Application for salary. Application from employees to transfer wages to a bank card

Employees both in cash and through transfers to bank accounts. In the second case, the most common practice is to enter into agreements with relevant financial institutions to open salary cards for employees.

The latter have the right to indicate their account to which transfers will subsequently be made. To do this, you will need to write a special application to transfer your salary to the card.

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Reasons for transfer

The procedure by which wages are paid is determined by Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It applies to all categories of workers, both those working on a regular basis and those taking part-time jobs.

This scheme does not include payments made under a contract or when there is a fee for the provision of services. In this situation no wages

, therefore, settlement with the employee is carried out according to the conditions specified in the contract. In accordance with general rules Wage payments are made at the place of work. To a credit institution financial resources

The employee is transferred if he has drawn up a corresponding application.

Sample application.

(full name, position of manager and name of employer)
from: ______________________________

(full name, position, address, telephone)

APPLICATION for transfer of wages to the card Please transfer my salary and other payments to bank card

using the following details:_____.

Date of application “___”_________ ____ Signature _______ The latter should be provided for in labor and collective agreements. A company employee has the right to change financial institution

at any time, and also change the number to which his salary will be transferred. We will tell you below about the time frame within which you can apply to change your accrual account.

How to transfer wages to an employee’s bank card? Almost any credit organization special program for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, called a salary project. To conclude relevant agreement the entrepreneur will need to separately contact financial institution.

If he chooses a scheme for paying employees wages according to non-cash payment, you need to perform the following series of actions:

  • Visit a financial institution and declare your desire to enter into an agreement for registration salary project.
  • Prepare documentation: list of employees, employees’ applications for opening salary accounts, copies of their passports, constituent documents organizations and other official documents that may be requested by bank employees.
  • Conclude an agreement on servicing employee personal accounts and transferring salaries to them.
  • Issue bank cards to employees.
  • Information that wages will be transferred to the bank account of employees must be included in the organization’s documents, labor contracts And collective agreement.

    If there is a transition from a cash payment system to cooperation with banking organizations, it will be necessary to make appropriate adjustments to local regulations through additional agreements.

    Sample additional agreement You can download information about transferring your salary to a card.

    Who pays for the translation?

    Payments for transferring an employee's wages to the latter's bank account using non-cash payments fall entirely on the shoulders of employers.

    Withholding commission from employees is prohibited by law.

    This rule applies not only to employees receiving payments through the bank with which the salary project is concluded. The employer bears the costs even if the transaction is carried out through another bank chosen by the employee.

    The costs of the operation can be taken into account when calculating the amount of taxable profit.

    This expense item can be regarded as non-operating or otherwise. The basis for classification will be the company's accounting policies.

    Which bank can you choose according to the law?

    According to Federal Law No. 333-FZ of November 4, 2014, there are no restrictions on the banks that can be chosen by employees to credit their salaries to the card.

    It is most beneficial for the employer when all the company’s employees are serviced by one bank, for example Sberbank, according to the corresponding salary project. Transfers to another bank for individual individuals will require the payment of an additional commission.

    If an employee is not satisfied with the employer’s main partner bank, and he applies to change the credit institution, it is worth asking which bank cards will be the most profitable.

    It is better to have a separate card and a separate salary account. The choice of card should also be based on the cost of its maintenance and the possibility of withdrawing cash from ATMs without commissions and limits.

    How to transfer salary to personal card employee?

    If the transfer salaries are coming to the account of one of the employees, you will need to draw up payment order. It will require you to fill in several fields:

    • Recipient. Full name of the employee.
    • Recipient's account. Specify individual number employee accounts.
    • Purpose of payment. The purpose of the payment is indicated here, as well as a link to the date and register number.

    Application to change bank based on salary

    Adopted in 2014 The federal law No. 333-FZ provided employees of organizations with the opportunity to change credit institutions through which their salaries will be transferred.

    In order for the entrepreneur to begin transferring funds to the desired bank, the employee will need to submit an application to change the bank.

    This must be done no less than 5 working days before the date specified in the organization’s regulations as the payday.

    This condition is regulated by part 3 of Art. 136 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The date of payment of wages is usually fixed by labor and collective agreements, as well as internal labor regulations.

    Part 6 of the above article determines that entrepreneurs must transfer salaries to employees at least 2 times a month. This applies to salary transfers, and not to the “advance - main payment” scheme.

    This means that if the employee compiled and submitted an application to the accounting department 5 days before the date of receipt of the salary payment, the employer will need to transfer the funds to the bank specified in the document to the account provided.

    Consequently, if an employee has submitted an application to change a financial institution to receive a salary, the organization becomes obligated to pay him the due funds to the account entered in the document.

    Otherwise, under Article 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, you will need to pay interest for delayed payments. The entrepreneur may also face administrative responsibility according to Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offences.

    In the case where the employee submitted an application later due date, his next salary payment will be made through the old bank, and new transfers to the company must be made using the bank specified in the application.

    Transfer of travel allowances to the card

    Besides salary payments the entrepreneur has the right to transfer travel allowances and travel allowances to the employee’s salary or debit bank card.

    This feature should be displayed in local regulatory documents companies. But before making a transfer, you will need to receive a corresponding statement from the employee, where he indicates his desire to receive the money due to him on the card.

    Paying salaries to employee cards - watch the video:

    Each employee can independently decide how his wages are calculated. IN this issue important role plays a labor or collective agreement. It is its provisions that regulate how accrual will occur. However, the employee, at his own discretion, has the right to change the payment method through a written application. This is done in the same way when it is necessary to change the card number.

    How to write an application for salary transfer to a bank card

    There is no specific form for writing an application to transfer wages to a bank card. The form can be provided by the employer or the applicant himself can write the corresponding request on a regular sheet of paper.

    This procedure is regulated. She prescribes what to serve similar document follows five days before the accrual of earnings. A petition is being drawn up for general principles taking into account the official nature of the document:

    • the header of the document is indicated, it indicates where the application for the transfer of wages to a bank card is sent, to whom and from whom;
    • the essence of the request and the basis for it are indicated;
    • the date of the first payment is noted when the accrual should occur;
    • bank details and the card number on which the salary should be credited are provided.

    The basis for such an act is the same article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to its provisions, the terms of payments in mandatory must be noted in the employment contract.
    The employee’s ability to choose a bank is enshrined in law. That is, he is not obliged to receive a salary at the direction of the employer. If an employer initially issues salary accounts to its employees, it must obtain from each corresponding form, filled out in accordance with all the rules.

    Application for transfer of salary to wife's bank card

    Transferring an employee's salary to someone else's bank card is a fairly common option. Like most similar questions it is regulated by the same article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is she who indicates that, by default, earnings are accrued directly to the employee. However, if the employment contract provides for the appropriate conditions and the employee submits an application, the salary can be transferred to the specified account or bank card of another person.

    This question may be relevant in cases where you need to transfer funds:

    • wife or husband;
    • for charitable purposes;
    • for the maintenance of other relatives or payment of alimony;
    • for utility bills;
    • for education;
    • to repay loans.

    Accordingly, the request may be directed to transfer a separate part of the funds. All commission costs are borne by the employer.

    Along with the application, you will also have to present an extract from your existing personal account. The account number and bank details are indicated in the document.

    Transfer of salary to a Sberbank bank card

    An application for salary transfer to a Sberbank bank card is submitted under standard conditions. There are no restrictions associated with these actions. In accordance with the provisions of Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can transfer his salary account to any bank.

    However, practice shows that employees rarely transfer their account to another bank. This is explained by the weak activity of the banking institutions. In this matter, it should be emphasized that many banks organize special conditions and promotions for clients with salary accounts. Such offers mainly relate to deposits and loans.

    Transfer application form

    The application form for salary transfer to a bank card must include the following points:

    • the period during which the salary will be transferred to the specified account;
    • amount to be charged - indication full size or partial;
    • details of the recipient - the employee himself or the person to whose account the funds will be credited.

    It is taken into account that wages may initially be accrued in installments. Many employers issue an advance in hand, and the main amount is credited to the account. Payment options may vary, but they must be taken into account in the employment contract. Article 136 also prescribes that the amount is issued at the place of work, however, if the contract provides for another option, it is this option that is taken into account.

    Separately, the case when the payday falls on a weekend or holiday is indicated. In this case, accrual occurs on the next day before the specified date.

    Below you can see the completed application form. It will allow you to clearly see the main points on which such a document is drawn up.

    5/5 (3)

    How to write an application correctly

    An employer has the right to pay its employees both in cash and through bank transfers.

    Paying salaries using enrollment Money to a bank card occurs by written statement the employee himself.

    Compiling such a statement yourself is not difficult. It is enough to familiarize yourself with sample samples and study the requirements for the document.

    Information that must be present in the application:

    • addressed to: title legal entity(short enough, but the full one will also not be a mistake), position and surname with the initials of the manager or the person replacing him;
    • applicant's details (position, full name);
    • after the word “please”, the immediate purpose of the application is indicated - so that the salary is transferred to a bank card;
    • the date from which it is desirable to begin non-cash payments;
    • details of the bank card to which payments are supposed to be made;
    • date of compilation, signature with additional transcript and indication of position.

    ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application for transfer of wages to the card:

    What is it for

    Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation directly states that the amount of wages can be transferred to the credit institution (bank) that the employee indicated in his application, that is, drawing up an application is recognized as mandatory.

    The same article clarifies that the conditions for the transfer of funds are stipulated in the collective agreement or the employee’s regular employment contract. These requirements must be met by including provisions in employment agreements.

    Note! Submission by an employee of an application to receive a salary in non-cash form is prerequisite such calculations. It does not matter whether it exists in the organization general system cashless payment with the opening of salary accounts or is it a personal account that the person opened independently.

    Lack of applications is the basis for payment of wages in cash through the cash register. Representatives of the organization do not have the right to impose non-cash payment on employees for their work.

    Who can initiate

    The decision to transfer funds to a bank card can be made by both the employer and the employee. If the initiative is taken by the administration of the enterprise, employees must be notified of this in writing, signed. However, writing statements is still mandatory.

    Watch the video. Paying salaries to employee cards:

    Who pays for the translation

    Bank transfers require payment of a transaction fee. The employer is obliged to pay it himself, without under any circumstances deducting it from the employee’s salary.

    Even if chosen by a working citizen banking organization is not included in the company’s salary project system, the law prohibits imposing the obligation to pay a commission on an employee. Accounting allows such expenses to be classified as non-operating expenses.


    Is it possible to transfer money to another person’s card?

    It happens that a citizen submits an application to transfer his salary not to his own account, but to the account of another person, for example, a relative. Current legislature does not contain a prohibition on such actions.

    All that is required is confirmation of the legality of such transfers. The account owner must formalize his consent to use the account in writing and provide the corresponding notarized power of attorney.

    Transfer of travel allowances

    When payments for wages to employees occur in non-cash form, it is convenient to make payments of accountable amounts in the same way. One example is travel expenses. Their amount can also be transferred to the employee’s card.

    The only condition is that such practice be formalized in internal documents organizations. It is enough to include the corresponding clause in the Regulations on settlements with accountable persons. It is mandatory to have a corresponding application from the employee for non-cash payment of the accountable amount indicating the card details. The procedure is provided for by Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-11-11/42288 dated 08/25/2014.

    Document submission deadlines

    The application can be submitted at any time labor activity employee. The main requirement is his consent.

    Application when changing bank

    The credit organization involved in transferring wages can be replaced by another employee. Federal Law No. 333 of November 4, 2014 allows such actions.

    To avoid erroneous transfers, the employer should be notified in a timely manner writing about changing the bank - no later than 5 days before the payment is calculated.

    This procedure prevents incorrect transfer of salaries to outdated details.

    If a timely notified employer nevertheless makes such a mistake, the following consequences are possible for him:

    • payment of interest for failure to pay wages;
    • punishment according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Important! If the employer was notified of a change in payment details later than 5 days, he has the right to make the nearest transfer using previously known data, and take into account the new details when making the next payment.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Bank cards are widely used in all types of payments, including when paying salaries to employees. The system has both advantages and disadvantages. They are determined by the personal circumstances of each employee.

    If credit institutions and government bodies systematically make deductions from accounts individual, the use of bank salary transfers may mean that it is impossible for him to receive these funds. Also, for a number of reasons, a citizen’s account may be blocked, which also entails the inability to dispose of the salary received.

    For employee


    • there is no need to visit the company’s cash desk, which saves time;
    • all payments are more “transparent”;
    • The procedure for obtaining loans and credits is simplified and simplified.


    • possibility of transfer delay due to technical problems;
    • the need to use terminals to withdraw cash (queues are possible);
    • the possibility of blocking the account or writing off funds by the relevant organizations - then it is impossible to receive the money.

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    For the employer

    Paying salaries to employees' bank cards simplifies and facilitates the procedure for settlements with staff, allowing you to reduce the corresponding costs.

    At the same time, to use this system, you must first perform additional actions:

    • ensure that all employees write appropriate statements;
    • make changes to the internal regulations of the organization;
    • conclude an agreement with the bank stipulating the terms of the salary project;
    • submit all required documents to the credit institution;
    • pay commissions for transactions performed;
    • comply with the deadlines for paying salaries in accordance with the procedure for transferring funds;
    • ensure the preparation of payslips indicating all payments and deductions for each employee;
    • provide personal income tax withholding Not later in the day write off the employee’s salary from the organization’s current account and transfer the tax amount to the budget over the next 24 hours.

    An employer needs a sample application for transfer of salary to a card to fulfill the requirements of Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regarding the procedure for paying wages to personnel. It states that the salary can be issued to the employee at the enterprise’s cash desk or transferred to the bank account specified in the application. At the same time, the contract or collective agreement must contain information that the money will be transferred by the employer by bank transfer.

    The application must be drawn up regardless of how the salary will be transferred to the employee’s card - to an account opened within the salary project, or to his personal account, opened by him without the participation of the employer.

    If the employee does not provide the boss with a sample application for transfer of salary to the card, he will have to receive the money earned at the cash desk. The employer simply does not have the right to force an employee to receive funds by bank transfer.

    Is it possible to choose a bank?

    As a rule, employers themselves choose the bank in which accounts will be opened for workers to transfer salaries.

    But, according to Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, each employee who receives payment for work on a card can change the bank in which he is serviced. An application to change data for transferring funds must be submitted to the director no later than five working days before the payday.

    The positive aspects of this method of receiving a salary are obvious:

    • no need to stand in a long line to get money from the cash register;
    • bank card convenient to store in a wallet;
    • banks often provide preferential terms lending for payroll clients.

    There are practically no disadvantages. The only thing is that sometimes older workers cannot independently figure out all the nuances of withdrawing money from ATMs. Therefore, it is worth compiling a training manual for them.

    How to apply for a salary transfer to a bank card

    The application can be drawn up upon signing employment contract or a little later - as soon as the director or employee has a need for it. Let's look at how to properly prepare such a document. A sample application for transfer of salary to a card is completed in free form. It consists of a header and, in fact, text.

    The header should include:

    • name of the employing organization, position and full name. manager;
    • position and full name compiler;
    • Below we indicate the name of the document: “Application for transfer of wages to a bank card.”
    • must contain a reference to labor legislation (Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and a request from the worker to transfer the money he earned to a bank account indicating the details. This data is: account number, current account, name of the credit institution, BIC, INN, KPP, card number, full name. its owner (information can be obtained from a specialist at the bank);
    • The date of the application is indicated below and handwritten signature employee.

    Money will be transferred strictly according to by the specified employee data. Payment of the commission for transferring funds always falls on the shoulders of the employer. If the accountant makes a mistake during the transfer and the money goes to the wrong account, he will be held responsible for this.

    For fulfilling your job responsibilities workers receive compensation in the form of wages. In accordance with standards labor legislation Russian Federation, employees can receive salaries either in cash or by transfer to a bank card.

    Every employee has the right to receive wages on a card. In order to exercise this opportunity, the employee must write a corresponding application for the transfer of earnings to the bank card. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

    Methods of remuneration of workers

    Article 136 Labor Code RF sets general order transfer of salaries to all employees. It's about on the issuance of funds from the cash desk of the organization at the place of work. In addition, the current Russian legislation allows the transfer of wages to the employee’s bank card. Such a condition must be indicated in one of the the documents listed below, namely:

    • in a collective agreement;
    • in the employment agreement.

    In these documents, the employer indicates the mechanism for making payments to employees. For example, accounting can transfer wages to a card in in full. Some managers give employees an advance in their hands, and transfer the rest to the card. In the documents, you can specify the ratio between cash and non-cash funds as a percentage.

    Often, the management of organizations enters into agreements with banks on servicing the company. In this case, all employees of the organization are participants in the salary project. This means that every employee receives plastic card bank to which the accounting department transfers his salary. For the employer, the salary project is more convenient - the amount of wages of all employees is fully and immediately transferred to their bank cards.

    It should be borne in mind that the employee may refuse the employer’s offer to receive salary card in any particular bank. The employee has the right to independently decide on a financial institution. The employee’s salary will be transferred to the card of the bank chosen by the employee.

    Employer's expenses for paying salaries to employees

    All costs of transferring wages to employees are borne entirely by the employer. There is no charge to employees for this. It should be noted that this applies not only to participants in the salary project, but also to those employees who independently chose a bank to open a salary card to which the salary will be transferred.

    The employer has the right to take into account expenses incurred when calculating the amount of taxable income. These expenses can be classified as non-operating or other. It all depends on accounting policy enterprises.

    The need to apply for the transfer of wages to a bank card

    The employee’s desire to receive wages on a bank card is voluntary. An employer does not have the right to oblige an employee to receive salary on a card. The accounting department of an organization can carry out wire transfer only with written consent employee.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the form and example of filling out an application for transferring wages to a card:

    If an employee wants to change financial institution and receive wages in another bank, then he must notify the employer of his desire five working days before the payment is made. The application must indicate all the details that are necessary to transfer funds to a bank card.

    Features of filling out an application

    Please note that the application for salary transfer to the card does not have unified form. It can be compiled in free form. The application must contain the following information:

    1. Full name and position of the document originator.
    2. Full name and position of the recipient.
    3. Grounds for transfer of funds (link to Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    4. Details that are necessary to transfer funds.
    5. Date of compilation.
    6. Signature of the document originator.

    How and where to transfer travel allowances?

    The head of the company has the right to transfer to a simple debit or salary card employee any accountable amounts money. This possibility should be reflected in the internal documents of the organization.

    Before making a transfer to an employee’s bank card, the employer needs to accept a statement from the employee in which he expresses a desire to receive salary by bank transfer to his card.

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