How to bargain with the seller of an apartment. To avoid situations that are unfavorable for you, you should

How to buy the right car from your hands? Every modern person can ask this question. Buying a new car is not for everyone. Therefore, sometimes you have to give preference to used vehicles. For the buyer it certain risks. For example, you can buy a seized or stolen car. Or run into broken goods, which is well veiled. Therefore, it is important to understand what to look for when concluding a deal. Below we will look at the process of buying a car from hand and how to check it.

About selling options

To begin with, it is necessary to find out how the transactions under study can be carried out. Buying a car is a responsible business. And it has to be approached with special attention.

Modern vehicles for sale:

  • directly by the owners;
  • through agencies.

Sometimes it is possible to sell general power of attorney. But this scenario is rare. Therefore, we will not talk about it. Instead, consider more common layouts.

What to give preference?

Some are wondering how to buy a car from hand. Used vehicles, as we have already found out, can be sold not only by owners, but also through agencies. What is better to give preference to?

It all depends on the circumstances and personal desires. Each method of sale does not new car has its pros and cons. Therefore, people can choose based on their preferences. How to buy a car from your hands?

Pros and cons of buying from the owner

All of the aforementioned layouts have a number of pros and cons. If you know about them, then you can choose the method of acquiring the vehicle.

For example, if you consider buying from the owner, you will have to pay attention to the following points:

  • you can specify all the features of the vehicle;
  • there is no extra charge;
  • possible collision with scammers;
  • lies on the part of the owner are not excluded;
  • easier to conduct a sale and purchase transaction;
  • you can discuss in advance the features of buying a car (transferring money);
  • inspection of the vehicle is carried out by agreement (it is possible to do this more than once).

Very tempting, but risky offers. Sometimes a deal concluded with the owner of the car can be recognized as illegal. This is due to the fact that if the buyer is legally illiterate, he is unlikely to notice violations of the current legislation.

About the features of cooperation with agencies

Some are interested in purchasing cars through intermediaries. Similar deals really take place. And, as a rule, they inspire more confidence.

Buying a car from an intermediary has the following positive and negative sides:

  • transaction margin;
  • the operation is accompanied by the company's lawyers;
  • complete legality of the transaction;
  • working with scammers is not excluded;
  • big competition;
  • the actual impossibility of bargaining.

Documents - main check

Now consider the main features of checking vehicles purchased from hand. Usually all the suggested tips and tricks help under any circumstances. It does not matter whether a person buys a car from the owner or through intermediaries.

The first step is to check the documents for the vehicle. They must be requested either before or during the inspection of the car.

How to check the car when buying from hand? The intermediary or the owner must have the following papers:

  • state numbers on the car;
  • registration certificate;
  • a document certifying the ownership of the vehicle.

Also, a citizen-seller is required to request a passport. If there is no paper, you will have to refuse the purchase. Often this nuance indicates that the car is being sold by scammers. Or someone is trying to hide some important information for the buyer.

common property

What do you need when buying a used car?

It is advisable to find out before the transaction whether the owner has a marriage. And if there is one, specify when the car was purchased.

In the case when the vehicle is jointly acquired property, it is worth making sure that the spouse of the owner is not against the transaction. It is advisable to ask written agreement for the operation. It will have to be certified by a notary. Without this paper, it is highly likely that the spouse who disagrees with the sale of the car will cancel the deal. And then you have to return the car to the previous owner.

If the car was bought after a divorce or before marriage, and also passed to a person under a donation/inheritance agreement, no difficulties will arise. Such property is considered personal. The consent of the spouse for transactions with him is not required.

Inspection outside

Let's digress a little from the documentation. It is important, but buying a car from your hands requires more than just paperwork. It is worth inspecting the vehicle carefully. Without an external inspection, it is better to refuse the transaction. After all, the buyer must know what he is buying. Maybe they're selling him a wrecked car.

So, after the parties have agreed on the first meeting and checked the documents for the car, you should proceed to the external inspection of the goods. It is necessary to bypass the vehicle from all sides and pay attention to each damage. Even for the slightest scratch.


How to buy a car from your hands? After a cursory external examination, you will have to do the following:

  1. Stand in front of the car (in front).
  2. To squat.
  3. Take a look at the evenness of the doors and sides of the transport.
  4. Get up and look at the roof.

If there are undulations on the doors, the car obviously had an accident. The same applies to damage and unevenness on the roof. In the first case, you can bargain and bring down the price. In the second, it is better to immediately refuse to buy a car.

Wheel inspection

Cars with hands in installments are purchased quite often. Such transactions are concluded in the same way as when buying a vehicle with full payment of the value of the property. But more on that later.

First, you should carefully consider the car from all sides. After the above actions, it is recommended to approach the vehicle from behind and sit down at the level of the headlights. What's next?

Now you have to compare the level of the rear wheels, then the front ones. And all at once too. If the wheels are straight - everything is in order. When they are on different levels It is recommended not to contact the seller. Why? A misalignment of the wheel level in one direction or another indicates that the car has been in a serious accident. And now it is hardly suitable for driving on the roads.

Cleanliness is the key to success

How to buy a car from your hands? On examination vehicle you need to pay attention to how neat and clean the product looks.

Usually, before the sale, the owners try to bring the cars in perfect condition. The car must be clean both inside and out. IN otherwise it is recommended to clarify why the seller did not puzzle himself with the washing of the property being sold.

Dirt on a car sometimes indicates that the vehicle has been stolen. Or the fact that the owner did not value his car too much. It is difficult to predict. After all, modern scammers often thoroughly wash cars before selling them.

iron inspection

How to buy a car with hands? We reviewed the documents that every owner should have. And we got acquainted with the basic rules of external inspection of property. But that is not all.

After an external examination, you should look under the hood of the car. And the salon too. What to pay attention to?

It must be remembered that:

  • when opening the hood, the smell of gasoline should not be felt;
  • the components of the vehicle must be free of damage, cracks and scratches;
  • the engine must not leak oil;
  • regular nuts and bolts are installed on the car;
  • there is no rust;
  • the oil level in the power steering tank is at the normal level.

All these nuances will help to distinguish a quality car from a pile of metal. These features must have every car for sale.

Features of the contract

The thing is that it is in this document that the characteristics of the product and its cost are indicated. All information should be compared with the data indicated in the papers for the car.

In addition, you will need to carefully study not only the amount due for payment, but also the procedure for payments. All enum features Money prescribed in the agreement on the sale of cars. Oral agreements in this situation have no legal force. Therefore, they should not be trusted. Especially if the car is bought not from familiar people.

Purchase order

That's all. Can I return a car that I bought secondhand? If any rules of the law are violated - yes. And, as practice shows, the return works in both directions. The car can be returned by both the seller and the buyer. Or their heirs. But with purchase this operation associated only with violation established rules conducting a transaction.

In general, the procedure for registering the sale of a car from the hands looks like this:

  1. Call the owner or his representative.
  2. Arrangement for the first meeting.
  3. Checking the documentation for the car.
  4. External inspection of the vehicle.
  5. Internal inspection of the property.
  6. Discussing the features of the conclusion of the transaction with their prescription in the agreement.
  7. Conclusion of a contract of sale.
  8. Transfer of money to the seller.
  9. Obtaining a receipt in the prescribed form. This item is not mandatory, but it is better not to neglect it.
  10. Transfer of documents to the car and keys to the new owner.
  11. Re-registration with the traffic police.

In fact, all this is not so difficult. Especially if you know how to act correctly under certain circumstances. Usually buying a car through intermediaries is accompanied by lawyers. And paperwork under such circumstances is minimal. But what if the owner sells the car on his own? You will have to act in the same way. It is better to conclude a contract in the presence of a notary.

Documents for the transaction

Below is a list of documents required for the operation under study. With their help, the notary will be able to verify the legality of the sale of the car. Without documentation transactions from the purchase must be abandoned.

The parties must bring with them to the notary office:

  • passports;
  • agreement of the established form (3 copies);
  • documents on the ownership of the vehicle;
  • spouse's consent to the operation (if the machine is common property husband and wife).

As a rule, this is enough. Minimum paperwork, maximum legal protection!


How to register a purchased car with the traffic police? You will need to come to the local traffic police and write an application for deregistration of the vehicle and its re-registration.

You will have to take with you:

  • technical certificate;
  • numbers on the car (if any);
  • statement;
  • a receipt for payment of the fee (its amount depends on the situation, on average it is 2,000 rubles);
  • certificate of registration;
  • contract of sale;
  • identity card of the new owner of the car.

It is also advisable to provide a copy of the passport of the car seller. After passing the technical inspection, the citizen will be given all the required documents. Re-registration usually takes several hours.

Full check

We figured out how to buy a car from hand. Listed principles will help to secure the transaction as much as possible. Particularly vigilant and attentive buyers are able to check the car via the Internet.

This will require:

  • VIN number of the car.
  • Full name of the owner (preferably).
  1. Open the website of the traffic police.
  2. Go to "Services" - "Auto Check".
  3. Select desired item. For example, "Bail check".
  4. Enter VIN code.
  5. Click on the "Check" button.
  6. Go on the website bailiffs RF.
  7. Visit the block "Service" - "Bank of executive office work".
  8. Enter information about the owner of the car.
  9. Click on "Submit Request".
  10. Enter the section "Service" - "Check car".
  11. Specify the "VIN" number and click on the check button.

That's all. After reviewing the search results, you can learn not only about the pledge of the vehicle, but also about other features of the car.

In addition, there are various third-party services for verification. For example, Autobot. With it, you can not only find out the data about the car, but also see a photo of the car. Very convenient, and most importantly - safe and free. What to do? It is enough to visit the Avtobot website and enter the VIN of the car in the window that appears. The complete information about the car will appear on the screen. With its help, a person will be able to understand how safe it is to buy a car.

How to buy an apartment in a house under construction (new building)? What are the options for buying an apartment (mortgage, installment plan, maternity capital)? What documents are needed for self-registration apartments?

Hello dear readers! Alexander Berezhnov is with you.

I decided to write this article, since I myself have bought apartments for myself and my friends more than once, and I will describe all the experience in this article.

As a result, you will be able to easily buy the right property, as well as learn about all the intricacies and potential dangers of the upcoming transaction.

Get comfortable, it will be interesting!

1. How to prepare for buying an apartment

Purchasing a home is a responsible and difficult event, for which you need to properly prepare.

Before proceeding directly to the buying process, you should tell how to act so as not to lose money and nerves. Any responsible and complex business cannot be started without preparation: correctly carried out preliminary work facilitates such a task.

The first thing to decide is: who will be looking for an apartment and drawing up a contract - you or a realtor? Both options require a thoughtful approach and preliminary work. At first glance, it is easier to use professional help and it is quite justified.

A good realtor learns to work for years and has the appropriate skills. But for his services, he takes a certain fee, sometimes quite decent. On average, the services of a realtor on the market vary from 2% to 6% of the transaction amount (by assisting in the sale of an apartment).

However, for the selection of an apartment, that is, assistance in buying, intermediaries charge much less: from 0.5% to 3%.

Estimate how much you can win if you decide to buy an apartment on your own and do without intermediaries. And try to determine whether you yourself are able to take into account all the possible risks when making a transaction.

Remember that by deciding to act on your own, you may win in money, but at the same time you will lose much more moral strength and time resources.

You also need to decide what kind of apartment you want to buy.

The housing market is divided into primary and secondary.

Primary housing- these are apartments in new buildings, for which the right of ownership has not yet been registered individual. That is, primary housing is not just a new house, but real estate owned by the developer before it is sold to the final buyer, in this case to you.

Resellers- an apartment for which the right of ownership of an individual has already been registered. That is, secondary housing can be both new, in a newly commissioned house, and in a very old one, which is 100 years old.

Both options have pros and cons.

The advantages of primary housing are as follows:

  1. "Legal purity" of the apartment. Primary housing has no background, it has not yet had owners, which means that no one is registered on the living space and there will be no problems with ex-owners;
  2. The novelty of the apartment. In new buildings, there is usually no need to make major repairs, upgrade plumbing communications, etc.
  3. Relatively low price.This advantage takes place in the case of buying an apartment in a house under construction under a contract equity participation.

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Long period of registration of property rights. As a rule, the buyer receives a certificate of ownership of the property after months, which means it is impossible to register in his home.
  2. The risk of losing money when buying a home in houses under construction. There are situations when the developer company turns out to be a fraudster or bankrupt.
  3. Geographic location. Often new buildings are located in remote areas of the city;
  4. Lack of finishing. In any case, you will have to do the repair yourself.

Buying a second home is, of course, faster and most often more convenient. The main danger here is legal issues.

Before buying, you need to make sure that all the previous tenants have been discharged from the housing, whether there are persons who have retained the right to live in the apartment, whether the housing has been rented out, whether there are debts for this housing utility bills, for which you will then have to pay as a new owner.

There may be other encumbrances that you may not know about, for example, an apartment may be mortgaged or arrested. You should be wary if suddenly you are unreasonably offered to buy an object at a low price.

2. What determines the price of an apartment and how not to overpay for it

How to buy a home and not overpay for it? The question is relevant for everyone, even for people with sufficient funds: no one is interested in extra expenses when there is an opportunity to avoid them.

The cost of the apartment key question in real estate transactions.

Often it is the price that is the determining factor in the decision to buy a home or, conversely, to refuse a transaction.

  • How to profitably buy an apartment and determine how much the price corresponds to the real characteristics of the living space?
  • In what situation is it worth bargaining, and in what situation is it better to immediately agree to a deal?

These questions are, of course, individually, but general criteria choices still exist.

When buying, for example, a car, the price is determined by the brand, its functional characteristics, age, degree of wear (mileage). However, unlike most consumer goods, the price of an apartment is much less dependent on its condition.

The main pricing factors are the type of house, the topographic location of the object and the availability of infrastructure, number of storeys. But even with similar parameters, 2 apartments in the same area can have a significant price difference.

Buying a house in a village where there is no demand for housing, you can buy a good building even below its cost. It is a completely different matter in cities where the price of housing only minimally depends on the cost of its construction.

In general, in metropolitan areas, the price separate apartment several times higher than its cost, so the methodology for evaluating housing is based primarily on an analysis of supply and demand.

Recently, we published a detailed article from which you can find out, in which we described the criteria for assessing real estate and an algorithm for determining the objective value of this moment.

What you need to know before buying an apartment

When buying a home, it is important to assess its real value with a minimum error in relation to the offered price and determine how much bargaining is possible.

With such a task, either an experienced and knowledgeable person, or a professional realtor can most effectively cope.

Usually the seller or his intermediary initially sets the price at the level of the upper bar.

The cost of housing in excess of the real price is already included:

  • the cost of agency or intermediary services;
  • the amount within which the owner plans to trade.

The seller and the realtor determine in advance for themselves the bottom bar - the minimum price that they can offer. With competent bargaining, you can overcome it, but you need professional negotiation skills, specific convincing arguments, arguments.

Below you will learn how to correctly evaluate the purchased apartment.

What determines the price of an apartment (16 main parameters):

  1. Number of rooms
  2. Footage (square)
  3. layout
  4. Kitchen size
  5. Floor and number of storeys of the house
  6. Type of building and year of construction
  7. Surrounding area
  8. The presence of a balcony or loggia
  9. Object condition (repair)
  10. Type of heating (central/individual)
  11. The amount of utility payments
  12. Type of bathroom (adjacent/separate)
  13. Location area (center/outskirts)
  14. District infrastructure
  15. Developer (proven company/new market player)
  16. Readiness of the object for operation (stage of building a house)

In addition to apartments at prices within the market, when buying real estate, you may encounter unreasonably high or clearly low prices for objects.

Both options should alert the buyer: in the first case, the sellers are counting on a simpleton, in the second, you can become a victim of scams or get an apartment with significant hidden flaws (for example, huge utility bills).

The most reasonable way to check the feasibility of the proposed price of an apartment is to contact a professional appraiser. This will require costs, but there is a guarantee that you are not being deceived.

3. Realtor - is it worth using the services of an intermediary and how to choose the right one

What is the best way to buy an apartment - on your own or with the help of an intermediary?

As already mentioned, decide housing problem without resorting to outside help is possible only if you have some experience.

If you are new to real estate transactions, take the help of real estate agents. You can also ask for help from your relatives or close friends if they have the necessary experience. It will be very good if, for example, they have recently bought a property and, accordingly, are aware of the current market, prices, and know everything about the transaction.

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of buying an apartment on your own and with the help of a realtor

You can apply an intermediate option - do the main part of the work yourself (search for options, bargaining), and involve a lawyer to help.

There are dozens of law firms in cities that are ready to advise buyers for a fee on the points of interest to them in transactions and help with the entire complex of legal registration of an apartment.

If you decide to entrust the purchase of an apartment to a real estate agency, you need to competently approach its choice.

If you don't want to risk, choose large companies: there is more choice of employees, and archival bases more extensive, although prices may be higher.

Well, if the company is a member of the guild of realtors at the federal or regional level.

Choosing a mediator is a big deal. As practice shows, you can find a good realtor by asking friends and acquaintances for a recommendation. Sometimes this helps to reduce prices for services and increases the level of reliability of the realtor.

It is also worth visiting the company's office in person: do not trust too much the words spoken on the phone, or a beautiful picture on the agency's website.

In the office, do not hesitate to check the documents and ask direct questions: you are a buyer, and you intend to spend your hard-earned money.

Signs of a reliable (or at least decent) agency:

  • professional approach to work;
  • the period of existence of the company on the market;
  • decent technical equipment;
  • order and discipline in the office.

When concluding a contract for the selection of a property, make sure that you and the company must bear all the risks when conducting operations with an apartment.

The documents should mention the name of the company, and not the name of a particular realtor: it’s safer with legal point vision. Crisis and "force majeure" circumstances must be taken into account.

The task of the realtor is to find a compromise between you and the owner: if the agent defends the interests of the landlord to a greater extent, this should alert you.

If suddenly a realtor gives you information that another buyer suddenly showed up who offers $ 1,000 more, you should not take a word: such information needs to be verified.

Be realistic - do not trust your agent unconditionally: he pursues his own benefit, and it does not always coincide with yours. If you are categorically denied a price reduction, while citing "irrefutable" evidence of such a decision, then it is better to consider a few more options.

When working with a realtor, inform him as much as possible about the parameters of the desired housing and your wishes. If you want to watch the sunset from the window or want quiet retired neighbors, it is better to notify the agent in advance.

In practice, the realtor seeks to include his own commission in the price of the apartment. The client is not always even informed about the size of the intermediary percentage.

If in the contract you indicate the maximum amount that you are willing to pay for housing, be sure that this is the price your agent will offer you in the hope of getting the highest possible commission.

To avoid situations that are unfavorable for you, you should:

  • indicate in advance in the contract the amount of the realtor's remuneration not as a percentage, but fixed (preferably);
  • indicate which party pays for the transaction. Usually, all costs for registration of housing are borne by the buyer;
  • list all possible costs client at the time of the transaction.

When drawing up a contract, the realtor has the right to take a certain advance payment from the client. This is quite natural: the search for options requires certain work and costs.

However, the amount of the advance must be reasonable: no more than $1,000, depending on the cost of the apartment and the complexity of the search. Note in the contract that the advance is included in total amount realtor fees. And most importantly fix in writing that the realtor received this money on account of his services.

Not always search options ends successfully. Who is responsible if the transaction does not take place? This should also be taken care of in advance. Experts advise including the following items in the contract with the agent:

  1. The realtor is obliged to provide the client for consideration at least 3 options that fully comply with the initial requirements.
  2. In case of non-fulfillment of the clauses of the contract, the realtor undertakes to return the advance payment to the client and pay a penalty in a predetermined amount.
  3. If the client refuses 3 options (satisfying the search criteria), he has the right to demand a refund of the advance, minus the realtor's activity fee. (The amount of such a fee usually varies within $200).

A professional approach to the responsibility of both parties immediately sets the realtor on a business wave and guarantees the absence of hack work. By including the above points in the contract, you won’t have to wait a long time for options and adjust the agent.

Should a realtor be responsible for the purity of the transaction

Theoretically, any contract under appropriate circumstances can be annulled in court. Even the most experienced pro will not give a 100% guarantee that this will not happen.

However, the agency must be fully responsible for the mistakes made by its staff members in the course of processing purchase / sale transactions, and for the violation of these obligations. In other words, a realtor bears only moral responsibility for an unscrupulous seller, but is fully responsible for his own actions.

Reimbursement material damage caused to the buyer, possibly if the real estate company has a civil insurance contract. The amount at which the insurer assesses the damage is usually immediately indicated in the contract. You can not count on a large compensation to the client.

4. Popular ways to buy an apartment

So, how to buy an apartment? The better to pay for future housing - in cash right away, bank transfers monthly?

Each method has its strengths and weaknesses.

1) For cash

Direct purchase for cash - on the one hand, the easiest way, on the other - the most nerve-wracking. By making such an acquisition, a person often makes the most expensive purchase of his life. The issue of financial security in such transactions is of paramount importance.

Before paying, the buyer should carefully check the condition of the living space, the legal cleanliness of the housing, and agree with the seller on the most acceptable method of transferring money.

Statistics show that 90% of payments (first of all, when buying a "secondary") is made for cash. Formally, the transfer to the buyer of ownership is carried out at the moment state registration deals. However, registration takes place 10 days after the submission of documents. When to pay the owner?

There are 2 options:

  1. Transfer funds before paperwork, drawing up a receipt for receiving money on account of a real estate purchase and sale transaction.
  2. Make a payment after registering the rights of new owners to housing.

The second method is more risky, and usually all transactions are carried out through the preparation of a receipt.

Help to minimize risks: legal receipts, the presence of witnesses to the transaction, the transfer of money in a crowded place (ideally - with surveillance cameras), the use of a bank cell.

2) Through a mortgage

Mortgage is good option for people with a stable income, but do not have the entire amount to purchase real estate.

Buying an apartment without money is a popular question among our citizens. Usually they are solved by applying for a mortgage in a bank.

Mortgage rate fluctuates in Russia and different banks ranges from 10,5% before 14% .

You can buy an apartment in this way, having a considerable amount on hand for a down payment. Now it is from 10% (on rare occasions) 40% in different banks.

On the one hand, a mortgage is the most affordable and popular method of buying a home in the absence of funds. But on the other hand, this is a significant financial burden for the recipient of a mortgage loan.

According to Federal Service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Rosreestr) from January to June 2015 was registered 533 thousand mortgage loans.

- a responsible decision that needs to be comprehensively considered. Are you ready to regularly give a significant part of your income to the bank for 15-30 years and lead a more modest and reserved life?

A certain part of the population unequivocally speaks out against mortgages, calling this option “bondage” and “financial slavery”.

Such people believe that having taken a mortgage, they will have to live almost on bread and water, working 12 hours a day. An apartment, according to opponents of a mortgage, is not the goal for which it is worth wasting years of life.

This opinion has reasonable grounds. People tend to overestimate their capabilities. They believe that if you buy cheap food, walk, save on entertainment, clothes and other essential things, you can pay off the loan ahead of schedule. But this is a road to nowhere.

In this scenario, your desire to develop and achieve life goals will drop to zero. Working from morning till night, being content with little, you risk falling into depression, ruining relationships with your spouse and children, and even losing your job.

To prevent this from happening, you should learn the main rule of the mortgage: payments should be within your reach.

Debt should be the backdrop of your life, not a daily concern.

You should not pay with the last of your strength, depriving yourself of rest, new clothes, holidays and entertainment. It is only necessary to optimize costs moderately.

The allowable maximum mortgage payment is 30-40% from basic income.

If after deducting this amount you have enough to live on, then this option is for you. To pay more man hard psychologically. Figures, of course, are a conditional thing, but it is quite possible to realistically assess your strengths.

3) In installments

This method is often the only possible one for those who do not have full amount payment at the time of buying an apartment, but expects to receive the missing money in the near future. An installment plan is a cross between a mortgage and a full lump sum payment.

When purchasing housing in installments, the buyer makes a down payment, and the rest is paid in equal installments every month or according to the advance established schedule. The term of such payments is usually 3-12 months, rarely up to 2 years. The down payment is usually 50%.

Installment is not suitable for everyone: this option is used by those who have a stable high income or plans to contribute money after the sale of existing real estate.

Installment plans are often used if you urgently need to purchase an apartment in a building under construction, since at later stages of construction the cost of housing will increase significantly. Some companies offer short-term interest-free installments (3-6 months). In other cases, a 10-12% overpayment is required for deferred payment.

4) For maternity capital

Maternity capital is a real chance for young families * to buy an apartment in the absence of required amount. Families with 2 or more children can use this payment option.

Young family- this is a family in the first 3 years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children - without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30.

The amount of maternity capital is indexed annually. For example, in 2015 it was 453,000 rubles. Get a Certificate of Ownership maternity capital can be immediately after the birth of the child or later. According to the law, the program runs until the end of December 2016.

When buying a home with the help of maternity capital, it should be borne in mind that the amount is credited to the account of the owner of the apartment only 2 months after the conclusion of the transaction.

If the amount of housing is more than the maternity capital, the buyer pays the missing amount in cash. To complete the transaction, the buyer contacts Pension Fund. Capital can be used both in the form of an initial mortgage payment, and directed to repay a current loan.

5) From the developer

Buying an apartment from a developer is a rather risky option.

However, with a successful scenario, this method can bring significant benefits. When buying an apartment from a developer, you should carry out preliminary work:

  • conduct a price comparison. Too low cost should alert the buyer: a reputable company is unlikely to give real estate for next to nothing;
  • collect maximum amount information about the builder;
  • acquainted with founding documents company, building permit, project documentation, land plot agreement;
  • study the terms of the equity agreement: it is advisable to do this carefully and at home, where no one rushes you and nothing distracts you. You can also play it safe by showing the contract to an experienced lawyer;
  • check the accreditation of the new building in the bank;
  • check all acts and approvals up to the permission to connect the house to local communications after construction is completed;
  • assess the degree of readiness of housing (however, not always even 80% of readiness guarantees the successful completion of construction).
  • evaluate the object in terms of return on investment.

When buying an apartment from a developer, you can profitably resell it in the future by making repairs and registering ownership.

Please note that in the event of a sale, you will be required to pay tax 13% if you own this property less than 5 years(change in legislation since 2016), previously it was 3 years.

6) From the contractor (in a new building)

Contractor is an organization or individual entrepreneur, carrying out work or selling goods (building materials) for a developer company.

That is, the developer is the client of the contractor. Since the developer company often has limited funds, it pays off with contractors in kind, that is, ready-made apartments.


The developer company "Urban Planning Company" is building the residential complex "Olympus", and the contractor IP Petrov for the construction of "Olympus" supplied bricks for the "Urban Planning Company" for 10,000,000 rubles.

Then, after the commissioning of the Olympus facility, IP Petrov will receive 4 ready-made apartments for 2,500,000 rubles each, that is, only 10,000,000 rubles.

Moreover, the cost of 2,500,000 per apartment is below the market. While the developer himself sells such apartments more expensive, for example, for 3,500,000 rubles.

Thus, the contractor is in a potential "fat". But often he needs to return his money to circulation, and then he quickly sells the apartments he inherited from the developer at a price below the market, for example, for 3,000,000 rubles.

Here you can save up to 20% of the cost of the apartment.

Important point!

Contractors only accept cash in settlements and for a limited period of time, usually no more than 10 days. This is the reason for the lower price.

The very procedure for buying an apartment from a contractor is called a "contract for the assignment of the right to claim real estate." That is, until your house is delivered, it is owned by the developer. When the developer "unsubscribed" the apartment to the contractor, then by law he has the right to demand this housing from the developer after the delivery of the house.

Accordingly, if you bought an apartment from a contractor, then the right to claim the finished apartment passes to you after the delivery of the house.

The main thing for the client is to find a conscientious and decent contractor who does not engage in fraud, but works under a real contract with developers.

7) From the owner

Buying from the owner is a common option for buying a second home.

Usually, this is the name of a purchase without intermediaries (that is, realtors), when the buyer and seller directly agree on the terms of the transaction. Buying without a realtor will save you a certain amount, but at the same time, the risk of buying a home that does not meet the declared characteristics increases.

In this case, the parties to the transaction - the seller and the buyer simply enter into a contract for the sale of real estate and submit documents to the registration authority.

5. How to buy an apartment profitably - 7 simple steps for the buyer

By following a pre-conceived plan, you reduce the chance of mistakes and minimize the risk of losing your money.

Step 1. Determine the parameters of the future apartment

You should immediately decide which apartment you need, in which house, on which floor, in which area. Consider also which market you will target - primary or secondary.

Remember that secondary housing is often apartments in buildings with a certain wear and tear, and the living space itself is sometimes burdened with debts or a criminal background.

On the other hand, the infrastructure around new buildings is usually not well developed, and the apartments themselves often lack interior decoration premises. All these nuances should be thought out and taken into account in advance.

Step 2. We understand how much money is available

It is clear that buyer preferences are formed in accordance with the available finances, but a certain freedom you always have maneuver. For example, for one amount you can buy a one-room apartment in the center or a two-room apartment in a remote area.

At first financial question seems quite certain: you know the amount of your own money, there are many options for buying, and all ads indicate the price of objects. But when it comes down to it, there are many nuances.

The desire of the buyer to save money is quite natural: usually a newcomer to the housing market focuses on the lowest prices. But experts warn: most of the attractive offers that you come across while browsing ads are fiction or as they say in the language of realtors. duck ad * .

duck ad- announcement of the sale of real estate with a deliberately low price (non-existent object) to attract a potential buyer.

When you call specified phones, you will be told that the apartment is sold or withdrawn from sale.

Q: Who is posting these ads? Answer: realtors or intermediaries. Getting in touch with a potential buyer, they always have a chance to offer him another option - but at a different price.

One more note: having a certain amount in your pocket or on your account is not the limit of your capabilities. The crisis did not put an end to the institution of lending. Banks are still lending, albeit to a lesser extent.

illustrative example

Man 30 years old with an average salary 30 - 50 thousand rubles can get a loan from a bank 1 - 1.5 million rubles , which greatly increases the potential. The loan amount is significantly affected by the age of the borrower, work experience and proven income level, credit history.

It must also be remembered that part of the amount you have will be spent on related costs, and some funds would be good to leave for possible repairs.

You should not plan a deal "back to back": it is better to leave part of the money for unforeseen expenses.

Step 3. Choose a purchase method (for cash or mortgage)

Payment methods were discussed in detail above, but here I remind you that everyone should choose the most profitable option for themselves. Some people prefer to pay for everything at once (pay and forget), for others, such an opportunity at a given time is simply unrealistic.

Step 4. Choose a way to search for options (on your own without a realtor or with the help of an intermediary)

Choosing the path of self-purchase of housing without an intermediary, be prepared for the cost of time, loss of mental and emotional energy. It will be especially difficult for those who are faced with the acquisition of real estate for the first time.

Study the information, be patient, do not make spontaneous decisions.

Step 5. We examine suitable options

Do not immediately cling to the first apartment that comes across. Be sure to check out a few options.

When viewing, study " underwater rocks before signing a contract. If the price seems too low to you, there may be some circumstances that are hidden from you - for example, unsuccessful neighbors, a delay in settling in a new building.

Even the microclimate of the area matters. On the way to new housing, you should pay attention to the local "contingent". For clarity, you can even use public transport. Living in a criminal or purely "proletarian" area is comfortable only for representatives certain categories citizens.

If you have children, think about their prospects - what schools they will go to, who will be their friends.

Yard, house territory, entrance and elevator - all these are integral elements of your future property. You should not buy a "cell in prison" even at a very favorable price. In the apartment itself, be sure to study those elements that are usually not mentioned in the descriptions of objects:

  • ceiling height;
  • type of floors;
  • condition of wiring and plumbing;
  • condition of the floor and walls;
  • availability of elevators, their number and condition.
  • what is the background of the apartment;
  • who is registered in the housing, are there children among those registered, persons serving in the army or serving a term of imprisonment, mentally ill;
  • whether there is a debt on the "communal" and what is its size.

Ideally, this should be done by a realtor, but not all agents are conscientious. You need to check the legal cleanliness of the apartment very carefully.

If you firmly decided that the apartment is suitable, proceed to the following important points: who pays for the paperwork, in what terms the owners intend to actually release the object. This must be fixed in the contract.

Step 6. We are negotiating with the seller (trading)

Bargaining is normal, but it is important to observe the measure.

Repeated persistent attempts to bring down the price may end in a “failure”: the seller decides to look for a more accommodating buyer and refuses to deal. If instead of the real owner of the apartment you are dealing with a trusted person, you can not count on special indulgences, although intermediaries also have their own space for financial maneuvers.

You can find out the real price of an apartment in the following way: call other agencies and offer them this living space for sale, allegedly on behalf of the owner, describing all the parameters of the housing in as much detail as possible. The agencies will give you a range of opinions on the price - compare them with the owner's offer.

If the difference is not in your favor, you can trade further.

Step 7. Legalize the deal

All registration is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Verification of documents. At this stage, you as a buyer need to check the availability necessary papers to enable the transaction. It is especially worth paying attention to the title documents and the presence of possible encumbrances (minor children registered in the apartment, arrest or pledge of the apartment).
  2. Conclusion of the contract and submission of documents for registration. If all the documents are in order, then you conclude a contract of sale, and preliminarily transfer an advance payment under a deposit agreement. Next, you submit documents to the registration authority for convenience at the MFC.
  3. Acceptance and transfer of real estate. You accept the purchased apartment by inspecting it and signing the act of acceptance and transfer of real estate.

As a rule, when buying a home, the buyer pays a deposit*.

Deposit- prepayment for the property, which the buyer transfers to the seller, according to preliminary agreement purchase and sale of real estate (deposit agreement). The amount of the deposit is usually up to 5% of the value of the object.

The deposit is issued as a guarantee of the transaction by both parties - the seller and the buyer.

If the buyer refuses the transaction, the deposit is not returned by the seller. In case of refusal of the seller from the transaction, the seller is obliged to return the deposit in double size.

The transaction agreement must clearly indicate the procedure for settlements.

Delivery of documents

Documents are submitted to the MFC (Multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services).

The new owner takes ownership of the apartment.

It is more reliable if you transfer money after one of these stages, but not before. The transfer of money must be certified: if you work with an agency, it is they who should deal with the documentary support of all financial affairs.

It is important that the persons registered in the living space (even those who are not owners) document their consent to the extract. It is also necessary to have the consent to the transaction of the spouse of the owner if the living space was purchased during the marriage.

Be sure to include the dollar equivalent of the amount you are paying. The deal may be declared illegal within 10 years: I think it’s not worth explaining what could become of the ruble during this time.

According to the law, the contract can be concluded in a simple written form, but it is better to do it in the form notarization. This gives additional guarantees legality of your documents.

With regard to the method of conducting monetary settlements, then this question not regulated by law. There are quite a few options, but the most relevant method is payment through a bank cell.

It is rented for several weeks, the buyer places money there, after which his access is blocked for the entire rental period, except for 2 last days. The seller has the right to take the money after the presentation of the registered contract of sale of the property.

After the transaction, it is difficult to dispute any clauses of the contract, but it is possible. For example, if large debts are found behind an apartment, the legislation will be on your side if the relevant issue is documented. If you forgot about this item at the time of the transaction, you will have to pay.

6. Features of buying a home in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Prices for apartments in the capital and St. Petersburg are much higher than in the regions of the Russian Federation. An ordinary citizen living on average salary, it is unrealistic to purchase even a one-room "apartment" in Moscow, but there is always a chance to stop being an "ordinary" one by starting your own business and changing the level of income.

IN Lately the cost of even an “inexpensive apartment” in Moscow and St. Petersburg fluctuates from 4,000,000 to 10,000,000 rubles for "one". With a large number of rooms and solid footage, such real estate will cost from 10 million rubles, if we are not talking about buying a home in an old murdered house.

As you can see, it is not always easy to buy an apartment in megacities profitably, for this you will need high incomes or a large deferred amount.

Mortgage purchase options are available to non-residents if they have a stable high income, plan to move to the capital for permanent residence or buy housing for a student studying at a Moscow university. With cash, the issues of buying a home in Moscow and St. Petersburg are solved more simply.

7. Frequently asked questions when buying an apartment

These questions are often asked by buyers. Here we have listed the most common ones and tried to answer them in detail.

Question 1. How to buy an apartment if there is no money?

There is only one option - to use loans, mortgages and/or maternity capital. The least costly option in terms of money is to purchase housing on credit at the construction stage.

Of course, a young family will have to endure for several years, paying off debts, but their own living space is quite a worthy motivation for those who want to change their living conditions.

Question 2. How to save up for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 - 30,000 rubles?

It is possible to save up for an apartment with a small salary. However, only cost optimization, risky but promising investments and the use of government subsidies will help here.

You can also take advantage of federal and municipal long-term lending programs for young families, such as maternity capital or a military certificate, if your situation fits these types of state assistance.

You can also make an effort to buy an apartment for cash. About that, I already wrote in one of the previous articles.

Question 3. How to buy an apartment so that scammers do not deceive?

It is most reliable to contact a reputable real estate agency and work through it. You can also check potential sellers or dubious apartments through law firms. All documents should also be checked independently and rechecked by professional lawyers. It is worth transferring money only at the bank against a receipt for the purchased housing.

Question 4. How to buy an apartment in a building under construction?

To buy an apartment in a house under construction, you can use 2 options:

  1. From the developer
  2. From contractor

We discussed each of these options above in the text.

In both cases, it is necessary to check the documents for ownership. When buying a home from a developer, pay attention to its reliability and permits.

When buying an apartment in a house under construction from a contractor, check whether his contract is registered in registration chamber otherwise it has no legal effect.

If the contract of assignment of the right to claim is not registered in reg. authority, the contractor may fraudulent activities and sell one apartment to several buyers at once.

Question 5. How to get a tax deduction?

You can get it if you work officially and pay income tax. The amount of the deduction is 13% of full cost housing, but maximum amount no more than 260 thousand rubles. To receive a deduction, you must collect and submit documents to the tax office confirming the right to payments.

However, if you work unofficially, then when buying an apartment you will not be able to receive a tax deduction, since it is formed from deducted taxes.

Important point

You can get deduction once in a lifetime!

Question 6. What documents are needed when buying an apartment?

The list of documents is standard:

  • documents confirming the identity of the parties to the agreement (passports);
  • documents for an apartment (establishing ownership, for example, a privatization agreement, a donation agreement, a sale and purchase agreement, a pink certificate);
  • single housing document* (for residents of Moscow);
  • certificate of no debt (from the seller);
  • seller's house book;
  • contract of sale.

Single housing document(ER) is a document that replaces 13 certificates in real estate transactions and simplifies bureaucratic procedures. Such a document is relevant for residents of Moscow.

In some cases, it is also necessary:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • consent of the spouse to the sale of property;
  • permission from the guardianship authorities - if there are minors among the homeowners.

The texts of purchase agreements, even preliminary ones, must be carefully studied - it is better in the presence of a lawyer or an experienced realtor.

Question 7. How can a young family save up for an apartment?

One of the important questions that a young family should answer is how to form a budget for buying an apartment?

Saving up for an apartment is really difficult, especially if you have a small salary.

In it you will find many useful tips that will help you save money and buy your own home a few years earlier.

How to quickly and profitably sell a car - step-by-step instruction for beginners urgent sale machines + sample documents and illustrative examples

There is an opinion that sellers always overestimate the real cost of objects by 10-20%. In reality, some apartment owners really leave themselves room for retreat and give the buyer the opportunity to enjoy the "discount". But the competition in the real estate market is very high, so most often people declare the real value when selling - otherwise no one will be interested in an apartment. In any case, this can only be verified by trying to lower the price. Realtors advise unanimously: you should always bargain, even if the announcement of the sale was not marked "bargaining is appropriate." But getting a discount from a person who was counting on a certain amount from the sale of real estate is not so easy. This will require strong arguments, perseverance and tact.


Action 1

Determine the subject of the auction

Before you bargain, formulate three main parameters:

  • the amount you are willing to pay
  • the real value of the property
  • lowest possible price

If the first criterion directly depends on your budget, then the other two can be determined by analyzing the real estate market. To do this, you can view various feature articles, professional reviews and catalogs with offers for the sale of housing. It is most effective to use online calculators and advanced database search. There you can set the maximum number of apartment parameters that are identical to the object for which you want to receive a discount.

Action 2

Looking for a seller

The bargaining process is based on a dispute and confrontation of the parties. But remember, you are not in court. The transaction will be successful only if the owner wants to sell you his property. Therefore, before you start discussing the price, establish a positive emotional contact with the seller.

Asking for friends, of course, is not necessary. It is enough to be polite, attentive and punctual. Come to the screening on time, take off your shoes and outerwear if you are asked to do so.

Remember: this apartment could belong to the seller for many years, he lived here and loved his house. Do not behave in a businesslike way, do not publicly discuss plans for the demolition of walls and the removal of rubbish. If the apartment is clearly in need of repair, this can and should be mentioned. But don't forget to compliment the cute faded wallpaper pattern, the high ceilings, or the big windows.

Action 3

Competently formulate the shortcomings of the object

The main arguments that are mainly used in a dispute about the price of real estate are the shortcomings of the object itself. It is important to formulate them clearly and reasonably, but at the same time not to offend the seller. If the buyer scolds the apartment too much, the owner will rightly show him the door and offer to look for housing elsewhere. It is better to make claims to the object according to the principle “the apartment is good, but”:

  • Needs significant renovation

    When the apartment has smooth walls, modern wiring and good parquet, you should not bargain over the color of the wallpaper. Another thing is if it is obvious that the new owners will have to change floors and communications.

    It is easier to negotiate a specific amount with specific arguments. For example, you want a discount of 100 thousand rubles, because it will cost so much to replace old frames with double-glazed windows.

  • There are minor problems with the layout (the apartment is a bit dark / cramped, low ceilings, a narrow corridor, windows facing a noisy street)

    Emphasize that you are willing to put up with these shortcomings, but for a little less money.

  • The seller has additional conditions

    It may be a counter purchase that will delay your transaction. Or, on the contrary, the purchase and sale will have to be processed as quickly as possible, and the buyer must hurry with the decision and the collection of money.

  • The ad hangs in the database for a long time

    This is an essential argument for a realtor who wants to sell a "stale" object as soon as possible.

  • There are cheaper alternatives

    This is the best evidence that the seller overcharged. But be prepared to bring concrete examples from the real estate catalog.

Action 4

We think over our trump cards

Remember: bargaining is a mutually beneficial process. When big deals like selling real estate, people try to weigh the pros and cons as much as possible. Think in advance what you can offer the seller in exchange for a discount. If you intend to reduce the price to some specific amount, you can immediately put your cards on the table and offer a new price in the light of your attractive conditions. When the goal of the bargain is to lose as much as possible, it is better to take out the trump cards from the sleeve one by one.

Convincing arguments for a discount:

  • Direct Quick Buy

    Buyers who are ready to close a deal as soon as possible are always valued much higher than those who have to sell first. own apartment on the secondary.

  • "Live Money"

    The phrase “the whole amount is already in my account, and the deposit is in my pocket” has a magical effect on realtors and sellers. After all, in a situation where the buyer has to borrow part of the money from relatives or get approval for a loan from a bank, the transaction may be delayed for a long time, or even not take place.

  • willingness to wait

    The situation of a counter purchase can also be with the seller. In addition, he may need to live in the old apartment for a few more months before moving to another country or due to renovations. If you are offered to wait, feel free to ask for a discount. Most likely, the seller is ready for this in advance and even put a certain amount for bargaining in the price of the object.

  • Offer to arrange a counter purchase for the owner

    If the seller needs to buy an apartment, you can offer him help with the selection of options. You pay for the services of a real estate agent, and he will make a discount when selling an apartment. Discuss this option with your realtor, he also benefits from getting an additional client.

    You may be able to save money by wisely bargaining with the seller and with the realtor.

  • Help with moving

    Offer to take care of all the expenses and organization of the relocation of the landlord's family. This argument will not be decisive for a serious discount, but it can be used as one of the additional bonuses when bargaining. After all, selling an apartment, packing and transporting all things is not only an expensive, but also a troublesome process. Save the previous owners from unnecessary stress.

  • Willingness to take on all the hassle of processing the transaction

    This argument also plays well with other "bonus" offers. If you feel that the seller is ready to lower the price, offer to save him all the paperwork.

Action 5

We form tactics and strategy of bargaining

If you do not bargain "for luck", but expect to win significant amount It's better to plan ahead. Don't talk about a discount on the first viewing. Maximum, unobtrusively ask the realtor the possibility of bargaining. It is better to study the apartment as carefully as possible, note all the advantages and disadvantages that will become your arguments. Feel free to ask additional questions to the seller, including personal details - how long he lived in this house.

You can hint at a discount from the second and third meetings, when the seller is already convinced of the seriousness of your views on the apartment. Show that you really like the property and are interested in a deal, but are not yet ready to say yes, because there are so many attractive options on the market.

Do not annoy the owner of the property with endless views that remind audit checks. Ask for permission to see the apartment 1-2 times additionally: show it to relatives or a realtor, evaluate the lighting at a different time of the day. So you will give the impression of an adequate and serious buyer, the owner will get used to you and will consider you as the main candidate.

It is better not to tell the owner directly that you are comparing his apartment with others. specific objects. Point it out. Let the seller himself come to the conclusion that he must additionally interest a profitable buyer.

Finally, it is better to complete the bargaining process itself within one meeting. Formulate the arguments in advance: tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of the apartment, your proposals. Bargain confidently, but not too forcefully. Even if the seller initially stated an adequate price for an apartment, your weighted arguments should sow doubts in him.

Action 6

We fix the conditions on paper

Remember: bargaining is an emotional process during which participants can feel the excitement and in some cases even agree to unacceptable conditions. But if today your eloquence, strong arguments and logical tricks forced the seller to give up a third of the price, tomorrow he may change his mind. The owner of the apartment will discuss the terms with family, friends and realtor, is horrified and refuses the deal the very next morning. And, most likely, he will not want to deal with a buyer at all, who almost “stripped him to the skin”. Therefore, do not be zealous in the bargaining process.

Even if you feel that the seller has gone into a frenzy and is ready to throw off another 100 thousand, stop him. Emphasize that now you have finally agreed on a reasonable amount that is beneficial to both parties.

By law, the seller has the right to refuse the transaction at any stage until the ownership of the property is re-registered to the buyer. There are no formal ways to force the owner of the apartment to sell it to you for the agreed amount, but there are ways to influence his decision. Once a verbal agreement is reached, insist on a conclusion prior agreement and payment of the deposit.

It is better that at the time of the final viewing of the apartment, the money and the contract are in your hands. Let your realtor or lawyer take care of the paperwork. Everything must be detailed in the contract. important conditions deals:

  1. 1 the final price of the apartment
  2. 2 deposit amount
  3. 3 deadline for paperwork
  4. 4 the period in which the former owner must vacate the property
  5. 5 terms of the penalty in case of refusal of the transaction for both parties

According to generally accepted practice, in real estate purchase and sale transactions, an advance payment or deposit is made. Advance - more soft form pledge. It is used to confirm the seller's seriousness. In case of refusal of the transaction, it is returned in full, and the parties do not bear any responsibility. The deposit is provisional measure. If the transaction fails due to the fault of the buyer, the seller keeps the money for himself. And when the seller violates the agreement, he is obliged to return the deposit to the buyer in double size. This is how it works in most situations. In the event of a serious bargaining, it is in the interests of the seller to insist on a deposit, and immediately deposit a significant amount. Then it will be unprofitable for the owner of the property to refuse the deal.

The short word "bargaining" is very popular in the market - any. And real estate is no exception - on the contrary, sellers and buyers are constantly and selflessly trading here. The explanation is simple: given the huge amounts circulating in this market, even the smallest discount (say, 1%) turns into very tangible money.

This article is a reference and information material, all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

Secondary: everyone dances!
Let's start with the secondary market - as (after all!) a larger one. The professionals we interviewed were categorical: they are traded on it anyway! The author, who has some experience in buying and selling apartments personal experience, can confirm: it is. There is no price so low that some intrepid citizens do not appear, declaring that it is ridiculously expensive - it must be reduced! Sometimes it seemed to me that if I offered an apartment for free at all, there would surely be an insolent person who would demand that I also pay him extra for taking my object.

“Everything is always traded,” shares his own professional experience Maria Litinetskaya, CEO of Metrium Group. - It is rare when a person is ready to pay everything at once without discussing the price, also in cash. It can only be when the conditions at the facility are initially interesting.”

Not only down, but up
Now let's move on to the next interesting question: how much are traded? Unfortunately, it is impossible to derive a certain “arithmetic mean” answer here (“bargaining is always 10%”) - a lot depends on specific details. The first is, of course, from the set price: is it higher or not than the real market level. The more expensive initially, the more maneuver the seller has. From this, it seems like a recommendation follows: to break the price from the heart, so that even after a huge, 30 percent, bargaining, the seller would still be interested. But here you need to know when to stop, because buyers will not be interested in an object that is too overvalued. At all!

The second important point is the presence of any serious defects in the apartment. Their list is huge: shortcomings can be both physical (windows on railway, "fragrant" garbage in the yard, etc.), and legal ("crooked" title documents). Part of the sellers, knowing about the shortcomings own goods and lower the price. However, there are others - who in the blue eye are trying to sell their object at a normal price. Finding this, the buyer can and should bargain. Unless, of course, the scale of the identified defects is not such that it is better to refuse the acquisition altogether.

And the third - how urgently the owner needs to implement. "In every separate case the question of lowering the price of an apartment depends on the life situation, financial situation the seller, on how much money he needs at the moment, notes Alexey Shlenov, Executive Director, MIEL-Network of Real Estate Offices. - If the need for the fastest receipt of money is acute enough for the seller, he will be ready to bargain. However, if the seller has time, he will look for a buyer for whom the set price will be acceptable.

To put it less courteously, the principle “we find a seller who is squeezed by life circumstances, one who needs money urgently, and we press him on price” - such a principle is cynical, but effective. But here you also need to know the measure. There is an extremely unpleasant (for an overly assertive buyer) article. 179 Civil Code where it says that « a transaction that a person was forced to make due to a combination of difficult circumstances on extremely unfavorable conditions for himself, which the other party took advantage of ( bondage deal), may be declared invalid by the court at the claim of the victim. Comments, it seems to us, are unnecessary ...

Concluding this chapter, it should be recalled that bargaining, in principle, is possible not only in the direction of reductions, but also in the direction of price increases. “If the apartment is liquid and there are several buyers, then the seller can increase the cost, waiting for who will give more,” reminds Maria Litinetskaya (“Metrium Group”).

A natural technique is to look for shortcomings in the proposed object. “On the secondary market, they are trading quite standardly, criticizing the condition of the apartment and assuring that it will be necessary to invest in repairs as much as the apartment costs in order to bring it into a divine form,” notes Maria Litinetskaya (“Metrium Group”). - Pay attention to the condition of the floor, bathrooms, windows, doors. And if there is something to complain about, then they trade “with all their hearts”. If it is not possible to find a flaw in the apartment, then they switch to the shortcomings of the entrance, the surroundings of the house, etc.”

The method is good - but also requires meaningful use. If an apartment with peeled wallpaper is sold at a more or less average price for the market, it is possible and necessary to draw the seller's attention to these very wallpapers. But it may also happen that the owner has already set a price taking into account the condition of his object. In such a situation, an attempt to "put together" something else from him will not cause anything but irritation - and this is very dangerous. The fact is - and experienced realtors will confirm this - that a person "bends" only up to certain limit, after which resistance begins. And sometimes it happens that a potential buyer will try so hard to reduce the price (and even in our way, with a shout and a stomp) that the seller will announce that he refuses to deal with this unpleasant subject. No, and not for any money.

“You need to bargain wisely, the desire to “bring down” the price too much can cause a categorical refusal on the part of the seller to continue negotiations, and the buyer will have to look for another apartment or refuse to bargain at all,” confirms Inna Ignatkina, director of the department of the company "MITS-Nedvizhimost" on Presnya.

On the other hand, the buyer can pretty much "sweeten the pill" by offering the seller concessions of a different level - for example, more convenient form of payment, terms of release, etc.

There are two ears, and one language - this is no accident
By the way, let's look at the other side of the "barricade of bargaining" - to the sellers. First of all, the apartment must be prepared for sale - i.e. try to improve it appearance. It’s better not to do pre-sale repairs (we recently wrote about this: “”), but wash windows, throw out old trash, etc. is a must.

The second is to also study the market in order to successfully repel the attacks of buyers. “Here, on your own street, an apartment is being sold exactly like yours - and the price is 600 thousand less!”, - he says. "So, good person, he has a five-story building without an elevator and with cockroaches, and I have a brand new 17-story building, ”you delicately answer.

Fighting off the arguments of buyers, you must also be restrained: rudeness on your part is no better than on the opposite side, and can lead to the same sad consequences that are described at the end of the previous chapter. And - most importantly - you need to talk less about yourself (“I need to sell my apartment urgently!”), But ask more about the circumstances of the other side and listen carefully to everything. If it turns out that a person buys an apartment because his mother lives in the same entrance, he needs an apartment right here - you can safely raise the price by 5-6 hundred.

Oleg Rodionov (“Azbuka Zhilya”) adds a couple more useful tips for the seller: remove the word “bargaining” from the advertisement, and also try to organize impressions for several buyers in sequence so that they can see each other.

Primary market: also traded, especially on non-liquid
Companies selling , deliberately impose such a stereotype: you can bargain on the secondary, but with us - no, no! We are a “shop” where prices are set by ourselves CEO, so that even the absurd idea of ​​bargaining should not come into the head of buyers. It is noteworthy that primary sellers quite often provide various discounts: for example, with a 100% payment, the developer, as a rule, always provides a 3-5% discount - this is one of the standard conditions. However, in the opinion of the author, such a discount, provided to everyone and at the initiative of the developer, has nothing to do with actual bargaining.

“Elements of the “oriental bazaar” were observed in the primary residential real estate market in the crisis year of 2009,” believes Tatyana Kuznetsova, Director of the Real Estate Sales Department at Etalon-Invest. – Some developers, who were experiencing difficulties then, were ready to provide discounts that were not originally planned in exchange for real money, especially if the client paid 100% of the amount. The discount from the original price at that time could be up to 20-30%. After stabilization economic situation The real estate market has also changed. Today, discounts can only be obtained within the framework of existing promotions and special offers. Developers include prices in the business plan at the stage of project development (of course, they are subject to correction during its implementation, but, as a rule, upwards), and developers who sell apartments themselves, without additional agency margin, have another option to reduce there is no price, except within the framework of the current promotion.

A slightly different opinion Natalya Kudryavtseva, commercial director of CJSC Kama-Project. “Yes, buyers are haggling,” she confirms. – But here everything depends on the organization of the work of the sales department in the company and on its authority to resolve issues quickly. In large holdings, there are strict regulations, and, as a rule, managers do not have the opportunity to convey to the management the desire of the buyer to bargain. As a result, in those companies where decisions on an additional discount are made promptly, it is quite possible to get it. What will it be? Most likely small. Up to 50 thousand rubles. There was one case when a girl bought an apartment and came to pay in US dollars. When converted into rubles, the amount turned out to be less than 40 thousand rubles than it was necessary to pay. The girl had no more money, and the management decided to give her an additional discount on these 40 thousand.

...However, according to information that is not very official, a skilled buyer can knock out a discount for himself, and a very serious one - up to 15%. True, perhaps this is only on projects that are experiencing problems with implementation. On the cheapest and liquid ones, which are already selling well, they will only laugh at your attempts to bargain additionally.

Under the table, no one is superfluous
Not so long ago, the author caught the eye of an American translated book. I learned with interest that in the US market all processes, including trading, take place in writing. For example, a seller lists his property for $200,000. The buyer gives him a written offer - $ 150 thousand. The seller agrees or not - he says, $ 180. And so on until the parties either reach a compromise or scatter. With us, everything is not so - the process takes place exclusively orally.

A clear explanation of why they work that way, our realtors do not give. Therefore, I will express my personal opinion: the less written traces remain during the transaction, the easier it will be for the realtor to take a hidden commission. By the way, such a technology of "business under the table" sometimes meets with warm approval from customers too - for example, when an amount of 990 thousand rubles is put in a sales contract.

Summary from the portal
Trading is a good thing. Not always pleasant, who argues. But the idea that you can save yourself an amount equal to your salary for whole year, - will make you come to terms with difficulties and prepare well for the process.

The search for a suitable home to buy is perceived by many as something akin to a disaster. Dozens of views, weighing the pros and cons of various objects, the forced need to revise your criteria for the attractiveness of an apartment - all this can unsettle anyone!

Finally interesting apartment found, and it's time to discuss the terms of the deal. Very few buyers agree with the price offered by the owner, so the parties consider the possibility of bargaining.

How much can you bargain with the seller?

The vast majority of sellers are ultimately forced to concede an apartment at a cost lower than that which was originally declared. Moreover, according to the data provided by CIAN, since January 2017, every fifth seller in St. Petersburg has reduced the price by 15 percent or more from the starting price!

At the same time, in most cases, homeowners in Soviet-built houses revise the price to please buyers. Dilapidated communications, uncomfortable layouts of apartments with small kitchens and other shortcomings of Khrushchev houses negatively affect their cost, even taking into account the obvious advantages of a particular housing.

The average buyer will prefer such an apartment - even located within walking distance from the metro - "odnushka" or "kopeck piece" in a comfort-class new building, which still needs to be reached from the metro.

What can be the basis for bargaining?

When is bargaining appropriate? First of all, when it comes to an apartment, the price of which is clearly too high in comparison with its market value. Illiquid housing - in bad condition, requiring not only cosmetic, but also overhaul, and also - all these are grounds to ask the seller to "move" in price.

Inconveniently located apartments, which for many years have not even been cosmetic repairs, as well as housing with an unsuccessful layout - these are the most common reasons for bargaining!

When is there no point in bargaining?

Part of the residential real estate is initially put up for sale at reasonably high prices - significantly higher than similar housing in the same area. For example, these are apartments with views in the historical districts of the city. Sellers of such housing are most often not ready to reduce the price to please the buyer.

In this case, it is practically useless to appeal to the obvious or imaginary shortcomings of the apartment. Most likely, the seller will still wait for a more loyal buyer and sell the property at a profit.

How to bargain when buying an apartment?

Trying to bring down the price of an apartment, at first glance, is not so difficult. Name the amount you are willing to pay and give arguments in its favor - that's all! It may seem that it is not necessary to be a real estate professional here, but is it really so?

Some preparation is still needed. First of all, a potential buyer should find out at what prices similar apartments in the area are being sold. It will also be very useful to learn more about the seller himself, the reasons why he is selling the apartment, as well as how long it has been put up for sale. If the exposure period exceeds 4-6 months, then it is likely that the owner of "unclaimed" housing will be ready to sign an agreement based on the results of the auction, tired of fruitless waiting.

The best advice you can give to a person who is looking for an apartment on the secondary market at a reasonable price is to contact a good realtor. Professionals know everything about the market value of apartments and find arguments to help convince even the most uncompromising sellers to lower the price!

Irina Romanova, Senior Manager of the Sales Department of the Housing Stock of the Petersburg Real Estate Agency:

Compared to the fall of 2016, the size of trading decreased by 50–70%. A year ago, the buyer could achieve a price reduction of 300 thousand rubles, and now the discount is on average 50-70 thousand rubles from the original cost. The reason is that over the past three years, prices for most apartments on the secondary market (with the exception of the "new secondary housing") have been gradually declining, and have recently stabilized.

Nevertheless, bargaining is still possible, and almost all buyers take advantage of this. If you like the apartment, feel free to call the ad, bargain with the seller and come to view - it is much easier to get a price reduction on the spot.

Apartments recently put on the market may be overpriced. This must also be taken into account. Also, much depends on the type of transaction: direct sale or counter purchase. For example, the seller is looking for a more spacious home or an apartment in another area. If the owner received a discount on new apartment, then he can reduce the price of his property.

Elena Bushurova, real estate expert at the Alexander Nedvizhimost agency:

Today is the buyer's market, and basically it dictates the terms of the purchase. Therefore, there is bargaining, but in reasonable limits. After all, the owner of the property sells and, as a rule, acquires alternative housing in return. But there are options where bargaining is inappropriate - on the contrary, there is an increase in cost. This applies primarily to view real estate in the historic center of the city.

Bargaining, as a rule, begins in those options that are really overpriced: illiquid apartments, economy-class housing, Khrushchev, etc.

How to bargain when buying a home? First of all, bargaining should not humiliate homeowners - in other words, it should be correct. In no case should one forget and neglect the reasons for selling an apartment, as well as try to bring down its price below the level adequate to the market.

Sergey Barachenya, Leading Manager of the Russian Real Estate Fund:

In 8 cases out of 10, the seller initially overestimates the real value of his object by 10-15%. The buyer knows about this and tries to reduce the price by at least 3-5% even if the price of the apartment is as close as possible to its real market value.

The biggest mistake homeowners make is when they set a fixed price for real estate, arguing their refusal to lower the price with their own capital investment in the renovation of the property. But the value of the repair made “for oneself” in the eyes of the buyer is significantly lower than for the seller himself! They should still rely on the real market value of such real estate, and agree to bargain based on it.

As for buyers, they should listen to the opinion of professionals in the field of valuation and sale of real estate. The experts in this matter still have more reasonable arguments for bargaining than the potential buyers themselves. An experienced realtor will always select other conditions of sale under which the seller can reduce the price to an acceptable level for his client, and will find a compromise solution for both parties.

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