Do you need snils for foreign citizens. How to get snills for a foreigner

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of the citizen's life. Even if the certificate is lost in the issued duplicate, the numbers do not change. Everyone, including unemployed citizens and children, must issue SNILS. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate. The procedure for issuing SNILS for foreign citizens, in general, does not differ. However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Registration procedure

Required documents

The procedure is carried out only once.

SNILS for a foreign worker: registration

When changing the employer, it is not required to issue the certificate again. If there is a card, it is provided upon employment.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of the citizen's life. Even if the certificate is lost in the issued duplicate, the numbers do not change. Everyone, including unemployed citizens and children, must issue SNILS. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate. The procedure for issuing SNILS for foreign citizens, in general, does not differ.

However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Conditions for receiving

In 2018, foreigners can apply for a pension plastic card regardless of whether they are employed or not. This also applies to stateless persons. The innovation was introduced a year ago. Before, a person with another citizenship, in order to obtain SNILS, had to conclude an employment contract with the employer for at least six months.

The only condition in 2018: a specialist who has arrived in Russia should not have the status of a highly qualified employee.

You do not need to pay to get an insurance number. It can be issued by a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit. For employees, the employer is obliged to transfer monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance is required for:

  • Receiving social benefits and benefits. For example, an old-age pension or a survivor's benefit.
  • Receiving free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).

Registration procedure

The plastic card is issued by the employees of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not employed, he is engaged in registration independently. This applies, for example, to children. Parents or legal guardians prepare documents for them. Otherwise, it is the employer's responsibility.

Within two weeks after hiring a foreigner, the employer must apply to the Pension Fund and submit the documents for issuing a certificate. When SNILS is ready, give it to the employee. In this case, the applicant signs the statement, which is sent back to the fund.

It takes 3 weeks to process the questionnaire. The finished cards are handed over to the employer. Within a week, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the employee. If the foreigner submitted the application himself, he will have to pick up the finished card himself.

Required documents

List of documents for registration of the certificate:

  1. Application form. It is important that the personal data coincide with those indicated in the passport of a foreign citizen and migration documents. Parents or guardians fill out the questionnaire for children. Download the application form and sample filling in PDF.
  2. Original passport with a stamp of a temporary residence permit or residence permit. If the main ID does not contain information in Russian, the translation must be completed and notarized.

The questionnaire is filled in in Russian in block letters. The applicant indicates the full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, temporary registration address and telephone number. In some departments of the PF, a handwritten questionnaire is not required. A fund employee fills in all sections independently in a computer program.

How and where to get SNILS for foreign citizens in 2018?

At the end, the applicant puts a personal signature.

If the circumstances are such that the employee cannot sign the questionnaire (for example, he is on a long business trip), the certificate will be issued without a signature. Provided that the employer confirms the specified reason.

If SNILS is lost, the foreigner must contact the employer and ask him to restore the document. Non-working citizens apply to the Pension Fund themselves.

Pensions for foreign citizens

The RF Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance" indicates that insured persons are entitled to claim pension payments. Foreigners who have SNILS are no exception. This applies to payments upon reaching age, disability, etc.

An important nuance: the right to a pension is valid only in cases when a foreigner lives in Russia permanently. Residence permit can be the proof. You can go to court for protection of your rights.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of the citizen's life. Even if the certificate is lost in the issued duplicate, the numbers do not change. Everyone, including unemployed citizens and children, must issue SNILS. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate.

How to get SNILS for a foreign citizen

The procedure for issuing SNILS for foreign citizens, in general, does not differ. However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

Conditions for receiving

In 2018, foreigners can apply for a pension plastic card regardless of whether they are employed or not. This also applies to stateless persons. The innovation was introduced a year ago. Before, a person with another citizenship, in order to obtain SNILS, had to conclude an employment contract with the employer for at least six months.

The only condition in 2018: a specialist who has arrived in Russia should not have the status of a highly qualified employee.

You do not need to pay to get an insurance number. It can be issued by a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit. For employees, the employer is obliged to transfer monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance is required for:

  • Receiving social benefits and benefits. For example, an old-age pension or a survivor's benefit.
  • Receiving free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).

Registration procedure

The plastic card is issued by the employees of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not employed, he is engaged in registration independently. This applies, for example, to children. Parents or legal guardians prepare documents for them. Otherwise, it is the employer's responsibility.

Within two weeks after hiring a foreigner, the employer must apply to the Pension Fund and submit the documents for issuing a certificate. When SNILS is ready, give it to the employee. In this case, the applicant signs the statement, which is sent back to the fund.

It takes 3 weeks to process the questionnaire. The finished cards are handed over to the employer. Within a week, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the employee. If the foreigner submitted the application himself, he will have to pick up the finished card himself.

Required documents

List of documents for registration of the certificate:

  1. Application form. It is important that the personal data coincide with those indicated in the passport of a foreign citizen and migration documents. Parents or guardians fill out the questionnaire for children. Download the application form and sample filling in PDF.
  2. Original passport with a stamp of a temporary residence permit or residence permit. If the main ID does not contain information in Russian, the translation must be completed and notarized.

The questionnaire is filled in in Russian in block letters. The applicant indicates the full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, temporary registration address and telephone number. In some departments of the PF, a handwritten questionnaire is not required. A fund employee fills in all sections independently in a computer program. At the end, the applicant puts a personal signature.

If the circumstances are such that the employee cannot sign the questionnaire (for example, he is on a long business trip), the certificate will be issued without a signature.

Provided that the employer confirms the specified reason.

The procedure takes place only once. When changing the employer, it is not required to issue the certificate again. If there is a card, it is provided upon employment.

If SNILS is lost, the foreigner must contact the employer and ask him to restore the document. Non-working citizens apply to the Pension Fund themselves.

Pensions for foreign citizens

The RF Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance" indicates that insured persons are entitled to claim pension payments. Foreigners who have SNILS are no exception. This applies to payments upon reaching age, disability, etc.

An important nuance: the right to a pension is valid only in cases when a foreigner lives in Russia permanently. Residence permit can be the proof. You can go to court for protection of your rights.

SNILS registration for a child is currently optional. However, its presence will help to simplify the process of obtaining social services. Why is this document needed?

  • to identify persons of the MHIF who are entitled to receive preferential medical care, sanatorium treatment, free medicines, etc .;
  • to provide social measures. support for certain categories of children, for example, for people with disabilities;
  • for registration of a universal electronic card, which allows you to simplify access to municipal and state. services;
  • for electronic registration of documents, if you have SNILS, you can submit an online application for a passport, receive an extract from the USRR, etc.;
  • to receive subsidies in educational institutions (SNILS allows you to effectively systematize the accounting of budget funds allocated for food, textbooks, etc., therefore, it is requested by almost all schools and kindergartens).

An individual living in Russia has the right to issue an insurance number and guarantee himself a pension. This applies not only to Russians, but also to foreigners who legally reside in the country. But few know how to get SNILS for a foreign citizen with a temporary residence permit and that there is such an opportunity in general.

Where to contact?

You can issue SNILS to a person in two ways. So, if a foreigner has found a job, then the employer draws up the insurance number for him directly. The option does not provide for self-collection, submission of documents. The head himself submits to the Pension Fund (PF) of the Russian Federation a questionnaire filled out for the employee and attaches all the necessary papers. Accordingly, the employer takes full responsibility for the correctness of the data.

The second option is to independently obtain a personal account number. To do this, a foreign citizen needs to go to the nearest Pension Fund and hand over all the necessary documentation himself and fill out a questionnaire. This method is common among people without permanent official work.

What documents are required

If we talk about foreign persons living in Russia temporarily and having a temporary residence permit, then in order to receive SNILS, they should submit to the Pension Fund:

  • completed application;
  • passport (data in a foreign language must be translated and notarized);
  • temporary residence permit.

Submission of documents is carried out no later than two weeks from the date of official employment. The certificate is prepared in about three weeks. If the employer is engaged in the registration, then he is obliged to transfer SNILS to the employee within seven days. During this period, the employee must check the document for errors and sign on a special receipt. Her employer donates to the Pension Fund.

If the employee quit during the registration, then the former boss notifies him of the readiness of SNILS and the possibility of transferring it. He cannot refuse it: dismissal is not a basis for canceling the document. The Pension Fund is issued only once, and when applying for a new job, the certificate no longer needs to be received again.

Perfect profile

An employee of the foundation will only accept an error-free form. It includes only general standard questions, but with insufficient knowledge of the Russian language, a foreigner may have difficulties. So, in the questionnaire you need to indicate:

  • date of birth;
  • Place of Birth;
  • citizenship;
  • place of registration and residence (if not the same);
  • data of a foreign passport;
  • contact number.

The correctness of filling is confirmed by a signature.

To get SNILS, the questionnaire is filled out exclusively in Russian, in neat handwriting (preferably in block letters), with a pen with black or blue paste. Blots, strikethroughs, corrections are excluded. All items, with the exception of the signature of the person, can be printed in advance in the electronic form downloaded on the Internet.

If it is difficult for a foreigner to fill out the questionnaire on his own, you can ask his Russian-speaking colleagues and acquaintances to do this. This will help to avoid mistakes, misunderstanding of any point.

What gives a temporary residence permit

The dream of many arriving in Russia is to get a TRP. The stamp in the passport allows not only to be legally in the country, but also to work here, study, receive social benefits, free medical assistance.

By itself, the document is important, but its presence or absence does not affect the receipt of SNILS at all. Previously, there was a rule according to which an insurance number could only be acquired by a foreigner with a formalized employment contract, legally residing in Russia on the basis of a TRP or residence permit. Today, this restriction has been removed: the status no longer affects the possibility of issuing SNILS. If a person legally resides in the country, this in itself is a sufficient basis for obtaining an insurance number for an individual personal account.

SNILS is the account number of a person who is included in the pension insurance system. The account is assigned one number for the entire period of the citizen's life. Even if the certificate is lost in the issued duplicate, the numbers do not change. Everyone, including unemployed citizens and children, must issue SNILS. Foreigners can also obtain a certificate. The procedure for issuing SNILS for foreign citizens, in general, does not differ. However, some nuances need to be taken into account.

In 2020, foreigners can apply for a pension plastic card regardless of whether they are employed or not. This also applies to stateless persons. The innovation was introduced a year ago. Before, a person with another citizenship, in order to obtain SNILS, had to conclude an employment contract with the employer for at least six months.

The only condition in 2020: a specialist who has arrived in Russia should not have the status of a highly qualified employee.

You do not need to pay to get an insurance number. It can be issued by a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit. For employees, the employer is obliged to transfer monthly contributions to the Pension Fund.

Compulsory insurance is required for:

  • Receiving social benefits and benefits. For example, an old-age pension or a survivor's benefit.
  • Receiving free medical care (if you have a compulsory medical insurance policy).

Registration procedure

The plastic card is issued by the employees of the Pension Fund. If a citizen is not employed, he is engaged in registration independently. This applies, for example, to children. Parents or legal guardians prepare documents for them. Otherwise, it is the employer's responsibility.

Within two weeks after hiring a foreigner, the employer must apply to the Pension Fund and submit the documents for issuing a certificate. When SNILS is ready, give it to the employee. In this case, the applicant signs the statement, which is sent back to the fund.

It takes 3 weeks to process the questionnaire. The finished cards are handed over to the employer. Within a week, he is obliged to issue a certificate to the employee. If the foreigner submitted the application himself, he will have to pick up the finished card himself.

Required documents

List of documents for registration of the certificate:

  1. Application form. It is important that the personal data coincide with those indicated in the passport of a foreign citizen and migration documents. Parents or guardians fill out the questionnaire for children. and in PDF.
  2. Original passport with a stamp of a temporary residence permit or residence permit. If the main ID does not contain information in Russian, the translation must be completed and notarized.

The questionnaire is filled in in Russian in block letters. The applicant indicates the full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, temporary registration address and telephone number. In some departments of the PF, a handwritten questionnaire is not required. A fund employee fills in all sections independently in a computer program. At the end, the applicant puts a personal signature.

If the circumstances are such that the employee cannot sign the questionnaire (for example, he is on a long business trip), the certificate will be issued without a signature. Provided that the employer confirms the specified reason.

The procedure takes place only once. When changing the employer, it is not required to issue the certificate again. If there is a card, it is provided upon employment.

If SNILS is lost, the foreigner must contact the employer and ask him to restore the document. Non-working citizens apply to the Pension Fund themselves.

Pensions for foreign citizens

The RF Law "On Compulsory Pension Insurance" indicates that insured persons are entitled to claim pension payments. Foreigners who have SNILS are no exception. This applies to payments upon reaching age, disability, etc.

An important nuance: the right to a pension is valid only in cases when a foreigner lives in Russia permanently. Residence permit can be the proof. You can go to court for protection of your rights.

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