Natalia poklonskaya intimate life scandal p. Natalya Poklonskaya spun in a whirlwind of scandals

Photo from Poklonskaya's Facebook page and her image as an anime character

The former "Prosecutor of Crimea", who is now considered by the Russian authorities to be a State Duma deputy, Natalya Poklonskaya made many scandalous statements and dubious actions.

The latest scandal involving her is gaining momentum after the discovery by Transparency International of Poklonskaya's undeclared apartment in Donetsk, registered to her maiden name Dubrovskaya.

NV recalls the most famous facts related to Poklonskaya.

The betrayal of Ukraine and the meme nyash-myash

Before the events on the Maidan, Poklonskaya worked in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, and before that - in the Simferopol inter-district prosecutor.

However, immediately after the illegal annexation of Crimea, the occupying authorities put the 34-year-old Poklonskaya in charge of the “Crimean prosecutor’s office,” first as acting head, and then as the “Crimean prosecutor.”

In this regard, at the end of September 2016, The prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea opened a criminal case against Poklonskaya for treason.

Poklonskaya's resemblance to Japanese anime-style cartoon characters has led to numerous depictions of her as an anime character immediately after her first claims as the "Crimean Prosecutor", as well as her nickname "nyash-myash". Video blogger Enjoykin created a video about Poklonskaya called Nyash Myash, which has been viewed over 34 million 700 thousand times on his YouTube channel so far.

Persecution of the Crimean Tatars and the banning of the Mejlis

Poklonskaya is also known for the persecution of the Crimean Tatars.

So, on December 7, 2014, she stated Deputy Head of the Mejlis Akhtem Chiygozu that holding unauthorized meetings on the peninsula is prohibited.

"Poklonskaya personally met Akhtem Chiygoz at the checkpoint and gave him a prosecutor's warning about the inadmissibility of organizing unauthorized mass events," Chigoyz's colleague Dzhelal said. He noted that this could be due to the fact that on December 10 the leaders of the Crimean Tatars planned to organize meetings with their compatriots in the places of their compact residence.

After the start of the energy blockade of Crimea on December 21, 2015 Poklonskaya said that entrepreneur Lenur Islyamov, who is the coordinator of the blockade, was charged in absentia with sabotage. And shortly before that, On December 3, Islyamov's property was arrested in the occupied Crimea.

However, the most egregious episode was the ban on the initiative of Poklonskaya of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and its recognition by the occupying Russian authorities as an extremist organization. This caused protests from both the Crimean Tatars themselves and Ukraine, as well as from the world community.

Thanked Putin for the opportunity to be proud of him

During the election campaign to the State Duma, Poklonskaya, at a meeting of the President of Russia with representatives of the United Russia party controlled by him, thanked Putin on behalf of the Crimeans for the fact that he "we have" and also for the opportunity to be proud of him.

"Thank you very much for having you, thank you for returning our homeland to us", Poklonskaya said.

Statement that the bust of Nicholas II in the Crimea froze

On March 3, 2017, on the air of the Tsargrad TV channel, Poklonskaya announced that the bust of Nicholas II, installed in the chapel near the prosecutor's office in Simferopol, had become myrrh-streaming.

Commenting on this statement by Poklonskaya, the media wrote that this chapel was built partly at the expense of prosecutors and "nyash-myash" opened it herself in October 2016.

On March 4, representatives of the Russian media came to the chapel to learn more about the "miracle". The warden of the chapel, named Alexei, told them that he had not only the bust of Nicholas II, but also numerous icons.

Poklonskaya's statement provoked a strong reaction in social networks, who took it sarcastically.

Calls to "check" director Alexei Uchitel and his film Matilda

On November 2, 2016, Poklonskaya told the Russian media that she had sent a deputy request to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika with a request to check the still unfinished film by Matilda Alexei Uchitel about Nicholas II and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, which should premiere at the end of October 2017.

Poklonskaya said that the film, which has not yet been made, offends the feelings of believers, since Nicholas II was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

At the request of Poklonskaya, the prosecutor's office replied that they had already checked the picture of the Teacher and did not present any claims against the director based on the results of the check.

However, Poklonskaya did not stop there. In her LiveJournal, she was indignant at the fact that the check only touched on the trailer of the film, which has not yet been released, posted on the Internet.

She also stated that " the role of the canonized emperor went to Lars Eidinger, a German actor who previously played one of the main roles in a pornographic film".

As Present Time notes, Poklonskaya calls the film Goltzius and the Pelican Company, filmed by Cannes Film Festival laureate Peter Greenway, a porn film.

On January 30, 2017, Poklonskaya sent a second request to the Prosecutor General of Russia, Yuri Chaika, with a request to conduct another check on the legality of spending budget funds allocated by the Cinema Fund for the creation of the film by Alexei Uchitel Matilda.

"Russia is presented in the film as a country of gallows, drunkenness and fornication. It is impossible to allow a film that is a deliberate anti-historical fake, aimed at discrediting, mocking and slandering one of the most revered Saints of our Church - Tsar Passion-bearer Nicholas II and members His Families," Poklonskaya said, in particular.

Poklonskaya also sent a request to the Ministry of Culture of Russia with a request to take into account the arguments of critics when the issue of issuing a film distribution certificate will be decided.

In addition, she has repeatedly appeared on Russian TV, commenting on the film Matilda.

Poklonskaya also managed to find "experts" who "having studied the trailers of the picture and the full text of the script" agreed with her in everything.

"The creators of the film Matilda have crossed far beyond the line separating satire proper from sophisticated, cynical and cruel bullying, extremely painful insults, gross humiliation of human dignity," Poklonskaya's "experts" say in the conclusions.

On May 25, it became known that the police began to check the film company of Russian director Alexei Uchitel at the request of Poklonskaya.

On June 9, Russian journalist and columnist for Moskovsky Komsomolets Artur Gasparyan suggested that Poklonskaya's intrusive activity, which had already turned the film Matilda into almost the main film sensation of the season, was due to the fact that Poklonskaya was actually an SBU agent.

Undeclared apartment in Donetsk

June 7, 2017 the Russian branch of Transparency International published information that Poklonskaya may not have declared an apartment in Donetsk, which is registered in the name of Natalya Dubrovskaya, whose date of birth (March 18, 1980) matches her data.

According to a TI investigation, an apartment of 29.9 sq. m in Donetsk on Rimsky-Korsakov street.

It is assumed that Dubrovskaya is the maiden name of the current illegally elected deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. This is confirmed by the analysis of social networks: Poklonskaya's daughter has the surname Dubrovskaya.

At the same time, in the Ukrainian telephone directory there is only one Dubrovskaya Natalya Vladimirovna with this date of birth. At the same time, it is registered in the Crimea, in the village of Uyutnoye in the Saki district near Evpatoria. According to the official biography, Poklonskaya herself was born and raised in the village of Uyutnoye.

"If this apartment really belongs to Natalya Poklonskaya, she was not included in her declaration four times, contrary to the law," the investigation says.

Based on these data, Transparency International turned to the head of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, and the Presidential Administration of Russia with a request to verify information about Poklonskaya's real estate.

The concealment of real estate should entail the deprivation of Poklonskaya's deputy mandate, according to TI.

On the same day in response to an investigationTransparency International Poklonskaya stated that will apply to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation with a request to check the publication of anti-corruption officials under four articles of the Criminal Code.

She believes that we are talking about the abuse of power by a person performing managerial functions for commercial purposes (201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), slander (128.1), dissemination of information about private life without the consent of the person in relation to a minor child (137), registration of illegal transactions with real estate property (170).

At the same time, Poklonskaya did not give a direct answer to the presence or absence of real estate in Donetsk.

"Because all I can comment on now is the initiation of inspections. And then Transparency International will really do their job - cut firewood," she said.

On June 8, Poklonskaya stated on her Facebook page that Natalya Dubrovskaya, who owns an apartment in Donetsk, provided her with the original documents for her property and accused Transparency International of distributing forged documents.

Poklonskaya also claims that the owner of the apartment was born in 1974, and not in 1980, as Transparency writes in its investigation.

In response, the head of the press service of the Russian branch of this international organization, Gleb Gavrish, said that there was no forgery of documents.

"We received documents from the Ukrainian register of property rights, received a week ago, give or take a few days. Poklonskaya's document - we don't know where she got it from. We deny falsification of documents in any form," he said.

"The most beautiful prosecutor in the world", the object of worship of the Japanese "animes" and the formidable general - this is all about Natalia Poklonskaya. Only now she is no longer a prosecutor, but a deputy and deputy chairman of the State Duma committee on security. Climate change did not affect the activity of the indefatigable lady general. Poklonskaya, as before, gushes with initiatives and reacts sharply to events that cause public outcry.

Natalya Poklonskaya will not leave without an answer - everyone has already understood this. Both social activists asking for help and well-wishers who follow the career of the former prosecutor of Crimea have understood. Spiteful critics also know: an ambulance will not go into his pocket for a comment.

Representatives of the public movement "Royal Cross" turned to the deputy of the State Duma. The film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda", which tells about the difficult relationship between the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and the ballerina Kshesinskaya, was considered by the public to be "an anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation in the cultural sphere." The film, however, is still being filmed - but it still needs to be checked. Natalya Poklonskaya has already sent a request to Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

And in the center of Simferopol, trees are being cut down. Complaints about the massive logging, which began in October, came from residents of the city. The request from Poklonskaya was not long in coming. The city authorities told journalists that new ones would be planted to replace the destroyed trees, upon completion of the reconstruction. Nevertheless, the deputy believes that the administration should have explained to the residents of the city before cutting down what is happening - and not cause unhealthy excitement with their actions.

The deputy chairman of the Duma committee reacts to the most unexpected complaints. Most of all they are sent to Poklonskaya from her native Crimea (apparently, from old memory). For example, the deputy had to send a request to the Prosecutor General's Office after the residents of Evpatoria complained about the installation of the Ferris wheel. In their opinion, the construction worsens the historical and cultural appearance of the city, and the installation violates federal law.

With a sense of humor, the former prosecutor of the Crimea is also all right. She sensitively reacts to all the steps of Russia's "Western partners":

Write to Natalia and Ukrainians. According to Poklonskaya, they are asking to be relieved of their current leadership. "I receive letters as a deputy from Ukrainians. True, they ask that answers be sent not to their address of residence, but to their e-mail boxes. They ask to get rid of the false leadership that is in power in Ukraine today. I feel sorry for the Ukrainian people, who turned out to be a hostage their negligent rulers," the deputy said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Poklonskaya is also ready for a trip to the Donbass. "I would like to visit those places. Benefit people. Support them. Donbass is a very close topic for me - this is my first homeland. My grandmother lives there, I grew up in the Crimea, but I was born in those parts. I love Donbass, and I I would like to help in some way," she said.

Poklonskaya has a special attitude to everything connected with Orthodoxy. On her initiative, a chapel was built near the walls of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Simferopol in honor of the holy royal martyrs of Emperor Nicholas II and his family. She was consecrated at the end of October. "The caretaker of the chapel, Alexei, told how one night, while reading an akathist, droplets of myrrh appeared on the icon of Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich, which helped in healing - miraculously, the child's temperature dropped, and recovery began after a debilitating illness," the deputy said.

Even as the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, Natalya Poklonskaya came up with a legislative initiative to amend the law "On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations." It was about the possibility of issuing alternative documents to believers who refuse TIN and SNILS due to religious beliefs, without assigning an identification number.

The deputy does not like the western holiday Halloween, which in recent years has become fashionable to celebrate in Russia. "I'm an Orthodox believer, so I'm not interested in Halloween and the like. This is a pro-Western culture, completely unusual for us, not native to us." According to Poklonskaya, there is nothing good, bright and kind in this holiday.

Natalya Vladimirovna Poklonskaya is an incredibly bright and popular personality not only in the Russian Federation and Crimea, but throughout the world. The fact is that this brave and beautiful woman, who, during the return of the Crimea to her homeland, did what was beyond the power of many strong men. Poklonskaya simply headed the post of head of the Prosecutor General's Office at a time when there was a confrontation between the Ukrainian regime and the Polite People.

Natalya Vladimirovna did not refuse to put things in order at a time when the majority of men refused a dangerous position, fearing for their own families. At the same time, the woman said that she was doing this only for the sake of the memory of generations, her daughter, grandmother, who survived the years of Nazi occupation.

In principle, the defenseless and fragile girl did everything to ensure that peace was preserved on the Crimean peninsula. At the same time, Natasha received worldwide recognition and universal love, she even became the heroine of a rather popular anime about the prosecutor Nyasha-Natasha. All Crimeans call her none other than our Natasha. They recall how the girl managed to conquer the whole world in just five and a half minutes, while her first conference as the Prosecutor General of Crimea lasted.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natalia Poklonskaya

At the same time, many people do not cease to admire the personality of Poklonskaya, and also seek to clarify her height, weight, age. How old is Natalya Poklonskaya - it is possible to determine using a simple calculation by the date of her birth.

Natalya Vladimirovna was born in 1980, so she was already thirty-eight years old. Although Natalya Poklonskaya: a photo in her youth and now is the same photo from which a beautiful and self-confident woman smiles at us.

The zodiac circle hurried to give her the sign of smart, dreamy, stable, self-confident, creative, smiling Pisces.

The Eastern horoscope, on the contrary, endowed the beauty with character traits characteristic of Monkeys, namely, dexterity, resourcefulness, cunning, perkyness, smiling, the ability to easily find a way out of the most difficult situation.

Poklonskaya's height was 168 centimeters, and the publicly beloved prosecutor weighs only some 59 kilograms.

Biography of Natalia Poklonskaya

The biography of Natalia Poklonskaya amazes everyone with its uniqueness, constant ups and downs. Natasha was born in the village of Mikhailovka, which belonged to the Lugansk region.

Father - Vladimir Poklonsky and her mother - are not politicians or businessmen at all, they are ordinary workers who have already retired. At the same time, Natasha is the only child in the family, so she was surrounded on all sides with love and attention.

The girl justified the trust given, because she studied only perfectly well, was an activist and skillfully played the piano. Natasha flatly refused to wear provocative blouses and miniskirts, preferring stylish business suits to them.

She constantly spent time with books, and she spoke equally well in Russian and Ukrainian. Although recently, during a speech on the radio, Natalya Poklonskaya had a scandal. When, by mistake or by inattention, she quoted Chatsky from Griboedov's Woe from Wit, but attributed these words to Suvorov. At the same time, due to the fact that the broadcast was direct, nothing could be corrected, but the prosecutor apologized and said that she would definitely re-read the classics.

In the early nineties, the Poklonsky family moved to Yevpatoria, and after the girl graduated from school, she entered the Crimean branch of the Department of Internal Affairs. After graduation, the girl worked in the Simferopol environmental city prosecutor's office as a state prosecutor. She was known as a man with an iron will, survived several assassination attempts, but brought all her cases to court.

Later, Poklonskaya worked in the same prosecutor's office, but as a prosecutor. And then for two years she held a high position in the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine. At the same time, she managed to quit absolutely everything after learning about the events on the Maidan. Natalya was not resigned, but the woman went to Crimea anyway and helped organize a referendum there.

After Poklonskaya became the Prosecutor General of Crimea in 2014, she was put on the wanted list in Ukraine for actions that called for the overthrow of the legitimate government. The girl was again attacked. Since she considered numerous high-profile cases of a national scale.

Poklonskaya became a member of the United Russia party, since 2016 she has been on the lists of the pro-presidential party to the State Duma. Therefore, she ended up in the capital of our Motherland and at the same time received the rank of general.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

The personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya is shrouded in mystery, since the position of the prosecutor does not allow the novels to be exposed to the public. Of course, like any young and attractive girl, Natasha had novels and fleeting hobbies, but no one can provide a photo and talk about the details of this side of life.

It is only known for certain that Natasha was married twice, but she does not speak about the identity of her spouses, as she hides their personal data in the strictest confidence.

The prosecutor's personal life is filled with numerous hobbies, as she goes in for sports, starts the day with a set of gymnastic exercises and jogging in the park. A girl can pass the TRP complex at any time, and she also sings beautifully.

By the way, clips and anime are shot about Poklonskaya herself, songs and documentaries are dedicated to her, and in 2016 she was deservedly recognized as the most beautiful woman in Russia according to the Russian Reporter magazine.

Natalya Vladimirovna is zealous about the topic of Nicholas II, because she considers his overthrow to be illegal, and the execution of the royal family is simply a monstrous crime, so she went to the action of the Immortal Regiment with a portrait of the king. She has already managed to transfer 80 photos from the archives of the royal family to the administration of the Livadia Palace, promising to later cast all the sculptures of all its members.

Family of Natalia Poklonskaya

The family of Natalia Poklonskaya is her special pride and a secret sealed with seven seals, since the prosecutor considers this path to be something secret. Her parents were ordinary people, they never had anything to do with business, cinema, politics or public figures.

It is not yet clear whether Poklonskaya is the surname she received at birth, or whether Natasha was Dubrovskaya as a child. Even the state structures of Ukraine did not confirm this fact from the biography, so the old Polish surname remained behind the woman.

At the same time, the parents devoted enough time to the patriotic education of their daughter, they taught her love for the USSR and those who worked for her good. Poklonskaya is a person who is touched by the theme of the Great Patriotic War, since her grandfathers not only took part in the hostilities, but also laid down their lives there.

Grandmothers and their families at that time lived in the occupied territory, so they hated not only the Nazis, but also Bandera.

Children of Natalia Poklonskaya

The children of Natalia Poklonskaya are not numerous, since she is raising only one daughter. The prosecutor of Crimea and a deputy of the State Duma says that she is not going to increase the number of children in the family, since there are no candidates for the father yet.

Natalia's daughter is not too big yet, but she supports her mother in everything. At the same time, the girl understands that she cannot spend enough time with her, since Poklonskaya is establishing a good life, but the beauty loves to watch clips and anime about mommy.

It is not clear who became the father of the girl, as well as in what marriage she was born, since there is information that the baby is an illegitimate child. Rumor has it that the daughter was born in her first marriage, but many argue that there was only one marriage, and Nastya was born in it.

Daughter of Natalia Poklonskaya - Anastasia Poklonskaya

The daughter of Natalia Poklonskaya - Anastasia Poklonskaya - was born in 2005, she is a bright, albeit modest girl, outwardly very similar to her mother. However, Natalya herself cannot devote enough time to her daughter, since she is engaged in affairs of national importance, therefore Anastasia constantly lives with her grandparents in Simferopol.

Little Poklonskaya is an excellent student at music and high school, loves to read and recite poems, and is also fond of theater performances. Nastya plays on stage in a theater studio, while attending an acting school at the same time.

Anastasia sings great, so she appeared with her mother in a video dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory. And Natalya always repeats that she is moving forward so that her girl does not know the horrors of war and lives in a free society.

Husband of Natalia Poklonskaya - Vladimir Klimenko

The husband of Natalia Poklonskaya - Vladimir Klimenko - is another big secret of the politician and the prosecutor, since no one can provide data on whether the girl is married or divorced.

Vladimir for a long time was the deputy mayor of Mariupol, and in parallel he was a relative of the then mayor of this city. He did not support the pro-Russian position of his wife and chose a position in society.

Natasha could not forgive this betrayal of Vladimir and filed for divorce. But it is not yet known whether the divorce took place. Rumor has it that little Nastya could well be the daughter of a politician. But there were no comments from Poklonskaya, which gave rise to a chain of gossip.

One way or another, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine did not confirm the existence of a marriage with Klimenko, as well as the presence of Vladimir's daughter Nastya.

Natalia Poklonskaya intimate life

As Natalya Poklonskaya herself says, the intimate life of a woman and politics should not be put on display, so that later she would not be ashamed in front of the children. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to find a photo of naked Natalya Poklonskaya on the net, since the girl was nevertheless brought up in Orthodox traditions.

At the same time, the most intimate photos of Natalia Poklonskaya are in a swimsuit that reliably hides all parts of the beauty’s body, but emphasizes her chiseled figure. By the way, there is another relatively intimate photo in which the prosecutor is lying on a red sofa, dressed in a black dress.

By the way, a photo or video of Natalya Poklonskaya with a black man is nothing more than a virus that starts working immediately after opening the file. It is worth noting that you also have to pay for problems with the virus, since the download of a pornographic file is far from free.

Photo by Natalia Poklonskaya in Maxim magazine

The photo of Natalia Poklonskaya in the Maxim magazine has never appeared anywhere. Since the prosecutor and politician was brought up in strict Orthodox principles, therefore, the maximum that she could decide was to take pictures in a closed-type swimsuit on the sea coast. Many will agree that everyone has such vacation pictures, but they do not belong to erotic ones.

At the same time, it will not be possible to find explicit photos of Natasha on the Internet, since they simply do not exist in nature. But people are so eager to find pictures that scammers often make money on this.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Poklonskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Poklonskaya are available, but only the Wiki article has been officially confirmed. The fact is that only from it is it possible to obtain data on childhood, education, political and social activities. At the same time, it will not be possible to find reliable and up-to-date data on family and personal life, daughters and husbands, as well as some facts from the biography of parents anywhere.

On social networks, including Instagram, Natalia never posted her own profiles. However, the woman is so popular that on her behalf this information constantly appears on the network. The fact is that Poklonskaya cannot guarantee the accuracy of the photos, videos and information posted in them. Therefore, he urges not to believe blindly in everything.

Natalya Poklonskaya is a lawyer, state counselor of justice of the 3rd class (corresponds to the military rank of major general). Since May 2, 2014, she has been the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea. In September 2016, she was elected to the State Duma of the VII convocation, in connection with which she left the peninsula, starting public service in the capital of Russia.

Having received a deputy mandate, Poklonskaya was appointed chairman of the Duma committee, which checks the accuracy of information about the income and real estate of deputies. She also joined the commissions on combating corruption (deputy chairman) and analyzing budget spending on the defense and law enforcement industries.

Childhood and family

Natalya Poklonskaya (maiden name Dubrovskaya) was born on March 18, 1980 in the village of Mikhailovka, Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) region in an ordinary family. Both her grandfathers died in the Great Patriotic War, one of her grandmothers survived the Nazi occupation, and her parents, who honored the memory of their heroic ancestors, raised their daughter in the spirit of patriotism.

In 1990, the family moved to the Crimea, settling in the village of Uyutnoye, Saki district. Here Natalia graduated from high school. as well as music school in piano.

After school, Natalia decided that she wanted to serve in law enforcement agencies and entered the Evpatoria branch of the Kharkov University of Internal Affairs, which she successfully graduated in 2002.

Carier start

Natalia Poklonskaya's career began as an assistant prosecutor in the Krasnogvardeisky district of Crimea (until 2006), then she was promoted to an assistant prosecutor in Evpatoria (until 2010). For the next year and a half, Natalia replaced the head of the department for overseeing compliance with laws by institutions to combat organized crime groups in the Crimean prosecutor's office.

The first high-profile case of Natalia Poklonskaya is connected with the organized gang "Bashmaki", which was engaged in racketeering. In 2011, Poklonskaya acted as a state prosecutor at a trial against ex-deputy of the Crimean Rada Ruvim Aronov, one of the leaders of this organized criminal group. In December of the same year, the prosecutor was attacked and severely beaten, injuring his face. It is believed that her manner of speaking “through her teeth” is the result of a beating. Despite pressure on the prosecutor, the case was brought to an end.

It was this case that helped me get a prosecutor's hardening, gain experience. Imagine - 20 people, all seasoned criminals. There must be willpower to face such opponents.

In 2011, Natalia was appointed prosecutor of Simferopol for environmental protection. In 2012, she joined the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, becoming a senior prosecutor in the pre-trial investigation management department at the Main Department for Supervision of Compliance with Laws in Criminal Proceedings.

Prosecutor of Crimea

The revolution and civil war in Ukraine, the resignation of Viktor Yanukovych and the coming to power of Petro Poroshenko, did not leave Natalya Poklonskaya indifferent. In February 2014, she wrote a letter of resignation. As a reason, she indicated that she did not want to serve a country ruled by "nationalist-minded bandits." The head did not sign Poklonskaya's statement, offering her paid leave.

Natalya went to her parents in the Crimea, where during this period preparations were underway for a referendum on the status of the peninsula. At the end of February, armed special forces, acting on the orders of Vladimir Putin, occupied the authorities of Crimea, after which the parliament was dissolved, and the leader of the new government was recognized as the head of the Russian Unity party Sergei Aksenov, who immediately announced his non-recognition of the new government in Ukraine. On March 4, Crimean Prosecutor Vyacheslav Pavlov filed a voluntary resignation letter. The next four candidates for this position refused the offer, and on March 11, Natalia Poklonskaya was elected prosecutor of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

On the day of her appointment, Natalia Poklonskaya gave a press conference where she expressed her position and spoke harshly about the new Ukrainian government. Later, this entry was published on the Internet and made the prosecutor popular.

Press conference of Natalia Poklonskaya

World fame Natalia Poklonskaya achieved in 5 minutes 43 seconds - that's how long this press conference lasted. Crimean journalists posted a video on YouTube, where a citizen of Japan accidentally saw him. He immediately noticed Poklonskaya's "rich anime potential" and tweeted: "The new prosecutor of Crimea! Oh, oh, oh!" In a few hours, this entry was read by tens of thousands of users, and the number of views of Natalia Poklonskaya's press conference went through the roof. Japanese anime fans have drawn hundreds of pictures featuring the "sexy prosecutor".

The story has been continued. In one of the first interviews with Natalya in the status of the Prosecutor of Crimea, the correspondent asked if she knew about such an increased interest in her personality on the Web, to which Natalya replied: “Here I am a prosecutor, and no nyash, myash and the like ... I will not allow ". The phrase went people. Russian Internet users began to call the prosecutor "Nyasha", "Nyasha-Natasha" and "prosecutor-chan".

No nyash-mash

Odessa musician Slava Blagov wrote the song “Oh, what a Nyasha, prosecutor Natasha”, and blogger Enjoykin made a mix of “Nyash Myash”.

Slava Blagov - Prosecutor Natasha

Case against Poklonskaya

Formally, Natalia Poklonskaya was not dismissed from the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, although she expressed her position to the former leadership very clearly. After Poklonskaya was appointed head of the Crimean prosecutor's office in Ukraine, a criminal case was opened against her, accusing her of facilitating an illegal seizure of power. The prosecutor herself called the events on the Maidan an "anti-constitutional seizure of power", and the new president and his associates - "devils from the ashes."

After the referendum on the status of Crimea (March 16, 2014) and the inclusion of the prosecutor's office of Crimea and Simferopol into the Russian system, the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine put Natalia Poklonskaya on the wanted list for actions leading to a violent change of power.

After she took office as the Chief Prosecutor of Crimea, another assassination attempt was prevented by the militia officers: under the windows of Poklonskaya's office, a bag with a homemade bomb with a radius of destruction of 350 meters was found. In the spring of 2016, by decree of Petro Poroshenko, she was included in the sanctions list for her involvement in the sentencing of Savchenko and Sentsov.

In the summer of the same year, the investigator of the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, Andriy Atamanchuk, announced that the pre-trial investigation, in which Poklonskaya was being held under four articles (violent overthrow of the constitutional order, unconstitutional change in the borders of Ukraine, treason, participation in a criminal organization) was almost completed. State Duma deputy In the elections to the State Duma of the VII convocation on September 18, 2016, Natalya Poklonskaya received a deputy mandate, and therefore left the prosecutor's position. The woman headed the committee to control the income of State Duma deputies. After the appointment, Poklonskaya moved to Moscow.

Poklonskaya and Nicholas II

The prosecutor is fond of history and sympathizes with Nicholas II - his portrait hangs in her office. In 2015, she made a sensational statement that the abdication of Nicholas II was void of legal force. Alas, the opinion is heard more and more often that Natalia's sympathy for the last Russian emperor goes beyond the framework of adequate behavior.

In 2015, she ordered a series of portraits of Nikolai Alexandrovich and his family for the Livadia Palace Museum (the former residence of Russian emperors).

For the annual action "Immortal Regiment", which is held every May 9 as a tribute to the memory of the soldiers who died during the Second World War, Poklonskaya brought an icon of Nicholas II instead of a portrait of a relative. The prosecutor’s act was ridiculed on the net: “Here, my grandfather fought, and Poklonskaya has a tsar!”

In March 2017, Poklonskaya tweeted that the bust of Nicholas II installed in Simferopol next to the prosecutor's office had become myrrh-streaming. Journalists immediately gathered at the site, quickly finding out that the miracle did not happen - the monument turned out to be completely dry.

Poklonskaya is often accused of the fact that her views largely coincide with the views of members of the sect of tsarebozhniks. According to their beliefs, the death of Nicholas II became a sacred symbol of atonement for the sin of infidelity of the Russian people, requiring universal repentance. If the official position of the Russian Orthodox Church does not deny that Nikolai, who was canonized after his death, was not a righteous man, then Poklonskaya and her associates are offended by any mention of royal sins, including deprivation of virginity before marriage - this is what the so unloved Poklonsky film “Matilda” tells about .

Fight with "Matilda"

The film directed by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda" came under the scope of Poklonskaya in October 2016. The historical tape dedicated to the novel of Nicholas II and the ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya, which took place even before the wedding of the Tsarevich with Princess Alexandra Feodorovna, acted on a woman with monarchical views like a red rag on a bull.

First, the deputy sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office with a demand to check the Matilda trailer for distortion of historical events with the aim of "anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation." The prosecutor's office, as expected, did not find any violations in the film, after which Natalia Poklonskaya filed a second statement. This time, not only the Prosecutor General's Office, but also the Ministry of Culture was addressed, and not only the trailer was subject to verification, but also the script and sources of funding. At the same time, the deputy declared that the Teacher intended to mock the martyr-bearer king and his family. The Teacher's answer was not long in coming. He himself turned to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to protect him from the "thinkings" of Poklonskaya, who was whipping up hysteria around his new painting.

Without waiting for action from the authorities, Poklonskaya ordered an examination of Matilda at her own expense. In the expert opinion she cited, it was said that the filmmakers deliberately "make a fool out of the emperor." The examination recognized the film as insulting the feelings of believers, and Matilda was compared to a rat.

Protruding crooked teeth, an elongated face shape that makes it outwardly similar to a mouse or a rat, an awkward figure...

The performer of the role of the emperor, the German Lars Eidinger, also got it. He was charged with the fact that he did not look like Nicholas II, as well as shooting in a "pornographic anti-Christian film in a vulgar pornographic role" (meaning Peter Greenoy's erotic biopic "Goltzius and the Pelican Company").

However, the Ministry of Culture stated that they would not take into account Poklonskaya's expertise, citing the fact that the official check did not find anything in the tape that would offend the feelings of believers, and the film itself had not yet been released. The teacher invited Poklonskaya to a private screening of Matilda, to which the deputy refused.

I didn't watch it, but I don't have to watch it, I won't watch it either.

Poklonskaya continued her campaign against Matilda, covering the situation on social networks.

In the summer of 2017, the Znak publication released material stating that on the sidelines of the party, Poklonskaya was asked to moderate her ardor in the fight against Matilda. Coincidentally, after the publication of the article, the author of the article, Ekaterina Vinokurova, began to receive threats.
Poklonskaya entered into a skirmish with Roizman, saying that it was unacceptable for a leader of his level to “send greetings on social networks”. The deputy accused him of intentionally provoking Orthodox people.

After these events, Aleksey Uchitel accused Poklonskaya of supporting terrorist organizations operating under the guise of religion.

Personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya

Little is known about the personal life of Natalia Poklonskaya. She is divorced, allegedly married to the vice-mayor of Mariupol, Vladimir Stepanovich Klimenko, from whom she gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. The girl bears her mother's surname.

In his free time, the prosecutor finds a place for creativity. Natalia is fond of drawing and playing the piano, loves sports. In November 2014, Poklonskaya participated in the sports competition of prosecutors in Sochi and was able to fulfill the TRP norm.

In August 2018, Natalya married lawyer and public figure Ivan Solovyov. Under the influence of her husband, Poklonskaya broke with the sect of the kings and "cooled off" to Nicholas II.

Alas, family happiness did not last long. Just a year later, Ivan announced that he had broken up with Natalya, since it was difficult for two leaders to get along under the same roof.

Natalia Poklonskaya now

Recently, Natalia Poklonskaya has been openly confronting United Russia. For example, she defiantly did not stand in front of a delegation of US senators and was the only United Russia member who voted against raising the retirement age during the first reading of the relevant bill.

The newly elected State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, also known as the "nice prosecutor of Crimea", has been on the front pages of the Internet media in recent weeks. The increased attention of journalists to her person, as well as the apparent absence of image makers and PR consultants, played a cruel joke on the lady. As soon as she took on new duties, she managed to provoke three scandals at once.

Deputy Poklonskaya, after the appeal of some public figures, sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check even the unreleased film by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda".

First, deputy Poklonskaya, after the appeal of some public figures, sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to check even the unreleased film by Alexei Uchitel "Matilda". Recall: the picture, which has not been completely edited, tells about the romantic relationship between the heir to the royal throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich, and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya.

This film defiles the feelings of the Orthodox. It contains unreliable information about our sovereign, who is canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church and is our saint, martyr. Therefore, people turned to me so that an appropriate check was carried out, Poklonskaya explained.

The newly-made deputy, without knowing it, came to the forefront of public discussion. The liberal public, including many well-known politicians, officials and directors, saw obscurantist patriots from the organizations "Royal Cross", "Parental Rebuff" and "Civil Opposition to Extremism" behind Poklonskaya's back. As a result, she came under a hail of criticism from liberals, who reacted sharply to another attempt by jingoists to influence the cultural process in the country.

Ruslan Perelygin, a deputy of the Oryol Regional Council, even sent a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to "check Poklonskaya's statement for extremism."

Even the noted patriotic statesmen expressed their dissatisfaction with the actions of Poklonskaya. The head of the Duma Committee on Culture, director Stanislav Govorukhin, said: "The attempt to test Matilda must be nipped in the bud." And the head of the Ministry of Culture, Medinsky, logically remarked: “It’s stupid to check a film that hasn’t even been released yet.”

The next scandal came out even more delicate - and again, as luck would have it, fell into the sore point of public discussion. Commenting on her statement about Matilda and Nicholas II, Poklonskaya published a post on the Web containing the phrase: “Paradoxically, the fiends of the twentieth century (Lenin, Trotsky, Hitler, Mao Zedong), who shed a sea of ​​​​human blood, for some reason do not cause this rejection from society, like a kind and merciful Sovereign killed with his family.

This patriotic post caused an uproar on social media. The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov immediately called the comparison of Hitler with Lenin "one hundred percent provocation" on the eve of National Unity Day. And Ruslan Perelygin, a deputy of the Oryol Regional Council, even sent a statement to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to "check Poklonskaya's statement for extremism." Like, you can’t put the “ideologist of the Holocaust” and the “leader of the world proletariat” in the same row ...

The loud scandal with Hitler and Lenin did not have time to subside - and a new “hit” immediately followed from the “cute” deputy: in a recent interview with Poklonskaya for Vesti FM radio on October 18. In it, Poklonskaya, speaking of a new job, said: “You see, as Alexander Suvorov said, “I want to serve, but it’s sickening to serve.” When the radio host reminded her that this was Chatsky's quote from Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", Poklonskaya sincerely said: "So they both said so." The video of this interview in the first two days gained half a million views on the Internet and more than 700 comments.

line of defense

The third consecutive media failure of the Poklonskaya hush turned out to be very difficult. And then authoritative figures were forced to stand up for her defense.

The Russian public was very amused and touched by the position of Poklonskaya - until she became a State Duma deputy, - said political scientist Pavel Danilin ( - In the Russian tradition, the "blessed" have the right to any statements. True, until they start to commit violence. And they do not force society to perceive their views on the surrounding reality. So any statements by Poklonskaya “in life” and “for life” are quite excusable. But her actions are absolutely unforgivable - such as appeals to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee.

Her mistakes are clear evidence that she received her higher education and most of her secondary education in Ukraine, - said political scientist Sergei Markov (

Her mistakes are clear evidence that she received her higher education and most of her secondary education in Ukraine, - said political scientist Sergei Markov ( - There, within the framework of distancing from Russia, education has reached such a level that semi-literate specialists even leave universities. So all claims to Poklonskaya on quotes are to the Ukrainian ministers of education, the expert concluded.

And the head of the Political Expert Group, Konstantin Kalachev, completely admired Poklonskaya's secret erudition.

The great Griboedov did not take his idea about “the desire to serve and the unwillingness to serve” out of thin air. As you know, in the Persian campaign, Griboedov became closely acquainted with the closest descendant of Suvorov. From him he heard about his grandfather's attitude to the service. One question remains - how did Poklonskaya find out about this? In general, do not be ironic. Yes, there are serious gaps in the education of many members of our political elite. But in this case, on the contrary, we see the depth of knowledge, familiarity with the memories of contemporaries about Griboedov, as well as a sincere interest in the personality and heritage of Suvorov, - concluded Kalachev (

The director of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Museum, Alexander Lukirsky, invited Poklonskaya on a tour, and the artistic director of one of the Moscow theaters - for a free viewing of the play "Woe from Wit".

Continuing the trend to "soften" the scandal, the director of the St. Petersburg Suvorov Museum, Alexander Lukirsky, invited Poklonskaya on a tour, and the artistic director of one of the Moscow theaters - on a free screening of the play "Woe from Wit". In fact, it is really stupid for a prosecutor girl to blame the level of knowledge. A secondary school in the Crimea, during the difficult "zero" in Ukraine, apparently, hardly gave a decent education. And in the Crimean branch of the Kharkov University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, literature and history were also hardly taught in depth.

However, Poklonskaya herself can hardly be pissed off by mass Internet scoffs. During an interview given in the spring to the federal media, the journalist bluntly told her: "The Moscow intelligentsia is laughing at you, at your sincerity."

Sincerity is good. In my opinion, the Moscow intelligentsia just lacks this quality. I would like them to be sincere and honest. And laughter is also good, it prolongs life. I hope they extended their lives,” the prosecutor said at the time.

Poklonskaya herself is not the first time to fall under the distribution due to careless statements. While still the prosecutor of the Crimea, she said with a blue eye: "The abdication of the Romanovs from the throne has no legal force." Then it also turned into a media scandal for her, but on a completely local, Crimean scale.

In the footsteps of Milonov and Psaki

At times, the boldness of Natalia Poklonskaya's statements is somewhat reminiscent of the comments of two characters at once: her State Duma colleague Vitaly Milonov, as well as the former speaker of the US State Department, Jen Psaki.

Milonov, being a member of the United Russia faction in the AP of St. Petersburg, became famous for a huge number of harsh statements and actions. His on-duty phrase was this: “Behave yourself! You are not in a gay club!” Speaking about the "anti-gay" law, he reported with concern: "The Homodrils raged something - apparently, they smell aspen chirps: tomorrow we will pass a law against homosyatin propaganda!" Liberals also got it from him: “Liberal mold - it is good in a small amount, like in cheese. But when it becomes too much, then it will not rot for long. Milonov also did not have warm feelings for the nationalists, saying: “Participants of the Russian March are microbes that have read science fiction writers and multiply on a rotten banana.” At the same time, Milonov made all his statements, deliberately shocking the media.

But Jen Psaki, being the speaker of the State Department, quite sincerely pleased the media with her deep knowledge of geography and geopolitics. It is she who owns the phrase: "If Belarus invades Ukraine, then we will immediately transfer the 6th US Fleet to the shores of Belarus." She, defending the actions of Kiev, said: “We want Ukraine to have access to additional volumes of gas. As you know, natural gas goes through pipelines from Western Europe through Ukraine to Russia.” After Psaki went on maternity leave, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said sadly: "It's a pity - I've always been interested in listening to her."

Listening to Natalya Poklonskaya is also very interesting, but with each new jamb, her reactions to the world around her cause more and more negativity in the media and social networks. The strict "prosecutor's Cinderella" from Crimea, in front of the astonished Russians, quickly turns into a not very competent Duma person who cares about literally everything.

The role of Poklonskaya, like deputies like Milonov and Pyotr Tolstoy, is to create a “virtual agenda”, diverting the attention of Russians from the real problems of the country.

Perhaps the best thing that Poklonskaya's assistants can do in this situation is to urgently find her an experienced image maker and speechwriter. In addition - to completely limit "access to the body" for the media, and ideally - also to conduct an urgent express course for a Russian high school for her. Being a naive and sincere monarchist patriot, Natalya looked quite appropriate in the chair of the Crimean prosecutor, where she had to answer mostly professional questions. But a deputy position is a completely different level of representation and, as a result, a different level of publicity.

According to experts, the situation with Poklonskaya revealed another goal of the authorities, set during the formation of the State Duma of the new convocation.

The role of Poklonskaya, like deputies like Milonov and Pyotr Tolstoy, is to create a “virtual agenda”, diverting the attention of Russians from the real problems of the country. And at the same time - to promote simplified jingoism for the layman, - says Nikolai Mironov, an expert at the Center for Economic and Political Reforms ( - Previously, Poklonskaya coped well with this, using her charm. But now she seems to have overdone it and put herself under attack, showing herself very vulnerable. Most likely, she simply didn’t get her bearings, didn’t feel what was worth saying and what was not, and where is the reasonable limit of patriotic intensity, the analyst concludes.

In a word, the symbol of the "Crimean spring" must be urgently saved. First of all - from those same Moscow intellectuals who, according to Poklonskaya, so "lack of sincerity." Alas, sincerity in our politics is really out of fashion today.

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