We cancel local acts by order: sample. The tax service uses the data

They may no longer accept local regulations concerning labor relations. For example, these are the internal rules labor regulations, regulations on remuneration, regulations on bonuses, shift schedule, etc.

Form of a standard employment contract

But in order to simplify personnel records for themselves, they must enter into employment contracts with their employees according to standard form. It was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2016 N 858.

Download the standard form employment contract Can .

Who are microenterprises? This could be the case commercial organization and individual entrepreneur average number employees whose previous calendar year up to 15 people. A limit value revenue - 120 million rubles.

Order refusing to use local personnel documents

It is necessary to issue an order stipulating that the previous local acts labor relations no longer apply.

Sample order refusing to use local personnel documents

You can download a sample order refusing to use local personnel documents.


If the employer ceases to be a small business entity, which is classified as a micro-enterprise, and appropriate changes are made to the information about it in the unified register, then no later than four months from the date of making the corresponding changes in the unified register, the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations with them of this employer will have to be carried out in accordance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts, containing norms labor law, without taking into account the features established by Chapter 48.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely Art. 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 309.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, the employer, within four months from the date of making the relevant changes to the unified register, will be obliged to restore all local regulations (internal labor regulations, regulations on remuneration, regulations on bonuses, shift schedules, etc.).

In office work, situations quite often arise in which it is necessary to cancel or make adjustments to the current order of the organization’s management. The only way out of this situation is to prepare a new order that cancels the previous administrative act. It should be noted that this procedure is issued according to the standard procedure. The head of the organization must use it to prepare an order standard form, containing the details of the organization. In this article, we propose to consider the question of how to draw up an order to cancel an order.

IN practical activities A situation may arise when it is necessary to cancel or make changes to an order of the organization (a separate paragraph of it)

When is an order to cancel an order (ground) needed?

There are three main reasons for the need to prepare an administrative act on the annulment of a previous management order. Most often, the reason for this need is the initiative of a company employee. According to established order, each employee who signed an application for termination of the employment agreement is required to work certain period. IN current legislation states that each employee is provided legal right change your decision within a given time period. It should be noted that in regulatory documents There are no regulations regulating the timing of publication of such documents. This means that employees HR department have the right to draw up an order immediately after receiving an application from an employee. If the employee changes his mind about leaving his workplace

, the employer must cancel the previously issued document. A previously issued document may be canceled or adjusted by the employer’s decision. The eighty-first article of the Labor Code provides a list of grounds for the annulment of an employment contract by an employer. As an example, let's take a situation in which an employee is absent from his workplace for a long time. The presence of unjustified absenteeism is a compelling argument for dismissing a worker.

Having decided to dismiss an absent employee, the employer must prepare a corresponding act. It should be noted that an employee who is absent for, can provide a document confirming the existence of compelling reasons for absenteeism. Such a document may be a discharge from the hospital. It was the very fact of being in the hospital that became the reason for both missing work and the inability to notify the company administration about the illness in a timely manner. Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the employer has no reasons to dismiss the employee, which leads to the need to cancel the issued order.

The final ground for cancellation administrative documents is the solution judiciary.According to experts, this procedure is very “painful”. As a rule, the need for such a solution arises as a result of long-term legal proceedings conflict between worker and employer. As an example, let’s take a situation related to the dismissal of a pregnant employee. According to established rules, employers are prohibited from dismissing workers who are in this position. However, the company administration may not have known about the fact of pregnancy and terminated contract of employment due to violation labor discipline. The dismissed employee is given the right to file a claim against the employer demanding the cancellation of the decision to dismiss and reinstatement.

The circumstances that served as the motive for canceling or amending the document should be stated at the beginning of the text of the order to cancel the order

Who has the right to issue such orders?

Canceling an order – standard procedure, which is quite common in the office work process. It is important to note that not every employee has the right to form similar documentation. According to current rules, these rights are closely related to the area of ​​competence of officials:

  1. Representatives of the personnel department have the right to prepare orders regarding the company’s personnel.
  2. Clerks are involved in the preparation, correction and cancellation of documents related to the general activities of the company.
  3. Employees accounting department make up financial reports and other documents.

It is important to note that an administrative act canceling the previous order must be registered in a special report card.

The basis for canceling the order of the above officials is written order head of the company. As practice shows, issuing an order canceling a previous order is more advisable to implement before actual execution previously decision taken. In other cases, the procedure for carrying out this procedure can become significantly more complicated.

Registration procedure

In order to cancel actions carried out according to the order of the company management, the head of the department should draw up memo addressed to the general director. This note should include information about the need to cancel the order. Next, the owner of the company imposes a resolution using the “Approved” mark. After this is compiled new document

, where the phrase “Order number XX is considered invalid” is indicated.

Legal requirements The current legislation does not have standards regulating the procedure for making adjustments to administrative documentation. Legal experts recommend that officials adhere to the rules set out in the twelfth article of the Labor Code. This document contains a list of grounds that can be used to cancel administrative documents. These reasons include making amendments to

legislative acts that have a direct impact on the company's activities. In addition, the reason for canceling an order may be the presence of physical obstacles to its execution. Court decisions, changes in conditions

labor activity

, as well as the personal initiative of employees may cause the need to amend orders or cancel them completely.

An order to cancel an order cancels a decision made earlier Order form (sample) As mentioned above, the current legislation does not have regulations governing the procedure for drawing up administrative documentation on the cancellation of an order. A sample order to cancel an order is drawn up in free form taking into account all the necessary details.:

  1. The document in question must contain
  2. following information
  3. Name, address and other details of the company.
  4. Grounds for making adjustments and canceling the previous document.
  5. Commissioning date.
  6. Information about employees who are entrusted with the function of monitoring compliance with management orders.
  7. List of workers who must familiarize themselves with the contents of the order.
  8. The wording “Order to be considered invalid” or “Order to be considered invalid.”

Information about the canceled act.

List of applications. Registration of an order Each document used within the organization is assigned an individual number. companies. Orders and administrative acts must be certified by the signature of the owner of the organization or its general director. Head of everyone structural unit the company affected by the adjustments being made must receive a copy of the document. A copy of the acts is drawn up in situations where an order from management leads to a change in the calculation rules wages

, vacation schedule and time sheet, which takes into account the time of work. Also, the above actions are performed when the employment relationship with one of the employees is broken. In the registration log you must indicate the name of the document and list the employees responsible

for carrying out instructions from management. According to the established rules, the completed log must be certified by the signature of the employees specified in the order. Next, the clerk files the order with the rest of the company’s documents. The storage period for this category of documents on the employer’s premises is five years from the date of their production.

If the order concerns one person, it is called simple, if several - complex

Examples of compiled documents let's consider various examples

drawing up administrative acts that cancel previously issued orders. In the example below, we propose to consider a sample order to cancel an order to be sent on a business trip: "Society with limited liability


(Titan LLC)

ORDER No. 15/e4

On the cancellation of order number XX

Taganrog Due to the lack of need for business trip

, I order:

Business trip of the corporate client manager Nikitin S.M. in St. Petersburg, issued by order No. XX dated June 18, 2018, cancel. Execution control function of this order
transfer to the chief accountant L.M. Ryabova. Base: written notice

on refusal to cooperate dated July 8, 2018. Director: Vasnetsov P.A..


How to cancel an order and issue a new one, an example demonstrating the contents of the act:

Any order can be canceled only by issuing a new order, since an order as a document has a lower status compared to an order in the vast majority of enterprises

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that in order to cancel a previously made decision or make adjustments to administrative acts, the head of the company should draw up a special order. It is important to note that drawing up the document in question is only advisable if the previously issued document has not yet entered into force. In order to cancel his decision, the head of the company must provide compelling reasons.

It must be recalled that many officials have the right to draw up the documents in question. Typically, employees personnel service are engaged in drawing up acts related to company employees. Employees of the office management department maintain documents related to the company's activities.

Today, there are two main methods for canceling orders. The first method is release separate document, canceling the previous one. The second method involves making additions and adjustments to the current management order. According to the established rules, the issued order must be assigned registration number, which is recorded in a special register. The storage period for such documentation is five years. After this time period has expired, the orders must be transferred to the city archive.

22.03.2017, 22:21

The management of the organization decided to abandon some of the internal personnel documents. An order to cancel local acts is urgently needed. The reason for abandoning the acts is the transition to concluding employment contracts in a standard form, approved by the Government and has been in force since 2017.

It is clear that standard employment contracts must be immediately concluded with new employees. As for old workers, it is necessary to conclude with them additional agreements To existing agreements, and thus make adjustments.

We cancel local acts in microenterprises by order

Indeed, since the New Year, employers-microenterprises (organizations and individual entrepreneurs) may refuse to approve and maintain local labor regulations. Provided, of course, that everyone survives necessary information of which into standard employment contracts (Articles 309.1, 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To cancel valid documents enterprises need to publish corresponding order on the repeal of local acts. For micro-enterprises unified form there is no such order.

The order must contain all required details

So that the order has legal force, it must contain mandatory details (Article 9 Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ).
If the required data is not specified in the order, then such a document is not considered a primary accounting document and does not have legal force and cannot serve as a basis for taking any action.

TO mandatory details The following information must be included in the personnel order:

  • document's name;
  • Date of preparation;
  • the name of the organization that compiled the document;
  • operation description;
  • job title responsible person, his signature and transcript of the signature.

Usually orders are made on letterhead organization, where its details are indicated, including location (clause 3.14 of GOST R 6.30-2003, approved by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-ST).

An order to set aside an order will annul the decision made earlier. The article gives step-by-step instruction preparation of this document.

From the article you will learn:

A previously made decision or a separate paragraph of a document is canceled by a special order or regulation. Both documents fall under the category of internal business papers.

Who draws up the order to cancel the order?

HR department employees make up orders for personnel. Secretary - orders general activities. If the paper touches court decisions, resort to the help of a legal consultant. Chief Accountant participates in the preparation of documents related to financial issues.

The procedure for drawing up an order to cancel an order

Legal requirements

An order can be canceled in two ways: by a separate order or by a special subclause in the document that makes changes to the text. According to the law, both options are equivalent, so it all depends on the situation.

Situation No. 1.

The employee was fired. To restore it to work, just write order on the cancellation of the dismissal order (Article 106 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”).

Situation No. 2.

Changes need to be made to a separate paragraph of the organization’s order. A new one is published - about making changes, and a separate item it repeals the previous act.


  1. The head of the department draws up a memo addressed to the general director. In it, he gives reasons for canceling the decision made earlier. Documents confirming the facts are attached to the note.
  2. The General Director puts his resolution on a note and appoints someone responsible for execution.
  3. The secretary draws up an order to cancel earlier issued order.

Order form

The document form includes the following items:

  • Organization details.
  • Registration date.
  • Personnel Number.
  • Reasons for cancellation.
  • Effective date.
  • Link to memo.
  • Actions that are cancelled, order number and date.
  • Names and positions of employees who will monitor execution.
  • List of employees who should read the text.
  • Worker visas and their decoding.

As before, in 2018, when drawing up such documents, they are guided by GOST R6.30-2003 and Labor Code, as well as office work instructions adopted in the organization.

The text begins with the standard phrase “Declare invalid...”

If canceled specific points, then they are indicated exactly as in the previous document.

The next paragraph is the desired date for cancellation of the previous document. Sometimes this point is missed. In this case, the order is canceled at the time of approval of the act of its cancellation.

Registration of an order

The order is assigned Personnel Number and date. After this, it is registered in a special journal. The manager signs the document. Accounting, HR and other departments of the company receive copies of this paper. A copy is needed if the cancellation of a previously made decision affects the recalculation of wages, vacation schedules, time sheets and cancellation of an employment contract.

The registration log of these documents consists of the following columns:

  1. name of the paper;
  2. Full name of those responsible for execution and control;
  3. signatures of these persons.

The secretary files the document in a folder in which similar papers are stored. It is stored for 5 years and then handed over to the archives.

More information about the storage periods for documents - “

Since January 1, 2017, microenterprises are exempt from internal personnel documents. They will not need to draw up internal labor regulations, regulations on wages, bonuses, shift schedules, etc. But how to check whether you are a micro-enterprise or not? How to correctly formalize a refusal to use personnel records? How to replace all these personnel documents? Is there a standard form of an employment contract or not? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

After the release of Federal Law No. 348-FZ of July 3, 2016, micro-enterprises were given the opportunity to no longer maintain personnel records from January 1, 2017. This means that small companies and individual entrepreneurs will be allowed to completely or partially refuse to draw up and apply local regulations - internal labor regulations, regulations on wages, regulations on bonuses, shift schedules and other documents (Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What's happenedmicroenterprise?

Micro-enterprises are firms and individual entrepreneurs whose last year income does not exceed 120 million rubles,

The average number of employees is 15 people.

total share legal entities of those included in the LLC is no more than 49%.

Do you belong tomicroenterprisesaccording to the Federal Tax Service?

The Federal Tax Service maintains a unified register of small and medium-sized businesses. This register is located in open access on the Federal Tax Service website.

You can follow the link and determine whether information about your company is contained in this register or not? To do this, follow the link.

In the opened form

It’s better to type in the TIN number in the search bar and click the Find button.

You can write the name of the organization. But faster by TIN or OGRN.

Now a window with the result has opened.

You see that the organization is a micro-enterprise. If you click on the name of your organization in this window, an extract from unified register small and medium-sized businesses with an enhanced digital signature.

Now you know for sure whether your organization is a micro-enterprise or not. And if it does, then you can safely refuse to use personnel records. But only this requires an order to refuse to use personnel documents. At the same time, for companies and individual entrepreneurs registered before January 1, 2017, the order must additionally state that previously developed documents become invalid.

New standard form of employment contracts.

All employees will need to conclude employment contracts in a standard form, approved by the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2016 No. 858 “On the standard form of an employment contract concluded between an employee and an employer who is a small business entity that is classified as a micro-enterprise.”

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