Documents for a visa to Israel for Russians. Without a visa, but with documents: everything about the documents required for a tourist trip to Israel

Israel belongs to the category visa-free countries not only for Russians, but also for citizens of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia. At the moment there are exactly two last countries"leading" in quantity deported citizens.

Rules for entry into Israel

The general entry rules are:

  • the period of stay in the country cannot exceed 90 days;
  • The validity of the passport must be at least 6 months at the end of the trip
  • Everyone entering must have insurance and a return air ticket or a ticket to a third country. Instead of an air ticket, you can provide tickets for sea ​​vessels/ cruise booking / check out ship role private sea vessel.

If a foreigner plans to leave Israel through land borders, i.e. to Jordan or Egypt, as confirmation of your intentions to leave the country on time, you can present a reservation at an Egyptian or Jordanian hotel and/or return tickets from these countries.

In addition, every foreigner must have sufficient funds to stay in the country and proof of residence (hotel reservation or invitation from friends or relatives). In case of travel for treatment - an invitation from medical institution. In case of participation in any events of an educational, cultural or sports nature - an invitation from the organizers.

What to say and what not to say at the border with Israel

It would seem that the rules are simple and clear, and if you have all the required documents, there should be no problems when crossing the border, but in practice, tourists are often sent to additional check, or even deny entry altogether, deporting you from the country.

What are the reasons for this attitude and how to avoid it? First of all, employees migration service pay attention to the compliance of the stated purposes of stay and the available documents.

A foreigner says that he is flying on vacation, and his return flight date is in three months; this will immediately arouse suspicion, because rarely do people get such long vacations.

A foreigner flies on long term visiting family or friends. But at the same time he cannot clearly state the address of his stay and/or the names of friends/relatives. Or, when crossing the border, the tourist states that the purpose of the visit is to help with housework or care for a child or a sick/elderly relative.

Also suspicious are young women who follow male friends living in Israel. The length of stay is not important - at least three days, at least three months. Moreover, if the tourists have provocative clothes and makeup or do not have Money, stating that all costs will be borne by the receiving party.

Groups of working-class men (as a rule, this applies to those flying in from Georgia) with reservations at the same hotel made through also seem no less suspicious.

The first thought that flashes through the mind of the migration service officer in all of these cases is: “Most likely, these people want to work illegally, or (in the case of women) they will try to get married in order to stay in the country.”

In all these cases, steps must be taken in advance to avoid being denied entry:

  • As proof of accommodation, provide hotel reservations or an apartment rental agreement, indicating that an advance payment has been made for the accommodation or it has been paid in full. Do not use reservations from at all.
  • When traveling to visit friends or relatives, memorize addresses and phone numbers. It is advisable that the foreigner be met at the airport. Lack of money is only possible if the foreigner goes to his parents or children, i.e. to the closest relatives. In any other cases financial resources must be mandatory for staying in the country, even if the inviting party agrees to bear all expenses.
  • Emphasize on appearance, especially young women. It is better to change provocatively short shorts and dresses with a deep neckline to more modest clothes, and at the same time forget about “combat makeup” for a while.
  • When going through passport control, answer questions briefly, without additional details and clarifications. In no case should there be answers that can be interpreted in two ways. For example, if you have a hotel reservation, you should not say that you are going to see friends; and in the case of a trip to visit relatives, in no case should you mention that you will help care for children or elderly family members.
  • Particular attention should be paid to those who travel to Israel at the invitation of relatives/friends who are undergoing the naturalization procedure (obtaining citizenship) in Israel. This procedure provided for foreigners married to Israeli citizens. The fact is that naturalization involves a number of stages, the first of which is the applicant receiving work visa, which allows you to stay in the country for more than 3 months and work. However, work visa holders cannot invite friends or relatives to the country. Therefore, the inviting person should not be the foreigner himself, but his spouse, who has Israeli citizenship. Accordingly, when crossing the border, invitees must say that they are going to visit an Israeli citizen, who in turn is the husband/wife of their relative/friend. IN otherwise with a 90% probability, entry will be denied.
  • Those who travel to Israel for the purpose of working need to obtain a visa in advance at the consulate. Migration service workers have extensive experience and a proven methodology for identifying foreigners coming to Israel to work “under the table.” As a result, 95% of such citizens are sent home on the next flight.

How to behave during an interview

How to behave if, when going through passport control, you are asked to undergo an additional interview at separate room migration service at the airport or ground checkpoint?

First, remain calm, be correct and polite. Even if it seems to you that the migration service employees are talking to you rudely and in a raised voice. If you speak English poorly or are very worried, ask for a Russian-speaking employee. Suffice it to say - “I don”t speak English (“Ay dont speak English”). Do not give answers if you do not understand the question! Remember that the interview is the last chance to convince the migration officer of your tourist intentions. Answers should be brief and concise, do not change the “indications”:

  • the question "the purpose of the visit?" - tourism (if you have a hotel reservation) or private visit(if you are traveling at someone’s invitation). Don't mix both options;
  • the question "What will you do in Israel?" Relax, sunbathe, see the sights, communicate with relatives/friends (if a private visit, but not tourism!). Remember that answers like “help your sister with the housework”, “look after your grandmother”, “help with the children” are perceived as a desire to do labor activity! Correct phrases: “visit grandma”, “stay with sister”, “see grandchildren;
  • the question “Why will you be in Israel for so long?” - I’m on vacation (students, schoolchildren), I’m on vacation, and if the question follows, “What do you do in your home country?”, you must name the profession that requires long vacations, for example, teacher, university professor, or “for me shift method work ( oil industry, sailor, geological exploration, etc.), or “I am a freelancer (I do not work while in Israel)”;
  • if there are stamps of Arab countries (including Egypt) in the passport (this in itself is not a basis for refusal of entry into Israel!) will next questions: “What did you do there?”, “How often do you go there and why?”, “Do you know anyone there?” The correct answers are “I went as a tourist, to relax/see the sights”, “I go on vacation because it’s interesting/cheap/I like to travel”, “I don’t have any acquaintances in these countries (even if I actually have them), I stay in hotels.”

If you are still going to be deported (as a rule, this is indicated by long stay at the migration service office - more than 2 hours), demand to contact the consulate of your country and call a lawyer - be persistent, you have the right to do this.

Katriona Kopylova

Israel is one of the states often visited by Russian citizens. They are attracted by Christian shrines, wonderful climate, high level medical care. For several years now, new rules have been in place that control entry and exit from Israel. Let's figure out whether you need a passport to Israel, whether you need to get a visa, what papers are required for the trip.

Russians do not need a permit to enter Israel if they are traveling for a period of no more than 90 days. Only tourists can visit Israel.

If the purpose of stay is work or study, then a set of papers is collected to obtain an entry permit. The visa application is submitted at the consular section of the Israeli Embassy in Russia.


If 90 days of stay in the country expires, and the tourist has good reasons to remain in the state, he must contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When applying you have with you:

  • International passport.
  • Photographs.

  • Certificates or documents indicating that the foreigner has serious reasons stay in the country for a longer period (for example, illness).
  • Confirmation of availability of funds.

When submitting an application, fill out.

Extension of the right of residence is a paid procedure. Approximate cost: 170 shekels. If you carry out the registration not yourself, but through intermediaries, the cost will be higher.

If the applicant has relatives in Israel, it will be easier to obtain the right to stay in the country. Relatives local residents They are allowed to stay for another six months or a year.

Exceeding the period of stay

The Israeli Migration Service strictly monitors compliance with the terms of stay in the country. If the period of stay is violated for several days and there are valid reasons for the violation, deportation can be avoided. If good reasons no - the violator’s data is entered into the database, this may become a reason for subsequent denial of entry.

If a foreigner has violated the rules of stay, he may be deported from the country and given an entry ban (up to 10 years).

Set of papers for entry

Citizens Russian Federation have the right to enter Israel with a foreign passport.

Certificate requirements:

  1. at least six months from the date of planned return.
  2. Availability of blank pages.
  3. Neat appearance of the document, no damage.
  4. Owner's signature.

To visit the country, in addition to your passport, you must present:

  1. Return flight ticket (closed date).
  2. Hotel reservation confirmation or voucher (issued at travel agency when purchasing a tour).
  3. Health insurance policy.
  4. Certificates and statements that indicate the financial viability of the tourist.

If a citizen goes to visit relatives or friends, an invitation letter is presented.

For children

To travel with a child, the following is added to the package of papers:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Photocopy of mother/father's passport.

If a child is traveling with one of the parents, then permission for the child to travel abroad is required from the second parent. When traveling with a third party, permission to leave from the parents (notarized) is attached to the set of papers.


According to the new border crossing rules, the entry stamp will not be placed on the passport. Instead of this foreign citizen receives a special ticket.

The coupon contains a barcode with information about the entering citizen. The coupon is kept until the end of the trip and presented upon departure.

When leaving, a stamp is placed in the foreign passport. It contains the departure date.

How to pass passport control

Russian citizens sometimes have problems going through passport control even if they have all the papers. To pass the verification procedure, the purpose of entry must necessarily correspond to the stated purpose in the papers.

The following may seem suspicious:

  1. Citizens who indicated that they are going on vacation during their vacation, but their tickets indicate that they are going to stay long time in the country.
  2. Tourists who go to visit relatives, but cannot name the exact place of their residence, get confused about their names.
  3. Unmarried women who travel to men who are not in their relationship family relations. A suspicious situation is when tourists do not have funds, and the costs of the trip are paid by the host party.
  4. Groups of men.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of passport control workers, you must:

  1. Provide papers that confirm the availability of a hotel or apartment reservation. Attach to your booking confirmation receipts that confirm partial or full payment for the accommodation.
  2. Learn the addresses of the relatives you are going to visit. The best option– for the tourist to be met at the airport.
  3. Choose clothes that are not provocative; women should avoid wearing bright makeup.
  4. Answer questions clearly and concisely, without unnecessary details. Avoid ambiguous answers.


If passport control officers have doubts about the correspondence of the purpose of entry with the data indicated in the foreigner’s papers, they invite him for an interview.

It is important to know:

  1. The interview is the last opportunity to confirm that the trip is for tourism purposes. Therefore, you need to take it seriously.
  2. If the level of knowledge of English does not allow you to answer questions freely, report this. In this case, the interview will be conducted by a Russian-speaking employee.
  3. If the passport has stamps about stay in Arab countries, they ask questions: what was the purpose of the trip, are there any relatives there. You must answer that you were traveling to see the sights and have no relatives in these countries.

It is important to note

Foreign citizens who leave the country by land pay an exit tax. Its size is 106 shekels. If travelers travel by sea or fly by plane, they do not need to pay this tax.

Citizens whose passports contain stamps confirming their visit to Arab countries undergo a thorough check. Experienced tourists advise changing your passport in this situation. When transiting through Israel from an Arab country, tourists should be prepared to undergo thorough screening.

Do Russians need a visa to Israel in 2019, what must be taken into account to obtain it? What visa is needed to study and is it eligible for family members of the student? You have to find out about this.

Important! For almost a decade now, the vast majority Russian citizens No permit is required to travel to Israel.

This tourist destination is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Therefore, the decision of the Israeli authorities to cancel the visa regime. This country has joined the list for Russian citizens.

For guests from Russia who comply with the following conditions:

  • stay in the Promised Land for up to 90 days;
  • goals: business trip, tourism, treatment, family contacts;
  • you cannot work and make a profit;

spread visa-free conditions. When going to the country to study or work, you need to go to the Israeli Embassy with a whole package of documents to obtain the appropriate permit certificate.

Holders of diplomatic passports also need a visa to Israel.

Entry into Israel does not require a visa. But not everything is easy and simple.

Your papers will be carefully examined by the border guard at the checkpoint.

  1. Let's start with foreign passport. He interests me the most. The main thing is its validity period, which should be more than six months.
  2. Return ticket with a “closed” date, the day of departure, which will take place from the arrival airport: Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv or international Airport Israel in Eilat. And you don’t have to worry about the type of ticket itself. A regular air ticket and an electronic printout of it are equally suitable.
  3. must be in effect the entire time you are visiting the country.
  4. Housing rental document or. It will be completely replaced by a tourist voucher.
  5. Confirmation of solvency - extract from bank account, cash (required for tourist trips). An invitation received from a relative or from a clinic, issued strictly according to the regulations, information about the inviter and the invitee is indicated, financial security and the period of stay in Israel.

If the border guard has no questions, you will receive a stamp on your visa tab for free.

Special mention should be made about the stamp.

Important! The passport will not contain a note about visiting Israel. You will receive a special paper ID with your photo. It simultaneously serves and migration card. We'll have to save it until the end of the trip. They can ask him at the hotel. Without it, they may not rent a car.

If you cross the border using any of the land routes border crossings, the stamp is placed. If you don’t want to see this mark in your passport, border guards can accommodate you halfway. They are aware that this mark threatens to be denied a visa when entering some Muslim countries, for example.

If you have children with you

Don’t forget about the child’s birth certificate and consent for the removal of the second parent, certified by a notary.

When a minor travels with another relative or, for example, with a coach, copies of mom and dad’s passports and their consent are needed.

Border inspection

Here you need to be prepared for the unexpected. Everyone is inspected especially carefully upon entry and exit. Some even call such control tough. This is especially true for departures, when control is carried out by airline security services.

It all starts with a formal interrogation, called an interview, and ends (at departure) with a detailed check of luggage.

The conversation takes place in the presence of the whole family. If an employee speaks Russian, communicate in your native language.

If not, and you are not strong in English, they may give you a card that lists all the questions in Russian:

  • about the purpose of the visit;
  • about the place where you are going;
  • about your marital status;
  • about the presence of relatives or friends - who you are for Israeli citizens;
  • about nationality (are you Jewish?);
  • who was packing the luggage?

It is very important that you answer calmly, without getting nervous or overthinking. And on last question(this will certainly be asked upon departure) the answer should be unequivocal: they packed it personally and did not let it out of sight for a minute until the airport. Otherwise, you risk showing off the contents of your suitcases to others.

Single passengers, and more often than not, girls, raise constant questions.

Border guards often ask about your computer equipment. You may even be asked for passwords to check your personal correspondence. It's connected with terrorist threats. If you do not agree, entry will be denied.

If you want to stay longer

You have three months to freely and legally be in this country. But according to the most various reasons You may need to extend your stay, for example you become ill.

If available sufficient reason To extend your visa, you need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs (appear in person), with photographs, a passport, justification for extension in in writing and personal explanations of the reasons, evidence financial solvency. Here you are official form fill in.

If we're talking about to continue treatment at the clinic, you will need a certificate from there. It will cost you 175 shekels, this is exactly the cost of the extension.

The easiest way is to extend tourist visa, if your relatives are Israelis.

The extension period can be from 180 days to a year.

If the period of stay is violated

The country's authorities strictly monitor this and do not welcome it. You must have good reasons for this. For several days of disruption related to a transport or health problem, the attitude may be loyal.

Otherwise, the information will end up in the database, and it is extremely doubtful that your subsequent visits will be possible.

Important! For a more serious violation, you face deportation and an entry ban for up to 10 years.

Why might they prevent you from visiting the country?

It turns out that this is possible.

  • On previous visits, the guest violated the law (was engaged in commercial activities, without permission, exceeded the period of stay, was deported).
  • There are suspicions that the guest intends to work or stay illegally.
  • The foreigner was unable to pass the inspection, was caught trying to smuggle prohibited items, answered the questions asked unclearly, and did not provide the necessary documents.
  • The guest is insolvent.
  • The tourist appeared in the database as having violated the immigration regime.
  • You just don't like the person's behavior or appearance.

Any of the above circumstances may serve as grounds for refusal of permission to stay in Israel.

About other visas

There are circumstances when a visa is required to enter Israel. We will talk about who needs a visa, how and when to get it. Visas to Israel are issued at the Embassy in Moscow, where you will find out how much a visa to Israel costs.


Devotees of all religions flock to this sacred Land. Among them there are many Russians.

All guests can be distinguished as:

  • pilgrims eager to touch the shrines; priests who dream of one day setting foot on ancient stones:
  • representatives of the clergy who arrive for the service.

If the first category is akin to ordinary tourists, they do not need a permit and do without a visa. Then the second one has no right to enter the country without it. Permission is issued strictly upon the invitation of a religious institution approved by the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After receiving the sanction of the ministry, when the deadlines are determined and the necessary documents are submitted:

  • application form for a visa to Israel;
  • international passport;
  • photo 2 pcs.;
  • payment document consular fee, priced at $47;

The applicant receives a visa directly from the Israeli consulate in the Russian Federation. It can be extended only in Israel.


In the Promised Land you can get a decent education. Young people flock here to get diplomas. How to get a visa to Israel for education? It's possible.

You provide the consulate with a standard set of documents, supplementing it with:

  • notification from the educational institution about enrollment;
  • confirmation of financial solvency for the duration of study and residence;
  • for minors - consent of mother and father.

The passport must remain valid not less than a year. The permit is issued for a year, and you can cross the border many times. The work is considered a violation, with the ensuing consequences.


Obtaining a visa to Israel is possible for the spouse and children of the recipient religious visa or student, as well as Israelis. The same set of papers and additional confirmation relationship (marriage or birth certificate).

Important! Visitor visa to Israel with introduction visa-free entry canceled for Russian citizens.

It is better to find out how much a visa costs directly from the embassy.

A visa to Jerusalem is required. To visit this city, you undergo additional border controls.

About the features

They are connected with the situation in certain regions of the state. Do you want to avoid unnecessary worry?

Follow simple rules:

  • There are areas within the territory that are closed to the public. Don’t rush there if life is dear;
  • check out customs regulations in advance;
  • a visa stamp of an Arab country in your passport will not be an obstacle to entry;
  • During control, don’t fuss, don’t worry, and don’t be silly. Answer questions calmly and clearly.

When the number of days spent in this place exceeds set limit, extension is permitted.

In other cases, receiving Israeli visa is prerequisite location.

And Israel is very loyal to Russia. This is not hampered by the existing differences in foreign policy between the countries.

To visit Israel, you need to take care of collecting and submitting in advance necessary documents.

They are different for each visa category, their list may vary for different categories of people.

Submission of documents is carried out independently in his office, or can also be issued through a tour operator.

List of documents for different categories of visas

Generally, as of 2016, a visa is not required to travel to Israel if it does not exceed 90 days. In other cases it is necessary to submit following list documents.

Visa-free entry

To enter the country visa-free, you must have:

  • Booked ticket with departure date.
  • A voucher from a travel agency or a ready-made hotel reservation.
  • If you go to visit, then in your arms or in in electronic format An invitation from friends and relatives is required.
  • If the purpose of your visit is treatment, then in hand or electronically a letter from the medical institution.
  • Documents on solvency for the period of stay in Israel (relevant for pensioners, for non-workers.

Non-immigrant visa

Required for those traveling to Israel for the purpose of doing business and work (B/1), it is also required for students (B/2), for the clergy (A/3), temporary visa for a resident of the country (A/1) and for minors/child visa type (A/4), and visa (B/4) for volunteers. If you are visiting relatives, then you need a visa type (B/2)

You can obtain an A/2 visa upon presentation of the following documents:

  • Completed and signed visa application form (download here).
  • 2 photos as for a passport.
  • Certificate confirming admission to an educational institution in Israel.
  • A certificate confirming the availability of funds to support oneself while studying.
  • A travel card that is valid for 1 year or a passport that is valid for the entire duration of training and another 6 months after completion of training.

An A/3 visa for clergy can only be issued by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The validity period will depend on the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You can obtain an A/3 visa upon presentation of the following documents:

  • A completed and signed application form, and the application must be from the religious institution that invites the priest.
  • Passport.
  • 2 photos as for a passport.
  • Fee payment receipt (see fee table)

An A/4 visa will be issued if the following conditions are met:

  • The applicant is one of the parents or minor child a person who has received an A/2 or A/3 visa.
  • Completed and signed application form (download here) and attached to the accompanying person’s visa
  • 2 photos as for a passport.
  • Fee payment receipt (see fee table)

The B/1 work visa is also issued to experts and artists and can only be obtained with the permission of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • Certificate of no criminal record (reliability).
  • A paper with notes indicating that a medical examination has been completed and that there is no tuberculosis, hepatitis, or AIDS, and blood tests must be attached.
  • Application for fingerprinting.
  • 2 photos as for a passport.
  • Fee payment receipt (see fee table)

B/2 — visit visa. Tourism or a visit to relatives without the right to work can be obtained upon presentation of:

  • A travel ticket that will still be valid for six months at the end of the trip.
  • Copy of travel documents.
  • A signed and correctly completed application form (download here).
  • A certificate confirming the availability of funds to support yourself while visiting Israel.
  • Booking confirmed round trip tickets.
  • 2 photos as for a passport.
  • Fee payment receipt (see fee table)

ATTENTION! Additional documents may be required upon request.

First of all, the question is: do you need a visa to Israel? And it is not for nothing that this question interests many, because it is simply impossible to travel to many countries without a visa.

As for Israel, visiting this country for the purpose of tourism today is possible without a visa. A pleasant moment in relations between the countries of Israel and Russia, as well as Ukraine, is that since last 2008, Israel has abolished visas for entry into the country for citizens of these countries.

But, a visa-free regime to Israel exists only for those who are going to the country for the purpose of holidaying in Israel, treatment, health improvement and business trips, and visiting relatives.

A visa to Israel is not required for Russian citizens today. A visa-free regime with Russia was introduced back in 2008. Since the introduction of a visa-free regime between Israel and Russia, the popularity of Israel as a country for tourism has rapidly increased. Today, in terms of the number of tourists who visit Israel per year, Russia ranks second after the United States. It must be said that just recently, last year, a visa-free regime was introduced between Israel and Ukraine; an agreement between the countries was signed in February last year.

From the moment the visa-free regime with Ukraine was abolished, the picture of traveling to the country and visiting Israel for the purpose of tourism has changed to better side– Ukraine is also a leader in visiting Israel.

What do you need to travel to Israel? What documents should I have with me? The most important document is a citizen’s foreign passport. Remember that a foreign passport is valid for at least six months from the date of entry into the State of Israel.

You must also have an airline ticket of any airline with the dates of entry and exit from the country, that is, the ticket must have closed departure dates. Without a visa, you can now stay in Israel for no more than three months, that is, no more than 90 days. It is mandatory to have medical insurance in Israel to provide in the event insured event certain medical procedures and services.

If a trip to Israel is planned for the purpose of tourism, then you must also have a voucher for a hotel reservation. This document may not be useful. The list of these documents is advisory in nature, but it is still better to have it with you.

It is no secret that Israel has strained relations with some Arab countries. Therefore, if you have been to an Arab country on a tourist package and the visas of these countries are noted in your passport, then this may alert the attention of the border passport control. Israeli border guards are very attentive and vigilant. If your passport contains Arab visas, be prepared for the fact that you will be asked a lot of questions, be patient, answer without being nervous, otherwise similar procedure may take a long time.

If your passport contains stamps and visas from Arab countries, and you plan to visit Israel, it would be more advisable to obtain new passport, in order to avoid all the inconveniences when crossing the border, so that the Israeli border services allow entry into the country.

Today, nine Arab countries unilaterally support a passport boycott with the State of Israel. With Israeli marks you cannot enter Muslim countries such as Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen and Sudan, even if a visa has been issued for one of these countries.

A visa to Israel is not required for Russians if a person is traveling to the country for the purpose of tourism, to visit relatives living in Israel, when visiting Israel in transit, or if a short-term business trip is planned that is not related to making a profit in Israel. And do not forget, if the trip does not exceed a stay in the country of more than 90 days.

You do not need a visa to Israel to travel for treatment and recovery. What is the validity period of a visa? The visa is valid for 90 days for six months, that is, within six months a person can visit the country as many times as he likes, but the duration of his stay cannot exceed three months.

Entry into the country is only possible if you have a foreign passport. In this case, the validity of the passport must be at least six months at the time of entry into Israel; when planning a trip to Israel, it is better to immediately prepare a package of documents, which includes: return ticket, medical insurance, a document confirming a hotel reservation, an invitation from relatives, friends and companies, if the purpose of entering the country is a visit, documents that will confirm your solvency.

The abolition of the visa regime ensures that a person can simply enter Israel. Still decisive and final decision accepts Border Service and others competent authorities about the entry of a person into the State of Israel.

If you are planning a trip to Israel with children, what should you do in this case? When traveling abroad with children minor child– original birth certificate and its photocopy, parental permission to travel abroad, which is certified by a notary and an Apostille stamp if the child is traveling without parents. Copies of the parents' passports are attached to the exit permit.

Let us remind you that today a visa to Israel for Russians, as well as for Ukrainians, is not needed. But, if the purpose of the trip to Israel is work, higher education educational institutions countries, service in religious institutions, diplomatic trips with special passports, volunteering to work in Israeli monasteries and kibbutzim - then you need a visa to Israel.

In order to obtain a visa to Israel, you need to contact the Embassy of the State of Israel in the Consular Section. In Moscow, the Embassy of the State of Israel is located on Bolshaya Ordynka Street, building 56. Opening hours can be found on the official website of the embassy on the Internet.

It must be said that not only citizens of Russia and Ukraine can enter Israel without a visa. Citizens of countries have the right to enter without visas European Union, this includes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. Visa-free regime between Israel and Bulgaria, Croatia, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and some others. For all these countries, the visa period is the same - the period of stay in the country should not exceed three months.

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