What are the benefits for the third child? The death of a soldier

For most Russians housing problem remains the most difficult and pressing. Many are trying to resolve a situation with insufficient for normal and comfortable stay number of meters different ways. Often you have to resort to mortgage lending. But not everyone can afford to purchase housing at their own expense. borrowed money. In some cases, government assistance is necessary. And here a logical question arises: how many square meters of living space is assigned to each person?

What is this indicator and how to calculate it

Such standards are determined Housing Code RF. Using them, you can calculate the area of ​​housing suitable for living. The norms are divided into types:

  1. Provision rate. It is used in the case of transfer of housing under a social tenancy agreement, including from the municipality’s maneuver fund, in certain cases(in the absence of housing in case natural disaster, if it is impossible to pay off mortgage debts, etc.).
  2. Accounting norm. It matters when square meters are calculated to improve living conditions.
  3. Social norm. This value is used when allocating subsidies for housing, as well as subsidizing fees for housing and communal services.

Is there some more sanitary standard for 1 person, the minimum size of which is 6 square meters. This norm was introduced to allocate space in the hostel, as well as housing from the flexible fund.

The values ​​of each of them are established by the territorial authorities. Next, let's look at how much space a family is entitled to in one case or another.

Mainly by region, the housing standard for 1 person is 18 square meters. m.

What is a social norm and how to calculate it?

The amount of living space that is acceptable for the normal living of a citizen and his family is the social norm for housing. It is accepted as a guideline when allocating housing and subsidizing fees for housing and communal services.

This type of housing standard depends on the following indicators:

  • number of people in the family;
  • level of housing provision in the region;
  • type of premises where the family lives.

Classical calculated values social norm the following are considered to be:

  • for a person living alone – 33 sq.m.;
  • family of two people – 42 sq.m.;
  • a family with three or more people – 18 sq.m. to each.

If the premises do not meet these standards, the family can collect Required documents and apply to get on the waiting list for improved living conditions.

Low-income families, when utility bills are most in family expenses, they can submit documents for. They will be provided with compensation for only part of the living space within the social norm.

Accounting norm and norm for providing living space

The concepts of these terms are given in Article 50 of the Russian Housing Code.

Provision norm the smallest number is considered residential meters to calculate the total area of ​​the premises that will be provided to the family under a social tenancy agreement.

Most regions take as a basis 18 sq. m. area, they are used as the provision norm. This size is minimal and can be increased in some cases:

  • a room or an apartment with one room is provided;
  • housing is transferred to a person with chronic serious illnesses.

The standards are also increasing for employees of internal affairs bodies with the rank of at least colonel, as well as for persons with scientific degree. However, the increased rate cannot ultimately amount to more than two established values.

Accounting norm This is considered to be the minimum living space that is accepted to recognize a family as needing improved housing conditions. Citizens whose premises are less than this value have the right to take the appropriate queue. This applies only to those citizens or families who are recognized as low-income.

It should be clarified that the calculation of need includes all persons who are registered in the premises permanently and temporarily. But it is impossible to register an unlimited number of people in one living space for the purpose of recognizing a family in need of improved living conditions. This won't be allowed authorized bodies. Most often, a lack of square meters occurs with the appearance of children in the family, who by law must be registered with the mother.

The authorities of each region independently determine the accounting standard for living space, but it cannot be lower than the provision standards.

Housing standards are applicable when providing housing to a number of categories of citizens who are vulnerable and in need of state assistance.

1. Orphans and children without parental care. This category of living space is entitled to:

  • upon completion of stay in specialized institutions, as well as upon completion of the period of stay under guardianship or in foster families;
  • after completing conscription service;
  • upon expiration of the period of stay in places of deprivation of liberty.

The size of the transferred housing under a social tenancy agreement is subject to regional standards, but may be higher than them. The contract is concluded for five years, and then transferred to personal use. Orphans are necessarily allocated separate housing, which is a comfortable apartment or house.

2. Displaced people from housing recognized as dilapidated and unsafe. Most often, such residents are relocated to municipal flexible housing, dormitories. Here the established standards must be observed. Although the new area may be smaller from which the resettlement takes place. In the case of privatization of emergency housing, the same number of meters that were owned is offered in return.

3. Relocation from houses subject to demolition. The seizure of such apartments is subject to the following conditions:

  • new housing is provided upon concluding a social rental agreement;
  • the new premises must be well-equipped and in the same settlement;
  • the area of ​​the new housing is comparable or larger than the old housing.

Moreover, if the premises from which the eviction takes place is less than established standards, the family can apply for improved living conditions.

4. For military personnel. This category citizens have the right to receive housing from the state. Apply here established standards depending on the composition of the family. Each family member should have 18 square meters. m of living space, and for a single serviceman the room should be 18-25 square meters. Standards have been established for this category regional authorities authorities.

Living space standards in Moscow, Moscow region and St. Petersburg

Each region sets its own housing standards regulations. For example, in Moscow Law No. 29 “On ensuring the right of residents of the city of Moscow to residential premises” is in force, which establishes:

  • accounting rate in the amount of 10 sq.m. per person for individual apartments and 15 sq.m. for apartments that are provided by court decision different families.
  • provision rate housing area per person equal to 18 square meters. meters.

Based on housing standards, apartments are provided with an area of ​​no more than:

  • 44 sq.m. — one-room, for families of two married people;
  • 54 sq.m. — two-room apartment, for two residents who are not spouses;
  • 62 sq.m. — two-room, family of three, two of whom are married;
  • 74 sq.m. - three-room apartment, for three unmarried residents.

Each family member of four or more – 18 sq.m. per person. The resulting area of ​​the apartment cannot exceed 9 sq.m.

Families of Muscovites with disabled people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system are provided with housing in buildings constructed in compliance with the standards of the rehabilitation program.

Law No. 407-65 “On the procedure for keeping records of citizens as those in need of residential premises...”, valid in the territory St. Petersburg with regard to living space standards, it prescribes them in less detail.

Provision rate:

  • a single person is entitled to 33 sq.m.;
  • for families where there are two or more people - 18 sq.m.

Registration standard for housing area in St. Petersburg:

  • residents of individual apartments – 9 sq. m. total area;
  • residents communal apartments– 15 sq.m. total area.

The above standards are used when providing separate apartments and rooms in communal apartments.

If the accommodation is in a dormitory, then the standard is at least 6 sq.m. per person, with a ceiling height of at least 2.1 meters.

Table of accounting norms and norms for the provision of housing by regions of Russia

Let us list what housing standards are square meters per 1 person, will operate in the regions in 2019.

Region Minimum number of sq.m. for one person
Accounting norm sq.m. per person Norm for provision of sq.m. per person
Moscow and Moscow region 10 18
Leningrad region (St. Petersburg) 9 sq.m. (V separate apartments and houses);
15 sq.m (in communal apartments).
Perm region 12 15
Yaroslavl region 12 17
Omsk region 15 18
Ekaterinburg 10 16
Rostov region 6-10 18
Krasnodar 10 18
Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region 10 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
12 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Volgograd 11 12-18
Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol 12 15 sq. m for each family member;
18 sq. m - living alone.
Kurgan region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 13 15
Novosibirsk 12 15
Saratov 10 sq.m. Family from:
  • 3 or more people - 16 sq. m.
  • 2 people married - 32 sq. m.
  • 2 people connected family relations- 44 sq. m.

Living alone - 30 sq. m.

Samara 11 sq. m. (in separate apartments and houses);
13 sq.m. (in communal apartments).
Family of 2 or more people. - 14 sq. m.
Living alone - 26 sq. m.
Ufa (Republic of Bashkortostan) 12 14

As can be seen from the above data, the minimum indicators housing standards the provision is almost the same in the regions of Russia. It should be borne in mind that this is the lowest limit of indicators, which may increase depending on the circumstances. But less than its norms cannot be applied.

To parents as social support besides one-time benefits are paid different kinds monthly federal and regional compensation depending on the needs of each family. In 2018 citizens with children are paid the following kinds monthly benefits at the expense of funds federal budget:

Compensation payment up to 3 years

Child benefits after 3 years

The procedure for assigning and paying, as well as the amount and indexation of child benefits based on need, is established by regional legislation for each subject of the Russian Federation on the basis federal law No. 81 dated May 19, 1995

To obtain it, you must apply in person to the district social protection department (OSZN) at the place of registration of one of the parents or to Multifunctional Center(MFC), or by filling out electronic form applications and uploading scanned documents on the government services portal.

The period for transferring this payment was changed from January 1, 2016 on the basis of Art. 4 of Federal Law No. 388 of December 29, 2015, now the benefit must be paid at least once a quarter. Specifically for each subject of the Russian Federation, it is established separately by regional laws.

After receiving a complete set of documents, the social security authorities in within 10 days make a decision on the appointment or refusal of payment. Recipients are required to promptly notify OSZN employees of reasons that may affect the right to receive benefits or the amount paid. When it changes total income families, spouses must notify a specialist district department social security for 3 months.

Organs social protection the population can selectively check the documents received for accuracy. Upon detection, it is known false information previously provided by the applicant, an overpayment protocol is drawn up. The overpaid amount is withheld:

  1. In the amount of 20% of the amount due to the recipient of each subsequent payment.
  2. If he is not entitled to continue receiving benefits, then he must return this overpayment in cash through the bank.
  3. If there is a refusal to reimburse the over-received amount, the debt is collected through the court.

Child benefit under 16 years of age

The period for receiving child benefit is established by regional legislation; it is generally paid until the child reaches the age of 16 years. In this case, it is necessary to confirm the right to receive data annually Money, providing an updated package of documents.

In the normal case, the benefit is paid low-income families having average per capita income families below living wage, calculated for each region for previous quarter. The amount and indexation of this compensation is established separately for a specific constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The payment is made by the social security service at the applicant’s place of residence. Which can be issued by one of the parents (or adoptive parent, guardian) for each child until he reaches the age of 16 (if the child is in school, then the benefit is assigned until graduation, but no more than until adulthood).

Basic conditions to pay benefits:

  • the child lives with one of the parents (adoptive parent or guardian);
  • the family has an average per capita income below the regional subsistence level.

In order to receive this type of benefit, you must collect the following: documentation:

  • application for payment of benefits, in which you need to indicate the account number for transfers;
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate (in case of establishing paternity - a copy of the certificate of paternity establishment);
  • certificate of residence cohabitation with baby;
  • a certificate from the parents’ place of work about income for the last 3 (6) months (depending on the region);
  • if the parents (or one of them) are unemployed, you need a certificate from the employment center and a copy of the work record;
  • if the parents (or one of them) have never worked, you must attach a copy of your diploma or military ID (for men) and write a statement stating that no other labor activity they don't implement.
  • copies of parents' passports;
  • a copy of the marriage (or divorce) certificate;
  • for children of a single mother, a certificate from the registry office, form 25, if the full name on the birth certificate is father are indicated from her words.

Payments for a child under 18 years of age

This manual is a continuation of the previous one, if minor child studying at school. The main condition for receiving payment is the following: amount monthly income families below the subsistence level.

A monthly child benefit up to 18 years of age is assigned to one of the parents in the social protection department (OSZN). The benefit is regional and varies in size depending on different subjects RF. To receive benefits, you need to collect the same package of documents as for payment up to 16 years, additionally including certificate of study of this child At school. The benefit will be paid for the month of his or her 18th birthday, inclusive. annual confirmation eligibility by updating the required documents. When a child moves to the next grade, you must provide new certificate, which must indicate the number of the order to transfer the student to the specified class.

If the student graduated from school before coming of age, and the information giving the right to receive payment was updated in a timely manner, then the benefit will be paid until last month school year inclusive.

If the documents have not been updated for a long time, then one of the parents can apply for benefits after the expiration permissible period payments within six months. After making a decision on payment, the OSZN will pay the due amount, no more than 6 months.

Benefit for a child of a military personnel

Women for a child whose father is a military serviceman passing through conscript service In the army, an additional special monthly child allowance is provided for the child of a serviceman. They are also entitled to all other types of child benefits, depending on need.
The benefit is paid from the day the child is born, but not earlier than the day the child begins military service at the request of the child's father. Payment stops:

  • when the child reaches three years of age;
  • or upon completion of military service.

Benefit amount from February 2018 amounts to RUB 11,374.18.for each child of a military personnel under the age of 3 years. The benefit is paid by social protection authorities (OSZN). The decision to grant benefits is made within 10 days from the date of provision of a complete set of documents. And it is paid to the recipient no later than the 26th of the next month.

Documents that must be provided to receive this type of benefit:

  • application for benefits;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the military unit confirming that the father completed military service upon conscription (indicating the period of service);
  • marriage or paternity certificate;
  • a copy of the child's mother's passport.

At the end of your service, you must provide the OSZN with a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office.

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At the birth of a third child, the family can receive status if this is provided for by regional legislation. In some regions, a family with 3 children is not considered to have many children (Ingushetia, Dagestan).

The parents of the child have the right to count on state aid, if the status is confirmed. Monthly payments are set at regional level and depend on the level of parents’ wages, their real income, as well as local subsidies.

List of entities that should be included in the program for co-financing payments for local level, is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation - on the basis of Decree of the President of Russia dated May 7, 2012 No. 606.

Types of benefits

For the third child you can receive the following payments:

  • parents who care for a child under 1.5 years old - and;
  • with a child under 3 years old;
  • regional with a child under 3 years old;

The family has the right to count on several benefits if they can collect documents and submit them to the social security authorities in the area of ​​registration.

  • The minimum amount of benefits due each month for the 3rd child is 6,137 rubles.
  • Maximum size payments amount to 23,089 rubles.

Since the beginning of 2016, benefits for the third child are also provided upon adoption of a child. Until this time, parents of children born after December 31, 2012 could receive payments. Since 2013, benefits have been paid in 69 regions of the Russian Federation with low level fertility. Since 2016 in some regions, e.g. Kaliningrad region, allowance for a third child, due to difficult financial situation, cancelled.

Conditions of registration

The list of conditions that are necessary to receive benefits is determined at the regional level. To receive payments for the 3rd or next child applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Both parents have registration in the region, which is included in the list of subjects of the Russian Federation with low birth rates. This list subject to change periodically. Total regions requesting support from federal center for payments to large families, there remains still 69.
  2. The mother and baby must have Russian citizenship. The father may not have it, but if he is raising children alone, then he has no right to receive benefits without a Russian passport.
  3. The child must be born after December 31, 2012 in a region indicated in the list of subjects of the Russian Federation with a low birth rate. If the region was included in the program later, other regions may be installed. initial dates birth of a baby. Payments are also received by families who adopted a child after December 31, 2015.
  4. The average family income per person should not be higher than the subsistence level minimum amount, defined in the region or on federal level(in the absence of a regional indicator). Specialists must determine the family's need for government support.

Benefits from regional money, with co-financing from the federal center, are assigned to a child until he reaches 3 years of age. summer age. The amount of the benefit depends on the minimum subsistence amount per child, which is calculated in each region. The amount of the benefit must be equal to the minimum subsistence level.

Required documents

To receive benefits, the applicant must contact the social security authority at his place of residence. You need to write an application and prepare the following documents:

  1. Parents' passports.
  2. A certificate of family composition, which is issued by the department for work with the population in local administration and is provided on the basis of an extract from apartment card or house book.
  3. Child's birth certificate and/or child's adoption document.
  4. A certificate of family income for three months - this takes into account the income of not only the spouses, but also other family members with whom the spouses live together and run a joint household. Income taken into account: wage, pensions, other benefits, income from the use of property.
  5. Account or card number to which payments will be credited.

Regional authorities have the right to request additional documents– title documents for real estate, conclusions from guardianship authorities – if the child is being raised by a guardian and his level of income is insufficient to provide the minor with the necessary financial support.

The benefit is issued for a year. Every year, parents must confirm their status as a low-income and needy family in order to extend payments. They will be canceled if social security authorities determine that the family’s income is more than the minimum subsistence amount established in the region for each person. You must apply for benefits in person. Representation by proxy is not provided.

Benefits are paid on the terms of financing regional budgets. The amount of payments and conditions are established by local regulations and are subject to periodic adjustment.

Established benefits

In addition to benefits, parents who have a third baby can count on next help for children:

  • priority right to admission to kindergartens. Free education V special schools– musical, artistic, etc.;
  • free travel vouchers, medicines, and meals in school canteens; dairy kitchen;
  • preferential loans for the purchase of housing;
  • benefits upon receipt housing certificates And land plots for individual housing construction;
  • subsidies for housing and communal services, sanctions and other taxes;
  • annual compensation for children from large families for the purchase of textbooks and stationery;
  • provision social scholarships students from large low-income families.

Regions have the right to establish benefits and payments at the expense of own funds. Most regions provide benefits to families with a third or subsequent child using additional federal support.

Some wealthy regions of the Russian Federation, including St. Petersburg, provide benefits at the expense of regional funds. In most republics North Caucasus, Astrakhan region, There are no benefits provided for Chukotka.

With proper paperwork and parents having permanent registration benefits will be credited. Controversial situations should be resolved administratively and judicial procedure with the assistance of a competent lawyer.

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