Dealing with primary objections reception attack. Technology of working with objections as a way to agree

The topic deserves a separate discussion, which we will now deal with. Why? Because objections are integral part work of a sales representative. They arise always and everywhere: both for a new client and for an old, proven one; both at the initial offer of goods, and if you wish to expand the scope of cooperation. Perhaps they are not there only in an ideal situation, when the client himself was looking for a sales representative selling a high-demand product.
A professional sales representative faces objections so often that he no longer fears them. He is ready for them, he fights with them, he learns to overcome them. Of course, you can not do this, but always agree with the point of view of the client, but then you just have to pick up the crumbs from the dinner table.
Objections are usually divided into true and false. True, that is, having under them real grounds, untrue - a way for the client to leave the transaction. In my opinion, all objections are true. A sales representative may be denied mild form, point to the door, “send”, but the essence is always in an offer that is not interesting for the client. Therefore, the trade representative simply must be able to analyze the causes of objections and draw appropriate conclusions about ways to change the situation.
1. The first reason is financial.(by the way, it is customary to refer to untrue). At outlet actually there is no money to buy a new product. And it's fair, lack working capital typical not only for small shops, but often for large retail chains. Look at the empty shelves and put yourself in the shoes of a store owner, torn between having to pay for milk, cigarettes, bread, beer - goods that make maximum turnover, and at that moment you come and insist on buying the one hundred and thirtieth kind of chips. Therefore, your task is to find money for the client. The easiest way out is to provide a delay from delivery to delivery or for another period. Although clients from financial problems- this is a burden on the company, as detailed in the article that analyzes accounts receivable.
2. The next reason to object is negotiating with the wrong person.. This is a direct consequence of poor preparation for the visit, when, without finding out who actually makes decisions on the issue of interest, the trade representative "floods like a nightingale" in front of an unauthorized person. The main thing in this situation, having received a solid portion of objections, is not to put an end to the outlet, but to make an attempt to find a real decision maker.
3. Exists and several behavioral reasons. The sales rep may not be liked as a person. The decision maker may have a prejudice towards the product or a negative attitude towards the supplier company.
4. The last set of reasons for objections proper market. A retail outlet may not have a need for the proposed product, and this is logical. First, there is a possibility that your offer contradicts the client's specialization; secondly, shop windows are already saturated with similar products; thirdly, the client already maintains long-term and mutually beneficial relationships with other firms and does not understand why they should be destroyed for the sake of a newcomer? Naturally, the market reasons for objections include non-competitive price and insufficient quality of goods.
Field employees usually see the reasons for objections and refusals in the behavior of clients, emotionally color them. In fact, even the most absurd shopkeeper always hides something of the above behind screams and tantrums, and noise is just a way of presenting it. Therefore, objections can and should be dealt with.
There is a common technique for overcoming objections.
So, when you receive an objection, you must:
- agree (demonstrate to the client that his point of view is respected and even supported);
- blur (unobtrusively indicate possible alternatives);
- take into perspective (that is, to prove the benefits of cooperation).
To say that this technique does not work is to tell a lie. The only limitation is that you should not apply it to experienced negotiators.
In general, they are valid for all cases. following rules:
- Having received an objection, you can’t close in on yourself and end the negotiations. It's not yet a defeat. The sales representative is obliged to find out the reason for the refusal.
- If the reason has been named, the trade representative should announce an alternative cooperation option (which, by the way, should always be in stock!).
— If the reason is not clarified or the client does not want to continue negotiations further, the sales representative should independently, based on the analysis of the conversation, find out the reasons for the refusal.
- Now that the reason has been identified, you need to study your proposal and find out weak sides and the possibility of their elimination.
Thus, for example, having heard that there will be no cooperation because there is already a company “which has been supplying the same goods here for many years”, Sales Representative analyzes the representation of products in the hall and finds out that there are auto stocks for a number of positions due to constant shortages. The next time the trade representative will offer not a full-scale cooperation, but the possibility of re-ordering products not supplied by a competitor. This may be of interest to store owners who prefer to have suppliers on hand. Who will become the main one in the future is already the result of your professionalism.
Once again, in order to successfully deal with objections, you must have alternatives suggestions. Don't like the price? There is a possibility of a discount. Don't like the product? Suggest another. And of course, the sales representative must know by heart all the advantages of his offer!

People working in the field of sales know firsthand about difficult clients. Moreover, this makes up the majority of all consumers in general. They constantly have disputes, objections that the manager needs to deal with. It’s not enough just to offer and correctly present a product, you also need to sell it. Therein lies the difficulty. Dealing with objections an integral part of a sales job that is challenging and interesting at the same time. You need to be prepared that the buyer will definitely ask something, be dissatisfied with something. What distinguishes an excellent manager from a mediocre one is the struggle with objections, whether he can convince him of the need to purchase a particular product.

How to sell correctly?

The main mistake when dealing with objections is quick and abrupt answers. It must be remembered that the dialogue with the buyer must be maintained constantly. If the seller is silent, he will not inspire confidence. Dealing with objections in sales is key. When a client sees an unfriendly reaction, he gets scared.

In this sense, novice salespeople need to work hard. Dialogue should flow smoothly, every word should be considered. After all, an unsuccessfully thrown out phrase can break the “foundation” that you built from the very beginning of the conversation with the client. Experts recommend using certain principles:

  • first you need to carefully listen to all the objections of the client, then take a short pause and enter into a dialogue;
  • clarifying questions should be asked to identify the true cause of dissatisfaction;
  • pay attention to the nuances that do not suit the buyer, and present them in a more favorable light;
  • evaluate the truth of the objection;
  • finally, answers - here the seller must clearly and distinctly explain why this product needs to be purchased right here and now.

Completing tasks

There are many ways to deal with objections in sales. To own them all, you need to constantly practice. Psychologists have developed special assignments, by performing which managers improve their sales skills. The answers will become deeper and more convincing if you use this system.

It includes:

  1. Reception "yes, but ...". For example, a client says that your company has high prices. The manager replies: “Yes, but we provide free shipping and guarantee high quality.” There can be many such examples of dealing with objections.
  2. Boomerang. This technique is universal and can be used in almost any situation. Answers should begin with the phrase “Therefore, I advise you to purchase this product.”
  3. Comparisons. Specificity is important here. You need to compare the product with the same one provided by a competitor. And prove that yours is better or cheaper. The main thing is not to speak common phrases but give real examples.

Basic moments

Dealing with customer objections should be based on certain principles. In matters of price, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • first you need to win the attention of the client, get interested in the service or product, and only at the end name the price;
  • if the buyer asks for a discount, offer a free service;
  • you need to talk about the quality of the product and its positive aspects;
  • if the cost of the goods is high, you can offer a purchase on credit with the words: “You can buy this washing machine on credit for only 4,000 rubles a month”;
  • talk about what the client loses if he refuses to buy.

How to change the client's decision?

Methods for dealing with objections are not limited to just a story about the product. You need to make the buyer change his mind and buy this product right now. To be a great manager active sales you have to follow certain rules.

Among them are:

  • knowledge of all positive qualities goods;
  • attentive listening to the client, identifying the problem and solving it;
  • friendly communication;
  • optimistic mood.

A client who sees a smiling manager in front of him involuntarily becomes loyal to him. He is ready to listen to him, weigh the arguments and accept positive decision. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Don't confuse a benevolent smile with a "fool" smile.

Common mistakes

High level dealing with objections in trade is achieved through trial and error. Using the above methods, you can achieve some success in this area. However, one must not forget about common mistakes, which occur most frequently.

The first and most popular is over-stubbornness. This affects not only beginners, but also many experienced salespeople. Not every client can withstand a high level of pressure. In most cases, the buyer closes, and the manager does not make the most positive impression on him.

The second mistake is an excess or lack of information. You need to feel it, communication should be in moderation. You don’t need to “talk your teeth” to the client or, conversely, be silent for five minutes. Everything should be clear and correct.

The third mistake is the indication of the price. The goal of a salesperson is to sell a product or service. It should be done so that the buyer purchased the product without even knowing the price.

Technique for dealing with objections. root extraction

There are several techniques for dealing with customer objections, some of which we will discuss in more detail in this article. The first is the root extraction technique. Its essence is to identify the cause of the failure and deal with it.

First you need to carefully listen to all the arguments of your interlocutor. Even if he says the same thing, it is forbidden to interrupt. This will show your disrespect, and the answers will look like a learned script. Then you need to agree with the buyer, express your understanding. You should constantly ask clarifying questions until you know the real reason for the objection. After that, give a life story or an example when the same fears were not confirmed.

Partial consent and psychological attachment

When asking questions to find out the reason, you can use these methods. Dealing with objections in sales involves getting to the bottom of the details. Partial agreement will allow the interlocutor to see you as a like-minded person. Now he will perceive the manager not as a representative of the company who needs to implement the product, but as ordinary person. This method proved to be the best in practice. Phrases like “I understand you, I was also in such a situation. Then I took a chance and my life changed in better side» helps to establish contact and establish

Psychological annex means a compliment. That is, the seller does not agree, he admires the arguments of the buyer, praises him. Thus, the manager disposes to himself and, as it were, invites to a dialogue.


We mentioned this technique a little, now let's talk in more detail. This technique is quite simple, but at the same time very effective. It can be applied in any situation. It is necessary to translate all the arguments of the interlocutor in your favor. It takes a little practice to do this, but the results will not be long in coming.

Consider a simple example of dealing with sales objections using the boomerang technique. The most common protest: "The product is very expensive." The manager constructs the response as follows: “Yes, you are right, but for this price you can get a high quality product, as well as three Additional services". You should interest the buyer, tell that even if the product is a little more expensive, you can be sure of its quality, and we will arrange free delivery, etc.

Fixation technique

This method is great for dealing with objections from clients you've worked with in the past. It involves the construction of judgments and arguments based on the starting point. Should be used positive points cooperation to convince the client. For example, “Remember, earlier all payments were on time, there was no delay?” or “You know that our company sells only high quality goods. Remember that laptop that you bought from us six months ago ... ".

This technique allows you to create a favorable environment for communication. It can also be used in a negative sense. If you have information that your competitors had some problems with the provision of services or something else, you can point this out in a conversation with a client. However, you should remember that you can not cheat. If this is found out, the reputation of the company and the manager personally will be greatly damaged.

Assumption technique

This method of dealing with objections is similar in essence to the method of extracting the root. Here, too, you need to get to the bottom of the truth and find out the real reason for the refusal. In this case, you should communicate with the person a little more boldly, assuming a solution to the problem.

For example, if the client is not satisfied with the high price, the manager may ask: “OK, if we provide a discount, you are ready to start cooperation.” If the client answered negatively, it is necessary to find out the real reason further.

You need to understand that without this it is impossible to work with the buyer in a quality manner. Some just object because they're bored, others really want to find out why the price is so high. Such clients need to be clearly differentiated. Experienced active sales managers can visually determine whether a client who is focused on a purchase has entered, or just wants to pass the time.

The main reasons for the refusal of the client

Every salesperson should know more about psychology. After all, going through the stages of dealing with objections, you can achieve a lot by knowing some of the "chips". You need to understand your client, make sure that he leaves satisfied and wants to come back again. If everything is done correctly, then the manager himself will enjoy the work done, and the buyer will remain under a positive impression.

There are several main reasons why the client says “no”:

  1. Psychological protection. The average buyer sees the seller as a predator who is ready to do anything to shake the last money out of the client. Therefore, the reflex is turned on, and the person responds negatively.
  2. Unsuccessful experience. When buying any product before, the client came across an obsessive seller who presses excessively. Once you've dealt with someone like that, you won't want to do it again.
  3. Negative reviews. If at least a few people speak badly about your company, this is enough to reduce the reputation. And in trade she plays very important role. In case of loss of reputation, it becomes much more difficult to work with objections.
  4. Fears. The buyer has many. He is afraid of being deceived, making the wrong choice, etc. Finding out the cause of fear, you can solve the problem.


The fight against objections, as we found out, is essential part seller's work. After all, no matter how well the manager presented the product, a number of questions will surely follow. There is a category of salespeople who are great at showing and talking about all the benefits, but if you ask a simple question, they get lost. And when the client insists and expresses disagreement, they break down psychologically.

An active sales manager must be able to improvise and have a knowledge base. To succeed in any field, you need to be a professional. In this sense, trade is no exception. Experienced managers can convince any client. As a result, the company makes a profit, and the buyer leaves in a good mood.

Here is a client who has accumulated a lot of objections that you need to answer. What to do? First, give the client the opportunity to speak fully. It seems to be very simple, but this advice very difficult to implement in practice.

It is very difficult for a seller who is well acquainted with his field of activity and with his product to listen to the client to the end. He understood everything literally from a half-word and is eager to fight. Naturally, he begins to interrupt the interlocutor, which causes an increase in emotional stress.

In addition, the client's argument may not be exactly what he was expecting. In response, you can get the following: "If you are so smart, then talk to yourself."

The more complete the client's statement is, the more accurately you will understand it. Give the client the opportunity to express his disagreement to the end, “lighten the soul”, showing increased attention to his words in order to understand their meaning.

Understand and acknowledge understanding of customer objections. It is important for you to emphasize the significance of what the client has said to you and demonstrate a willingness to discuss. Use the technique of paraphrasing an objection into a question - it serves to better understand the essence of the objection.

Example: The customer says to the salesperson: "Expensive". At the same time, he can mean anything: it’s cheaper in a nearby store, he doesn’t have that kind of money, or he wants a discount.

In order to understand what the client really meant, repeat the client's statement with an interrogative intonation: "Expensive?" The client will probably explain: “It's expensive for me. I expected less." Or he will say that he went to a nearby store and saw the same product there, which was 15% cheaper. You will get an idea in which direction to move in the dialogue.

Don't let yourself be judged financial situation customer and ask questions like, "So you're saying you can't afford this product?"

Clarify customer objections. The next step is to clarify the objections. For example, a customer says that the goods in a nearby store are 10% cheaper. It makes sense to use the positive wording again: “So you would like to know what caused the price difference?” If the client responds positively, then you have something to work with.

Clarify the client's objections, especially when they sound in general form(like "That's not it"). “Please specify what exactly?”, “What is the reason for this (what is it connected with)?”, “How would you like it?”, “Why do you think so?”, “I didn’t quite understand what exactly .. ?

Respond confidently to objections. Now you can answer the objection, focusing on specific question client. Laconically acknowledge his correctness (conditionally agree, “join” him) or simply repeat (paraphrase) his words using the connectives “and at the same time”, “at the same time”, “however”, “on the other hand”, “ while avoiding “yes”, “but”.

bring positive example: “I understand that this does not suit you. Many of our customers said the same thing at the beginning, but ended up purchasing our products after seeing the benefits”; list the main advantages of the purchase: “Yes, it’s true, our device has only such a sensitivity, but it has ..., allows ..., makes it possible ...”.

Respond to objections specifically, to the point, and short enough (verbose is not the same as persuasive). Do not test the client's patience, do not overload him with unnecessary information.

Make sure the answer is accepted and move on. After answering the objection, be sure to get confirmation that the customer is satisfied. Ask a basic, polite question: "Did I manage to answer your question?"

This clarification is important because often it may seem to the seller that his answer was detailed and exhaustive, and he proceeds to next step sales. The client has not yet received an answer to his questions, and they will appear again in the future.

How to overcome client resistance?

Clients are different (as, indeed, and sellers). Sometimes there are aggressive and eternally dissatisfied, who are pre-configured for negativity. If the opportunity presents itself, he will willingly provoke a conflict.

Fortunately, there are proven tricks that can be used in various options in any situations where there is negativity and resistance from the client, in order to prevent a possible conflict at the very beginning. Their essence is not in a concession, but only in the recognition of the client's right to personal opinion(“joining him”) so that he does not perceive the seller as an adversary.

Remember that the client expects a retaliatory attack or defense in the form of excuses for his negative attack. Do not give in to provocation. Your task is not to put pressure on the client (the force of action will cause a response force of reaction), but to guide him and help him make his own decision.

Let the client speak. Never interrupt, listen carefully if you want him to listen to you (the selling process is a dialogue, not a monologue. Try to listen more than talk).

Acknowledge the feelings and state of the client, showing that you share them ("I understand your alertness (concern, anxiety, doubt)", "Yes, I see (hear, feel) it").

Express your feelings and state to prove sincerity and involvement in what is happening (“I am also unpleasant that this is happening”, “I am puzzled by this turn”, “I am very happy (excited) about this”).

Recognize the right of the client to his point of view, if you want him to accept yours (recognizing is understanding, but accepting is not the same as agreeing) ("It's clear what you mean", "I understand that this does not suit you", "You touched a lot. important question”, briefly, as a fixation, without explanations and even more so justifications).

Agree with what you can if you want to get agreement, but don’t back down (“Quite right”, “You are right, and at the same time ...”, “I agree that it is difficult, at the same time ...”, “It is so, and in continuation of your thought ... "(in the case when the client is really right)).

Apologize if necessary, but don't be fawning ("Sorry, I was too quick with that").

If you do everything right, the client will understand that the seller sincerely wants to help solve their problems and satisfy their needs. From this moment begins fruitful cooperation.

None of the salespeople like objections in their work, but they are precisely main source personal and professional growth. The psychology of the client is such that very rarely he will agree to make a deal with you without checking your strength, without doubting the veracity of your words, without knowing what benefit he will personally receive by agreeing to your offer. And if you learn to analyze the reasons for objections, and then adjust your work based on this, then success will only be a matter of time. In spite of this, most of managers treat objections not as an opportunity to develop, but as a serious obstacle in the way.

In the presented lesson, we will understand what objections are, what types of objections exist, and what techniques are available to eliminate them. This information will help you understand that “the devil is not as scary as he is painted,” and that actually working with objections is not only easy, but also interesting.

Client psychology: what are objections and how they are formed

In sales, the psychology of the customer plays a major role, and objections represent a defensive reaction to the manager's actions in establishing contact and closing the sale, although sometimes objections occur at all stages of the sales cycle. You must understand that the client will always seek to protect himself, because. perceives the seller as a threat to his mental peace (the stage of establishing contact) and well-being (the stage of completing the transaction). Therefore, objections are a natural part of the selling process and.

The formation of objections occurs both at the conscious and unconscious levels of perception. Unconscious objections are the client's response to intrusion. stranger(seller) into his comfort zone and are expressed in the utterance of involuntary, almost unconscious phrases. Help to overcome this type of objection non-standard actions, carefully thought out phrases, sales scripts. The main thing is to understand that unconscious objections are directed not at the proposed product, but at the actions of the manager.

Conscious objections, on the other hand, are about what the seller is offering. Here, the potential buyer is not satisfied with the benefits, cost, specific characteristics goods. Objections of this type arise in cases where the buyer wants to get more for less money.

To summarize this block, let's say that the main thing you need to understand about objections is:

  • Objections are reactions to your actions, which means that by changing your actions, you can change these reactions.
  • Objections are inevitable, and if a person does not object to you, then he will buy anyway, and there is no professional merit in this.

Once you accept these two facts, you should be ready for objections and meet them with enthusiasm, because they bring you closer to closing the deal.

Objection handling - what is it?

They call the actions of a manager to eliminate conscious and unconscious barriers that prevent a deal. This activity is almost always present in sales, and therefore you simply have to understand the types of objections, the stages of their processing and response options.

Remember that customers are different, but any objection can be considered a sign of their interest in buying a product or service. The correct handling of objections allows you to increase the value of the product in the eyes of a potential buyer, and the wrong one will cause the deal to fail. And in order to work with objections competently, it is necessary first of all to understand what they are in addition to conscious and unconscious ones.

Typology of objections

Objections can be false and true. And here there is one tricky moment: if you overcome the true objections, you will close the deal, and if the false ones - a stream of new objections. This happens because of a person's reluctance to make a purchase and his inability to say so directly because of politeness or something else.

Plus, you need to learn to distinguish between objections and conditions - real factors that do not allow a deal to be made (for example, a person will not buy a car in a car dealership if he does not have a license, etc.).

The appearance of false objections is quite seriously affected, but it also happens that people specifically name false reasons, for example, when it is inconvenient to voice true ones.

As for the true objections, they serve as a rationale for the potential buyer of the inexpediency of the proposed purchase. As we said, it is they that need to be worked out in order to conclude a deal, but this must be done in stages.

Stages and methods of working with objections

In this and the next few sections, we'll talk about practicing true objections, and at the end of the lesson, we'll show you how to counter false ones.

So here's how objections are handled:

  • Listen carefully to the objection without interrupting the client (use the technique). When you listen to the end, you can say: “I heard you,” etc.
  • Agree with the objection, i.e. showing that you share his point of view. You can say: “I agree with you, the functionality in this matter is very important”, etc.
  • Give a reasoned answer to the objection, showing the client a way out of the situation.


Customer: “The same product is more expensive than in a nearby store”

Salesperson: I agree with you. Saving money is always important. But unlike other stores, the price of our goods includes the cost of maintenance and additional services. Let you pay a little more now, but in the future you will be able to use many of our services for free.”

The considered scheme is considered classical, and it needs to be mastered in without fail. But besides it, there are various techniques in working with objections in sales. about them and will be discussed further (we will immediately make a reservation that we will not mention the stage of joining the client, but always keep it in mind).

Counter questions method

In response to the client's objections, you can ask him a few counter questions so that he thinks about the correctness of his own judgments.


Customer: "It's expensive here"

Seller: "And how much is inexpensive for you?"

Seller: "Why do you think that we are expensive?"

Salesperson: Expensive compared to what?

After the questions are asked, you will have two options for action: if before that the client spoke “on the machine”, now he will think and, perhaps, rephrase the objection, and you will be able to choose the appropriate tactics for the conversation. Or you can penetrate the deep essence of the objection and find its more serious reasons, in order to then eliminate it.

Comparison method

In this case, you simply compare what the client has now and what you can offer him. You can also use this method when the customer is choosing, for example, between a cheaper and a more expensive item.


Customer: "This model is more expensive than that one"

Seller: "Okay, let's compare. Which brand is more famous? Is German quality better than Chinese? Do you need additional accessories in this case? And in another? Does this company provide a guarantee? And that one?”

Just show the person a difference they didn't think about, and give them the opportunity to look at your offer more broadly.

Method "Yes, but..."

This method is one of the most popular. It is most often used in situations where the client's objections are justified: for example, your product can really be expensive, and your task is to explain to the person why such a cost is quite adequate.


Customer: "It's very expensive"

Seller: "Yes, but it's guaranteed quality"

Customer: "Some people have bad things to say about this brand"

Seller: “Yes, but those who respond well are much more”

Customer: "It's cheaper next door"

Seller: "Yes, but we have better"

In fact, the “Yes, but…” method is applicable to many situations, but it is effective only when you are able to clearly justify what comes after your “but”.

"That's why" method

To some extent, this technique is not similar to the previous one, but its distinctive feature is that it is great for dealing with false objections as well. The point is to make the customer's objection Starting point for your persuasive words.


Customer: "I need to think"

Seller: "That's why I would like to meet with you - to point out what exactly is worth paying attention to"

Customer: "Your price is high"

Seller: “That is why, firstly, we have samplers for each client, and secondly, all our clients are provided with additional services”

Customer: "I already have a person who supplies this product"

Seller: "Great! That is why you definitely need to learn about our advantages and new opportunities for yourself.”

At correct use this method can be a very powerful tool for neutralizing even the most serious objections.

Statement replacement method

The statement replacement method is also known as Paraphrase and Substitution. The essence is simple: when working with an objection, you start your statement with the words “So you mean that ...” or “I understood you correctly that ...”, and then replace the client’s objection with a statement that is beneficial to you.


Customer: "You don't have what I'm looking for"

Seller: “So you mean that if we bring the goods you need, we will contact us?”

With such a subtle influence on the client's psychology, you will be able to "turn" him to you and discuss the prospects for possible cooperation.

past experience method

Professional managers are very fond of this method. For it to give a result, find among the actions of a potential buyer those that he has already done in the past, but he will have to do them in the future.


Customer: "Your price is high"

Seller: “Tell me, have you already had it so that at first you saved, but then you still had to buy more expensive - when did you have to overpay once again?”

Buyer: "We already have a supplier"

Seller: “Listen, but remember the moment when you chose a supplier. What were you guided by? For sure favorable conditions, truth? Perhaps it makes sense to consider our proposal? Who knows, you might find it much more interesting.”

If you can find something vital in the objections of the client, immediately use it. If the client still refuses, use some other method to try again to remove the barrier.

These methods of dealing with objections are considered the most common, but in addition to them, we want to introduce you to several additional techniques that will make yours much richer and more powerful.

Reformulation Technique

The technique is somewhat similar to the assertion substitution method, but trickier than it. It consists in the fact that you use in your speech the expressions and questions of the client in order to start talking in "his" language and about the same thing. Different people the same words can speak of different things which gives rise to ambiguities and ambiguities. To be able to eliminate them and agree, this technique is used.


Customer: “Our manufacturing techniques are very complex. Change technological processes and retraining employees is inappropriate "

Seller: I agree. With such complex process and high costs of innovation, technology change should be approached judiciously. For this reason, our employees carefully study the work of their clients beforehand. This allows us to seriously minimize risks and costs.”

The same technique is very effective to use in conjunction with the method of counter questions. Together, they greatly increase the manager's chances of success.

Assumption technique

When you use the guess technique, you are hypothetically assuming that the difficulties that prevent you from closing the deal have been eliminated. Think about whether a potential buyer will now agree to your offer? If not, for what reason? Do this with all objections so that you can quickly parry minor objections and move on to more serious ones.


Customer: "Your computers are very expensive"

Salesperson: “OK, if it wasn’t the price that was the issue, would you be interested in this offer?”

Customer: “I think so, but what do I do with an old computer?”

This dialogue clearly shows that the reason for the reluctance to buy is not at all the high price of the goods. This means that the seller can move on to the main objection and process it. However, a third objection may be hidden under the second objection, and this must always be taken into account.

Technique "Anything else?"

Technique "Anything else?" much easier and safer than the previous one. It is used when it is necessary to identify the main reason for the rejection of an offer. The seller in this case simply “fishes out” the objections without any order.


Customer: "I think getting rid of the old equipment will be very difficult"

Seller: “You know, we work according to a unique system: you buy new equipment, and we ourselves take the old one from you, taking into account its cost. Tell me, is there anything else that confuses you?

Buyer: “With the change of equipment, we will have to deal with the reorganization of the office. No, it's too expensive"

Seller: “So it's great: update the office - it will be more pleasant for you, and your employees, and your customers. Is there something else that is worrying you?"

Buyer: “Most likely, employees will have to be retrained to work with new software”

Seller: “And we will help you deal with this too. Tell me, is that all, or is there something else that could interfere with our joint work?

As you can see, the seller simply “pulls out” objections from the buyer one after another, without even really processing them. This allows him to find the most important objection and concentrate on it. This technique gives the manager room for action, because. he has plenty to choose from. And when most of the objections can be identified, it will not be difficult for the seller to take the initiative in their own hands.

Sincerity Technique

Using the sincerity technique, you kind of open up to the buyer, talking about all the advantages and disadvantages of your offer. In this way, you will arouse mutual feelings in him, and he will tell you what actually prevents him from accepting your offer. The proposed technique is based on sincerity, trust and concern for the interests of a potential buyer.


Customer: “I need to think. Maybe I can find a cheaper option"

Salesperson: “You know, to be honest, you're right. Since you are frank with me, I will also tell you how it really is. I myself, as an employee of the company, can purchase any product with a 10% discount. I can offer this discount to you. But no one should know about it. Do you think such a discount would be nice for you? And anyway, I will not hide anything from you, so you can ask anything.

When you "frank" with a client in this form, you show your respect and affection for him, which encourages him to respond in a similar way to you. And the trick of this technique is precisely that the client will most likely tell you the true reason for his worries, which is what you need.

Technique of naivety

This is where you treat all customer objections as if they were all 100% true. To do this, you simply pretend to believe everything that the potential buyer tells you, and then you begin to energetically solve this problem, offering the person different options. This is what you do with every new objection. But keep in mind that the technique of naivety is quite laborious and dangerous from the standpoint of your reputation: from the outside, people may think that you are some kind of “simple-good-natured person” and stop wanting to do business with you, not considering you a professional. However, there is a trick for you in the technique: while the client is answering your questions, you can find options for further persuasion, and then prove yourself with new side- from a serious professional.


Customer: "We no longer have a place to buy something new and put it in stock"

Seller: “By the way, I have heard more than once that you have many suppliers. But we can help you arrange everything in a convenient way, not only in the warehouse, but also in the store.”

Buyer: “Listen, our movers simply won’t be able to do the job if we also order from you”

Salesperson: No problem. Our loader will be in the car, who will do everything for you for free”

The unnatural objections are obvious, but the seller solves the "problems" of the client with all seriousness. Most likely, after a long processing of such meaningless objections, the seller will know real reasons, let him spend some time on it.

Focusing on the Benefits of Collaboration

This technique is suitable for working with clients with whom you have already worked. You just need to find a few moments that gave pleasure to a person in the past. These can be discounts, additional service, congratulations or some kind of prizes, etc. If the client objects to you, you simply redirect his perception to pleasant memories of cooperation.


Customer: "This time we will probably order elsewhere"

Salesperson: "Sure. Do you remember how last time you were pleasantly surprised by our gifts for the anniversary of your company?

Buyer: "Sure! It was great! It would always be like this!”

Seller: “By the way, we are almost ready new system development of our best customers. But I still would like to know what would be interesting for you personally? Can you give me some advice?"

Customer: "That's interesting! You always have something new! Now I don’t even know if I should go somewhere else ... "

The task of the seller in this technique is to make a person experience pleasant sensations in memory and call out in him a desire to experience them again in the near future. With the systematic use of technology, your customers will form conditioned reflex: it's cool with you, but without you it's somehow not the same.

And one more thing: this technique can also be used in the opposite direction, when, for example, you need to call negative emotions associated with cooperation with your competitors.

Pseudo-analysis technique

The technique is quite peculiar: when communicating with a potential buyer, take a piece of paper and write in two columns all the disadvantages and advantages of your offer. After that, eliminating the disadvantages that the client does not like, exclude one advantage at a time. First eliminate the most significant advantages and minor disadvantages. So you need to continue until the client says the final "Yes" or the final "No". With this technique, you will show the client the value of all the points of your offer and give him a choice between cost and value.

Apply the technique of pseudo-analysis with all sincerity and without cunning, as the client will notice both, and if he determines that you are cunning, you will play against yourself. We also recommend that you prepare in advance for the use of this technique: break your proposal into components and determine their positive and negative points and do it in the most different options so that in the "field conditions" you have different combinations. Based individual characteristics each individual client, choose the right combination of pros and cons and work with it.

As a result, we have sorted out more than a dozen different methods and objection handling techniques. As you apply them and gain experience, the work will become easier, and at the end you will have an effective arsenal of techniques for almost all known objections. However, if it is relatively easy to work out true objections, then many sellers do not know how to work with false ones at all. To avoid being one of them, read on.

Dealing with false objections

When interacting with potential buyers, you can often hear something like: “Now I’m not ready to make a decision”, “We already have everything”, “I need to think it over”, etc. All of these objections are false. In fact, there may be a lot of them. As a rule, all these are “dummy”, but there are those that are not easy to distinguish from the true ones.

You must understand that each false objection hides under itself either a true objection or real condition, which does not allow you to make a purchase (exactly what you talked about at the beginning of the lesson). Based on this, in order to learn how to identify and work out false objections, you need mainly to gain experience and analyze each specific situation.

But whether you have experience or not, remember that you should not answer a false objection, otherwise you will simply and most likely spend it on something other than closing a deal.

Another nuance is that most of the false objections are flaws in the establishment of customer needs or flaws in the presentation of the product. So if different clients keep telling you the same thing, it makes sense to rethink your approach to the rest of the sales cycle.

So how do you deal with false objections?

The task of working out false objections is to bring the client “to clean water”, i.e. know the real objection. For this reason, methods for dealing with false objections are not standard, and they must be used based on the characteristics current situation(if necessary, combinations of techniques may be required).

The main methods of dealing with false objections are as follows:

  • Just ignore the false objection. For example, you were told “I need to think,” and you continue your story, following all stages of the sales cycle, up to the completion of the transaction.
  • Set the client on sincerity. In response to the objection of the client, you say something like: “Well, is this a reason to refuse such a purchase ?! Tell me what is really bothering you." But look at the situation: speak softly and unobtrusively, trying to be tactful and accurate in communication.
  • Sum up the benefits. Are you in again list all the benefits of your product, and tell the client about the benefits for him. You can say, for example, like this: “Judge for yourself: buying this product, you get guaranteed quality, save on service, get so many joyful emotions from the new gadget and using it! And you say it's expensive?!"
  • Ask a limiting question. Ask the client if this is the only reason preventing him from buying the product? Will he agree to the deal if this problem is fixed?

Dealing with false objections is much easier and faster than with true ones, because, as we said, they are almost always just empty words spoken automatically so that you do not invade the client’s personal space. It is much more important to learn how to identify them. So practice and gain experience.

Dealing with objections is often referred to as dealing with them. But the concept of “struggle” is completely out of place here, because, we repeat once again, there is no need to fight objections. The stage of overcoming psychological barriers in the mind of the client is a natural part of the sale, working with which the manager grows personally and professionally. Without labor, as they say, you can’t pull a fish out of a pond, and even more so you won’t sell it to a spoiled gourmet. And even when, for some reason, you can't work everything against your client, you must go the extra mile and try to make a deal. Remember, the more "No" you overcome, the faster you will begin to say "Yes".

In the next lesson, we will talk about another serious topic: we will talk about what sales management is, and what are the principles of this process; Let's talk about sales management strategy. We will also briefly touch on the sales department, tools and methods of sales management. Even if you are not going to become a manager, this information will be very useful for you as a manager, because. will point out many subtleties of the sphere of trade, which we have not yet mentioned.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on a topic this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

The vast majority of sellers do not like objections, and if you ask such a seller a question - why do you sell so little? He usually begins to list those objections that he heard from the client. In fact, the phase of overcoming objections is the most important in terms of personal growth seller as a specialist. If the seller analyzes the reasons for the objections and makes adjustments to his work, then success will not be long in coming. But most sellers take the objection as nothing. feedback on own work but as a difficulty. This is what prevents many from developing in sales.

What is a customer objection

A customer objection is a defensive reaction to the seller's actions, usually on and , but can occur throughout the sale. It is important to understand that the client always strives to protect himself, and the seller is perceived as a kind of threat to his peace of mind (when establishing contact) and well-being (when completing the transaction). Objections are an integral and obligatory part sales and persuasion in general.

Objections are formed at the conscious and unconscious levels of perception. Unconscious objections are a reaction to the intrusion of the seller into the personal space of the client, the client pronounces them arbitrarily, almost without thinking. Any not standard action the seller can help overcome such objections. If the seller is faced with big amount such objections. Then he needs to work on his behavior - a sales script, the correct pronunciation of phrases (),. Such objections are not related to the product, they are related to the behavior of the seller and the perception of the client.

Conscious objections are objections to the proposed product. That is, if the client is not satisfied with the specific characteristics and benefits that the seller announced. Such objections always arise, as the client wants to get more for less money.

The most important thing a salesperson needs to learn about an objection is:

  1. An objection is a reaction to the seller's actions. By changing the actions, you can change the reaction and avoid the objection;
  2. An objection is the same physically inevitable process as friction when objects come into contact. If the client does not object to you, then he will buy without you and there is no merit in the sale;

Having understood and realized these two simple points, you should learn to accept the objection and rejoice at the very fact of the objection, as it brings you closer to the sale.

What is customer objection handling?

Dealing with customer objections (often referred to as working out objections, fighting objections, overcoming objections) is an activity of a salesperson aimed at removing conscious and unconscious barriers that prevent a purchase. Overcoming objections is an integral part of any sale and every salesperson must know the types of objections, the steps to handle an objection, and prepared responses to common objections.

Dealing with customer objections is the fourth. So, the presentation of the goods to the buyer is carried out and the client, as a rule, objections appear. There are, of course, moments when the client is simply silent and has no objections, in which case you can immediately proceed to the stage of completing the transaction. But as a rule, the client does not agree to buy the goods so easily, he almost always has doubts in this case, the seller applies the stage - working with objections. Customers are different, but it is important for you to know and understand that an objection is a sign of interest, and having correctly worked out this objection, you can add several arguments in favor of your product. Conversely, by answering the objection incorrectly, you can “fill up” the deal.

Types of objections

Objections are divided into true and false. Overcoming true objections leads to a deal, overcoming false ones leads to new objections. This happens because the client does not want to make a purchase, and politeness or something else prevents them from telling you this directly. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish objections from conditions. Conditions are real factors that make it impossible to sell a product, for example: a person will not buy a car if he does not have a driver's license.

False objections in sales

False objections are formed mostly under the influence of the unconscious. Although there are times when the client deliberately says false reason. Since it is not convenient to voice the true (for example, there is no money). It doesn't make much sense to answer what is essentially a false objection. We will talk about what to do with false objections a little later.

True Sales Objections

True objections are the customer's rationale for not making the purchase. Working out true objections leads to a sale, they must be able to work out according to the stages of working with objections.

Stages of dealing with objections

Objections are handled in the following way:

  • Listen carefully to the objection. Do not interrupt the client, even if you already understand which way the client is driving, use . At the end of the client's phrase, you can say - "I heard you";
  • agree with the objection. Also called psychological attachment, you need to show that you understand and agree with what the client has voiced, for example: “I completely agree with you, saving money is very important ...”
  • Give a reasoned answer on the essence of the objection, show the client a way out of the situation;

These steps are classic model handling objections. Every salesperson should be able to handle objections this way.

Customer - “... I compared your prices with competitors and you are more expensive!”

Seller (option 1) - “I completely agree with you, the issue of saving is very important. That is why, unlike competitors, we include in the price all the costs of servicing the goods purchased from us, by purchasing goods from us you will pay more, but you will be able to save time and money in the future on servicing the goods.

Seller (option 2) - "I'm glad you brought this to your attention! Indeed, our prices are somewhat higher than those of many of our competitors. Because we think about our client and look forward to long-term cooperation, and not just quickly selling low-quality goods"

It is clear that this is just an example, but it shows general scheme handling objections. It should be noted that in sales objections are usually the same and you can prepare good answers to them in advance.

False objections and how to deal with them

If in general everything is clear with true objections, then many sellers do not know how to work with false ones. When communicating with sellers, I most often hear such objections as “I need to think”, “I’m not ready to make a decision right now”, “I have everything” these are just examples that are in almost all sales. There are many more false objections and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them from true ones. But it is important to understand that behind every false objection there is either a true objection (for example, many customers are embarrassed to say that I have no money or it is expensive for me, but they will simply say that I need to think), or a condition that prevents them from making a purchase .

To learn how to work out false objections, you need to have rich sales experience. this product, since it will be necessary to distinguish at random whether this objection is true or false. But regardless of experience, it is important to know that you do not need to respond to a false objection. You will simply lose time, and maybe completely disrupt the sale. Another point to keep in mind is that most false objections are flaws in needs identification or presentation. And if you constantly hear the same false objections, then you need to change the identification of needs and presentation.

Ways to deal with false objections

The goal of working out a false objection is to get a true objection from the client. All methods will not be standard; they need to be applied depending on the situation. combine.

Ignore the false objection. That is, you were told “I need to think,” and you continue to talk about the product or even try to close the deal.

Try to be sincere. In this case, you gently tell the client "well, that's not the reason, let's lay out what's really." Naturally, not in plain text, but neatly. For example, “Are you saying that you need to think just because you don’t want to refuse me? I'm an adult and I can handle a rejection."

Benefit summation method. The essence of the method is once again to list what he will receive from the transaction. Example “... Look, buying our product you will get: high quality, savings, a lot of emotions from operation, new opportunities. Are you saying you need to think?"

Ask a limiting question. For example: “Is this the only thing that bothers you?”, “As I understand it, if you solve this problem, will you buy the product?”.

Very often, the stage of working with customer objections is called the fight against objections. Personally, I categorically disagree with the term "struggle", objections do not need to be fought, objections are an integral part of the sale, only those who do not mind do not mind. Even if you can't overcome objections, you still need to get started. last stage sales - completion of the transaction.

Examples of dealing with objections

There are a lot of objections in sales, as well as a lot of sales tactics. Therefore, we will analyze examples of working out the most popular objections using different ways. I must say right away that the stage of joining the objection in below examples not mentioned, this does not mean that it is not needed.

Method of handling objections with the help of questions

You can make the client think about the correctness of his judgment. Example:

Customer: "You are expensive"

You: If we were expensive, so many clients would not work with us for many years. Why do you think they buy from us?

You can also clarify the information that the client gave you. Example:

Customer: "Expensive"

You: What are you comparing to?

You: Why do you think so?

You: What is dear to you?

You: How much is cheap for you?

Comparison method

Compare what is now and what you offer. Show differences that the client did not pay attention to. Show that you can see more. Example:

Customer: "Expensive"

You: Let's compare. What batch size do you take? With what frequency? What are the conditions for payment? What is the delay? What is the value of trade credit? What is the quality of the goods? Who is the manufacturer? What warehouse is it shipped from? Whether there are available? What parties? What assortment do you take in addition to this product? Did they have a quality problem? How fast do they return in case of marriage? What kind warranty conditions they give? What service do they offer additionally? If they have a post after-sales service? How long has this company been on the market to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations that it takes on?

The “yes, but…” method

A very common technique, a lot of true objections the client speaks to the point. For example, your product may be really the most expensive on the market, it is important to explain to the client why this is happening. Example:

Customer: "It's expensive for you."

You: Yes, but we have a quality product.

Customer: "I've heard negative reviews."

You: Yes, but there are many more positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Customer: "Take a long time."

You: Yes, but we have a lot of goods and absolutely everything is in stock.

Customer: "No money".

You: Yes, but we have the possibility of a loan (leasing).

You: Yes, but let's meet in the future.

Customer: "Competitors are cheaper."

You: Yes, but let's compare...

That's why

The method is largely similar to the previous one. This technique may be suitable for working out false objections.

Customer: "I'll think about it".

You: That is why I want to meet with you, tell you everything, so that you have something to think about.

Customer: "Good personal relationship with current supplier."

You: That is why I want to start cooperating with you so that you also have good personal relations with us.

Customer: "I don't want to pay up front."

You: That is why we have a lot of other advantages that will compensate for this.

Customer: "There is a supplier."

You: That is why I would like to meet with you in order to tell you about our advantages.

Customer: "It's expensive for you."

You: That's why I want you to take only a trial batch. To make sure that our product is worth the money.

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