How I taught the scammer a lesson. You are asked for data and code from the message

A scam on the Internet is a type of scam that anyone can face. Various gimmicks and illegal schemes, existing today on the World Wide Web, simply do not count. And even that Russian authorities v recent times trying to take control of the Internet space, alas, cannot completely protect you from fraudsters. By official information, about 14 thousand crimes occur on the Internet every year. However, this is only 30% of all cases. Unfortunately, most of robbed people in no hurry to contact the police.

I was deceived, let others get caught

It so happened that we are not used to reporting crimes to the police. Well, I got on a scam on the Internet, sent someone 5 thousand rubles. They will not be returned anyway, so there is no point in contacting law enforcement agencies. Thousands of our citizens think so. And some are even simply trite afraid of being ridiculed. As a result, only scammers will benefit from this. They see that there is no punishment for their deeds, and this frees their hands even more.

At the same time, our people have an unspoken law: they rob me, let others be deceived, I'm not the only one such a sucker. As long as we adhere to this principle, Internet scammers will never stop and will only come up with new types of deception and scams. Even if the prospect of getting your money back is rather vague, it's still worth writing. In this way, you can help other people not to be deceived, and the perpetrator - quite possibly - will receive the punishment he deserves.

How to find a scammer?

Usually, Internet criminals leave traces. Sometimes finding a cheater is easy. Of course, there are real pros who are almost impossible to calculate, but there are very few of them. There is no need to think that it is pointless to fight for your rights on the Internet. Many people start to panic after being "dumped" by Internet scammers. Where to go in this case? And to look for help, as already mentioned, you need to go to the police. For law enforcement officers, it makes no difference where the crime occurred: offline or on the Internet. Such acts also fall under the Criminal Code.

The most common baits

Human nature is incorrigible - the thirst for easy money is present in each of us. But only some understand that it is impossible to achieve big earnings without making efforts or without investing serious capital. But, unfortunately, there are always those who think that offers from unknown personalities to hit a big jackpot, while doing practically nothing, is a pure truth. And the easiest way to deceive such a category of people, of course, is on the Internet. V this moment there are a million types of scams with the most convoluted schemes. Internet scammers are becoming more sophisticated and more cautious every year, so it is more and more difficult for even the most sensible person not to fall for their bait.

Let's try to give the most common ways of "divorce" on the World Wide Web.

  1. Online casino.
  2. One-day sites.
  3. Yandex magic wallets.
  4. Nigerian letters.
  5. Scams for sending money.

As already mentioned, there are many more ways to pump out a certain amount from the population, but these 5 are the most famous in our time. Recently, such scams as scams at online auctions, employment services in international companies for money, etc. have also been known.

What is our life? The game!

The internet is littered with various online casinos and slot machines like stars. More than 85 thousand Russians are trying to win on such resources. Some even think that online casinos can be turned into permanent job... But this is far from the case. Such internet earnings are rather dubious, if not disastrous.

Yes, some people at first manage to win some 10-20 dollars in such casinos, but then they just lose and go into a big minus. Do not get fooled by different lessons like: "How to cheat a casino" or "How to make money in a casino." Understand, even if only 10% of players won $ 100 per day, the casino would go broke in a week. Their goal is to pump out of you as much as possible more money and that's it! Do not trust any people who claim to make up to $ 300 in online games. Usually such personalities are also part of the gimmick from the casino. As a result, if such a person attracts people to a certain resource, he will receive dividends for each loss.

Dance, letter to you from Nigeria!

Another rather stupid, but, oddly enough, effective scam on the Internet is the so-called Nigerian letters. According to statistics, every hundredth person falls for such a bait. They called this type of deception after the country where this bait was invented. Such a scam was used even before the advent of the Internet, ordinary letters were simply sent to the victims. And with the advent of the World Wide Web, the swindlers generally began to have grace. The essence of the "divorce" is as follows: you receive a letter by e-mail allegedly from a lawyer (wife, brother, children, etc.) of your deceased rich uncle. He seemed to have left a huge inheritance, and bequeathed it to you. But there is one caveat: for the transfer of this "huge" amount, which was left by the uncle, you need to pay (the amount can be very different). If a person bites on such letters, then after sending the money, the Nigerians, of course, disappear without a trace. The text of the letter may be slightly different, but its essence will still be that you need to pay postage to receive money from your uncle. In any case, bypass this Internet earnings (and not even yours, of course).

One-day sites

Another insidious scheme is offering advertisements for high fees. For example, you are sent a letter about unrealistic earnings thanks to the advertising of a website. Usually scammers offer to register on their resource and then give various tasks. The job is supposed to be that you have to place ads with advertisements for some questionable site on 10 (or more) message boards on the Internet. For this they offer decently - 1200 rubles or more for 10 ads. Next, have you already guessed what's going on? The person who agreed to such an offer publishes information on 10 message boards. As a result, the site administrators complain that, they say, they got caught unscrupulous customer, no money came from him. And then they promise that this will not happen again, they offer to do the work again, but for a large fee. Of course, if a person completes a task, then in the near future this site will also disappear.

Thanks to gullible people, scammers increase traffic on the site. This scheme does not last long, but for some time the villains make good money with the help of such shenanigans.

Do you want to work? Pay!

Deception on the Internet, unfortunately, can be found at every step. Probably, each of us met advertisements in which it was suggested to collect pens at home, type texts, pack grain crops, etc. However, in order to work in the future, people are offered to send a small amount of money first. They can ask for a tiny or not so much contribution for anything: for spare parts, insurance against fraud on your part, collection for a resume, marketing costs, courier payment. The bottom line is that this is just another "scam", not making money on the Internet. This scam was invented, by the way, quite a long time ago, and almost every Russian and citizen of the CIS has already met with it.

Magic wallet

Yandex magic wallets are perhaps the most widespread type of fraud. Sample text such a proposal:

"Hello, do not think that this is a scam. You need to send 10 rubles (or more) to 7 wallets, and after sending money to the end of the list, put your wallet, and delete the top one, then send this message to a large number of message boards (at least 200). If you don’t send the money to the specified wallets, you will not be able to insert your own, since you can be blocked by the Yandex administrator.

All this pure water scam and another nebulous online earnings. Cheating in such tempting offer, unfortunately, not everyone can see, and some still replenish the wallets of the villains. But as a result, they naturally do not receive any crazy money.

Risky shopping on the Internet

Well, if you figure out the frauds about various offers, then you can make money. However, if you decide to shop online, it will be more difficult to protect yourself. Firstly, there are much fewer scammers among online stores, and secondly, it is almost impossible to recognize a deception by seeing a product only through a monitor screen. Many online resources that are engaged in sales really do their job in good faith, and often, thanks to online purchases, you can significantly save on many goods. True, there are villains in this segment as well. At the same time, cheating online stores can often still be recognized.

How can online stores be thrown?

How to avoid losses?

Deception of online stores is difficult to calculate, but if you include a sober mind, then it is quite possible to do it.

  • You can protect yourself if you first study the site well. For example, the domain of a reputable store must exist long time from the moment of registration. The quality of the site itself is also important, it should have many nested pages and minimal amount outside advertising;
  • a self-respecting store will have its own office and stationary outlets;
  • a reputable store will offer its services and legal entities, and in order for organizations to make purchases from him, a businessman must have requisites, a seal, statutory documents... If such papers do not exist with an online service, then it is unsafe to make online purchases from it;
  • the decisive criterion is the price. Usually online stores sell goods no more than 15% cheaper from market price things. If the cost is noticeably underestimated, refuse to purchase. Remember: no businessman will operate at a loss.

What if you were deceived?

Alas, it is unrealistic to be 100% insured against deception. If you sent money for a product, but never received it, the algorithm is as follows:

Do not under any circumstances delete the correspondence with the store. All data must be saved (amount, seller's wallet number, transfer time).

If you have any claims to the seller, write a letter to his contact address. If the seller has legal address, send your claim there. If you don't know him, then only e-mail... As a rule, unscrupulous online stores do not give their legal address. Fraudsters will want consumers to know as little information about them as possible. If there is no response to your letters, it means that you ran into villains.

Write a statement to the department of consumer protection. Attach all available receipts to such a document. Do not forget to file a complaint with the police about the fraud. Legislation, namely the Russian Federation (fraud) provides for punishment for all cases of fraud on the Internet. Therefore, do not forget that for a virtual crime, a deceiver may well be threatened real time... If you are "thrown" for more than 500 rubles, law enforcement officers are required to open a criminal case.

Don't think that intruders are very hard to find, in fact they are very vulnerable. Firstly, all resources have their own domain, and it, in turn, is located on the hosting, which must have its own owner. It is he who can provide information about the owner of such a domain. In addition, after the scammers find out that the police are very interested in them, most of them try to solve the problems with the buyer peacefully.

Receiving a defective product

Even if you did not get to the scam on the Internet, they can simply send you poor quality product(or wrong size, wrong model, etc.). Some unscrupulous Internet resources begin to tell the client fairy tales that the law "On Consumer Protection" does not apply to virtual stores. But in fact, this is a blatant lie and the expectation of legal ignorance of the buyer. But even in spite of this, nevertheless, before buying, study the conditions of purchase, payment and delivery of the goods.

Whether the store is virtual or not, the seller is responsible for:

Poor quality product;

Items with defects;

Transfer of goods in the wrong quantity and in the wrong assortment.

If the product does not fit, you can return it back within seven days. Therefore, a statement about the impossibility of return is a deception of online stores. At the same time, it is possible to give back the goods only on condition that its original appearance can be completely preserved. To return a purchase, the customer must write a statement. If a manufacturing defect is found, the consumer can return the item within 15 days. If the information on how to return the goods was not in writing provided to the buyer upon receipt of the goods, then he has the right to refuse the item within 3 months.

The main types of violations

The lion's share of violations in online trading is a failure to provide complete information about goods, terms of their delivery, exchange, method of payment and price. 20% of offenses - failure to comply with the delivery time of goods. The owners of online shops are "thrown" in about one case out of 10. Cheating on the Internet (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) is a serious crime for which they can be imprisoned for many years. Therefore, the severity of the punishment often deterred many lovers of easy money, but not all.

What have we found out?

Despite the fact that the World Wide Web is just a mecca for scammers, it cannot be said that it is impossible to make money on the Internet or buy good things. If you do not go to the "golden mountains", then it is easy to avoid big losses. Note:

It is unrealistic to make money on the Internet without investment in a matter of days. Without making an effort, you will not get the result either in reality or in the virtual world. At the same time, if once you are faced with a deception, then this does not mean that it is unrealistic to make money on the Internet. If we ignore the idea that you can have millions here without doing anything, then the Internet is quite a good place to make money.

Online shopping is also real opportunity get on a scam. The online store also needs to be carefully analyzed. Find out as much information as possible about it, the date of its registration and, if possible, the legal address. You shouldn't buy at scanty prices. If the product costs significantly less than that of competitors, it means that you will receive a low quality product or simply donate your money to scammers. It is advisable not to send money in advance at all. Better to pay for your purchase with cash on delivery (especially large ones).

Read the reviews about the selected Internet resource, it is quite possible that it has already earned itself for a long time notoriety, and now his clients are extremely ignorant people. In a word, try to find out all the ins and outs about this type of earnings or online store.

Do not let the situation take its course if you are deceived by Internet scammers. Where to go if you are a victim? The police, of course. If you are in an online store, also write a statement to the department of consumer protection. The main thing is not to ignore this unpleasant situation... Firstly, in this way you will only convince the swindlers of their impunity. Secondly, there is always a chance that the fraudster will be found, and you can collect money from him and


For all such machinations, scammers are threatened severe punishment(Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud), so knock on all possible instances. There is always a chance that a criminal will be caught. But even if the money cannot be returned, then such a scam will definitely teach you how to treat dubious Internet earnings and cheap goods with great caution. There will always be Internet scammers, it is simply impossible to provide a list of these persons, as now there are more and more of them. Never lose common sense and prudence, even if you will be offered millions of royalties for 5 minutes of work, and only then it will be impossible to deceive you.

The Internet has become a full-fledged habitat for many people. In his space, they not only find information of interest, download required programs, music or games for weekend entertainment, but also shopping, chatting, working. As in real life, in the virtual world, attackers are waiting for people at every step, dreaming of enriching themselves at their expense. Where should the deceived person turn? How to stop a prosperous illegal activity? it topical issues for many users of the World Wide Web.

Internet fraud and its most common types

Any actions in the web space aimed at obtaining Money, confidential information and personal data by deception are regarded as Internet fraud. Where to go, not everyone knows. Measures are often not taken, and criminals continue to deceive and steal.

Most dangerous species fraud is phishing. This is the name of enticing logins and passwords to personal accounts v payment systems, numbers and PIN-codes for bank cards, identity theft.

Some online stores are scams. They demand an advance payment from the buyer, and then refuse to send him the goods.

On the Internet, people encounter malware that blocks OS and social media accounts. And to correct the situation, you usually need to send an SMS message to a paid number.

Internet scams are pitiful spam emails asking to send money, offers to work from home with a deposit, financial pyramids.

What if there is phishing site activity or online store scam? Where to go first?

First aid: law enforcement

For the commission of Internet fraud, it is stipulated in accordance with its severity criminal penalty, therefore, the first thing a person should contact is Possible to write or the prosecutor's office. But there is the best solution Problems. The "K" Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is the first place to go about online fraud. He is directly involved in the investigation of offenses in the web space.

Find out the address of the "K" department in your region using the Internet, help desk, provider, go there and file a statement or complaint. You can also use hotline and report the crime by phone. The "K" department also accepts applications online. Go to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and fill out an appeal. It is necessary to inform law enforcement all known information about the fraudster, for example, his e-mail, e-wallet number, website URL. While the investigation is ongoing, you can additional measures to combat online fraud offenders. Where to go after submitting an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you ask. There are many options.

Fighting Fraudsters: International Cybercrime Response Center CERT-GIB

In addition to the "K" department, the international company Group-IB specializes in combating cybercrimes. In this organization, there is a center for responding to such incidents CERT-GIB, where you can contact after the fact around the clock.

The company has its own website. It is enough to go to it and select the section dedicated to CERT-GIB. There is a phone number to call and report the fraud. This can also be done via e-mail, Telegram messenger or filling out an application. Group-IB specialists promptly respond to calls for help, check and block fraudulent sites, and provide valuable advice on collecting evidence and preventing similar incidents in the future; explain how to deal with the consequences of the activities of intruders.

The Angry Citizen Project Keeps Order

Another way to resist thieves and deceivers is the Russian project "Angry Citizen". He specializes in solving diverse problems: from problems with hot water at home before stealing money online. In order to use the services of the project, go to its website, select the required topic and fill out the complaint form.

“Angry Citizen” is the resource to go to in case of online fraud if you are determined to return the stolen goods. The actions of the project participants are prompt and give excellent results. And this is confirmed by the numerous resolved problems of citizens.

Safe Internet League will help catch cybercriminals

If you have become a victim of phishing, a website with viruses, or abuse of personal data, the Safe Internet League will help you. The organization has been successfully fighting malicious content in the web space for several years. She is respected in her field and poses a serious threat to fraudsters.

Submit your request on the official website of the Safe Internet League. It can be anonymous, depending on your desire. The appeal contains several required fields, for example, the address of a fraudulent site or one of its pages. Any Additional Information welcomed. Screenshots, names of infected objects will help to expose the criminal faster. After that, try to neutralize the consequences of the malicious Internet fraud on your own. Where to go so that the criminal could not spend your money and how to calculate him, the most pressing questions after filing all kinds of applications.

Electronic payment systems are loyal allies of users who have suffered from fraudsters

Help will be able to provide payment systems, for example, WebMoney, Yandex.Money or Paypal. From them, gullible citizens transfer money to thieves.

Victims of phishing, spam emails, and unreliable online stores may, depending on the system used, turn to arbitration, support or security. Don't write a complaint about emotions. Your words should be deliberate and well-reasoned requirements. In case of obvious fraud, the attacker's account will be blocked. In addition, some payment systems have the passport data of their customers. If they cooperate with the investigation, the identity of the attacker will be established. This will triple your chances of getting the stolen back.

Beware of Internet Fraud!

Where to go to rid your web space of pests? Phishing sites, resources with malware or spam can be drawn to the attention of popular search engines such as Google and Yandex. Tell their employees about the criminals. This can be done on the service "Yandex.Webmaster" or "Help.Web Search" in Google. Fill in required forms... If, according to the results of the check, it turns out that the resource is fraudulent, search engines stop indexing it. By your actions, you will not only spoil the life of the attacker, but also protect many citizens from losing money and nerves.

The final step: domain registrars and hosting companies

The final step in the fight against the criminal will be to contact the domain registrar of his website and the hosting company on the server of which he is located. These are the organizations where you need to contact about Internet fraud if you are not afraid of difficulties. After all, you will have to make some efforts to find them.

Go to the specialized resource With the scammer's site URL, you get all of the necessary information... Enter the name of the hosting company and the domain name registrar in the search engine one by one. This way you will find their sites. They usually have a contact Email... Send a complaint about it with the requirement to close the attacker's website.

All of these methods are effective and must be resorted to if you have been robbed or deceived. Don't ignore even minor internet scams. Now you know where to go. Take action! All those guilty will be punished, and the stolen goods will be returned to the rightful owner.

Online dating can often be cheating or fraudulent. And anyone can fall for the trick of scammers. You don't have to be rich or stupid to do this. It's enough just to look for your love. This search makes a person more vulnerable. Fraudsters often use love as a means to gain access to your money and rob you. Knowing how to track down an ill-wisher can help you keep yourself safe.


Part 1

Identifying inconsistencies

    Pay attention to people younger than you. Usually, Internet crooks target older users. Men, for example, often target women in their 50s and 60s. Scammers see them as ideal targets because women of this age are often wealthy and more vulnerable.

    Look for the following information in their profile:

    • entrepreneur, specialist working abroad
    • widower with child
    • they claim that they live near you, in your country, they are now away, but will soon be back.
  1. Check photos. Save a copy of the suspicious person's profile picture and search for it through a picture search on Google or Yandex. Maybe someone has already written that this person is a scammer, or you can find information about his illegality in some way. If so, then be sure to inform the administration of the dating site, providing Internet links to evidence.

  2. Also, check the photos that are sent to you. Look for something on them that may in some way not fit with your idea of ​​a person. Pay attention to backgrounds, landscapes, and even clocks or calendars. This way you may notice an important and defining detail that does not correspond to the information provided to you by the user.

    Beware of things going too fast
    • Do not provide additional photos of yourself or your family, as these could be used by scammers to deceive another person.
    • Ask for an appointment. If you can't meet your potential partner, then they probably don't exist.
    • Never provide detailed personal information, as this can be used for criminal purposes.
    • Never give detailed information such as addresses or home phone numbers.
    • How you make a living, they try to find out in the first dialogue in order to assess whether it is worth continuing to communicate with you.
    • Never expand on the details of financial transactions.
    • If you write email then Google has a feature that shows what other people are in their circle. The user may be different, but the group is the same.
    • If you suspect that you have been the victim of a scam, stop communicating with them immediately and inform the authorities. In Russia, you can report an offense on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -

I paid the money and dropped my address. Several days of frost. Then the "comrade" wrote:

A person who does not happen to has fallen ill. We wait. Frost again. I wrote to him a couple more times, but already without a response. It took 3 weeks, it was clear that I was divorced. I googled this villain's e-mail and found that she already had "black deeds" on it. Someone he already divorced, but on X-BOX (loves variety, creative bastard).

By that time, I had already worked as a lawyer for the 4th year, just finished law academy and it was a matter of honor to punish the scoundrel. I called the auction support service, where they made me happy that it was most likely a fraudster and had already been blocked, we can do nothing else to help. Thanks, I feel better. I only had his card number. Through my acquaintances in the authorities, I did not officially quickly find out all the data of the cardholder. In parallel, I dashed off and sent the application to the local police department. I immediately informed my "pen pal" about all these actions and dropped the scan of the application (unfortunately, the scan of the application was not preserved, I cannot post it).

After this letter, the "comrade" got an inspiration, the gift of speech returned. The answer was instant, you see it was trukhanul (by that time, almost a month had passed after the purchase):

The application was submitted by mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In a nutshell, the statement read: bought - paid - did not receive - was upset. But everything is painted in detail on 2 pages and in Ukrainian. Naturally, in the application I did not indicate any full name of the cardholder and his address, since in fact I could not know them. Only the card number.

They summoned me for interrogation at the ROVD, for two hours I told how and how. The investigator listened to everything, made notes. Naturally, this amount of damage did not arouse enthusiasm in the eyes of the law enforcement officer. In the end, he said that I can forget about the money, none of this petty bandit He will not look and in general he has a lot of things to do, where the amount of damage is much higher, there is no time. He also added that he has the same prefix and he can sell it for the same money, only without discs)))) And laughter and sin. I never bought the prefix.

Business went well, the "comrade" began to stir. After that, he returned 300 UAH to me.

A few more days passed and he sent another scribble. This was his final passage.

He transferred the promised money, and wrote in such a way. There were no more "news" either.

3 months have passed and I forgot to think about this story. When suddenly a call rings from unknown number... "Investigator such and such, the Donetsk Regional Department of Internal Affairs about the case of fraud on the Internet." So he continues: “I have a sobbing“ comrade ”in my office with his dad and tearfully ask me to settle the matter peacefully. They ask how much you need to pay so that you have no complaints. " I said that let them pay the rest of 350 UAH. (it was necessary and moral damage take into account, well, to hell with him), that will be enough. I also say, punish them from your side to the fullest extent, so that it is not confusing. To which the investigator replied "Be calm, we will punish." Dropped on incoming number sms card number and after half an hour received 350 UAH.

A couple of months later, I received a decree refusing to initiate a criminal case. It was written on several sheets that the person was valid reasons did not have the opportunity to send the set-top box or return the money. At first, the city was covered with snow, hurricanes and earthquakes began, then he became terribly ill and almost fell into a coma, and eventually the console burned out. After the person regained consciousness, he returned the money, therefore, there is no corpus delicti in his actions. I do not know how much greenery the father of the "comrade" dumped for this essay, but I sincerely hope that there is one less swindler in the world.

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