Entry into Georgia. Visiting Georgia after Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Not long ago Georgia became independent state striving for the European level of business and tourism development. Despite all the disagreements occurring between politicians, Russia and Georgia maintain friendly relations and remain sister countries. In 2016, Russians can stay in Georgia without a visa for a year.

Embassy of Georgia in the Russian Federation

Due to certain conflicts, there is no diplomatic connection between our countries yet. Therefore in this moment The interests of the Caucasian country in Russia are represented by the Georgian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed for visa-free entry into Georgia

For those planning a regular tourist trip, you need valid passport. It should not contain marks of Abkhazia and North Ossetia. You can cross the border by car, by bus or by plane.

What documents are needed to cross the Georgian border by car?

Drivers, in addition to their passport, must present:

  • Registration certificate for the car.
  • Russian or international rights.
  • An insurance policy in the name of the driver and a power of attorney from the owner of the car if you are not one.

What you need to travel to Georgia with a minor child

If you are traveling with children, you must present:

  • An international passport for each child, regardless of age, or add children to your international passport.
  • Child's birth certificate.
  • If minors are traveling accompanied by third parties, they must obtain a notarized permission from one of the parents. The consent of the other parent is not necessary if there was no ban on traveling abroad.

What documents are needed for a visa to Georgia

If you plan to stay in Georgia for longer than a year, you will need to obtain a visa and residence permit. The visa is valid for up to 6 years. Depending on the purpose of the trip you will need:

  • International passport.
  • Electronic visa application. It is filled out on the official website.
  • Photo 3.5 cm by 4.5 cm.
  • Documents confirming financial condition traveler
  • Medical insurance.
  • Agreement for the lease or sale of real estate.
  • In case of receiving work visa provide employment contract and an invitation from the Georgian side.
  • Help from educational institution about enrollment in studies.
  • A document confirming family ties and legality of residence of your relatives in Georgia.
  • Receipt of payment of the consular fee.

The visa processing period takes from 5 to 30 days depending on the category of the document.

The lack of official diplomatic ties between Georgia and the Russian Federation is not an obstacle to Russians visiting this country. Any citizen of Russia can travel here using a foreign passport without obtaining a visa.

Diplomatic problems

After armed conflict between countries and the rupture of diplomatic relations, there is a possibility that Georgia will cancel without visa regime. However, complete abolition did not occur; Russians were given a long period of stay in the country. A visa is required for Russian citizens wishing to stay in the country for more than one year. Permission will have to be obtained in advance in Russia.

In Russia, a visa regime with Georgia was discussed, but was not accepted. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether a visa is needed from Georgia to Russia can be answered in the negative.

Visa-free entry

A visa will not be required for Russian citizens who come to Georgia for a short visit. Those who do not intend to study or work here do not have to worry about violating visa laws. The visa-free regime applies to any type of transport that foreigners use to enter the country. In accordance with the established procedure, at the time of entry and exit, dated stamps are affixed to the international passport to control the length of stay in the country.

Entry documents

An internal Russian passport is not enough to enter Georgia; for this you must present a citizen’s international passport Russian Federation. If a foreigner decides to cross the state border by car, in addition to the international passport, a driving license will be required motor vehicle. In addition, you will need to show:

  • Documents proving ownership of the car;
  • A power of attorney confirmed by a notary from the owner of the car for the right to travel outside the territory of Russia.

These documents are usually sufficient for travel.

You can get to Georgia from the Russian Federation only through check Point"Upper Lars". On at this stage, due to political circumstances this is the only land border point, from where you can enter Georgia without breaking the law. Other options are considered illegal, but it is possible to enter the country through Azerbaijan, which is quite far away.

The border checkpoint operates 24 hours a day, but travel through it may be limited due to bad weather conditions. Therefore, before traveling, it is necessary to clarify whether the checkpoint is open and whether it is planned to close. The Verkhniy Lars checkpoint is open to all ground vehicles. Crossing the border checkpoint on foot is prohibited, but you can cross it on a bicycle.

Extension of stay

Extend your stay without a visa for more than annual period impossible. For further stay in Georgia, you will need to officially obtain a visa or apply for a residence permit.

Transit passage

Due to the sufficient period of visa-free stay, obtaining transit visa not required. To cross Georgia to enter the territory of a third state, it will be enough to present a foreign passport. It should be taken into account that transit passengers have the same responsibilities as guests of the country.

A trip to Georgia after South Ossetia or Abkhazia

Territorial conflicts that arose after the collapse of the USSR on ethnic grounds gave rise to hostile relations between these countries. Many Russian citizens visited Abkhazia or South Ossetia, which separated from Georgia, for tourism purposes. Such tourists should not have any problems if the Georgian authorities have no information about this. Similar information can be obtained by making marks in the international passport.

Visiting Georgia with minors

Families traveling with children are subject to the usual rules for visiting the country. The parent's foreign passport must contain an entry about the child, or the minor must have his own foreign passport. It is advisable to take your child’s birth certificate with you, which will come in handy on any trip.

Obtaining a visa

For those who wish to stay on the territory of Georgia for more than a year, they must contact the Georgian Interests Department in advance. diplomatic mission Switzerland in Moscow. These circumstances may arise when studying or working in Georgia. It must be taken into account that prerequisite issuance visa permit is the need to obtain citizenship.

Documents to be received

Georgia shows a desire to integrate into Europe and become a member of the Schengen area, therefore it is making appropriate changes to legislation. To obtain permission you must provide the following documents:

  • Valid international passport, the validity period of which will not expire during your stay in the country, does not have damaged pages and has a place for affixing a visa.
  • Questionnaire completed in in the prescribed manner and in official form.
  • Photo 35x45 mm on a light background, not edited using computer programs. Children, regardless of age, must be photographed separately.
  • Documents confirming availability financial income or a statement from your personal bank account.
  • Policy health insurance valid in Georgia.
  • A rental agreement or confirmation of a paid hotel room.
  • For a work visa, you need an invitation issued by a Georgian employer or documents confirming business reasons for staying in the country.
  • For applicants study visa You must provide an invitation from the educational institution and confirmation of enrollment.
  • To reunite relatives, it is necessary to document the presence of family relations and the legality of residence of relatives in Georgia.
  • Confirmation of payment of the consular fee.

Applying for a visa yourself

Visa for long stay in Georgia, as well as a residence permit can be obtained independently. In this case, it is necessary to decide on the type of permit, collect the required set of documents and submit it along with the application to the Georgian interests section at the Swiss Embassy. Receipt cost urgent visa You can check it on the official website.

Registration period

Georgia visa country, but due to the increase in the period of stay in the country without special permission, the number of people wishing to obtain a visa is minimal. Therefore, in order to obtain a visa you will not have to stand in a long line, but you will need to receive it within a few days.

Visa refusal

The possibility of refusal for citizens of the Russian Federation is primarily associated with visiting territories that independently separated from Georgia. These are Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Those who crossed the border through border posts that are currently closed will face penalties. Persons who repeatedly violate the visa regime may be subject to severe sanctions, including imprisonment.

Customs regulations

Customs inspection when crossing the state border is carried out carefully. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the current customs legislation. It is especially necessary to pay attention to the list of prohibited and restricted items entering the country. Restricted for import:

  • Tobacco products – maximum 2 blocks.
  • Alcoholic drinks – maximum 4 liters.
  • Personal property exceeding 100 kg.
  • Cash over the equivalent of 2,000 North American dollars must be declared.
  • The import of animals can only be allowed if there is a certificate of absence of diseases in the pet issued by a veterinarian.
  • Medicines can only be imported with a prescription from a doctor.

Literature condemning state system And political system, and materials that pose a threat to life and health.


Tourists are attracted by Tbilisi, Batumi, excursions to the Alazani Valley and other numerous attractions of Georgia. But the question of whether Russians need a visa to Georgia in 2018 should be resolved in individually and depends on how long a person plans to stay in a given country. For tourist trip provided for a year visa-free period more than enough, but for a longer stay in the country a visa will be required.

For road travelers, especially during the tourist season, it is necessary to prepare for a long wait to pass through border posts. Entry into Georgia and crossing the border takes place using documents that have not expired.

The termination of diplomatic relations between our countries and, as a consequence, the absence of the Russian Embassy in Georgia also requires attention. Tourists visiting Georgia should never advertise the fact of their stay in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. For Georgians this question very painful and this circumstance can be used to refuse to visit the country.

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Question Answer
No, not required. Unless your stay is longer than one year.
Need to get immigrant visa. To do this, you should apply for a residence permit one and a half to two months before the end of your permitted stay in the country.
Yes, a foreign passport. It must remain valid for the duration of the trip and have at least two blank pages.
No you can not. If your passport contains stamps from these two countries, you will not receive permission to enter Georgia.
Yes, for this, when entering South Ossetia and Abkhazia, present Russian passport. Whereas in Georgia it is foreign.
No, not needed. It is enough to have a birth certificate and a child’s international passport.
· international passport (with two blank pages);

· questionnaire;

· bank account statement/sponsorship letter;

· payment receipt;

· photo;

· insurance;

· confirmation of hotel reservation.

Depends on the visa category. On average, from 10 to 30 days.


Legislation changes very quickly, and sometimes even the information on the official websites of embassies and consulates is out of date. Therefore, it is better to clarify important questions for yourself by phone or email.

Georgian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in Moscow

Maly Rzhevsky Lane, 6. +7-926-851-62-12; +7-495–691-13-59, +7-495-690-46-57, fax: +7 495-691-21-36, [email protected], https://geoconsul.gov.ge/en/register/visit

Russian Interests Section at the Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi

I.Chavchavadze Ave., 51. 8-10-995-32–291–24-06, fax +99532-291-27-38, [email protected], www.georgia.mid.ru

Residents from CIS countries planning a trip to friendly countries often ask actual question, whether a valid foreign passport is needed upon arrival in Georgia or at the border for visiting Russians. In this case, you will need a valid foreign passport, but you do not need a visa. Indigenous people happily welcome visitors to their territory, despite political relations between countries. This state, along with the Baltic states and Abkhazia, has always been respected by Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians.

Just like many years ago, today it is a popular tourist destination. It is attractive for lovers of the natural beauty of the region, tasters of varied Caucasian cuisine, connoisseurs local history. In addition to the tourism component, visitors are also interested in investment policy. This direction began to develop after the establishment of economic and political relations between states.

Despite all the complex and sad backstory between the peoples, Georgians have always warmly treated guests from friendly countries. They are of the opinion that the priority for the common people will always be humanity, good nature and hospitality. To ordinary people we must stay away from political troubles and confrontations between politicians. Neither politics nor the economy should become an obstacle to communication between friends, relatives and just acquaintances.

Without special documents You can stay here for three months on a tourist, business or friendly visit. But this applies only to Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians; other entry rules apply for foreign visitors. Since 2016, you can enter Georgia from Ukraine without special permission.

  1. Adults. Do adults need a foreign passport to the Georgian republic? There are no options. It is needed, moreover, there are certain requirements for the validity period. No more than 10 years must have passed from the date of execution of the document. If the conditions are not met, visitors at the border may be returned back. When everything is fine with the documents, at customs they will only put a stamp with the date of entry and let you through.
  2. Children. When children enter, their passports are also checked. In case of his absence, the child is entered into parental passport. If a minor is traveling accompanied by one parent, then the accompanying person must have appropriate permission to take the child abroad. Additionally, you must present a birth certificate.
  3. Auto. When planning a trip by car, you need to be prepared to present a power of attorney (preferably translated into English language) on the right to export a vehicle abroad + STS. At the Georgian checkpoint they will ask for a driving license (driver's license) + STS. In the case where the car is registered to a company whose director also enters the country, then a power of attorney (signature of the manager, company seal - required attributes). Waybill will also not be superfluous in business trip. Already when stopped by law enforcement officers, on the territory of a foreign state, the driver must present a driver’s license + passport + STS. You can take it with you regular ID, it is not necessary to re-register for an international format.

Rules for entry into sunny Georgia and behavior at customs

Upon arrival at the customs point, the visitor must be prepared to go with the customs officer to the building where the control takes place. When driving a car, the driver will only need to hand over the documents to the window. After which the car is parked aside for inspection. Then the driver can wait for passengers and continue on their way. The entire inspection procedure takes about 10 minutes. The entry fee here is 30 US dollars.

You should cross checkpoints at mandatory. Ignoring border controls can get you into trouble. Initially, the violator will face a fine of about 400 lari. If you relapse, you will have to pay twice as much. And in the presence of aggravating circumstances ( drug intoxication, presence of weapons, group violation) faces a fine large size and there is even a risk of imprisonment for violators.

Import rules

Can't take it with you narcotic substances, weapon. The import of extremist literature and any items that can disrupt the government system or pose a threat to the health or life of citizens is also contraindicated. It is prohibited to transport literature, pornographic materials, as well as items of cultural and historical value.

Important: the declaration can be filled out in Georgian and English.

It is mandatory to declare:

  • goods that are imported for profit;
  • cartridges, explosives, weapons items;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • jewelry, including precious metals, stones and jewelry;
  • objects of art (icons, sculptures, canvases), moving them requires special permission from the Ministry of Culture;
  • high-frequency communications, radio-electronic devices;
  • securities, checks, currency, worth GEL 30,000 and above;
  • poisonous and radioactive substances.

Having learned the answer to the question so popular today, whether Russians need a foreign passport to Georgia, visitors are interested in what can be brought into the country undeclared. So, a list of things that do not need to be written down in the document:

  • jewelry and valuables that are in personal use;
  • food products weighing up to 5 kg total, total cost they should not be higher than 200 lari;
  • cigarettes, 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes or 0.25 kg of tobacco are allowed per adult;
  • alcohol, you can take with you 2 liters of any strong alcohol-containing drinks, 3 liters of wine or 10 liters of low-alcohol products (beer);
  • hand luggage of personal items;
  • national currency up to 25,000, if the amount is higher it will be important to confirm the origin of the money with appropriate documents.

Documents for entry into Georgia

Any state is concerned about the safety political system and the safety of its citizens. Therefore, no one can allow completely open entry from the territory of foreign countries. And given the situation in Europe with refugees, migration policy we have to tighten it up. However, visas to Georgia are not required for Russian tourists.

And customs and border control measures are used here to suppress terrorist, national threat. For control migration flow Foreign passports are used, without this there is no way. To obtain or renew such a document, please contact: migration service in the homeland, at the place of residence. New samples today are issued for a ten-year period, subject to certain conditions.

Important! The basic requirements for a foreign passport are that no more than 10 years must have passed from the date of issue. At the time of entry into a foreign region, it must be valid for about six months. At the time of departure there must be at least a month remaining until the expiration date. In addition, if there are marks about visiting South Asia and Abkhazia, they may deny entry. This is due to the fact that the Georgian authorities do not recognize the independence of these territories.

Rights of foreigners

On a friendly visit and for tourism purposes, you can stay here for a three-month period, but up to 90 days. If the visitor does not plan to stay longer specified period, then he will not have to apply for a visa. If circumstances require you to stay, then a permit is required that allows you to live here for 360 days. If a visitor is in transit in the territory, they can stay here for three days, up to 72 hours.

Visa application

What to do if visitors plan to stay more than 90 days. In this case, a permit is issued; to obtain it you need:

  • two completed application forms;
  • certificate of payment of registration fees;
  • photographs in the amount of 2 pieces.

This is what a visa to Georgia looks like

Any issues related to the stay of foreigners in Georgia are resolved at the embassy.


Since unemployment is rampant in the state, in order to survive people are forced to independently look for ways to survive. Many realize themselves in agriculture, and they are forced to sell the resulting products at a sufficient price low prices. During the holiday season, the cost of food may rise slightly, but, nevertheless, prices here are more than affordable for visitors and lower than in Russia. Guests here will find it more profitable to live in the private sector, where housing and food are cheaper.

With a winter or summer tourist visit, you need to plan everything in advance. It is better to book tours in advance, this will allow you to save a lot. Wine tourism is very popular here; many tourists strive to bring a couple of bottles of Georgian wine back from their trip. Moreover, I mean widespread vineyards, development of the wine industry, food prices are affordable here.

Tax fees

Initially, for a one-time visit to the country, an entry tax is charged, the amount of which is 30 dollars (about 50 lari). For getting multiple resolution 60 GEL is paid. A one-time transit trip will cost no more than 10 GEL; for multiple trips, a one-time fee of 20 GEL will be charged. If you need to apply for a visa, a foreigner must prepare to pay a tax of 100 US dollars.

Tax payment is made directly to customs point, right at the bank's cash desk. In addition to the basic fee, the payer must provide a commission fee of about two lari. When planning to apply for a visa, the tax is paid directly at the bank branch in the building of the Civil Registry Agency, when submitting documents.

Guests from all friendly countries also want to know whether Russians need a foreign passport to the Georgian Republic. This information is relevant for visitors who come here to meet relatives, tourists, and businessmen. It is worth noting that Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians must present a passport. In the future, the authorities of friendly countries can make unimpeded entry for this category of citizens.

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Before planning your trip to a particular country, the right tourist is asked the right question: “What documents are needed to cross the border.” A visa is one of the most important stages in planning a trip, because its processing can take weeks or even months, depending on the severity of the requirements of the country's consulate. It is because of this document that many tourists prefer to spend their holidays in visa-free countries.

In this article we have collected all necessary information about the visa issue for a trip to Georgia: You will find out whether Russians need a visa and what documents are required to cross the border.

Since 2015, Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Georgia. Without a visa, you can cross the state border of the country by any means of transport, both land and air. The allowed period of stay of Russians in Georgia without a visa is up to 1 year, after which Russian citizen must leave the country or, if necessary, obtain a residence permit (temporary or permanent). The residence permit is issued directly in Georgia, at the Agency civil registry where should I go foreign citizen with the relevant documents. You will find more information on the official website of the organization - sda.gov.ge.

Documents for crossing the border

To enter Georgia, Russians will only need a valid foreign passport. Its validity period can be any! Medical insurance is not required, but it is recommended to take it out, because... treatment of foreigners in the country is carried out exclusively on on a paid basis.

Those who are planning to travel to Georgia by car will additionally need following documents, which will definitely be checked at the border:

  • Driver's license. To travel around Georgia, Russians can use driver's license How Russian model, and international.
  • Vehicle registration certificate (technical passport).
  • A general power of attorney from the owner of the car with the right to travel abroad, certified by a notary. This document will be needed for those who are traveling to Georgia in someone else’s car. Translation of the document is not necessary.

Since December 2017, another mandatory document an insurance policy has become an insurance policy for car travelers civil liability for what belongs vehicle. Insurance must be valid for the entire period of stay in Georgia; you can apply for a policy online or directly at the border checkpoint. This service provides "Center compulsory insurance" The cost of the insurance package depends on the category of vehicle (motorcycle, car, bus, etc.), as well as on the length of stay.

So an insurance policy for passenger car for a 15-day trip it will cost 30 GEL, for a 30-day trip - 50 GEL. More information about tariffs can be found on the website www.tpl.ge.

For a trip to Georgia, children will need:

  • International passport (if not, then a birth certificate and the corresponding entry in the parents’ passport).
  • Notarized permission for a minor to travel abroad from one or both parents. Permission from one parent is allowed only if the child is traveling with the second parent; permission from both parents is required if the child is traveling accompanied by third parties. The permit must be valid for the entire period of stay in the country, i.e. if a child plans to spend 1 year in Georgia, then the permit must be valid for at least 1 year.

How long can you stay in the country?

Russians can stay in Georgia for 1 year without a visa and additional registration procedures. When crossing state border The foreigner’s passport is stamped with the date of entry into the country. It is based on this information that citizens are monitored by length of stay. After the allowed year has passed, you must either leave the country or apply for a residence permit (permanent or temporary).

There is no official ban on leaving Georgia for 1 day and returning back after 1 year. However, employees customs service, most likely, questions will arise and you may be convicted of conducting illegal labor activity without appropriate permission.

If you really need to continuously stay in Georgia for more than 1 year, then you should contact the Civil Registry Agency and apply for a residence permit. More detailed information You can find information about residence permits in Georgia for foreigners and the rules for their registration on the website: sda.gov.ge.

Where should Russians turn in case of conflict situations on the territory of Georgia?

Few people, before starting a trip or even during it, think about possible incidents that could happen during the trip. But life is complicated, and you need to be prepared for anything. Russian citizens who find themselves in difficult situation on the territory of Georgia must contact the Russian embassy. There is no Russian embassy as such in Georgia, but there is a Russian interests section at the Swiss embassy. Our specialists are there who speak Russian and provide all kinds of assistance to compatriots who find themselves in difficult situations. life situations. Located at:

  • I. Chavchavadze Ave. 53

You should contact the Russian Embassy in case of loss of your passport, road accident, detention or arrest, as well as in situations where the life or health of a Russian citizen is in danger.

Visiting Georgia after Abkhazia and South Ossetia

After the military conflict, Georgia has disputed territories that broke away from the country: Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The country even provides special law“On the Occupied Territories”, providing for criminal or administrative punishment for entering these territories not from the territory of Georgia.

A natural question arises whether it is possible to visit Georgia after staying in the disputed territories. In theory, yes. To visit Abkhazia and South Ossetia, only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is enough, and to cross the Georgian border, you must present a foreign passport. Moreover, when visiting unrecognized states, there are no marks in the passport. It follows from this that problems with Georgian customs should not arise simply for the reason that they will not know about the fact of your stay on the disputed lands.

However, there are cases when Russians entered Georgia through international checkpoints, but left the country through the checkpoint of the disputed territories. When visiting Georgia again law enforcement agencies countries charged these citizens with illegal crossing of the state border.

Important! According to the Law “On Occupied Territories”, violators are subject to criminal penalty up to 5 years of imprisonment or administrative penalty in the amount of about 2000 US dollars.

Let's sum it up

The strict entry rules that were introduced in September 2014 were abolished, thereby eliminating the issue of obtaining a visa to Georgia. Undoubtedly, this is positive news for our citizens, since every person who wishes has the right to stay in Georgia for one year without applying for a visa.

Despite the conflict between Russia and Georgia, everything is in the past, a visa-free regime has been reintroduced. However, it is worth hiding the fact, if it occurred, of being on the territory of unrecognized states. If customs officers find out about this, entry into the country will be denied.

Do not forget that it will be impossible to enter the territory of Georgia by civil passport RF. But a medical life insurance policy is not mandatory. However, Russians should know that honey. assistance in the country is provided to all foreigners only on a paid basis, even in in case of emergency. So we recommend that you still take out an insurance policy.

Traveling on own car, remember that crossing the state border may take several hours, it all depends on how busy the checkpoint is. Also, don't forget to take out insurance. You can purchase it online or directly at the checkpoint.

When staying on the territory of Georgia, keep in mind that there is also no Russian Embassy, Russia's interests are represented by the Swiss Embassy in Tbilisi.

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