V. the origin of the ancient Russian people

The question of what the East Slavic tribes of the Tale of Bygone Years were was not raised in historical literature. In Russian pre-revolutionary historiography, the idea was widespread that the Slavic population in Eastern Europe appeared literally on the eve of the formation of the Kiev state as a result of migration from the ancestral home in relatively small groups..

Such resettlement over a vast territory disrupted their former tribal ties. In new places of residence between scattered Slavic groups, new territorial ties were formed, which, due to the constant mobility of the Slavs, were not strong and could be lost again. Consequently, the annalistic tribes of the Eastern Slavs were exclusively territorial associations. “From the local names of the XI century. the chronicle made “tribes” of the Eastern Slavs, ”wrote S. M. Seredopip, one of the consistent supporters of this point of view (Seredonin S. M., 1916, p. 152). A similar opinion was developed in his studies by V. O. Klyuchevsky , M. K. Lyubavsky and others (Klyuchevsky V. O., 1956, p. 110-150; Lyubavsky M. K., 1909).

Another group of researchers, including the majority of linguists and archaeologists, considered the annalistic tribes of the Eastern Slavs as ethnic groups (Sobolevsky A.I., 1884; Shakhmatov A.A., 1899, p. 324-384; 1916; Spitsyn A.A. ., 1899c, pp. 301-340). Certain places in the Tale of Bygone Years definitely speak in favor of this opinion. So, the chronicler reports about the tribes that “I live each with my kind and in my place, owning my own kind” (PVL, I, p. 12), and further: legends, each one’s own temper” (PVL, I, p. 14). The same impression is formed when reading other places in the annals. So, for example, it is reported that the first settlers in Novgorod were Slovenes, in Polotsk - Krivichi, in Rostov - Merya, in Beloozero - all, in Murom - Muroma (PVL, I, p. 18). Here it is obvious that the Krivichi and Slovenes are equated with such indisputably ethnic formations as the whole, Merya, Muroma. Based on this, many representatives of linguistics (A. A. Shakhmatov, A. I. Sobolevsky, E. F. Karsky, D. I. Ushakov, N. I. Durnovo) tried to find a correspondence between the modern and early medieval dialect division of Eastern Slavs , believing that the origins of the current division date back to the tribal era.

There is also a third point of view about the essence of the East Slavic tribes. The founder of Russian historical geography, I. P. Barsov, saw political and geographical formations in chronicle tribes (Barsov II. P., 1885). This opinion was analyzed by B. A. Rybakov (Rybakov B. A., 1947, p. 97; 1952, p. 40-62). B. A. Rybakov believes that the Polans, Drevlyans, Radimichi, etc., named in the annals, were alliances that united several separate tribes. During the crisis of the tribal society, “tribal communities united around the churchyards into “worlds” (maybe “vervi”); the totality of several "worlds" was a tribe, and tribes were increasingly united in temporary or permanent unions ... The cultural community within stable tribal unions was sometimes felt for quite a long time after such a union entered the Russian state and can be traced from the burial mounds of the XII-XIII centuries. and according to even later data of dialectology "(Rybakov B. A., 1964, p. 23). On the initiative of B. A. Rybakov, an attempt was made to identify, according to archaeological data, the primary tribes, which formed large tribal unions, called the chronicle (Solovyeva G F., 1956, pp. 138-170).

The materials considered above do not allow to solve the question raised unambiguously, joining one of the three points of view. However, undoubtedly, B. A. Rybakov is right that the tribes of the Tale of Bygone Years before the formation of the territory of the ancient Russian state were also political entities, that is, tribal unions.

It seems obvious that the Volynians, Drevlyans, Dregovichi and Polans in the process of their formation were primarily territorial new formations (Map 38). As a result of the collapse of the Proto-Slavic Duleb tribal union, in the course of settlement, territorial isolation of individual groups of Dulebs occurs. Over time, each local group develops its own way of life, some ethnographic features begin to form, which is reflected in the details of the funeral rites. This is how the Volhynians, Drevlyans, Polans and Dregovichi appear, named according to geographical features. The formation of these tribal groups, no doubt, contributed to the political unification of each of them. The chronicle reports: “And still the brothers [Kiya, Shcheka and Khoriv] keep a bowl of their princes in the fields, and in the trees. their own, and the Dregovichi theirs ... ”(PVL, I, p. 13). It is obvious that the Slavic population of each of the territorial groups, close in economic system and living in similar conditions, gradually united for a number of joint affairs - arranged a common veche, general meetings of governors, created a common tribal squad. Tribal unions of the Drevlyans, Polyans, Dregovichi and, obviously, the Volhynians were formed, preparing the future feudal states.

It is possible that the formation of the northerners was to some extent due to the interaction of the remnants of the local population with the Slavs who settled in its area. The name of the tribe, obviously, remained from the natives. It is difficult to pinpoint whether the northerners have created their own tribal organization. In any case, the chronicles say nothing about such a thing.

Similar conditions existed during the formation of the Krivichi. The Slavic population, originally settled in the basins of the river. Velikaya and oz. Pskov, did not stand out for any specific features. The formation of the Krivichi and their ethnographic features began in the conditions of stationary life already in the annalistic area. The custom to build long mounds originated already in the Pskov region, some of the details of the Krivichi funeral rite were inherited by the Krivichi from the local population, bracelet-shaped knotted rings are distributed exclusively in the area of ​​the Dnieper-Dvina Balts, etc.

Apparently, the formation of the Krivichi as a separate ethnographic unit of the Slavs began in the third quarter of the 1st millennium AD. e. in the Pskov region. In addition to the Slavs, they also included the local Finnish population. The subsequent resettlement of the Krivichi and the Vpteb-Polotsk Dvina and the Smolensk Dnieper, on the territory of the Dnieper-Dvina Balts, led to their division into Pskov Krivichi and Smolensk-Polotsk Krivichi. As a result, on the eve of the formation of the ancient Russian state, the Krivichi did not form a single tribal union. The chronicle reports on separate reigns among the Polochans and the Smolensk Krivichi. The Pskov Krivichi apparently had their own tribal organization. Judging by the message of the annals about the calling of the princes, it is likely that the Novgorod Slovenes, the Pskov Krivichi and the whole united into a single political union. Its centers were Slovenian Novgorod, Krivichi Pzborsk and Vesskoe Beloozero.

It is likely that the formation of Vyatichi is largely due to the substrate. A group of Slavs led by Vyatka, who came to the upper Oka, did not stand out for their own ethnographic features. They were formed on the spot and partly as a result of the influence of the local population. The range of the early Vyatichi basically coincides with the territory of the Moshchip culture. Slavicized descendants of the carriers of this culture],! together with the newcomer Slavs and made up a separate ethnographic group of Vyatichi.

The Radimichi region does not correspond to any substrate territory. Apparently, the descendants of that group of Slavs who settled on the Sozh were called Radimichi. It is quite clear that these Slavs included the local population as a result of miscegenation and assimilation. The Radimichs, like the Vyatichi, had their own tribal organization. Thus, the five of them were both ethnographic communities and tribal unions.

Formation of the ethnographic features of the Slovenes of Novgorod began only after the resettlement of their ancestors in Priilmenye. This is evidenced not only by archaeological materials, but also by the absence of their own ethnonym for this group of Slavs. Here, in Priilmenye, the Slovenes created a political organization - a tribal union.

The meager materials about Croats, Tivertsy and Ulichi make it impossible to reveal the essence of these tribes. East Slavic Croats, apparently, were part of a large Proto-Slavic tribe. By the beginning of the ancient Russian state, all these tribes were, obviously, tribal unions.

In 1132, Kievan Rus broke up into a dozen and a half principalities. This was prepared by historical conditions - the growth and strengthening of urban centers, the development of crafts and trading activities, the strengthening of the political power of the townspeople and the local boyars. There was a need to create a strong local government that would take into account all aspects of the internal life of individual regions of ancient Russia. Boyars of the XII century. local authorities were needed, which could quickly fulfill the norms of feudal relations.

Territorial fragmentation of the ancient Russian state in the XII century. largely corresponds to the areas of chronicle tribes. B. A. Rybakov notes that “the capitals of many major principalities were at one time the centers of tribal unions: Kiev near the Polyany, Smolensk near the Krivichi, Polotsk near the Polochans, Novgorod the Great among the Slovenes, Novgorod Seversky among the Severians (Rybakov B. A. , 1964, pp. 148, 149). As evidenced by archaeological materials, chronicle tribes in the XI-XII centuries. were still stable ethnographic units. Their tribal and tribal nobility in the process of the emergence of feudal relations turned into boyars. Obviously, the geographical boundaries of the individual principalities that were formed in the 12th century were determined by life itself and the former tribal structure of the Eastern Slavs. In some cases, tribal areas have proven to be quite stable. So, the territory of the Smolensk Krivichi during the XII-XIII centuries. was the core of the Smolensk land, the boundaries of which largely coincide with the boundaries of the indigenous region of desalinization of this group of Krivichi (Sedov V.V., 1975c, pp. 256, 257, 2).

Language is the basis of any ethnic formation, including a nationality, but language is not the only sign that makes it possible to speak of a given ethnic formation as a nationality. Nationality is characterized not only by a common language, which no longer eliminates local dialects, but also by a single territory, common forms of economic life, common culture, material and spiritual, common traditions, way of life, peculiarities of the mental warehouse, the so-called “national character”. Nationality is characterized by a sense of national consciousness and self-knowledge.

Nationality takes shape at a certain stage of social development, in the era of class society. The folding of the Eastern Slavs into a special branch of Slavdom dates back to the 7th-9th centuries, i.e. It refers to the time when the language of the Eastern Slavs was formed, and the 9th-10th centuries should be considered the beginning of the formation of the Old Russian people.

Russia of feudal relations and the formation of the Old Russian state.

In 8-9 centuries. in the history of Eastern Slavs were a time of decomposition of primitive communal relations. At the same time, the transition from one social system - a primitive communal, pre-class, to another, more progressive, namely a class, feudal society, was ultimately the result of the development of productive forces, the evolution of production, which in turn was mainly the result of change and development tools of labor, tools of production. 8th-9th centuries were a time of serious changes in the tools of agricultural labor and agriculture in general. A ralo appears with a skid and an improved tip, a plow with asymmetric iron coulters and a plow.

Along with the development of productive forces in the field of agricultural production and the improvement of agricultural technology, the social division of labor, the separation of handicraft activity from agriculture, played a huge role in the decomposition of primitive communal relations.

The development of handicraft as a result of a gradual improvement in production techniques and the emergence of new handicraft tools, the separation of handicraft from other types of economic activity - all this was the greatest stimulus for the collapse of primitive communal relations.

The growth of handicrafts and the development of trade undermined the foundations of primitive communal relations and contributed to the emergence and development of feudal relations. The basis of feudal society arises and develops - feudal ownership of land. Various groups of dependent people are formed. Among them are slaves - serfs, robes (slave women), servants.

A huge mass of the rural population was made up of free community members, taxed only by tribute. The tribute turned into a quitrent. Among the dependent population, there were many enslaved people who lost their freedom as a result of debt obligations. This bonded people appears in sources called ryadovichi and purchases.

In Russia, a class early feudal society began to form. Where there was a division into classes, the state was bound to arise. And it arose. The state is created where and when there are conditions for its appearance in the form of the division of society into classes. The formation of feudal relations among the Eastern Slavs could not but determine the formation of an early feudal state. Such in Eastern Europe was the Old Russian state with the capital city of Kiev.

The creation of the Old Russian state was primarily a consequence of those processes that characterized the development of the productive forces of the Eastern Slavs and the change in the relations of production that dominated them.

We do not know how large the territory of Russia was at that time, to what extent it included the East Slavic lands, but it is obvious that, in addition to the Middle Dnieper, Kiev center, it consisted of a number of loosely connected lands and tribal principalities.

The merger of Kiev and Novgorod completes the formation of the Old Russian state. Kiev became the capital of the Old Russian state. This happened because it was the oldest center of East Slavic culture, with deep historical traditions and connections.

The end of the 10th century was marked by the completion of the unification of all the Eastern Slavs within the state borders of Kievan Rus. This unification takes place during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich (980-1015).

In 981, the land of the Vyatichi joined the Old Russian state, although traces of its former independence remained here for a long time. Three years later, in 984, after the battle on the Pischan River, the power of Kiev extended to the Radimichi. Thus, the unification of all Eastern Slavs in a single state was completed. The Russian lands were united under the rule of Kiev, "the mother city of Russia." According to the chronicle story, the adoption of Christianity by Russia dates back to 988. It was of great importance, as it contributed to the spread of writing and literacy, brought Russia closer to other Christian countries, and enriched Russian culture.

The international position of Russia was strengthened, which was greatly facilitated by the adoption of Christianity by Russia. Ties with Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Hungary have strengthened. Relations with Georgia and Armenia began.

Russians lived permanently in Constantinople. In turn, the Greeks came to Russia. In Kiev one could meet Greeks, Norwegians, British, Irish, Danes, Bulgarians, Khazars, Hungarians, Swedes, Poles, Jews, Estonians.

Nationality is an ethnic formation characteristic of a class society. Although the commonality of the language is also decisive for the nationality, one cannot limit oneself to this commonality when defining the nationality, in this case the Old Russian nationality.

The Old Russian nationality was formed as a result of the merger of tribes, tribal unions and the population of certain regions and lands of the Eastern Slavs, “narodtsy”, and it united the entire East Slavic world.

Russian, or Great Russian, nationality of the 14th-16th centuries. was an ethnic community of only a part, albeit a larger one, of the Eastern Slavs. It was formed on a vast territory from Pskov to Nizhny Novgorod and from Pomorie to the border with the Wild Field. The ancient Russian nationality was the ethnic ancestor of all three East Slavic nationalities: Russians or Great Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians, and it developed on the verge of primitive and feudal society, in the era of early feudalism. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians were formed in the nationality during the period of high development of feudal relations.


"The Slavic tribes that occupied the vast territories of Eastern Europe are going through a process of consolidation and in the 8th-9th centuries form the Old Russian (or East Slavic) people. Common features in modern Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian languages ​​show that they all emerged from one common Russian language. On In the Old Russian (East Slavonic) language, such monuments as "The Tale of Bygone Years", the oldest code of laws - "Russian Truth", the poetic work "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", numerous letters, etc.

The beginning of the formation of the common Russian language is determined by linguists - as 8-9 centuries.

The consciousness of the unity of the Russian Land was preserved both in the era of Kievan Rus, and in the period of feudal fragmentation. The concept of "Russian Land" covered all the Eastern Slavic regions from Ladoga in the north to the Black Sea in the south and from the Bug in the West to the Volga-Oka interfluve inclusive in the east.

At the same time, there was still a narrow concept of Russia, corresponding to the middle Dnieper (Kiev, Chernigov and Seversk lands), preserved from the era of the 6th-7th centuries, when a tribal union existed in the Middle Dnieper under the leadership of one of the Slavic tribes - the Rus. The population of the Russian tribal union in the 9th-10th centuries. served as the core for the formation of the Old Russian people, which included the Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe and part of the Slavic Finnish tribes.

What are the prerequisites for the formation of the East Slavic people?

The widespread settlement of the Slavs in Eastern Europe falls mainly on the 6th-8th centuries. It was still the Proto-Slavic period, and the settled Slavs were united linguistically. Migration did not come from one region, but from different dialect areas of the Proto-Slavic area. Consequently, any assumptions about the "Russian ancestral home" or about the beginnings of the East Slavic people within the Proto-Slavic world are not justified in any way. The Old Russian nationality was formed over vast expanses and was based on the Slavic population, united not on ethno-dialect, but on territorial soil.

The leading role in the formation of this nation, apparently, belongs to the ancient Russian state. After all, it is not for nothing that the beginning of the formation of the ancient Russian nationality coincides in time with the process of the formation of the Russian state. The territory of the Old Russian state also coincides with the area of ​​the East Slavic people.

Russian land or Rus, began to call the territory of the ancient Russian early feudal state. The term Rus is used by PVL and foreign countries in Europe and Asia. Russia is mentioned in Byzantine and Western European sources.

The formation of ancient Russian statehood and nationality was accompanied by the rapid development of culture and economy. The construction of ancient Russian cities, the rise of handicraft production, the development of trade relations favored the consolidation of the Slavs of Eastern Europe into a single nationality.

In the formation of the Old Russian language and nationality, an essential role belonged to the spread of Christianity and writing. Very soon the concepts of "Russian" and "Christian" began to be identified. The Church played a multifaceted role in the history of Russia.

As a result, a single material and spiritual culture is being formed, which is manifested in almost everything - from women's jewelry to architecture. (22, p.271-273)

"When, as a result of the Battle of Kalka and the invasion of the hordes of Batu, not only the unity of the Russian land, but also the independence of the scattered Russian principalities, was lost, the consciousness of the unity of the entire Russian land became even more acutely felt in literature. The Russian language became the unified expression of Russian unity throughout the entire territory of the Russian land , and conscious - all Russian literature. "The Word about the destruction of the Russian land", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", the cycle of Ryazan stories and especially the Russian chronicles reminded of the former historical unity of the Russian land and thus, as it were, called to regain this unity and independence. " (9 a, p. 140)

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How was the ancient Russian people formed? The development of feudal relations takes place in the process of transforming tribal unions into principalities, that is, separate state associations. The history of the ancient Russian state and the formation of the ancient Russian nationality begin with this process - processes are interconnected.

What preceded the foundation of Kievan Rus? What factors contributed to the formation of the Old Russian people?

Founding of the state

In the ninth century, Slavic society reached a level where it was necessary to create a legal framework that would regulate conflicts. Civil strife arose as a result of inequality. The state is the legal field capable of resolving many conflict situations. Without it, such a historical phenomenon as the ancient Russian nationality could not exist. In addition, the unification of the tribes was necessary, because the state is always stronger than unrelated principalities.

About when the state arose that united historians argue to this day. At the beginning of the 9th century, the Ilmen Slovenes and Finno-Ugric tribes started such a feud that the local leaders decided on a desperate step: to invite experienced rulers, preferably from Scandinavia.

Varangian rulers

According to the chronicle, the wise leaders sent a message to Rurik and his brothers, which said that their land was rich, fruitful, but there was no peace on it, only strife and civil strife. The authors of the letter invited the Scandinavians to reign and restore order. There was nothing shameful in this proposal for local rulers. Notable foreigners were often invited for this purpose.

The foundation of Kievan Rus contributed to the unification of almost all the East Slavic tribes mentioned in the annals. Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians are the descendants of the inhabitants of feudal principalities, united in a state that has become one of the most powerful in the Middle Ages.


This city was the capital of the Slavic tribe of the Polans. They were once led, according to legend, by Kiy. Helped him manage Shchek and Khoriv. Kiev stood at the crossroads, in a very convenient location. Here they exchanged and bought grain, weapons, livestock, jewelry, fabrics. Over time, Kiy, Khoriv and Shchek disappeared somewhere. The Slavs paid tribute to the Khazars. The Varangians passing by occupied the "homeless" city. The origin of Kiev is shrouded in secrets. But the creation of the city is one of the prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian people.

However, the version that Shchek was the founder of Kiev is subject to great doubts. Rather, it is a myth, part of the folk epic.

Why exactly Kiev?

This city arose in the center of the territory inhabited by the Eastern Slavs. The location of Kiev, as already mentioned, is very convenient. Wide steppes, fertile lands and dense forests. The cities had all the conditions for cattle breeding, agriculture, hunting, and most importantly - for the defense of an enemy invasion.

What historical sources speak about the birth of Kievan Rus? About the emergence of the East Slavic state, and therefore - the ancient Russian people, reports the "Tale of Bygone Years". After Rurik, who came to power at the invitation of local leaders, Oleg began to rule Novgorod. Igor could not manage due to his young age.

Oleg managed to concentrate power over Kiev and Novgorod.

Historical concepts

Old Russian nationality - an ethnic community, which united with the formation of the early feudal state. A few words should be said about what is hidden under this historical term.

Nationality is a historical phenomenon characteristic of the early feudal period. This is a community of people who are not members of the tribe. But they are not yet residents of a state with strong economic ties. How is a people different from a nation? Modern historians today have not come to a consensus. There are still discussions regarding this issue. But we can say with confidence that nationality is what unites people who have a common territory, culture, customs and traditions.


The topic of the article is the Old Russian nationality. Therefore, it is worth giving a periodization of the development of Kievan Rus:

  1. Emergence.
  2. Rise.
  3. feudal division.

The first period refers to the ninth to tenth centuries. And it was then that the East Slavic tribes began to transform into a single community. Of course, the differences between them disappeared gradually. As a result of active communication and rapprochement, the Old Russian language was formed from many dialects. An original material and spiritual culture was created.

Rapprochement of tribes

East Slavic tribes lived in the territory, which was subject to a single authority. Except for the constant civil strife that took place at the last stage of the development of Kievan Rus. But they led to the emergence of common traditions and customs.

Old Russian nationality is a definition that implies not only a common economic life, language, culture and territory. This concept means a community consisting of the main, but irreconcilable classes - feudal lords and peasants.

The formation of the ancient Russian nationality was a long process. Features in the culture and language of the people inhabiting different areas of the state have been preserved. Differences have not been erased, despite the rapprochement. Later, this served as the basis for the formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian nationalities.

The concept of "Old Russian nationality" does not lose its relevance, because this community is the single root of the fraternal peoples. The inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus carried through the centuries an understanding of the proximity of culture and language. The historical significance of the ancient Russian nationality is great, regardless of the current political and economic situation. In order to verify this, it is worth considering the components of this community, namely: language, customs, culture.

History of the Old Russian language

Representatives of the East Slavic tribes understood each other even before the founding of Kievan Rus.

The Old Russian language is the speech of the inhabitants who inhabited the territory of this feudal state from the sixth to the fourteenth century. A huge role in the development of culture is played by the emergence of writing. If, speaking of the time of the birth of the Old Russian language, historians call the seventh century, then the appearance of the first literary monuments can be attributed to the tenth century. With the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet, the development of writing begins. So-called chronicles appear, which are also important historical documents.

The Old Russian ethnos began its development in the seventh century, but by the fourteenth, due to severe feudal fragmentation, changes in the speech of the inhabitants inhabiting the west, south, east of Kievan Rus began to be observed. It was then that dialects appeared, later formed into separate languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian.


Reflection of the life experience of the people - oral creativity. In the festive rituals of the inhabitants of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and today there are many similarities. How did oral poetry appear?

Street musicians, itinerant actors and singers roamed the streets of the ancient Russian state. All of them had a common name - buffoons. The motives of folk art formed the basis of many literary and musical works created much later.

The epic epic received special development. Folk singers idealized the unity of Kievan Rus. The characters of epics (for example, the hero Mikula Selyanovich) are depicted in epic works as rich, strong and independent. Despite the fact that this hero was a peasant.

Folk art influenced the legends and tales that have developed in the church and secular environment. And this influence is noticeable in the culture of later periods. Another source for the creation of literary works for the authors of Kievan Rus was military stories.

Economy development

With the formation of the Old Russian people, representatives of the East Slavic tribes began to improve tools. The economy, however, remained natural. In the main industry - agriculture - widely used rales, spades, hoes, scythes, wheeled plows.

Craftsmen achieved significant success with the formation of the Old Russian state. Blacksmiths learned to harden, grind, polish. Representatives of this ancient craft made about one hundred and fifty types of iron products. The swords of ancient Russian blacksmiths were especially famous. Pottery and woodworking were also actively developed. Products of ancient Russian masters were known far beyond the borders of the state.

The formation of the nationality contributed to the development of crafts and agriculture, which subsequently led to an increase in the development of trade relations. Kievan Rus developed economic relations with foreign countries. The trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" passed through the ancient Russian state.

Feudal relations

The formation of the Old Russian nationality took place during the period of the establishment of feudalism. What was this system of social relations? The feudal lords, about whose cruelty Soviet historians spoke so much, indeed, concentrated power and wealth in their hands. They used the labor of urban artisans and dependent peasants. Feudalism contributed to the formation of complex vassal relations, known from the history of the Middle Ages. The great Kiev prince personified the state power.

class strife

Smerd peasants cultivated the estates of the feudal lords. Artisans paid tribute. The hardest life was for serfs and servants. As in other medieval states, feudal exploitation in Kievan Rus eventually became so aggravated that uprisings began. The first took place in 994. The story of the death of Igor, who, together with his squad, once decided to collect tribute for the second time, is known to everyone. Popular anger is a terrible phenomenon in history, entailing inciting strife, excesses, and sometimes even war.

Fight with aliens

The Norman Scandinavian tribes continued their predatory attacks even when the East Slavic tribes already constituted an ethnic community. In addition, Kievan Rus waged an uninterrupted struggle against the hordes. The inhabitants of the ancient Russian state bravely repelled enemy invasions. And they themselves did not wait for the next attack from the enemy, but, without thinking twice, set off. Old Russian troops often equipped campaigns in enemy states. Their glorious deeds are reflected in chronicles, epics.


Territorial unity was significantly strengthened during the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. Kievan Rus achieved significant development, waged a fairly successful struggle against the aggressive actions of the Lithuanian and Polish princes.

Paganism had a negative impact on the formation of ethnic unity. There was a need for a new religion, which, of course, was to be Christianity. Askold began to distribute it on the territory of Russia. But then Kiev was captured by the Novgorod prince and destroyed not so long ago built Christian churches.

Introduction of a new faith

Vladimir took over the mission of introducing a new religion. However, there were many fans of paganism in Russia. They have been fighting for many years. Even before the adoption of Christianity, attempts were made to renew the pagan religion. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, for example, in 980 approved the existence of a group of gods headed by Perun. What was needed was an idea common to the entire state. And its center was bound to be in Kiev.

Paganism, nevertheless, has become obsolete. And therefore, Vladimir, after lengthy deliberation, chose Orthodoxy. In his choice, he was guided, first of all, by practical interests.

Tough choice

According to one version, the prince listened to the opinion of several priests before making a choice. Everyone, as you know, has his own truth. The Muslim world attracted Vladimir, but he was frightened by circumcision. In addition, the Russian table cannot be without pork and wine. The faith of the Jews in the prince did not at all inspire confidence. Greek was colorful, spectacular. And political interests finally predetermined the choice of Vladimir.

Religion, traditions, culture - all this unites the population of the countries where the tribes once lived, united in the ancient Russian ethnic union. And even after centuries, the connection between such peoples as Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian is inseparable.

We can say that the cultural life of the times of Kievan Rus passed under the sign of paganism. This means that paganism was preserved as such, continuing to develop in its former forms. Written monuments speak of the power of paganism at this time, and archeological data testify to the same. But paganism also lay at the basis of that syncretic culture that begins to form already in the period of Kievan Rus and then dominates the people's consciousness in subsequent eras. We should be talking about a rather complex process of mixing and mutual influence of traditional East Slavic paganism, official Orthodoxy and apocryphal, i.e. monuments forbidden in the official religion. The distribution and influence of the latter in the literature is associated with the "third" culture - Ahristian, not Christian, but not always anti-Christian (N.I. Tolstoy). Something similar to Western “folk culture” arose, with the difference that in Kievan Rus it covered almost the entire population, since there is practically no one to apply the concept of “elite” here.

Folk culture was based on mythology, about which we know very little. We know more about the ancient epic - epics (the correct name is “old times”) - folk epic songs that tell about the defenders of the Motherland - heroes.

Since childhood, we have known the images of Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko from Novgorod, and others. A number of historians and philologists of the past and present believe that specific historical facts and figures are reflected in the epics. Much more correct is the point of view on epics as phenomena of folklore, reflecting the most general processes of social and political life, and on epic heroes as combining different chronological layers (V.Ya. Propp). The perception of Kievan Rus as a "pre-feudal period" allowed I.Ya. Froyanov and Yu. I. Yudin attribute the epics to this era and, with the help of ethnology, decipher a number of epic stories. However, science also retains a wary attitude towards epics as monuments recorded only in the New Age (I.N. Danilevsky).

The people also gave rise to another amazing cultural phenomenon: a fairy tale. Through the works of V.Ya. Propp found that "the fairy tale grows out of social life and its institutions." The perception of Kievan Rus as a “pre-feudal period” can also correct the perception of fairy tales, more clearly define the boundaries of the “pre-class society” to which the fairy tale goes back. Fairy tales reflect two main cycles: initiations and ideas about death.

Writing among the Eastern Slavs appears under the influence of internal factors - the process of formation of city-states, volosts, in many respects identical to the ancient Eastern nomes and ancient Greek city-states. At an early stage in the development of these pre-class state formations, integration tendencies were so strong that they actively stimulated the growth of writing as one of the instruments of intercommunal relations.

The decisive importance of the needs of the people in the development of Old Russian writing is confirmed by the history of the Old Russian literary language. The community and democracy inherent in ancient Russian society were powerful tools for influencing the elements of the people on the literary language. The Old Russian literary language is all permeated with colloquial speech: it sounds in legal texts, chronicles, the oldest of which was The Tale of Bygone Years, in Daniil Zatochnik's Prayer and many other written monuments. It also sounds in the pearl of ancient Russian literature - "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", dedicated to the campaign in 1187 of the Novgorod-Seversky prince Igor against the Polovtsians. However, it should be noted that some historians consider this monument to be a forgery of the 18th century.

Complex symbolism, combining Christian and pagan features, was also permeated with "poetry in stone" - architecture. Unfortunately, we know little about the pre-Christian architecture of the Eastern Slavs - after all, it was wooden. Only archaeological excavations and those descriptions that have been preserved about the temples of the Slavs of Central Europe can help here. Not many stone temples have survived. Let's remember the St. Sophia Cathedral - a wonderful monument of architecture and fine arts. Temples dedicated to St. Sophia were built in Novgorod and Polotsk.

Russian masters, borrowing a lot from Byzantium, creatively developed Byzantine traditions. Each building artel used its own favorite techniques, and gradually each land had its own cult architecture. The main building material was a thin brick - plinfa, and the secrets of the mortar composition were passed down from generation to generation.

Monumental austerity and simplicity of forms were distinctive features of the Novgorod architectural style. At the beginning of the XII century. Master Peter's artel worked here, creating cathedrals in the Antonievsky and Yuryevsky monasteries. This master is also credited with the creation of the Church of St. Nicholas on Yaroslav's Court. A remarkable monument was the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa, destroyed during the war.

The architecture of the Rostov-Suzdal land had a different character, where the main building material was not plinth, but white limestone. The main features of the architecture of this land were formed during the reign of Andrei Bogolyubsky. Then the Assumption Cathedral was erected in Vladimir, leading to the city of the Golden Gate, the princely castle in Bogolyubovo, and nearby a masterpiece - the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. Vladimir-Suzdal architecture is characterized by the use of protruding pilasters, bas-relief images of people, animals and plants. As art historians note, these temples are both strict and elegant at the same time. At the end of the XII - beginning of the XIII century. architecture becomes even more magnificent, more decorative. A striking monument of this time is the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, which was built under Vsevolod the Big Nest. The cathedral is decorated with fine and intricate carvings.

In Ancient Russia, painting also became widespread - first of all, fresco painting on wet plaster. Frescoes have been preserved in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. Many of them are devoted to everyday subjects: the image of the family of Yaroslav the Wise, the fight of mummers, hunting for a bear, etc. In the interior of the cathedral, magnificent mosaics have also been preserved - images made up of the smallest pieces of smalt. One of the most famous is the image of Dmitry Solunsky.

The icon also became widespread in Ancient Russia - the image of saints revered by the Church, on specially processed boards. The oldest surviving monument of icon painting is the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. It was transferred by Andrei Bogolyubsky from Kiev to Vladimir, hence its name. Art critics note in this icon the lyrics, softness, depth of feelings expressed in it. However, our most ancient icons are rather not ancient Russian, but Byzantine art.

This folk poetic beginning is further developed in Vladimir-Suzdal art. It can be seen in the oldest of the surviving monuments of easel painting of this land - in the main "Deesis", made probably at the end of the 12th century. On the icon, Christ is represented between two angels, slightly bowing their heads towards him. The magnificent icon "Oranta" belongs to the same land.

Russian goldsmiths, using the most sophisticated technique: filigree, granulation, cloisonné enamel, made a variety of jewelry - earrings, rings, necklaces, pendants, etc.

We have little idea of ​​ancient Russian music. Folk music can appear before us only in the artifacts of archaeological research. As for church music, "the practical organization of singing in Russia, the division of the singers into two kliros" is associated with the name of Theodosius of the Caves. According to N.D. Uspensky, ancient Russian music was emotional, warm and lyrical.

The phenomenon that was the main thing for ancient Russian culture and worldview, in which, as in a focus, all the rays of the cultural life of that time are collected - the city. The culture of Kievan Rus was truly urban, just as the country itself was called - the country of cities. Suffice it to say that in The Tale of Bygone Years the word "hail" is used 196 times, and in the full-vowel version - 53 times. At the same time, the word "village" was used 14 times.

The city, the city wall had a sacred meaning, which, apparently, originated from the fence that surrounded the Slavic pagan temples. After the introduction of Christianity, such ideas were transferred to the Christian shrine. It is no coincidence that the researchers noted the complete coincidence in terms of the shape of the main volume of the Novgorod Sophia with the Perunov temple. At the same time, the gates - gaps in the border that surrounded the city - acquired special significance. That is why gate churches were often erected on the gates.

The citadel also played a sacred role - the main city fortification and the main city shrine. The temple was the center of cultural regulation, "placed in the center of the social space of a given community." It was the religious center of the city and the entire city parish - the city-state.

All written monuments were associated with cities. Even epics, despite the fact that the action in them often takes place in an "open field", is a purely urban genre. More V.M. Miller wrote: "Songs were composed where there was a demand for them, where the pulse of life beat stronger - in rich cities, where life was freer and more fun."

The culture of Kievan Rus, public consciousness are inexhaustible themes. They are studied and will be studied in science. It is important to note that the culture of Kievan Rus was quite adequate to the system of economic, social and political relations that existed in that era. In this regard, the question of the "Old Russian nationality" cannot be bypassed. In Soviet historiography, Kievan Rus was considered the "cradle of three fraternal peoples", and the ancient Russian nationality, respectively, was considered the form of this "cradle". It is hardly worth ironically over these "infantile" definitions, as is done in modern Ukrainian historical literature. It was a search for an answer to an important question.

Now the "Old Russian nationality" is the subject of controversy. Was she? For the era of the chiefdom, which was discussed above, the threshold of ethnicity, which was reflected in historical sources, was quite enough. The Eastern Slavs inherited this ethnicity from ancient times, they have not lost their idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcommon Slavic unity. There is even less reason to speak of an "Old Russian nationality" for the heyday of city-states. The concepts of “kiyans”, “polotskians”, “chernihivs”, “smolnys”, etc. contain information about belonging to a particular volost-land, and not to an ethnic group.

The situation is quite reminiscent of ancient Greek history. “The Greeks were never able to step over the boundaries of the city-state, except in dreams ... They felt, first of all, Athenians, Thebans or Spartans,” writes A. Bonnard, an expert on Greek civilization. But still "there was not a single Greek policy that would not have felt very keenly its belonging to the Hellenic community." Similarly, the ancient Russian man, being a resident of the city-state, the ancient Russian polity, felt his belonging to the Russian land, by which one should not mean a certain state. Not a small role among the Greeks and the Eastern Slavs was played by colonization, which just clashed with other ethnic groups. Over time, Orthodoxy begins to play a certain role.

The question of nationality leads to another, which has become a very topical question: whose are you, Kievan Rus? Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian? I do not want to dwell on this issue in detail, since it has acquired all sorts of hoaxes and falsifications. Let's just say it's common. Kievan Rus is the "antiquity" of Eastern Europe. We have our own "antiquity", just as Western Europe has its own antiquity. It must be realized that in this sense, Kievan Rus belongs to all the current new states: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. She is our pride and joy: the state has not yet been fully formed there, there was no established nationality, there was no established religion and Church, but there was high culture, freedom and a lot of glorious and good things.

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