or changed, a mark is placed in the appropriate line.

After filling out, the ENL is signed with an electronic signature and sent to the FSS website. The doctor tells the patient the sick leave number.

What information does the employer provide?

How can an employer issue a certificate of incapacity for work through the Social Insurance Fund system? By ELN number, personnel or accounting service finds the required sick leave in the FSS information system and enters the necessary data. Below you can see an example of how to fill out the document.

When all cells are filled, place electronic signature and the form is sent for verification to the FSS.

Who else can apply for an ELN?

Electronic sick leave can also be filled out by doctors of sanatoriums and dispensaries, as well as employees of the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise. They fill out all sections of the sick leave certificate, including those related to information about treatment on a voucher (for sanatoriums and other medical organizations) and about passing a medical and social examination (for the ITU bureau).

If the patient is unemployed and is registered with the employment service, then the section intended for the employer is filled out by employees of the employment center to which the unemployed person is assigned.

To work with electronic sick leave, you need to register in the Social Insurance information system. To ensure that filling out the ENL does not cause difficulties, it is better to appoint someone responsible for working in this system. This could be an accountant or personnel officer.

To calculate benefits you can use free program, which is posted on the official website of the FSS. Before starting work with electronic sick leave, you need to tell employees about the changes that have taken place and about the opportunities that they have thanks to the transition to electronic sick leave.

The main benefit for workers is that The Social Insurance Fund pays for electronic sick leave within three workers days. Electronic sick leave simplifies the work of accounting and saves time, because there is no need to transfer paper certificates of incapacity for work to the Social Insurance Fund department, check their authenticity, or store them in archives.

No one is immune from illness or other cause of disability. So that for employed citizens and their managers similar situations did not become a cause for conflict, the medical institution provides sick leave. The executed document allows the employee to ensure a smooth recovery, regulate absence from work and receive cash benefits for a period of temporary disability. For your reference, a photo of the sick leave certificate is attached below.

Photo of a standard sick leave certificate

Incorrect entry of data into the form may result in denial of reimbursement for downtime. His correct filling, is assigned not only to the medical institution, but also to the employer.

The sick leave is divided into three parts. Two of them are filled out by the doctor, one - by the employer or the responsible personnel worker responsible for their registration at the place of work. A sample of filling out a sick leave certificate by an employer should always be at hand. The part of the form filled out by the doctor with the signature of the insured person remains in hospital facility. Despite the fact that the employee does not participate in filling out the document, he must know how to fill out a sick leave certificate correctly in order to receive from the Fund social insurance monetary compensation and not get into trouble with this organ. In this article we will look at what you need to pay attention to when applying for sick leave.

The rules in this regard are regulated by orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n and dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

What functions does the document perform and to whom is it issued?

With a correctly completed form, a person has the right not to appear at the workplace until full recovery or healing of an injury, the fact of which must also be confirmed by the doctor when closing the sick leave. The document performs two main functions: reporting and financial. It is worth noting that if a person works part-time, he can take several statements at the same time. The form is issued in following cases:

  1. Outpatient treatment when more than the employee himself. If for a period of up to 15 days, then it is issued by the attending physician. If for a longer period, then only by a medical commission. Typically, a long period is provided for postoperative patients, people who worked in the quarantine zone, as well as persons undergoing prosthetics or tooth extraction.
  2. Looking after sick relatives. The doctor prescribes up to 3 days, under outpatient treatment conditions. The duration of sick leave may be longer, it all depends on the severity, but then the document is drawn up by decision of the VKK.
  3. Maternity leave. The leaf can be taken at 30 weeks of pregnancy, during the pre- and postpartum period, lasting 140 calendar days. Fill out a form, maybe an obstetrician-gynecologist, a doctor general practice or paramedic.

For any reason, sick leave is filled out according to the same rules as for a regular injury or illness. We will consider a sample of filling out a certificate of incapacity for work below, but first we will figure out what form is usually used to complete the registration.

New sick leave form

On this moment The modified form of the certificate of incapacity for work is in force, introduced on June 1, 2011, to replace the outdated ones. The new form was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 26, 2011 No. 347n. But the procedure for issuing a new sick leave and the rules for filling it out are approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n. L.P. The replacement of forms occurred due to their inconsistency with current conditions, that is old sample It was larger, contained less information, and was filled out by hand and on both sides. No less important reason innovation was the falsification of the document. It is to the detriment of the state to pay for the incapacity of citizens using forged certificates. That's why new document began to not only correspond to everyone technical standards, but also included high degree protection.

Differences from the old form

Now new form, as stated before, has three sections. The first and third are filled out by the doctor, the second by the accountant at the place of work. The receipt from the third sheet remains in the hospital. The document is on A4 paper, it is made on a light blue background, while the old one was on green.

Cells for filling in details have yellow. The fields are arranged in such a way that they are easy to fill out. Like anyone official document, an improved form, has a multi-level degree of protection: watermarks in the form of the FSS RF logo and bar code of 12 digits. The form number of the outdated form consisted simply of numbers and letters, without a bar code.

In addition, the new form displays the following: numbers medical card the patient, his tax identification number and insurance number. To automate patient accounting, data is indicated by special entered two-digit and three-digit codes. Their decoding, which determines the degree of disability and reference Information indicated on back side document. Details on the form may only be entered in large block letters.

Certificate of incapacity for work new form allows automatic processing - that is, reading information using a program. You must enter information from the first cell; you cannot touch or go beyond the fields. Filling can be done either by hand or using printing devices. To fill by hand, only a black capillary or helium pen is used. Complete a form ballpoint pen impossible, because electronic devices will not be able to read and record data for further storage in the FSS.

Sample of filling out a sick leave certificate by a medical institution

Information entered by the doctor

As you can see, filling out sick leave these days occurs in accordance with strict requirements. You need to not only know the rules for filling out sick leave at a medical institution, but also the procedure for the process. Information on this matter is contained in paragraphs 56-63 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work. The doctor must be attentive to filling it out, and first the employee must verify the correctness of the data, and then the accountant. Marks and other defects are prohibited on new sample forms. Previously it was possible to correct the error and submit the document further for consideration. Today, the presence of defects makes the document invalid and needs to be replaced.

"Primary" or "duplicate"

The form is usually filled out from this column. Medical worker places a “V” next to the words “primary” or “duplicate.” The first provision is noted if the sick leave in relation to this case issued to a person for the first time. The second provision is noted if the document is damaged or lost. If another ballot is issued, then the number of the first form is entered in the paragraph “continuation of certificate of incapacity for work No.”

Name of medical institution and organization

Since the machine cannot read stamps, the medical institution stopped issuing them. In the cells “place of work - name of organization” the abbreviated name of the medical institution is written. But when the name is small, you can enter the full name; a total of 29 cells are allocated. There is no need to include quotation marks or punctuation marks. Words are separated by a space.

If the column is not enough even for an abbreviated name, then you can shorten it. The enterprise itself comes up with a different abbreviation for itself or takes it from statutory documents, the main thing is that it fits the cells. A new title must be published by appropriate order at the enterprise and be used only for medical institutions. In addition, the FSS and the doctors themselves must be notified about the acquisition of an additional name so that they can enter it correctly.

OGRN and address of the clinic (hospital)

The utmost attention is paid to these provisions; there should be no discrepancies, since according to the data from the OGRN column, the medical institution is identified in the database. First, the Doctor indicates his initials, and then OGRNIP. The address of the hospital is entered in a certain sequence, the details are placed at intervals in one cell. But even if the sequence is broken, this is not considered an error. A medical organization can be recognized by its OGRN. First, indicate the city, then the street, then the house number, in the next cell put the fraction sign “/”, there is no need to put a space, the building number, then skip the cell and put the house number. The words themselves: street, avenue, boulevard, etc. are not written.

Then indicate the date of issue, arrival at the hospital or closing of the paper. The “OGRN” field is reserved for entering the main state registration number medical organization. You need to put two stamps on the paper; special fields are provided for this. It is allowed to go beyond the boundaries of the field, but touch the columns informational nature it is forbidden.

Information about a disabled person

A sample of filling out a sick leave form shows that 28 cells are allocated for the patient’s full name. When a citizen double surname, then the first 28 letters from it are entered, and the initials are not indicated. Next to it is written the date of birth of the applicant and his gender. Afterwards, according to the person, the details of the company or the initials of the employer are written.

Next, a tick is entered in the “Basic” field if the sheet is issued at the main place of work. The “Part-time No” position is checked if the person has a part-time job. The number of the document issued to the part-time worker is written down, and it is assigned to the main job.


Next, in the “Cause of disability” position, the data is recorded in the form of codes. There are three fields for this. The “code” line records the reason for coming to the medical institution. The second cell “add. code" is intended to indicate the cause of additional disability. Also encoded double digit numbers. All codes are entered only with the approval of the insured person. Their decoding is on the back of the form.

"Special" graphs

Next, there are two dates, they are entered in special cases. A date is set indicating when changes occurred in the causes of disability, for example, the date of birth was recalculated or a vacation in a sanatorium was postponed. In the “date 2” section it is indicated when the vacation ends, and the direction number is indicated next to it. If the woman in labor registered early, then in the “early pregnancy line” column they put a tick. This will give you the opportunity to get a small lump sum payment from the state, but in order to receive benefits, you must, in addition to the sick leave certificate, have a certificate issued by a medical institution.

Patient care subsection

This provision is filled in if care for a sick family member is required, this includes the quarantine of the child. In the designated “family relationship” columns, the encoded degree of relationship is entered, the decoding of which is also located on the back of the form. The full name of the sponsored relative is entered in the appropriate field with a space of one cell. The fields indicate full age relative who is being cared for. When the child is less than a year old, the first two fields are skipped, and then the age in months is entered. When several sick relatives are being cared for at once, a separate document. If caring only for children, then have different forms no need, below in the subsection there are two lines where the children’s data is entered one by one.

Section on care and hospital stay

Hospital treatment is also recorded. The date of entry and exit from it is entered. The duration of the illness is entered in the “Exemption from work” section. The section contains only 8 columns, so it is permissible to shorten it.

If the stay in the hospital is extended, the patient is given a continuation of the certificate of incapacity for work. When the treatment is over a month, the issue of extending sick time is decided by the appropriate commission. Moreover, if after hospitalization the person was prescribed outpatient treatment, then the time and release from work will be different. During the increase sick period on the main form, instead of the date of leaving sick leave, in the “Other” field, code 31 “continues illness” is entered.

In the “Other” position, in addition to code 31, code 32 or 33 may be indicated - if the disability has changed; 34, if the patient died; 35 – upon refusal of examination; 36, when a person did not come for examination after extending the certificate, but is confirmed as disabled after examination at another appointment. Code 37 is set when treatment continues after hospitalization. Then put the corresponding date.

When a violation of the regime occurs, the corresponding violation is entered in the form of a code. The date of violation is written next to it. The information is certified by a doctor. When everything is done in accordance, the fields are left empty. If the disability has changed, then the group is written Arabic numerals. After this it is certified by ITU and the stamp of the organization.

Period of incapacity

Information is distributed in the “Exemption from work” provision. In the line “From what date” the date when the employee was released from work is entered and the last day of treatment is indicated next to it. When an employee arrives at outpatient treatment, then the extension begins from the day the patient is examined.

When filling out the table, the doctor's details are written with one indent. If there is not enough number of cells allocated for data, then the letters that fit are moved down to the next one. If this is not enough, then only the last name is entered. When filling out forms by decision of the medical commission, in addition to his data, the doctor must indicate the initials of its chairman. Since the surnames with the initials of both parties will not fit, it is best to indicate the doctor’s surname in one, and the chairman’s surname on the second. And also if the surnames are too long, abbreviation is allowed.

In the column “Physician’s position” his specialty is written. When the position does not fit, you can reduce it, such as “dentist”, “allergol”, “ophthalmologist”, etc. When the decision was made medical commission, then it is written in abbreviation “pre, skip VK cell”. Then the medical history number is indicated and the signature of the disabled person is affixed. Then part of the form is transferred to the place of work, so the accountant processes it and continues to fill it out.

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Binge drinking is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. Delay is fraught with negative consequences...

1. THYROID GLAND - (Liz Burbo) Physical blockage The thyroid gland is shaped like a shield and is located at the base of the neck. Hormones...

The city of military glory is how most people perceive Sevastopol. 30 battery is one of the components of its appearance. It is important that even now...

Naturally, both sides were preparing for the summer campaign of 1944. The German command, led by Hitler, considered that their opponents...
“Liberals,” as people of “Western” thinking, that is, with a priority of benefit rather than justice, will say: “If you don’t like it, don’t...
Poryadina Olga Veniaminovna, teacher-speech therapist Location of the structural unit (speech center): Russian Federation, 184209,...
Topic: Sounds M - M. Letter M Program tasks: * Consolidate the skill of correct pronunciation of the sounds M and Мь in syllables, words and sentences...
Exercise 1 . a) Select the initial sounds from the words: sleigh, hat.
What is the difference...