The area of ​​activity is preventive at school. School work system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency District seminar for deputy directors for educational activities

Information sheet

In the school cafeteria great attention pays attention to proper storage of products. The school has the necessary refrigeration equipment, intended for storage different types products, each type separately. Their presence helps preserve the quality of products before they are directly prepared. In addition, the responsibilities of food department workers include fulfilling all standards for the storage and sale of products, as well as compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards.
Compliance with food storage and calorie standards is monitored by school medical workers on a daily basis. In addition, there is sanitary journal on the permission of workers in the canteen to work.
All canteen workers have professional education and work experience. Wearing overalls for catering workers is mandatory. This allows you to comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.
Before entering the cafeteria, students are provided with hand washing facilities. special place equipped with hand dryers.
The school maintains a reject log of finished and raw products, invoices for incoming products (production and sales dates), instructions for observing sanitary and hygienic rules when processing and preparing food. The quality of the resulting raw and finished products checked by a rejection commission.

Description of the problem
Significant number modern problems in system general education, is associated with negative dynamics in the health of children and adolescents. Of particular concern is the very nature of the disorders, which are often the result of overstrain of the child’s body in the process of adaptation to the quality of the educational environment. Such disorders are called “school pathology.” Experts note that “school pathologies” manifest themselves in the development of musculoskeletal, digestive, cardiovascular vascular systems, growing nervously - mental illness, diseases of the respiratory system, vision. As a result, there is a general decrease in the level of psychological comfort in children and adolescents. And as a general manifestation - the negative dynamics of social activity, which manifests itself in inertia in educational and labor activity, and often leads to inappropriate and even aggressive behavior.
In terms of measures to improve student nutrition, child health is considered not only as a goal, content and result educational process, but also as a criterion for assessing the quality and effectiveness of teaching activities.

The need to seriously engage in the formation of a culture of health in the general education system is due to a number of objective reasons:

  • the foundation of human health is laid in childhood, and, consequently, it is advisable to begin to develop healthy interests and habits, a value-based attitude towards health during this period;
  • at the same age the foundations are laid healthy image life as a system of norms and rules acquired by the child in specially projected activities;
Organizational issues school meals V last years arouse increased interest. The basis of approaches to organization good nutrition at school is the introduction of new nutrition schemes for schoolchildren and the use of modern high-quality equipment, which makes it possible to provide schoolchildren with nutrition at the level of requirements at minimal cost today. Therefore, the school administration today pays great attention to the life and health of children and adolescents.

GOAL of the action plan for organizing and developing school meals:
Creating conditions conducive to improving health and developing healthy eating habits.

1. Contribute to the formation of a healthy personality.
2. Achieve 100% coverage of students with hot meals.
3. Provide favorable conditions for a quality educational process.


Organizational and analytical work, Information Support
Main events Term Performers Expected results
1. Organizational meetings
  • organization of meals for students;
  • organization of drinking regime for students
September, December Deputy Directors for HR;
Social educators schools;
Bringing organized hot meals to 100% coverage of students in grades 1 - 11
2. Meeting class teachers for organizing hot meals 1 time per quarter Deputy Directors for HR Conducting nutrition monitoring
3. Meeting on the organization and development of school meals 1 time per quarter School directors Catering control
4. Monitoring the work of the canteen, carrying out targeted thematic audits September Education department Inspection protocols

Methodological support
Main events Term Performers Expected results
1. Organization of consultations for class teachers
1 -4, 5-8, 9-11 grades;
  • student behavior culture during meals,
  • compliance with sanitary hygiene requirements
  • organizing hot meals is the key to maintaining health
During a year School health workers Publishing newsletters, increasing information awareness of students, teachers and parents
2. Improving normatively - legal framework, methodological and technological documentation on organizing school meals During a year School administration Package of documents corresponding sanitary legislation and consumer protection legislation

Work to educate nutrition culture among students

Main events Term Performers Expected results
1.Conduct cool hours by topic:
  • daily routine and its meaning;
  • food culture;
  • acute intestinal diseases and their prevention
September, November, March School health workers Methodological developments classroom hours, increasing information awareness of students, teachers and parents
2. Newspaper competition among schools for students in grades 3 - 5 “About tasty and healthy food” November Deputy Directors Newspaper exhibition
3. Questioning students: October,
Social teacher Survey results, assessment of students’ nutritional culture
4. Work on improving the health of students in summer period(vacation time) June August Head of the CDP Camp program
5. Posting information about the organization of school meals on websites educational institutions Constantly IT-teacher Openness of information for participants in the educational process

Working with parents on the organization of school meals
Main events Term Performers
1. Conducting classroom parent meetings by topic:
  • joint work of family and school to create a healthy lifestyle at home. Meals for students.
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and infectious and colds.
  • Results medical examinations students
December, April
School medical worker, class manager Increasing information awareness of parents

Program production control catering for students
Object of production control Periodicity Responsible Accounting and reporting form
1. Compliance sanitary condition catering unit Daily school health worker Inspection reports
2. Storage conditions for supplied products 1 time per week school health worker Refrigeration equipment temperature map
3. Quality of raw products supplied Daily school health worker Rejection journal
4. Control of daily samples Daily school health worker Rejection journal
5. Quality of finished products Daily school health worker Rejection journal
6. Compliance of the weight of the released finished products with the approved menu 1 time per month school health worker Checking act
7. Maintaining personal hygiene of students before eating Daily Teacher on duty in the canteen, class teachers
8. Compliance sanitary rules when washing dishes 1 time per week Medical worker Checking act
9. Checking the organization of operation of technological and refrigeration equipment Quarterly Warehouse Manager Checking act
10. Waste control During a year Warehouse Manager Act
11. Monitoring the organization of school meals Quarterly Director Monitoring results: obtaining information about catering
12. Implementation of comments supervisory authorities, parent community, school commission on organization and quality of food Constantly Director Receipt objective information about the organization of school meals
13. Monitoring the health status of children school age(with gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies) Constantly deputy director, responsible for organizing work on healthy lifestyle, medical worker Assessing the impact of catering on the health of students

CONCLUSION: The implementation of these measures will create conditions for 100% coverage of students in general education institutions with high-quality and affordable hot school meals.

I affirm:

Director of MKOU Secondary School No. 7

T.O. Ramazanov.

Action plan for organizing school meals

for the 2017-2018 academic year.


    1. Creating conditions conducive to improving health and developing skills proper nutrition, searching for new forms of serving children, increasing the coverage of students with hot meals.

Main tasks for catering:

1.Providing free and reduced-price meals to categories of students established by the district administration;

2.Creating favorable conditions for organizing rational nutrition for students with the involvement of parents’ funds ( legal representatives);

3.Strengthening and modernization material base school catering facilities;

4.Improving nutritional culture;

5. Ensuring sanitary and hygienic food safety;

6. Carrying out systematic explanatory work among parents (legal representatives) and students about the need for hot meals.

1. Organizational and analytical work, information support

Main events



1. Organizational meeting - the procedure for students to receive breakfast; decor discounted meals; duty schedule and duties of the duty teacher.


Chairman of the school nutrition commission, school director

2. Meeting of class teachers:

About students receiving breakfast.



3. Meeting with the director on the organization and development of school meals




4. Meeting of the school nutrition commission with the invitation of class teachers of grades 1-11 on the following issues:

Coverage of students with hot meals
- Compliance with dignity. hygiene requirements
- Prevention of infectious diseases.




5. Organization of the work of the school nutrition commission (students, teachers, parents).

During a year

School Nutrition Commission

6. Carrying out daily monitoring of the work of the canteen by the school administration, conducting targeted thematic inspections.

During a year


Marriage commission

2. Methodological support

Main events



1 . Organization of consultations for class teachers of grades 1-4, 5-8, 9-11:

The culture of behavior of students during meals, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements";
“Providing hot meals is the key to maintaining health.”

During a year

School nurse

2. Generalization and dissemination of positive experience on the organization and development of school meals, the introduction of new forms of serving students

During a year


3. Organization of work to improve the material and technical base of the canteen, expand the scope of services for students and their parents

Main events



1. Aesthetic design of the dining room



2. Acquisition necessary equipment,

3. Implementation of dietary nutrition for students.

During a year



4. Work to educate a culture of nutrition and promote a healthy lifestyle among students

Main events



1. Conducting classes on the following topics:

Daily routine and its meaning
- Food culture
- “Bread is the head of everything”
- Acute intestinal diseases and their prevention





Class teachers, nurse

2. Game for students primary school"Gold autumn"


Cl. hands, counselor

3. Newspaper competition among students of grades 5-9. "About tasty and healthy food"



4. Conversations with students of grades 10-11. "Take care of your health"


Cl. manager, nurse

5. Competition for best scenario"Birthday Day"


Cl. manager, deputy director according to UVR

6. Holding a vitamin fair


deputy dir. according to UVR

7. Competition among students in grades 5-7 “Housewife”


Service teachers

8. Questioning students:

School meals: quality and variety of lunches
- Why do we say thank you to the chefs?


deputy dir. according to UVR
Cl. hands

9. Questioning of parents “Your suggestions for the year on the development of school nutrition”


School Nutrition Commission

5. Work to educate a culture of nutrition and promote a healthy lifestyle among students’ parents

Main events



1 . Conducting parent meetings on the following topics:

Collaboration families and schools to promote a healthy lifestyle at home. Meals for students.
- Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, infectious diseases, colds.
- Results of medical examinations of students


Nurse, deputy dir. according to UVR, class. managers

2. Individual consultations nurses of the school “How to feed someone in need of a diet”

1st Monday of the month


3. Parent lecture “The health of your family”


Educational psychologist

4. Meeting with parents

- “Child’s personal hygiene”


Nurse, class teachers

5. Questioning parents “Your suggestions for the 2016_/2017_ school year. year for the development of school nutrition"


Class teachers

6. Organization of the activities of the commission to monitor the organization and quality of meals for students.

The school commission for monitoring the organization and quality of meals for students has existed since 2004. In its activities, the commission is guided by legislative and other regulatory standards. legal acts Russian Federation, orders and regulations of educational authorities, charter and local acts educational institution.

The composition of the school commission is approved by order of the school director for each academic year.

Members of the commission select a chairman from among themselves.

The work of the commission is carried out in accordance with the plan agreed with the school administration.

The results of inspections and measures taken to eliminate deficiencies are documented in acts and considered at commission meetings with the invitation of interested parties.

The meeting of the commission is documented in minutes and brought to the attention of the school administration.

The main activities of the commission:

  • Assists the school administration in organizing meals for students.
  • Controls:

1. for rational use financial resources allocated for meals for students;
2. for the intended use of food and finished products;
3. for compliance of food rations according to the approved menu;
4. quality of finished products;
5. for the sanitary condition of the catering unit;
6. compliance with the delivery schedule for products and finished products, their storage and use periods;
7. organizing meals for students;
8. for compliance with the work schedule of the dining room and buffet.

  • Conducts quality checks of raw products supplied to the catering unit, the conditions of their storage, compliance with sales deadlines, investment standards and food preparation technology, standards for distribution of finished products and compliance with other requirements imposed by supervisory authorities and services.
  • Organizes and conducts a survey of students on the range and quality of products sold and presents the information received to the school management.
  • Makes proposals to the school administration to improve services to students.
  • Provides assistance to the school administration in conducting educational work among students and their parents (legal representatives) on issues of rational nutrition.
  • Attracts the parent community and various shapes school self-government to organize and control the nutrition of students.

7. Work plan of the school commission to monitor the organization and quality of school nutrition.




1. Checking the two-week menu.



2. Check intended use food products and finished products.



3. Checking the compliance of the diet according to the approved menu.



4. Use of financial resources for student meals.

October, January

Head teacher
Social teacher

5. Organization of educational work.

October, April


Social teacher

6. Questioning of students and their parents on nutrition.


Social teacher

7. Control over food quality.


cook, nurse

8. Drawing up food tables.


Rep. on nutrition



Information sheet

The practice of catering in our municipal formation convinced us of the advantage of canteens working directly on raw materials. Their complete autonomy in cooking makes it possible to provide a wide variety of dishes on site. The absence of the need to transport food, freeze it (cool it) and reheat it makes it possible to preserve not only taste, but also nutritional value.

In school catering units, much attention is paid to the proper storage of food. General educational institutions have the necessary refrigeration equipment designed to store different types of products, each type separately. Their presence helps preserve the quality of products before they are directly prepared. In addition, the responsibilities of food department workers include fulfilling all standards for the storage and sale of products, as well as compliance with all sanitary and hygienic standards.

Compliance with food storage and calorie standards is monitored by school medical workers on a daily basis. In addition, a sanitary log is kept on the access of workers in the canteen to work.

All canteen workers have professional education and work experience. Wearing overalls for catering workers is mandatory. This allows you to comply with the necessary sanitary and hygienic standards.

In one of the schools, along with organized meals There is a buffet for all students. It constantly contains not only baked goods, but also a variety of juices, drinks, and confectionery.

Before entering the canteen premises, a special place equipped with hand dryers has been organized for students to wash their hands.

Schools keep a reject log of finished and raw products, a “Health” log (admission of catering staff to work), invoices for incoming products (production and sales dates), instructions for observing sanitary and hygienic rules when processing and preparing food.

The quality of food is constantly monitored by school food quality control commissions. The quality of the resulting raw and finished products is checked by a rejection commission.

Description of the problem

A significant number of modern problems in the general education system are associated with the negative dynamics of the health of children and adolescents. Of particular concern is the very nature of the disorders, which are often the result of overstrain of the child’s body in the process of adaptation to the quality of the educational environment. Such disorders are called “school pathology.” Experts note that “school pathologies” manifest themselves in the development of the musculoskeletal, digestive, cardiovascular systems, the growth of neuropsychiatric diseases, respiratory diseases, and vision. As a result, there is a general decrease in the level of psychological comfort in children and adolescents. And as a general manifestation - the negative dynamics of social activity, which manifests itself in inertia in educational and work activities, and often leads to inappropriate and even aggressive behavior.

In terms of measures to improve student nutrition, child health is considered not only as the goal, content and result of the educational process, but also as a criterion for assessing the quality and effectiveness of teaching activities.


The need to seriously engage in the formation of a culture of health in the general education system is due to a number of objective reasons:

  • the foundation of human health is laid in childhood, and, therefore, it is advisable to begin developing healthy interests and habits, a value-based attitude towards health during this period;
  • at the same age, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle are laid, as a system of norms and rules acquired by the child in specially projected activities;

The issues of organizing school meals have attracted increased interest in recent years. The basis of approaches to organizing nutritious meals in schools is the introduction of new nutrition schemes for schoolchildren and the use of modern high-quality equipment, which makes it possible to provide schoolchildren with nutrition at the level of today's requirements at minimal cost. Therefore, the education department of the workers' settlement (urban settlement) Progress today pays great attention to the issues of life and health of children and adolescents.

GOAL of the action plan for organizing and developing school meals:

Creating conditions conducive to improving health and developing healthy eating skills.


1. Contribute to the formation of a healthy personality.

2. Achieve an increase in the coverage of students with hot meals.

3. Provide favorable conditions for a quality educational process.


Organizational and analytical work, information support

Main events


Expected results

1. Organizational meetings

  • organization of meals for students;
  • providing nutrition to children from socially vulnerable families;
  • organization of drinking regime for students

September, December

Deputy Directors for HR;

Social teachers of schools;

Bringing organized hot meals to 100% coverage of students in grades 1–11

2. Meeting of class teachers on organizing hot meals

1 time per quarter

Deputy Directors for HR

Conducting nutrition monitoring

3. Meeting on the organization and development of school meals

1 time per quarter

School directors

Catering control

4. Organization of the work of school commissions to monitor the organization and quality of food

During a year

School Commission

Protocols of inspection results;

5. Monitoring the work of the canteen, conducting targeted thematic inspections


Education department

Inspection protocols

Methodological support

Main events


Expected results

1. Organization of consultations for class teachers

1 -4, 5-8, 9-11 grades;

  • culture of behavior of students during meals,
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements
  • organizing hot meals is the key to maintaining health

During a year

School health workers

Publishing newsletters, increasing information awareness of students, teachers and parents

2. Improving the regulatory framework, methodological and technological documentation for organizing school meals

During a year

School administration

A package of documents complying with sanitary legislation and consumer protection legislation

Work to educate nutrition culture among students

Main events


Expected results

1. Conducting classroom hours on the following topics:

  • daily routine and its meaning;
  • food culture;
  • acute intestinal diseases and their prevention

September, November, March

School health workers

Methodological development of classroom hours, increasing information awareness of students, teachers and parents

2. Competition for primary and secondary school students “Golden Autumn”

Deputy Directors

Exhibition of autumn crafts

3. Newspaper competition among schools for students in grades 3–5 “About tasty and healthy food”

Deputy Directors

Newspaper exhibition

4. Competition among students of grades 6 – 7 “Housewife”

class teachers

increasing information awareness of students, teachers and parents

5. Questioning students:

  • School meals;
  • Tell me what you eat;
  • Development of school nutrition;
  • In a healthy body healthy mind;
  • Have you had breakfast?

October, March,

Deputy directors responsible for catering

Survey results, assessment of students’ nutritional culture

6. Work on improving the health of students during the summer (vacation time)

June August

Education department,

Head of the camp (school site) with day stay children

Camp program

7. Promotion “Rate the dish”

1 time per quarter

Responsible for organizing school meals

Improving the quality of nutrition for schoolchildren

8. Posting information about the organization of school meals on the websites of educational institutions


Deputy Director for Water Resources Management N.L. Petunina

Openness of information for participants in the educational process

Working with parents on the organization of school meals

Main events


1. Conducting class parent meetings on the following topics:

  • joint work of family and school to create a healthy lifestyle at home. Meals for students.
  • prevention of gastrointestinal diseases and infectious and colds.
  • Results of medical examinations of students


December, April

Deputy Directors for VR, medical workers schools responsible for healthy lifestyle

2. Individual consultations with a school nurse “How to feed someone in need of a diet”

"Child's personal hygiene"

At the request of parents and class teachers

school health workers

increasing information awareness of parents

3. Parent lecture “The health of your family”

Once every six months

Class teachers, school psychologist

increasing information awareness of parents

Organization of work to improve the material and technical base of the canteen, expand the scope of services for students and parents

Main events


Expected results

1. Competition for the best aesthetic design of the dining room

Education department

2. Purchase of new height-appropriate furniture for school canteens.

MOBU secondary school No. 4: 6 sets worth 4.0 thousand rubles. for each (TOTAL 24.0)

MOBU secondary school No. 7: 10 sets worth 4.0 thousand rubles. for each (TOTAL 40.0)

MOBU secondary school No. 12: 4 sets worth 4.0 thousand rubles. for each (TOTAL 16.0)

MOBU secondary school No. 20: 6 sets worth 4.0 thousand rubles each (TOTAL 24.0)

Between 2013 and 2017

Education department

School administration

3. Purchase of technological equipment

MOBU secondary school No. 4: el. pan; 2-chamber refrigerator; metal cabinet for drying dishes; bread storage cabinet; 2 cutting cabinets (1.6 X 0.5); oven FOR THE AMOUNT OF 300.0 thousand rubles.

MOBU SOSH No. 7: microwave oven, vegetable cutter, Dishwasher, bread slicer, refrigerator, potato peeler, refrigerator, cooler FOR THE AMOUNT OF 300.0 thousand rubles.

MOBU secondary school No. 12: 6-burner electric stove, freezer, metal cabinet for bread, 2 cabinets for storing bulk products, 2 electric boilers for 100 liters each FOR THE AMOUNT OF 300.0 thousand rubles.

MOBU secondary school No. 20: electric meat grinder, dishwasher FOR THE AMOUNT OF 100.0 thousand rubles.

Between 2013 and 2017

Education department

School administration

Compliance with sanitary legislation requirements

4. Organization of drinking regime


School administration

Compliance with sanitary legislation requirements

5. Carrying out C-vitaminization of third courses of school meals


production manager, school nurse

6. Providing students in grades 1-6 (not classified as “poor”) with dairy products


School administration

Reducing morbidity among students

7. Organizing seasonal themed school meal days

4 times a year

School administration

Increasing the variety of school menus

8. Holding exhibitions and tastings of school meals for the parent community

Once every six months: December, April

School directors

9. Professional retraining catering workers

1 ra3 in three years

School administration

Improving the quality of cooked food

Program for production control of catering for students.

Object of production control



Accounting and reporting form

1. Maintaining the sanitary condition of the catering unit


school health worker

Inspection reports

2. Storage conditions for supplied products

1 time per week

school health worker

Refrigeration equipment temperature map

3. Quality of raw products supplied


school health worker

Rejection journal

4. Control of daily samples


school health worker

Rejection journal

5. Quality of finished products


school health worker

Rejection journal

6. Compliance of the weight of the released finished products with the approved menu

1 time per month

school health worker

Checking act

7. Maintaining personal hygiene of students before eating


Teacher on duty in the canteen, class teachers

8. Compliance with sanitary rules when washing dishes

1 time per week

Medical worker

Checking act

9. Checking the organization of operation of technological and refrigeration equipment


production director

Checking act

10. Waste control

During a year

Production director

11. Monitoring the organization of school meals


responsible for catering

Monitoring results: obtaining information about catering

12. Implementation of comments from supervisory authorities, parent community, school commission on the organization and quality of food


Deputy Director responsible for catering

Obtaining objective information about the organization of school meals

13. Monitoring the health status of school-age children (with gastrointestinal diseases, food allergies)


deputy director, responsible for organizing work on healthy lifestyle, medical worker

Assessing the impact of catering on the health of students

CONCLUSION: The implementation of these measures will create conditions for 100% coverage of students in general education institutions with high-quality and affordable hot school meals.

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