Apply for a work patent for Russian citizens. How to apply for a patent? We analyze the procedure for registering a title of protection

Work patent for foreign citizens 2018: what is it, how to purchase it and how to get a job in the Russian Federation with a patent for CIS citizens? In this publication we will give detailed guide to action and look at the most pressing issues.

Patent for employment: basic information

A labor patent is a permit document for legal work activities in the Russian Federation for visa-free foreigners, issued for a period of 1 to 12 months. The exception is people coming from EAEU member states: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 97 of the Treaty on the EAEU dated May 29, 2014, they do not need a patent to work in the Russian Federation.

But residents of Ukraine, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan need permission to work freely in the Russian Federation. Moreover, work on the basis labor patent You can contact both organizations and individuals. There is no need to re-register it when changing employer.

The amount of patent payments is established by regional legislation. The price of a work patent for foreigners is presented below.

The form of the patent is given in the order of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2014 No. 638. Please note that the document indicates the territory of its validity. This means that a migrant is allowed to work exclusively there (Clause 16, Article 13.3 of Law No. 115-FZ of July 25, 2002 “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation”).

So, if you have received a “Moscow” permit, then it is possible for you to work with a patent in Moscow, but not in the capital region. And vice versa. However, nothing prevents you from taking 2 permits: one “Moscow” and one “regional” and, without worrying about the consequences, work where it is convenient for you.

And one more nuance: since the specialty is recorded in the patent, the migrant is allowed to work only in it. Working in another profession is fraught with penalties imposed under Art. 18.15 Code of Administrative Offences. The amount of the fine is 2,000-7,000 rubles. depending on the region where the violation occurred. Those who work in a territory other than that specified in the permit risk receiving the same fine.

Obtaining a patent for work in 2018

Today, a patent is drawn up and issued to a foreigner by the Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (previously this service was called the FMS). The process for getting it looks like this:

  • Having entered the Russian Federation, fill out a migration card at the border. In it, indicate the purpose of your visit - “work”.
  • On the first day of your stay in the Russian Federation, get medical insurance.
  • No later than 7 days after arrival, register for migration at your residence or work address (if it has already been selected). Migrants who came from Tajikistan have not 7, but 15 days to do this.
  • In the next 30 days to obtain a work patent, collect:
  • application for a labor patent;
  • international passport with notarized translation;
  • TIN certificate;
  • migration card;
  • VHI policy valid for the entire period of your work in the Russian Federation;
  • medical certificates confirming that you have no illnesses, issued by a special medical commission;
  • test results in the Russian language, history and law of Russia;
  • documents confirming that you have registered for migration;
  • checks or payments confirming the payment of patent payments (at least 1 month);
  • photo 3x4.

To apply for a patent for a work, all of the above must be submitted to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the public services center.

  • After 10 working days you will receive a work permit. But a refusal is also possible indicating a specific reason - one of those given in Art. 18 of Law 115-FZ. However, it will be possible to resubmit patent documents only after a year.

After receiving a work patent, you have 2 months during which you need to find a job and sign an employment contract. Don’t forget to send a copy of it to the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs so that the patent is not revoked.

Conditions for re-registration of a labor patent

If your deadline permit document expires, you have the right to extend it:

  • Without leaving the Russian Federation - by contacting the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs no later than 10 working days before the end of the period for issuing a patent (Clause 8, Article 13.3 of Law No. 115-FZ). However, we recommend that you start re-issuing a permit in advance - at least a month in advance. Please note: extension is possible for the same specialty and the same area of ​​coverage that were specified in the primary document.
  • After leaving the Russian Federation and going through the entire process of obtaining a patent to work in Russia again - if it has already expired.

IMPORTANT! Renew patent visa-free foreigner is permitted once (Clause 8, Article 13.3 of Law No. 115-FZ). When the renewed permit expires, the employer is obliged to terminate the agreement employment contract(Clause 5 of Article 327.6 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In 2019, a work permit in Russia is mandatory for foreigners wishing to find employment in Russian enterprises. A simplified form of patent registration is provided for citizens of Ukraine. Ukrainians, having come to work in a neighboring state, must comply with its legislation applicable to foreign citizens. According to the laws Russian Federation, employment on its territory without obtaining a work permit is illegal and punishable. Illegal work activity is fraught with fines and deportation.

Enterprises that employ illegal immigrants from other countries will also face sanctions.

The law is not static, so before you start packing your bags, be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements for migrant workers. Citizens of Ukraine can cross Russian border without a visa. It is enough to present international passport, fill migration card, and provided that everything is in order, you will be allowed to cross the border.

If on the eve of your trip you consult with an experienced lawyer on the issue migration legislation RF and complete all of it mandatory items, there will be no problems with employment. You will be a legally recognized worker of a neighboring state, whose legislation undertakes to protect you in the same way as own citizens.

Registration of a migration card

The first document that opens the way for you to Russian market labor is the form that you will be asked to fill out when crossing the border. It consists of two parts:

  1. To enter the country.
  2. To leave the country.

In a small document you need to correctly enter information about yourself. For those who intend to look for work, it is important to indicate the word “employment” or “work” in the “Purpose of visit” column. This fact will be taken into account when issuing you a work permit. If you write another purpose, for example, “tourism,” they will return the document to you and refuse to issue a patent.

Sample completed migration card

If you incorrectly indicate your goals, you may be subject to sanctions, including expulsion from the country, if controlled by migration services. If you lose your card, you must immediately contact the appropriate authorities, since being on the territory of the Russian Federation without migration document is illegal. The fine for such an offense can reach up to 5,000 rubles.

We advise you to watch: how to correctly fill out a migration card when crossing the Russian border

Foreigners who do not present a migration card during inspection may be expelled from the country with an entry ban valid for several years.

The card form can be downloaded online and filled out in advance to avoid delays. Customs and their companions.

Temporary residence permit

Another reason for registration legal right for employment in Russia is a temporary residence permit.

This is what a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation looks like for citizens of Ukraine

Russian legislation provides two options migration registration foreign citizens:

  • Registration of a foreigner at the place of stay.
  • Registration at place of residence.

The issue of registering Ukrainians and other citizens arriving from abroad is dealt with by the Federal Migration Service. You need to contact branches located in the area where you are going to get a job. It is necessary to notify the employees of the Federal migration service that you are going to be at a certain address for some time. To do this, fill in special form, which can be sent by mail if necessary.

The registration form must be accompanied by high requirements. Errors and corrections are not allowed. All fields must be filled in with only reliable information about you.

Watch the video: how to correctly fill out an application for a temporary residence permit

The party receiving you is required by law to contact the Federal Migration Service within a week after your arrival. If you will be staying in a hotel, government migration authorities must be notified within 24 hours. IN in this case You need to contact the FMS in person.

The RVP will be valid for three months from the date of receipt. If necessary, it can be extended for up to one year. To renew, you must appear in person at the office of the government agency. When planning to leave Russia, you must notify the migration service about this.

The number of temporary residence permits issued annually is limited by the state. The document is issued according to the established quotas. To get it outside the quota, you need to have close relatives in the Russian Federation who will contact the migration service for permission for you.

Please note: the video is about what documents are needed to apply for a temporary residence permit, and what problems may arise when submitting documents.

Russian patents for Ukrainian citizens

The main document giving you the opportunity to legally find employment in one of the regions of the Russian Federation in 2019 is a work patent. There is also an annual quota allocated for it.

You can also obtain a single universal permit to work in the Russian Federation. In order to be issued this document, you must first pass the exam. Only by proving that you know the Russian language and are familiar with the history and culture of the state will you be able to obtain such permission.

Watch the video: information about the exam you need to pass to obtain a patent to work in the Russian Federation

The advantage of Ukrainians is the ability to find an employer remotely.

Patents are issued to foreign citizens at the place of arrival. You need to contact local authorities Ministry of Internal Affairs. To obtain a work permit, you must provide a package of documents containing the following:

  • A statement that you intend to carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • International passport of a citizen of Ukraine.
  • A migration card indicating that the purpose of your trip is work.
  • Two passport-sized photographs taken on matte paper.
  • A receipt indicating that you have paid the fee.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • A medical certificate stating that you are mentally healthy and do not have HIV or infectious diseases.

This is what the completed certificate looks like medical examination foreign citizen

Sample certificate of knowledge of the Russian language and history of the Russian Federation

After filing the documents, you will have to wait 10 days before the patent is issued. If government authorities decide to deny you permission to work on the territory of Russia, the administration of the service that made such a decision is obliged to officially justify the reason for refusal.

A patent is plastic card, which contains the owner’s personal data. "Plastic" is issued for 90 days. After this period, the permit can be extended for up to one year.

It is important to know that the plastic patent has territorial restrictions. It gives you the right to get a job only in the region in which you applied for it.

Appearance of the patent (work permit)

Residents of some regions of Ukraine are allowed to work for Russian territory without obtaining a permit. If you are registered in Lugansk or Donetsk region, general rules, valid for all Ukrainians, have nothing to do with you. You can get a job without obtaining a patent.

Despite the general name, a patent is a heterogeneous legal phenomenon, covering diametrically opposed areas of civil legal relations.

First and foremost, a patent is a document of title issued to the owner of intellectual property. The purpose of a patent in this case is to protect property, since any innovative intellectual activity, expressed in invention, work, technology, etc. is the property of its author.

Secondly, a patent is also a document of title, which is a product of a permit state system. Through a patent, the state licenses activities individual in those areas of business that do not require other forms of registration.

Intellectual Property Patent

The essence this concept carries information about a document that records the author’s sole right to use and receive profit.

Basic principles of obtaining this confirmation the authorships are:

  • the patent is received by the one who first applied for it, regardless of who invented it;
  • The author of a new invention should not expect profitability immediately after receiving a patent. The main purpose of obtaining this document is to protect authorship, as well as all possible financial benefits in the future from the protected object.
  • a patent is issued in order to protect the invention itself, its functionality and does not apply to the name of the item.

Granting patents is an obligation government agencies who are responsible for legal registration and confirmation of inventions. Today this function is assigned to Federal service on intellectual property, patents and trademarks, which most people still call Rospatent according to its previous name. But there are slightly different types of patents, for which government agencies in other areas are responsible.
In addition, an application for this document is considered only in cases where certain conditions are met, namely:

  • the subject of the application is new and has not yet been known in any field of science;
  • innovation is not an elementary extension of already used inventions;
  • the object will be useful in different areas activities of mankind.

Compliance with these parameters is determined by the examination of the responsible bodies that issue patents. Positive decision approval of an application for this document can be issued only if the object of consideration meets all three requirements.
On legislative level registration of such an important confirmation of rights to the results intellectual work regulated Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely its Chapter 72. This document defines how to obtain a patent, its protective function, as well as the minimum and maximum terms actions by type. Also paragraph 1 of Art. 1363 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that the right to unique ownership of the results of the subject of a given security document comes immediately with the first application. This is done to maximize the protection of inventors' rights. Other types of patents are controlled by the legislation of the field in which they apply. this document.

Types of patents in 2019

In general, the concept of a patent itself is quite broad. This explains their diversity, as well as areas of application. There are several types:

  • on utility model, invention, industrial copy;
  • to work;
  • for trade.

The first group is issued for various innovations in science, useful Constructive decisions, used in industry improvements. They can be issued for a period of up to 25 years, depending on the specific item for which the application is made.

The second group involves a slightly different form of human rights protection. A work patent is required for foreign citizens who come from countries with visa-free regime and want to start working. The Federal Migration Service will deal with this in 2019. Every individual entrepreneur who plans to use hired workers who arrived from other countries should remember this.

But the most useful and important look A patent for individual entrepreneurs in 2019 is for trade, which is issued by the tax authorities. Many individual entrepreneurs choose for their entrepreneurial activity a type of business such as trade, which involves a lot of additional conditions:

  • filling out and submitting tax returns;
  • application of CCM;
  • to pay a large number of taxes.

But all this can be avoided and reduced in size if used in 2019 patent system taxation of individual entrepreneurs.

Its use in 2019 is allowed for individual entrepreneurs who meet the following conditions:

  • profit for the year - no more than 60 million rubles;
  • the number of hired workers on average is no more than 15 people;

If any of these conditions are not met, then the individual entrepreneur cannot count on changing the method of paying taxes.

Receipt procedure

How to obtain a patent can be found in the relevant government agencies who are responsible for issuing it.

Obtaining a patent for a new invention, utility model or industrial prototype in 2019 requires the preparation of a whole package of documents, which includes:

  • prescribed completed application form;
  • detailed description;
  • a formula with the help of which the invention itself will be understood;
  • additional drawings and other documents that are necessary to fully understand the essence of the invention;
  • prepared abstract.

Evaluates the application Federal Institute industry, which conducts two types of examinations:

  1. formal;
  2. to the essence of the matter.

On their basis, specialists make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue this document.

Patent for work

To obtain a patent for work in 2019, you must submit the following package of documents:

  • a prescribed application form requesting a patent for a work;
  • an identification document of the applicant that is recognized in the Russian Federation;
  • migration card;
  • a receipt confirming payment of personal income tax;
  • data on work activity, officially confirmed.

It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur who uses hired workers who have not received a patent to carry out business activities will be subject to fines. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring this issue.

A work patent has a very short term action, from 1 to 3 months. After this period has expired, it may be extended. But extensions are only valid for up to 12 months total of the period. After this, the foreign citizen must again apply to the migration service for a work patent.

Trade patent

The most relevant for an individual entrepreneur in order to maximize the profitability of his business activities in 2019 is a patent for trade, which can significantly reduce the cost of taxes and the purchase of a cash register.

How to obtain a trade patent can be found at your nearest tax service, if business activity will be carried out in this region. This is where you should also apply with a statement of desire to switch to a patent tax system. It is also possible to submit it in another region. But this is allowed if an individual entrepreneur plans to carry out his entrepreneurial activity in this territory.

In addition to the conditions for obtaining an individual entrepreneur patent for trade, which were indicated above, it is also worth knowing that its issuance is allowed only to those individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in retail trade.

If an individual entrepreneur plans to engage in several types of activities in 2019, then the corresponding document must be drawn up for each of them in order to have a modified taxation system.

A trade patent provides significant savings, but it is worth remembering that this document, and accordingly the right to modified payments, has a period of up to a maximum of a year. Therefore, in order to avoid becoming a tax evader in 2019, it is necessary to apply for new patents on time.

They have enough legislation broad concept. With the help of this document, everyone can protect their intellectual property, as well as business activities from additional expenses. Obtaining a patent is not a time-consuming process. It is enough to provide a list of all necessary documents, and also wait for the decision of the responsible authorities. In the case of short-term patents, you should be careful not to miss their expiration date, because then you can get a rather large fine.

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The Russian Federation, in particular its capital, has always attracted foreign citizens with the opportunity to earn money and improve their financial condition. Residents of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, as well as other CIS countries go to Russia in search of a new life and more tangible earnings. However, in order to find a job in the Russian Federation, you must obtain a work permit or a patent. IN otherwise you risk receiving the status of an illegal worker, which entails not only deportation from the country, but also the imposition of administrative sanctions.

The material presented in this article will familiarize you with the conditions for obtaining a work patent for foreign citizens, its cost, and the features of the document renewal procedure.

What is a work patent and who needs it?

For legal employment, a foreigner must obtain one of following documents: work permit or patent. Which document you need to obtain depends on two factors:

If a migrant worker needs a visa to enter the territory of the Russian Federation, he will need a work permit. For nationals of states staying in visa-free relations with Russia, it is necessary to obtain a patent. There is also a number of countries whose residents are generally exempt from issuing any document. These countries include:

  1. Belarus;
  2. Armenia;
  3. Kazakhstan;
  4. Kyrgyzstan.

Nationals of the above countries who wish to receive legal work in Russia, they only have to go through the procedure of registering for migration, this can be done at the place of their actual stay, and enter into a contract with an employer who is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, the following are exempt from the obligation to obtain a patent:

  1. Participants in the resettlement program for compatriots, as well as members of their families;
  2. Diplomats, consuls, representatives of organizations international significance;
  3. Accredited journalists;
  4. Employees of enterprises registered in other states that perform installation work, service and post-warranty service technical means, supplied to the Russian Federation;
  5. Students combining study with work;
  6. Researchers and teachers invited to carry out work activities in educational institutions Russian Federation, except for those who apply for employment in religious pedagogical institutions;
  7. Doctors invited to work in the Russian Federation;
  8. Refugees and persons in need of temporary shelter.

Categories of employers who have the right to hire foreigners on the basis of a patent

According to the law governing issues legal status foreigners in the Russian Federation, not everyone can hire citizens who have a patent Russian employers, but only certain categories.

  1. Individual entrepreneurs;
  2. Legal faces;
  3. Lawyers and notaries engaged in private practice;
  4. Citizens of Russia whose activities are related to the licensing or state registration procedure;
  5. Persons using hired labor foreigners to perform work not related to business, so to speak for personal needs.

It is also established by law mandatory requirement in relation to employers hiring foreigners with a patent. It consists in the obligation of the employer to report the fact of enrollment in the company’s staff or dismissal foreign employee V regional office FMS. This can be done as in in paper form, by submitting the appropriate application, or electronically. 3 days are given to notify the migration service.

The procedure for obtaining a patent step by step

Actions of a labor migrant upon entry into Russia

The initial stage in the employment procedure is the correct filling out of a migration card by a foreigner upon entering the country. So, in addition to personal data and length of stay in Russia, the document must indicate the purpose of visiting the state. In this case, it's work. You should pay attention to this, since if the card is filled out incorrectly, the subsequent receipt of a patent becomes much more difficult.

After filling out a migrant card, a foreigner is required to go through the migration registration procedure. For implementation of this event is assigned by law certain period. For citizens of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Belarus, this period is 30 days, for residents of Ukraine - 90, citizens of all other states must register within a week from the moment of crossing the border of the Russian Federation. Also Grace period implementation of the migration registration procedure is provided to Tajiks; a period of 15 days is established for them.

The procedure for obtaining a patent: where to apply and in what time frame

After registration, the migrant can proceed directly to the procedure for obtaining a labor patent. To do this, you should collect the established package of documents and submit it to regional body Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, located at the place of registration of the labor migrant. This must be done within a month from the date of arrival in the Russian Federation. Apply for a patent, and related documents This can be done either personally or through a proxy.

It is worth noting that there are a number of companies with which you can quickly and easily obtain a patent. By paying for the services of an intermediary, you receive a document in less than short time. Although, if you have all the documents and a correctly filled out migration card, you can do this yourself. Detailed and reliable information on the procedure for granting a patent is posted on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

Package of documents

To obtain a patent, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Application on behalf of a migrant worker for a work patent (2 copies);
  2. A document whose purpose is to identify a migrant. Moreover, it must be recognized by the Russian Federation. Thus, from the beginning of 2016, citizens of Uzbekistan must submit national passport new sample. If the original document is not in Russian, it should be translated and certified by a notary;
  3. Correctly completed migrant card. In case of damage or loss of a document, migration service employees independently check the information that you entered into the card when entering the country. The main thing is that in the column containing information about the purpose of visiting the Russian Federation, “work” is indicated;
  4. Medical policy corresponding established requirements. Insurance must have legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and its validity period should be longer general period the migrant's stay in the country. Instead of a policy, you can provide an agreement on the provision of paid medical services, concluded with an establishment located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Both the policy and the contract must provide for the provision to the applicant, if necessary, of first aid emergency care, as well as specialized medical services. It should be noted that Russian authorities has the right to establish a list of acceptable medical institutions that can enter into contracts with foreign nationals applying for a patent;
  5. Materials indicating that the applicant does not have drug addiction, infectious diseases posing a danger to others, in particular AIDS. Issue similar documents only those are authorized medical institutions, which are located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  6. Documents confirming ownership state language Russia at the appropriate level, as well as evidence that the applicant has necessary knowledge about the history of the Russian Federation and its main legislative acts;
  7. Documents confirming the fact of registration of the applicant at the place of residence (registration card);
  8. Matte photograph, set format.

If the application is made after missing the established 30-day period, a receipt confirming payment of the fine should be attached to the above documents. Along with submitting documents, the applicant must undergo a fingerprinting procedure.

Issue of a patent, its validity period

The period for consideration of an application by the FMS authorities, as a rule, does not exceed 10 days. After this period, subject to a satisfactory decision, the migrant receives a patent, the validity of which can range from one month to a year. The document must indicate in which territory of the Russian Federation the applicant can work, so it will no longer be possible to change your plans and find a job in another region of the country. A patent may also contain information about the profession of its owner. Change the scope of activity, which must correspond to that specified in the document, without prior approval with the FMS is prohibited.

To obtain a patent, a migrant must personally come to the migration service office that examined the application, present a passport and a receipt confirming payment of the advance fee. If the above documents are available, the applicant receives a patent for the work.

Patent renewal procedure

When a patent expires, its owner has the right to renew the document. To do this, you need to enter another advance payment. A visit to the FMS office that issued the patent is not required to make the payment. A document with a validity period of one month can be renewed a maximum of 11 more times. Receipt There is also no migration card for patent renewal.

If upon expiration of the patent the advance payment has not been made, the document loses its validity, therefore the further work activity of its holder is illegal.

Document cost

The amount that must be paid as an advance payment for the grant of a patent for a work, in different subjects The Russian Federation is different.

The advance payment consists of:

  1. The cost of the patent itself. According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, this is 1200 rubles;
  2. Payment of the federal deflator coefficient in the amount of 1,514 rubles. This amount relevant only for 2016, since it is reinstalled by the country’s government annually;
  3. Payment of the regional coefficient, the size of which is established according to legislative acts each subject of the Russian Federation. In this case, the peculiarities of the labor market of each individual region must be taken into account. In constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legislation of which does not establish this indicator, the payment amount is equal to one.

For example, to obtain a patent for employment in the capital, you must pay 4,200 rubles (1,200 * 1.514 * 2.3118). Regional coefficient at the same time it is 2.3118 rubles.

  • Professional activity migrant worker does not correspond to what is provided for by the patent.
  • Depending on the region in which the offense was committed, the fine can range from 5 to 7 thousand rubles. Repeated violation entails deportation from the country and a ban on crossing Russian borders for 10 years.

    As for employers who hire foreigners without a patent, the fines for them are much higher. So, for one illegal worker you will have to pay up to 1 million rubles.

    According to the law, the employer is obliged to suspend from work for a month official duties an employee whose patent has expired. If the holder of such a document does not renew its validity within 30 days, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract.

    If you have any questions about obtaining a patent to work in the Russian Federation, our duty lawyer online ready answer them promptly.

    Here you can find out the time frame for obtaining a patent for work and how long a patent is issued for foreigners.

    For how long is a work patent issued to a foreign citizen?

    Since last year, Russian legislation has undergone some changes. Citizens of other countries who live in states with a visa-free regime can now find employment not with a work permit, but with a patent. The main difference between one document and another is that a patent gives the right to work for an individual for hire, which greatly simplifies the process of employing migrants.

    How long is a patent for a work issued? A patent may be issued for different terms usually from one to three months. To receive it, a person needs to collect a package of documents, pay personal income tax and take all this together with a certificate confirming passing the exam to the Federal Migration Service. An exam means a document that will indicate a sufficient level of knowledge of the Russian language, the history of our country and legal aspects states.

    If a person pays for a patent for a month, then he must renew it every month as long as he wants to work in the country. Total months during which it is possible to renew a patent - 12. After their expiration, it is necessary to redo the document.

    Time limits for obtaining a patent for work: all aspects

    What are the deadlines for obtaining a patent for a work? The deadlines for obtaining a document for 2015-2016 in Russia are quite reasonable, taking into account the fact that a migrant must obtain a patent within a month after arriving in the country, the time for reviewing his documents is only ten days. He spends the rest of his time passing medical examination, obtaining a certificate from a narcologist, as well as stating that he does not have HIV. During the same period, he pays for the exam and passes it.

    There is no need to renew the registration with a patent in hand; it is automatically renewed every time a payment is made. It is worth remembering that it is always better to submit it in advance, otherwise the document will be canceled and the migrant will have to leave the country.

    If the patent is not issued within the thirty allotted days, he will face a fine or deportation to his homeland. The fine ranges from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. The cost of a patent depends on the region in which a person plans to find a job. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to obtain a patent in the region where a person plans to live and work. Having received it in Moscow or another city, you cannot work in another region using it. There is no opportunity to obtain two patents; a migrant can only write one application. In some cases, the state has the right to suspend the issuance of patents if it considers that the labor market is overcrowded with migrants.

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