How to get a driver's license after passing the exam. Getting a driver's license How to pass a driver's license

In order to get a driver's license, resolving the management of a certain category, it is necessary to match the age, pass the medical commission, learn to the driving school and successfully pass the exams. This procedure is clearly spelled out in the legislation of the Russian Federation and is the only legal manner for all citizens. In this article we will tell in detail about each of the stages, let's talk about nuances and restrictions and tell you how to quickly get driving license.

Initially, it may seem that the process of issuing driver's license is too complicated and long, but this is the only way to access driving without risk to be attracted to administrative responsibility.

Who can and who can not get driver's license in Russia

According to the legislation of Russia, almost anyone has the ability to receive Wu and access to car management. At the same time, a number of restrictions on the issuance of driver's license are still:

    • First of all, this is age. Managing the vehicles of category M and A (subcategory A1) is possible by 16 years of age. For the state exam in the category B and C are allowed exclusively people who have reached 17 years. At the same time, the driver's license itself will be issued only after reaching 18 years of age.
    • Secondly, the state of health. In this case, we are talking about serious diseases and states that create obstacles to safe management of the vehicle. The list of such pathologies includes the following:
      • Chronic diseases of the organs of vision and hearing. Naturally, if a person is just bad vision, it will be allowed to control a car with certain amendments (for example, mandatory wearing points, etc.), but if there is a disease that eliminates the possibility of safe driving driving, this patient will be denied In the issuance of rights.
      • A number of cardiovascular diseases.
      • Delay mental development.
      • Abuse of prohibited psychotropic means (drug addiction, toxicomia) or alcohol (alcoholism).
      • Epilepsy.

However, even if there are some absolute contraindications to driving, the medical commission may refuse to issue a permitting reference only with the right to pass a repeated examination.

The period for which a person is recognized as unsuitable for the control of the car cannot exceed 5 years.

Training in a driving school

The main condition for obtaining driving rights is the passage of specialized training in one of the licensed driving schools. Naturally, the quality of this training will be directly dependent on the outcome of the passage of the traffic police, so the choice should be treated as responsibly as possible.

How to find a good driving school and what to pay attention to?

Of course, determine what good, and which is not very difficult, especially for people who have never come across such questions before. In general, there are several points that need to be focused when choosing an educational institution:

    • The main rule, which for some may seem only a bureaucratic trifle, is the presence of a license for learning. Without such a license, you risk throwing money to the wind, as you will not allow you to pass the exam in the traffic police.
    • All information about the school should be in open access - on the website of the institution, on stands, specialists in your requirement should present copies and originals of the license, familiarize you with the training contract, etc.
    • Equipment of driving school with the necessary educational equipment. Despite the fact that all tests usually give up on computers, in the classes of driving schools should be the necessary posters, practical and theoretical benefits. Be sure to check the availability of computers.
    • Compliance of the program of learning legislation standards. If the school offers a period of study for 2 months - it is worth thinking. On average, learning is 4-5 months.
    • Cars. Choose an institution with a modern fleet, take a look at the state of cars.
    • Instructors. The more experienced instructor, the more chances you have successfully pass the traffic police exam.
    • Now it is completely easy to bring references about any driving school - you can find a lot of discussions on a particular institution. The ideal option is to discuss this issue with your circle of communication: perhaps in your environment there are people who recently received driver's license and can recommend that such or other driving school.

Often the choice falls on a driving school with the lowest payment for training or on the establishment in the maximum proximity to the house. In fact, the training should not save - the services of experienced highly qualified specialists cannot cost cheaply. And the proximity of the school to the house does not play any role - it is better to drive a couple of stops, but get quality knowledge.

To get the consultation

Better learns on an automatic or mechanic

This question raises a lot of reasoning for beginners, and there is a number of objective reasons:

    • If you have a machine with automatic transmission, then you will prefer to "automate".
    • Everyone knows that controlling the machine with an automatic gearbox is much simpler, therefore it is considered that the training will be the most simple as possible.

At the same time, the opinion of professionals comes down to what to learn better on the "mechanics":

    • When studying training for automatic transmission in the certificate, an appropriate label is affixed, which prohibits in the future to manage vehicles on "mechanics".
    • Not always in the traffic police can provide a car with automatic transmission to pass the exam, therefore there is a risk that the exam will have to pass on the "mechanics".
    • In fact, for passing the exam both on the automatic transmission and on the manual transmission you will not need to use all the programs.
    • Perhaps in the future still have to go to the "mechanics", and switching from the "automatic" on the MCPP is quite difficult, especially without at least minimal experience.

Training on the "Automatic" is somewhat more expensive, which also allows you to make a choice in favor of "mechanics".

Theory in class or online

It is no secret that distance learning today is gaining momentum in all spheres of education, and driving schools are no exception. What is still better: regular visits to the training class or remote study of the material and online passage of theoretical tests? Each will decide this for himself, but remote training has a number of undeniable advantages:

    • You are not tied to a certain time of classes - to study the material and go through the lesson in a convenient time for you.
    • No need to spend time and money on the road to a driving school - learning passes through a computer at any place convenient for you (at home, at work on a lunch break, etc.).
    • Information is applied in a clear form, the most common cases are studied, practical examples are given. Thanks to a well-established system, all unnecessary information is excluded - only useful data.
    • An acceptable cost of training is the remote form does not require the daily presence of an instructor on theory, the presence of a huge number of textbooks, etc., which significantly reduces costs.
    • All standings and exams also pass in the distance form, while it is allowed to conduct a certain number of classes in the class.

Only exercises on theory are held in remote form - all driving lessons are held on the road and require a compulsory presence of a student and an instructor.

Cost of education

The average is 30-40 thousand rubles in different schools, and in large cities, the price of driving schools is somewhat higher and can reach 50 thousand. As mentioned above, remote training will allow a little to save - this format is available at a price of 20-25 thousand.

What you need to write to a driving school

In order to start learning in any of the driving schools, you need to collect the minimum package of documents that consists of:

    • Original your passport. Perhaps a specialist will also require you and a copy of this document, so take care of its presence in advance.
    • 2 photos 3 * 4 cm (colored or black and white). They will be used to design your personal cause.
    • The statement of the established sample (most likely the specialist will provide you with a ready form in which you will need only to enter your data).

When admission to a driving school honey. The certificate is not necessary, although in some institutions you may be prevented about the need for its presence before the start of classes.

Most often, the Medical Commission is held in the learning process and the certificate is provided before passing exams.

Medical Commission

As already mentioned, without the presence of a medical certificate of the established sample, you cannot receive a driver's license. Therefore, immediately after submitting documents in a driving school, deal with the passage of the medical board.

Where to go

You can get this document in the urban clinic at the place of registration. However, this path cannot be called the easiest - most often in such honey. institutions are huge queues, and on reception to a specialist need to be recorded in advance. Despite this, the medical certificate is paid - for its receipt will have to put on average 1-2 thousand rubles.

A more optimal option is to contact special honey. An organization that specializes in conducting such medical examinations. There are quite a lot of such institutions today - by the way, some of them work directly with district and urban clinics.

Obtaining a certificate takes no more than 1-2 hours, all doctors are in one place, and the cost of the service is the same. As a result, you save your time and nerves, receiving the document you need in the shortest possible time.

What to take with you

Package of documents provided for the minimum reference:

    • Passport
    • 1 photo 3 * 4 cm.
    • For men, it is necessary to provide a military ticket.
    • Help from the psychiatric and drug treatment dispensary (to eliminate the likelihood of issuing resolution to persons with drug treatment or alcohol addiction, as well as people with mental or neurological diseases).

What doctors go through

To get honey. Help needs to go through the following specialists:

    • Otolaryngologist (hearing check);
    • Ophthalmologist (verification of vision);
    • Surgeon (elimination of serious surgical diseases and pathologies that prevent safe driving of the car);
    • Neuropathologist (elimination of neurological pathologies - epilepsy, etc.);
    • Expert in narcology;
    • Psychiatrist;
    • Therapist (the therapist gives a general conclusion on the possibility of the patient's assumption to driving vehicles);
    • Gynecologist (for women) - in some cases and with certain contraindications, pregnant women can recommend to postpone training in a driving school.

The validity of honey. certificates

    • Women under 50 years old - 3 years
    • Men up to 55 years old - 3 years
    • Women after 50 years - 2 years
    • Men after 55 years - 2 years

At the same time, the Medical Commission reserves the right to issue a certificate for a period of 1 year in the case of certain contraindications or diseases.

Cost of medical certificate

As a rule, the certificate cost is established on the basis of the price list of that institution where you pass the Medical Commission. In government agencies, the price may be slightly lower, but it is worth considering the fact that Paper Tools here takes here not one day.

That is why it is better to overpay and contact the private office, where the certificate will be given quickly, without having to sneak thresholds of numerous offices, sign up in advance to techniques, etc.

Cost honey. Help on average is 1-2 thousand rubles. In major cities, this service can be estimated at 2-3 thousand, whereas in small settlements you can pass a medical car commission for 1 thousand.

Internal examination of driving school

By and large, the internal examination of the driving school is needed exclusively in order to assess the training of students and determine their readiness for the passage of the exam in the traffic police. The exam consists of 3 stages: theory, "autodrome" and driving around the city.

After successfully passing the internal exam, the graduate is allowed for the exam in the traffic police.

As a rule, pass the test school is more complicated - the requirements for graduates are high enough. The fact is that if the driving school permits a student with an insufficient level of theoretical and practical knowledge, its rating in the list of driving schools in this area will significantly fall, which will negatively affect the number of people who want to go through here.

Exam in traffic police

If the graduate successfully examines the test school, it is allowed for the passage exam in the traffic police. For those who carefully studied the material in the learning process and successfully passed all the tests, to go through a decisive check in the traffic police will not be difficult. The only underwater stone is a psychological moment. Many begin to panic, as a result, give incorrect answers to the easiest and most obvious questions.

Required documents

In order to be able to pass an exam in the traffic police, you must provide a number of documents:

    • Statement.
    • Passport - for the identity of the examined, as well as to determine his place of residence.
    • For persons with temporary registration, it is also necessary to provide documents on temporary registration.
    • Document on the successful passage of training in a driving school.
    • Honey. reference.
    • Receipt of payment of the traffic police instructor for the adoption of the exam.

How is the theory exam

The theory exam includes 1 ticket from 4 thematic sections - only 20 questions. Ideally, the student must fulfill tasks without errors, but in this regard there are some nuances:

    • A total of 2 errors can be allowed, and they can be allowed in different thematic blocks.
    • If 2 errors are allowed in the same thematic block - the exam is failed.
    • After the first erroneous response in one of the thematic blocks, examine 5 additional questions from this block, to respond to which you want without errors.
    • After the second erroneous response in another, another 5 questions are given, they also need to be answered without errors.
    • If one of the add. questions Dan is an incorrect answer - the exam is failed.

Exam city

At the moment, the Exam on the road in the traffic police includes 5 elements. After his successful passage, the student is allowed to stage "City".

Today, when traveling to the city, in addition to the knowledge of road marking, signs, the ability to focus on roadflow, as well as the ability to apply theoretical knowledge gained in a driving school, in practice, examiner inspectors are used by some elements of the "platform": for example, parking, a garage check-in reverse, overpass.

The time of this stage is 30 minutes.

The procedure for obtaining rights in the traffic police

A driver's license is issued only to persons who have successfully surrendered all stages of the passage in the traffic police.

Documents of obtaining rights

The following documents are provided to getting right to the traffic police department:

    • Passport.
    • Military ID (for servicemen).
    • Document confirming training in a driving school.
    • Receipt about the payment of state duty.
    • Medical certificate of the established sample. Do not forget to check the certificate validity period - if it is overdue, the driver's license will not be issued to you.

After checking all the documents you will be called to the office in order to make a photo.


Earlier in order to get a driver's license, it was enough to come to the traffic police department with a full package of documents and, passing a number of simple procedures, to get a long-awaited crust.

Now it is necessary to take a queue on the portal of public services.

Government duty

Payment of state duty when receiving a driver's license is obligatory and at the moment is 3000 rubles.

Receiving rights through the website of the State Service

Now, to obtain a driver's license, it is necessary to register with the website of the State Service. Make it best, contacting the MFC passport, where you will create your personal account, after which the passport will hold the procedure for confirming your personality.

After that you can create an application for receiving a driver's license. The day of appeal You will receive an SMS, where the date will be indicated when you need to come to the traffic police per certificate.

Is it possible to buy rights and is it worth it?

Oddly enough, but still some believe that "buy" rights is easier than to study in a driving school and get a legal driver's license. It is worth noting that due to the duration of training, some at their own peril and risk choose this short version, which soon regret. Prices for fake documents vary from 50 thousand rubles.

The fact is that to detect the authenticity of a driver's license is easier than a simple - the Employees of the traffic police have an online base, which is not difficult to "break through" your rights. Naturally, the Law of the Russian Federation provides serious administrative and criminal liability - fines of about 100 thousand rubles, mandatory and correctional work, as well as arrest for half a year. The person who served the "Lipovaya" certificate will not remain unpunished - they are waiting for forced work, restriction or imprisonment for 1 year.

In addition, after the detection of all these fraud and payments in full, wishing to acquire a driver's license will still be forced to pay for training in a driving school, get honey. Help, pay state duty for issuing rights.

Think if you want to pay twice?

Before receiving a driver's license in the traffic police, it should be proved that the driver knows the rules of the road and has driving skills.
This must confirm the exam that is surrendered in the traffic police unit.

Basic moments

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The issuance of a certificate to the driver occurs after the applicant will be trained in a driving school.

Previously, the exam was allowed to pass the drivers who had returned self-treatment having driving skills or a trained person who had no official instructor's right.

For driver's license in 2020, training in a driving school is mandatory.

Choose a driving school driver may at his discretion. The certificate of the end of a driving school that has a license for training is obliged to accept the traffic police department.

After the theoretical part will be handed over, the internal test in a driving school and is framed about the health status, the driver can apply to the traffic police department regardless of school where he was trained.

After successfully passing the exam, you can get driving license.

What it is

One of the traffic police (traffic police) units is the MREO - Interdistrict Registration Examination Department.

The responsibility of this unit includes:

  1. Exams.
  2. Medical commissions.
  3. Issue or driver's license.

In order to get a driver's license, it is necessary to make the pass exam in the traffic police.

After receiving the necessary documents, MREO staff will be announced the exact date of passing the exam.

It consists of the following parts:

  • test for checking traffic rules;
  • checking practical driving skills;
  • skill to manage vehicles in urban environments.

The theoretical part is rented on the computer. It is necessary to answer 20 questions. You can only be mistaken twice, otherwise the results will not be covered. All is allowed 20 minutes.

This is done from the considerations that the driver for making a decision in an emergency has very little time.

Questions are designed in such a way that you can find out:

  • knowledge of traffic rules;
  • when vehicles are allowed to operate;
  • principles of car and other vehicles;
  • provision of accidents injured first aid;
  • responsibility for violations during public roads;
  • the reasons for which fines can be appointed.

With a large number of erroneous replies or inability to meet the time provided, the exam will have to be rented.

The second stage is driving in practice. Includes traveling on a motorway, where maneuvers are performed: "Start under the hill", "Stop", "Parking", "Traffic back" and others.

Assesses the skill of the instructor observing from the side. When making gross errors, the exam is not counted.

The next and final stage is to check the compliance of traffic rules when driving in urban conditions.

The instructor accepting the exam is in a car with a driver passing the exam.

If a minor citizen is studying in a driving school, then for passing the exam, a statement should be submitted from his legal representative, which contains a request for admission to the qualification exam.

Successful passage of all three stages gives the right to receive a driver's license.

Who extends to

For the first time, the person who successfully completed a driving school, which has a relevant license, surrendered the traffic police and the medical certificate in form 003-V / y, can apply for rights.

Replacing certificates is made after the expiration of their validity period of 10 years or after the return of the return due to the end of the temporary court decision.

Where to contact

After successfully passing the exam in the traffic police to receive a certificate, you need to contact the nearest branch and take the queue.

You can queue through the "State Service" portal, which is quite convenient.

When submitting, you should write an application for receipt or driver's license. The application form is allowed to fill out both by hand and electronically.

Filling out a statement, the name of the traffic police should be specified, where it is submitted, personal data of the driver and information from his passport.

Specify than the request for the receipt of driver's license is justified.

You should list the documents attached to the application.

It is necessary to pay state duty and attach the resulting.

When issuing rights after passing the exam in the traffic police

In 2020, the driver's license is issued in the department of the traffic police, where the driver turned, after passing the exam in the traffic police and registration of medical certificates about the absence of contraindications on health.

What conditions have

Persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation and constantly living here, the surrender and reducing the exam can be carried out in any division of the traffic police.

For a reliable recording in a driver's license, you should decide on the choice of transmission.

If an exam is transferred to a vehicle management that has an automatic transmission, it will be indicated in the driver's license.

In this case, the management of cars with "mechanics" will become inaccessible.

In the case when the exam was commissioned by car with "Mechanics", a car with an automatic box is allowed.

In the future, if necessary, you can recall the exam by selecting the necessary transmission.

The subsequent relocation of the exam is also possible in order to obtain a new category of managing the vehicle.

Drivers who have not reached majority can participate in the passage of the traffic police only with the written resolution of parents or authorized persons.

When conducting the exam, you must install a video recorder. This can help with the disagreement of the driver with the assessment of his skills when driving.

Drivers having, pass the exam on specially equipped cars.

There are special requirements for the inspector to the exam. It should have driving experience at least 5 years old, age starting from 25 years.

It is necessary to preserve higher education and possessing the category to the examiner's examination.

Time frame

If at least one of the items was not tried successfully, then the relief can take place in a week after that.

With a positive surrender exam in the traffic police, the results are valid for six months.

After the end of this period, the application for obtaining driving rights can be submitted after the passage of a new exam.

What to have

The following documents must be submitted:

Medical certificates are issued both in the regional clinic at the place of residence and in a paid clinic that has a license for this type of service.

In a paid medical institution will have to pay for it. Rates may be different, so it is worth learn this in advance.

In the district polyclinic, this service may also be paid or there will be a long queue.

In addition, for some categories or in the direction of a neurologist's doctor, a special examination will be made - electoceptionist.

Not in all polyclinics, especially district, there is a necessary device for this - electoceptionist.

Before starting to undergo a medical commission, it is necessary to find out its presence.

It should also be found in advance which doctors must be visited to obtain a certificate.

It happens, customers are offered in order to obtain additional income to bypass a number of doctors, which is not necessary.

Algorithm of action

To obtain rights, follow these steps:

Indicators Description
Choose driving school it can be guided by various considerations - a convenient location or availability of good reviews. In the formation of groups of people with hearing problems, driving school provides a survival
Visit all theoretical classes training with an instructor on an autodrome and when traveling around the city
Pass the theoretical part of the exam on the computer teacher driving school
Show instructor Driving Schools Acquired driving skills on an autodrome
The last step will be a trip along with the traffic police instructor it should be performed by his teams - "Stay", "Parked" and others
After the successful passage of all three stages, get a certificate of the end of the driving school
Complete medical examination to get a medical certificate
Apply to the traffic police about the passage of the exam in order to obtain a certificate
Completely passing the exam in the traffic police inspector and get a certificate about it
Apply to the traffic police about the intention to receive driver's license having attached to it all the necessary documents. This can be done by going to the site "State Service"

It will be left to receive a driver's license for the right driving of vehicles of the stated categories.

Frequently asked Questions

The main issues include the following:

Question Answer
Is it possible to prepare for the passage of the traffic police exam no. In 2020, the traffic police unit will receive an application for the exam only if a certificate of the end of a driving school is presented
After how much after passing the exam in the traffic police, you can get right time depends on the speed of registration in the traffic police unit
Is it necessary to take a traffic police exam for international rights international rights are obtained on the basis of existing national. A special exam is not required
Is it possible to travel through the territory of Russia, having only international rights the presence of a national certificate is mandatory. Upon presentation of only international rights, a fine will be discharged

How to get through public services

To obtain a certificate, the following documents will be needed:

  • passport;
  • certificate of ending driving school;
  • medical certificate;
  • available certificate - when replacing;
  • receipt about the payment of state duty.

The state duty is 2000 rubles, but during the design of the "State Service" a 30% discount is made.

The procedure for obtaining rights through the "State Service" portal:

  1. Go to the official website of the portal at
  2. Register on site.
  3. In the top of the line, select the "Services Catalog".
  4. In this section, choose "Transport and Driving".
  5. On the picture that appears, press the driver's certificate key.
  6. In the listed options, click "Getting a driver's license after passing professional training for vehicle management."
  7. Then you need to choose between an electronic version and personal visiting. When choosing an "electronic service", a 30% discount will be obtained.
  8. Fill out the application, indicating in it: passport data, information on obtaining medical certificates, data on the previous driver's license - if available.
  9. Before you send an application, you can make an appointment with the traffic police. The division, date and time of visiting is selected.
  10. Press the "Get Service" key.
  11. After the application is sent, a notification will be notified of the possibility of payment of state duty through the "State Service" portal.
  12. Then the time to receive the certificate will come. To do this, personally should visit the selected traffic police unit on the appointed day and time according to the preliminary recording. This will not stand in a long queue and save your time.

We should not forget to bring with you all the documents specified in the application. A traffic police officer will check the specified data.

With the correctness of filling out the application and the availability of the necessary documents, the driver will be able to receive his certificate.

Features of obtaining international certificate

In order to get in 2020, the international certificate of the driver in 2020, documents should be submitted to the Detament Division:

  • driver passport;
  • national certificate;
  • photograph of the driver.

For international certificate, medical certificates are not required.

An important difference is a type of photo.

Upon receipt of the National Driving Employee, the traffic police, the document itself, photographs in the electronic form of the driver and puts this photo on the laid place in rights.

When issuing an international certificate, you must bring with you a photo made in advance.

Her parameters:

Taking these documents and the photo you can visit any conveniently located duty station.

Application blank can be taken right there. The choice of separation does not depend on the place of registration.

It should be borne in mind that not every unit issues international rights and obtain information about this should be previously.

International IDs are issued only in the presence of national, therefore training in the driving school and passing the exam in the traffic police department is not required.

State duty for international rights - 1600 rubles. When decorated on the portal "Public services" a 30% discount is made.

The term on which an international certificate is issued is 3 years. But it is limited to the validity period of the national.

If the ten-year term of national rights is ends, then international certificates are given respectively for a shorter term.

If there is a temporary deprivation of national rights for violations, for example, a drunken management, then an international certificate ceases to act at the same time.

International rights are not subject to withdrawal, but in the absence of national rights, they cease to be valid.

The convenient form of obtaining international driver is the appeal to the "State Service" portal.

To do this, reaching the subsection "Electronic Services" should choose "Obtaining an international driver's license."

International rights can be obtained in the department of the State Inspectorate by filling out the application and paying the state duty.

Video: Record to receive a driver's license

Important nuances

If the driver is minor, then he can only pass the exam with the consent of the legal representative.

If the exam is surreated on the machine with an automatic transmission, then it does not get the transport with mechanical it's right.

Independent training does not give the right to an exam in the traffic police and receiving a certificate. This can be done only after training in a driving school.

The preparation after the unsuccessful exam is seven days. After a three-time unsuccessful attempt is given for 30 days.

In the event that the theoretical part is handed over, and practical fails to pass within 6 months, you will have to pass the theory again.

For international certificate, training in driving school and medical certificate is not required.

The legislative framework

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The Vienna Convention "Reality of Driver Idens". Concerns international rights.


Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

Prepare for the passage exam in the traffic police? Then I urgently read this article in which I will tell you how to hand over the first time. And then you have to wait to move, and then start to pass everything first, and it is not a fact that it will turn out from the second and even the third time. With you again Kulik Ilya. Go!

The exam itself takes no more than 4 hours, so to get the rights to driving quickly enough to pass the exams from the first time. And for this it is necessary to prepare for them and know some secrets, because of which they are sent to relocate.

As is known, the State Exam for obtaining a driver's license consists of three parts:

  • theoretical part;
  • autodrome(playground) - checking the ownership of initial driving skills;
  • city - control of the vehicle under road conditions.

Now I will tell on each of these tests separately what to do, and how it is impossible to do to successfully pass them all the first time.

Theory - The Most Easy Test

Theoretical exam for future drivers usually does not cause difficulties. For the successful passage of this stage, all exam tickets are sufficient. Fortunately, it can be easily done now thanks to publicly available online services, which can repeat test tasks and obtain clarifications on them. One of the best sites with exam tickets is perhaps the resource of You can use print publications.

In order for the ticket information to be learned and booted into long-term memory, use the Repetition methodology of Ebbigauz - read about the technique onWikipedia . Because in the period after the zubrification, the material is forgotten. And the meaningful text is remembered 9 times faster!

In the Department of Study, the memorization algorithm is laid and lectures are prescribed to all eight subjects under the training program - download the scapid application and on the App Store.

When checking your knowledge using tests in case of incorrect answers and when you choose at random, carefully read the explanations. The more soying - the better. It is necessary to achieve an error-free execution of all tickets - only in this case, you can be sure that on the exam, when the excitement will also interfere, you will not allow more than 2 pervolored errors.

Of course, you should not forget about the study of the rules of movement. Deep knowledge of the rules will help not only find an answer in a non-standard situation, but also is simply necessary when passing the practical part.

Rules of passage test

The test takes 20 minutes, a minute to a question is enough to think about it, weigh everything for and against and choose the correct answer. Do not hurry to celebrate the option, carefully read questions, pay attention to the "not" particle, the permit or prohibition of actions is asked.

Thank you, Ilya, this is an important reminder! To finish the question and answer options to the end, do not hurt! And of course, excitement. You are where your attention is. So, if attention is focused on excitement, then the likelihood of an error is great. Concentrate only on the solution of tickets, breathe deeply and freely.

The possibility of a random answer must be excluded according to paragraph 87 of the administrative regulations for conducting the exam for rights: the program takes the answer only with additional confirmation (for example, on a re-pressing key). If this is not the case, according to paragraph 86 of the same regulations, you should be provided with another, good equipment. But still avoid random clicks, do not rush, do not make sharp movements, do not put your hands on the keyboard.

If you find it difficult to answer any item at once, go to the following: the order solving procedure does not matter. But do not forget to return to the missed: because the absence of a response is considered as a misconception.

Tips that will help hand over the theoretical exam from the first time from the Chairman of the Board of NP "Guild Driving Schools of Russia" S. Yu. Lobarev you can hear in the next video.

Time is fleeting and the requirements for passing the exam for the right to control the vehicle are tightened. For today, if there is one mistake, the student receives five additional questions and five minutes of time. And if there are two errors in one block, the red screen lights up.

In the traffic police, it is necessary to know the subject for "five"

In addition to mistakes, there is another reason for setting the mark "did not pass": the use of crib, mobile devices, neighbor tips. If the examiner notices this, for the candidate for drivers, the exam passage immediately stops.

Therefore, not only do not use prohibited techniques, but do not apply the reason to suspect you in this: do not turn to other examinations and all the more do not talk even on foreign topics, turn off your mobile phone at the time of the test.

Politeness and calm

You can give a couple of tips, which will be useful at all stages of passing the rights for rights. The first one is restrained, politely and respectful towards the examiners.

If you think that the exam is organized with violations, and the inspection faces do not agree with your comments, you should not prove your right thing in the dispute: you only confuse the examiners against yourself, which will affect the passage of subsequent tests. In this case, it is necessary to submit a complaint in the prescribed manner.

And the Second Council: do not take sedatives, but moreover, exciting medicines. You will need the maximum concentration of attention to the theory, and the reaction is also needed on the practical part. A variety of medicines may affect these qualities not for the better, which is confirmed by the practice: the receiving medicine almost always does not pass the test exam for rights.

To remove stress, use your checked means that do not affect the condition: Eat sweets, listen to your favorite music, follow gymnastics and the like

Playground - delivery of elementary driving skills

At the site is not the speed, but the correctness of the specified trajectory of the movement and the fulfillment of other requirements. It is not forbidden to stop, most importantly, to meet the time up to 10 minutes.

With successful delivery of the theoretical exam, the driver studied on the driver is allowed to pass driving on the road. Here you need to show the ability to drive a car.

The main thing is to experience

For confident driving, training in a driving school is not enough, as the program pays attention to the acquisition of the initial skill. If you want to drive a car confidently, calmly and safely, plan an extra clock with an instructor.

It is enough to master driving only as a result of practical training. Therefore, how to learn the technique of performing the necessary exercises and train, and train. Do not miss lessons, try to roll back the maximum number of hours, although experience shows that it does not always work out. And if training in a driving school for you turned out to be not enough for confident fulfillment of all items, take additional lessons on driving, do not skimp.

The need for additional lessons should be provided in advance and include them in. Ideally, if you are taught by your instructor in a driving school, but you can use the services of any other person who has an appropriate permission.

Alone learning - is it possible?

Now only a person who has a special document confirming the right to be an instructor can also teach driving, and the car must be equipped with additional pedals.

Therefore, it is possible to practice a relative or friend's car or a friend only in a place where 100% will not see the traffic police inspectors, for example, in the country area. Otherwise, the student is independently awaiting a fine of 5000-15,000 rubles, and the owner of the car is 30000 rubles. under article 12.7 Administrative Code.

And fined and practicing on autodromes and closed sites - there, the auto inspections also come regularly. Therefore, to train in such places - only with an instructor on a special car.

Exam preparation

On the day of the exam, get in free and comfortable clothes, ideally - to the same in which they usually trained. The same applies to shoes. You should not take extra things with you - bags, umbrellas and so on. First, they can distract from driving, secondly, they are easily forgotten from excitement in the car.

Before starting:

  • adjust How should the seat and mirrors follow;
  • run Motor;
  • fasten;
  • on the inclusion of near light Notify the examiner about my readiness to start delivery.

When adjusting, do not hurry: let it leave for a long time, but you will be comfortable driving a car. You can start moving only by team. And do not forget to remove the car from the handbrake - the Banal Council, but many passing on the right (and novice drivers) forget about the parking brake, the inclusion of which is necessarily checked by the examiner before the beginning of the exam.

If you have a traffic police exam tomorrow, catch a few recommendations:

  1. Stroll before bedtime to sleep better and not be late for the exam. From the evening, put a passport and printed receipt for a prominent place. Look in advance and plan the route of movement and time taking into account possible traffic jams in the morning.
  2. Start the day with a positive thought! Take a shower and be sure to have breakfast. Mentally plan your day with the help of visualization, imagine everything to the smallest detail. "You are confidently responsible for questions on theory. Fasten the seat belt and calmly perform all exercises on the site and in the city. " Fix in consciousness and in the body confidence and calm!
  3. And be sure to breathe! In any stressful situation, direct your breathing and breathe a little deeper than usual! Oxygen eliminates the body from adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help to perceive what is happening more adequately.
  4. Remember that the traffic police inspector is the same person as you who fall to bed, takes food, communicates with friends))) To overcome your fear, it is better to trust him, realizing that he also trusted you, sowing into the car that you manage ))

Task performance

Exercises do carefully and most academic. Do not rush, but also do not hesitate. Try to put the car perfectly parallel to the boundaries where it is required, keep at a reasonable distance from lines and racks. All this, in fact, it is necessary to work on the stage of preparation for the exam. If you get this and attention, you will just come and, as always before, perfectly perform all the elements from the first time.

How to evaluate the examinations

You should know what exactly is estimated in the exercises. Everything is very simple: There is a specific list of conditions under which the estimate "did not pass". The exam will not be credited in the following cases:

  • more than 30 seconds passed from the command of the examiner before the start of movement - therefore, watch the inspector signals and do not yaw;
  • performed more than 2 times on lineborders or shot down elements of markup;
  • check out the borders of the site for exercise;
  • crossed line "Stop"when on the task you need to stop in front of it;
  • the control line is not crossed According to the task or distance, it does not correspond to the required;
  • the necessary trajectory is not complied with;
  • 3 and more times engine;
  • the movement was performed by reversewhen it is not provided by the exercise;
  • more than 30 cm car rolled back After stopping on the rise;
  • drove on a red traffic light signal (at the exercise "The passage of the adjustable intersection");
  • spent more permissible time to perform all exercises(for passing on the category M, A, the time is also limited to the exercise "High-speed maneuvering");
  • there was a touch of the leg of the Earth more than 2 times,when it does not need to task, or Inclining turn signrolls more than 1 time,when it is necessary, when leased on the rights m, and A1.

If the listed events did not occur on the possession of the initial driving skills is considered passed. But mistakes made at this stage, even with the formal passage of it, will influence the desire to "fill up" the future driver at the final verification.

So do not think that if you have passed the platform, the rights are provided to you. There is still the most difficult test.

Frequent errors on the overpass: engine stalls (it happens that the pupil from excitement "shakes" the foot); The car rolled back and hit the installation rack; When descending, stop at a distance of more than 1 meter before the stop line.

When performing elements using the reverse transmission (parallel parking, entry into the box and turn into three receptions), remember that it is possible only once!

Exam in the city: how to pass it easily from the first time

With the successful passage of the two first steps, a former student driving school is allowed for verification in a real movement. The complexity of the exam on the streets is that exactly the situation that will be foreseen at the exam. It is on this test that students are most often "cut off", even surrendered theory and platform from the first time.

How the successful driving is determined

Evaluation criteria Such: All possible errors are divided into three categories:

  • rough;
  • middle:
  • small.

For one rough mistake, 5 penal points are accrued, for the middle - 3, for small - 1. If 5 or more points scored 5 or more points - the exam is not transferred. Thus, you can allow a maximum of one medium and one small, or four small shortcomings. Although one rough mistake is a failure exam. You can find their full list in the following.

Exam preparation

At the stage of training, you should find out the likely route on the exam and ride on it with the instructor. Practice here is crucial, so try to drive so much so that the movement through the streets of the city did not cause you difficulties. If necessary, take additional lessons.

Preparation for the movement is similar to such before the delivery site. Adjust the seats and mirrors, run into, turn on the Middle Light - this is the mandatory list. If you know for sure that the car is equipped with daytime running lights, the headlights can not be included in the daytime day. And do not forget to remove the car from the handbrake.

Important! It is necessary not only to fasten it yourself, but also to trace the same thing to do all those in the car, including the inspector, which may not be affected by the security belt to check the future driver. Feel free to remind him and instructor about the need to fasten. After all, the movement with non-accelerated passengers is 3 penal points for the exam.

Underwater stones of the last stage

Auto inspections sometimes resort to tricks: give instructions contrary to the rules of movement. You can not fulfill such requirements - remember that the driver you are, and are responsible for compliance with traffic rules only you, not an inspector. Therefore, at this stage, very good knowledge of the rules of the road is needed, in order to understand when the instructor's instructions are one of the elements of the task, the failure of which is equivalent to the "slaughter" of the exam, and when is the trick.

The State Examiner at the exam appreciates the ability of a candidate for drivers to navigate in real city roads according to the rules of the road. So, it is not the trick of the inspector, but the safety requirements of the road.

If the inspector says: "Select a place, turn off in the opposite direction", and stop public transport, this does not mean that you are offered to turn around in a prohibiting place. You, as a future driver, should evaluate the road situation and choose a permitted place for reversal. Be careful and do not shift responsibility for your actions!

At the same time, there are situations when the examiner is trying to immediate violation, which was not really not. If you are confident that traffic rules - on your side (and for this you need to know their izubok), argued and restraintfully prove the autoinware that he is wrong, preferably with reference to the rules point. Practice shows that the examining appreciation the deep knowledge of the future driver and take the right objections.

Main driving rules

Do not forget to look in the mirrors, better do it with a turn of the head so that it was noticeable to the receiving exam. Use when necessary, turn signals: at the beginning of the movement, rebuildings, turns. At stops, put the machine to the handbrake, especially on the lifting. Mobile phone Disconnect - so that there is no temptation to answer the call. Using a mobile phone while driving is a serious error.

You need to move confidently, demonstrating your ability to drive a car, but, of course, without quiet. Overly low speed, non-key gear shift, inept use of controls - all this shortcomings for which penalty points are accrued.

So train and train again before the exam. Unfortunately, now it can be done only with an instructor that has a formal training permit, and on a specially equipped car. But here you yourself decide that you are more important to save or easily and confidently pass the driving exam from the first time and quickly get right.

  • do not save on learning - driving skills are acquired only in practice;
  • we train As long as you do not easily fulfill all tasks - it concerns the theory, and practices;
  • how to learn all the rules of movement, do not limit yourself to memorizing situations specified in tickets. The key to success on any exam is an excellent knowledge of the item itself, which in the case of the car control are the rules of the road;
  • be the most attentive as possiblenot rushing, but at the same time be collected - it is necessary at all stages;
  • follow the traffic rules exactlywhen driving around the city, do not forget about the possibility of trick from the examiner;
  • try to pass the exam one of the first - Sometimes the examiners have a tight quota for the number of rights for the rights in one day, that is, if you are not entered, say, in the top ten lucky, even with good results you will "roll" because the daily rate is completed;
  • do not worry - If you have learned responsibly, the excitement is the only thing that may prevent you from passing exams quickly;
  • as you should sleep Before surrendering to the rights - fatigue is not at all necessary satellite in a responsible event.


Driving an exam is necessary for confidence that the newly minted motorist can be entrusted to the way to drive. This is a serious test for all wishing to become drivers. But with the proper preparation and use of tips from this article, you can pass on the right and the first time.

And you managed to pass on right? Maybe we used any special tricks? Share your impressions and experience with me and readers in the comments. There may also ask if something is incomprehensible in the article.

And for me today everything. Click on the social network icon, which you use, and make a blog subscription, if you have not yet done this so as not to miss the release of new useful articles. So far, and good luck in the exams!

Illustration: / Peter Kozlov

To get a driver's license, you need to undergo training in a driving school and pass the exam in the traffic police. What driving school it is better to choose from what age you can pass on the right, how much time will leave for the certificate - answers read the site in the material

When you can get right

Age for obtaining rights depends on the machine category. For mopeds (category "M" and "A1") is 16 years old, and for motorcycles with engine volume more than 125 cubic meters. See, as well as passenger cars and nonsense trucks - 18 years (categories "A", "B", "C" and subcategory "B1", "C1"). If you want to ride the car with a trailer ("E" category), then it should be waiting for 19 years or 21 years, depending on the availability of already open categories.

In which driving school to learn

To pass the traffic police exam, you need to contact a driving school who has a special license for educational activities. This can be checked on the traffic police website in the section "Driving Schools". Also compare the address where training is conducted with the address in the license. If they do not coincide, the license is invalid.

When choosing a driving school, pay attention to the technical equipment, the availability of simulators for initial training skills, the state of educational machinery and autodromes, as well as the teaching staff.

When concluding an agreement on training, you will need a passport, a military ID (for men) and 2-3 matte photos to the documents.

Asked? Answer *

Avtoexpert Ivan Klimovich:

You right to replace your driver's license no earlier than six months before the expiration of its term (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of October 20, 2015 No. 995). The driver's license is considered invalid and canceled if an application was received about his loss. Accordingly, to replace a driver's license to you, in any case, you will need an old or its duplicate (government decree dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097).

How to get a medical conclusion

After the conclusion of the contract with a driving school, you must pass a medical commission to check the contraindications to control the machine. This can be done in any clinic, but inspection of psychiatrist and narcologist - only in specially accredited institutions. Moscow residents can familiarize themselves with them on the portal "Avtokod".

To get the right to manage heavy trucks, a car with a trailer, trolleybus or tram, it is required to carry out a power acephalogram (EEG) - inspection of the brain.

How to study

Study time depends on the category. For example, learning to the category "A" includes 74 hours of theoretical classes and 52 hours of practice, the category "B" - 100 hours of theory and about 90 hours of practice. Approximate programs in all categories are provided by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of December 26, 2013 No. 1408.

Driving schools are allowed to carry out theoretical classes remotely (detailed explanations are given on the issue of 10 letters of the Ministry of Education and Science of September 18, 2015 No. AK-2726/06).

Practice takes place on a road where you need to perform the following exercises: "snake", parallel parking, entrance and departure from the garage, turn, start of movement and stop on the hill. You will also learn to ride around the city under traffic flow.

Lifetime - from one to 7.5 months, depending on the category. It will take the least time to train a ride on a motorcycle, and most of all - for the management of heavy ship. To open an additional category in the presence of a driver's license, basic training will be 84 hours.

After studying in a driving school, you need to pass the inner exam, which lasts four hours: two hours of the theory and two hours of practice. Those who surrendered successfully will receive a certificate of graduation that must be submitted for the traffic police exam.

Asked? Respond

Avtoexpert Ivan Klimovich:

Back in 2011, the Supreme Court explained: the directions of road signs take priority before marking (Annex 2 of the Government Decisions of October 23, 1993 No. 1090).

How to make an exam for the exam in the traffic police

As a rule, driving school independently organizes the passage of the exam in the traffic police. For this, employees apply, coordinate the place and time of the exam, collect the necessary documents. It is possible to sign up for the exam on your own in the traffic police of any region through the Avtokod portal (for Moscow residents) or the website of public services. In the last option, you can pass the exam at a convenient time for you and get a 30% discount on state duty.

For recording for the traffic police exam in the site "State Service":

  • sign in to the site, select the section "Services";
  • find the "Transport and Driving" tab, then "driver's license";
  • select the service "Getting a driver's certificate" and the type "Personal Visit of the traffic police";
  • click the "Enable Receive" button;
  • select Rights category, enter the information about driving school and medical conclusion, personal data, the desired traffic police unit, date and reception time;
  • familiarize yourself with emails on the service to receive rights and a memo on recording to the traffic police, pay the state. Vulne online with a discount and print an electronic ticket.

You can pay a duty in the bank. Details for payment you will find on the traffic police website where you are going to pass the exam and get right.

How to exam in the traffic police

The traffic police exam consists of three stages: theory, the practice on the motorway and the management of the machine in the city. First you pass the test on a computer from 20 tasks in 20 minutes. If you have done one mistake, get five additional questions and five minutes to solve them. For two mistakes in different topics there are 10 more questions and 10 minutes. At the same time, it is impossible to make more than once on additional tasks or in one topic.

After the successful passing of theory, you rent five exercises on an autodrome, for example, for the category "B": a slide, turns 90 degrees with a reversal in a limited space, "snake", check-in in the garage and parallel parking reversal. The exam is not entitled if you allowed at least one error, for example, a cone was shot down or drove off the hill, without holding the handbrake.

Those who have completed all exercises on the road, is waiting for a trip with the traffic police inspector in the city. He will ask to make various maneuvers, for example, to drive or turn around at the crossroads, overtake another car, drive a pedestrian crossing or railway crossing. Penalty points are charged for errors: 5 - for gross errors, 3 - for medium and 1 - for minor violations. The exam in the city will be delivered if you get less than 5 penal points.

The exam on the road and the city will take no more than 2 hours.

If you have passed theory, but drove driving, you can recall the exam after 7 days. After three unsuccessful attempts, the next will be only in 30 days. If you have passed the theoretical exam, and for six months they could not pass the practice, you will have to return to theory. Additional renovation fee is not charged.

The traffic police data suggest that every year it is becoming increasingly harder to take the rights exams.

To obtain a Russian driver's license (Wu), it is necessary to undergo vocational training in a driving school, a medical examination and pass exams in the traffic police (paragraph 1 of Art. 26 of the Law of 10.12.1995 N 196-FZ).

Also installed age limitations. In particular, the driver's license is issued upon reaching (p. 2, 3, Article 26 of the Law No. 196-ФЗ):

16 years of age for the category "M" and subcategory "A1";

18 years old for categories "A", "B", "C" and subcategories "B1", "C1" (at the same time pass the exam for the right to control the CO categories "B" and "C" from 17 years);

21 years old for categories "D", "TM", "TB" and subcategory "D1".

In addition, for obtaining the right to control the compositions of vehicles (TC) of some categories, a certain driver's experience is required (clause 2 of Article 26 of the Law No. 196-FZ).

Reference. Categories and subcategories of vehicles in the Russian Federation

The following categories and TC subcategories have been established in the Russian Federation (p. 1 Art. 25. Law n 196-ФЗ):

"A" - motorcycles;

"B" - cars (with the exception of the TC category "A"), the allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 3 500 kg and the number of seats of which, in addition to the driver's seat, does not exceed eight; Cars of category "B", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg; Cars of category "B", lining with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg, but does not exceed the mass of the car without load, provided that the total permitted maximum mass of such a vehicle does not exceed 3,500 kg;

"C" - cars, with the exception of cars of the category "D", the allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 3 500 kg; Cars of category "C", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg;

"D" - cars intended for the transport of passengers and having more than eight seats, in addition to the driver's seat; Cars of category "D", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg;

"Be" - Cars of category "B", lined with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg and exceeds the mass of the car without load; Cars of category "B" lucked with a trailer, the allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg, provided that the total permitted maximum mass of such a composition of the vehicle exceeds 3 500 kg;

"CE" - Cars of category "C", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg;

"DE" - Cars of category "D", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg; articulated buses;

"TM" - trams;

"TB" - trolleybuses;

"M" - mopeds and light quadrices;

"A1" - motorcycles with a working volume of an internal combustion engine, not exceeding 125 cubic centimeters, and a maximum power not exceeding 11 kilowatts;

"B1" - tricycles and quadricycles;

"C1" - cars, with the exception of cars category "D", the allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 3 500 kg, but does not exceed 7,500 kg; Cars subcategories "C1", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg;

"D1" - cars intended for the transport of passengers and having more than eight, but no more than sixteen seats, in addition to the driver's seat; Cars subcategories "D1", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which does not exceed 750 kg;

"C1E" - Cars subcategories "C1", linked with a trailer, allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg, but does not exceed the mass of the car without load, provided that the total permitted maximum mass of such a vehicle does not exceed 12,000 kg;

"D1E" - Cars subcategory "D1", clutch with a trailer, which is not intended to transport passengers, the allowed maximum mass of which exceeds 750 kg, but does not exceed the mass of the car without load, provided that the total permitted maximum mass of such a vehicle does not exceed 12 000 kg.

Step 1. Select Driving School

When choosing a driving school, pay attention to its basic requirements for educational organizations carrying out the preparation of TC drivers, in particular, specify the availability of licenses for educational activities in the specified area and program for the preparation of drivers of the TC category of interest to you; Equipment by technical means of training, hardware and software complexes of testing and development of psycho-physiological qualities of the driver, exercise training equipment for driving skills, training vehicles for practical driving, the presence of closed sites for initial driving driving area of \u200b\u200bat least 0.24 hectares (owned or lease) and qualified teaching staff (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 N 1408).

Step 2. Concludetreaty and go through training in a driving school

An exemplary training plan for a driving school includes three cycles: basic, special and professional (order N 1408).

Theoretical classes in a driving school can be remotely (part 2 of article 13 of the law of 29.12.2012 N 273-FZ; the issue of 10 explanations, approved. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 09/18/2015 N AK-2726/06).

At the end of the driving school, a document is issued confirming the passage of training on the main programs of professional training of drivers, which is necessary for the passage of the qualification exam in the traffic police (clause 21.4 of the administrative regulations, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 10/20/2015 N 995).

Step 3. Complete Medical Examination

Medical examination can be held in any medical organization (including privately), which has a relevant license. However, the examination of a psychiatrist and a psychiatrist-narcologist is carried out in state or municipal specialized medical organizations at the place of your residence or stay. According to the results of such an examination, medical conclusions are issued in arbitrary form. Another medical conclusion is issued according to the results of the survey in other doctors (clause 1, 2, 8, Article 23 of the Law No. 196-FZ; clause 3, paragraphs. 1 p. 4, paragraph 5, 9 of the Procedure, approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia from 15.06.2015 N 344n).

Step 4. Contact your Documents in the Traffic Police Examination Division

After the successful delivery of the qualifying examination of a driving school, its employees independently organize the exam summing by a group of candidates in drivers in the traffic police exam (submit an application, coordinate the place, time, etc.). You can also contact the examination division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia independently (p. 13, 14, 60 administrative regulations).

In Moscow, it is also possible to record to the traffic police unit for passing the exam and receiving Wu through the system of interactive interaction with citizens and organizations of the Avtokod (paragraph. (Paragraph 1.4.3, 1.5.2 of the provisions, approved. N 700-PP).

To give the exam and issuing Wu, you will need to submit (paragraph 18 of the Rules, approved by the Government Decree of October 24, 2014 N 1097; p. 21 - 23 of the Administrative Regulations):

1) an application for issuing Wu;

2) passport or other identity document;

3) medical conclusion confirming the absence of contraindications to the control of the vehicle;

4) Document on the passage of training.


If a medical conclusion and (or) learning document issued outside the territory serviced by the traffic police unit, a request to confirm the issuance of a document is sent to the issuing organizations. The provision of public services is suspended, and if there is no answer to the request for six months, its provision stops (p. paragraph 28.4, 70 Administrative regulations);

5) Russian National Wu - if you have another category;

6) the written consent of one of the legal representatives for the exam (if your age from 16 to 18 years and you are not fully capable or not married).

The statement of issuing Wu can be filed in electronic form with the help of a single portal of the State Service, and the originals of other documents subsequently submit to the traffic police unit, including by a preliminary recording (paragraph 19 of the Rules, paragraph 22, 36.1, 37 of the Administrative Regulations) .

In addition, you need to pay state duty. You can submit a document on payment of state duty in the traffic police; If you do not do this, the traffic police will ask for relevant information through the interdepartmental interaction system (paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Article 7 of the Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ; paragraph 3 of paragraph 19 of the rules; p. 23.1, 24, 31 administrative regulations; decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 25.10.2018 N AKPI18-886).

It should be borne in mind that the state duty should be paid before applying and the necessary documents in the traffic police unit, and in the case of the direction of the statement through the Unified State Service portal - prior to the submission of the documents (paragraph 31 of the Administrative Regulation).

Reference. State duty size

The size of the state duty for the issuance of a plastic-based driver's license is 2 000 rubles, for the issuance of a driver's license on a plastic basis of a new generation - 3,000 rubles. If there is a possibility of addressing the statement and payment of state duty through public service portals and other portals integrated from the ESIA, the state duty is calculated with a 0.7 coefficient (pP. 43.1 p. 1 Art. 333.33, p. 4 art. 333.35 NK RF).

Step 5. Pass the qualifying exam in the traffic police

Exams consist of theoretical and practical exams. The practical, in turn, is divided into an exam on the initial management skills of the TS and the TC control exam under road traffic (clause 6 of the Rules; p. 58.3 - 58.5 of the administrative regulations).

Exams are accepted in the following sequence:

1) theoretical exam;

2) the exam on the initial TS control skills;

3) The TC control exam in road conditions.

If you do not surrender one of these exams, then you will not be allowed to surrender. It will be assigned to you no earlier than seven days (paragraph 9, 11 of the Rules).

Theoretical exam is the need to solve 20 examination tasks (four thematic blocks of five questions in each) and surrenders using a computer. Test time is limited to 20 minutes (p. 92, 93 of the administrative regulation).

Tickets for the theoretical exam are posted on the official website of the traffic police. To do this, on the traffic police website, you must choose the section "Traffic participants", then in the "Car owners" subsection - a link to exam tickets (p. 3.1, 4.10 of administrative regulations).

The exam on the initial TS control skills is carried out on specialized autodromes and closed sites. You are fulfilled by all test exercises (elements of test exercises) under the control of the examiner (paragraph 13 of the rules; p. 105, 110, 111 of administrative regulations; Annex 7 to the administrative regulations).

For candidates who successfully in a driving school theoretical qualification exam and an exam on checking the initial management skills of TS categories "B", "C", "D", "BE", "CE" and "DE" and subcategories "C1", "D1 "," C1E "and" D1E ", in the traffic police only the test of the TC control skills under road traffic (PP." A "Clause 9 of Rules; Appendix N 3 to the Rules).


If you do not surrender one of the exams with the third and subsequent attempts, the repeat exam will be appointed you no earlier than 30 days later. In addition, if you have passed the theoretical exam, but for six months they could not pass practical exams, you will have to renob theoretical exam again (p. 11. Rules).

Step 6. Get the drivercertificate

Upon receipt of Wu, you will need a passport (another document certifying your personality).

The time of issuing Wu, provided that you consistent and successfully implement all the established procedures, depending on the category of the vehicle, the right to manage which is obtained by Wu, should not exceed 30 working days from the moment of personal appeal to the Traffic police department. Vu is valid for 10 years (paragraph 6 of Art. 25 of the Law N 196-FZ; paragraph 17 of the administrative regulations).

In the process of registration, Wu will make your color photo (Appendix N 3 to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 13.05.2009 N 365).

In Wu, in particular, indicate (Appendix N 3 to order N 365):

1) in section. 5 - series and number of Wu, which must match the series and number on the back of the Wu;

2) in section. 7 - your personal signature (is affixed with special inks or packed black color or its image is printed);

3) in section. 9 - the permitted categories and subcategories of the TC, which the action of Wu is applied;

4) in section. 12 - Available limitations in Wu on the relevant categories, TC subcategories:

If you are granted the right to control the vehicle only with automatic transmission, the "AT" mark is affixed;

In the presence of the category "A" and the absence of the category "B" for the subcategory "B1", the MS mark is affixed, confirming the right to control the CU of the subcategory "B1" only with a motorcycle fit or a motorcycle type drive;

In the presence of the "B" category and the absence of the category "A" for the subcategory "B1", the "AS" mark is affixed, confirming the presence of restrictions on the control of the TC subcategory "B1" with a motorcycle fit or a motorcycle type steering;

If you have medical restrictions on the control of the TC category "M", the ML mark is affixed;

5) in section. 14 - general restrictions in the action of Wu, which are medical testimony to the management of the vehicle:

MC - medical testimony to control TC with manual control;

AT - Medical readings for TC control with automatic transmission;

APS - Medical Indications for TC Management equipped with an Acoustic Parking System;

GCL - medical testimony for the control of the vehicle in the case of using you medical products for vision correction;

HA / CF - Medical Indications for TC Management If you are using medical products to compensate for hearing loss.


You can use social deduction by personal income tax within the expenses for training in a driving school (pP. 2 p. 1 Art. 219. NK RF).

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