How is a business visa different from a work visa? Schengen visa.

In the context of economic globalization, a large number of domestic companies and individual entrepreneurs acquire business connections in Europe. To have unimpeded contact with European partners, you will need a Schengen business visa. It is she who is in the center of our attention today.

What is a business visa

A Schengen business visa is a document that allows its holder to freely enter the territory of the Schengen countries to carry out business transactions. Also, this visa can be used for tourism purposes. It is not suitable for official employment abroad.

When does it need to be completed?

A Schengen business visa is issued for commercial purposes of travel. These include:

  • conducting business negotiations;
  • search for investors, investors, partners;
  • signing/renewal various kinds contracts;
  • participation in exhibitions related to economic activities;
  • marketer research;
  • transportation of various types of cargo and passengers;
  • accompaniment by family members of their relative who received official permission to work in the country of the union;
  • assistance in installation and configuration technical equipment or internship related to the installation, configuration and operation of equipment;
  • other goals, one way or another related to economic and professional activities.

In accordance with these goals, there are following classifications Schengen:

  1. Business. Intended for visiting exhibitions, conferences, etc., as well as for conducting various types of negotiations.
  2. Commercial. Signing/renewing contracts, discussing partnership terms with suppliers.
  3. For drivers. Suitable for both drivers passenger transport, and cargo.
  4. For the crew of others Vehicle. This includes aircraft, train, and sea transport.
  5. For maintenance. Issued to specialists who provide assistance in setting up equipment, or to specialists undergoing training to set up equipment.
  6. Accompanying. For close family members (spouse, parents, children) traveling abroad, together with their relative, officially employed in the country of the union.

Design methods

There are 3 options for applying for Schengen:

  • Through the consulate. The simplest and most convenient option if your city has a representative office of the country you need.
  • Through Visa Center. A little more expensive, but the visa center employee will be able to help you with the application visa application, and will also provide you with high-quality advice on all issues of interest.
  • Through a travel agency or agency. Expensive, but most The travel agency and travel agency takes on the hassle of obtaining Schengen visas. If you do not have the time and/or experience in obtaining a visa, this option will be the most suitable. But remember that no one can guarantee you a 100% result in resolving the issue in your favor.


A business Schengen visa, depending on the possible number of times the border can be crossed, can be of 3 types:

  1. One-time. You will only be allowed to cross the union border in one direction or the other once. But at the same time, you can move around the union itself without restrictions. That is, having received Schengen from Poland, you can enter there, then go to Germany, France, the Czech Republic and return home. As soon as you cross the Polish border in the opposite direction, the visa is no longer valid.
  2. Double. The principle is the same, only now you are allowed to cross the union border twice in both directions. It is especially important, if necessary, to simultaneously visit not only the Schengen states, but also third countries. For example, after negotiating in France, you need to go to the UK (not included in Schengen), and then return back to France.
  3. Multiple. With such a document you can cross the borders of the union in both directions an unlimited number of times.

According to statistics, the embassies of France, Greece, Slovakia, Italy, Spain and Finland are the most willing to issue multiple-entry visas today. To obtain a multiple visa, it is very important not to violate the visa regime and legislation of the countries of the union.

Required documents

For a business visa you need:

  • passport;
  • a valid passport and if you have an expired passport;
  • A completed application form;
  • two photographs of the established standard;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • confirmation of your solvency in the form of a certificate from the bank about the current status of the account;
  • certificate from the employer;
  • for individual entrepreneurs, a certificate of state registration in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and a tax return;
  • business invitation from a foreign legal entity;
  • Air/train/car tickets and confirmation of a hotel room reservation will not be superfluous.

A business invitation issued by a foreign legal entity must include the following information:

  • full details of the company (name, address, bank, contact details, etc.);
  • confirmation of the purpose of the invitation;
  • planning the route of movement of the partner;
  • place of his future residence;
  • contact details of the employee responsible for the invitation.

Be careful, the consulates of the Union countries do not accept electronic versions documents. You will need official paper. If there is no business invitation, you can replace it with other documents confirming the purpose of the visit. For example, entrance tickets to an exhibition, etc.


The cost of Schengen depends on the method of registration. Yes, when self-submission documents to the embassy you will only need to pay consular fee, the same for all Schengen countries - 35 euros. If urgent registration is required – 70 euros.

You will have to pay additionally at the visa center service fee. Its amount varies depending on the country, on average it is in the region of 20 to 30 euros. At urgent registration this amount is also multiplied by two.

Travel agencies and agencies, in addition to the above fees, will require payment for their services. It is not fixed and depends on many factors: validity period, urgency of registration, etc.

Step-by-step instruction

Let's give specific plan steps for obtaining a business visa:

  1. Issue an invitation or buy tickets for events that involve economic activity. Please note that some foreign companies only provide paid invitations.
  2. Select a consulate, call and ask about a possible date for submitting documents.
  3. Collect documents.
  4. Submit your application and pay the required fees.
  5. IN in some cases You may be invited for an interview.
  6. Pick up a passport with or without Schengen.

The processing time for the application is 7 days. IN in rare cases(tourist season, holidays) up to one month.

A visa is a document necessary in many cases, allowing a citizen of one state to arrive in another state, crossing its border by any means of transport. Today the types of visas are special classification, in accordance with which visa documents are determined by intended purpose, in other words, are issued in connection with a specific purpose of the trip.

All types of visas are provided by the embassy or consulate of the state to which the citizen wishes to travel. There are also opportunities for visa-free entry, however, there are few such countries.

Let's look at what types of visas there are, by the names of which you can determine the purpose of a citizen of one state crossing the border of another:

  1. Transit visa – issued on a short time for a person to cross a state, the passage of which is required to enter another state. A transit visa is required for those who take a flight with a long wait for a transfer in another country.
  2. Tourist visa document– the name makes it clear for what popular purpose it is opened. This permission also issued for a short period of stay.
  3. Business visa – can be obtained by representatives of the business sector who come to another country to establish business relations and concluding various contracts to promote business.
  4. Labor visa permit – gives a person the right to conduct labor activity in another state. This document It is quite difficult to issue, but its validity period is usually long.
  5. A visa document reuniting family members is received by the husband or wife of a person who has permission to reside in another state for long term. For example, these could be the families of diplomatic representatives.
  6. A student visa is a document that allows you to study at a university in another country.
  7. Guest card – provided to the person for specific date to visit close family members or friends in another state. As a rule, to draw up such a document it is necessary to receive an invitation from the person being visited.
  8. Diplomatic visa – it is issued by the holder of a diplomatic passport. Diplomatic visa is available to Presidents/Prime Ministers foreign countries, diplomatic agents, officials consulates, foreign couriers of diplomatic and consular missions.


Any entry visa has its own category. The category gives the owner a number certain rights and responsibilities.

Let's look at the types of Schengen visas according to the principle of operation:

  1. Category A includes an airport transit visa certificate. Such a document is received by persons carrying out a transit flight through the Schengen countries. It allows a citizen to be on the territory of an airport in another country, but does not give the right to travel within the country itself through which the transit is made. In other words, citizens will not be able to travel around the country with this visa permit. They can only be located in certain areas of the airport.
  2. Category B – permitting documents for transit, the holder of which is authorized to cross the borders of the Schengen zone states on the way to another state. Validity visa permit is 5 days. It does not need to be issued only to persons whose states have agreements on a visa-free regime.
  3. Category C (multiple visa) is a tourist visa document that allows one or more trips with a duration of stay in the country from 3 months to six months. This type of multivisa is quite common among citizens of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.
  4. IN national category D include a note in the passport with a validity period of 3 months. This type of visa allows the holder to travel in transit through the Schengen countries. Usually the goal in such a situation is to arrive in the territory of another country.

Individual cases

There are other types of Schengen visas. Let's consider “non-standard” types of visas:

  • FTD and FRTD are a lighter type of transit visa permit, opened for the purpose of moving through Schengen to Russia from Kaliningrad region and back.
  • LTV – allows you to visit the state in whose diplomatic mission it was made (transit to other countries is prohibited).

Tourist visa types:

  • C1 – up to 30 days;
  • C2 – from 31 days to 90;
  • C3 – multiple entry visa for entry and stay up to 90 days (usually granted for 1 year);
  • C4 - similar to the previous visa permit, only the period of issue is 5 years.

Multiple entry permits

Multiple visas are required for multiple visits to certain countries within a specific period of time. Among the multivisas, there are such types of Schengen visas as tourist and business visa. The high demand for Schengen multiple visas is determined by the number of countries included in the Schengen area (there are more than twenty-five).

A characteristic feature of applying for a multivisa is that it requires a lot of time to open it. Multiple entry visas are opened for 6 months at once. certain countries, but basically you have to open a disposable one for the first time (sometimes twice), and the second time you have to receive a document for six months or more. Obtaining multiple visas requires certain financial investments and expectations. The main condition for issuing a multiple entry visa is foreign passport, is the presence of previous open Schengen admissions.

How can a foreigner visit the Russian Federation?

The choice of visa category to Russia depends on the purpose of your visit. Visa permits in the Russian Federation are classified according to general rule and can be tourist, business, transit, student and so on. The most economical and affordable option for foreigners to get to Russia is to open a tourist admission option.

IN Russian Federation Types of visas differ in number of entries. Single-entry, double-entry and multiple-entry visa documents to Russia are officially established. The first option allows you to enter Russia once while the visa document is valid. The second type provides the opportunity to enter the Russian Federation once or twice. The third visa document to Russia gives the right to enter the country more than 2 times. A multiple-use type of entry permit to Russia is granted exclusively by permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Transit Features

A transit visa is needed to travel through one state to get to another. Right to stop transit visa gives no more than 3 days (exceptions are Singapore and the UAE, where up to 4 days are allowed).

A transit visa is issued in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to make two or more transfers within the Schengen area (in this case, the visa document is opened in the first country of flight).
  • Transit to another state is carried out through a transfer in the capital of Germany (AirBerlin passengers do not register).
  • During a connecting flight, you must change airports or move from one terminal to another.
  • The duration of the transit transfer is from 1 to 2 days in the UK.
  • It is necessary to change planes in Australia, Canada, and the USA, even if you do not need to leave the airport transit area.

A transit visa is not needed if:

  • During the transfer process in the Schengen area, you do not need to leave the transit zone of the airport (the connection is no more than 24 hours if you have boarding tickets to the destination country and a visa permit).
  • The passenger is flying on an AirBerlin plane to another country with a transfer in the capital of Germany.
  • There is a transfer in the capital of Great Britain between airports, and the difference in flight times should not exceed 24 hours.

In Russia, the transit type of such a certificate does not require issue if you need to stay at the airport for no more than a day. If more, then you can get it at the Russian consulate for a period of no more than 72 hours.

Business options

A business visa, or business visa, for foreigners to Russia is issued in almost the same way as a tourist visa. The foreigner receives a business invitation, on the basis of which a business visa is issued. During registration, the purpose of entry and other formalities must be clearly indicated. Can be issued single entry visa, double-entry, multiple-entry business visa.

Schengen opens for a period from several months to 5 years. allows you to stay in the Schengen countries without hindrance. The business visa of the Schengen member states is classified as category C. The holder of such access is allowed to cross borders multiple times and in any order. You are allowed to stay in Schengen countries for no more than 90 days in every 180 days or more while the visa certificate is valid. A business can be opened with the help of visa companies, as well as consulates of Schengen countries.

Admissions for students

Study visa, or student visa, has a number positive points, including the absence of the need to pay a visa fee, the ability to stay abroad for several months without leaving, and the issuance of a work permit.

A student visa can be issued in several ways:

  • by independently applying to the consulate,
  • through the visa center,
  • by using the services of an accredited specialist agency.

A student visa can be long-term (over 90 days) or short-term (up to 90 days).

Travel for medical purposes

To go for treatment to the Schengen countries, you need a medical visa. Medical visa belongs to category C and, as a rule, such a visa can be issued under accelerated program within three days. It is provided for 3 months, which is usually enough to carry out full course treatment. A medical visa is issued only on the basis of a strictly defined purpose of arrival ( medical indications, the readiness of the medical institution to accept the patient), the presence of sufficient financial condition and return guarantees.

Visa categories can be divided according to the purpose of the trip. Even by the name you can understand why a person wants to cross the border. For example, a tourist visa implies that the purpose of such a visit is only recreation and nothing more.

But business and work are similar concepts, what is the difference between these types of visas and how to properly apply for each of them?

Business Schengen visas

A business visa is usually issued in order to visit your partners abroad, hold a conference or resolve exclusively business issues.

The main features of this category of visas:

    Gives the right to stay in the Schengen zone for no more than 90 days or less.

    Such visas are issued for a short period. But if there is a need to travel abroad constantly, you can apply for a business multiple visa.

    Thanks to it, you can cross the border as many times a year as needed without issuing new entry permits. Although it is worth considering that even in this case, only short visits are allowed (up to 90 days).

    A visa does not give a foreigner the right to officially find employment.

    An invitation from business partners is required and official confirmation their existence.

    There are no national business visas.

Experience in cooperation with embassies shows that obtaining a one-time business visa is quite simple, just like a tourist visa. However, obtaining a multi-business visa requires a lot of effort and time. Our company is ready to help with this!

Work visa - assistance in obtaining

A work visa is issued in order to obtain permission to official employment and residence in one of the Schengen countries.

The differences between a work visa and a business visa are as follows:

    The visa is issued for a period of 180 days, of which 90 days can be spent throughout the Schengen area.

    You can also get a visa for several years, depending on the specifics of the work contract.

    Gives a foreigner the right to official employment.

    An invitation from the employer and official confirmation of the existence of his organization are required.

    You can apply for a national work visa and in the future remain abroad for permanent residence.

In our company you can order a work visa for any period. We will prepare documents and give detailed instructions how to behave properly at the embassy. In addition, your work visa application will be filled out so correctly that there will be no unnecessary information in it, but there will be no misunderstandings.

Please note that our services with a guaranteed visa will cost you much less than the amount of time spent on the application process.

How to apply for a business visa?

A business visa should be applied for in advance - at least 3 weeks before the trip. The first thing you need to do is receive an invitation from partners abroad. This invitation must indicate the date, purpose of the meeting, location, detailed information about the inviter legal entity and perhaps some details depending on the situation.

The second stage is to collect a package of papers. The following documents will be required for a business visa:

    invitation from a partner abroad;

    a completed application form (usually in English or the national language of the country to which the trip is planned);

    high-quality visa photos;

    foreign and national passport;

    certificate of employment with a wet stamp and signature of the director of the company;

    insurance for the entire duration of the visa;

    certificate of property, marriage certificate and family status (are there any children).

Next, you should make an appointment at the visa center or embassy. At the interview, a center employee will accept the documents, biometrics and payment procedures will be carried out, and after that all papers are sent to the embassy for processing.

The review process takes approximately 2 weeks. IN in writing The answer can be obtained in the same place where the documents were submitted.

You can find out how to get a business visa faster from our manager!

How to apply for a work visa?

A work visa is issued similarly to a business visa. Only an invitation is sent from the employer, it indicates all the details and features of the job, as well as information about general activities enterprises. The documents for a work visa are the same as those listed above, but there is no need to provide a certificate from your place of work in Ukraine.

How to get a guaranteed work visa to Europe if you have never encountered this before? Contact our company! The design work will be carried out quickly and efficiently. In the shortest possible time you can get a visa and earn good money abroad!

Foreign trips are not always relaxation and pleasant entertainment. Thanks to the rapidly developing economic relations with foreign partners, more and more Russians today need a special category of visa permit, which makes it possible to conduct entrepreneurial activity outside the borders of his country. What is a business visa and what are the features of obtaining it? useful information in the process of preparing the trip.

  • 1 What is hidden behind the concept
  • 2 What activities are allowed on a business visa?
  • 3 Receipt process
    • 3.1 Package of documents
  • 4 How long is a business category visa valid?
    • 4.1 Business stamp price
  • 5 How to get a business visa to China: Video

What is hidden behind the concept

Anyone who has left their home country at least once knows very well that crossing foreign borders involves a number of formalities, one of which can confidently be called a visa stamp. Responsibility for issuing it lies with the consulate of the target state, and the main function of the sticker or stamp is to confirm that its owner has received permission to enter from the authorized body.

In order for the tour to be successful and bring the expected results, it should be remembered that the intended purpose of the visit must fully correspond to the type of stamp requested, which have several classifications.

Based on the length of stay in a foreign territory, visas are divided into short-term and long-term.

But according to the number of allowed entries, three categories can be distinguished:

  • one-time;
  • double;
  • multiple visas.

The target aspect has led to an even more extensive gradation of visa stamps, one of which is business. So what is a business visa? Migration legislation stipulates that this type of sticker is issued to entrepreneurs whose plans include entering the territory of a state to which they do not belong. civil status, but where do they intend to implement commercial activities and/or establish business contacts with local companies.

Both legal entities and individuals can receive a stamp. The main factor that allows you to distinguish a business visa from all others is the mandatory indication of the receiving party, which is the enterprise or organization that has passed state registration In your country.

Thus, a business visa is permission to cross the border, which should be requested by all those who aim to establish or maintain business contacts in a foreign country.

What activities are allowed on a business visa?

If you intend to apply to the consulate for an entry stamp for this particular category, you should clearly understand what exactly you can do abroad. The list of proposed activities can be outlined as follows:

  • conducting business negotiations;
  • signing contracts and concluding transactions;
  • searching for new business partners;
  • visiting exhibitions;
  • participation in experience exchange programs.

At the same time, you should remember how a business visa differs from a tourist visa. If, having the first one in your passport, you can successfully combine a vacation with a decision important issues, then if you have a tourist sticker, you are supposed to devote all your time exclusively to sightseeing, treatment, participation in a conference or symposium, which does not involve receiving a monetary reward.

The business designation stamp itself excludes the possibility of employment or training in any types of courses or in educational institutions. To implement such plans you will need a worker’s sticker or educational sample. Thus, all that is allowed to an entrepreneur who has received permission for a business trip is to set up and organize his business.

Receipt process

Having decided on the goals and types of activities on foreign territory, you should carefully study what the procedure for requesting a stamp will look like. Get ready to be faced with some peculiarities that accompany the issuance of a business visa and force the applicant to begin this issue long before contacting the consulate.

Package of documents

The list itself necessary papers is not very different from what you have to prepare when requesting a visitor or, say, tourist visa. So, you should prepare:

  1. A foreign identity card with an optimal validity period for the country of visit.
  2. Photo.
  3. National passport.
  4. Statement.
  5. Duty paid check.
  6. Insurance.
  7. Documents confirming the applicant's occupation.
  8. Guaranteed ability to pay for your trip.
  9. Hotel reservation and round trip flight tickets.
  10. An invitation that confirms the purpose of entry into the designated territory.

Please note that a business visa by invitation is issued only if you have last document. At the same time, each consulate puts forward individual requirements for its preparation. Some missions request the original invitation letter, others are content with a fax copy. In any case, these details must be clarified in advance.

Here is a list of required information sections that must be present in the invitation:

  • a detailed description of the specifics of the activities of the enterprise that is the receiving party;
  • justification for the need for a foreign citizen to come;
  • the duration of his stay in the country of visit;
  • residential address;
  • itinerary;
  • the duties he will perform;
  • his position;
  • the type of activity of the company he represents;
  • coordinates of both enterprises;
  • date of entry and exit from the receiving state;
  • person responsible for the visit from the inviting company (full name, position, contacts);
  • an indication of the party that will bear all travel expenses.

Please note that the consequences for an enterprise when applying for a business visa can result in significant financial expenses. If the burden of all payments falls on the shoulders of the receiving party, this should be clearly stated in the invitation letter. If the decision this issue will be entrusted to the invitee, then he will have to attach to the package of papers all possible guarantees of his financial opportunities, starting from bank statement, ending with cash.

How long is a business category visa valid?

Visa business sample is usually issued for the period necessary to resolve all issues on foreign territory. Usually this period is indicated in the invitation. It is important to take into account that total duration the visit should not conflict with migration rules countries of entry. So, for example, stay in the Schengen zone is limited to 90 days in each half-year.

An ideal option for frequent visits will, of course, be a multiple visa. Its owner will be able to regulate the number of entries within the entire period of validity of the stamp, which can be placed in the passport for six months, a year, three or even five years.

But to get to everyone subsequent form sticker, you need to establish yourself as a responsible businessman, do not violate migration legislation and carefully monitor the purpose of the visit.

Business stamp price

When planning your travel budget, it will not be superfluous to include in it the cost of paying the visa fee, which will have to be paid at the consulate. It should be noted right away that price policy V various states significantly different. Usually the price of a business stamp is no different from the one issued for tourist trips. An upward trend is observed only when we talk about its different categories.

So, what determines the cost of a visa sticker? Most often, it depends on its duration and frequency. So, for example, a short-term, one-time business stamp for the Schengen territory will cost 35 euros, that is, exactly the same as a tourist sticker. But you will have to pay more for a multiple entry visa. In addition, the amount will increase depending on the period for which the visa is requested. For comparison: a British stamp for 2 years will require you to pay a fee of 470 dollars, but a five-year one will cost 850.

What you need to remember: issuing the invitation itself can take a lot of time, and therefore, when outlining the dates of your trip, leave some time reserve for this procedure.

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