Simplified citizenship of the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. New in the legislation on citizenship of the Russian Federation

The State Duma Russian Federation adopted a bill that establishes a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship and residence permits for Ukrainians, RIA Novosti reports. The law should come into force on September 1, 2017.

The bill introduces norms that simplify the process of obtaining citizenship and residence permits in the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. It is envisaged that citizens of Ukraine who wish to obtain Russian citizenship sign an application to renounce Ukrainian citizenship, this document is executed by a notary, one copy remains in the migration service of the Russian Federation, the second is sent to Ukraine. Such an application will replace the certificate that previously had to be obtained in authorized bodies Ukraine. The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians wishing to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Earlier, State Duma deputies explained that citizens of Ukraine who want to renounce the citizenship of this country and acquire Russian citizenship have difficulties obtaining necessary documents V authorities Ukraine, confirming their application to renounce their existing Ukrainian citizenship. To solve this problem, appropriate amendments were developed.

Also, amendments to the second reading included the text of the oath upon acquisition of citizenship into the bill.

I (full name), voluntarily and consciously accepting citizenship of the Russian Federation, swear to comply with the constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of its citizens, to fulfill the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation for the benefit of the state and society, to defend the freedom and independence of the Russian Federation, to be faithful to Russia, to respect its culture and history and traditions

This is stated in the text of the oath. A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued immediately after taking the oath. The procedure for taking the oath when acquiring Russian citizenship will be regulated by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the bill allows you to cancel decisions on the acquisition Russian citizenship convicted of terrorism and extremism. The decision to acquire Russian citizenship is subject to cancellation if the applicant has submitted false documents or knowingly false information, which must be confirmed in judicial procedure. It is established that the message is known false information may involve a person's breach of the obligation to comply Russian legislation, if the purpose of acquiring citizenship was to act against constitutional order RF. This includes the commission of a crime, preparation, as well as attempted crime of terrorism or extremist orientation. In this case, a court sentence that has entered into force for committing these crimes will be the basis for canceling the decision to acquire citizenship. The cancellation of decisions to grant Russian citizenship to those convicted of terrorism and extremism will not affect the spouses and children of the criminal.

Most Ukrainians living in Russia intend to apply for Russian citizenship and are looking for the most quick ways obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is primarily due to the tightening of migration requirements. Availability on hand Russian passport exempts from the obligation to comply with such strict restrictions. Secondly, many people associate having a passport with the ability to find a good place work, get free medical care, education, social benefits and pension. However, in survey to obtain citizenship is a serious step, when taking it you should understand that registration of citizen status is possible only in established by law ok. Purchasing passports from intermediaries, counting on “maybe”, always has only one result. Passports issued without grounds are confiscated, and criminal cases are opened against their owners. In a word, an attempt to legalize your status in this way will lead to serious negative consequences.

In this article we will consider the most popular grounds among Ukrainians for simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship, provided for by Russian migration legislation.

Simplified acquisition of citizenship for citizens of Ukraine: review of the most popular grounds

Simplified acquisition of citizenship involves issuing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the shortest possible time, that is, in expedited order. The speed of obtaining citizenship is usually influenced by the lack of need permanent residence in the Russian Federation for a long time, as well as registration of a number of migration permits. The law provides for such an opportunity for a number of foreign citizens, and citizens of Ukraine are no exception. However, in order to speed up obtaining a passport, many circumstances are important, such as: the presence of family ties in the Russian Federation, a high level of proficiency in the Russian language, the presence of a sought-after specialty, work experience, qualifications, permanent place residence and other circumstances.

Grounds for simplified acquisition of citizenship

All grounds for simplified acquisition of Russian citizenship are specified in Article 14 Federal Law"On citizenship of the Russian Federation." No other special reasons It has not been established for Ukrainians to acquire the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Rumors that citizens of Ukraine are issued passports in 2-3 months are nothing more than a myth or another trick of scammers.

Citizenship through recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language

Having a small choice of reasons, Ukrainians more often than other citizens resort to obtaining a passport through the State Program for the Resettlement of Compatriots in Leningrad region and the procedure for recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language. Everyone knows that any Ukrainian speaks Russian quite well. high level and is well acquainted with Russian culture, as well as the traditions of Russian life. This is what allows citizens of Ukraine to successfully complete all procedures for obtaining the status of a native speaker of the Russian language. But do not be mistaken that any Russian-speaking migrant from Ukraine is a priori considered a native speaker and has the right to acquire Russian citizenship on simplified grounds. It's not like that. A native Russian speaker is special status, which is assigned to migrants who have successfully completed an interview with a commission formed under regional offices on migration issues. In order to take the exam, a citizen of Ukraine must have good knowledge not only of written and oral speech, but also meet certain criteria. Thus, a citizen who has close family ties with Russia or lives in Russia on the basis of a residence permit can be admitted to the exam. When assessing family connections migrant, it is taken into account whether he has relatives living or previously living in the territory of the RSFSR, the USSR, and even Russian Empire, but within current borders RF. Only relatives in a direct ascending line are taken into account, that is, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-grandfather, etc. If a Ukrainian has a residence permit in the Russian Federation, there is no need to prove family ties. Thus, the first step to obtaining Russian citizenship through recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language is to submit an application to the commission. Important! When submitting an application, you must document the grounds for obtaining the status - family ties. Next, if the candidate meets all the requirements, he is assigned a day and time for the interview. During the interview, the level of proficiency in the Russian language, knowledge of Russian history, literature, the ability to understand the hidden and conceptual meanings of Russian texts, etc. are checked. successful completion During the test, the candidate is given a decision recognizing him as a native speaker of the Russian language. This decision and opens wide opportunities for Ukrainians to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner. Having received a decision on recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language, a Ukrainian has the right to apply for a residence permit, bypassing the temporary residence permit. In this case, the type is issued as quickly as possible, namely within 2 months. And then, immediately after receiving a residence permit, a citizen of Ukraine has the right to apply for Russian citizenship and receive a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation within 3 months! To do this you need to collect required package documents and send the renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship to the consulate. Then collected documents submitted for consideration to the Migration Department. As already mentioned, the period for consideration of an application for citizenship of a citizen of Ukraine is recognized as a carrier Russian language is only 3 months. After completing all the necessary procedures and checks, the migration service issues the Ukrainian a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Main risks and inconveniences self-registration citizenship of the Russian Federation through recognition as a native speaker of the Russian language are possible failures in accepting documents due to the incompleteness of the set of documents, incorrect execution of application forms, as well as the need to collect documents, which requires going through numerous bureaucratic procedures and waiting in queues.

Citizenship through the State Program

Another equally popular basis for obtaining citizenship among Ukrainians is the State Resettlement Program. As a rule, Ukrainian migrants who have received temporary asylum in the Russian Federation express a desire to participate in the program. Obtaining Russian citizenship through the resettlement program is attractive because of the time it takes to complete the documents. For example, the status of a participant in the State Program allows you to obtain a temporary residence permit and Russian citizenship without obtaining a residence permit in the shortest possible time. However, the desire to become a participant in the State Program is not enough; reasons are needed. The law requires that State program Ukrainians who have a profession in demand on the labor market and intend to move to the Leningrad region can participate in resettlement. By general rule Experience, work experience and qualifications must be documented. However, Ukrainian citizens who have received temporary asylum do not have to do this. Their applications for participation in the State Program are considered in special order in accordance with temporary rules put into effect by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. These rules not only simplify the procedure for Ukrainians to obtain the status of a participant in the state program, but also reduce the time it takes to obtain it. With a successful combination of circumstances, a passport of a Russian citizen can be obtained through the resettlement program in less than 1 year!

Also, Ukrainians often obtain Russian citizenship by marriage, as well as on other simplified grounds. However, the preparation of documents in these cases will take more time due to the need to complete additional documents.

Simplified citizenship for Ukrainians in 2017

There are many rumors on the Internet that in 2017 it was made easier for Ukrainians to obtain Russian citizenship. Many people write that obtaining the status of a citizen of the Russian Federation has now become easier and faster. All these rumors have raised high expectations among Ukrainian citizens. Many intermediaries diligently instill in gullible citizens the information that they can now obtain a Russian passport in 2-3 months, without filling out additional documents. However, it is not.

Let's figure out exactly what changes were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the registration of Russian citizenship by Ukrainians.

There is no longer any need to wait for Poroshenko’s decree on renunciation of Ukrainian citizenship

Photo by Reuters

Bye European Union“luring” citizens of Ukraine visa-free entry to your territory- however, with the opportunity to come exclusively for tourism purposes, spend the last money and leave - Russia is simplifying the procedure for Ukrainians to obtain citizenship and residence permits.

Deputies will save Ukrainians several years of life

On July 12, at a plenary meeting, the State Duma in the second reading of amendments to the law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”, facilitating the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship and residence permits for citizens of Ukraine. In fact, deputies want to save them several years of life.

This bill certainly makes life easier for many Ukrainians.

Now for a Ukrainian to obtain a Russian passport in simplified procedure, among other things, it is required to renounce existing Ukrainian citizenship. This is a long and complex bureaucratic procedure that lasts for years. First, the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for eight months, accepts and checks the documents of a person who has decided to renounce citizenship. Then it comes into play special commission under the president, who has another year to consider the petition and present it personally to the “guarantor”. And finally, after this, the head of state issues a corresponding decree, which makes it possible for the applicant to receive the coveted certificate stating that he is no longer a citizen of the “unaffiliated” state.

In practice, the situation is even worse - the Ukrainian authorities, under any pretext, sabotage the process of renouncing citizenship. Because, firstly, the population of Ukraine is already melting at an unprecedented pace: according to official data, of the 52 million people who lived in the republic at the time of the collapse of the USSR, there are now about 42 million left, and according to the estimates of a number of experts, even less - about 36 million. Secondly, every Ukrainian who has accepted citizenship of “wild Asian Russia” is a blow to the prestige of “civilized democratic free Ukraine.”

In essence, the Ukrainian authorities treat their citizens who decide to change their citizenship as serfs. Amendments to the law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” are intended to put an end to this state of affairs. After they come into force, it will be possible to obtain Russian citizenship, without waiting for a “certificate from Poroshenko,” only on the basis of an application to renounce Ukrainian citizenship.

The changes made to paragraph “c” of part two of Article 14 read: “Refusal of existing Ukrainian citizenship by citizens of this state is carried out by sending them an application to renounce Ukrainian citizenship to the authorized body of the given state. A document confirming a citizen of Ukraine’s renunciation of his existing Ukrainian citizenship is a notarized copy of the citizen’s application to renounce his existing Ukrainian citizenship.”

Thousands of people are waiting for the new legislation

“The following scheme is proposed: citizens write a document in which they indicate that they renounce Ukrainian citizenship, this document is certified by a notary. One copy remains in the migration service of the Russian Federation, the other notarized copy goes to Ukraine. This document will replace the certificate that needed to be obtained from Ukraine,” the chairman of the State Duma Committee on state building.

In turn, the State Duma deputy from Crimea noted that thousands of people await the adoption of this norm, whose applications for renunciation of citizenship are ignored Ukrainian authorities. By the way, the parliamentarian herself was born in the Donbass, in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad region, which today is part of the LPR.

100,696 Ukrainians in 2016 received Russian citizenship.

The scale of the problem is evidenced by the fact that last year alone, 100,696 Ukrainians received Russian citizenship. At the same time, according to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, for 2014-2016 the department to determine its legal status More than two million citizens of Ukraine applied! Of these, about 175 thousand - with a request for Russian citizenship, more than 442 thousand - for temporary asylum, more than 410 thousand - for a temporary residence permit. More than 230 thousand more sent an application for participation in the state program for voluntary resettlement compatriots to Russia.

In addition, Ukrainians issued over 670 thousand patents and 175 thousand work permits. Total estimated migration service, about two and a half million Ukrainian citizens are now permanently staying in Russia. And all these are people associated with our country general history, culture, language. As the deputy rightly noted State Duma, now in Ukraine an experiment is being conducted to remake Russian people into a new nation, so we need to help them preserve their Russian identity, including by giving them the opportunity to come to Russia and obtain citizenship.

Double holiday

Particularly relevant is new normal for Crimea. According to the estimates of the State Duma deputy from the Republic of Crimea Andrey Kozenko, today there are about a quarter of a million displaced people from Donbass alone on the peninsula. And there are at least several tens of thousands more people from the southern Ukrainian regions - Kherson, Nikolaev, Zaporozhye, Odessa. Most of them would like to obtain Russian citizenship.

“This bill certainly makes life easier for many Ukrainians who want to obtain Russian citizenship, since it significantly simplifies the procedure for renouncing Ukrainian citizenship. After the adoption of the law, persons who are formally citizens of Ukraine, but permanently reside in legally on the territory of Russia, including in Crimea, they can apply for admission to Russian citizenship in a simplified manner,” said a Crimean lawyer, member of the Russian Lawyers Association, assistant to a State Duma deputy Vitaly Complaint.

We should not forget that the majority of Crimeans are still actually citizens of two states. Moreover, they have no chance to renounce Ukrainian citizenship according to Ukrainian laws.

“The procedure for voluntary renunciation of citizenship for Crimeans is burdened with political aspects,” explained Complaint. - As of today, the President of Ukraine has not issued a single similar document in relation to the residents of Crimea, and this position, apparently, is fundamental. Thus, formally, absolutely all Crimeans are owners dual citizenship due to circumstances beyond their control, which, in turn, is a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

It is planned that changes to the law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” will come into force on September 1. Thus, the first day of autumn will become a double holiday for many Ukrainians - not only the Day of Knowledge, but also the day when they receive legal right become citizens of Russia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that makes it possible to cancel decisions to acquire Russian citizenship for persons convicted of terrorism and extremism, and also introduces a procedure for taking an oath when acquiring Russian citizenship.

In addition, the law establishes a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship and residence permits in the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. The document was published on the legal information portal on Sunday.

Cancellation of citizenship decisions

Previously current legislation a number of requirements have been established for foreign citizens and stateless persons wishing to obtain Russian citizenship. One of them is the obligation to comply with the constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the decision to acquire Russian citizenship was subject to cancellation if the applicant submitted forged documents or knowingly false information, which must be confirmed in court.

The new law establishes that reporting knowingly false information may constitute a person’s violation of the obligation to comply with Russian legislation if the purpose of acquiring citizenship was to act against the constitutional order of the Russian Federation. This includes committing a crime, preparing, or attempting to commit a crime of a terrorist or extremist nature. In this case, a court sentence that has entered into force for committing these crimes will be the basis for canceling the decision to acquire citizenship.

At the same time, the cancellation of decisions to grant Russian citizenship to those convicted of terrorism and extremism will not affect the spouses and children of the criminal.


The law also includes the text of the oath upon acquisition of citizenship. “I (full name), voluntarily and consciously accepting citizenship of the Russian Federation, swear to comply with the constitution and legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and freedoms of its citizens, to fulfill the duties of a citizen of the Russian Federation for the benefit of the state and society, to defend the freedom and independence of the Russian Federation, to be loyal to Russia, to respect its culture, history and traditions,” says the text of the oath.

A passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be issued immediately after taking the oath. The law establishes that the procedure for taking the oath when acquiring Russian citizenship will be regulated by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation.


In addition, the law simplifies the process of obtaining citizenship and residence permits in the Russian Federation for Ukrainians. Earlier, State Duma deputies explained that citizens of Ukraine who want to renounce the citizenship of this country and acquire Russian citizenship have difficulties obtaining the necessary documents from the authorized bodies of Ukraine confirming their application to renounce their existing Ukrainian citizenship. To solve this problem, appropriate amendments were developed.

It is envisaged that citizens of Ukraine who wish to obtain Russian citizenship sign an application to renounce Ukrainian citizenship; this document is executed by a notary, one copy remains in the migration service of the Russian Federation, the second is sent to Ukraine. Such an application will replace the certificate that previously had to be obtained from the authorized bodies of Ukraine. The same procedure is provided for Ukrainians wishing to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Citizenship of the Russian Federation is a relationship between a person and the state, which is determined by the rights and responsibilities prescribed in the Constitution. If a person was born in Russia and his parents are citizens of this country, then he automatically receives the appropriate status. The situation is different with foreigners: for them there is special procedure obtaining a Russian passport. Since 2014, a simplified system for obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians has come into force, about the features of which we'll talk below.

Acquiring Russian citizenship

Many residents of post-Soviet countries and far abroad would like to live or already live in Russia. You can stay in the country unhindered for no more than three months (90 days), after which you need to extend the period. If a person wants to work and live in Russia, then he should take care of his citizenship.

Perhaps some are confused by the need to spend time and effort collecting the relevant documents, but the simplified form of obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians, introduced at present, will make this process easy and quick.

The status of a citizen gives the right to freely get a job in any public or private institution, take part in elections, receive free hospital care and study, receive benefits provided by law, and enroll a child in kindergarten.

Listed above civil rights allow a person to participate in all areas of life.

Russian citizenship for Ukrainians: general procedure for obtaining

There are several ways to obtain the long-awaited citizen status - general and simplified.

According to general order, a Russian passport can be obtained by any person provided that he:

  • stays invariably on the territory of the Federation for 5 years (from the date of obtaining a residence permit);
  • knows and undertakes to comply with the laws and regulations of Russian legislation;
  • operates legally;
  • renounced the citizenship of his country;
  • knows the language well.

IN in this case The procedure for preparing all the necessary documents is delayed for for a long time: It will take at least a year to obtain citizenship. For this reason, the simplified procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for Ukrainians is undoubtedly more attractive, because it is carried out faster.

What does simplified procedure mean?

In May 2014, it was simplified for Ukrainians to obtain Russian citizenship for reasons called “protection of the Russian-speaking population” on the territory of Ukraine. Now all necessary procedure takes only 3 months (90 days). Changes in the law affected those who speak Russian fluently and/or have lived in Russia for a long time.

Persons who know the Russian language well may not care about the required time of residence within the country and the presence of a residence permit, although this is welcome.

The only necessary procedure for obtaining citizenship is an interview at which the level of language proficiency is checked.

It is important that a person does not have difficulties in professional and everyday communication.

It has become easier to obtain citizenship for those whose ancestors lived on the territory of the Russian Empire and the USSR within the borders of the modern Russian Federation.

Who can use the simplified scheme

Before figuring out how to grant Russian citizenship to a Ukrainian citizen using a simplified system and what is needed for this, it is worth finding out who has the right to this.

You can apply for a Russian passport on the following grounds:

  • the parent is a native of the Russian Federation and lives on its territory;
  • birth in the RSFSR and former citizenship of the USSR;
  • marriage to a Russian man/woman for more than 3 years;
  • the applicant is legally incompetent, but his children are adults and already have Russian citizenship;
  • the applicant has adult children - citizens of Russia, who, by a court decision, are declared incompetent or partially capable;
  • status of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War;
  • obtaining education (higher or secondary) in Russia after 2002 and work activity in the Russian Federation for at least 3 years;
  • refugee status;
  • participation in the “Compatriot” program;
  • the status of an entrepreneur who has been running a business in Russia for 3 years or more with a profit of at least 10 million rubles;
  • status of investor in the Russian economy with volume financial investments at least 100 million rubles or with an annual amount of all fees and taxes of more than 6 million.

There is one more reason that makes it easier for residents of Ukraine born in the USSR to obtain Russian citizenship, as well as residents of other Soviet republics. This is only possible if they do not have resident status in any country and are stateless individuals.

Due to the current circumstances, many Ukrainian families travel to Russia and have children there. Naturally, in such a situation one has to think about how to obtain Russian citizenship for a Ukrainian citizen born in Russia.

If at least one parent has a Russian passport, then the newborn will become a Russian citizen according to the accelerated scheme. If both parents are Ukrainians, then the child automatically receives Ukrainian citizenship, despite the fact that they will give it to him in a Russian maternity hospital. Parents will have to contact the Ukrainian consulate in Russia or go home for the child to officially receive citizen status.

Conditions for obtaining Russian citizenship upon marriage

Marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation is one of the most common ways to obtain Russian citizenship in a simplified manner for Ukrainians in 2018. The most important and a necessary condition This refers to family residence on Russian territory.

To eliminate the possibility of a fictitious conclusion of an alliance, the law established minimum period Married residence – 3 years. At the end of the period, the Ukrainian spouse can apply for a Russian passport. The procedure is standard: first you need and. The period for consideration of the application is up to 6 months.

Obtaining Russian citizenship under the Compatriots Resettlement Program

The state program to promote the voluntary resettlement of compatriots to the Russian Federation is one of the most simple ways receiving the treasured document.

The main condition is the fact that the applicant himself or his parents were born in the territory of the former USSR.

If there is such an argument, then the next step is choosing the region to move to. Please note: not all regions participate in the program (for example, you cannot move to Moscow and St. Petersburg).

The program involves collecting documents translated into Russian and notarized, and passing exams. The time required to obtain Russian citizenship ranges from one to two years.

Requirements for candidates

The main requirement for candidates is 18 years of age and full legal capacity, a number of other points are taken into account:

  • Having a residence permit will be a definite plus;
  • permanent job and official income;
  • knowledge of Russian language;
  • refusal Ukrainian passport(for those who plan to obtain accelerated citizenship through the native speaker program).

Procedure for obtaining citizenship

The algorithm of actions for obtaining a Russian passport in an expedited manner is practically no different from the standard stages, but the time for submitting documents and their consideration has been reduced.

The registration procedure includes:

  • obtaining a temporary residence permit (TRP) in territorial division Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of arrival. The review procedure and decision can last up to 2 months. Each region has a limit on the number of people wishing to receive a temporary residence permit. Simplification of citizenship acquisition for Ukrainians made it possible, despite the presence or absence of quotas, to obtain a document in a certain region;
  • registration of a residence permit – considered for up to 6 months, valid for 5 years, after which it is necessary to re-register. Foreigners subject to the accelerated registration procedure are issued a residence permit after 3 months of consideration;
  • directly obtaining citizenship - to obtain it, you must live in the country for 5 years, know and speak the language fluently. However, persons who previously lived in the USSR will be able to apply for a residence permit immediately after receiving a residence permit.

Very short time Applications from citizens of Ukraine are considered on the following grounds:

  • : upon arrival in the Russian Federation (no later than 24 hours), you must contact the migration service with an application;
  • registration of the status of a native speaker of the Russian language;
  • participation in the Compatriots Resettlement Program (after contacting the nearest migration service department, they will offer a list of regions participating in this program).

What documents are needed

Before obtaining Russian citizenship for a citizen of Ukraine in a simplified manner, you need to collect a package of documents:

  • USSR citizen passport or other document confirming this status (not for all applicants);
  • passport of a relative - a citizen of the Russian Federation (not for all applicants);
  • 4 photos;
  • (if one spouse is a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • Russian diploma of education;
  • a statement that the person will soon renounce Ukrainian citizenship, or a document indicating the beginning of this process.

All documents must be translated into Russian and notarized.

Having collected all the documents, the applicant submits them to GUVM division The Ministry of Internal Affairs, even after paying the fee, awaits the decision.

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