Is the compatriots program active this year? Cities that participate in the relocation program

In the Russian Federation, foreigners can apply for citizenship only after legally residing in the country for five years.

At the same time, the period is reduced to three months if the person is a native speaker. However, there is another way -. It gives the right to obtain citizenship within a limited period of time, in addition, it provides a number of other advantages (relocation compensation, cash payments, simplified employment, training benefits, free medical care, etc.).

Legislative framework of the issue

Since 2013, those wishing to move can take advantage of the state program for the resettlement of compatriots.

These issues are regulated by the Russian Federation Law on Citizenship, the state program to provide assistance to those living abroad, as well as other acts. The resettlement program began 12 years ago and was changed in 2013. The system is regulated by certain legislative acts, which may vary depending on the nuances of the move certain people, depending on the country of departure and the region of arrival.

List of subjects of the Russian Federation for relocation

A person has the right to choose specific subject Federations for settlement on their own.

In 2019, the territories covered by the program divided into several parts:

The emergence of priority territories for the resettlement of compatriots is explained by the fact that now many regions of Russia are in need of qualified and working personnel.

Thus, with the help of immigrants, the gap in the lack of workers is gradually filled. Among the priorities are necessary within the framework of the strategic program for the territory state ( Amur region, Kamchatka and others), they, in turn, can be changed by the government within one year based on the results of an assessment of work activity.

This year, among the priority areas for settlement, Kamchatka, Transbaikalia, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin, Jewish District, Magadan, Irkutsk and Amur Regions , as well as other districts, districts and regions. It is worth noting that the money that the state will pay for relocation to such areas is significantly more than that which will be provided for relocation to big cities, for example, Moscow or St. Petersburg.

People are currently taking part in the program 57 subjects, while nine of them are regions in high level settlement (that is, respondents will be paid large sums for moving here sums of money- from 240 thousand rubles per migrant, as well as 120 thousand rubles for each relative, regardless of age).

Highest priority for the resettlement of compatriots is Far Eastern Federal District (Amur, Khabarovsk, Magadan, Sakhalin region, as well as the Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territories). Siberian district includes the regions of Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Transbaikal, Altai region. The Siberian Federal District also includes Buryatia and Khakassia.

IN Ural Federal District you can move into Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk and Nenets Autonomous Okrug. IN Northwestern district proposed for settlement in the Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Arkhangelsk, Leningrad, Murmansk and Pskov regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Apply for accommodation in Southern District possible in Rostov region, V North Caucasian - Volgograd, Astrakhan and Stavropol regions.

IN Volga Federal District compatriots can apply for resettlement in Samara, Saratov, Penza, Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod region, in addition, in Chuvashia, Mordovia and Mari El.

Not a priority for check-in is the Central Federal District, however, settlement is still possible - these are the Voronezh, Smolensk, Oryol, Lipetsk, Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Kostroma and Tula regions.

A list of specific regions, as well as the conditions for moving there and the required criteria, can be found on government resources.

Conditions for participation

Those who have reached the age of majority can apply capable persons, living abroad.

The applicant should not have current criminal record under serious articles (it is worth noting that the concept of especially grave and serious crimes V certain countries may be different). A person should not pose a threat to security, that is, not be an extremist, not be a member of organizations prohibited in the country.

A serious criterion for individuals is knowledge of Russian language, the ability to read, write and speak it correctly. The degree of language proficiency is checked by a specially created commission using a test and an oral interview.

Migrant Also:

To participate you must provide documentation, government approved and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These include:

  • The applicant’s passport, passports of family members or a package of papers for the departure of minors;
  • A special migrant questionnaire;
  • Three copies of photographs received no later than six months;
  • Diplomas of training, labor skills or retraining;
  • Resident card;
  • Permission to leave the country where the person currently lives;
  • Receipt for payment of duty.

There are also other documents that may be needed (about changing the surname, first name, paperwork for the teenager to leave, and others). The documentation package is submitted to the FMS department or the Russian diplomatic service in other countries. Consultations on issues can be obtained at migration services Federation or with the help of consultants by phone.

For information about the program to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots in the Russian Federation, see the following video:

One of the tools aimed at improving migration policy RF, as well as for improvement in the country demographic situation was the resettlement program for compatriots, which started back in 2009. Initially, its completion date was 2014, but after famous events it was extended and is still in effect today.

In the previously mentioned 2014, a number of changes were made to the program. For example, citizens of foreign countries are now required to live less than a year in the selected region in order to simply apply for citizenship. Also important requirements These include the need to work and receive official, documented income.

What you need to do to take part in the program

As potential program participants voluntary resettlement current legislature identifies individuals who:

  • were born and live in currently on the territory of those states that were previously part of the USSR;
  • have relatives in a direct ascending line who lived (or still live) in the Russian Federation;
  • belong to those nationalities that live on the historical territory of Russia;
  • are natives of the Russian Federation, the USSR, the Russian State and the RSFSR and previously had citizenship of these states (republics);
  • are descendants of all of the above categories of persons.

Persons who already have permits for temporary or permanent (residence) residence in Russia or who have received refugee status can also apply for participation in the program.

In order to legally to take part in the program, obtain the right to simplified registration in the selected region of the Russian Federation without confirming knowledge of the Russian language, obtaining a residence permit and providing any income certificates, you must complete all the steps listed below:

  • complete the registration process for the program. To do this, you just need to submit an application and fill out a form at the consulate;
  • provide documents confirming the identity of the person wishing to move to the Russian Federation, as well as all members of his family. You will also need the following documents: Employment history, diplomas and certificates of education and others;
  • arrive in the selected region and apply for a residence permit or citizenship Russian Federation;
  • receive a Program Participant Certificate.

Participation in the resettlement program gives whole line advantages over simplified or standard procedures obtaining Russian citizenship. Firstly, the time required to obtain a Russian passport is significantly reduced, which is important in order to obtain all the rights due to citizens of the country. Secondly, all moving expenses are reimbursed by the state. And, in addition, it provides the right to receive a one-time (for arrangement) and monthly allowance. The latter is paid for 6 months and makes it possible to gain a foothold in a new place, find a job, and arrange your life.

The main disadvantage of the program is the need to move only to certain regions.

Which regions of the Russian Federation take part in the program of resettlement of compatriots

Citizens of Ukraine and other countries former USSR those wishing to move to permanent place residence in Russia, you should know that only a few regions of the country have been selected to participate in the program. These include Khabarovsk and Transbaikal region, Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Buryatia, as well as Irkutsk, Magadan, Sakhalin and Amur regions.

In this regard, there are a number of nuances that need to be remembered potential participants resettlement programs:

  • firstly, you will be required to reside in the region of your choice for at least three years;
  • secondly, if during this period you move to a permanent place of residence (temporary trips around the country, of course, are not taken into account) to another region, you will be required to compensate all the funds given to you (the one-time and monthly benefits mentioned above);
  • thirdly, the timing of resettlement to the chosen region or region is not determined by law, but it is better not to waste time, but to move as soon as possible. The only clarification is that during the validity of the program participant certificate, you can change your decision and move to any other region established by law.

Mention should also be made of the amount of benefits provided to participants in the resettlement program. After you move to one of the regions listed above, you have the right to receive a “lift” in the amount of 240 thousand rubles per head of family and 120,000 rubles. for each of its members. In addition, you will receive 50 percent of the monthly living wage, which is valid at the time of arrival in a specific area.

Today in our country there are a large number of government programs that are in great demand and popularity due to their importance and significance. One of these is the resettlement program to Russia for 2018.

According to experts, this program is a good opportunity for many to return to their native land, while receiving a number of fairly good benefits and compensation, which can be a good impetus to firmly and confidently settle in a new place.

What benefits are we talking about?

  • Firstly, the migrant has the right to transfer all his belongings to the country. This feature also applies to household items, the list of which can include furniture and dishes.
  • Secondly, the migrant does not pay duty on imported items and things. The baggage allowance depends on the family. In other words, if there are 3 people in a family, then one container weighing 5 tons is allowed. If there are more than 3 people, then 2 containers of 5 tons each.
  • Thirdly, a migrant has the right to transport one sedan class car, also without paying duty at customs control.
  • Fourthly, rent for living space is also paid in accordance with the presidential decree.
  • Fifthly, compensation payment can be obtained by those program participants who have a certificate and the status of “Participant in the state program abroad”.

Agree, these are quite good benefits, thanks to which you can save quite a decent amount Money.

So, what is needed to become a participant in this program, what requirements and criteria must be met, what package of documents must be collected and submitted to the relevant authorities. In other words, let's get acquainted with the most important and significant points.

What do you need?

So, if you want to become one of the participants in this program, then the law specifies the following criteria and requirements that must be met. What is this?

  1. Adult men and women can apply.
  2. Regarding minors, we can say that they simply migrate with adults.
  3. Human capacity. It is very important that upon arrival in the country a person can immediately find a job. In this case, experience in a specialty in which a migrant can work is also highly welcome.
  4. The migrant must contact the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which directly deals with migration issues.
  5. Write and submit the appropriate application to become a participant in the resettlement program.
  6. Check out the list of suggested regions for living.

But in addition to the requirements put forward, the law also spells out and indicates the specific regions to which this program applies. There are 47 of them in total. What areas and regions in our country fall under this program?

  1. Buryatia and Chuvashia.
  2. Karelia and the Republic of Mari El.
  3. Mordovia.
  4. Altai and Transbaikal region.
  5. Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk region.
  6. Perm and Primorye.
  7. Khabarovsk and Arkhangelsk.
  8. Amur and Bryansk regions.
  9. Volgograd and Voronezh.
  10. Irkutsk and Kaliningrad.
  11. Kaluga and Kostroma.
  12. Kurgan, Kemerovo.
  13. Kursk, Peter.
  14. Lipetsk and Magadan.
  15. Nizhny Novgorod and Novgorod regions.
  16. Novosibirsk and Omsk.
  17. Penza and Pskov.
  18. Sakhalin and Saratov.
  19. Smolensk and Sverdlov.
  20. Tula and Tambov region.
  21. Tver and Tyumen region.

Well, now the last one remains important point associated with the package necessary documents, since you will agree that their exact knowledge will greatly help save time and effort. If you study the law, the program participant is required to collect and provide the following documents.

  1. Documents indicating place of residence.
  2. Family ties.
  3. Education documents.
  4. Information from the place where they previously worked.

According to the terms of the program, the entire list of documents is approved within 1.5 months. After the migrant Russian side If the answer is positive, then the migrant is given instructions with further actions. But, this is another topic for discussion. Time will tell whether this program will help everyone who wants to return to their homeland this year, but this is a very good chance that should definitely be taken advantage of.

The collapse of the USSR and severe economic situation in the early 90s became the reasons that many Russian-speaking families remained outside the borders of Russia. Some people voluntarily left their native lands, while others became hostages of circumstances. For the last category of foreign citizens who, for a number of reasons, are forced to live in another state, a special program, allowing compatriots to return to their homeland.

The program for the resettlement of compatriots began operating in 2006 and it was planned that within six years, people who wanted to return to the Russian Federation would take the opportunity and move for permanent residence in Russia. But experts did not calculate that the flow of migrants wanting to become Russians would be huge. Therefore, by presidential decree in 2012, the State Program was extended without instructions specific period graduation.

Team found out about changes in the “Compatriot” state program in 2017, about necessary conditions to participate in it and about the benefits for immigrants. Our specialists also carried out a step-by-step analysis of the algorithm for acquiring citizenship under the State Program.

Who are the candidates for the Compatriot Resettlement Program?

The law of the Russian Federation clearly defines groups of foreigners related to the definition of “compatriot”:

  • Persons having Russian passport, but living in another country;
  • Foreigners, subjects of another state, who have a close connection with the culture and history of our country, speak fluently in Russian and have relatives who lived or are living in Russia;
  • Foreigners, former citizens USSR, who after the collapse of the Union received a passport of a state that separated from Russia, or who do not have legal relations with any of the countries (stateless persons);
  • People who emigrated abroad from Russia and live in another country;
  • Descendants of all the categories listed above.

Requirements for migrants

For persons applying for the status of “compatriot”, certain requirements are imposed. People who want to join the ranks of citizens of the Russian Federation under the State Program must:

  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • to be capable;
  • be able to speak well in Russian, understand speech, and write correctly;
  • have labor qualifications that allow you to work in Russia;
  • have a mark of legal residence in Russia (RVP);
  • be law abiding citizen;
  • not previously been expelled from the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • not be a member of terrorist organizations;
  • meet the requirements of the regions where the migrant is going to move.

Important! Any capable adult member of a resettled family, except a husband or wife, can become a candidate applying for resettlement under the State Program.

List of documents for a “compatriot”

Before the authorized structure approves a migrant’s candidacy to participate in the resettlement program for compatriots, the migrant must collect a certain list of documents:

  • Identity document of the migrant himself and his family members;
  • Documents confirming registration on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Documents that confirm the migrant’s marital status;
  • Documents that reflect information about family members planning to cross the border of the Russian Federation together with the migrant.

After conducting a series of checks to ensure the correctness of completion and veracity of the specified data, employees of the unit dealing with the issue of resettlement of compatriots issue a verdict of refusal or inclusion of the migrant in the list of participants in the State program. If the outcome is positive, the next step for the foreign citizen is to write an application for a certificate of participation in the State program.

To pass this stage, the migrant must prepare another package of documents:

  • An application filled out in clear handwriting or using a computer, which lists all relatives planning to cross the border of the Russian Federation under the program;
  • Identification documents of the candidate and his relatives;
  • Documents containing information about marital status migrant and his relatives;
  • Official papers confirming the legality of the temporary or permanent residence a migrant and his relatives in the Russian Federation;
  • A certificate confirming the birth of a migrant on the territory of the USSR, RSFSR (to confirm the status of a compatriot);
  • Documents confirming educational level migrant (middle, higher), professional qualifications, seniority the candidate and his relatives;
  • Photographs of a strictly defined format – 2 pieces;

Important! Documents presented to the authorized representative must be copied, if necessary translated into Russian and certified by a notary. When visiting the department, the migrant must have originals and duplicates of all certificates and certificates with him.

After checking authorities information specified in the application for accuracy, compliance of the presented certificates, certificates and other official papers mandatory list, the migrant receives a certificate of the site of the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots. Having this paper in the hands of a migrant allows him to go through the stages of naturalization in the Russian Federation according to a simplified procedure.

Important! The certificate of the state program participant has limited period validity - 3 years.

Stages of naturalization for “compatriots”

For a migrant to obtain Russian citizenship using preferential terms, as a participant in the state program, it is necessary to act in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • The first step that will bring the migrant closer to the goal is preparation mandatory documents, which will be required to register a migrant in the State Program and to issue a participant certificate. When passing the first stage on the territory of another state through consulates or GUVM divisions The Foreign Ministry additionally issues visas for themselves and their relatives (if required) to cross the border of the Russian Federation. If a migrant officially lives in the Russian Federation under a temporary residence permit or residence permit, then he has the right to immediately submit an application for acquisition of Russian citizenship;
  • This stage applies only to those foreigners who have issued a certificate outside the Russian state. Crossing the border of the Russian Federation, having in hand the necessary documents that will allow you to legally stay in our country: a passport or other official document confirming your identity, a certificate of a participant in the State Program, visas (if required), filled out at the border control migration card.
  • Check-in upon arrival migration division the region where the foreigner plans to live;
  • Registration of a foreigner and his family members for migration registration with the relevant department. For this stage you will need following papers: passports, participant certificate, migration card.
  • Receipt by a migrant of official paper allowing him to temporarily reside and work in the Russian Federation. Some foreigners, while still on the territory of another state, can submit a petition to the Russian consulate for the issuance of a temporary residence permit;
  • Mandatory note in the identity document about the presence of a place of residence and legal registration in him;
  • Submitting an application for acquiring Russian citizenship.

Having an official document confirming the status of a migrant under the State Program, a foreigner has a number of advantages:

  • A “compatriot” can obtain a temporary residence permit in our country, regardless of the number of quotas that are annually allocated to each region to legalize the temporary residence of migrants on their territory;
  • The migrant and his relatives will receive a temporary residence permit within 60 days;
  • A State program participant has the right to skip the stage of obtaining a residence permit;
  • A “compatriot” has the right not to present documentary evidence of knowledge official language country and income certificate;
  • A request for citizenship is considered by the department in no more than three months;
  • The Government of the Russian Federation will compensate the “compatriot”’s expenses for moving to Russia and registration necessary papers;
  • The Government of the Russian Federation provides for the accrual of funds to the State Program participant and members of his family, which will allow foreigners to quickly adapt to a new place;

Important! The amount of benefits for displaced people depends on the selected region and is obtained in two stages. If a migrant moves from his family to a subject of the Russian Federation, which is considered a priority for settlement, then the first cash payment is 150 thousand rubles, the second is 90 thousand rubles. Family members of the program participant also receive cash benefit: 70 and 50 thousand rubles. If the migrant chose an area without a priority mark, then the amount of payments is reduced.

  • A “compatriot” and members of his family have the right to get a job without having a special permit.

Also, the following requirements are imposed on a candidate for compatriots: What does participation in the program provide? Upon approval of the status of a participant in the compatriots program, the candidate receives the following benefits: In addition, the program for relocating compatriots to Russia involves the payment of allowances.

Resettlement program for compatriots 2019: what is it?

foreigners with Russian relatives in a direct line; born and raised in Russia, but moved to the CIS countries.

On a note! Not only citizens themselves can return to their homeland, but also their children, including adopted children, wives or husbands, close relatives - brothers, sisters, parents (including spouses), grandparents. Restrictions are imposed on the choice of place of residence: out of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, only 57 are included.

The resettlement program for compatriots will continue in 2019

— you must be 18 years old and have legal capacity to work in the Russian Federation; — it is necessary to speak Russian, both written and oral, at a level that will ensure your quick adaptation to the Russian Federation; - have the qualifications and sufficient work experience that will allow you to lead labor activity in the territory Russian state; - meet all requirements to receive temporary type for residence in the Russian Federation if this permission required.

Resettlement program to Russia from Kazakhstan for 2019

At the same time, migrants can receive some assistance from the Russian government, which manifests itself in the following points. 1. The opportunity to receive “lifting benefits” - benefits of up to 240 thousand.

rubles depending on the chosen region of resettlement and up to 20 thousand rubles for each family member.

2. In the absence permanent source income receive a monthly allowance.

3. The opportunity to receive compensation for funds spent on moving.

Compatriots Resettlement Program: Regions (2019)

  • Republic of Karelia
  • Vologda Region
  • Leningrad region(except St. Petersburg)
  • Southern and North Caucasian federal districts
    1. Volgograd region
    2. Rostov region
    3. Stavropol region
    4. Astrakhan region
    5. Krasnodar region (rural area)

    Regions Participants of the Resettlement Program in 2019

    Regions Participants of the Resettlement Program in 2019.

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    Resettlement program in the Russian Federation

    Participation in the resettlement program requires a foreign citizen to receive a certain amount of money from the Russian state.

    In 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Resolution No. 270, which approved the procedure for paying migrants. Those Foreign citizens who are resettled to priority areas receive payments in two stages: Those program participants who move to non-priority areas receive payments in a lump sum.


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    IDPs who choose priority regions of Russia will receive 240 thousand rubles. "lifting"

    You can obtain temporary asylum in one region of Russia, and to participate in State program choose another subject of the Russian Federation.

    The answers to many of your questions are already contained on the pages of the site.

    Before asking your question, we strongly recommend that you use the search form above.

    Which cities are not participating in the relocation program in 2019-2019

    Information about the constituent entities of the Russian Federation implementing the State Program (as of January 1, 2012)1.

    Ticket to Russia Russia in Kyrgyzstan Program for the resettlement of compatriots to Russia It is for such people, nostalgic for the times when all the peoples of the USSR lived alone big family and intended voluntary resettlement to the lands of the Russian Federation.

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