Consultations and accountant tips

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To evaluate the work of hospitals and clinic for the reporting period (calendar year), sets of certain indicators are usually used. They are...

To evaluate the work of hospitals and clinic for the reporting period (calendar year), sets of certain indicators are usually used. They are...

You can in the executive authorities of the city of Moscow as part of the pre-trial appeal. Pre-trial (extrajudicial) order of appeal ...

Registration N 6303 in order to implement Article 125 of the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ "On Amendments to ...
Federal Health Supervision Service Federal State Budgetary Institution "Monitoring Center and ...
Sample ________________________________________________________________________ Name of a medical organization, address, phone ...
Russian legislation leads strict control over the appeal of medical devices. That is why, absolutely all kinds of honey sizes are obliged ...
»Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSKN 855/370 dated September 11, 2012. June 4, 2013 Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and FSKN 855/370 dated September 11, 2012. Dear customers, bring to your ...
Each citizen's rights are protected by law, including in the field of obtaining medical care. Federal Law "On Licensing ...