Internal inventory of documents in accounting. Internal inventory of case documents

In office work, an inventory of documents, a sample of which can be found below, is used in cases where it is necessary to draw up full list for one set or another. Its preparation always makes sense, since it is the main confirmation of the transfer of documents to the addressee in a certain quantity.

- for transfer to another organization

- for archiving

- for papers with permanent term storage

for transfer within one company

It is always drawn up in cases where a document is moved both outside the company and within it. In this case, the term should be understood not only as a list of a certain number of papers, but also as one document. It is important to understand that, in essence, any movement involves drawing up an inventory that performs several functions at once:

  1. First of all, this is the main document that confirms the fact of sending and transmitting 1 or several documents from a specific sender to a specific addressee.
  2. Allows you to quickly track current document flow and detect the movement of a particular paper.
  3. Finally, thanks to it it is possible to draw conclusions about internal logistics - i.e. how exactly the document flow goes, in what directions, on what days, and to what points. Thanks to this, it is possible to optimize delivery processes within the company, which will save a significant amount of resources.

Inventory of documents sample 2019

Compilation is at the discretion of the company. It is usually developed in accounting policy company, and its sample is approved for all cases of transfer of documents.

A standard form template includes the following sections:

  1. Addressee's name – i.e. company, representative government agency or a private person to whose address a set of documents is transferred.
  2. The name of the organization that transfers the documents.
  3. Date of compilation.
  4. A table with the inventory itself, which indicates:
  • serial number;
  • full title of the document;
  • number of copies;
  • number of sheets.
  1. Next, a line is usually written about how many sheets of documents were transferred.
  2. This is followed by the signature of the person responsible for the transfer, as well as a note on acceptance of the documents indicating the full name, position of the accepting employee and the date of acceptance.

If necessary, you can also additionally write in what form the documents are being transferred - original or copy (certified or not certified).

A document is being drawn up in 2 copies– one remains with the sender, and the other is transferred to the addressee. If necessary, you can make 1 more copy, which will be transferred to safekeeping administration, accounting and other interested employees.

PLEASE NOTE. The number of sheets in the table is indicated immediately for all copies of documents - i.e. common to each document. All lines that are left empty in the table are crossed out with a pen.

Compilation option in specialized program shown in video:

Main varieties

IN different companies exist own forms And approved samples inventories of documents that are compiled according to uniform rules. Depending on the purpose of documents, several groups are distinguished:

  1. Internal – for transferring a set of papers within one enterprise, department, branch or between different branches, structural divisions large company.
  2. Inventory for transfer of documents to third parties - these templates can be developed with other considerations, depending on what additional information should be provided to counterparties, representatives of the tax service and other government departments.

The most extensive classification is related to what documents are described for transfer to another company or for internal use. For example:

  1. Inventory of the certification case.
  2. Inventory of primary accounting documents.
  3. Personal files of employees and many others.

How to compose correctly

A case inventory is one of the most common types. They make it up according to certain rules. The following points are indicated:

  1. Document serial number - this means that in a personal file or other folder that groups files, each document is always numbered with a unique digital or alphanumeric combination.
  2. Index – in some cases, the document is also assigned its own unique index. This is especially true when one case contains a very large number of papers, therefore, along with the number, a letter combination is written down, which allows you to quickly find it in general list. If there is no index, the mark “without index” or “b/n” is put.
  3. Date – here we do not mean the date the document was drawn up, but the date of its registration. Sometimes these indicators do not match, so they should be checked in advance to avoid discrepancies later.
  4. The title of the document is always drawn up in such a way that by its name one can easily determine not only the essence, but also its affiliation. certain category affairs or section of office work.
  5. Sheet numbers are usually placed at the top and in the center, but are always at the discretion of the organization. For convenience, the company's accounting policy always accepts original solution, according to which all documents, including their pages, are drawn up.
  6. Notes - an optional, but quite common section in use, where responsible person can add his comments regarding the movement of documentation or case folders. For example, the file was archived or the document was seized for transfer to a counterparty (or, conversely, returned), etc.
  7. The final mark is a record that reflects total quantity documents, pages, copies, types (originals, certified and uncertified copies). Provided for convenience so that necessary papers could be found immediately.

If documents have lost their relevance, and their storage period in the official document flow has expired, they are handed over to the archive. In this case, a transfer inventory is always drawn up, even if the document is submitted in the amount of 1 unit.

In a sample of such an inventory of documents, the basic form of a tabular presentation of information is preserved. However, it is introduced additional column“Extreme dates”, which refers to the deadlines for the expiration of the document storage period. Typically, these dates are determined in accordance with regulatory documents(For example, route sheets minimum shelf life of 5 years).

Inventory of permanent storage files

Among archival documents large group constitute those papers that are supposed to be stored permanently. When compiling inventories of such documents, several features need to be taken into account.

An inventory is a list of documentation that is collected in common cause, or a list of cases that are combined common feature(inventory of cases with statements, list of cases according to personnel etc.). This type of inventory is usually completed when files are sent for storage to the archives.

What is an employee's personal file?

A personal file is a collection of all documentation relating to a certain person. As a rule, these papers are stapled into a separate file or collected in a folder. The list of papers included in it is not regulated (with the exception of government agencies), therefore the company has the right to independently determine and install it. Also, the list of documents depends on the specifics of the work or category of the employee.

The personal file consists of following papers, originals or copies:

  • copies of basic documents (passport, TIN, SNILS, diploma, etc.);
  • documents with the help of which admission to a position is formalized (application for admission, copies of orders for personnel, employment contract etc.);
  • documents generated during labor activity(orders on punishment, encouragement, advanced training, etc.);
  • other papers (medical examinations, certificates giving the right to benefits, etc.)
  • documents used to formalize the termination labor relations(application, copy of order, internal investigation etc.).

Important! The work book cannot be kept together with other personal papers, since the rules and place of its storage are determined at the legislative level.

Is an internal inventory of a personal file required?

Legislative acts and regulations do not mention the obligation to maintain an inventory of documents included in personal files.

It is mentioned only in the Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations. In this part (document preparation), they are binding only for government organizations, for all other employers these are only recommendations.

Therefore, enterprises independently decide whether to keep an inventory of documents. This is enshrined in accounting policies or other local regulations.

Maintaining an inventory for each personal item allows you to control the composition of the documentation contained in them and protect it from unauthorized removal. You can begin to create an inventory when filling out your personal file, or you can draw it up immediately before sending the papers to the archive.

Internal inventory of personal files and inventory of personal files of employees: differences

In addition to the inventory of documentation contained in a personal file, in office work you can also come across the concept of an inventory of personal files.

If the first type contains a list of papers that are inside one personal file, then the second is a list of the files themselves.

For example, there may be an inventory of employees’ personal files economic department or an inventory of personal files submitted to archival storage in 2017.

The list of personal papers is located directly in the file. The list of personal files is filed separately, it is kept by the employee who is responsible for these files, or they are received by him for safekeeping.

Inventory of documents in the employee’s personal file: form

Since legislative acts do not oblige employers to maintain a document such as an inventory in a personal file; the form can be developed by them independently. Or you can use the form, which is located in Appendix 10 to the Rules for the Operation of Archives.

The following information is recorded in it:

  • Number in order;
  • The index of the document, it can be taken from the list of cases. This props not required for papers ordinary organizations, therefore, in a independently developed sample, this column may be absent;
  • The date of the document indicates the date when it entered the personal file;
  • Document title;
  • Sheet numbers. This indicates which sheet a particular paper in the file occupies. For example, a copy of a diploma - sheet 1, a copy of a passport - sheets 2-4, a copy of the order to terminate the contract - sheet 5, etc.
  • Note. In this column, notes are made about the features of the document (the medical examination period expires in 2018) or about its movements (the T-2 personal card was seized for verification).
  • At the end, the total number of papers (by their names) and how many sheets are in the file are indicated.

The completed inventory is certified by the signature of the employee who compiled it, in in some cases, management approval stamp is also affixed.

Inventory of personal file documents sample

You can download the form approved by the decision of the Board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002 below.

Inventory of cases by personnel: sample filling

Like the inventory of documents in the employee’s personal file, a sample inventory for personal files is present in the Rules for the Operation of Archives (Appendix 3) (you can download the approved sample below). Or you can create this document yourself.

  • the name of the organization that submits documents to the archive;
  • manager's approval stamp;
  • serial number;
  • case index;
  • name of the case;
  • date of the document. The date when the case was opened and the date of its completion are indicated;
  • number of sheets in each case. For example, the personal file of Nikitenkov A.N. – 25 sheets; personal file of Alexandrova V.V. – 31 sheets;
  • note. This is where the specifics of the case come into play. For example, sheet 5 is missing, sheet numbering is doubled, etc.;
  • at the end indicate the number of cases included in the inventory, the first and last number listed in the document. They also enter information about missing sheets and broken numbering.

Helps the employee to keep records correctly and to easily and quickly find necessary documents among others if necessary. The inventory allows you to provide information about documentation for review without the need to review the documentary units themselves each time.

The internal inventory is filled out and the information is up to date by the same employee who is responsible for or maintaining the personal files of the organization’s employees.

The inventory form is created at the same moment when the employee’s personal file is submitted for registration.

This form must be attached to your personal file. The inventory is filled in with information about documents gradually, as the specified papers are received in the employee’s personal file. The page numbering of the form differs from the page numbering of the sheets of the employee’s individual file. Usually, documents whose shelf life exceeds ten years or documents of special value are taken into account.

What papers are included in a personal file?

The employee's personal file includes everything personnel documents, which are required for hiring and in the process of working in the organization. This list includes:

  • A job application written by an employee.
  • or agreement.
  • Instructions that the employee is familiar with and follows. For example, job descriptions and safety instructions during work.
  • Card with personal information of the employee.
  • Copies of employee education documents, including diplomas, certificates, certificates of completion of advanced training courses or additional courses, and so on.
  • Autobiography.
  • and recommendations from your previous place or places of work.

How is the internal inventory completed?

Inventory format – information table. When compiling it, be sure to fill in all the cells of the table:

  • The first column of the table is the serial number of the subitem.
  • Then the document index is specified.
  • Date of inclusion of the documentary item in the personal file.
  • The title of the document is legible and clear. If necessary, this section can briefly indicate the contents of the document.
  • Volume of the document in pages.
  • Document number in the personal file sheet numbering system. Please note that the personal file must maintain continuous numbering.
  • Notes – marks and comments that do not apply to other sections of the table. Among other things, in this section you can note the fact that the described document was issued to the employee, if a special column is not provided for this.

Depending on the system personnel records in an organization, additional data may be indicated in the internal inventory. For example, the date of issue of the document, full name owner, date of return of the document, signatures of the employee who included the document in the personal file, and the owner of the document. The form is signed personnel employee, which filled it.

To record all the papers filed in the case, an internal inventory of the case documents is filled out. This form is needed for proper accounting and archiving. The form is filled out in accordance with the recommendations of the Federal Archive. Compliance with them is mandatory for municipal institutions, private companies are also advised to adhere to them. At the end of the article you can download a sample internal inventory.

Internal inventory is a list indicating the main details of the forms included in the folder, or the employee’s personal file. This form is used by the human resources department of the organization.

What does a sample document look like? First write the title. Next, enter information about the employee, information about which will be stored in the personal file. They also indicate the name of the company with which the employment contract was concluded.

The table itself shows following information:

  1. Serial number of the document.
  2. Registration index.
  3. Date of compilation.
  4. Title.
  5. Case sheet numbers.
  6. Additional notes (for example, the condition of the document, in case of withdrawal or return - reasons, other notes).

Under the summary, enter the number of individual items in the case. For example, if the entire folder consists of one multi-page document, in the “Total” line it will be indicated: 1 document. At the bottom of the form is the signature of the employee who filled it out, always with a transcript.

Rules for registering

The number of sheets of internal inventory of personal file documents is not strictly regulated and depends on the volume. For a small folder, a one-page form may be sufficient. If the inventory includes several sheets, they should be numbered.

Basically, the form is prepared in one copy and put into the case.

Important! If an employee asks for a copy of the internal list of documents, the employer has no right to refuse him.

  • no errors or corrections;
  • entering only reliable and accurate information;
  • storage together with a personal file (can either be attached to back side first cover, or just put it in a folder).

For the form, you can use either a simple A4 sheet or the organization’s letterhead. It is allowed to fill it out by hand. However, in most cases it is more convenient to use a computer.

Where can I get the form to fill out?

Single sample There is no internal inventory of case documents that is mandatory for use in all organizations. If there are few employees, some companies create a form for each new case. However, when large quantities This option is unlikely to suit employees. Preferably create corporate sample and approve it in the company's accounting policies.

Let us remind you what information must be contained in the form:

  • name of the organization;
  • details of the employee for whom the personal file is registered: his full name and position;
  • a list of attached papers, made in the form of a table;
  • the number of individual items included in the personal file.

It is worth noting that the list of papers in your personal file is constantly changing. Some documents are added to the folder, others are removed. All such adjustments should be reflected in a timely manner in the inventory and the day on which these changes occurred should be indicated. When a document is withdrawn, the reasons and persons who requested it are also entered.

Basically, the inventory of an employee’s personal file includes work books, contracts, certificates of education received or courses completed. An application with a request to be hired, a personal card, an autobiography and characteristics are also included there. It is also worth including copies of orders regarding the employee, incentives, information about scientific achievements, job description and information related to occupational health and safety issues.

Who is responsible for maintaining personal records?

The main requirement for an employee who will be involved in drawing up an internal inventory is knowledge of the procedure for filling it out. Depending on the size of the enterprise, these responsibilities may be assigned to:

  • HR specialist;
  • the head of the organization;
  • secretary.

Most often on large enterprises drawing up an internal inventory is entrusted to personnel officers. Conducting business is a commitment HR department, therefore the addition to it is entrusted to them.

It is worth noting that these workers are responsible for storing the papers indicated in the inventory. IN judicial practice there are cases of appeals to the court in connection with the loss of provided personnel service documents.

What cases require an inventory?

In fact, the HR department is not required to create an inventory of all cases. This document is similar in content to the table of contents of a book. It consists of:

IN labor practice the employee is dismissed. In such a situation, handing over personal files to him is not allowed. The folder is transferred to the archive for storage. If there are empty lines in the inventory, they are crossed out. With dismissal, the maintenance of a personal file ceases, which means there is no point in making notes in the internal inventory.

Are you preparing documents for transfer to the archive? Find out how to correctly draw up an internal inventory of case documents, where to get standard form and what filling samples to use.

From the article you will learn:

Purpose of an internal inventory of case documents

According to current legislation, the term “case” in office work is understood as a set of documentation affecting one issue or relating to one area of ​​activity (GOST R 51141 - 98). The procedure for creating a case includes grouping and systematization of completed documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases.

The final stage of forming a case is the preparation of an internal inventory of documents, which represents accounting document, containing a complete list of official papers included in the case, indicating serial numbers, identifiers, headings and dates, as well as numbering of case sheets. It is needed in order to classify and index documentation and provide it with numbering.

According to clause 3.6.17 of the Basic Rules for the Operation of Archives of Organizations (developed by VNIIDAD, approved by the Board of Rosarkhiv on 02/06/2002), an internal inventory is necessary:

to record documentation of permanent and temporary storage (more than 10 years), if it is stored due to its special value (personal, investigative, court files);

to record cases of permanent and temporary storage, which were formed on the principle of combining official papers of the same type, but their headings do not reveal their contents;

Such a list is necessary to enable interested parties(for example, when transferring papers for archival storage), compare the contents of the list and actual availability documentation, check its safety and correctness of execution.

The internal inventory is compiled in accordance with the standard form on separate sheet paper. The form is given in Appendix No. 10 to the above Rules and is used by those organizations that follow the office work standards established by Rosarkhiv.

Internal inventory of case documents: standard form

When compiling an internal inventory of case documents, it is necessary to use the form developed by VNIIDAD as a sample. This template includes the following information:

Sequence number (record number);

Index ( unique identifier object);

Title ( summary official paper);

Sheet numbers (which sheets of the case file this documentation occupies).

Besides, standard form allows the clerk to add notes to the list for each item of the case (for example, if a copy is filed in the folder, not the original). If necessary, the clerk can add fields to standard form, however, the above columns cannot be removed.

For registration you will need a regular white A4 sheet. Letterheads, as a rule, are not used, and that's all necessary information indicated directly on the title page.

A final entry must be made for the internal inventory. It indicates how many sheets of documentation are included in the file and how many sheets the list itself occupies.

Sample internal inventory of personal file documents

Internal inventory of documents a personal file is essentially an insert in a folder with an employee’s dossier. It provides a list of all documentation collected for the employee in individually. This list, like a personal file, is filled out continuously throughout the entire period of employment of this employee.

For all papers included in the folder, indicate the date and number, title, and sheet number. A note is also required indicating whether the dossier is an original or a copy. This list is certified by the signature of the compiler. IN mandatory indicate the date of compilation.

If an employee is dismissed, his personal file is sent to the archive for storage. A resignation letter (or any other document indicating the reason for dismissal) is filed in the folder, as well as corresponding order leader.

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