Accountant advice and advice

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Equipment is a collective term that includes machines, assemblies, mechanisms, assemblies, as well as apparatus, columns, installations, ...

An important element of the state machinery is the civil service system. At one time the Russian Emperor Nicholas I said: "Not me ...

The chronological framework of antiquity is considered to be the 9th century. BC e. - V century. n. e. Within this framework, various stages are distinguished, the most common ...

General professional requirements for drivers of fire trucks are established by the decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated November 10, 1992, No. 31 "On ...
AGREED APPROVED Chairman of the trade union Head of MKDOU "Skazka" S.V. Aleeva ____________ V.G. Efimova Minutes No. ____ REGULATIONS ...
The concept of leasing includes a legal relationship based on long-term lease of equipment purchased by the lessor with the aim of ...
AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT - a national-territorial entity, a form of national-political autonomy in the USSR (until 1977 - national ...
The government of the Russian Federation does not impose too strict rules for traveling abroad to citizens in 2019. And yet it is worth considering new ...
Most kings, according to Plutarch in the biography of Pyrrhus, use the two words "peace and war" as coins, not for purposes ...