Business plan for a children's hairdresser example. Children's hairdresser: business plan

If you intend to open a children's hairdresser, then be prepared for the fact that this idea is not easy to implement. Entrepreneur expect not only the difficulties associated with material support business undertakings, it is most difficult for an adult to understand what a child wants and to harmonize children's desires with the requirements of adults for a hairdressing service. It is the combination of an entertaining children's atmosphere and high-quality safe services that will bring success to a haircut salon for kids. How to choose equipment for a children's hairdresser, and how to organize profitable business, further in the review.

How to open a children's hairdresser - where to start

Opening a children's hairdresser is not very expensive. This is a budget startup, in which, with reasonable approach, it is enough to invest no more than one million rubles. But this is an undertaking in which all issues cannot be solved by money alone. Whether a barbershop becomes successful or not will depend on two main conditions:

  • whether the children will like the atmosphere, and whether the process of cutting will scare them;
  • will it be convenient for parents to visit this particular hairdresser.

Obvious conditions, which are actually not so easy to enforce, but they must be remembered from the very beginning of the project.

To understand which hairdresser will satisfy both the child and his parents, you will have to visit several already operating salons.

If you visit such hairdressers with children of different age categories and order a haircut for both the youngest visitors and older children, you can understand what difficulties you will face when working in your own salon.

Those who do not want to take risks with their ideas can pick up a franchise for a children's hairdresser and entrust the organization profitable business specialists.

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Where to look for workers

Finding a good hairdresser who specializes in serving children is difficult. This should be a virtuoso who not only can cut a child's hair in a high-quality and stylish way, but is also able to perform this difficult work as quickly and safely as possible for the baby.

Little boy(or a girl) cannot sit motionless for a long time even in the brightest and most expensive armchair. After 5 minutes, the child begins to spin, act up and try to get out into the open space.

The task of the hairdresser is to serve a small client as quickly as possible so that he does not have time to overcome the stormy negative emotions, and the next visit to the salon did not seem to him something very unpleasant.

For a salon, one such master is not enough. There must be at least four of them so that the hairdresser can work in several shifts and receive clients in the evenings, at hours convenient for parents.

If you do not know how to open a children's hairdresser from scratch, then you can look for such professionals in existing salons.

You should also look for offers and resumes on job sites. By the time of the interview, the entrepreneur should already understand: what kind of master he is looking for, what personal qualities the applicant should have, and what conditions the employer is ready to offer such a specialist.

Search for premises and equipment

Simultaneously with the search for candidates for the positions of hairdressers, a businessman needs to decide what equipment for a children's hairdresser should be and where to buy it.

If the plans are to open a salon only for the smallest (from three to seven years old), then the children will be interested in hairdressing chairs stylized as cars, ships, etc.

It should be noted right away that it is not very convenient for the masters to work with children who sit on such pleasure chairs, therefore, before the final agreement on the working conditions, the hairdresser must know how his hairdresser will look. workplace.

For older children (from seven to twelve years old), one regular compact hairdressing chair can be installed.

Attention! It should be noted that mirrors in a hairdresser for children should not be located in the same way as in a hairdresser for adults.

A child may be frightened if he sees a person in the mirror next to him with scissors or other tools in his hands. Therefore, when cutting, it is best not to use mirrors at all, but to distract the child's attention with cartoons or entertainment programs on displays installed instead of mirrors.

There are no special sinks for children's hairdressers on sale, so you can buy one adult. She will be enough.

Also, in salons where they actively serve customers, it is recommended to organize an entertainment corner for kids who are waiting for their turn for a haircut. Games in this corner should not be very energetic so that children can quickly calm down, as it is very difficult to cut an excited child.

Each master has his own cutting tools, so the owner of the salon does not need to buy scissors.

Find out, . Criteria for choosing a bank for servicing and a list of required documents.

Premises for the salon are recommended to be selected in shopping centers, where large areas are allocated for children's entertainment (by the way, you will certainly be interested in children and adults). Also suitable are rooms in sleeping areas located near transport interchanges or large playgrounds.

The cost of equipment and premises will be:

  • 200 thousand rubles - redecorating in room;
  • 100 thousand rubles - four armchairs and hairdressing racks for them;
  • 120 thousand rubles. - two TVs;
  • 30 thousand rubles. - washing;
  • 300 thousand rubles – auxiliary furniture (administrator’s building, cushioned furniture, play corner, etc.);
  • 100 thousand rubles - rent for the first three months.

IN total to open a haircut salon for children, you will need about 850 thousand rubles.

Read also how to start an adult-oriented business.

How to make a salon profitable

The key to the success of a hairdressing salon is the professionalism of the masters and their personal charm. Therefore, the efforts of an entrepreneur who is thinking about how to open a children's hairdresser should be directed not only to ensure the comfort of visitors, but also to ensure that the masters like their work.

Specialists need to be provided with: fair wages, a convenient schedule and a comfortable place. And all this as a whole will increase the monthly costs, but the investment will definitely pay off.

The average daily income of a children's hairdresser is about 10 thousand rubles. for three masters (when working in shifts). Monthly income- about 300 thousand rubles.

If you managed to find an excellent specialist, you need to be ready to pay him 50% of the revenue.

Thus, 150 thousand rubles. goes to pay hairdressers, 50 thousand rubles. to pay a cleaning lady and an administrator, 60 thousand rubles. for rent, utilities, and advertising. Monthly profit will be about 50 thousand rubles.

  • How much money do you need to invest to open a children's hairdresser
  • Location of the children's hairdresser
  • What equipment to choose for a children's salon
  • Recruitment
  • How much can you earn on the services of a children's hairdresser
  • Little tricks
  • Which franchise to choose
  • Children's hairdresser: the main stages of organizing a business
  • In addition, a novice businessman must decide next questions:
  • Preparation of documents
  • Tax regime and choice of OKVED

Every parent will confirm that cutting their child's hair is difficult task. There are no conditions in classic hairdressing salons for children. Often, the master has to distract the child with improvised objects, turning his work into a “try to hold me” show. It's inconvenient for everyone. After such sessions, the child flatly refuses to visit hairdressers. The problem of the lack of specialized children's hairdressing salons is relevant for our entire country. If such salons exist, then only in large cities and metropolitan areas, and on the periphery, the niche is absolutely free for new players ...

What separates an ordinary barbershop from a children's one is the atmosphere. In the children's hairdresser, everything is done for children. There is a special play corner where the child can play freely before the haircut session. The workplaces themselves are equipped with chair-typewriters and children's chairs. It also has its own sink and specialized tools. The design of the room is made in a bright style. Children are not taken to such a salon - they themselves persuade their parents to go there.

To date, such hairdressers and children's beauty salons are open mainly at large stores and are more likely additional service than than separate view business. Almost every haircut session ends with the purchase of a toy, market participants say. “The owners came up with the idea to open a hairdressing salon at a toy store by chance,” says Natalya Bakhchivanzhi, head of the marketing department of the Antoshka chain of stores. Over time, such a chip has turned into a very profitable direction. But it is still not singled out as a separate business area. “The project is self-sustaining and serves more to win customer loyalty,” says Natalia.

“This business is quite new, so there is practically no competition,” says Igor Didenko, a private hairdresser. “Here, ordinary hairdressers compete with each other, but children's ones do not. This direction is the future. The birth rate is growing, attitudes towards children are changing. Children are becoming a more attractive target audience for business,” says Igor.

How much money do you need to invest to open a children's hairdresser

Investments in opening a children's hairdressing salon will be slightly higher than in opening a classic salon. As a rule, the creation of an unusual design that is interesting for children requires additional investments. Plus, the purchase of specialized equipment, as well as advertising a newly minted salon. You should not count on an amount less than 500 thousand rubles.

Location of the children's hairdresser

The requirements for the premises are not so significant, and differ from the requirements for ordinary hairdressing salons. High traffic, if it plays a role, then, in any case, it is not necessary to overpay for high rent. Children's hairdressers feel good in the sleeping areas of the city, especially in areas of new buildings, where many young families live. The main thing, as market participants say, is to stay in the way of the parents.

One of the most good places- the first floor of an apartment building. For a children's hairdresser, only 30-50 square meters is enough. meters, which just corresponds to the size one-room apartment. In such a room you can place 2-3 workplaces. The cost of renting such an area, depending on the region, averages 20-40 thousand rubles.

Aigul Saidova, director of the KindersOn children's hairdressing salon: “We decided to move away from the classic design of children's institutions. No fairy-tale characters and carpets on the walls. We made an unusual design in contrast bright colors. As a result, the room turned out to be sunny, bright, and at the same time quite cozy and conducive to relaxation. We have different child seats for every age. For the youngest - in the form of a typewriter. And be sure to install a TV. Often children are so addicted to the cartoon that they do not notice the process of cutting.

The first and main expense item is the creation of an exclusive interior for a children's hairdressing salon. Designer services and direct repairs, depending on the complexity of the project, can cost from 150 to 400 thousand rubles.

What equipment to choose for a children's salon

Be sure to purchase child seats with pneumatics to adjust the height of the chair. One chair will cost 5 - 9 thousand rubles. For the little ones, you need to buy chairs in the form of a children's car. Such chairs are somewhat more expensive - from 25 thousand rubles. A little over 15 thousand rubles. will go to buy a plasma screen with a player. It is also necessary to get a soft sofa for parents (~ 14 thousand rubles) and a washing chair (~ 12 thousand rubles). The supply of communications to the premises and other unforeseen expenses can cost 30 - 50 thousand rubles.

A small part of the cost will go to registration entrepreneurial activity(IP or LLC). Plus, it is necessary to bring the premises in line with the requirements of SES and fire supervision. This is where the starting amount of 400-500 thousand rubles comes from.


Some difficulties may arise when searching for masters. According to the director of the KindersOn children's hairdressing salon, Aigul Saidova: “It is not an easy task to select staff for a children's hairdressing salon. It's not even that there are few experienced hairdressers. There may be many of them in your city, but most of them already have their own clientele and earnings without the nuances that are inevitable when working with children. Little kids are known to be very restless. How you just don’t have to cut them: on the floor, in the arms of your mother, and even on the run. For the shift, the master gives all the best physically and mentally at 100 percent. Therefore, in the first months of work, a large turnover is possible. Not every “veteran” of hairdressing is ready for such work. In our case, the master must be not only a professional in his field, but also a kind of psychologist,” the players say.

For the ability to work with children, craftsmen have to pay monthly from 20 to 35 thousand rubles, or depending on the flow of clients. “In children's salons, the client is attached to the master even more than in ordinary hairdressing salons and is ready to follow him anywhere. In order not to lose an employee, and with him client base masters are paid according to the scheme: “salary plus interest”. The so-called "premium" can be up to 50% of the proceeds.

How much can you earn on the services of a children's hairdresser

Since children cannot go to the haircut on their own and go to the salon with their parents, the main flow of visitors to the children's hairdresser goes on weekends. Also, parents often adjust to the schedule of feeding and sleep. If you serve children aged 6 months to 5 years (the most difficult age for a haircut) and charge an average of 200 rubles for the service, then if you serve at least 500 people a month, the investment pays off in three years. If you open a full-fledged salon designed to serve children of all ages and add services such as highlighting, children's manicure, the funds pay off even faster.

Little tricks

In a children's hairdresser, as in classic salons, there must be a well-thought-out system of discounts and promotions. Do not skimp on gifts for the little ones, it is pleasant not only for the kids, but also for their parents. In this case, the client will not even look at the fact that the price in your salon is higher than in a regular hairdresser. “For example, in our salon the price of a haircut for boys is 250 rubles. Yes, it is more expensive than in a regular salon. However, we offer such conditions for a child that no one else will offer,” says Aygul Saidova. “Parents have come to us more than once, who have long lost hope of putting their child in a hairdressing chair. And, lo and behold, our babies stop crying and being afraid. At parting, we give children toys or sweet gifts. In addition, Kinderson has magic tickets- discount coupons that are distributed in large quantities,” adds Aygül.

Which franchise to choose

Avoid big financial loss when opening a children's hairdresser, it is possible by opening a franchise business. If a few years ago entrepreneurs did not have such an opportunity (children's hairdressing salons are a relatively young type of business), today there are several companies operating in Russia offering to open under their own brand. For example, such franchising companies as "Funny hairstyle", "Kesha is good!" and "Imagine". Investments for opening a business under the franchising system will amount to 500 to 1000 thousand rubles.

Buying a franchise can cost more than starting a business on your own. However, by buying a franchise, the entrepreneur receives a ready-made financial model what is called a "working business". And let it be required to pay monthly royalties (compensation to the brand owner). There are many more pluses. A businessman does not need to think about the concept of a hairdressing salon, its design and content. Equipment, staff training, advertising materials - everything is provided by the franchisee. Some companies even help to find the premises and independently negotiate the lease. The only thing left for an entrepreneur is to find money to buy a franchise, and then only to control the work of a hairdresser.

Children's hairdresser: the main stages of organizing a business

Creating your own hairdressing salon must begin with marketing research. This will provide an opportunity to study the target audience and find out the difference between supply and demand for this service In your city. Next important point- drawing up a business plan that will show how much money you need to start, how to use it more rationally, when the owner of a hairdresser starts to make a profit, etc.

In addition, a novice businessman must solve the following questions:

When writing the article, materials from the magazine "Power of Money" were used.

  • How much can you earn on the services of a beauty salon for children
  • Basic services of a beauty salon for children
  • What equipment to choose for a children's beauty salon
  • Do I need permission to open a beauty salon for children
  • Location of the children's beauty salon
  • Qualified personnel - main factor business success
  • Features of a children's beauty salon
  • How much money do you need to start a business
  • Which OKVD to indicate when registering a business
  • What documents are needed to open
  • What taxation system to choose for registering a children's beauty salon

As market research shows, there are practically no specialized beauty salons for children in our country. The main reason for this is the lack of mass demand for these services. Only the middle class is accustomed to taking care of their child in a “special” way, the rest prefer to save money. Children are often cut at home, and ordinary braids are still the main decoration for many girls. This may be partly due to the lack bright offer from the business side. If children get their haircuts in ordinary salons, why open something else? In the same USA, beauty salons for children are open everywhere, along with regular salons for adults.

The economy of our country is slowly but surely growing, the incomes of the population are growing, which means that the need for beauty salons for children will only increase. Free niche in this direction should be borrowed now. What should be a real beauty salon for children (or children's hairdresser), what you need to know when opening it? Read on.

How much can you earn on the services of a beauty salon for children

The profitability of such a business is estimated at 30%. Average check children's beauty salon should be at least 300 rubles, otherwise it is not profitable to work. The monthly revenue of the salon with an average flow of 250 children per month is about 150 thousand rubles. Children are the main audience preschool age- more than 50%, schoolchildren make up about 30%, the rest are children under one and a half years old. The payback period of the business is at least 1.5 years.

Basic services of a beauty salon for children

  • Hairdressing services for children. Model haircuts, fashionable and festive hairstyles, a line of professional children's cosmetics;
  • Face painting for kids;
  • Therapeutic children's manicure;
  • Earlobe piercing;
  • All types of massage;
  • Make-up courses for beginner fashionistas.

What equipment to choose for a children's beauty salon

In the salon, you need to create a magical fairy-tale atmosphere, make an unusual interior, purchase baby equipment. In the waiting room, you should put a plasma screen to watch your favorite cartoons. That is why investments in a children's beauty salon can be much more than in a regular adult salon. Investments, according to various estimates, can range from $50,000 for an ordinary provincial town. For Moscow, this figure will be three times higher.

Do I need permission to open a beauty salon for children

According to the requirements of SNiP, the size of the premises of a beauty salon must be at least 80 m2. Some Internet sources claim that 20m2 is enough to open a beauty salon, this is not correct. Any SES check will force you to shut down your business. Before opening a salon for work in a specific room it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor. organizational form salon can be like individual entrepreneurship, and society with limited liability.

Location of the children's beauty salon

The recommended places to place the salon include shopping and entertainment complexes, large shopping centers. And this is logical. Live advertising is very important for such a new business. In a remote residential area, a children's beauty salon will most likely not even last a month. Maybe over time this statement will not be correct, but for now it is a fact. The only exceptions are the areas of new buildings, where many young families live. A big disadvantage of placement in large shopping centers and entertainment complexes is the high price of rent and in general the difficulty to find a free place.

Qualified staff is the main factor of business success

When opening a children's beauty salon, special attention should be paid to the qualifications of the staff. Employing an experienced hairdresser in a salon is only half the battle. Masters should be able to work with children, find with them mutual language. To this end, it is necessary to train your masters in special psychological centers, for them to receive basic knowledge in child and adolescent psychology. The slogan of your salon should sound like this: Our masters can turn a boring haircut procedure for children into an unforgettable journey into the world of beauty. To open a salon, you will need at least two children's hairdressers, an administrator and a teacher. You will also need the services of an accountant and a cleaning lady, which can be concluded under contracts. paid provision services.

Features of a children's beauty salon

A distinctive feature of the children's salon from the adult is the absence of mirrors in front of the child's eyes. Children are often afraid of the reflection, both of their own and of the master, and in general it is better to divert the attention of the child from the main process. For example, in one of the salons in Yekaterinburg, a child is put on a special chair in the form of a car with a steering wheel and pedals, and in front of the child’s eyes there is a TV showing cartoons and fairy tales.

To win the trust of customers, it is important to come up with something original. For example, children can be treated to sweets, let it be a regular vase of candy. Many children do not know how to sit in line, so a good solution would be to do it in the cabin game room or a labyrinth.

By the way, some children's salons, in order to increase income, provide services for mothers. These are all types of hairdressing services, including haircuts, hairstyles and hair styling. Some salons, positioning themselves as a children's beauty salon, provide a full range of services for moms, including eyelash extensions, makeup, facial massage, eyebrow tinting, professional stylist services, and so on.

Step-by-step plan for opening a children's beauty salon Any business, including a children's beauty salon, begins with an idea. Only after that, the future businessman begins to register as individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Despite the fact that the first type is less expensive and takes short time, he has one significant disadvantage- inability to get medical license. At the same time, the registration of a legal entity is not entirely appropriate, since the target audience consists of ordinary citizens.

How much money do you need to start a business

It is impossible to name the specific amount of opening a business - a children's beauty salon. It is made up of a number of factors:

  • area of ​​the room;
  • the price of rent or the cost of buying, erecting a structure;
  • remuneration of personnel;
  • purchase of children's equipment;
  • conducting communications;
  • expected number of visitors;
  • additional expenses.

Based on the above, for the full-fledged operation of the beauty salon for children, the initial capital must be at least 10 thousand dollars.

Which OKVD to indicate when registering a business

When registering an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity in the field of providing services for a children's beauty salon, code 86.90 is indicated, i.e. other activities in the field of medical services.

What documents are needed to open

To on legal grounds open a children's beauty salon will be required following list documents:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • get a certificate, a license for this type of activity is not needed;
  • a lease agreement for premises or documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • internal documents (contracts with employees, collective agreement, job descriptions etc.).

What taxation system to choose for registering a children's beauty salon

The choice of taxation system will depend on the business model. Can choose single tax on sane income or USNO with 6% income tax. It is not appropriate to give specific advice about a system that is better or worse, since it consists of a number of components and this is not only not only getting net profit, but also the costs associated with the maintenance of the premises, the acquisition necessary inventory etc.

Almost 80% of newly opened barbershops close in their first year of operation. The main reason for this is the absence or incorrectly drawn up business plan. Even if you don't have to search external funding, before investing money, you need to determine who and how will use your services, what factors can affect your activities, and most importantly, how much money will be required to open and maintain the salon before reaching self-sufficiency. To take into account all the nuances and develop a competent strategy for the development of your business will help ready business plan hairdresser with calculations that can be taken as a basis.

Statement of the problem or summary

Any kind of planning begins with setting goals and objectives. Therefore, before you open a hairdresser from scratch, first of all, you should draw up a description of your future activity, where you must indicate:

  • Salon price category (elite, medium, economy). This will determine your target audience, the initial investment for preparing the premises and potential level income.
  • Number of seats (depending on the size of the room). It will allow you to calculate investments in technical equipment and wages for craftsmen, as well as determine the potential flow of customers.
  • Service list.
  • Location of the hairdresser(address, surrounding infrastructure).
  • Room type(area, condition) and type of ownership(rent, own area, planned to purchase).
  • Form of registration and taxation.
  • Schedule.


  • Economy class hairdressing salon, for three chairs.
  • Services: men's haircut, women's haircut, children's haircut, styling, perm, standard coloring, artistic coloring.
  • Located in rented premises 40 square meters without repair (fund commercial real estate), located in a residential area of ​​the city with a population of 3 million inhabitants. The number of potential customers is 50 thousand people.
  • IP on UTII.
  • Working hours: 7 days a week from 10:00 to 20:00.

Analysis of the hairdressing market in your area

Based on the description of your business, you can draw a portrait of your potential client by setting:

  • Gender and age category . For elite-class salons, the target audience is mainly women from 27 to 50 years old, for middle-class hairdressers women from 25 to 45 years old and men from 30 to 40 years old, for economy class men and women from 18 to 60 years old.
  • Income level. Your target audience will be the client for whom the cost of your services does not exceed 5% of his average monthly income.

For the example above, the target audience would be men and women between 18 and 60 years old with an income of $100 to $300 per month.

Studying the market Special attention should be given to competition. Not a single ready-made business plan for a hairdressing salon can give you an idea of ​​​​the real state of the market, and therefore you need to independently determine:

  • How many hairdressers and salons are in your area(for elite salons, all competitors in the city should be evaluated, since their customers are ready to go for quality services), list of their services and price policy . The biggest threat to your business comes from the barbershops closest to you that are in your price range. Information about them can be collected in the field (on your own by going around the entire area) or using Internet catalogs.
  • Private masters of your business area. The easiest way to find information about them is to in social networks through regional communities or by searching, using simple hashtags and combinations “hairdresser + city” (neighborhood), as well as asking under the guise of a potential client in regional social network communities.
  • How many hairdressers are planning to open nearby in the near future. New potential competitors can have a huge impact on your business because you can't judge their strengths and weaknesses.

For each competitor, data on services and prices, as well as strengths and weaknesses, are provided in the form of a table.

Example: The competition is represented by two hairdressers located at a distance of 0.7-1 km, as well as one private master working at home.

Competitor Analysis Table Sample


1st competitor

2nd competitor

3rd competitor

Men's haircut

Women's haircut

Children's haircut

Hair straightening

do not provide

do not provide

Service Level


a large number of work places

hairdresser located in a crowded place

low prices, home delivery

Weak sides

outdated interior

high prices, few jobs

limited list of services

Based on this set of information, you need to determine what services your competitors do not provide, but may be of interest to yours. target audience. How do you stand out in your field of activity, can you reduce the cost in order to attract an audience.

This information is provided in the business plan in the following form:

A study of the competitive market showed a lack of quality and affordable hair straightening and artistic coloring services, which will be provided at a new hairdresser at a price 20% lower than in competing salons. Cost reduction will be achieved through bulk purchases Supplies a lesser known but quality brand.

Barbershop production plan

In order to correctly draw up a business plan for a hairdressing salon, you should describe in detail the work process, indicating the distribution of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the number of equipment and personnel, and the costs of supporting the production process.

Based on the example above, a room of 40 sq. meters is divided into the following zones:

  • Each workplace is allocated 8 square meters. meters (by sanitary standards). Total 3 places = 24 sq. meters.
  • For the administrator, 3 square meters are allocated. meters.
  • Bathroom - 3 sq. meters.
  • Warehouse - 3 sq. meters.
  • Waiting place for customers - 3 sq. meters.
  • Utility room for staff - 4 sq. meters (can be combined with a warehouse).

For holding repair work (Finishing work, lighting, electrical wiring, plumbing) is required from about $ 2000, depending on the complexity of the design and the region.

Based on the list of services, an example of a business plan with calculations for three jobs, plus one backup set of tools and equipment, includes the following equipment:

  • Chairs for clients (3 pcs)- from $100 per unit (only $300);
  • Mirrors and cabinets (3 pcs)- from $70 ($210);
  • Sofa for those waiting (1 piece)- from $200;
  • Waste bins (5 pcs)- from 4$ (20$);
  • Reception desk (1 pc)- from $150;
  • Rack (cabinet) for warehouse- from $200;
  • Hair dryer (4 pcs)- from $35 ($140);
  • Curling iron (4 pcs)- from $30 ($120);
  • Flat iron (4 pcs)- from $45 ($180);
  • Haircut sets (4 pcs) and accessories (clips, capes, aprons)- from $40 ($160);
  • Instrument sterilizers (4 pcs)- from $25 ($100);
  • Administrator chair (1 pc)- from $30;
  • Clippers (4 pcs)- from $25 ($100);
  • Towels (8-10 pcs)- from $20;
  • Water heater (1 pc)- from $150;
  • Washing (3 pcs)- from $60 ($180);
  • Admin PC- from $200;
  • Scales for paint - 15$;
  • Clothes rack- from 90$.

In addition, for comfortable work would need:

  • Wardrobe for employees' belongings- from $100;
  • Kettle, microwave and table in the utility room- from $100;
  • Air conditioner- from $200.

For luxury salons with design high level the cost of equipment can be several times higher. If you already own some of the equipment or premises, you should also list them in your business plan, stating that they do not need to be purchased.

The barbershop staff consists of:

  • Masters universals- 3 people with a flexible work schedule. Wage craftsmen for big city must be at least $300. At the same time, it can be formed from the rate plus 5-10% of the payment for each service, or simply 30-40% of the cost of services.
  • Administrator- you can perform the function of an administrator yourself or hire a specialist (from $200 per month).
  • Accountant- Most often, an incoming specialist is hired (from $ 100 per month).
  • Cleaning woman- you can pay extra for cleaning masters or hire an individual (from $ 150 per month).

To ensure the operation of the salon requires:

  • Electricity;
  • Heating and air conditioning;
  • Internet, telephone;
  • Water supply and sewerage;
  • Security system.

Size utility bills depends on the region and current tariff rates. On average, they do not exceed $300.

For adults, a hairdresser must be a virtuoso who knows how to make an incredibly stunning hairstyle out of nothing. In the case when the clients are children, the master should be a psychologist first, and only after that a stylist. The business is definitely doomed to success if the glory of an institution where the kids simply will not notice any manipulations with scissors is fixed at the children's salon.

To achieve this, masters are required to show miracles of ingenuity.

To date most of beauty salons for children operates at large stores that sell children's goods. The hairdressing salon in this case is rather an additional service that serves as a kind of manifestation of loyalty to customers. However, it is not a separate functioning business. Practice shows that in almost all possible cases a visit to a children's hairdresser will end with the purchase of some kind of toy.

According to this approach, the list of services provided is also determined. Most often, this is just a simple haircut with minimal styling. However, there are no full-fledged beauty salons that could provide complete list various services for babies.

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What does a children's hairdresser require?

If, nevertheless, there are entrepreneurs who are not afraid of difficulties and are confident that they can win the trust of the kids, then it will be possible to proceed with the implementation of the points of the business plan.

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Choosing the legal form of doing business

The first thing to do is register your business. There are several options here - the organizational and legal form of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). It is recommended to choose the first option, since it has some advantages - it is a lower interest rate taxes and the possibility of simplified reporting. Immediately after registration, you will need to submit an application to complete the transition to more simple system payment of taxes (single tax, which is 6% of the total profit of the enterprise). Registration of a limited liability company may be necessary only if it is planned to cooperate with legal entities. However, it should be understood that such an organizational and legal form is much more complicated in terms of reporting and requires payment more taxes.

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The choice of premises that will be needed to open such a business

To rent a space or immediately purchase a room you like is the choice of every businessman. However, in case financial resources allow, it is recommended to still buy the area. This is necessary in order to avoid possible problems with the landlord. For example, if the owner changes his mind and asks the entrepreneur to move out, you will need to look for a new premises, repair it and do everything all over again. Accordingly, a businessman can spend both time and financial resources. In addition, it is possible for everyone regular customers lose, because in no business can you make even the slightest breaks in work.

Regarding the area, it is worth noting that it will depend on the number of planned jobs. Therefore, it is necessary to determine how many clients can be served simultaneously. Calculations must be made based on the requirement: 5 sq. m for each location. You will also need additional space allocated for the bathroom, working room master and hallway. In addition, various children's corners can be provided, where waiting little customers can spend time playing with their favorite toys.

If the choice is not made in favor of separate room, and the one that is located in some finished building, it is recommended to place a hairdresser on the ground floor. In this case, it is important to take care of the presence of a separate front entrance. It will be possible to place a bright and large sign near it, which in the future can serve as a good advertisement.

It is important to remember that the selected room must comply with all standards and SES requirements And fire inspection. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in large monetary fines.

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Possible methods of advertising and promoting a hairdressing salon for children

In addition to the fact that there is the possibility of placing a beautiful sign, there are other ways of advertising that are effective. The emphasis should be on parents, because although children are direct customers, it is adults who bring them to the hairdresser. Therefore, advertising should be placed in places where a large number of the target audience is located every day. This could be, for example, baby store toys or other items for babies.

Do not forget about possible option contextual advertising on the Internet, which is able to attract those customers who themselves will be interested in this.

The main and most effective method of promoting the salon will be word of mouth. Practice shows that satisfied mothers are happy to share information about the newly opened children's salon and give their recommendations on various women's sites.

Hairdressers can keep their clients by using special bonuses and discounts. An example would be a birthday discount. However, children's hairdressers could be more creative and come up with something new, different from the methods of attracting an adult audience. An example of this could be the holding of any contests in magazines for parents, where the winner will be able to receive the main prize - a free haircut for his beloved child.

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Recruitment of the necessary staff for a children's hairdresser

This point of the business plan is quite specific when it comes to a children's beauty salon.

It should be understood that if in the case of an ordinary hairdresser, clients mainly go to a specific master who can do their favorite styling, then in a children's beauty salon everything is somewhat different. should also be an entertainment center for kids, because it is the only possible way to attract them.

Every parent knows that children can not stand the process of cutting, therefore, care must be taken so that they can be distracted by something.

All this should be the responsibility of the master hairdresser who serves his little clients.

It is recommended, if possible, to find several such employees at once in order to be able to make a shift work schedule. This is due to the fact that an ordinary hairdresser cannot work productively for more than 5 hours. You need to understand that when it comes to haircuts for children, then possible mode work will consist of even fewer working hours.

In addition to hairdressers, the following workers will also be needed:

  1. The administrator, who will be in the hallway and take care of the formation of the client queue, will take phone calls, advise visitors on all emerging issues and so on;
  2. Cleaning lady (there is an opportunity to try to negotiate hourly pay labor to save money).
  3. Accountant (it is worth noting that there is nothing complicated in reporting in the legal form of an individual entrepreneur, therefore, the owner of the business being opened can initially perform the functions of an accountant on his own if there is a need to save money).

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Costs for equipment and design repairs

The main expense items in such a business are the cost of an exclusive children's interior and that's it. necessary equipment. Design Services and repair work, depending on how complex the project will be, can cost the owner of the newly opened business $ 4,000-10,000.

It is important to note that the equipment in children's hairdressing salons has some differences from the equipment that should be in ordinary beauty salons.

The first thing you need is an ordinary hairdresser's work chair, the cost of which is about $ 150-400. It is recommended to choose an option that provides for height adjustment of the chair (pneumatics). Next necessary element- a chair in the form of a car, the price of which is $ 2,000. However, it is important to note that such a car can only accommodate children aged 3-4 years. Be sure to purchase a plasma TV and DVD player. This can cost the entrepreneur another $400-800. Next item- a small sofa for parents (approximately 400 dollars), a washing chair (at least 400 dollars).

You will need to bring water and other necessary communications. Similar works could cost the investor another $1,000.

Consequently, the total costs that will be when opening such a business are 15,000-20,000 dollars. It is important to note that in this amount does not include the cost of renting or purchasing the selected premises. If the property is owned, great. If not, rent to an entrepreneur will cost $2,000-$3,000 a month. It is worth noting that these calculations are given for the city of Moscow.

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