Application for resignation of one's own free will without. Dismissal at will: procedure, timing

Have you decided to change your job? It would seem that everything is simple: write a statement, transfer all the matters, and go for a walk! In fact, there are basic provisions and nuances on how to provide for everything in order to quit your job legally and without consequences.

How to write a resignation letter

There are basic rules for an employee of an enterprise who decides to resign due to at will. The employee must inform the head of the organization about this two weeks in advance. in writing. You can submit your application in person to the HR department or via mail by sending a message to free form to the employer by registered mail with notification.

The application for dismissal is drawn up by hand or on a computer and certified personal signature.

If the employee is on duty or works seasonally, management must be notified of his resignation three times in advance. calendar days.

The application is submitted regardless of where the employee is at that time, at work or not. The reason for absence from work may be vacation or sick leave. In this case, the dismissal date may also fall on the day on which the employee will not be at the enterprise. According to labor law, this is allowed.

There are cases when the head of an organization is obliged to dismiss an employee on any day specified in the application:

  • application for dismissal of an employee enrolled in educational institution;
  • resignation letter due to retirement;
  • violation by management of Labor legislation, recorded by the labor inspectorate, commission on labor disputes or a court decision.

Rules for filling out a resignation letter and sample

The HR department of the enterprise keeps a sample of filling out an application for resignation of one's own free will. The paper is issued in the name of the head of the organization, from the employee - the position and initials in full. Below is a request for dismissal from a certain number.

Note! To avoid disputes between management and employees, there is no need to put the preposition “with” before the date. For example, “from April 15, 2016.” It turns out that from April 15 onwards. The leader can understand this in his own way. It's better to register the exact date completely, without abbreviations.

The application for dismissal must be signed personally by the employee with a transcript of the signature.

Sample resignation letter:

If the day of dismissal in the application falls on a weekend or holiday, the employee will be fired on the first working day following the weekend or holiday.

Application for dismissal without work

If an employee encounters circumstances where it is necessary immediate dismissal, then he brings a statement addressed to the manager indicating the reasons for such a decision. Dismissal without service is permitted in following cases:

  1. Change of residence, moving to another city or region.
  2. When advancing retirement age.
  3. Acquisition occupational disease.
  4. Deterioration in health due to climatic conditions.
  5. Dismissal to care for sick relatives or disabled people.
  6. Transfer of a spouse to a new place of work in another city or region.

In case of a spontaneous decision to leave the company, it is best to first talk with the manager and explain the reason for your decision. If the employer does not agree, then it is worth filing a lawsuit. But it takes time for a court decision to be made. What to do?

There is the option of dismissal without working off on legal grounds. You can use vacation if the employee is entitled to it. Write a letter of resignation at this time. An employer does not have the right to refuse an employee. The same can be done if you are on sick leave.

The manager usually does not agree to dismissal without work if there is no one to replace you, and he will need time to find a person to take your place. Therefore, it is best to talk to management in advance, inform about your plans and fill out an application.

Sample application for dismissal without service:

How to correctly write a resignation letter (video)

Let's see short video, where an experienced lawyer talks about voluntary dismissal with and without work, the legislative framework, the procedure for dismissal at the initiative of the employee and the contents of the application.

Registration of resignation letter

Legal norms There are no provisions obliging the employer to register statements of this kind. The dismissed employee may request to register a statement. If there is no such journal in the HR department, the manager certifies the paper with a signature and gives the employee a copy.

As practice shows, it is better to keep a logbook in order to avoid further disagreements. If an employee brings an application in person, then on the same day it is worth registering the application and giving it to the manager for signature to issue an order. Receipt of an application via mail is registered on the day the document is received.

But there are some nuances. If the application is submitted by the employee personally, and there is a discrepancy between the date of the notice of dismissal and the date of receipt of the notice itself by the HR department, it is necessary to draw up an act and endorse it with the signatures of three officials.

If it is carried out at the enterprise, this solves all the issues. The receipt of the application is recorded in the journal on the day of actual receipt by the personnel service.

Application for resignation of the director at his own request

The head of an enterprise is financially responsible person, which is responsible for the state of affairs throughout the organization. Despite this, the rights are the same for everyone. He has the right to leave his post at his own request. But there is special requirements.

The director of the organization must notify his immediate management of his upcoming departure from service one month before the planned date. This is necessary in order to find and appoint a worthy replacement in his place. Whole month The director is responsible for the transfer of affairs and positions.

It is possible to resign earlier, but only by agreement of the management and members of the organization.

IN joint stock companies, where all decisions are made collectively, there are cases of participants disagreeing with the decision of the current director. To prevent this from happening, the director is required to mail notice of his upcoming resignation to all shareholders. The notice indicates the date and reason for the convening: dismissal of the manager and appointment of a new one.

Disagreement of board members with the dismissal of a director is regarded as an abuse of their rights. At the end of the warning period about the upcoming resignation, the director has the right to issue a dismissal order for himself and sign it independently.

How to withdraw a resignation letter

As long as the application is in the HR department, the employee can withdraw it, even on the last day before dismissal. The reason for the recall may be any life circumstances.

The legislation does not provide for any rules and regulations for writing such a review. An employee can write out a review by hand and enter it into the HR department, send it by mail, or send a message by email. e-mail. In all cases, you need to make sure, perhaps by telephone, that the employer has received the review. The surest way is to send the application by registered mail. Thus, the day the letter was sent will be considered the day the withdrawal of the resignation letter was submitted.

An example of an application to withdraw a previously submitted resignation letter:

As soon as the HR department receives a review, the word “Cancelled” is written on the resignation letter and the information about the recall is recorded.

Important! An employee who has expressed a desire to return to his work duties must understand that the recall is not cancelled. If he decides to quit again, he will again have to work for two weeks.

Sometimes a review is received at the moment when the dismissal order is signed and the relevant documents are prepared. In this case, an order is issued to cancel the previous one and given to the manager for signature.

The legislation provides for cases when an employee will not be able to issue a review: if the head of the organization offered this position to another person upon a written request, who subsequently gave his consent and resigned from previous place work in connection with the transfer to the proposed location.

But the court may act differently. If a person is offered a position in advance, when current employee has not yet been dismissed, the court decision will most likely be in favor of the employee who wrote the revocation of the application.

While on vacation from subsequent dismissal, withdrawal is also not possible. The application can only be written before the first day of vacation.

If the notification was received by mail late, and the manager has already dismissed the employee, then he will have to reinstate him and pay compensation for forced absences.

What to do if the resignation letter is not signed

Every person has the right to quit his job at his own request. The employer has no right to refuse him under any circumstances. However, it happens that the manager deliberately does not sign the application, and may threaten the employee with dismissal under the article. The motivation for this behavior may be the lack of replacement at the enterprise or the difficulty in finding suitable personnel. Such actions are illegal and can be regarded by the court as an attempt to force people to work.

Based on Article No. 80 of the Labor Code, an employee has the right to resign from the enterprise without asking the permission of his manager, regardless of his position and what functions are assigned to him. The only thing an employee must do is notify the manager two weeks before dismissal. properly.

What to do in case of refusal?

  1. You must write a letter of resignation, indicate specific date and bring it to the personnel department or secretary.
  2. Take a copy of your application with the date it was received.
  3. If they refuse to accept the paper, send it by mail in a valuable letter with a list of the contents.
  4. After two weeks, come for payment and work book.

If management stands its ground and does not fire an employee, then the latter has the right to write a complaint to labor inspection or submit lawsuit. Judgment will be ruled in favor of the employee. And the head of an enterprise may be required to pay compensation to an employee for forced absences and moral damage.

Before leaving your job, familiarize yourself with current labor laws. Notify your manager in advance upcoming dismissal. If you are refused, do not forget that you can always reach an agreement between the parties. Before running to court, try to resolve the problem peacefully.

You have received an attractive job offer and have firmly decided to quit your current job. It would seem that it’s a small matter: inform your boss about this, write a letter of resignation, receive a payment - and hello, new life! But for some reason, your legs keep carrying you past the manager’s office, you put off a difficult conversation, feel awkward in front of your colleagues...

How to quit your job with minimal losses for your career and nervous system? Before you take the plunge, check out the guidelines.

Leave beautifully
This situation is familiar to many: new employer is already preparing for you workplace, and the current one is not yet aware that the launch of a new project and corporate celebration will take place without your participation. When and how to inform your manager about upcoming changes?

The first rule of competent dismissal is not to burn bridges. Try to save a good relationship with colleagues and boss. Often a wide professional circle turns out to be narrow in reality, and it is likely that you will still meet with former colleagues and your manager. This is especially true for small cities.

A difficult conversation with your boss needs to be had face to face. If your office is an open space, then it is better to go to the meeting room: for the time being, colleagues should not know about your plans. How the conversation with the manager goes depends on many things: the work situation, your personal relationships, the situation in the team, etc.

Of course, it is better to talk about the reasons for leaving as sincerely as possible. However, no matter how much you would like to, do not tell your boss that you are not delighted with his team management style, the work seems boring to you, and the salary is small. Diplomacy is a great thing: with its help you can maintain good relations even in a very difficult situation. Explain that you have received an interesting offer - a more serious position, a higher salary. Perhaps your family situation has changed and you can no longer travel to the office on the other side of town. Or maybe you are tired of constant overtime and feel emotionally burnt out. These kinds of reasons need to be told honestly, but at the same time delicately. Don’t forget to add that you are very sorry to leave the team, but you are grateful for the experience gained while working in the company.

An adequate leader will understand your motives, but be mentally prepared for a counterproposal. Salary increase, new position, an unscheduled vacation or an interesting business trip - to retain a valuable employee, . It's up to you to decide whether to leave or stay on new terms. The main thing is that the manager does not think that you are manipulating him for a promotion in position or salary.

Warn in advance
obliges the employee to give notice of his voluntary dismissal 14 days in advance, however, by agreement with the employer, this period can be reduced. But do you need it? On the contrary, for the sake of maintaining relations with superiors and obtaining good recommendations, perhaps it is worth talking earlier, for example, not two, but three weeks before dismissal. This way, you will give the company more time to find a new employee and finish things off calmly. Your new employer will most likely understand your desire to finish what you started in your old place. In addition, you will show yourself as a responsible person.

Regardless of whether you have the opportunity to warn your manager about leaving early or not, try to make it easier for the company transition period– the time when you will no longer be at your workplace, and new employee won't get into the swing of things yet. If possible, complete current projects, deliver on time, and leave key contacts with the new employee. In short, make life easier for your successor.

The last two weeks of work should not be perceived as something similar to a vacation - on the contrary, it is a kind of summing up. Arrive on time, do not try to leave work early, because the last fourteen days are paid by the employer in the same way as all the previous ones.

Keep traditions
On the last working day you need not only to pick up work book, but also to say goodbye to the team. Send it to your colleagues email, thank them for their cooperation and kind attitude, because working in the company has probably taught you something. Exchange contacts with key employees and with everyone who worked with you in the same department. Colleagues from the department can be presented with a small souvenir in memory of how you prepared reports together, launched projects or fought for clients.

In some teams, on the occasion of dismissal, it is customary to invite colleagues to a nearby cafe after work or treat them during lunch break in the office. Don't break traditions and let your colleagues congratulate you on a new step in your career.

Know your rights
Unfortunately, the dismissal procedure does not always go smoothly. It happens that an employer, having learned about an employee’s decision to quit, begins to behave like a feudal lord, trying to keep him. They're on the move different methods: from the promises of golden mountains and high positions to threats to fire under the article or not sign a letter of resignation.

But even in such situations you shouldn’t get lost. As is known, serfdom in Russia it was abolished 150 years ago, and you can quit without waiting for the manager’s signature. To do this, you need to document the fact of filing a resignation letter, either by handing it over to the manager through the office in compliance with all formalities, or by sending it by registered mail with notification. The date of notification that the letter was delivered is the date of your notice of dismissal. After 14 days, the employer is obliged to issue you a work book and a calculation, which, among other things, should include compensation for unused vacation. Keep in mind that you can refuse it and take a vacation with subsequent dismissal. In this case last day work in the company will be the last day of vacation.

But how to survive two weeks under pressure from a manager who is offended by your “infidelity”? Do not give in to provocations, do your job, strictly follow all paper formalities, do not be late and do not give reasons for making comments to you. In the very as a last resort Can help you out sick leave: While the employee is sick, two weeks of work progress as usual.

Whatever your last days in the company, remember: before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal, the employee has the right to withdraw his application at any time. And although there is an opinion among both employees and employers that for those who decide to leave the company, way back no, there are still exceptions.

For voluntary dismissals you need to write a letter of resignation . Without similar document termination employment contract for this reason it is illegal. It would seem that nothing could be simpler - resign voluntarily…. However, in practice a lot of questions and problems arise. For example, an employee wrote application for voluntary resignation With tomorrow and does not go to work, believing that he should be fired as he indicated in the application. Or an application has been submitted, 2 weeks have passed, but the employment contract has not been terminated, there is no work book in hand, and the employer reports: “We have not seen your application.”

How to resign of your own free will correctly? What are the deadlines for voluntary dismissal? What to do if your application is not accepted? Is it possible not to go to work after submitting an application? Is it possible to quit on one day at your own request without working?

So you've decided to quit. To do this you need to write an application. Oral statement You can’t attach it to an order, so we write!

Sample application for voluntary resignation.

At LLC "..."

From (position, full name)

I ask you to terminate the employment contract and dismiss me at your own request on November 6, 2013.

10/22/2013 signature

What to look for in an application?

It is not necessary to indicate the name and position of the person to whom you are submitting the application. The employer is not the director or head of the human resources department, but a legal or individual, if you work for an individual, and you have an agreement with this person.

You can’t write “fire from…….”. The preposition “C” is not written in the statement, since if it is present, a twofold understanding is obtained: you want to no longer work from this date or you want this day to be the last working day.

You are required to notify the employer of your dismissal at least 2 weeks (14 days), so the date of dismissal must be indicated by counting down 14 days starting from the day following the day of application . In our example, the countdown starts from 10/23/13 and the 14th day falls on 11/6/13.

Be sure to indicate the filing date and sign. If you wrote an application on one day and submitted it on another, then the 14-day countdown will begin from the day following the day the employer received the application.

How to apply?

I advise you to keep a second copy. applications for voluntary resignation with a mark of acceptance, because there were cases when the employer later stated that the employee did not submit the application or required delivery material assets, otherwise he won’t fire you. This way you will have confirmation that the application was submitted and confirmation of the employer’s obligation to terminate the contract.

If the employer does not accept the application or refuses to mark its receipt, then the application for dismissal can be sent by telegram. In this case, ask the operator to verify your signature.

51. A telegram of the type “certified by a telecom operator” is accepted if the sender wishes to certify a fact confirmed by a document and (or) certify his signature contained in the telegram.

On the telegram form of the form “certified by the telecom operator”, official notes are made - extracts from the sender’s identity documents.

All certification entries made by the telecom operator are included in the text of the certified telegram.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2005 N 222 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of telegraph communication services”

You can apply the same way if you are on vacation or sick.

What are the deadlines for voluntary dismissal?

Your employment contract must be terminated upon expiration of the notice period for dismissal, i.e. after 14 days, or on the day specified in the application if you submitted the application earlier.

You cannot skip the entire notice period. You are subject to all guarantees provided for by the Labor Code, as well as other regulations containing your responsibility. During this period, you may also be fired for absenteeism, repeated failure to comply labor responsibilities, If stated facts will be revealed.

Also you you may be on vacation and submit your resignation. After filing, you can continue to rest until your vacation ends. However, if the vacation is over and the 14 days of warning have not yet expired, then you need to go to work and work until the end of the period.

If you are sick, the period of incapacity does not interrupt the course of the period. You can be on sick leave, and on the 14th day you must be fired. How are they required to issue a work book in this case?

After notice period for dismissal You don’t have to go to work. If the employer did not fire you on the last day of the term and did not make a payment, then you can then demand compensation for the delay in the work book and interest for the delay in salary.

Also, during the period of notice of dismissal, you have the right to withdraw your application if you change your mind about quitting. This must also be done in writing and the fact of submitting the application must be recorded. In this case, the employment contract cannot be terminated. However, if another employee is invited to take your place, then they must accept him and fire you.

However, remember that this employee must be invited in writing as a transfer from another employer, the contract with which was terminated no more than a month ago. Employees invited in writing by way of transfer from another employer within a month from the date of dismissal are prohibited from refusing to hire.

Is it possible to resign on one day of your own free will without working?

Such a concept as “working out” in labor code No. There is a notice of dismissal at least 2 weeks in advance.

It is possible to quit one day if the employer himself wants it. As stated in Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract can be terminated before the expiration of the notice period for dismissal only by agreement. Although this is inconvenient for the employer, since it is necessary to calculate wages, fill out and issue a work book.

There are cases when the employer is obliged to terminate the contract within the period specified in the application, even if 2 weeks have not passed from the date of warning: enrollment in educational institution, retirement, established violations employer labor legislation, local acts, terms of the employment contract.

What to do if your voluntary resignation letter is lost?

If you followed the advice given above and kept a copy for yourself with a note of acceptance, then you can claim dismissal as stated.

If you have nothing left in your hands, and the employer assures that nothing has been received and therefore demands fulfillment of duties, then you can demand dismissal within the period specified in the lost application or submit a new application. In the first case, if there is no evidence of filing, then it is better not to argue.

When voluntary dismissal is not carried out on time, and you do not insist on dismissal, that is, you continue to work, then the employer cannot terminate the employment contract after the date specified in the application, since the employment contract continues.

What should you do if you are forced to write a resignation letter along with your job application?

In this case, either do not write, but then you will be refused admission, or write, but write the entire text of the application by hand, and not type it on a computer. And write it with a ballpoint, not gel pen. In this case, it will be easier to challenge the dismissal if necessary..

These are the statistics. The reasons for wanting to quit can be different, ranging from: mobbing A ( psychological pressure) and professional burnout, ending with dissatisfaction wages and the impossibility of further career growth. In general, it doesn’t matter what was the reason to change one company to another, the decision has been made. The question arises - how to resign correctly?

How to resign correctly and make the dismissal process as painless as possible both for the nervous system and for your career? It’s one thing to tell your boss that you are not satisfied with literally everything about this meta, declare that this is a bad organization and leave, demonstratively slamming the door. It’s another thing to talk about what useful things you got at this place of work, what you learned and that it’s time for you to move on. Leaving gracefully is an art. If you decide that nothing holds you back at your previous job, don’t rush to burn all your bridges. In this delicate matter, as in divorce, it is important to remain friends.

Turn off your emotions, carefully weigh all the pros and cons, make sure what you are doing the right step. Quitting in order to prove something to someone is a wrong and thoughtless step that can cost you dearly.

For a person who does not know how to properly quit a job and generally doubts whether it is worth changing jobs, experts warn against communicating with colleagues and your manager about discussing your desire to change jobs. Because you can change your mind, but the signal to the employer about your disloyalty will remain. It’s better to consult with your family and friends, but not with your employees, and certainly not with your boss.

When the decision to quit is made, the first person to know about it should be your boss.. You should not share this information with colleagues; it may reach management in a distorted form. When preparing for an important conversation, remember that in about half of the cases the employer will convince you to stay with the company, offering a salary increase and a change in the list of responsibilities. Therefore, it is worth thinking over your response to a counter-offer in advance, understanding for yourself what you are capable of agreeing to, and then your negotiations with your boss will become the same bargaining process as when applying for a job.

The professional world is a small place, so when you quit, try to be as correct, friendly and responsible as possible. If during your work your manager treated you with delicacy and understanding and shared his experience, don't forget to thank his. As a rule, for a competent and wise manager, the departure of an employee is not a tragedy or betrayal. In this case, maintaining a good relationship is not difficult. Main don't let the company down. It is important to give your employer the opportunity to prepare for your departure. Complete started projects, help colleagues who will work on your site (perhaps recommend a good specialist to take your place, if there is one among your friends). All this will further allow you to clear conscience contact them if needed in the future.

Remember how your boss acts when dismissing employees. If the separation is amicable, give notice of the dismissal in advance. If your boss has a habit of terrorizing departing employees, don't ruin your last days on the job. Give immediate notice of your resignation two weeks in advance.

If it was not possible to avoid conflicts during dismissal, refrain from commenting on what happened - business ethics does not allow this. Keep in mind that information about how the separation from an employee occurred spreads very quickly in the labor market. That's why it is important to leave only pleasant impressions about yourself(both with your superiors and in the team as a whole), and unnecessary emotions can damage your reputation as an employee. Under no circumstances should you throw out all the accumulated negativity; you should not express to your face everything that has hurt you over the years of work. Do everything to smile and boldly look into their eyes when meeting former colleagues, and not pretend strangers. Maintain relationships with employees from your previous workplace. You will be able to share useful professional experience, and if necessary, they may recommend you for a new job.

How to quit your job correctly - technical points

Nine out of ten dismissals are voluntary. This is official, but in reality it is not so simple. This wording may hide layoffs, resignation by agreement of the parties, and even dismissal for hooliganism.

At work there was talk of staff reductions. The boss calls his subordinate, throws up his hands and asks him to write a statement. So, you absolutely cannot agree to this, otherwise you will lose your severance pay and other benefits. If a person quits due to staff reduction, this is optimal for him from a financial point of view. And that's why. Firstly, he is warned about this two months in advance, and during this time he can find a new job. Secondly, upon dismissal, he is paid two months' salary in the amount of average monthly earnings.

Another option is that the employer starts talking about layoffs, but the employee knows for sure that his staffing unit will not be cut. The employer just wants to hire a new person to fill the vacant position and possibly reduce the salary. In this case, experts advise reaching an agreement between the parties and a mutually beneficial agreement. The agreement of the parties implies a document with the expression of will of the two parties, the employee and the employer, to terminate the employment contract. Bargaining is appropriate here. For example, a person does not want to quit and believes that he could work, but the owners have a different opinion, although in principle they have nothing to be offended by this employee. And they offer him six salaries. In this case, the person resigning has the right to ask for more. But the main thing here is not to go too far.

It is beneficial for an employee to resign at his own request when he knows that he is to blame for something - official misconduct, absenteeism, violations of the company's charter - this is an incomplete list of reasons to leave on your own so as not to spoil the work book.

However, there are also real voluntary dismissals, when an employee really wants to leave this job. When leaving, he must work for two weeks, but there are other options. It is absolutely not necessary to work two weeks if the employer does not require it. They can pay you off on the same day and immediately, at the time of submitting your resignation, pay you the salary you earned, and maybe compensation for unused vacation. The employer must also provide all certificates, for example, about income for the year.

The boss does not want to lose valuable personnel and is stubborn sign a letter of resignation. Then the employee has a direct route to the post office. Need to send ordered letter with return receipt and the date you filed it mailing, will already be considered the date of the resignation letter. If you think that you were fired incorrectly and illegally, feel free to contact the labor inspectorate at your place of residence. If it doesn't help, then go to court.

Leave your old job according to all the rules, then the changes will only be for the better.

In Russia they are regulated by law. And a person has both the right to work and the right to leave an unloved job. But does everyone know how to write a resignation letter correctly?


Termination of a contract at the request of the employee is prescribed in the Labor Code. It states that any employee can leave work on his own initiative.

The main thing to remember is that you need to notify the head of the organization no later than 2 weeks before the expected day of termination of the contract. The notice constitutes a notice of resignation.


The specified document is written by hand. Why is this necessary? And will a printed resignation form be valid? In general, your organization may have a similar form. It is created at will by the personnel department. On the one hand, it can make your life easier. On the other hand, it can ruin it for the employer. The whole point is that when you write a letter of resignation by hand, under unfavorable circumstances, it will be much easier to prove in court that it was you who created this document.

And basically this is what the personnel service needs. However, in the same way illegal dismissal can be challenged by you - if, for example, the application was written in your absence by another person. After all, you simply put your signature on the form, and forging the latter is usually not difficult. But it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to write the entire document in your handwriting. So it turns out that written form convenient for both you and the employer - but, again, depending on the situation. In any case, it is better to play it safe, take an A4 sheet of paper and write the application in person.

What to write?

Usually the document is written under the dictation of the employee personnel service. Of course, he knows better how to write a resignation letter of his own free will, but it’s better to be in the know. Firstly, the following should be written:

Prefixing the date with the letter “s” is not recommended. After all, a person is fired on his last day labor activity. And if you suddenly confuse the terms, the application may later be considered incorrectly drawn up. Remember that there must be at least fourteen days between the date the document was drawn up (which is indicated at the bottom left) and the day of dismissal.

Let's say you write an application on the first of the month. The 2 weeks countdown starts from the second, and you are required to work the next 14 days (unless you agree otherwise with your employer). This means that the dismissal date is considered the last day of these two weeks. As we can see, this is the 15th. At the end of this (working) day you should be given a work book and all other provided for by law documentation.

These could be salary certificates or copies of personnel documents you requested. Please note that you will need to notify the latter in advance (3 working days) and in writing. Wages(including compensation for unspent vacation, if any) you must also be paid. The employer, of course, can pay you earlier, but not later in the day dismissals.

What else should be indicated in the resignation letter? Of course, to whom and from whom it was written. In the upper right corner of the sheet you indicate the position, last name, first name, patronymic (initials are possible) of the manager. Write “from:” below. Then indicate your first name, last name, patronymic in full in accordance with your passport and position according to staffing table. Lawyers sometimes advise also writing the name of the organization in the upper left corner. But this is optional. You just need to correctly indicate the position of the manager - not just “director Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov.”

Don't save paper. Write in full, for example: “to the Chairman of OJSC Firma, I. I. Kozlov.” Perhaps this will help you avoid adverse consequences. Place your signature and transcript at the bottom right. On the left, as mentioned above, is the date of compilation. And a couple more nuances. The word "statement" is written with a small (lowercase) letter. And if the date of your expected departure falls on a weekend, then the next worker should be indicated as the day of dismissal. It is, of course, better to write with a blue or blue ballpoint pen.

How to submit correctly

Let's be honest: not all organizations have bosses who are good and honest people. And you are most likely planning to leave not because of a good life. However, it will be good to part ways with the old boss. And therefore before personal visit It’s better not to tell anyone anything to the boss. Of course, you should submit your application in person.

Before doing this, however, it would be better to register the document with the secretary or the personnel department. It will be marked with the incoming date and number. And you can make yourself a copy. You can never be completely sure where it will end up next. A careless director may keep your application and not immediately give an answer, saying that he will think about it.

Or he will persuade you to think about it, promising mountains of gold. And then he inadvertently loses your application, and after a couple of days he fires you under another article. Well it's in worst case. In general, the boss should read your document, put his visa in the upper left corner and forward it to the HR department. Maybe he can indicate the date of dismissal.

And how to leave

It’s better, of course, not to quarrel with your boss. After all, you may need good review from my previous job. Try to explain to him the reasons for your leaving: be it a low salary or poor working conditions. It may turn out that the boss will offer you something more. But here the choice is yours: if you have already agreed on a new place, and you don’t really trust the director, then it’s better to leave.

So here it is. As mentioned above, along with the visa, the boss can also indicate the date of dismissal. Keep in mind that it should not be different from what you indicated in the text. You can, of course, peacefully agree that neither you nor the organization needs work off. However, it is better to document everything.

Special cases

Well, firstly, it may turn out that you have a good relationship with your boss, and you already have a replacement employee. Then you should rewrite the application and indicate the reason there early termination relationships. How to write a letter of resignation without working for two weeks? A sample is shown below.

Just add a reason, for example, “by family circumstances" or "due to relocation." But all this, as they say, is “by agreement.” There are also legal grounds to stop working without working off. Among them are joining the army and retirement, or violation of the law by the employer.

Also, review your contract. If it is urgent, you can notify your employer about leaving not 14 days in advance, but three. But if you are a manager, you will have to wait a month.

The way back

The employer cannot fire you on your own initiative earlier established by law period, unless, of course, he agrees on this with you. However, remember: on any day before the end of the notice period, you can withdraw your application and continue to work. But there are some nuances here too. This is only possible if during the time that the director had, he has not invited in writing another employee to take your place, who can no longer be refused.

What does it mean? The candidate for your place must be invited in writing by transfer from another organization. In addition, the date of departure from former place cannot be more than a month away from the date of expected employment. So finding such a candidate is quite difficult. And even if your employer has already concluded a contract with someone (who does not meet these conditions), this does not deprive you of the right to demand your application back.

On a note

  1. If necessary, you go on vacation and then quit. But you must notify about leaving fourteen days before the start of your vacation!
  2. Is it possible and how to write a letter of resignation while on vacation? The sample looks the same as when standard dismissal. But keep in mind that in general case you will be fired only after 14 days from the date of leaving your vacation.
  3. And if during this you suddenly take sick leave, then the main paid leave will have to be extended, and at the same time the date of dismissal will be postponed.

Difficult situations

If you have problems, but you don’t know how to write a letter of resignation for caring for a child under 14 years old, it is better to do the following. Article eightieth of the Russian Labor Code, of course, does not provide for such a reason for leaving without work. But you can take, say, a certificate about the need to care for a child in a medical institution.

The article in the Code makes reference to certain other reasons. But most likely, you and your employer will still be able to come to an agreement.

Retirement in itself is good reason. Therefore, Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows men to leave without working at the age of 60, and women - 55 years old. Therefore, questions about how to write a letter of resignation in connection with retirement should not arise.

We hope that this article will be useful to you.

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