Types and forms of ownership in the modern economy. Economics and Economic Theory: Types and Forms of Property

Property in economic theory

The concept of private ownership in economic theory occupies a key place, regardless of how the author of a particular economic theory interprets the consequences and role of private property in public relations.

Without the institution of private ownership, it is impossible to form market mechanisms, a modern mechanism of social production and the distribution of material goods.

Own- This is a combination of public affairs of the subject of ownership to the right of disposal, the right of ownership and the right to use the object of ownership.

Only the presence of all three aspects of the rights to the property object allows us to talk about the presence of ownership of an object.

Properties and subjects of ownership

Property Subject (owner) - People or groups of people who come into property relations. Subject (owner) may be a separate individual, a group of people or a state.

Object property - Any property belonging to entirely or partially owner. These are the means of production and the product of the activities of people who are assigned to the subjects (owners). Real and movable property are enshrined as property objects in most countries, as well as intellectual property.

Property, its economic and legal aspects

It must be borne in mind that the concept of property is a product of public relations. That is, ownership arises as a result of recognizing it by other subjects of public law.

Simple words, as long as other people (society) do not recognize your ownership, it cannot arise. Property Right arises as a result of the development of social relations. Therefore, for example, it is impossible to emerge the right to land in the primitive society of nomadic cattle breeders.

The role of property in economic theory. Economic meaning of the concept of "property"

Own - These are the means of production and the product of the activities of people who are assigned to the subjects (owners). The acquisition of property by production, exchange, consumption

Another feature of an economic attitude to property, in contrast to legal aspects, is the consideration of the actual state of affairs, the actual relations between the participants of economic activity. At the same time, the legal side of the issue acts as secondary. Thanks to this, economists take into account the processes taking place on the "gray" and "black markets", as well as the relationship between business entities that are not issued legally.

The economic point of view on property relationship is the processes, the creation, distribution and consumption of material and intangible benefits in society, which arise in the process of social production. This applies to the creation, distribution and assignment of material and intangible benefits.

For economists, it is important to possess property. Hosting property gives a special social status to the owner in relation to other people. In contrast to lawyers, economists consider not only the property of property, but also the property production itself.

Legal meaning of the concept of ownership

Triad "Ownership - Order - use" must be considered more.

Ownership Means for the owner the right to sell, donation, transmission by will, etc. Property object.

The right of disposal Allows you to pass the property to rent, pledge, modify it and even destroy.

Right of use Allows you to use an object for profit, simply for direct purpose or simply make it consumption (for example, eat an apple).

Lawyers (in contrast to economists) are considering only their property, they do not consider its production.

From a legal point of view, it is considered to identify the attitude of the property object (property) to its subject (owner), regulation of the turnover of property. Relations are also considered about the ownership, orders and use of property (property).

Classification of property

It is necessary to understand that the principles of the property classification are relatively conditional, and a sign that the classification is carried out can be any, depending on which goals are put in constructing such a classification system. The property can be distinguished in the legal and economic sense, from the point of view of political science and macroeconomics and so on.

Classification of types of property types

From the point of view of legal regulation Turnover Property The main significant differences can be established by the following property groups:
  • Real estate - Earth, buildings, facilities, infrastructure facilities.
  • Movable property - what you can move. Machines, various equipment, tools, long-term goods (cars, furniture, etc.).
  • Intellectual property product of human mental activity. Scientific works, manuscripts, inventions, discoveries, software of electronic equipment and so on. Scientific and technical inventions, achievements in art and literature, other products of human intelligence.

Classification of ownership for the legal regime:

In the sign of the subjects (owners) of the property. Separate citizens, teams, legal entities, state.

At the form of assignment. Individual, collective and state ownership.

According to the composition of the subjects (owners). Individual, group, public.

Other options for classification of property types:

Private property. The owner independently of other people carry out their rights. The owner of private property is also known and responsible for its possession. The owner independently implements the rights of ownership, orders, use and assignment. The desire of the owner is most rational to lead their farm.

Collective property. This type of property is based on the union of several owners.

Collective property is divided into:

Cooperative property. Collective property with features of individual property. Each owner is guided by collective ownership with its work and property, has equal rights in managing and income distribution. The amount of income is determined by an individual contribution.

Joint Stock owned. Collective income creation and income division with subsequent individual assignment in the form of dividends.

Partnerships. Combining capital of two or more persons. Owners make a profit commensurate contributions.

Public property. Different faces jointly carry out the rights of the owner. Individual property is excluded. Property rights belong to everyone. High degree of socialization. Most often submitted by state ownership or property of public organization.

Divided by:

State ownership. Property is concentrated by the state. The owner is the state. Management occurs designated managers.

Property of public organizations. Members of the organization are assigned and dispose of equal to all grounds. Based on this property, state municipal enterprises are formed.

Own - It is a relationship between people, classes, groups, as well as business entities about the assignment of resources, the conditions of production created by the vital goods.

Subjects Property are individuals and legal entities among which the property relationships are.

TO objects The property includes means of production, resources, labor and consumption items that are assigned by people and become their property.

Property is two types: privateand public.

For private property one person or family is the owner of property or resources. By the nature of the accumulation, private property is divided into labor and unemployed. Labor Property is formed by salary, income from business activities. Non-hard Property is formed by receiving property for inheritance, income from securities, deposits, etc.

Public property - type of ownership, in which the means of production, its results and property values \u200b\u200bare a joint heritage.

The form of public property is collective and state.

Collective property - Form of public property, in which things, material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bbelong to a specific team.

Collective property forms include:

    cooperative - who is the entrance to the members of the cooperative, united funds and work for joint activities;

    people's - established as a result of the transition to the team of the state venture or redemption of rented property;

    joint-stock company includes financial capital from the sale of shares and bonds, as well as funds from economic activities;

    rental - arising from the lease of a labor collective of the enterprise on the contractual conditions for fee and for a certain period;

    public associations and religious organizations.

State ownership - Form of public property, which is the entrance to all people of the country.

In the Republic of Belarus to the forms of state property include:

    republican - the property of citizens of the country (land, its subsoil, republican banks, means of state budget, enterprises, educational institutions, other property);

    municipal (communal) - property of the association of citizens of the region, district (local budget funds, housing stock of trade and domestic services, transport, industrial and construction enterprises, public education, culture and other property).

In the modern economy, in addition to the main forms of ownership, there are other, derivative ownership form. These include foreign ownership, mixed property.

Under foreign property It is understood by the property belonging to the right of ownership to foreign persons: individuals and legal entities, states, international organizations.

Mixed Property - Property, based on a combination of different forms of ownership (with the participation of foreign ownership or not).

Property in the Republic of Belarus acts in the form of private property, collective and state ownership. In the Republic of Belarus there may be the property of other states, their legal entities and individuals, as well as the property of international organizations.

A union of property owned by physical, legal entities and states, and education on this basis of mixed forms of ownership, including the ownership of joint ventures.

The variety of ownership of ownership is most fully consistent with the nature of market relations, as weakens monopolization and creates conditions for competition.

The variety of ownership forms is formed during the processes of denationalization and privatization.

Divorce It is a process of reducing the immediate state influence on the activities of business entities, during which state monopolism is eliminated, a multi-storey, mixed economy is formed.

The denationalization can be reduced to the three main interrelated aspects: to the creation, firstly, the non-state sector with diverse types of farms; secondly, to the transformation of farms remaining in government, liberation of them from the administrative and command dictate; Third, to privatization.

Privatization - Change of owner by selling or gratuitous transmission of state ownership facilities to other economic entities.

For privatization purposes include:

    improving the efficiency of production in industries under excessive control of the state (competition is intensified, the interest of enterprises increases reduce production costs);

    reducing the costs of public administration (reduced subsidies, administrative expenses, state budget deficit);

    formation of the bed of private owners (middle class).

Privatization processes can be carried out in shape: redemption of the enterprise rented from the state; creating folk enterprises through their repurchase or gratuitous transfer to the ownership of the labor collective; sales of state-owned enterprises in a competition or at auction; gratuitous transfer of property to citizens and transformation of state-owned enterprises to joint stock companies.

The peculiarities of the beginning and further conduct of privatization processes in the Republic of Belarus can be attributed to:

The practical lack of private property in all sectors of the economy at the time of the beginning of privatization;

The need to overcome the mistrust of labor collectives and the Directorate for Privatization, taking into account the mentality that has developed in the Soviet years;

The absence in the country of the stock market and its infrastructure, which could give any guidelines when calculating market prices of privatization facilities.

In the republic, two periods and two types of privatization can be distinguished.

The first period is the first half of the 90s, it is characterized by privatization on the initiative of managers and ordinary employees of enterprises, when it was aimed at improving the conditions for their functioning and the realization of the interests of workers.

The second period is the second half of the 90s. And the first half of the 2000s, when privatization was conducted at the initiative of the state. Privatized by this method of the enterprise are characterized by high inertness of property with an excessively high proportion of state property.

At the moment, we can talk about the beginning of the third period of privatization processes in our country, characterized by their gradual liberalization, expressed in the abolition of the Institute of Golden Shares, expanding the free circulation of shares in the stock market, attracting foreign investors.

The process, inverse privatization, is called nationalization.

Nationalization - The process of transformation of private property to state ownership. It can be carried out in various ways: Three-seal expropriation, as well as a complete or partial redemption.

Specify what laws of the Russian Federation define ownership of Russia.

The standards relating to the right of ownership can be found in the laws and other legal acts of the most different sectoral affiliation - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation (with aest 10/17/2005, No. 42, Art. 4212. Civil Code, Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part of the first) of 30.11.1994 No. 51-ФЗ (ed. Dated July 21, 2005) // NW of the Russian Federation of 05.12.1994, No. 32, Art. 3301, NW of the Russian Federation of July 25, 2005, No. 30 (2 h.), Art. 3120. Laws on the protection of nature and the rational use of natural resources and the set of others.

Describe the basic methods of privatization.

ü through the rental of state property for a long time

ü partial privatization property

ü Denationalization of property

ü Reprivatization of property

ü Sale or transfer for time for the relevant fee of government rights to individuals or companies.

Name the target privatization functions.

1. Economic. Privatization contributes to improving the efficiency of the economy, its economic growth. As a result of the creation of a market competitive environment, the recovery (sanitation) of the national economy occurs, its structure is transformed in accordance with the needs, effective demand, the cumulative offer is more reacting to changes in aggregate demand.

2. Social. During the privatization, the structure of owners is changing as a result of the formation of a bed of private owners. There is a "middle class" formation, ensuring the sustainability of socio-economic development.

3. Motivational. Privatization generates new economic interests, motifs and incentives for economic activities of entrepreneurs and employees. Conditions arise for the emergence of effective owners - active and responsible for the results of the activities of owners, for more productive work of employees, raising their responsibility for the final results of the work of the enterprise

4. Fiscal. Privatization makes it possible to increase the income of federal and local budgets in the case of the sale of state-owned enterprises, to use them for structural transformations, investment projects, the development of the social sphere, supporting the poor in the population, solving other nationwic tasks.

Describe a system of economic interests.

Property is an economic and legal basis, a peculiar guarantee of the realization of human interests. The economic actions of people are given in motion by their needs and interests.

Economic interests are an economic category in which production relations are expressed between individual participants in social proceedings: individuals, their groups, social communities. Economic interests are closely connected, first of all, with the needs of people. Interests are implemented the more fully, the more fully satisfied the needs. Interests are a basic category, as they are related to production relations. They play the role of interconnection between the needs and the way they are satisfied, i.e. production. The following relationship between categories can be distinguished: production - distribution - exchange - consumption - interests (as a form of their manifestation) - needs.

Describe the relationship of economic interests and needs.

Economic interests are closely connected, first of all, with the needs of people. Interests are implemented the more fully, the more fully satisfied the needs. Interests are a basic category, as they are related to production relations. They play the role of interconnection between the needs and the way they are satisfied, i.e. production. The following relationship of categories can be distinguished: production - distribution - exchange - consumption - interests (as a form of their manifestation) - needs.

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Forms and types of ownership.

Forms of ownership are in constant development. As civilization develops, property relationships also changed, taking a wide variety of forms. Three main types of ownership are currently the most important (individual and collective), state (public) and municipal (communal) (see Fig. 4.3.)

Fig. 4.3. Structure of property forms

In conditions private property The owner is the one whose word in solving questions about the use of the resource is recognized as final. Thus, individual subjects are in a privileged position in the sense of access to one or another resources; Access is opened only by the owner or persons with whom he conveyed or delegated its powers. He determines how to use or to whom and under what conditions to transfer the goods belonging to him.

Any property can be located in the property of citizens and legal entities in Russia, with the exception of certain species that cannot belong to individuals and legal entities. The number and value of private property property are not limited. Commercial and non-commercial organizations are owners of property transferred to them as deposits (contributions) by the founders, as well as property acquired by these legal entities for other reasons. [Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1. Art. 213]

Under the system state owned Access to rare resources is governed by the establishment of rules based on the collective interests of society as a whole. This suggests, firstly, the establishment of the principles that determine what is determined by collective interest (the benefit of society); And secondly, the creation of procedures expressing these general principles in specific ways of making decisions on the use of each individual resource (that is, whether by voting, delegating the rights to professional experts, the sole order of the Supreme Director, etc.). In this sense, no one is in a privileged position: draws personal interests are not recognized as sufficient to dispose of resources. State ownership co-owners do not possess the sole, exceptional rights-selling rights to the use of the resource. The target function of state-owned enterprises is also special: it is not exhausted by maximizing profits and can obey all sorts of out-economic purposes: social, political, cultural.

State property in Russia is the property belonging to the right of ownership of the Russian Federation (Federal property), and property owned by the subjects of the Russian Federation to the republics, edges, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous region, autonomous districts (the ownership of the subject of the Russian Federation). [Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 1, Art. 214]

The predominance of state-owned ownership leads to the emergence of a state monopoly, which is a detrimental for the development of the country's economy, for the consumer, the population and is extremely beneficial for the manufacturer. World practice shows that in most cases, state property is less efficient than other forms. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that state ownership prevails in those areas where market opportunities are limited and reduced motivation to work. On the other hand, the effectiveness of state ownership may decline in industries with a normally functioning market due to the discomposition of the owner and loss of market orientation.

Municipality means the transfer of state ownership of land by the state authority; Buildings - urban authorities (rural) self-government. Municipal property ? The property belonging to the right of ownership of urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipalities, which, on the basis of relevant legislation (in the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Civil Code) own, enjoy and dispose of them.

On behalf of the municipalities, the rights of the owner are carried out by local governments, and in cases stipulated by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the charters of municipalities ,? Directly population. The objects of municipal property are primarily becoming the system of life support systems (water supply, sewage, heat and gas supply, transport, housing fund, etc.). The concentration of these services in the management of the city authorities gives a lot of advantages; First of all, it is an economic benefit: the United urban economy and the services provided are cheaper than in the case of the suggestion of these services for individual private owners or departments. In addition, the municipality contributes to a decrease in subsidies and is cheaper than the state budget. Focusing in the uniform arms of all technical services of the city allows, ordering their operation, to provide the population with additional amenities.

In many countries of the West, the formation of municipal property provides the population with large material benefits, incl. By reducing taxes.

In the Russian Federation distinguish two type of property : 1) total sharewhen the proportion of each of the owners (two or several persons) is determined in the right of property ownership; 2) general joint - without determining such fractions.

As experience shows, three forms of ownership never exist in its pure form, in all societies they are "mixed" in various proportions, so in real economic life there are still mixed property form. At the same time, the same form of ownership is distributed everywhere on some types of resources. For example, practically everywhere, clothing items are in private, city parks - in municipal, and weapons in state ownership.

Currently, in Russia, as in most countries of the world, the following forms of ownership are allocated: state (including federal and subjects of the federation), municipal (cities, districts, villages), property of public associations (organizations), private (individual, group ), General (joint and share), etc.

The concept of ownership

Property-- This is a complex, diverse system of relations between people, their public formations, classes, social groups, individual groups and citizens about the assignment (alienation) of the means of production (production conditions) and production results (material goods and services).

Types and form of ownership.

There are types and form of ownership of the means of production: private and public. Private property expresses the relationship of separable assignment of means of production, and, therefore, its results, individual subjects - the owners of the data of funds. Private property acts as: private individual labor property, based on the personal labor of the owner and labor of his family members; Private property based on the use of hired labor. Public property means a joint assignment of funds and results of production. Within the framework of the private and public ownership, there are diverse forms of ownership: 1) the property of state-property owned by the state mainly on such objects that have a decisive influence on the development of the country's economy. State ownership may be nationwide, or regional. 2) Municipal property - property belonging to the authorities of the oil self-government. 3) Property of citizens - the property of citizens (objects of consumption, the means of production for the maintenance of auxiliary farm, housing, household items, means of movement, etc.). 4) Property is collective and corporate - property belonging to several co-owners. Collective property includes enterprise enterprises, corporate-oscillating societies. 5) Property of public organizations - property belonging to public associations (organizations), which are legal entities. The economic forms of ownership, which can be attributed to: a) revenues in the form of wages, profits, rent, percentage; b) a system of economic relations (interests); c) Specific national economic results.

Having considered the manifestation of property, go to the function of property.

Legal ownership is determined in traditional terms for Roman law: possession, use, disposal. The system of mandatory, common for all rules of conduct regulating relations in society about the ownership, use and orders of property and property rights, establishes and legislatively issues the state. Property relations in any society are legally regulated by the Constitution, laws and numerous subtitle legal acts (decrees, decrees, orders of various state bodies).

Ownership is based on the law, i.e. Legally secured and guaranteed the possibility of having something or another specific property in the farm.

Use - based on the law, i.e. Legally secured and guaranteed the possibility of using this particular property by extracting useful qualities in it during its use, i.e. The ability to consume this property. The listed legislation of possession and use is closely interrelated in the content of property rights, as the use of property is possible only under the condition of actual possession.

The disposal is based on the law, i.e. legally secured and guaranteed the ability to determine the fate of property, expressed in four forms: 1) by changing property affiliation; 2) by changing the state of the property; 3) by changing the appointment of property; 4) by transferring property to confidential control to another person. According to the famous expression, the order is the "crown" of ownership.

Economic content.

The property is a complex public phenomenon, which from different sides is being studied by several social sciences (philosophy, economy, jurisprudence, etc.). Each of these sciences gives its definition of the concept of "property."

In economic science, under property, real relations between people, developing in the process of assigning and economic use of property. The system of economic property relations includes the following elements:

a) the attitude of the assignment of factors and production results;

b) the relationship of the economic use of property;

c) the relationship of economic realization of property.

Assignment is the economic connection between people, which establishes their attitude towards things as its. In the assignment relationship, four elements are distinguished: the assignment object, the assignment entity, the assignment relationship itself and the form of assignment.

The assignment object is something that is subject to assignment. The object of the assignment may be the results of labor, i.e., material blesses and services, real estate, labor, money, securities, etc. Special importance Economic science gives the assignment of material factors of production because it is one who owns them owns and results production.

The subject of assignment is the one who assigns property. Subjects of assignment can be individual citizens, families, groups, teams, organizations and the state.

The actual assignment relationship is the possibility of complete alienation of the property by one subject from other subjects (alienation methods may be different). However, the assignment may be incomplete (partial). Incomplete assignment is implemented through relationships, possessions and orders.

Forms of assignment of property may be different. The economic aspect distinguish the individual, collective and state form of assigning goods and services. An individual appropriation form may exist in the form of personal property, individual labor activity or personal subsidiary farm. The collective form of assignment can be represented in the form of collective, rental, joint-stock enterprises, cooperatives, partnerships, associations, etc. Finally, the state form of assignment may be the national, regional, municipal, etc.

The owners of the means of production are not always involved in creative economic activities. Some of them makes it possible to use property belonging to them on economic purposes under certain conditions. So, between the owner and the entrepreneur there are relations of the economic use of property. Not being the owner of the material benefits, the entrepreneur nevertheless gets the opportunity to temporarily own and use them. An example of this kind of relationship can be leased. According to the lease agreement, one side (the landlord, as a rule, the owner of the property) provides temporary use of the other party (tenant) property for a specific fee.

Property is economically implemented if income brings its owner. Such an income is the entire newly created product or the part of it, which were obtained thanks to the owner of the manufacturers of production and (or) labor. The realization forms can be: profit, percentage, rent, wages, various fees. The value of the realization of property is the criterion of its effective or ineffective economic use.

The system of economic relations is covered by the entire economic process from beginning to end, generating economic (material, property) interests in people. The main of these interests is to multiply material benefits as much as possible in order to best satisfy their needs. Thus, property predetermines the direction and nature of the economic behavior of people.

Theory of Property R. Kouza

3.1 Theorem R. Cowus

R. Kosez proceeded from the fact that the problem under consideration wears a double-edged or, as he says, "interconnecting" character: "When avoiding damage to we bring damage to A. A real question that needs to be solved is - it should be allowed to damage In or need to be allowed to damage A. The problem is to avoid more serious damage. "

The answer is not obvious until it was possible to determine the value of the fact that we have gained as a result, and the value of what had to sacrifice it. Thus, the solution proposed by A.Piga does not use the concept of alternative costs and is suitable for factors as real, and not legal phenomena.

Analysis of the problem of social costs led the Course to the conclusion that J. Stigler called the "Cowase Theorem" (COASE). Its essence lies in the fact that if the ownership of all parties, carefully defined, and the transaction costs are equal to the bullet, the final result (maximizing value of production) does not depend on the otizations in the distribution of property rights (if you distract from the income effect). The same thought of J. Sgigler expressed as follows: "... in the conditions of perfect competition, private and social costs are equal."

Comparison of the pricing system, including the accuracy of the damage from negative external effects, with the pricing system, when there is no such responsibility, led R. Couza to a paradoxical at first glance that if participants may agree, and the costs of such negotiations are negligible (transaction Costs are zero), in both cases in the conditions of perfect competition, the maximum possible value of production is achieved.

R.koz brings the following example. In the neighborhood there is an agricultural farm and a cattle-breeding ranch: the farmer grows wheat, and the cattle breeder breeds the cattle, which time from time to time the crops on neighboring lands. There is an external effect. However, as R. Couze shows, this problem can be symbolless without the participation of the state. If the cattle breeder is responsible for the damage, two options are possible: "Either the cattle breeder pays the farmer for the rawness of the Earth, or he will decide to rent the land himself, paying the farmer for the rapidness of the earth a little more than the farmer himself pays (if the farmer leases the farm himself), but the final result It will also mean maximizing the value of production. "

If there is no responsibility for damage, resource accommodation is the same as before. The difference is only that the payments will now exercise a farmer. However, "the final result (which maximizes the value of production) does not depend on the legal position, if it is assumed that the price system works without costs." With zero transaction costs and at the farmer, and the cattle desires will have economic incentives to increase the value of production, as each of them will receive its share in income growth. However, when taking into account transaction costs, the desired result may not be achieved. The fact is that the high cost of obtaining the necessary information, negotiation and court cases may exceed the possible benefits from the conclusion of the transaction. In addition, when assessing the damage, significant differences in consumer preferences are not excluded (for example, one estimates the same damage much more than another). To take into account these differences in the wording of the Cone theorem later, a reservation was introduced relative to the income effect.

Experimental studies have shown that the Cause theorem is faithful to a limited number of transaction participants (two-three). With an increase in the number of participants, transaction costs and the prerequisite of their zero value ceases to be correct.

It is curious to note that the Cone theorem proves the value of the transaction costs "from the opposite". In real reality, they play a huge role and surprisingly that the neoclassical economic theory until recently did not notice them at all.

3.2 The value of the Cone theorem

So, from the Couce Theorem, several important conclusions follow:

First, the external effects are not unilateral, but a double-edged character. The factory smoke damages nearby farms - this is obvious, since the industrialist imposes additional costs to farmers without their consent. He is beneficial by causing damage to others, without having rights to it. But, on the other hand, the prohibition of emissions turns into damages for the owner of the factory, and therefore - for the consumer of products. Therefore, from an economic point of view, it should be not about "who is to blame", but on how to minimize the amount of cumulative damage.

Secondly, the Cone Theorem reveals the economic meaning of property rights. The sharp distribution among business entities leads to the fact that all the results of the activities of every subject concern only it, as a result of which any external effects turn into internal. Therefore, the main function of property rights is to give incentives for greater interqualization of externals. A clear distribution of property rights leads to minimizing external effects.

Thirdly, the Cone Theorem was removed from the market for his "failures". According to R. Couza, transaction costs have key importance for successful market work. If they are small, and the property rights are clearly distributed, the market itself is able to eliminate external effects: interested parties will be able to independently come to the most rational decision. At the same time, it will not matter who just possesses the right of ownership, say, farmers on clean air or the owner of the factory for its pollution. A participant who can extract great benefits from possession, simply will buy it to the one for whom it is less value. For the market, it is not important that exactly who owns this resource, but that at least someone owned them. Then the opportunity appears for market operations with this resource. The fact of the availability of property rights and clearly distinguished them is more important than the issue of entalling them, not another participant.

Divorce and privatization of property.

The privatization of property is, in the strict narrow sense of the word, the transfer of the management of the property from top to bottom - from the state to the team. However, the concept of denationalization is also used in a broad sense as any transformation of property with a decrease in the participation of the state.
Privatization of property is the transfer (sale) of the ownership itself from top to bottom, i.e. from the state to a separate individual. Divorce and privatization occur continuously, but at the same time. Other processes are also taking place with them - population and nationalization of property. The development of these two opposite steam processes is the desire to maximize economic efficiency.

Forms in which the law provided for the implementation of denationalization and privatization in the Russian economy:

· Transformation of the state enterprise to rental;

· Transformation of the state enterprise into collective;

· Transformation of a state-owned enterprise to a joint stock company, a limited liability partnership and other types of partnerships;

· Acquisition of civil or legal entities owned by the state shares, shares or feuds in a joint-stock company or partnership;

· Buying an enterprise courted;

· Sale of an enterprise at the competition or at auction;

· Add to gratuitous transfer of property of the enterprise by the workforce.

Privatization of state ownership in Russia was carried out in several stages<<.

1. The stage of pre-or spontaneous privatization, which carried out mainly through the lease mechanism, the creation of cooperatives and the allocation of small enterprises and leading mainly to the informal control of "new owners" over a significant part of state ownership.

2. The stage of internal or checking privatization, which began in June 1992 after the adoption of the relevant program, and lasted until mid-1994.
At this stage, the problem of the formal consolidation of the results of the previous spontaneous section of the state ownership and the creation of a new class of private owners, which fundamentally distinguished Russian privatization from Western, which is a reaction to changes in the technological base of economic systems.

3. Stage "Monetary" privatization from 1994 to 1997, which carried out mainly in the form of mortgage auctions, the essence of which was that banks provided a loan to the state on the security of property (property, share packages), receiving it in the so-called assistant management .

4. "Spot" privatization from the end of 1997, carried out in the privatization mode of individual enterprises with an emphasis on transparency and competitiveness.

24. Production activities of the company: common, medium and limiting product. The law of decreasing limiting performance.

The production function is a function that reflects the relationship between the maximum volume of the product produced and the physical volume of production factors at a given level of technical knowledge.

Since the production volume depends on the amount of resources used, the relationship between them can be expressed as the next record:

Q. = f. (L, K, M),

Where Q -maximum volume of products produced under this technology and certain production factors;

To - capital;

M - materials;

f -function.

The production function with this technology has properties that determine the ratio between production volume and the number of factors used. For different types of production, production functions are different, however, they all have common properties. You can select two of them:

There is a limit for the growth of the output, which can be achieved by an increase in the costs of one resource with other things being equal. For example, in a taxiing park, the volume of traffic will not increase due to an increase in the number of workers (drivers), since the number of machines remained at the same level and the number of routes remains at the same level.

There is a certain mutual complementarity of production factors, as well as interchangeability of production factors. For example, it is possible to increase the amount of labor costs and reduce the amount of capital - (so do in Chinese factories - where very cheap labor) - and the volume of production will not decrease. And you can purchase new modern automatic equipment (therefore - to increase the amount of capital), which automates the work process, therefore reduce the amount of work used - because there will be fewer working hands - and the production volume will not decrease again. The main thing in this difficult business is not to go beyond which business tolerates the collapse.

The following indicators are used to analyze the activities of the company in the short term:

  • General, medium and limit product;

  • common, medium, limit, constant and variable costs;

  • Cumulative, medium and marginal income.

Total Product (TP - Total Product) - The term used in microeconomics for analyzing costs and income of the firm. In essence, equal to the total volume of the company's release.

From the general product, another two important characteristics of the enterprise - the average product and the limit product are derived.

The total product, designed for a unit of an alternating factor, is used in production - this is the average product (AR - AVERAGE PRODUCT). The average product measures the performance of the variable factor. If a variable factor is the workforce, then the value of the average product is labor productivity.

Changing the total product as a result of a change in the unit of the variable factor used in production expresses farm product (MRRGINAL PRODUCT). The limit product measures the performance of the additive unit of the variable factor. If the variable factor acts the workforce, then the performance of the additional factor is called limit productivity. The limit product expresses a change in the common product through infinitely small increments of the variable factor.

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