Theme of the project: “I know the rules of the road - I save life. Social project "Safe traffic - the main skill for children

Useful publications on conducting educational, creative, gaming, entertainment combined projects on the topic “Rules traffic". Tips for organizing events with the participation of children and parents. Abstracts of consultations designed to increase the culture of adult behavior on the streets, the desire to file positive example children. Perspective plans work on the prevention of child road injuries.

We educate sustainable skills of safe behavior of children on the streets; we remind adults of the need to develop the habit of strictly observing traffic rules and teaching this to the younger generation.

Everything for the organization of systematic work on the study of traffic rules.

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1879 .
All sections | Traffic rules, traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports

The plan of self-education of the educator "The system of work of the teacher in the preschool educational institution in the formation of road safety skills" Plan self-education teacher Beschastnaya E.G. on the topic: "The system of work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution, in the formation of safety skills traffic and prevention of road accidents involving children. The kid got to his feet - he is already a pedestrian. The child sat on the bike - he is already a driver. Went to...

Pedagogical project "On the way to the ABC" Protection project Considering the interests of children, we must try to stay closer to the area in which we ourselves are best versed, in which we feel strong. After all, only one who is carried away by himself can captivate another. Mine I named the project"By road to the alphabet» . It dominates...

Traffic rules, traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports - Road safety project for all groups

Publication "Project "Road Safety" for all..." PROJECT OF A SPECIALLY ORGANIZED JOINT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY OF ADULT AND CHILDREN TOPIC: "ROAD SAFETY" EDUCATIONAL AREA - COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Completed by: Tarasova Svetlana Ivanovna educator EXPLANATORY NOTE The safety of our children's lives -...

MAAM Pictures Library

The project "Our friend is a traffic light!" Problem: in Russia, more than a thousand children die and are injured in road accidents every year. Relevance. We all live in a society where we must respect certain norms and rules of conduct in traffic conditions. Often the perpetrators of the road traffic accidents are themselves...

Railway Safety Project Project Name of the project: "Safety on the railway" Authors-developers of the project: Borodina Natalia, Senkina Tatiana, Bailo Maria. Type and kind of represented educational institution: “ Kindergarten No. 109 JSC Russian railways» Period of formation and...

Rakitina Svetlana Yurievna, educator, Zapadnaya Dvina Report on SDA Training children to the rules of road safety is still one of the most important tasks preschool education. The work of teaching children the rules of competent and safe behavior on the street should ...

Traffic rules, traffic, traffic lights. Projects, plans, reports - Workshop for educators "Using gaming activities to familiarize preschoolers with traffic rules"

WORKSHOP WORKSHOP for educators "USE OF GAMING ACTIVITIES TO FAMILIARIZE PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH SDA" Author: teacher Tarasova Svetlana Ivanovna Course of the seminar 1. Good afternoon, Dear colleagues! We are pleased to welcome you to our preschool group. Today we will be...

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Medium comprehensive school#15 Deep Learning individual items

Project theme:

"I know the rules of the road - I save my life"

Golovanov Alexey

scientific adviser:

Topilskaya L.A.




According to the survey among classmates, unfortunately, we see that not all children cross the road at a traffic light or a zebra! We need to talk about the accident.



Main part……………………………………………….…………..........5

    Information about indicators of the state of road safety .............................................................. ................................................. ....five

    Statistical Report on Road Traffic Injuries Involving Children in Russian Federation, in the Altai Territory and in

Zarinsk city ............................................... ................................................five

    What are the rules of the road for?.................................................11

    Processing of questionnaires and analytical materials...............................................14

    How does society take care of safe behavior child

on the road?............................................... ................................................eighteen

    What does the school do to comply with traffic rules .............................................. .twenty

    The route from home to school .............................................. .......23

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. ......24

Bibliography................................................ ...............................................25

Applications ................................................. ................................................. .....26


Every year the number of cars, trucks, buses is increasing ... Their endless stream is increasingly threatening pedestrians.

The State Traffic Inspectorate accepts necessary measures for our safety. Installed for drivers strict regime transport speed; traffic inspectors, regulating traffic, use the latest devices and devices.

But all measures may be in vain if the pedestrians themselves do not follow the rules of safe behavior on the streets and do not know elementary literacy. The task of the school is to instill in students the rules and habits of safe behavior on the road, on the street, in public transport. Skills and habits, both useful and harmful, are formed in the process of life of students. Therefore, we decided to carry out this project at school.

The problem addressed by the project is the observance of traffic rules, the identification of dangerous areas when going to and from school, and the growth child injury among children school age. Particular interest in it arose after a trip to the Central Children's Theater for the "Road Alphabet" circle.

Objective of the project:

Promote road safety among children of primary school age, using various forms activities.

Project objectives:

    Determine the level of awareness of students and their parents about knowledge of traffic rules

    Analyze the statistics of children's traffic traffic injuries in the city of Zarinsk and the Altai Territory.

    Raise a responsible attitude to the implementation of traffic rules using various forms of activity

    Develop mental activity, the ability to observe, draw conclusions, verify the results.

Research methods:


    questioning of parents and children;

    discussion of situations;


    game activity.

Main part

The history of traffic rules originates in.

A mechanical railway semaphore with a colored disc was installed in the square in front of the Parliament. Its inventor - John P. Knight (John Peake Knigh) - was a specialist in railway semaphores. The device was manually operated and had two semaphore wings. A servant in livery was assigned to the semaphore, whose duties included raising and lowering the arrow and turning the lantern.

The prototypes of modern road signs can be considered plates, which indicated the direction of movement to the settlement and the distance to it. The decision to create common European traffic rules was taken at the world conference in, due to the increase in the number of cars, the growth of speeds and traffic on city streets. The next important step was the adoption of the "Convention on the introduction of uniformity in signaling on the roads" in in, at the Conference on Road Traffic, in which, among other countries, (USSR) also took part.

The first known attempts to streamline urban traffic were made back in. By his decree, some streets of the city were introduced.

    Information about indicators of the state of road safety

Statistical information on indicators of the state of road safety, collected as part of the activities of the departments of the State traffic inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, is used in the analysis of the causes of road accidents, identifying negative trends and problem areas, in assessing the effectiveness of measures aimed at reducing the number and the severity of the accident are the basis for making managerial decisions.

They can be found on the website .

    Statistical report on road traffic injuries involving children in the Russian Federation, in the Altai Territory and in the city of Zarinsk.

The level of child injuries as a result of road traffic accidents in Russia remains high. Children are still the most vulnerable and unprotected road users.

Consider the dynamics of the number of accidents involving minors by age throughout the Russian Federation:

It can be seen from the graph that the largest number Road accidents occur with the participation of children under the age of 7 years and 10-14 years old, while there is a relative increase in accidents with children from 10 to 14 years old.

Consider visually the dynamics of the number of accidents involving minor children various categories:

The graph shows that the dynamics of the number of accidents involving children of various categories shows that an increase is observed in accidents involving passengers and cyclists.

Consider the Altai Territory:

The diagram shows that the Altai Territory ranks 42nd in the entire

territory of the Russian Federation. Moscow and the Moscow Region are marked at the highest place, and the Smolensk Region at the lowest.

Accident statistics in the Altai Territory in 2013

For 2013 in the Altai Territory died more people than in 2012. At the same time, the number of accidents has decreased. The leadership of the traffic police of the region should more attention pay attention to road safety so that the statistics change for the better.

The total number of road accidents, the number of dead and injured for 12 months. 2013

For 12 months

car accident



The severity of the last road accident (number of deaths per 100 injured)

















Statistics for November 27 on the roads of the Altai Territory are given below:

Consider the statistics of Zalesovsky, Kytmanovsky, Zarinsk districts and the city of Zarinsk for 10 months of 2014.





Total number car accident

64 people

This chart shows that road traffic accidents have decreased this year compared to 2013.

While collecting data in our city, I learned that accidents mainly occur with children due to non-compliance with traffic rules, especially when riding bicycles, scooters in inappropriate places and departure to carriageway.

Very often, parents carry children in their arms, and it is precisely the transportation of children in their arms that is considered the most dangerous. The fundamental need to transport a child in a car, using a special restraint, and not on the hands of an adult passenger, is due to the fact that during sudden braking (impact) at a speed of 50 km / h, the weight of the child increases many times and to keep him from a sharp blow to the front seat or on the windshield is almost impossible. In addition, an adult holding a child in his arms, in this case, is able to crush him with his own weight.

Therefore, preventive measures on the part of parents and schools are necessary. While working on the project, we decided to cover junior schoolchildren our class.

To develop a cycle of activities to prevent child road injuries,want to pay attentionon the psychological aspect Problems.

To avoid trouble on the road, you need to know the characteristics of children and adolescents. Doctors persistently warn, and adults simply ignore these warnings:

    Children under 13-14 years old see only directly, and with peripheral vision they weakly fix what is happening (“tunnel vision”).

    The child has to turn his head in order to have general idea about the surrounding space. For this, a child will need 4 seconds, while an adult needs a quarter of a second.

    The child's perception of speed, vehicle size and distance is also distorted.

    Children with distortion perceive sounds on the road;

    They have a distorted perception of the size of vehicles, etc.

(Psychologist V. HARUTYUNYAN in the article “Little “thinker” and the road”)

    What are traffic rules for?

Imagine what would happen on the streets of the city if all the traffic lights, road signs suddenly disappeared, the traffic controllers with their striped batons would disappear. And urban drivers would suddenly forget the strict rules of the road.

Buses are rushing from all sides, hitting each other, cars, motorcycles rush by, bicycles scurry around. You can hear the squeal of brakes, alarm horns, the rumble of colliding cars, the rattle of broken windows, the howl of an ambulance siren...

However, cars and people live in peace: sometimes cars let people through, sometimes people wait for cars to pass. Because both obey strict laws. These laws are called "Rules of the Road".

The rules of the road in accordance with the Law "On Road Traffic" dated December 10, 1995 No. 196-FZ is a single normative act establishing the order of traffic throughout Russia.

Consider the dangerous sections of our microdistrict through which children go to and from school.

This photo shows the intersection of Stroiteley and Soyuz-Respubliki streets. A dangerous section of the road - the children go to school, to circles and to the pool.

which means be careful

children, it is on this road that most children go to school and to the


In this photo we see a sign
- crosswalk! But unfortunately, not all drivers can see it in the evening (especially in winter, when it gets dark early), as the streets are poorly lit!!!

The following photo shows a bus stop

In this photo we see our school number 15 and unfortunately there are no road signs that can warn drivers that children are on their way to and from school. There is only a sign - road up! But as we all could see, the cars still go despite the sign and speed bumps!!!

In our city, the UIA Olimp swimming pool has recently opened, many children go to the pool for a circle! But as we can see, there are no road signs!!!

At the intersection of Builders Avenue and Union-Republic Street, we saw a sign - give way! This intersection is considered one of the most dangerous intersections in our city due to traffic accidents.

In order to find out the real situation of compliance with the rules of the road, associated with our students and their parents, we developed and conducted a survey.

    Processing of questionnaires and analytical materials.

In November, we received the results of questionnaires from students and parents. We decided to process them using modern information tools for working with statistical data, i.e. compiled charts based on the answers to the questionnaires, from which it is clearly seen:

Analysis of the survey of schoolchildren

According to the survey among classmates, unfortunately, we see that not all children cross the road at a traffic light or a zebra! You need to talk about the accident.

Questioning of children and parents

We decided to conduct a survey of students lower grades and their parents. Questionnaires are given in the Applications section.

Analysis of the survey of schoolchildren's parents.

Summing up the results of the survey among parents, we observe the following statistics:

    Mostly parents tell their children about the rules of the road - 49%;

    Not all parents, unfortunately, comply with traffic rules - 25%;

    Parents have a daily conversation with the child about the rules of DD - 75%;

    Violate traffic rules when walking with a child - 15%;

    The child demands that the parents walk correctly when crossing the road - 64%.

5. How does society care about the safe behavior of a child on the road?

    Production of games, cartoons and documentaries on the topic of road safety;

    Conducting quizzes, competitions, competitions, holidays by traffic police services, teachers of schools and kindergartens;

    Issue of books, brochures, posters;

    Carrying out months on the safety of children on the road “Attention children!”, “Zebra”, “Take care of your passenger”, etc.;

    Turning on dipped headlights by drivers while driving;

    The use of reflective elements on clothing, schoolbags and "Caution, children!" signs.

I think that the causes of accidents with schoolchildren on the road are due to:

    Scattered attention;

    Forgetting the rules of behavior on the street;

    Emotional condition;

    The child's quick reaction to the traffic situation;

    Distraction of attention from dangerous vehicles;

    Lack of adult supervision.

    What does the school do to comply with traffic rules.

Our class 1 A and other classes of our school attend a circle at the Road Alphabet CTC.

There we are taught how to cross the road correctly, we study road signs, traffic rules.

I really like going to these classes, because it can save my life, and I learn a lot of interesting and very important things.

Marina Mikhailovna tells how to cross the road correctly.

Safe student route.

Classes about the rules of the road.

In the form of a game, we learn the rules of the road.

What we have learned:

The traffic light is our assistant. The first street traffic light appeared more than 130 years ago. The first traffic lights had only two colors: red and green, which were manually changed by a person standing next to them. But it was inconvenient to manage with two colors, and 50 years later, a third color appeared at the traffic lights - yellow.

When a traffic light breaks, the traffic controller controls the traffic with a striped stick - a wand.

Road signs

Warning signs - warn us of danger.

Prohibiting signs - provide us with safety on the roads.

Mandatory signs instruct the driver:

Road safety rules

    Pedestrians are allowed to walk on sidewalks and footpaths, and where there are none, on the side of the road.

    Do not get out or run into the roadway.

    Cross the carriageway only in places marked with zebra markings or a pedestrian crossing sign.

    In places where there is a traffic light, cross the street only on a green signal.

    Do not run across the street, walk at a calm pace.

    Before crossing the street two way traffic, look to the left and if there are no cars nearby, start crossing. When you reach the middle, look to the right. If there are cars nearby, wait, let them pass, and then continue on your way.

    Go around the bus and trolleybus from behind.

    When waiting at a bus stop, do not stand on the edge of the sidewalk.

    When approaching a corner of a house, an archway, or other obstruction, stop and make sure there are no cars nearby.

    Route from home to school.

While doing this project, I decided to check if our entire class marked the safe way from school to home in their diaries.

By checking the diaries, I made sure that all children in Grade 1 A know their safe way to and from school home.

Our school does a lot so that we know the rules of the road and, most importantly, so that we can apply them in life! After all, this is the most important thing!!!


While doing research, I found the answer to the question:

What causes traffic accidents and why do children die on the streets?

The cause of road accidents is often the children themselves. This leads to ignorance of the elementary foundations of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway, a negative example of adults.

In order to reduce the number of road traffic injuries, it is necessary not only to increase the level of knowledge, but also to change the attitude to existing rules, to develop stable positive habits in children and adults.

I think that my project has a social significance, as knowing and observing the rules of the road is our life!


    Klochanov N.I. Road, child, safety. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004-152 p.

    Malshakova V.E. Education of a competent pedestrian. - Tyumen, 1992-44 p.

    Rules of the road for preschool children, ed. E.A. Romanova - M .: TC Sphere, 2005-64 p.

    Shorygina T.A. Cautious Tales.-M.: Prometheus, Book Lover, 2002-80 p.

    Website on the Internet


Questionnaire for students :

    On the way from home to school, how many highways do you cross?

A) 1

B) 2

B) more than 3

    What signs are you following?

A) At a traffic light or zebra

b) Move where it suits me

3. How do you learn the rules of the road?

A) from books and the Internet

B) from relatives

B) from school

Questionnaire for parents

    Where do you learn about traffic accidents related to children?

    At meetings at school.

    From conversations.

    Television, radio, print.

How does your child know the rules of the road?

    I think he knows

    on "5",




    Who taught the child to follow the rules of the road?



    The parents themselves.

    Grandmother grandfather.

    How often do you tell your child about the need to follow the rules of the road?



    Very rarely.

    We don't talk about this.

    Your child is in school. What did you do to ensure that he crossed the road correctly?

    Showed the shortest and safest way from the school house.

    We walked along this path several times with the child, showing how to cross the road correctly.

    Other measures (specify).

    Do you follow the rules of the road yourself?

    I always comply.

    Not always.

    I do not comply.

    Are you breaking the Rules when you walk with a child?


    Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry.

    We do not pay attention to traffic lights or cars.

    How does the child react to your violation?

    Doesn't react at all.

    Says we're going wrong.

    Requires that we go right.

Creative project for primary school students "Rules of the road - worthy of respect"

Kotukhova Nadezhda Mikhailovna, teacher of life safety and fine arts
Place of work: Chernitovsky branch of MBOU Algasovskaya secondary school

Description: The project can be used by primary school teachers to carry out preventive work on the safe behavior of students on the road.
With an increase in the production of cars in our country, an increase in the intensity of traffic on the roads, the responsibility of all road users increases: drivers, pedestrians, passengers.
Every year, 1,200,000 people die in road traffic accidents around the world. To share road accidents accounts for a quarter of all deaths due to injuries and injuries. Children are the most common cause of road traffic accidents. This leads to ignorance of the basic basics of the rules of the road, the indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway, ineffective preventive work. Children left to themselves, especially those of primary school age, do not know how to control their behavior. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing traffic environment. Therefore, they serenely run out into the road in front of a stopped car and suddenly appear in the path of another. They consider it quite natural to enter the roadway on children's bike or start a fun game here.

Analysis of the results of my survey of primary school students shows:
- clearly imagine their safe route - 39%
- can cross the roadway, observing traffic lights - 37%
- can show different kinds signs, places of their installation - 44%
- know the rules for crossing the roadway - 652%

In addition, a survey of parents showed the following:
- introduce their children to the rules of the road - 32%
- show their child a safe way from home to school and back - 37%
- observe the rules of the road - 41%.

Thus, the results of the questionnaire survey showed that:
- a significant part of students and their parents do not have a formed need for knowledge of traffic rules,
- have no idea about how to provide first aid in case of an accident.
The analysis of these data makes us not only think, but also sound the alarm, since the entire population of the country passes through the school and the family, and at this stage of the socialization of the individual, the need for knowledge and application of the rules of the road is formed.
I am sure that teachers and families can and should develop common approaches to solving this problem. My project is called upon to contribute to this "The rules of the road are worthy of respect."

Objective of the project
The project "Rules of traffic - worthy of respect" has the goal of creating a system of work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries among elementary school students, aimed at creating a culture of life safety.

Project objectives
This project involves solving the following tasks:
- the formation of children's need for compliance with traffic rules;

Project Hypothesis
Based on the goals and objectives of the ongoing project, I put forward the following hypothesis: as a result of the implementation of the project "Traffic Rules - Worthy of Respect", students should form the following parameters of the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads:
- attitude to traffic rules as an important social value;

- Possession of skills of safe behavior on the streets and roads.

Project Definition
The project "Rules of the road - worthy of respect" is a long-term project and is designed for 2 years.

Project subject is a complex of knowledge and skills on traffic rules for elementary school students.

project object pupils of the elementary school of the Chernitov branch of the MBOU Algasovskaya secondary school were identified.

Conditions for achieving the goals and objectives of the project:
- the interest of all subjects of the educational process in practical solution set goals and objectives,
- level vocational training teachers of the Chernitov branch,
- a clear mechanism for the implementation of the project.

The contingent of project participants:
- school teachers
- elementary school students
- Parents of elementary school students
- administration of MBOU Algasovskaya secondary school,
- Inspector of traffic police.

The main directions of the project implementation:
- educational,
- practical.

Project stages:
Stage 1 - preparatory
At this stage, the tasks, goals, and hypotheses of the project are being developed. When planning work on the project, legal documents on road safety were studied, namely:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Traffic Laws
- Charter of the educational institution
- Syllabus
- Guidelines at the rate of life safety for conducting lessons on traffic rules
- Textbooks on life safety.
At this stage, the main directions for the implementation of the project are developed, listing the main activities for working with all project participants and the expected results.

Stage 2 - project implementation
Areas of work:
1. Organization of work with parents.

- providing families of students with information about number of accidents with the participation of children in the Tambov region,
- providing practical assistance on compliance with traffic rules by students,
- Familiarization of parents of students with the basics of safe behavior.
- carrying out information and bibliographic work,
- creation of banks of pedagogical experience of working with families of students in the field of work with the rules of the road.

Forms of work:
- lectures,
- conferences,
- individual and general consultations,
- contests.

2. Organization of work with students:
- Provide students with basic education within the framework of state standards,
- to form in students sustainable skills of compliance and implementation of traffic rules,
- apply modern forms and methods of teaching and educating children aimed at preventing accidents on the roads,
- use the material and technical potential of the school to train and educate competent road users.
- foster a sense of mutual assistance, collectivism.

Forms of work:
- conversations
- cool clock
- open lessons on traffic rules
- drawing competitions
- practical training on traffic rules
- design of visual propaganda
- games, contests

Stage 3 - analysis of the results of the project
Expected results
A. Intermediates
- involvement of the largest number of students in in-depth study of traffic rules,
- mastering the skills of providing first aid in case of an accident;
- development creativity students;
- education in children of a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, collectivism.
- Active involvement of parents in the promotion of traffic rules.
- promotion professional excellence teacher in work with families on the prevention of PDKD.
B. Distant
- the formation in children of the need to comply with traffic rules;
- possession of first aid methods for victims of road accidents, the skills of promoting traffic rules;
- practical application of knowledge of traffic rules;
- reduction of cases of violations of traffic rules.

Scenario of the review - competition "School of Traffic Light Sciences"
At the end of the quarter, as a result of the work done, a review is held - the competition "School of Traffic Light Sciences". I prepared tasks and designed thematic stations, route sheets for the participants, which indicate the sequence of visiting these stations by the participants.

The course of the review-competition
The melody of a song by composer A. Minkov from the TV movie "Experts are investigating" sounds. A traffic light appears to the music, then the traffic police inspector, who interrupts the music with a trill of a police whistle

Inspector. Equal! Attention! Hello, comrades experts of the Rules of the road.
All teams (in chorus). We wish you good health!
Inspector. Let's do a rollover. Is the traffic light team ready?
The traffic light team: ready!
Inspector: What's your motto?!
Team "Traffic light": Who knows the rules of the road, honor and respect!
Inspector. Is the Guard team ready?
Guard Team: Ready!
Inspector: What's your motto?!
Guard team: No accidents on the roads!
Inspector. Firefly team ready?
Firefly Team: Ready!
Inspector: What's your motto?!
Team "Firefly": If you are a connoisseur of the road, Your legs will not crush you!
Inspector. Well, answer me, friends. Did you hear the whistle?
All teams (in chorus). Yes!
Inspector. Did you immediately recognize the traffic police inspector?
All teams (in chorus). Yes!

Inspector. Day and night,
In the heat and cold
On the road for a long time
We honestly serve pedestrians -
Me, my rod and traffic light.
Traffic lights.
We regulate the movement
We are subject to the driver.
We want you too
Always be happy.

Inspector. But we must test your knowledge to make sure that you always obey the Rules of the Road. Today you have to make a difficult journey along the Highway of Traffic Light Sciences. In order not to go astray, our friend Svetofor will give you route sheets.
Traffic lights. Team captains! Get your itinerary!

(Example of an itinerary)
When all the captains have received the route sheets, the Inspector orders the teams to disperse to the stations.

Station 1 - "Autorun"
Registration. Drawings and photographs of the first cars, bicycles, tanks.
Jury members. We welcome all who have gathered at our station. We are sure that only connoisseurs of the Rules of the Road have gathered here, so we can start our rally. But, unfortunately, not all participants will be able to reach the finish line. It takes a lot of effort to make your car cross the finish line first.
However, it seems to me that there were more drivers at the start than we have prepared cars. So, you have to fight for improvised vehicles. The condition is this: while the music is playing, you can choose a car to your liking, and as soon as it stops, quickly take the nearest car. But keep your hands behind your back. Each team must select 2 members. So, we started.
The game "Win a car" is played to rhythmic music. In the role of the car - chairs.
Teacher Information
Gone are the days when cars were forbidden to drive through the streets at a speed of more than 12 miles per hour (verst - 1.07 km). Or a man with a red flag had to run in front of a mechanical cart in the cities, "in order to thereby warn of danger." For example, today, within Moscow, cars are allowed to reach speeds of up to 80 km / h, and on the Moscow Ring Road - even up to 110 km / h. On the expressways in European countries and the USA, cars reach speeds of over 200 km/h.

2nd station - "Recognize the sign"
Jury member: At 1 station, we divided the vehicles, now, before setting off, we want to test your knowledge of traffic signs.
Then the riddles are read out, and the teams answer.

I want to ask about the sign.
The sign is drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running with all their might.
What is this sign?
(Beware, kids!)

We walked home from school
We see - a sign over the pavement.
Circle, inside - a bicycle,
There is nothing else.
What is this sign?
(Bicycle lane)

Cars rush at full speed,
And suddenly towards the sign:
It has a fence on it.
I rub my eyes, look straight ahead:
Highway closed for constipation?
And what is this sign?
(Railroad crossing)

A friend got sick on the road.
I looked around
Help I'm looking around
And I saw (red cross).
I hope everyone knows
What does this mean?
(Medical Center)

Here we go on the bridge.
Let's go home.
We see: a bright sign hangs.
And he's talking about something.
Red background, brick on it.
We answer and do not wait!
(traffic closed)

Well, what is this sign?
It's drawn like this.
Answer all together.
A man is digging the earth.
The sign is not set for a century.
(Road works)

I saw a strange sign.
I was surprised, my friends.
It has a fork, it has a knife,
You just won't pass.
Tell me quickly
What is the sign in my hand.
(Point of supply)

That's the sign!
I don't believe my eyes
What is the battery for?
Does it help with movement?
Steam heating?
Maybe in winter blizzard
Do drivers need to warm up here?
(Railway crossing with barrier)

On the road for pedestrians
There is nothing to do now.
Under the ground even the area
Going is much easier for us.
(Underground pedestrian crossing)

3 station - Drawing competition on the theme "Our friend is a traffic light"
Each team provides 2 drawings on the topic “Our friend is a traffic light”

4 station - "Traffic light"
A traffic light is installed at the Station. The team listens to the instruction:
“When the host turns on the green light, the guys should stomp their feet as if they were walking. When the yellow light is on, the guys should clap their hands. When the light is red, there should be silence in the hall.
After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet. The team goes to the next station.

5 station - "Polite passenger"
Leading. We are all in different situations We become either pedestrians or passengers. Do you know what a good passenger should be like?

1. Name the rules of safe behavior for bus and trolley bus passengers:
at the bus stop;
when landing;
in the cabin of the bus and trolleybus;
after landing.
2. Name the rules of safe behavior for tram passengers:
at the bus stop;
when landing;
in a tram car;
after landing.
After the answers, all participants are given Reminders on safe behavior in transport.
Guys, learn these memos yourself and tell your friends and younger brothers and sisters about the rules of behavior in transport.

Reminder for bus and trolleybus passengers
At the bus stop

2. Stop only on the sidewalk.
3. Do not go out on the roadway.
4. Approach the door of the bus or trolleybus only after it has completely stopped.

1. Let the exiting passengers pass.
2. Be careful when boarding so as not to be trapped by closing doors.

Inside the bus and trolleybus
1. After landing, go forward, do not linger on the steps and on the platform near the doors.
2. In the cabin, hold on to the handrails, do not interfere with the passage of passengers, prepare in advance for the exit.
3. When leaving, do not fuss and do not push.

After disembarkation
On the opposite side of the street, cross only at the pedestrian crossing.

Reminder for tram passengers
At the bus stop
1. Keep order, behave calmly: do not play, do not push, do not run.
2.On the landing site, do not stand close to the rails or the tram car.
3. Wait for the tram on the sidewalk, do not stand close to the carriageway.
4. Do not leave the sidewalk onto the roadway to board the tram until it stops completely.

1. Do not interfere with the exit of passengers.
2. Observe restraint: do not fuss and do not push.
3. Be careful and careful not to be squeezed by the doors.

In a tram car
1. Do not linger on the steps and on the entrance platform of the car, do not interfere with the passage of passengers.
2. Hold on to the handrails.
3. Do not stand at the doors and at the railing of the car swivel device.
4. Prepare in advance for the exit.

After disembarkation
1. Go to the sidewalk only at the pedestrian crossing if the bus stop has a landing area.
2. Go to the sidewalk without stopping on the roadway if there is no boarding area at the bus stop.
3. In all cases, it is necessary to go to the sidewalk, strictly observing the requirements of the Rules of the Road.
After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet. The team goes to the next station.

6 station - "Poems about traffic rules"
Each team tells prepared verses about traffic rules, staging is possible.
After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet. The team goes to the next station.

7 station - "Ambulance"
Participants are given a practical task:
1. Render medical care victim with a wound?
2. Your friend needs to bandage his finger. Help him.
After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet. The team goes to the next station.

8 station - "Blitz Tournament"
1. Where should pedestrians walk in locality?
A. By the curb
B. In the boudoir
B. On the sidewalk
G. In the flower beds
2. What markings are applied to the carriageway where pedestrians are allowed?
A. White crosses
B. Yellow circles
B. Orange flowers
D. White stripes
3. They "clumsily run through the puddles" in the famous song by V. Shainsky
A. Drivers
B. Pedestrians
V. Fox Alice and cat Basilio
D. Wet children
4. What should a pedestrian have on their clothes in order to be more visible on the road in dark time days?
A. Reflectors (flickers)
B. Rattles
B. Bright toys
D. White flags
5. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have?
A. One
B. Three
At two
D. Five
6. What signal does the traffic light have?
A. Blue
B. Red
V. Green
G. Yellow
7. Which hero of the children's book by S. Mikhalkov repaired the traffic light and restored traffic?
A. Uncle Styopa
B. Carlson
V. Crocodile Gena
G. Aibolit
8. What should the passenger be wearing passenger vehicles?
A. Soldier's belt
B. Strong rubber band
IN. seat belt
G. Special chain
9. What traffic light signal prohibits movement?
A. Green
B. White
V. Red
G. Blue
10. How does a traffic police inspector regulate traffic?
A. Caps
B. Flagkov
V. Shawl
G. Wand
11. At what age can you ride a bicycle on the roadway (with good knowledge traffic rules)?
A. From the age of 12
B. From the age of 14
B. From the age of 7
G. From the age of 16
12. What road sign can't be found on the road?
A. Camping
B. Toilet
V. Aquapark
D. Place of rest
13. Who does not need to give up their seat on public transport?
A. Healthy man
B. Pregnant woman
B. Disabled
G. Old woman
14. What can not be done on the bus?
A. Pay your fare
B. Pass into the salon without stopping in the aisle
B. Hold on to the railings
D. Distract the driver while driving
15. Which intersection is missing?
A. T-shaped
B. cruciform
B. Regulated
G. Magic
Right answers: 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a, 5-c, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-c, 10-d, 11-b, 12-c, 13- a, 14g, 15g.
After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet. The team goes to the next station

9 station - "Competition of ditties"
The jury evaluates the performance of ditties about the rules of the road

Approximate options for ditties
1. We are girlfriends - girlfriends,
We have eyes and ears:
On the road we go
We read and eat everything.

Dear friends,
Listen to our advice:
After all, the road is not a reading room
And not a place to talk.

We are good athletes
We love to play football.
The pavement was turned
Our field is a stadium.

We, no doubt, the conclusion is clear,
That the pass is dangerous for life,
Not roads, but yards
The place for such a game.

2. You about the rules of the road
And about the traffic police
Today we are four
We'll sing ditties to you

For salvation, there is an opportunity:
The best brake is caution.
Save your life:
Don't run in front of the car.

Don't run across the road
If the red light is on.
Yellow light warns:
Soon the path will be closed.

Or so: get ready to go
And be careful!
And avenues and boulevards
Everywhere the streets are noisy
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side.

We drove out of town
Sidewalks were not found.
We are a little confused:
How do we move, tell me?

If there are no sidewalks,
Find a way around.
Just remember that towards
Transport needs to go.

I got to the road
Didn't find a traffic light
Lost and standing
I'm waiting for your instructions.

In this case, to the left
And look to the right
If you don't see the transport
That's a happy journey!

If the traffic rules
Would do everything around
Nothing to worry about then
Remember this, young friend!

3. Oh, my dad is driving
Just a violation.
I will repeat with him
Traffic rules.

My mother strictly told me:
Do not yawn in front of the road!
And yourself - ka, look
Almost hit a Zhiguli!

This kind of sign
He is guarding the pedestrian.
Moving with Mom
We make our way to this place.

Let there be a reason for the haste
Let hurry up again
But not in front of the car
Run out onto the road.

Remember, young pedestrian,
Remember parents
The road jokes are bad,
Be very vigilant!

We sang ditties to you
By traffic rules.
We must all remember them
All without exception.

After the competition, the jury members put down the number of points earned by this team in the route sheet.
The teams line up, where the Inspector and the Traffic Light announce the winning team. An award is being made.

Author of the work: Gorshkov Grigory, 10 years old, student of the 4th "A" class, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Work manager: Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, class teacher, teacher of the GPA of the 1st category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of material: for children 7 - 10 years old, preschool teachers, class teachers, to prepare for competitions and quizzes on traffic rules.
Target: prevention of child road traffic injuries.
Tasks: to prevent the most common mistakes of children on the road, to summarize the existing knowledge on traffic rules, to promote the formation of a responsible attitude to personal safety issues on the road.

Project preparation plan and implementation timeline:
Stage 1– study of questions of the creative task – September 12, 2015
Stage 2– collection of material on testing issues – September 13, 14, 2015
Stage 3– design of the project – September 15 – 22, 2015
Stage 4– participation in the school round of the competition (selection round)
Stage 5- defense of the project at the regional round of the competition - September 30, 2015

Products of project activity:
History reference
“The rules themselves were born a long time ago ... Attempts to introduce rules for driving along the streets and roads were created at a time when horse-drawn carriages drove through the streets. These rules were, of course, not the same as they are now - much simpler. But even then everyone was obliged to know them. In Russia, the tsarist decree warned: "For cabbies and other all sorts of ranks, people should ride with their horses bridled, with all fear and caution, quietly." For disobedience, "the guilty for the first guilt will be beaten with cats, for the second with a whip, for the third they will be exiled to hard labor."
“The first rules were created for cabbies and coachmen. Then there were bicycles (two-wheeled, three-wheeled). The first car, steam, was created in 1769 by the Frenchman Jean Cunho. In 1885, German inventors Karl Benz and Daimler created a car with a gasoline engine - a motorized carriage. Later, cars with an internal combustion engine appeared.
With the advent of cars, new rules appeared. In England, for example, when the first automobiles appeared, a special decree was issued, which stated:
“In cities, a man with a red flag should run in front of a mechanical cart, in order to thereby warn of danger.” When the first cars appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow, city ​​council ordered their owners to drive around the city no faster than 12 km / h.
Now we cannot even imagine how it is to let a person in front of each car so that he runs and gives signals of danger. None of the best runners can do it. But at that time there was no other way to warn people. True, the speed of the cars was not the same as now. Technique developed, cars improved, their number grew, cities grew - and the rules became more and more complicated.

I am a passenger today
I am traveling alone.
Didn't buy a ticket at the entrance
Between the chairs sat in the aisle,
Turned on the music loudly
Well, the conductor jumped up.
He says: "Comrade, get up
And leave our bus!
You interfere with others - ordinary passengers!
Before you get on the bus, you need to read the rules.
- The rules, the rules made me read!

Today I am a pedestrian
I see a transition on the right.
But I'm in a hurry
I don't look for signals.
Caught up, ran
Then the driver shouted:
"You, comrade, do not rush,
Take care of your hands and feet.
You interfere with others - ordinary pedestrians.
To become a pedestrian, you must follow the rules.
- The rules, the rules were forced to comply!

I am the driver, below me
Two-wheeled steel horse.
I rush forward, I turn the pedals,
Don't expect medals.
The guard stopped
Strictly threatened with a finger:
“You, comrade, are a violator!
And show me the right!
You interfere with others - ordinary drivers.
If you want to become a driver, you must
RULES OF THE ROAD to know firmly!
- Rules, rules made me learn!
(author's poem-joke Bagrova E.V.)

1. The safety of pedestrians on the carriageway is achieved by knowledge and strict observance of the rules of the road, compliance with traffic lights, road signs and markings.
2. Safety rules for cycling:
Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the roads! You can ride only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle paths and within pedestrian zones.

Once you get behind the wheel of your bike, you are the driver! You can not arrange races on the roadway, overtake and interfere with the movement of vehicles.

A cyclist should not cross a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle! You need to get off your bike and cross the road on foot, driving your bike nearby.

3.City and country roads are a zone heightened danger for pedestrians. Country roads are not equipped with footpaths, and a pedestrian must move along the edge of the carriageway or along the side of the road towards traffic, which creates a danger to pedestrians. On country roads, the speed limit is higher than in the city. Therefore, we must be more careful and attentive on these roads.
4.Most without hazardous areas on the roads for pedestrians is a footpath, underground and ground pedestrian crossings.

5. The most dangerous areas of the roads are pedestrian crossings that are not equipped with traffic lights; carriageways of roads that do not have pedestrian crossing; intersections, as in these places cars drive from both sides; verges - they are located close to the roadway.

6. At the intersection, cars drive from two directions and it is more difficult to assess the situation on the road.

7. Crossing the road is prohibited by traffic rules! You don't have time to properly evaluate traffic situation and the driver will not be able to control the vehicle.

8. You need to stop to make sure that the driver saw you and stopped the car, as well as estimate the distance to the moving vehicle, and cross the road!

9. A traffic light is needed to control the movement of pedestrians and cars. A traffic light controls the movement of cars, and pedestrian walkers. RED signal of a traffic light PROHIBITES movement, YELLOW - WARNING, GREEN - ALLOWS movement.

10. You must not enter the roadway if a car is approaching, with the blue or blue-red on flashing beacon and an audible signal. It can be an ambulance, fire department, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

11.A bus or trolleybus is bypassed from behind; the road is crossed at the nearest pedestrian crossing at a green traffic light or, if the crossing is unregulated, you first need to stop, look to the left, then to the right, make sure that the cars let you through or are far from you, cross the road.
12. The driver turns into a pedestrian as soon as he gets out of the car.

13. Standard seat belts are for adults only and do not fit the height and size of a child under 12 years of age.
14. To be literate, you need to learn letters and learn to read and write, and in order to skillfully and competently behave on the roads, you need to know another alphabet - RULES OF THE ROAD. This is very important to keep yourself and others safe on the road.
15. Without road signs it would be impossible to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads, there would be more emergencies and traffic accidents.

16. First of all, pedestrians need to know the following signs - signs of roads on which pedestrians are prohibited from moving: "Motorways", the sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited", "Motorway", "Danger", "Road works", " Footpath”, “Underground passage”, “Above-ground passage”.

17. Near the carriageway and at railway tracks it is dangerous to play - you can get under the wheels of a moving vehicle!
18. You can only cross the road at a GREEN traffic light at a pedestrian crossing. Look left, right, make sure the cars have stopped and let you pass. If there is no pedestrian crossing, then you need to cross the road strictly across, in the place where it is clearly visible in both directions.

19. To reduce the risk of road traffic injuries while walking in the yard, you must: play on a specially equipped playground, and not close to the carriageway, always be attentive, look around.

"How Petya learned to follow the rules of the road"
The boy Petya Ivanov was in no hurry to go home after school. He met friends who were playing football next to carriageway, it was a lot of fun and the guys forgot all the dangers. The ball flew onto the road, Petya rushed after it and almost got hit by a car. Well, the driver was driving at a low speed and managed to slow down.
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