Russian passport information. How to find out whether the passport is valid or not? Passports are invalid if issued on birthday

If you decide to conclude a contract, for example, with a landlord of an apartment, or a purchase and sale deal, it is imperative to understand that your partner is honest. It is no secret that when concluding any transaction between individuals, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is always required. Checking the passport for reality is one of the ways to make sure that your potential partner is honest and no unpleasant surprises from the transaction will not have to wait.

Check passport via the Internet

Modern technologies allow you to significantly save time and carry out the authentication of a number of documents through the official sites of state bodies. If you need to make sure to authenticate the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you can do it yourself. You just need to be go to the site of the FMS. This site has developed a special service that allows you to check the document without leaving home, without queues and official requests.

You can use this service as follows:

  1. Go to the site of the federal migration service and find the tab "Check the passport of a citizen of the Russian citizen";
  2. Introduce a series and number in a special form;
  3. Get information to this or not this passport is invalid.

What does an invalid document mean? Everything is very simply an invalid passport, this document, which is listed lost or stolen, or the passport in which incorrect, erroneous information was made. The information that falls on the site is updated at least once a day, which gives the confidence that the data of the registry of invalid passports will not become obsolete.

Of course, such a verification of imperfect and can not fully guarantee you protection From fraudsters or criminals, but it is at least a small, but guarantee of the honesty of your potential partner. Therefore, it is not worth neglected. Moreover, you may not even enter the document data, but download the data list of invalid blanks and documents and simply drain the series and the number of the document you are checked with this registry.

Careful check. How can I get official information about the reality of the passport from the UFMS

If you need information about the reality or invalidity of the Citizen's chief document from a more reliable source than the FMS website, you will have to be patient.

The fact is that you, of course, can check the authenticity of the document through the UFMS, but for this you will have to submit official request In the Office of the Federal Migration Service.

Submission of an official request, as is the submission of any application to government bodies, will require you to personally drive up in the UFMS and write a request. You can see a sample application directly in the WFMS building or on their official website. However, note that your application will be considered within 1 month - this is the standard term for consideration of requests to state bodies from citizens, which means that such a passport check is though more reliable, but also more costly.

Visual examination of the document

There is another way to check the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation for reality is visual inspection, or simply inspection of the passport. So, here is the list of nuances:

  1. The second page of the document contains watermarks. Check their availability simply - enlighten the page with light;
  2. If you have the opportunity to enlighten the Ultraviolet page, you will see that on the same second page, there is an inscription "Passport" under the words "Russian Federation". Unfortunately, you can see this word only with the help of ultraviolet, with normal lighting it is not visible;
  3. Now look third Page Document. This page is always illuminated, contains images of the coat of arms of our country and the words "RF" and "Russia";
  4. Only one-only entry in this document can be made by hand - this is a record of registration at the place of residence. All other data and information are made by typewritten font;
  5. Now we look at all pages of the passport. They should not differ in color or shades. That is, the first sheet of passport and all the others should be identical in quality of paper and color scheme;
  6. The ink of the genuine document is resistant to burnout and blur, so fuzzy inscriptions and half-brown inks should also alert you.

Here are the main signs that everyone should know and remember every person to avoid unpleasant and dangerous situations.

How to check the passport of a non-resident of the Russian Federation

Check the validity of the documents of a citizen of another country you can not. FMS and UFMS do not have such information. However, you always on the same FMS website you can confirm the validity of permits and licenses to work a CIS citizen, the legality of its stay in our country (permission to enter) and patent.

The main document of each citizen is an internal passport. Of course, there are many other papers, without which it is almost impossible to confirm your ability to control the vehicle, the level of education, certain skills and skills, the right of ownership of property and so on. But throughout the whole life, the main passport remains or, at earlier age, the birth certificate.

Such importance of the document leads to numerous cases of his fake. You can buy a fake passport on an ad on the Internet in just 35 thousand rubles. Such a massive activity of criminals who are manufactured by Lipa contributes to the emergence of problems not only in the state as a whole, but also in individual citizens in particular. How to check the authenticity of the passport of the Russian Federation?

Falsification of the third page

According to law enforcement statistics, more recently there has been an increase in the number of falsification of passports of residents of our country. Usually a third page of the document with a snapshot of the owner and leading data, as well as various retriters about registration. But how to check for the authenticity of the passport of a citizen of Russia?

There are a number of ways to falsify:

  • Laminate splitting, substitution of an existing photograph to another and secondary lamination.
  • Removing a photo and sticking to this place another photo.
  • Attachment on the third page of the passport of a new sheet with fake details, another photograph and secondary lamination.
  • Elimination of initial data, applying for a sheet of falsified implications of the form, photographs, installation information and covering the next laminate.
  • Section of passports, recess of an existing sheet and sewing the other with fake materials and other photography.

However, the remaining passport pages can be subjected to falsification. It all depends on the task set before the attacker.

Methods of checking passport

How to check the authenticity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? This is a technically complex document made using complex newest techniques. On the one hand, it contributes to a certain protection of the document, but, on the other, it does not allow, especially inexperienced people, to quickly detect a fake. As a result, the study of this document develops into a whole process with specific skills and techniques. As a rule, three main stages are allocated during the definition of fakes:

  1. Examination of the loyalty of the document.
  2. Determination of the passport belonging to a person who granted his official person.
  3. Detection of signs of falsification of the document.

The first stage of verification

At this stage, the authentication of the passport occurs by determining the legal possibilities of the document and checking the passport coincidence with the established form. After that, all details are specified (mandatory data in the document), the availability of all seals and stamps, their content.

It is necessary to control the temporary framework of the passport and signature. With a lack of one of the indispensable details, the passport loses its legal opportunities.

With the external study of the data of the passport, it is necessary to focus on the correspondence of the date of birth of the owner's dates for the issuance of the document and the type of passport. In fake, time frames may not match each other. The date of issuing the document must be on a certain dependence on the year of birth of its owner.

You also need to trace the compliance of the data of the region in which the document and the press on the registration of Russian at the place of residence at the time of receiving the passport. The approximate age of the person presented on the photograph should correspond to the one that is specified in the passport.

Second stage of authentication

The external examination of the passport allows only to partially determine the authenticity of the document. Therefore, it is mandatory to continue working with presented papers. In the second stage, it is determined to determine the passport belonging to the owner by mapping an image on a photograph with a person who provided it. You also need to compare photos and biographical materials in several documents.

Third stage of verification

At the third stage, the authentication of the passport is slower. It is necessary to conduct a scrupulous analysis of the passport with the task of identifying parts that could indicate the likely fake of the document.

Signs of those who are observed now, fakes can be established when studying the page of the document on the lumen, in the refinement lighting, when using magnifying mechanisms, as well as learning the forms in ultraviolet rays to detect the document protection elements. You can apply a compact autonomous mechanism "Ultramag-Azb" campaign "Wildes" (RF).

The test method is as follows: First, the principle of creating a passport form is determined (it is performed by the printing method and has the necessary "complex" of the defense items). After that, you need to explore the document in order to detect the likely replacement of photography.

Signs of passport fake

How can I check the authenticity of the passport of a citizen? Work practices makes it possible to determine the main directions of production of fakes. Malefactors can create falsifications detected by the following features:

  • Forged disquisites of passport page details. Inkjet printer prints drawings from separate points of different shades. When printing with color electrophotography, the coloring material lies on the surface of the sheet, all the drawings and letters are built from small, labeled grain paints of different colors, drawings have a grainy structure and a specific glitter. In unprinted areas, pedestal dots are visible.
  • Changing the color of the form.
  • Lack of water images.
  • The unequal dimensions of the passport pages.
  • There are no frequently displayed words "MVD of Russia", glowing in ultraviolet light in red.
  • There is no word "Russia" in the passport form, glowing in an ultraviolet light with a green tint.
  • There are no fibers with yellow and green tones on the document forms.
  • There are no microtectors that are executed by the third page lines.
  • An unequal shade of paint numbers that are written series and document number on the pages of the document.
  • In some moments, poor-quality printing of details on the pages of the passport.
  • Presence on marriage laminate.
  • Under it found land and other foreign impurities.
  • Splitting laminate.
  • Detection of signs of its cut in the upper part of the form.
  • The presence of traces of damage to the laminate around the photograph.
  • Detection under the photo one more.
  • The presence of double laminate.
  • Folds on separate mousets and passport cover.

Changes of recent years

Since 2006, the passport authenticity has become easier in some sense. The paper nineteenth and twentieth pages included a protective "diving" metallized thread, modifying the shade, depending on the change in the radius of vision. Separate pieces of threads appear on the surface of the nineteenth page.

As mentioned above, falsifications are also subjected to printing on registration or deregistration.

The image of the gerbal seal of the institution that has released a passport can be falsified only if the attackers have a clean passport blank.

New problems

In the twentieth century, the prints in the passport were falsified quite primitively and could be found quite simply. But now check the authenticity of the passport has become more difficult. The attackers use the same technologies to falsify the impositions that are used in the creation of genuine documents. Therefore, to detect a similar fake, without possessing professional skills and knowledge, it is very difficult. However, the most characteristic symptoms of falsified certificate printed forms, which can concentrate attention of a passport and visa service worker, must be considered.

Mistakes of animals

Probable mistakes that can help reveal a fake:

  • mistakes in words, seals, numbers;
  • mirror image of the coat of arms;
  • signs of inkjet printing and electrophotography;
  • primitive drawing of signs;
  • unequal graphic pattern and volume of the same characters;
  • there are no some parts of the signs;
  • inhomogeneous placement of words, different distances between words and numbers;
  • angular structure of oval letters and numbers;
  • rounding the ends of the strokes and angular elements;
  • shift letters and numbers;
  • distortion of parallelism and row radiality;
  • unequal shades of elements of signs;
  • fitting image of elements standing next to each other;
  • the presence of foreign elements, strokes and points on the space elements;
  • doubleness of elements of letters and numbers.


Where to check the authenticity of the passport? If there are doubts about the authenticity of the document and difficulty in assessing the available signs, it is desirable to ask questions from the experts of the expert and forensic service of the internal affairs bodies. How to check the passport for authenticity in the UFMS of Russia? It is enough to refer to probably a fake document to the specialists of the service or check the document on the official website.

Technique checking through the official website

You can check the authenticity of the passport in the FMS. How to do it without leaving home? You need to go to the official website of the FMS of the Russian Federation. At the top of the page placed links to individual sections. You need to stop your choice on the document "Check Documents".

Next, the page will open to survey official papers with multiple references. It is necessary to choose "checking the validity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation" and click on the link. In the form, you can check the authenticity of the passport by number. A blank for filling, placed on the screen on the right. In the field marked by the stars, scrupulously and correctly need to write passport data of the person's checked. The first field is rewritten by a series of passports, without spaces. In the second field you need to write a six-digit document number. To prevent errors and facilitating the work of the computer system, it is advisable to put the time of issuing a passport.

The verification is required to avoid fraudulent intentions of a foreign citizen:

  1. With real estate and movement operations.
  2. When interacting in the labor market (a foreigner can act as an employer, and a hired employee). An invalid passport of the mercenar, except the criminal component, can lead to serious problems of the Russian-Russian employer on the migration service. If a foreign citizen hires you, then the verification of the legality of his status will help to avoid, for example, non-receipt of the promised fee. A law-abiding citizen of another state will not be against verification, otherwise the conclusions are obvious.
  3. With personal communication (marriage scams are very common).

You always need to know whether you are in front of you for whom he gives himself.

There are several ways to check the passport of a foreign citizen in reality:

  • Visual primary inspection;
  • Online - a request on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (MIUM MIA), previously this function was performed by the UFMS;
  • Official request in the MIUM MIA (EX-UFMS).

Primary check of documents of foreign citizens

Checking documents of foreign citizens in the Municipality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (to change the UFMS) - a process requiring time costs, so it is necessary to be able to determine reality on their own.

Visual inspection is carried out in several nuances.

  1. You always need to watch the validity of the document. Overdue passport is the most common cause of its invalidity.
  2. This document has many protective elements visible to ordinary vision or special instrument:
  • watermarks and laser microperphoration on each page;
  • protective laminated film without traces of autopsy;
  • protective fibers (red visible in conventional lighting, yellow and green visible in ultraviolet radiation);
  • printing implies the presence of metallographic print (relief can be checked to the touch).

  1. Visual inspection allows you to identify inconsistencies in passport data. For example, the issuance date and technical condition may not logically coincide (too new passport and a long-standing date of issue, and vice versa).
  2. Explicit damage, damaged pages, blurred ink, the odorility of the inscriptions should alert.
  3. The passport series must match all pages.

Check passport on the site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

On the official website of the LUCHM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation there are a number of information online services for checking foreigners. Below in the screenshot you see the option "Services for Migration". Go there and see the whole range of opportunities.

So, you can check the foreigner for the subject:

  • reality permits to work and patents for work activities;
  • reality of invitations to enter the Russian Federation;
  • the presence of grounds for intracting entry into the territory of the Russian Federation.

After the transition to the desired option, you must enter the data of the passport of a foreign citizen or other document under Article 10 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation." The system will answer you inquiry instantly.

The list of invalid passport works so far only for Russian citizens. Since lost, replaced, stolen passports may be in the hands of intruders, then when interacting with any new person it is worth checking his document on the MIA website.

In addition to the web page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the services of the site abolished on April 5, 2016 are functioning.

Checking the passport on the official website of the federal migration service of Russia is as legitimate as on the MIA website.

So, foreign citizens can remain in Russia:

  • temporarily with obtaining permission for temporary accommodation (mark in the passport or on a separate letterhead, if a foreigner does not have a national passport);
  • constantly with obtaining a residence permit (a document similar to a passport).

You can check these documents for authenticity on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs using online services:

  • check availability of residence permit (PMF);
  • check availability of temporary residence permit (RVP).

There is needed to enter the document number, which was provided in the MIUM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for registration of a residence permit or temporary residence permit. The system will issue information on the availability or absence in the database of the document being checked. It is worth notify that this information will be referenced. To obtain legally significant confirmation, contact the regional department of the LUCHM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Checking the validity of the passport of foreign citizens upon request in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Visual inspection of passports and punching through the site of the Ministry of Internal Affairs do not have a complete guarantee of authenticity. You can check the documents of the foreigner for reality on request in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • by personal circulation;
  • by sending a statement by mail.

In both cases, the application must specify:

  1. Good reasons for your interest.
  2. Data of your passport.
  3. Location.
  4. Contact number.

Only the official response from the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the results of the verification of the reality of a passport of a foreign citizen can give you one hundred percent confidence.

Checking migrants at the place of residence

Checking migrants at the place of residence in 2019 is carried out on their responsibilities.

The participant of the state program of resettlement is obliged to live, study or work in the chosen subject of the Russian Federation for a certain time under agreed conditions.

Otherwise, its status will be canceled.

To confirm the legality of being in Russia, a foreign citizen is obliged to always have a passport with him, a migration card and a tearless part of the arrival notification.

For all questions, please contact a specialist.

Not only police officers, but also institutions and people who are not associated with this activity are valid for the dash. Banks during the issuance of the loan also carry out this procedure. It is necessary and when dealing with purchase and sale to exclude fraud. You can in different ways. About them and will be discussed in the article.

When is needed?

If you correctly check the authenticity of the passport, it will make sure of its legality. Usually this procedure is needed in the following cases:

  1. Consumer loan design. Financial institution staff perform the procedure independently. For this they have a special device.
  2. Planning a major transaction - implementation of an apartment or house, transport. Fraudsters often enjoy to assign someone else's property. This category includes business partners who are little familiar.
  3. Recruitment. Employers want to be confident in their employee, so they can check the passport for authenticity.
  4. Wedding. It is often useful to progress and learn more about the partner, especially when you meet Internet.
  5. Presence of damage, typos.

These are only the main reasons when it is required to verify the authenticity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreigner. At the same time there are several ways to do it.

Request on the FMS website

Check the passport for authenticity in the UFMS is easy, moreover, it does not take much time. Service is free for citizens. It is enough to request the necessary information on the FMS website. It is this organization that issues and changes passports, dealing with the solution of migration and other issues.

You must designate a series, number and verification code. Check the passport for authenticity in the UFMS can be all. After that, the answer will be provided. The check is carried out among the invalid passports of the Russian Federation, for example, stolen, lost, issued with errors or expiration of the period.

When the document is not in the list of invalid, this does not mean that it is valid. During the fake, not the present series and the number could be applied. But the Russian document has a high level of protection, similar to what is used on banknotes, therefore, a fake from scratch rarely, ready-made blanks are usually used.

It should be borne in mind that the documentation can be stolen or lost. Since the passport is required to all citizens, so the stealing, the loss must be reported to law enforcement agencies, after which its data will be in the list of invalid. It is important to remember that the verification has only a reference character.


The FMS refers to invalid not only the placent documentation. There are several reasons for the loss of reality:

  1. Expiration - at 20 and 45 years.
  2. Loss, theft.
  3. Error availability.
  4. The presence of unnecessary records.
  5. Lack of pages.
  6. Damage.
  7. The complexity of reading information.
  8. Change information.
  9. Change appearance.

The document may be invalid if the execution of Russian citizenship was provided with false data, and it was revealed.

Request in FMS.

How else to check the authenticity of the passport of the Russian Federation? Reliable way is the official appeal to FMS. It is necessary to make a written request that can be submitted personally or by mail.

The procedure takes a lot of time - consideration takes about a month. This method is suitable when it is required to receive official confirmation of the document. The answer will be legally significant.

Visual inspection

How to check the authenticity of the passport of the Russian Federation with the help of a visual inspection? This requires for example "ultramag", which is in commercial institutions working with cash. First, it is necessary to inspect the form if it is new or too shabby, which does not correspond to his issuing time, then this is the reason for checking the document. Check birth and registration at the place of residence.

Usually, not the entire form is forged, but only some part. You can check the authenticity of the passport in several nuances that attackers usually use:

  1. Replacing the photo. Fraudsters overlap it in a stolen or lost document. They expand the book block, change the sheet or remove the lamination, after which they stick a new photo. The fake with the inspection is noticeably different from the original, because traces of glue, deformation will be noticeable.
  2. Partial replacement of pages. Probably, fraudsters choose a simple, but coarse method of fake and replace some sheets from one document to others.


You can check the authenticity of the Russian passport by protective elements, some of which can be seen visually. This requires a special device. The main of the signs include the following:

  1. Threeton Water Signs of the Russian Federation on all pages. They are noticeable when viewing a book block to light.
  2. Through UV radiation, you can see the words "passport", "Russia", "place of residence", "MVD of Russia".
  3. There are protective fibers: in daylight, they are red, and with UV radiation - green and yellow.
  4. A metallographic printing is used, the relief of which can be checked to the touch.
  5. Brown strip on the last page with the original ornament and the image "Russia", which is noticeable with the slope of the form.
  6. Laser microperphoration on all pages.
  7. Laminated film.
  8. Infrared protection.

During the inspection of the fake, blurred ink or fuzziness of writing. Only on page with registration can be made information from hand.


Inaccuracies, allowed when designing a document, become the basis for the replacement of the passport. These can be a touch, grammatical errors, confusion in words. Usually inaccuracies are noticeable when checking recorded records with obtaining a new passport. It is necessary to report this, after which a free replacement will be performed.

If the inaccuracy did not immediately find the recipient, then the replacement is performed within 30 days. After this period, the owner may require a fine (art. 19.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). A citizen needs to pay the state duty for replacement, exception is only the case if the error is detected to receive a document.

Foreign documents

Where to check the authenticity of the passport passport? You can do this on the FMS website, but only when it comes to the documents of the old sample, decorated for 5 years. To check the biometric documents of a new type, you need to contact the migration service.

Passports cease to be valid only after the expiration of their validity period marked on 1 page. But this does not mean that the owner can travel abroad to this period. Usually, the visa requirements of many countries suggest that such a document should have some "stock" - about 1-6 months.


How to check authenticity or other CIS countries? In the Russian FMS, this will not work. Such information service does not contain. But still some of the information you can find out. If a foreigner is legally in the country and he has permission to work, RVP, a residence permit, the accuracy of the documentation is checked on the FMS web resource. There is also information on the presence of a migrant passport in the "Black List".

On this site can be checked for a foreigner from the CIS or other countries. Information will be useful not only wishing to visit the Russian Federation, but also employers who want to hire foreign citizens.


The passport of the Russian Federation is invalid the next day after execution of 20 and 45 years. It is then that it must be changed. Replacement occurs when:

  1. Wear, damage.
  2. Changing data.
  3. Theft, loss.

The replacement is carried out within 30 days, otherwise the penalty is imposed within 2-3 thousand rubles for residents of regions and up to 5 thousand rubles for Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Application, creation and sale of fake documentation are criminal offenses. This is stated in Art. 327 of the Criminal Code. Depending on the degree of crime, it is provided:

  1. Penalties - up to 18 thousand rubles.
  2. Mandatory work - up to 480 hours.
  3. Test work - up to 2 years.
  4. Imprisonment - for 2 years.

Foreign citizens also expect a criminal punishment. Usually they are deported to their homeland with the ban of the country visits for up to 10 years.

Thus, the passport check is required in many cases. This procedure will allow you to prevent fraudulent actions from the attackers.

The Russian passport is a document identifying personalities living in Russia. This document is obtained to achieve age of 14 years. The passport contains personal information about the owner: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, by whom and when a document is issued and what unit.

It may also contain information about the permanent place of registration and temporary, fix the conclusions and termination of marriages. The validity period of the internal document is three time segments:

  • from fourteen to twenty years;
  • from twenty to forty five years;
  • from forty-five years and indefinitely.

For the issuance of passports of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the place of residence or stay of citizens, the document is issued in 10 days from the date of filing a complete package of documents by employees of the internal affairs.

Important! No one has the right to withdraw the state document certifying the personality, the exceptions are cases provided for by the country's legislation. In case of loss of passport, the owner must state this fact in the territorial body of the internal affairs at the place of stay or registration.

Meaning of the verification of the authenticity of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

To check the official status of the passport of the Russian Federation is only necessary to protect themselves from the influence of intruders and give the legitimate grounds to the transactions. Also check the factor of the document is necessary if:

  • when concluding a contract for the sale of property or a loan of funds to third parties;
  • the owner of the internal passport, decided to issue abroad;
  • a citizen decided to conclude a marriage or officially employed to work;
  • it was decided to use the banking system services, such as a credit loan;
  • suspicions are noticed in adjusting information from the source document.

Documentary residence permit in the country

Note! By signing the documentation of the official and legal nature, it is recommended to check the passport for suitability, since the owner may not be aware of the change in the status of internal documents.

Methods for checking the legitimacy of the passport

Resolution of the Russian Federation No. 828 informs the population of the country that information on the status of internal passports is stored in the Database of the FMS. Only the staff of this legal organization have the right to control the change in photographs and official data logging. Find out whether the passport is valid using the following ways:

  • personally contact the migration service;
  • check the passport details on reality through the remote site of the FMS;

The open platform allows registered users to save personal time and find out the acting status of the document without leaving the limits of your own home.

  • status analysis through the official online website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • detailed visual inspection.

So, consider the listed methods in more detail.

Check passport through the service of the UFMS

To avoid huge queues, the Russian government launched the online platform, it allows you to check the passport for the reality of the UFMS - "Russian passport". Its task to provide citizens with the full amount of information on identifies to the identities of those living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Automated online verification system

According to Russian legislation, every adult citizen is obliged to change the identity card, at least twice, reaching age rates of 20 and 45 years.

To get an answer to your request, in the reality of the internal document, it is necessary to fulfill phased actions:

  • go to the official website of the UFMS:;
  • select Section - Services;
  • click on the service - check on the list of invalid Russian passports;
  • fill out information: series and passport number in the proposed electronic form;
  • enter CAPTCHA;
  • click button - Send request;
  • obtaining results.

Note! FMS updates automatic base daily. If a citizen discovered a surname in the list of invalid passports, then in accordance with the current legislation, laws on the protection of personal data will be terminated.

Site MVD.

Checking the passport for reality is one of the main tasks of management on migration issues of the Ministry of the Interior. They allow citizens to gain reliable information about the reality of documents by contacting the department at the place of stay or use the online resource.

The second option is distributed to users by the World Internet. The resource fully provides information on the validity of the passports of all citizens of the Russian Federation. You can take advantage of the remote site by visiting the official portal of public services.

Note! To learn about the legitimacy of the passport solely by the name through the site it is impossible, since it is verified in accordance with the law, protecting access to the viewing of personal information of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Check the passport details on reality can be followed by the described instructions below:

  1. open the Public Services Portal Page: https: //mvd.rf;
  2. visit the heading online services;
  3. select a category - Services for migration issues;
  4. click the category - check on the list of invalid Russian passports;
  5. download Word Document for searching for your last name in the list or fill out the fields provided below: Series, passport number and captcha from the picture;
  6. click on the button - Send request.

Submission of an application for checking passports by series and number

Other ways to check

The third way to find out the acting status of an internal document is an independent inspection. To pay attention should be in the first way, on the appearance. It must comply with all the requirements of the resolution 828, namely the color of the pages should be the same, there must be watermarks on the internal pages, there must also be a laminating film with holograms and a metallized tape on the periphery of the pages 19-20.

Of course, the contents of the passport must be readable and not contain marks supplied by non-authorized authorities of the Russian Federation.

Additional Information! Signs of reality of the certifying documentation of a citizen of the Russian Federation are:

  • the third page is excellent with a tinge from other liners;
  • lack of text Russia with luminescent lighting;
  • a typo or editing in the document should be certified by an authorized person with the wording - editing confirm.

Explicit signs of invalidity of the internal identity of the citizens of Russia, are:

  • unreliable information, which is different from other state documents;
  • the presence of two copies;
  • the design was produced on samples of stolen or lost strength.

Additional Information! Receiving similar factors, employees of the migration service are authorized to withdraw the document and compile a protocol.

Is it possible to consider a real passport

When citizens of the country reaches the age threshold of 20 and 45 years, they must change the passport. At these age stages, people face a pickup, which previously, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not entitled to replace, however, people can also be repaid on the birthday of birth. Based on the current situation, the Government of the Russian Federation dismisses a period of 30 days to make a timely replacement of the certifying document. If a citizen does not submit documents on a long time, it is attracted to administrative responsibility.

Registration of a new internal document by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs takes period of 10 days, provided that the documents were given to the department at the place of permanent registration, if the documentation was commissioned in another territorial body, then the deadline reaches 30 days. During the change of an old identity card for a new one, a citizen is entitled to demand a temporary identity card, cursed by an authorized personality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Passport replacement with age threshold 20, 45 years

Help on legitimacy of status certificate citizen of the Russian Federation

To get such a document, you should write a statement and attribute the form to the federal migration service at the place of actual residence and stay. The deadline for this certificate is a period of up to 30 days, since FMS employees conduct verification activities on the grounds that a certificate is being formed on the fact of the application. The subject of this regulatory document is to prepare information information on a certain physical person, which is a citizen of Russia or another state.

The certificate of the validity of the internal passport contains the following information: last name, name Passport owner, date, place of birth, citizenship, address of residence, series and passport number.

Whether the passport of the USSR in Russia is quoted

Sample 1974

A quarter of the Russian population is at the moment are the holders of the internal document of the identity of the sample of the conscientious union. After organizing the official place of work, or resorting to the operation of medical services, they are often faced with the following problems:

  • refusal to receive medical care;
  • preconceived by employment, referring to no legitimacy of the passport provided.

Previously, the sample of the Soviet Union was used, based on the provision on the USSR passport system according to paragraph 5. He said that the samples of the release of 1974 do not have the shelf life, excluding the factors for replacing photography with the age threshold 20 and 45 years. For 2018, this provision is not changed, which states the fact that the passports of the USSR are valid on the territory of the Russian Federation until the replacement period comes, reaching twenty-year-old, and forty-five-year-old age.

Important!Government Decree of 828 from 1997, established deadlines for the Ministry of the Interior, when the old samples should be replaced with new ones, but did not indicate the fact that citizens who have not reached or opposite the exceeding one age threshold have no rights to use the 1974 sample document.

Based on this, citizens having a sample of the USSR may use a destination document, certifying its identity. State authorities are not entitled not to take a sample of the release of 1974.

So, how to act to check the internal document of a citizen of the Russian Federation for reality. Citizens have the right to personally contact the territorial office of the Federal Migration Service at the place of permanent and actual stay, also use upgraded online services that allow remotely to find out the acting status or independent inspection. The more rational is to stop the selection in the second version, since the sites will work in remote access, and you only need to check only, register on the site and fill in the fields - series and document number. However, despite the advantages of the online system, the personal appeal to the FMS remains relevant. Only a personal visit will be able to change the status of an invalid passport to a legitimate, passing the required package of documentation personally in the hands of the FMS employee in a strictly allial time limit (30 days).

Important!If during an online inspection, the owner learned that his document is not suitable for use, it must fulfill a number of the following actions. The first is to make sure the fact of the change of an old sample of a document for a new one, the second - to report the fact of a perfect error in the remote system, writing to the support service of the GUVMD RF. The data of a particular individual will be rechecked and adjustments will be made in a short time.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the timely test of the legitimacy of the internal document of a Russian citizen of Russia protects the owner from the possibility of falling into the hands of the attackers and give the legitimate grounds to the transactions, such as the conclusion of the contract of sale, marriage, the use of banking services in full.

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