Functional fire hazard class. Classes of functional fire hazard Functional fire hazard of the building f 4.3

Fire safety classes in accordance with the legislation of our country - aimed at ensuring the safety of people, preserving real estate, property, equipment, goods from cases of uncontrolled combustion that causes material damage; regulatory documents related to security -,; serve as special qualification characteristics/conditions of a technical nature that determine the most important properties, resistance to fire hazards of both buildings and structures, and structures, materials used for construction and interior decoration.

Separate state, departmental norms, orders, rules also define the hazard classes of forests, electrical cable products; also allowing to increase the safety of people in comparison with other requirements.

To determine the estimated qualification characteristics, the specialized research unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - VNIIPO has developed various methods, for example, to determine the fire hazard of building structures.

Such a qualification substantiation of fire safety regulation in Russia made it possible for a clear, objective, differentiated assessment, taking into account the purpose of buildings and structures under construction, being operated, reconstructed; the response of residents, visitors, and staff in them; used building structures, finishing materials, allowing you to increase the adequacy, variability and; the right choice of installations, systems.

Functional fire hazard classes

According to paragraph 12 of Art. 2 FZ-123, the class of functional fire hazard (FPO) of buildings, engineering, technological structures, fire compartments is the classifying technical characteristic / parameter of such objects, which is determined by their functional purpose, working - organizational, technological modes of conducting production processes, features of operation of such buildings.

The correct, clearly compliant with regulatory requirements, assignment of the FPO class at the design stage for buildings under construction, at the stage of reconstruction of buildings, engineering structures is extremely important for the subsequent normal operation of any newly built, reconstructed, as well as existing protection object:

  • The FPO class must be indicated in the data of the design and estimate documentation for the building, structure.
  • Such a special classification is used to establish exact requirements for design decisions regarding the construction, reconstruction, incl. creating building barriers to the spread of fire, smoke - ceilings, appropriate filling of openings.
  • To develop organizational and technical solutions on the need to protect objects by alarm installations about the occurrence of foci of smoldering, ignition; , providing both operational localization, elimination of fire, and rapid evacuation of people.

Leading specialists of design organizations, firefighters involved in regulatory and technical work, believe that a competent, correct definition of the FPO class lays the foundation for buildings and structures; without which it will be impossible to safely operate these facilities in the future.

Similar, complementary, formulations of the definition of the classification of buildings are also set out in clause 5.21* of SNiP 21-01-97*, clause 1 of Art. 32 FZ-123, stating that the premises or their groups according to functional software are divided into classes depending on their purpose, operation; on the degree of safety of residents, buyers, spectators who are in them, visiting such objects - buildings, structures, structures in case of detection of a source of fire, smoke; taking into account the number of people, their age group, physical condition. There are five FPO classes in total.

Class F1

All objects included in it are intended for the residence of owners, family members, tenants, or temporary residence of citizens. These are permanently or regularly, seasonally operated facilities, they provide for the possibility of finding sleeping citizens.

In such buildings, construction barriers are divided into to prevent the spread of open fire, smoke flows; as a rule, there are several ways, exits for self-evacuation. It includes buildings of the following subclasses:

  • F1.1 - children's institutions, non-residential specialized social institutions for the elderly, disabled people; complexes of hospital buildings, dormitories of boarding schools.
  • F1.2 - buildings of hostels, hotels, hotels, rest houses, sanatoriums.
  • F1.3 - block sections of multi-apartment multi-storey buildings.
  • F1.4 - single-family private houses, including townhouses, other types of block houses.

Class F2

These are the buildings of entertainment, cultural and educational institutions, including:

  • F2.1 - buildings of theaters, youth, nightclubs, film and concert organizations, circuses; tribune-type sports facilities; libraries, other similar institutions with the number of seats determined by the normative calculation for visitors in indoor areas.
  • F2.2 - buildings, premises of a closed type with the placement of exhibitions, art galleries, museums, and other similar cultural institutions.
  • F2.3 - correspond to buildings of subclass F2.1, but with placement in open space.
  • F2.4 - the same as F2.2, but in an open area.

Class F3

The buildings and premises included in it are designed to accommodate enterprises providing various public services, including:

  • F3.1 - Retailers - from kiosk/pavilion, shop to hyper/supermarkets.
  • F3.2 - catering establishments: snack bars, canteens, cafes, restaurants.
  • F3.3 - buildings of railway, river / sea, air terminals.
  • F3.4 - buildings of polyclinics, dispensaries, premises of outpatient clinics, feldsher stations, and other medical institutions.
  • F3.5 - premises of enterprises of communal services for citizens without calculation of places for waiting.
  • F3.6 - complexes of physical culture, sports and recreation facilities without stands for spectators to visit.
  • F3.7 - buildings, premises of religious denominations.

Class F4

It includes buildings of various educational, scientific, design institutions, institutes, including the following objects:

  • F4.1 - general education, secondary vocational institutions - schools, colleges, colleges, technical schools; organization of additional education for children.
  • F4.2 - higher educational institutions, organizations for obtaining additional vocational education, retraining of specialists in various fields.
  • F4.3 - administrative buildings of governing bodies, scientific, design, information, editorial and publishing institutions, organizations; office, business centers, offices.
  • F4.4 - fire stations.

F5 class

These include objects of industrial production or warehousing of goods, parking of vehicles, including:

  • F5.1 - buildings of sites, workshops, factories of industrial enterprises; industrial premises, laboratories, carpentry, mechanical workshops in buildings of other functional purposes.
  • F5.2 - storage facilities, parking lots not intended for technical service, current / major repairs; buildings, premises of archives, book depositories, expendable warehouses.
  • F5.3 - objects of agricultural enterprises.

Fire hazard classes of building materials

Art. 36 FZ-123 classifies building materials according to fire hazard as follows:

  • K0 - not representing a fire hazard.
  • K1 - with a low fire hazard.
  • K2 - with moderate software.
  • K3 - fire hazardous.

These classes largely form the following classification parameter of building objects.

Constructive fire hazard classes

According to the definition given in paragraph 11 of Art. 2 FZ-123, the class of constructive fire hazard is the classification parameter of all construction objects, their fire compartments, determined by the degree of participation of building structural elements in the development of a fire source, the formation of fire hazards.

At the same time, the classes of FPO and PO are taken into account; the limit of resistance to fire, which have building structures used in the construction of buildings, structures.

Article 31 of the Federal Law-123 specifies that all designed, operated construction facilities according to KPO are divided into 4 classes - C0, C1, C2, C3.

In table. 22 FZ-123 in a summary form shows the correspondence between the KPO and PO classes for the main building structures of the designed, operated facilities.

Building constructive fire hazard class Fire safety class of building structures
Bearing rod elements (columns, crossbars, trusses) Exterior walls from the outside Walls, partitions, ceilings and non-attic coverings Staircase walls and fire barriers Marches and landings of stairs in stairwells
C0 K0 K0 K0 K0 K0
C1 K1 K2 K1 K0 K0
C2 K3 K3 K2 K1 K1
C3 not standardized not standardized not standardized K1 K3

Classes of natural forest fire hazard

Definition natural hazard class of forests and its classification depending on weather conditions is made on the basis of app. No. 1, 2 to.

This white paper specifies software classes for the following types of forests:

  • I - very high natural fire hazard. Coniferous young stands, pine forests, areas of continuous felling of forests; forest stand, dead wood with areas of windfall, windblow; littered cinders. The possibility of ground fires, and in areas with a forest stand/dead wood - top fires during the entire dangerous period.
  • II - high. Pine forests with lingonberries, juniper undergrowth, young pine forests; larch forest, dwarf pines. The risk of ground spread of fires during the entire dangerous period, riding ones - during the fire maximum, with the number of total area covered by fire in space significantly higher than the long-term average values ​​for this territory.
  • III - medium. Pine forests, spruce forests; larch forest; cedar forests of all types, with the exception of those located near streams, sphagnum wetlands, lakes. The possibility of the emergence and spread of a ground, crown fire during the summer temperature peak, and in cedar forests - and during the spring, autumn maximum of the risk of outbreaks of fires.
  • IV - weak. Mixed coniferous-larch forests, herbaceous forest types. The risk of a ground fire during the maximum temperature during the entire warm period.
  • V - no danger. Spruce, birch, aspen, alder forest. A fire is possible only during a long drought.

Fire danger in the forests These are conditions where, in the presence of a source of heat or fire, a forest fire can start. It is determined by the type of forest formation and weather conditions.

Fire hazard in forests according to weather conditions characterizes the threat of occurrence and spread of forest fires, depending on meteorological conditions that affect the fire hazard of forests.

To assess the fire hazard according to weather conditions, a comprehensive fire hazard indicator (FIR) is used, which is calculated daily during the fire hazard period based on meteorological data according to the established methodology. The PPO can vary from one to several thousand degrees, and during periods of dry and hot weather, its value can exceed 10,000 degrees.

To characterize the degree of fire hazard, the entire range of PPO values ​​is divided into five intervals, called fire hazard classes (KPO). The recalculation of PPO values ​​in KPO is carried out according to the appropriate scales.

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are federal and regional classes of fire danger in forests according to weather conditions.

Federal fire hazard classes in forests depending on weather conditions

Cable fire hazard classes

The question - how many fire hazard classes exist for electrical cable products - is answered by establishing a set of requirements for software for cable products.

In this interstate standard, the following definitions are given, explaining the initial data for the classification of cable products:

  • A cable product is a wire, cord, cable designed to transmit electricity, electrical, optical signals, data.
  • Fire resistance is its ability to maintain the specified functional parameters during and after fire exposure for a certain period.
  • Single laying is considered one cable and their row with a distance between them not exceeding 30 cm, group - with a distance of more than 30 cm.

The classification of cable products is carried out according to the main indicators of fire hazard indicated in Table. 1 GOST 31565:

  • O1, O2 - the limit of the spread of fire along the cable product with a single laying.
  • P1 (P1a, P1B), P2, P3, P4 - for group laying.
  • The numbers from 1 to 7, showing the limit of resistance to fire, corresponding to the time of keeping the cable working under the influence of a flame from 180 to 30 minutes, respectively.
  • 1 - an indicator of the corrosivity of the products of smoldering / combustion of cable insulation made of polymeric materials.
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 - an indicator of the toxicity of polymer insulation during its combustion.
  • 1, 2, 3 - indicator of smoke formation.

Based on the tests, the definition of the relevant indicators using the table. 1 cable products are assigned a fire hazard class, consisting of an alphanumeric designation. Examples given in GOST - O1.; P2.

Classification of cable products according to fire hazard indicators

Name of the fire hazard indicator (letter designation) Classification designation of the fire hazard indicator Evaluation criterion The value of the criterion for assessing the fire hazard indicator
The limit of the spread of combustion of a cable product with a single laying (PRGO) O1 Distance from the lower edge of the upper support to the beginning of the charred part of the sample, mm, more 50
Distance from the lower edge of the upper support to the end of the charred part of the sample, mm, less 540
Filter paper ignition<1> Not visible
The limit of propagation of combustion of a cable product during group laying (PRGP) P1a The length of the charred part of the sample, measured from the lower edge of the burner, m, not more than 2.5 categories A F/R, A, B, C, D
Fire resistance limit of a cable product under flame conditions (PO) 1 Time during which the cable remains operational under flame conditions, min, not less than 180
2 150
3 120
4 90
5 60
6 45
7 30
8 <2>
The index of corrosivity of the products of smoke and gas emission during combustion and smoldering of each of the polymeric materials<3>cable product (PCA) 1 The content of gases of halogen acids in terms of HCl, mg/g, not more than 5,0
Conductivity of an aqueous solution with adsorbed products of smoke and gas emission, µS/mm, not more than 10,0
pH value, not less than 4,3
2 <2>
Equivalent index of toxicity of combustion products of a cable product (ETPM) 1 Toxicity of combustion products of polymeric materials included in the design of the cable product. For each polymeric material, the toxicity index is determined by the ratio of the amount of polymeric material of the cable product to the unit volume of the enclosed space in which the products formed during combustion cause the death of 50% of experimental animals (at an exposure time of 0.5 h), g/m 3 Over 120
2 St. 40 to 120 incl.
3 St. 13 to 40 incl.
4 Up to 13 incl.
5 <2>
The index of smoke formation during combustion and smoldering of a cable product (PD) 1 Reduced light transmission, % 0 to 40 inclusive
2 St. 40 to 50 incl.
3 St. 50
4 <2>

<1>The evaluation criterion does not apply to cable products of small dimensions (core cross section less than 0.5 mm 2).

<2>Designation of the fire hazard indicator of cable products for which the corresponding requirement is not presented.

<3>Polymeric materials having a mass of less than 1% of the total mass of polymeric materials of the cable product are not taken into account when determining the corrosivity index and when calculating the equivalent toxicity index.

Fire class tables

A list of fire hazard classes for construction objects of various functional purposes, fire compartments, fenced off by capital barriers to fire and smoke; building structures, finishing materials; forest areas; electrical cable and wire products are set out in the summary tables, which are an integral part of the mandatory annexes to the relevant regulatory documents.

Buildings and parts of buildings - rooms or groups of rooms that are functionally interconnected, according to functional fire hazard are divided into classes depending on the extent to which the safety of people in them, in the event of a fire, is at risk, taking into account the age of people, physical condition, the possibility of being in a state of sleep, the type of the main functional contingent and its number:

F 1. For permanent and temporary residence, including round-the-clock stay of people (the premises in these buildings, as a rule, are used around the clock, the contingent of people in them may be different in age and physical condition, these buildings have sleeping quarters):

F 1.1. Children's preschool institutions, nursing homes and disabled people, hospitals, dormitories of boarding schools and children's institutions;

F 1.2. Hotels, hostels, dormitories of sanatoriums and rest houses of a general type, campsites, motels and boarding houses;

F 1.3. Multi-apartment residential buildings;

F 1.4. Single-family. Including blocked houses.

F 2. Spectacular and cultural and educational institutions (the main premises in these buildings are characterized by a massive stay of visitors at certain periods of time):

F 2.1. Theatres, cinemas, concert halls, clubs, circuses, sports facilities with grandstands, libraries and other institutions with an estimated number of indoor seats for visitors;

F 2.2. Museums, exhibitions, dance halls and other similar indoor establishments;

F 2.3. Institutions specified in Form 2.1. outdoors;

F 2.4. Institutions specified in F 2.2. outdoors;

F 3. Public service enterprises (the premises of these enterprises are characterized by a larger number of visitors than service personnel):

F 3.1. Trade enterprises;

F 3.2. Catering establishments;

F 3.3. railway stations;

F 3.4. Polyclinics and outpatient clinics;

F 3.5. Premises for visitors to household and public utilities (post offices, savings banks, transport agencies, legal consultation offices, notary offices, laundries, ateliers for tailoring and repairing shoes and clothes, dry cleaning, hairdressing and other similar, including ritual and cultural institutions) with an unestimated number of seats for visitors;

F 3.6. Sports and recreation complexes and sports and training facilities without stands for spectators, utility rooms, baths.

F 4. Educational institutions, scientific and design organizations, administrative institutions (the premises in these buildings are used during the day for some time, they usually contain a constant contingent of people of a certain age and physical condition accustomed to local conditions):

F 4.1. Schools, out-of-school educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;

F 4.2. Higher educational institutions, advanced training institutions;

F 4.3. Institutions of governing bodies, design organizations, information and publishing organizations, research organizations, banks, offices, offices.

F 4.4. Fire station.

F 5. Production and storage buildings, structures and premises (premises of this class are characterized by the presence of a permanent contingent of workers, including around the clock):

F 5.1. Industrial buildings and structures, industrial and laboratory premises, workshops;

F 5.2. Warehouse buildings and structures, car parks without maintenance and repair, book depositories, archives, warehouses;

F 5.3. Agricultural buildings.

Production and storage buildings and premises for explosion and fire hazard, depending on the quantity and explosive and fire hazardous properties of the substances and materials located (circulating) in them, taking into account the characteristics of the technological processes of the production facilities located in them, are divided into categories, according to the Fire Safety Standards (NPB-105).

Production and storage facilities, including laboratories and workshops in buildings of classes F 1, F 2, F 3 and F 4, belong to class F 5.

1.3. Affecting factors and consequences of a fire

It is customary to distinguish between two concepts associated with the combustion process: fire and fire. Combustion that did not cause material damage is called a fire. A fire (see above) is understood as uncontrolled burning outside a special focus, causing material damage.

Fires are classified according to the type of combustible material and are divided into the following classes:

1) fires of solid combustible substances and materials (A);

2) fires of flammable liquids or melting solids and materials (B);

3) gas fires (C);

4) metal fires (D);

5) fires of combustible substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage (E);

6) fires of nuclear materials, radioactive waste and radioactive substances (F).

Fire hazards are:

Increased temperature of air and objects;

Heat flow;

Reduced visibility in smoke;

Open fire and sparks;

Toxic combustion products, smoke, thermal decomposition products;

Reduced oxygen concentration;

Damage to buildings and structures.

The main damaging factors of a fire are the direct effect of fire on a burning object (burning) and the remote effect on objects and objects of high temperatures due to radiation. The temperature of the gases in the combustion zone, called the fire temperature, can reach 1300 ° C.

The result is the combustion of objects and objects, their charring, destruction, failure. All elements of buildings and structures made of combustible materials are destroyed; the action of high temperatures causes burnout, deformation and collapse of metal trusses, floor beams, and other structural details of structures. Brick walls and pillars are deformed, because in the masonry of silicate bricks with prolonged heating to 500-600 ° C, the brick is stratified with cracks and the material is destroyed.

During fires, technological equipment and vehicles are completely or partially destroyed or fail. Domestic and agricultural animals are dying. People die or get burns of various degrees. Secondary effects of fires can be explosions, leakage of toxic or pollutants into the environment. Water used to extinguish a fire can cause great damage to premises unaffected by fire. Severe social and economic consequences of a fire are the termination of an object destroyed by a fire, its economic or other functions.

The amount of damage caused by fire largely depends on the fire resistance of objects and their components.

Fire safety rules are mandatory measures that must be strictly observed. But these rules are established with the help of certain characteristics, among which the designation of the functional fire hazard of the building appears.

To prevent a fire, it is very important to correctly classify a particular building, structure, structure or fire compartment.

The final decision will be taken into account when drawing up fire safety rules for a particular organization. In the event that it is determined incorrectly, these rules may be grossly violated, as a result of which the chances of starting a fire will increase significantly. The functional purpose is identified according to three characteristics, the most important of which is the functional fire hazard class of buildings (structures, etc.).

Security class as definition

The functional fire hazard class of buildings is a classification characteristic identified by the purpose and details of the use of specific buildings.
The features of production technology and fire hazard are also taken into account.
The need for proper identification of the destination has been identified. Further, the section itself is divided into classes using special criteria.

Degree of fire resistance

Data on this degree for construction must be recorded in the relevant documentation.

Constructive fire hazard class

It is determined by the degree of influence (columns, crossbars, coatings, fire barriers, etc.) on the spread of fire during a fire.

Functional fire hazard class

The list of signs by which the class number is revealed is considered below. It is necessary to know that the building and its parts, which are connected by a common function, are divided into different classes depending on the way it is used and how safe it is for people to stay there during a fire. This takes into account their age, physical health, the likelihood of being in a sleeping state, the approximate number of people concentrated inside.


There are five functional fire safety assignment classes in total.


These are buildings that are intended for permanent or temporary residence of the population. These, as a rule, are operated around the clock, and the composition of the people inside, and their physical health, sometimes polarly differ. For structures of this type, the presence of rooms for sleeping is standard, which means that the possibility of the presence of sleeping people exists. Buildings of this class are required to have several fire barriers and independent escape routes (by law). Designation - F1.
So, direct examples.

  • F1.1. Institutions for children of preschool age, non-apartment homes for the elderly, non-apartment homes for people with disabilities, boarding schools designed for sleeping, as well as dormitory buildings for children's institutions.
  • F1.2. Hotel complexes, motels, boarding houses, student or working hostels, dormitory buildings of sanatoriums and rest houses, campsites.
  • F1.3. Residential buildings of multi-apartment type.
  • F1.4. Residential houses of one-apartment type, block houses.


It refers to cultural and leisure places of recreation, entertainment institutions, in which there is always a large crowd of people.

  • F2.1. Theater halls and cinemas, halls for concerts, special buildings with stands for viewing sports events, libraries, as well as other establishments with a designated number of possible visitors.
  • F2.2. Exhibition halls, museums, dance halls and indoor dance floors.
  • F2.3. Institutions that are in category F2.1., located in open space.
  • F2.4. Institutions that are in category F2.2., located in open space.

The third

It includes the part of enterprises that are engaged in the service sector. Despite the considerable number of employees, buildings of this category are characterized by a predominant number of visitors (rather than workers). This category is labeled as F3. It includes a number of institutions.

  • F3.1. Retail outlets (shopping centers, department stores, shops, hyper- and supermarkets, etc.).
  • F3.2. Public catering points.
  • F3.3. Railway, bus, sea, river stations, as well as airports.
  • F3.4. Multidisciplinary medical institutions providing services to patients in the institution and at home.
  • F3.5. Enterprises providing household and communal services (post office, savings bank, notary office, office of a legal services firm, transport agencies, beauty salons, hairdressers, ateliers, institutions providing dry cleaning services, etc.). Religious institutions (churches, temples, mosques, etc.), as well as ritual institutions that are not designed for a certain number of visitors.
  • F3.6. Sports and recreation complexes, training facilities that do not have viewing places for spectators, baths and saunas, sanitary facilities, including showers, dressing rooms, washrooms and toilets, sanitary rooms, smoking rooms, etc.


It has the designation F4 and includes educational institutions, research / design organizations.

  • F4.1. Primary, middle and high schools, out-of-school educational institutions, colleges, vocational schools.
  • F4.2. Institutes and universities, institutions for advanced training and further recertification.
  • F4.3. Banking organizations, offices, offices, business business centers, publishing houses, editorial organizations, information bureaus, design institutions, management bodies.
  • F4.4. Fire protection facilities (fire stations).


The last, class F5, includes buildings of an economic and industrial orientation, storage facilities, buildings, and so on.

  • F5.1. Buildings dedicated to industrial activities, laboratories and various workshops.
  • F5.2. Premises dedicated to the provision of storage services, unrepaired car parks without specialized maintenance, storage for books, institutions that store and record archival papers. Agricultural buildings.

The legislative framework

All classes of premises are determined by 123 - F3, dated 07/22/2008 "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" and 117 - F3 dated 07/10/2012 "Introduction to the Federal Law". Guided by these two fundamental documents, the classes and subclasses of the building are determined.

For example, the functional fire hazard class of the boiler room is F5.1, since this is an industrial premises, but by checking existing equipment, the category of the premises is checked empirically and assigned, depending on the results obtained, A - the most dangerous or D - the least dangerous.

It is worth remembering that laboratories and workshops located in buildings of categories F1–F4 belong to F5.

It can be difficult to determine which category a particular building belongs to, for example, a garage, but usually for a garage it is F5.2

In conclusion, we re-emphasize the importance of correctly determining the functional purpose of an enterprise, putting forward new arguments. It is on the basis of the class that fire requirements are formed, which often determine the number of entrances and exits from the building.
In addition, according to these data, the possible presence of a fire alarm, the finishing of evacuation routes and many other factors affecting the safety of staying in a particular building are established.

Competent development of fire safety instructions, taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular object, is important. The chances of an uncontrolled fire appearing are greatly increased if the rules are drawn up "superficially". Then the risk of harm to human health and property increases. In order to prevent accidental fires, it is important to be able to correctly determine the constructive and functional purpose of buildings for fire safety.

Each building is in turn divided into the following indicators:

  • constructive - this parameter depends on many factors: the area and height of the building, the direction of activity, what class of functional fire hazard industrial or warehouse buildings and other types of objects belong to
  • functional - the parameter directly depends on the direction of activity carried out in the building in question. The class of functional fire hazard of the building and its parts is determined taking into account the level of safety of technological operations that can provoke a fire. The number of people for whom the building is intended is also taken into account.

Functional purpose of premises for fire safety, general information

The class of the fire safety function is an indicator of great importance, determined on the basis of the individual characteristics of the structure, the nuances of its operation. When classifying, they take into account the possible reaction of people, if they are in the building in question, the preparedness and number of staff, the ratio of staff and visitors, the presence of sleeping places. They also consider the ability to navigate in evacuation passages, approximate knowledge of the layout and other indicators. Not only stand-alone buildings are classified, but also fire compartments. The relevant documentation contains the following requirements: individual buildings are allowed to be classified as structures if they are functionally connected to each other. For example, a store and a warehouse where the store's products are stored.

Categories of functional fire hazard

Consider which functional fire hazard class theaters, schools, hospitals, railway stations and other institutions belong to. How many classes are allocated.

1 class This includes residential buildings. They are operated on a permanent basis and must be equipped with several independent options for evacuation routes. In addition, such facilities should be equipped with various fire barriers. The structures of this group are characterized by the presence of rooms for rest and sleep. “F1” includes buildings where people live (temporarily, permanently), and they are divided into:

  • F 1.1 - institutions for people with disabilities and preschool children (orphanages, hospitals, kindergartens)
  • F 1.2 - institutions with temporary stay of people (hotels, sanatoriums, hostels for workers and students)
  • F 1.3 - multi-apartment buildings (high-rise buildings)
  • F 1.4 - individual housing construction

Grade 2 (F2) - institutions with a high level of traffic / attendance, various entertainment organizations that provide their services in open and closed spaces. This group includes:

  • F 2.1 - buildings where there are sitting places for recreation (libraries, circuses, concert halls, etc.)
  • F 2.2 - museums, various dance schools, facilities where exhibition events, fairs are organized
  • F 2.3 - similar to F 2.1, but programs are held in open areas (stadiums)
  • F 2.4 - similar to F 2.2, but programs are provided that take place in open areas

3rd grade - this includes structures operating in the field of public services:

  • F 3.1 - shopping centers, hypermarkets;
  • F 3.2 - canteens, dumplings (catering points);
  • F 3.3 - stations, airports, seaports, station structures;
  • F 3.4 - medical organizations providing services both at home and in institutions;
  • F 3.5 - housing and communal services, savings banks, legal and notary organizations;
  • F 3.6 - sports complexes, saunas, institutions where physical culture and health programs are organized, etc.
  • F 4.1 - educational organizations (technical schools, colleges, etc.) with secondary education;
  • F 4.2 - this group includes institutions providing higher education (academies, institutes);
  • F 4.3 - scientific, design and newspaper publications, banks;
  • F 4.4 - fire station.

Grade 5 (F5) - the last group includes the following list of buildings:

  • F 5.1 - industrial, workshop and laboratory structures;
  • F 5.2 - storage and archival facilities, parking complexes designed for various vehicles;
  • F 5.3 - agricultural institutions.

With the decrease in the category, the requirements regarding fire safety also increase. Consequently, buildings where people are constantly located or where their regular mass stay is observed must be taken under special control by inspection services, designers.

Functional fire hazard class of buildings and structures - table No. 1

Class (subclass) of functional fire hazard of a building Hall capacity, people Number of floors / building height Material category, not higher than specified
Walls, ceiling coverings Floor coverings
F1.2, F2.3, F2.4, F3.1, F3.2, F3.6, F4.2-F 4.4, F5.1 Above 800 KM0 KM2
300-800 KM1 KM2
50-300 KM2 KM3
Up to 50 KM3 KM4
F1.2, F1.3, F2.3, F2.4, F3.1, F3.2, F3.6, F4.2-F 4.4, F5.1-F5.3 Up to 9 floors / up to 28 m KM2-KM3 KM3-KM4
9-17 floors / 28-50 m KM1-KM2 KM2-KM3
Above 17 floors / from 50 m KM0-KM1 KM1-KM2
Regardless of the height
F1.1, F2.1, F2.2, F3.3-F3.5, F4.1 above 300 KM0 KM2
15-300 KM1 KM2
Up to 15 KM3 KM4

Categorization of objects by explosion and fire hazard

Categorization is understood as the correlation of a structure in terms of explosion and fire hazards to specific categories. The procedure is mandatory. It is subject to objects related to F 5.1 and F 5.2 (for example, laboratories, workshops, parking lots), as well as complex technical installations located outside the structure. Categorization is carried out only for objects of storage and production purposes. The fire hazard group is established at the design stage of the structure. According to the explosion and fire hazard, the premises are divided into five categories: A, B - (explosive), C (fire hazardous), D, E. Categories are established specifically for the most negatively affecting fuel, its volume, etc.

What difficulties arise with the establishment of the category?

There are cases when it is extremely difficult to identify the functional fire hazard class. Let's analyze, using an example, what class of functional fire hazard of gas stations. Its purpose is the sale of fuel, therefore, it is an organization engaged in trade. But there are other types of gas stations where fuel is not sold, but only sold. From this we can conclude that the station belongs to the fifth class (F5) of storage facilities, with equipment installed outside. The operator's room also belongs to F5 (industrial design), and the store itself, installed at the gas station, belongs to F3. It should be noted that the fire hazard class is assigned to the structure as a whole or to a separate fire sector. But, if you look at the regulations, you can find some clarifications regarding the assignment of a category. Even if there are premises with different areas of activity under the same roof, the rules will be established and put forward based on the main direction of the building in question. Or consider another example. The educational institution has a laboratory that belongs to F5, but safety requirements will be put forward as to F4. For the full and safe functioning of the structure, it is important to correctly establish the functional fire hazard group and take preventive measures in a timely manner.

Category calculation

Category calculation - a set of computational measures that make it possible to identify the hazard category based on the analysis of stored, used, processed media, process operation and installation. To perform a calculation, it is first necessary to collect information (including a plan) about the object in question. After, measure the walls, the height of the ceilings in those areas that pose a particular danger during a fire. Next, set the temperature regime, and what material is used as a floor covering. Identify the presence of special equipment designed for fire fighting, ventilation outlets. The purpose of the calculation is to create appropriate requirements for the area under consideration, aimed at reducing the risk of fire, and competently ensuring the protection of people, values, in case of its occurrence.

Features of class calculation

The functional fire hazard class of a building is determined based on a variety of parameters. You should be guided by the main two documents - 123 F3, dated 07/22/2008 and 117 F3 dated 07/10/2012. In order to assign a fire hazard rating to a building, it is important to take into account which rooms of a certain explosive level are more present. It is obligatory to establish the total volume of combustible media that can be accommodated at the facility. How are the calculations carried out? In order to identify a suitable calculation method, the one where the highest level of danger is possible is selected. The probability of failure of one of the equipment is also taken into account. All elements of the unit are located in the room, during the entire shutdown time, there is a leak from the pipelines supplying the system. Next, the spilled composition evaporates. In addition, the free space of the object under study is taken into account. After that, proceed to the calculation of excess pressure. To identify the category, a special formula is used. Some types of categories are established on the basis of a specific group of atoms of combustible media present in the building. Calculation is not needed to identify the fire hazard category for residential facilities. Based on the class, the number of exits, entrances, fire alarm options and other points that affect the safe presence in the structure are determined.

Varieties of constructive fire hazard

It is revealed by the degree of participation of certain building elements in the course of the development of ignition and the creation of fire hazardous factors. This parameter is directly related to the fire hazard categories of the main load-bearing, barrier elements, for example, flights of stairs. There are 4 categories:

  • C0 - structural elements are made of non-combustible materials (non-flammable)
  • C1 - slow-burning materials were used during construction
  • C2 - residential facilities, fire resistance rating from 2 to 4
  • C3 - the main part of structures (with the exception of walls, barriers, partitions, etc.) for which fire safety requirements are not put forward

Requirements for objects of different categories of functional fire hazard in one structure

Premises with category F2-F4 are allowed to be located within 1 fire compartment, including various technical rooms. A prerequisite is at least 3 fire hydrants. Cinema complexes with a total number of seats over 300 must be allocated to separate compartments and provided with individual emergency exits, stairwells in the amount of 2 or more. Each building should be equipped with:

  • systems: automatic fire extinguishing, smoke protection
  • alarms
  • means of rescue (for individual and general use)
  • warning systems, preferably above type 4
  • special plumbing

The delimitation of objects with different functional categories within the same structure is carried out by installing fire partitions, walls and ceilings. In the course of developing a project for a multifunctional structure, an important step is to carry out calculations. It is with their help that it is possible to analyze the accuracy of previously approved decisions regarding space-planning work.

(New edition.Change No. 1 )

7.2.1 In buildings of retail trade enterprises of I and II degrees of fire resistance, the stairs from the first to the second or from the basement to the first floor may be open in the absence of a vestibule provided clause 5.3.15 . At the same time, these stairs or ramps for retail outlets can be taken into account in the calculation of evacuation routes for only half of the number of customers located in the corresponding trading floor, and for the evacuation of the remaining customers, at least two closed staircases should be provided. The length of the open staircase (or ramp) should be included in the distance from the furthest point of the floor to the escape route to the outside, but its area is not included in the area of ​​the main escape routes.

7.2.2 The greatest distance from any point of trading floors of various sizes to the nearest emergency exit should be taken from Table 19. When combining the main evacuation passages into a common passage, its width must be not less than the total width of the combined passages.

Table 19

Area of ​​the main evacuation passages, % of the area of ​​the hall

Distance, m, in halls with volume, thousand m 3

St. 5 to 10

At least 25

7.2.3 The width of the evacuation exit (door) from trading floors should be determined by the number of people evacuating through the exit according to Table 20, but not less than 1.2 m in halls with a capacity of more than 50 people.

Table 20

The area of ​​evacuation passages in the trading floor

Building constructive fire hazard class

The number of people per 1 m of the width of the evacuation exit (door) in the halls with a volume, thousand m 3

St. 5 to 10

25% or more of the hall area

Less than 25% of the hall area

7.2.4 The width of the main evacuation passages in the sales area must be at least, m:

1.4 - with a trading area up to 100 m 2;

1.6 - with a trading area of ​​over 100 to 150 m 2;

2 - at the trading area of ​​St. 150 to 400 m 2;

2.5 - at the trading area of ​​St. 400 m2.

The area of ​​the passages between the turnstiles, cabins of cashiers and passages from the outside of the trading floor along the settlement node is not included in the area of ​​the main evacuation passages.

7.2.5 To calculate the evacuation routes, the number of customers who are simultaneously in the trading floor should be taken per person:

for shops - 3 m 2 of the trading floor area, including the area occupied by equipment;

for markets - 1.6 m 2 of the market trading floor.

7.2.6 When calculating emergency exits in the buildings of retail trade enterprises, it is allowed to take into account service staircases and exits from the building connected directly with the hall or a direct passage (corridor), provided that the distance from the most remote point of the trading floor to the nearest service staircase or exit from buildings no larger than those specified in table 19 .

The device of evacuation exits through unloading rooms is not allowed.

7.2.7 In one-story buildings of retail trade enterprises with a trading area of ​​up to 150 m 2 located in rural settlements, it is allowed to use the exit through a group of non-trading premises, excluding storerooms, as a second exit from the trading floor.

7.2.8 Entrances and stairs for service personnel must be separate from entrances and stairs for customers of stores with an estimated area of ​​more than 200 m 2.

Entrances to storerooms and other non-commercial premises should be located from the side of production groups of premises. In enterprises with a trading area up to 250 m 2, it is allowed to provide additional exits to the trading floor for supplying goods from storerooms adjacent to the trading floor.

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