Consultations and accountant tips

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In order to get a driver's license, resolving the management of a certain category, ...

Those who have already received a certificate of passing the exam after, expects a procedure for issuing Wu. In 2020, the rights to the traffic police are obtained on the new ...

Additional information about the registration of new employees is regulated by several regulatory documents: 1) chapters 10 and 11 ...

Rights change for various reasons: the loss of the document, the change of personal data or changes in medical testimony. To change the rights you ...
There are so-called legally significant circumstances, in the presence and evidence of which the conclusion of urgent labor ...
If you decide to conclude a contract, for example, with a landlord of an apartment, or a purchase and sale deal, it is imperative to understand that your partner -...
Today, practice is common when there is a staff. Such a document allows you to coordinate the responsibilities, the rights of the employee and its ...
According to the rules for accepting employees, the applicant needs to collect a specific package of documents. Some of them are ...
Any citizen may apply for the protection of their consumer rights to the authorized body, if the seller does not want to return money for ...