What documents are needed to obtain a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan. Duration of consideration of documents and validity period of temporary residence permit

Thousands of Kazakhstanis annually strive to move to permanent place residence in neighboring economically more developed Russia. To legally stay in the country long term, all migrants must obtain a temporary residence permit (TRP). The Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) of Russia daily accepts hundreds of applications for registration of temporary residence permits for citizens of Kazakhstan, and the number of people wishing to receive this document is only increasing every year.

What is RVP

Between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan there is an Agreement dated November 30, 2000 on mutual visa-free travel citizens, according to which Kazakhstanis can enter the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of no more than 90 days within six months. After this period, if a temporary residence permit has not been issued, Russian territory must leave.

Let's take a closer look at what a temporary residence permit is for citizens of Kazakhstan and why it is issued.

A temporary residence permit allows you to stay and live and work in the Russian Federation for a long time; its registration is the first necessary step on the path (residence permit) and in the future.

The RVP is affixed as a stamp in.

How to apply for a temporary residence permit

Obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia for citizens of Kazakhstan is carried out on general principles. The registration process is regulated by the Law “On legal status foreign citizens V Russian Federation» dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ (as amended on April 17, 2017).

Thus, Kazakhstanis can apply for temporary residence permits within the allocated quota, established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation separately for each region based on its demographic and economic situation: accordingly, the more populated and economically developed the region, the lower the allocated quota.

The leaders in terms of the number of requests are still Moscow and St. Petersburg. Therefore, if you are planning to settle in these regions, it is recommended at the very beginning of the year, since the chances of getting into the quota during this period are much greater. The issuance of permits ends as soon as the entire quota has been selected.

Let's look at how to make a temporary residence permit for a citizen of Kazakhstan.

There are two ways to obtain a permit:

  1. In Kazakhstan. It is necessary to contact the Russian Consulate with a corresponding application. In Astana, this can be done at the address: st. Baraeva, no. 4, in Almaty – st. Dzhandosova, 4, in Uralsk - st. Mukhita, 78, in Ust-Kamenogorsk - st. Ordzhonikidze, 2.
  2. In Russia. Write a statement to GUVM division Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region where it is planned further employment and accommodation.

However, it is possible to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia for Kazakhstanis.

Obtaining a temporary residence permit outside the quota

The following can apply for a temporary residence permit without a quota:

  1. Those who have children or parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation and recognized as disabled or incompetent.
  2. Passing military service in the Russian Armed Forces.
  3. Spouses of Russian citizens.
  4. Those who invested in the country's economy in established by law size.
  5. Participants of the State program voluntary resettlement former citizens USSR, RSFSR, Russian Federation and their descendants.
  6. Parents minor children who have Russian citizenship.

The simplified status registration scheme applies to.

Quota for temporary residence permits in 2017

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2016 No. 2428-r for 2017 established a quota for obtaining a temporary residence permit for foreign citizens in Russia in the amount of 110,880 pieces.

You can find out what quota for temporary residence permits for citizens of Kazakhstan and migrants from other countries was allocated for various federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2017 in the table below:

Federal DistrictNumber of permits
Central33400 (total)
including Moscow region8000
including St. Petersburg1500
North Caucasian6450
Far Eastern6430

Required documents

All applicants applying for a permit, in addition to the application, must collect a certain package of documents. You should take their collection seriously, because an incomplete set may result in a refusal to consider the application.

The main list of documents for a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan contains:

  • (2 copies);
  • internal passport of the Republic of Kazakhstan or foreign identity document;
  • , history of the Russian Federation and its basic laws;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Documents for a temporary residence permit for the resettlement program from Kazakhstan to Russia look similar. Additionally, you will need to prove your right to participate in the program.

After the applicant applies to the department of the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a mark is placed on his migration card indicating that the documents are accepted for consideration.

Registration of temporary residence permit via the Internet

The legislation provides for the possibility of filing an application for obtaining a temporary residence permit through Single portal public services. In this case, the application form is filled out and sent online, and the necessary documents must be submitted when obtaining a temporary residence permit. Notification of acceptance of the application will be sent to the applicant electronically.

Currently, the acceptance of applications through the State Services portal is suspended for technical reasons.

Registration of temporary residence permit: terms and cost

No later than 60 days after submitting the application and a set of documents, citizens of Kazakhstan receive the coveted permit.

The cost of registering a temporary residence permit consists of several cost items, because during the entire procedure it is necessary to obtain medical certificates, translate documents and their copies, have some papers certified by a notary. Let's try to calculate the main expenses:

  1. State duty – 1600 rubles.
  2. Photos – 200 rubles.
  3. Translation internal passport Republic of Kazakhstan – 1500 rubles.
  4. Conclusion medical commission(certificate from narcological clinic– 1500 rubles, certificate from the skin and venereal disease clinic – 1400 rubles) – 2900 rubles.
  5. Certification of translation by a notary – 1000 rubles.
  6. Certification of a copy of a passport by a notary – 500 rubles.

Thus, minimum amount amounted to 7,700 rubles, depending on the region it may vary.

How to check readiness

This can be done online on the website of the Main Directorate for Migration Issues, you just need to fill out the proposed simple form. Of all the options, this is the easiest and fastest. In addition, you can contact the department where the application was submitted - in person or by telephone.

How to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy

After receiving a temporary residence permit, each foreign citizen can issue compulsory medical insurance policy, according to which, if necessary, they will provide free medical care in a clinic, emergency room. To do this, you should apply to any insurance company engaged in health insurance. You need to have a passport with registration and temporary residence permit with you.

What rights does the holder of a temporary residence permit have?

In addition to the right to free medical care, the holder of a temporary residence permit can

Thousands of Kazakhs annually legally cross the border of the Russian Federation with the goal of staying on the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time. And the majority, depending on the reason for coming to Russia, need to obtain a temporary residence permit. The Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives regional departments hundreds of migrants for consultations and further acceptance of applications with documents for acquiring status. How to obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia for a citizen of Kazakhstan in 2019, where to download new applications for a temporary residence permit.

Let's consider how the registration and receipt of the permit presented for registration purposes proceeds, the validity period of the permit, the procedure for confirming residence and other topical issues related to the receipt of a Russian temporary residence permit by citizens of Kazakhstan.

A temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation is issued to foreign citizens - this is a temporary residence permit in Russia. In fact, obtaining a temporary residence permit means affixing a stamp - a seal in a migrant's passport or other document confirming his identity to certify the foreigner's right to temporarily reside in Russia.

Validity period of temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation

A citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan receives a temporary residence permit for three years.

Is it possible to renew the permit after three years? No, valid period It is also necessary for the person who has received the permit to understand whether he wants to continue living in Russia. And then he can decide on his status and whether he will subsequently become a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan and legal norms

The current Minsk Intergovernmental Agreement of November 30, 2000 on mutual visa-free travel of citizens is the main document, guided by which Kazakhs can enter the territory of the Russian Federation for 90 days within six months Rule 90/180. After 90 days, if a temporary residence permit has not been issued, you must leave the territory of Russia.

Let's consider what a temporary residence permit is for a citizen of Kazakhstan and why it is issued. The permit allows you to stay to live and work on the territory of the Russian Federation for a long time; its registration is the first necessary step towards obtaining a residence permit in the future Russian citizenship and a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

How to make a temporary residence permit for a citizen of Kazakhstan

For citizens of Kazakhstan, the technology for obtaining a temporary residence permit is divided into a general and simplified procedure and can be represented by the main stages

  1. collection of documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan. There is a main list and an additional one, which depend on the grounds for obtaining a permit: under a quota or preferential, outside the quota;
  2. compilation of documents and provision by a citizen of Kazakhstan to regional / district offices Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration Issues;
  3. waiting and receiving notification with results about the decision taken on granting a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan a temporary residence permit, or a reasoned refusal;
  4. obtaining a ready-made temporary residence permit in Russia from the authorized (regional or district) body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  5. confirmation, within the framework of the legislation, of residence on the territory of Russia during the period of validity of the received permit.

If obtaining a temporary residence permit in Russia by a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out on a general basis, then we read No. 115-FZ “On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation” dated July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ (as amended on April 17, 2017).

The Law talks about obtaining temporary residence permits within the allocated quota, established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation for the country as a whole and then regionally, separately for their region, based on needs, i.e. need for labor resources based on demographic and economic region. In 2019, the trend towards reducing quotas for temporary residence permits continued. The undisputed leaders among the regions are still Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The size of the quota for issuing temporary residence permits in 2019 is established taking into account proposals received in advance from the authorities executive power subjects of the Russian Federation, prepared on the basis of statistical data on unemployment in the region and economically calculated demand.

When planning to settle in the capital regions, hurry to apply for a temporary residence permit at the beginning of the year, since the chances of getting into the quota during this period are much greater. The issuance of permits ends as soon as the entire quota for federal district/ subject.

Documents for obtaining permission under a quota in the general order

The administrative regulations in paragraph 28 determine what documents a citizen of Kazakhstan needs in 2019 to obtain a temporary residence permit for general rule. In the presence of special conditions with the right to receive a temporary residence permit outside the quota, the list of documents differs somewhat from the general one, as described in paragraphs. 29-37 of the Regulations.

To obtain a temporary residence permit of the Russian Federation under a quota, an adult Kazakhstani must submit to the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation:

For legal work in Russia in 2019, a work patent is not required for citizens of Kazakhstan, since these countries are part of the customs union.

Persons who are citizens of Kazakhstan and do not have the right to register without taking into account quotas must apply for a temporary residence permit. Taking into account the deadlines for providing this permission, citizens of this state must seven days before expiration migration registration, collect the entire package of documents that is necessary to complete the temporary residence permit procedure. After acceptance positive decision migration service FMS, the period of stay of Kazakhs is increased by 3 years, in otherwise, resubmission documents can be carried out after one year with the deportation of a citizen of Kazakhstan to his homeland.

Obtaining a stamp in a passport or other identification document this person, upon receipt of a temporary residence permit is one of the stages for staying within Russia. You are also required to undergo fingerprinting, register at your place of residence, tax service to obtain a TIN and annually notify the FMS service about your income. It is also worth noting the ban on leaving the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of more than 180 days within one year, for violation of this rule provision is made for the cancellation of the temporary residence permit.

Residents of Kazakhstan find it easier to stay in Russia, as do Belarusians and Kyrgyz: thanks to Quadripartite Agreement It has become easier for citizens of Kazakhstan to obtain a temporary residence permit. Although required package You will still have to collect documents, as well as fill out various forms. This will take time and nerves, because it is always difficult for foreigners in a foreign country. Practice shows that with poor command of the Russian language, Kazakhs often make mistakes both when drawing up an application and when preparing documentation, and this may be the reason why a permit will not be issued. In order to avoid these annoying misunderstandings, our company exists.

With us, obtaining a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan will not be a problem. Competent and legally savvy specialists will help you go through all the stages of registering a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan without any delay. If necessary you will receive free consultation on questions migration legislation and residence permit for Kazakhs in Russia. Our company will not only help with registration necessary documents, but will also accompany the entire process, monitoring the degree of readiness of the papers. In some cases, we make a simplified procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit. In addition, the company provides a service for finding housing for temporary stay and assists in registering with the Federal Migration Service. It's very simple: you call - we help. Fast, efficient and inexpensive. Contact us and see for yourself. It's easy and reliable with us.

To obtain a temporary residence permit, a citizen of Kazakhstan will need

  • translation of a passport, notarized;
  • migration card+ copy;
  • registration at the place of stay + copy;
  • state duty for temporary residence permit is 1600 rubles;
  • photo 3.5x4.5, matte 4 pcs;
  • copy of marriage certificate + copy;
  • copy of passport (husband, wife);
  • medical certificates;
  • 4 pcs envelopes with a Russian stamp;
  • 1 piece folder "Case".

To fill out an application for temporary registration, you will need information

  • translation of the passport notarized;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of marriage, divorce, death;
  • certificate or diploma of education;
  • employment history if you have worked legally in the territory of your country or the Russian Federation in the last 5 years;
  • information about close relatives: husband, parents, children, relatives, brothers, sisters;
  • date and place of birth, country of residence and address, place of work, records (the name of the organization, its abbreviations are deciphered);
  • certificate of completion of courses in the Russian language, history, fundamentals of Russian legislation;
  • medical examination You can go through before submitting documents or report within 30 days from the date of submission.

Receipt times

The permit will be ready within 74 working days from the date of application.

We guarantee

  • legal advice during the period of obtaining a temporary residence permit;
  • support of a lawyer in the Moscow Federal Migration Service;
  • filling out applications and forms with the Federal Migration Service;
  • checking a set of documents.
Pass the TRP exam for Kazakhs -

Find out what documents are needed for a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan and how can they obtain a temporary residence permit? What do citizens of Kazakhstan need for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation - answers from specialists.

Documents for a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan must be submitted if it is necessary to confirm the right to temporary residence in the territory of a particular state. Typically, a temporary residence permit is valid until citizenship or a residence permit is obtained.

The total validity period is a maximum of three years. For the same period, you must register at your current place of residence. Then at each repeated intersection Russian borders You will not need to deal with migration registration.

In the presence of certain reasons Citizens of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus can apply for Russian citizenship without a temporary residence permit. To obtain the permit itself, you will need international passport, which is still valid for a period of at least three years. In addition, you will need to provide a birth certificate. All other documents are collected in the Russian Federation.

If there is a reason, then a temporary residence permit can be obtained without a quota. For example, the presence of at least one parent from Russia in need of additional care or Russian children aged 18 years and older, despite the fact that the applicant himself is declared incompetent. Without a quota, a permit is issued even if there is a Russian child under 8 years of age. In addition, the document can be obtained if the spouse has the appropriate status. Birth on the territory of the RSFSR is also considered a serious reason.

What documents are needed for a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan?

Getting into the quota determines how difficult it will be for citizens of Kazakhstan to obtain a temporary residence permit. What documents are needed in 2015-2016? General requirements remained the same as before. You will need three certificates for infectious diseases, from a narcologist and on HIV infection. You can't do without two photographs and a passport. The size of the photographs is three and a half by four and a half centimeters.

If someone manages to bypass the quota, then documents are provided proving the possibility of obtaining a permit without taking it into account. What do citizens of Kazakhstan need for a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation? You may also need a marriage certificate. The presence of Russian-speaking spouses with citizenship is a significant reason to simplify this procedure.

The permit itself is issued in the form of a mark on one of the pages of the identity document. Participant's certificate state program will help prove that a particular person can obtain a temporary residence permit without taking into account the quota. For some states it is also introduced consular fee, a receipt for its payment is given after the transfer of all necessary documents. Finally, after obtaining permission every year government agencies it is necessary to prove that the person is actually on the territory of the state.

Enough a large number of people are trying to move to Russia, and among them there are residents of Kazakhstan. For those who are going to for a long time or stay in the Russian Federation forever, you will need to register special documents. First of all, you need to take care of. Without it a person will not be able to legally live in Russia for a long time. It will be useful to understand the question of how to obtain a temporary residence permit for citizens from Kazakhstan from January 1, 2019.

Who can apply for a temporary residence permit?

In order for residents of Kazakhstan to receive a temporary residence permit, they will first need to make sure that there are quotas. Their number is limited, and not every person gets them. But without them it will not be possible to issue a temporary residence permit.

However, if a person has privileges, then he will not need quotas. These individuals include:

  1. Those born on the territory of the USSR and who previously held citizenship of the Soviet Union.
  2. Children disabled parents who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  3. Spouses of Russians who have official place accommodation.
  4. Servants of the Russian army.
  5. Disabled people who have adult child with a Russian passport, ready to take custody.

Also in 2019, residents of Kazakhstan can participate in. This is a good opportunity not only to quickly obtain a temporary residence permit, but also to obtain citizenship.

About the resettlement program

People can participate in the program for resettlement of compatriots to Russia in 2019 certain people. These include persons from the Russian Federation who, of their own free will or due to circumstances, left the Federation and ended up, for example, in Astana. Also, people who previously lived in the USSR can take part in the resettlement program for compatriots. If desired, direct descendants of individuals who previously lived in the Soviet Union or Russia can take advantage of the privileges.

Read also Filling out a notification of confirmation of residence in the Russian Federation under a temporary residence permit

It is important that only adults, capable, educated and Russian-speaking people can participate in the resettlement program for compatriots. If a person meets all the requirements, he can receive a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan under the program for the resettlement of compatriots. Moreover, the individual will have the opportunity to short time obtain citizenship in 2019. And most of the moving expenses are covered by the Russian government. Also, people participating in the resettlement program for compatriots will initially receive a monthly allowance if they do not have a job.

What documents are needed

In order to obtain a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan in 2019, you will need to submit certain documents. This must be done in person; there is no option to send them online. If a person is in Russia, then he needs to contact the GUVM. If abroad, for example, in Astana, then you need to go to the consulate.

Regardless of whether a person is participating in the resettlement program for compatriots or is trying to obtain a residence permit without government help, he will have to collect a certain list of documents. Without them, temporary residence permits for citizens of Kazakhstan will not be issued in Russia.

Sample list:

  1. Completed application form (2 copies).
  2. Photos are 3 by 4 cm. They must be in color and taken in the near future.
  3. National passport.
  4. If you have the right to receive a temporary residence permit outside the quotas, then you need to prove it with the help of documents.
  5. A medical certificate confirming the absence of diseases dangerous to others.
  6. Certificate confirming knowledge of the Russian language. It is not needed for children, or for people of retirement age.
  7. Documents for the child, if available.

Having submitted documents for registration of a temporary residence permit for citizens of Kazakhstan, all that remains is to wait for the decision in 2019. If the answer is positive, then all that remains is to put a stamp in your passport at the Main Directorate for Migration. A residence permit in Russia is issued for 3 years. After this, you can submit documents for a residence permit. This will be the next step towards acquiring citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In 2019, in order to receive a temporary residence permit, you will need to pay state fee. On this moment it is 1600 rubles. If the answer is negative, the money paid will be returned to the person.

After obtaining a residence permit, you can legally stay on the territory of the Russian Federation for the allotted period. It is worth noting that if necessary, the temporary residence permit can be extended. But your residence permit cannot be renewed. According to the rules, when it expires, you need to submit documents for citizenship. And then the person will either become a full-fledged resident of Russia, or he will have to try again to get a passport in a year.

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