Dream interpretation guy is indifferent to me. indifference indifference

Sonnk guy is indifferent

As the dream book broadcasts, indifference has not yet brought pleasure to anyone, and therefore it is so important to establish the root cause of such a plot. If a loved one stopped paying attention, what does this mean in real life? What should the dreamer think about? Find the answer to these and not only questions will help different interpreters of dreams.

What is the root cause?

Deciphering what the indifference of the second half is dreaming of in a night dream, the dreamer will have to draw the right conclusions based on the general context.

Who will be more accurate?

I dreamed of the indifference of a young man

Reading dream books, you can come to ambiguous conclusions. The fact is that the received prophetic versions do not always coincide with each other, and therefore it is so important to find a suitable option.

Miller's dream book

As the dream book describes, the guy is indifferent to the interests of his soulmate - to achieve big goals, but at the expense of his own efforts. Constantly relying on someone, you can lose your own exclusivity, but this must not be forgotten. The main thing is to strive for your own growth and development, and not to improve your reputation.

Modern dream book

The indifference of a loved one is dreamed of by those girls who are in for a certain disappointment. Perhaps they will be able to throw off the veil from their own eyes and soberly assess the current situation.

It is impossible to exclude an option that does not at all concern love relationships. The Modern Dream Interpreter says that a promising project that has been planned for so long will not bring significant results. The problem is that many things seem better than they really are, and therefore it is important to learn how to brush them aside.

Feel the coldness of your husband in a dream

Universal dream book

What emotions did the dreamer experience? There are several options:

  • dreaming of the indifference of the second half - a symbol indicating that it is high time to admit one's own mistakes;
  • complete disregard - to the beginning of unhappy times.

To feel a well-deserved coldness - to retribution for one's own misdeeds, which will lead to expulsion from the usual social circle. Such a painful event will remind of itself for a long time, and therefore it is so important to foresee it.

Who was he?

If you dreamed of an indifferent man, then it would be nice to remember relationships in real life.

Dreaming about the deterioration of romantic relationships


Relations with the guy began to deteriorate, the dreamer feels unpleasant emotions in a dream - to a sudden manifestation of passion. Such a dream, as a rule, predicts vivid and memorable events. If a young girl had ambiguous feelings for her chosen one, then in reality you can start looking for a new friend. Exhausted feelings cannot be revived, and therefore all attempts will be in vain.

To see how familiar people ignore each other - to reckless actions. The dream interpreter advises to unite with your soulmate and plunge headlong into new adventures. However, we must not forget about common sense, refraining from rash acts.


Love is one of the few feelings that gives hope even in the most difficult situation. If your man does not pay attention to you, then in reality he will become the object of experience.

The dream interpretation writes that it will take a lot of effort to arrange his life. But you need to make sure that the energy spent will reach the addressee.

Former chosen one

I dreamed of a scene of an unpleasant conversation with my ex-boyfriend - a symbol of loneliness and despondency. If it is important for the fair sex what her former admirer thinks about her, then in reality it is not easy for her to forget the insults.

informal signals

Dreams are often dreamed in which a sleeping person lies in wait for a lot of interesting information. If a man began to completely boycott a woman, then a cold attitude should be a natural consequence. Unpleasant misunderstandings in relationships are dreaming - to the indifference of others.

The indifference of a loved one, which inflicts spiritual wounds - to the impending separation. However, in the dream books you can find a small addition: dreams on Friday or Sunday portend changes for the better.

> indifference

Many believe that this is almost the main vice of all mankind. By putting this feeling in the first place, we deprive ourselves of promising opportunities, chances and allow any situation to worsen. But why dream of indifference and is it really that bad?

Why dream of indifference according to Miller

In what indifference is dreaming of, Miller saw vain efforts and unnecessary actions that do not lead to a useful outcome. In fact, you are wasting your energy, strength and time on empty unproductive chores. So, if you or a stranger are filled with such a feeling, then in reality you are zealously defending something that you don’t really need. If you lose or get rid of it, you will not feel disappointment or pain, because deep down you did not have attachment to it.

However, this should be taken as a rewarding experience. From now on, you will shake off the melancholic mood and understand that a beautiful and attractive wrapper does not always hide something of value. If the feeling of longing and boredom for everything that happens does not leave for a long time, then you will have to step on the same rake again and again. That is, you will repeat the mistakes until you remember the lesson.

Why dream of indifference according to Vanga

Vanga, about what indifference is dreaming of, spoke out in a diverse way, as she studied as many non-standard plots as possible. Let's say you turn to friends for help, and they turn away or even scoff. In that case, get ready to have your real friendship put to the test. Unfortunately, many will not stand it, and you will understand that certain people simply used you for their own purposes. The dream book advises letting such people go, because the Universe will provide you with a new social circle.

If someone from the family circle ignores you, then you are predicted to have a restless period. Moreover, in order to return everything to its usual harmonious course, you will first have to solve other people's problems and improve their lives. If a young girl sees the indifference of a guy, then a real gentleman loves her to unconsciousness. In the event that the sleeping woman herself does not show interest, then in reality she has long been thinking about changing a partner or introducing something new into their intimate life.

Why dream of indifference according to Freud

In what dreams of indifference, Sigmund Freud recognized completely different feelings. In a sense, such a dream can be interpreted with the opposite meaning. That is, you most likely feel strong jealousy about the other person. Moreover, it is so powerful and all-consuming that you are not able to control yourself. It is highly likely that in your sexual life you are in the power of a particular person and are not yet able to overcome this addiction.

If a young girl is sleeping and sees a similar plot, then in her subconscious she is already ready to hear from the second half a proposal to legitimize the relationship. Moreover, she strongly hints at her desire. If you overdo it and push too hard, then haste will cause your separation. Be gentle and then he will figure it out.

Why dream of indifference according to Nostradamus

Regarding what indifference is dreaming of, Nostradamus agrees with Freud's dream book and deciphers everything upside down. So, if you have lost interest in everything and do not experience positive feelings, then in reality you are destined to meet amazing personalities with whom a fascinating conversation will start. But this feeling of intrigue and novelty will last only the first few meetings. Then you will feel detached again, so part until you are fed up. Don't be afraid to get bored because you won't even remember these conversations later.

If you see apathetic images of loved ones, then in reality this person risks committing a huge stupidity. Can ignore the laws of decency and behave extremely carelessly. It is you that fate orders to correct the situation and direct it to the true path. If the sleeping woman dreams that her soulmate is moving away, and the feelings between them are cooling down, then this will soon appear in real life. Most likely, he will even try to disguise his indifference, but this will not work out well. If she sees her indifference to a person, then, on the contrary, she will strengthen the connection and become a caring wife.

Why dream of indifference

Worldly dream book

Indifference - Indifference in marriage, which led you to a divorce in court, means that in real life you will be disappointed by circumstances that will not turn out in your favor.

If you dream of Indifference to work, in reality you will not be able to defend your position and lose the trust of your superiors.

Indifference - liberation, rejection.

Why dream of indifference

Big dream book

Indifference - To feel in a dream a growing Indifference between you and people close to you by blood or spirit means that you will soon be bound by some humiliating circumstance.

If in a dream the Indifference that you experience in reality in relationships with certain people develops into close relationships, this indicates that new bright personalities will soon appear in your circle of acquaintances.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream seen warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate imminent success and the need to move on to decisive action. The meaning of sleep is realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

24 lunar day

The dream directly reflects the sexual energy of the sleeper. In its decoding, it is better not to take into account the details. Pay attention to your impressions: if they are gloomy, you have intimate problems that need to be addressed. Pleasant dreams speak of harmony in the sexual sphere.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

22 of October

A dream with an unpleasant tinge personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. It is pointless to interpret it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to be realized.

You dream that your friends show indifference towards you; you ask them for something, but they only grin and turn away - in real life, your friendship will be tested and most likely will not stand them; time comes, and what seemed unshakable crumbles to dust; it seemed to you that you would not be able to live without this friend, meanwhile it turned out that your "friend" only does what he shamelessly uses you. Relatives show indifference towards you - a dream warns that through close people you will be provided with a very hectic life in the near future; to improve your own well-being, you will first have to deal with the well-being of loved ones.

A young woman dreams that the person she loves is indifferent to her - in real life everything happens exactly the opposite way: the lover is without memory from this woman and passionately desires her.

A young woman dreams that she is indifferent to her lover - it seems that in real life this is the case; the woman more than once thought about how she could find a new sympathy.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

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Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

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If you had a dream - Car

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Interpretation of sleep in a dream book:

Your vehicle may be stolen.

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