Is it possible to record the receipt of goods at different warehouses (premises) using one document? Registration of delivery documents Registration of a customer's order.

Yes, you can. In this case, it is possible to record the receipt of goods both to warehouses that belong to the same warehouse area (premises in the same area), and to warehouses that are assigned to different warehouse areas (geographically separated).

Let's consider both of these options.

Option 1. Warehouse territories are territorially divided.

In order to be able to draw up a delivery document to different warehouse areas, in the Administration - Purchases section, the Incoming goods to multiple warehouses check box must be selected.

Warehouse areas that are planned to be indicated in the tabular section of the purchasing document must be combined into a warehouse group.

The group must have the Allow on orders and invoices check box selected.

In the header of the document, indicate the group of warehouses, and in the tabular section of the document indicate those warehouses to which the delivery of goods is planned.

There is a possibility of group filling of information about warehouses by selected lines in the tabular section of the document (All actions - Fill warehouse).

If an order delivery scheme is not used at the warehouse, then after the document is posted, the delivery of goods to those warehouses indicated in the tabular section of the document will be registered.

If the order scheme is used, then the document Receipt of goods and services will be an order for registration of the delivery of goods to those warehouses that are indicated in the tabular section of the document. The actual receipt of goods at the warehouse with this scheme of work is drawn up by the documents Receipt order for goods, separately for each warehouse.

Option 2. The warehouse (warehouse area) is divided into several rooms.

The premises are used only for those warehouses for which the order scheme of work is applied. That is, an order scheme should be used for the warehouse when registering any operations: upon receipt, shipment and reflection of surplus, shortages and damage to goods.

Information about the premises is filled in in the Warehouses lookup, which opens when you select the Warehouses command in the navigation bar of the form.

When registering the delivery of goods, the document indicates the warehouse area (Central warehouse) and the general list of goods that must be delivered to the premises (warehouses) related to this warehouse area is filled in.

This document will be an order for the receipt of goods at the warehouse. When registering acceptance at the warehouse on the basis of this order, it is necessary to draw up two documents Receipt order for goods - in the room Products and in the room Commercial goods. In the report List of goods in warehouses, you can see which premises the delivery of goods was made to.

To analyze which premises the goods have arrived in today, in the report settings, you need to set a period equal to Today, and an additional selection Arrival Greater than "0".

The report will show a list of goods received at the warehouse area (Central warehouse), divided by premises (warehouses).

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Development of a configuration that implementsaccounting of goods in the warehouse of clothing and footwear in the 1c: Enterprise 8.2 system

1 . Creating constants

register user counterparty accounting

In the Configurator mode, create a constant "Company name", specify its properties (string type, length 20). Create a constant "Company address", specify its properties (string type, length 40).

Figure 1 - Creation of constants "Company name" and "Company address", respectively

Create constants "Company phone number" and "Company email", specifying their properties (string type, length 20).

Figure 2 - Creation of constants "Company phone number" and "Company email", respectively

Create a constant "VAT", specify its properties (type number, length 10, defined as a non-negative number).

Figure 3 - Creating a constant "VAT"

2 . Creation of reference books

2.1 Directory Products

We create a catalog "Products", which has a hierarchical structure by groups of products. The reference element includes additional details Manufacturer, Purchase Price, Markup (in%), Sale Price.

Figure 4 - Creating a directory "Products"

Figure 5 - Directory "Products" in the running application "

2.2 Directory Contractors

We create a directory "Contractors", which has a hierarchical structure with the groups Suppliers and Buyers. The directory element includes additional details Address, Phone, Email. Mail, Discount (in%).

Figure 6 - Creation of the directory "Contractors"

Figure 7 - Directory "Contractors" in the running application "

2.3 Directory Discount

Create a reference book "Discount", which includes an additional variable Purchase volume (in rubles), Discount (in%).

Figure 8 - Creating the "Discount" reference book

Figure 9 - Directory "Contractors" in the running application "

3 . Document creation

3 .1 DocumentApplicationbuyer

The Buyer's Application document includes additional details in the Buyer's Application Document includes additional details in the document header: Company, Buyer, Discount, Comment; in the tabular section: Name, Quantity, Price, Amount. The Name field should have a selection button to select an item from the directory, the Quantity field should have a selection button to call the calculator. The value of the Price field should be calculated as Purchase Price + Markup-Discount. The line amount should be calculated automatically. The total amount for all rows should be displayed under the tabular section. The printed form of the document should be formed in the form of an invoice.

Figure 10 - Creating a document "Buyer's application"

Figure 11 - List of documents

Figure 12 - Completed document form

Figure 13 - Account

Object module:

Procedure ProductsDescriptionOnChange (Item)

String = Form Elements.Goods. CurrentData;

Line. Price = String. Name. Purchase Price + String. Name. Purchase Price * String. Name. Markup / 100 - (Line. Name. Purchase Price + Line. Name. Purchase Price * Line. Name. Markup / 100) * Discount. Discount / 100;

End of Procedure

Procedure ProductsQuantityOnChange (Item)

String = Form Elements.Goods. CurrentData;

AmountDoc = Goods. Total ("Amount");

End of Procedure

Open Procedure ()

End of Procedure

Procedure Print1 (Item)

Layout = Documents. Buyer's application. Get a Layout ("Print");

// Title

TabDoc. Display (Region);

// Cap

TabDoc. Display (Hat);

// products

Scope = Layout. GetArea ("goodsHapka");

TabDoc. Display (Region);

Product area = Layout. GetArea ("goods");

For Each Tech Products From Products Cycle

Regiongoods. Parameters. Fill in (TekStrokartovara);

TabDoc. Withdraw (Area Products);

End of Cycle;

// Basement

TotalQuantity = Products. Quantity();

InscriptionSum = NumberInWords (SummaDok, "ruble, ruble, rubles, m, kopeck, kopeck, kopecks, zh, 2");

TabDoc. Display (Basement);

TabDoc. Protection = False;

TabDoc. Show();

End of Procedure

3.2 Document Arrival of goods

The document Arrival of goods includes additional details in the header of the document: Company, Supplier, Comment; in the tabular section: Name, Quantity, Price, Amount. The Name field should have a selection button to select an item from the directory, the Quantity field should have a selection button to call the calculator. The value of the Price field must be substituted from the lookup. The line amount should be calculated automatically. The total amount for all rows should be displayed under the tabular section. The printed form of the document should be formed in the form of an incoming invoice.

Figure 14 - Creating a document "Arrival of goods"

Figure 15 - List of documents

Figure 16 - Completed document form

Figure 17 - Receipt invoice

Object module:

Line. Price = String. Name. Purchase price;

End of Procedure

Line. Amount = String. Quantity * String. Price;

End of Procedure

Open Procedure ()

Firm = Constants. Name of the Firm. Receive();

End of Procedure

Procedure Print (Item)


// This fragment was built by the constructor.

// If you reuse the constructor, the manually made changes will be lost !!!

TabDoc = New TabularDocument;

Layout = Documents. The arrival of the goods. Get a Layout ("Print");

// Title

Scope = Layout. GetArea ("Title");

TabDoc. Display (Region);

// Cap

Header = Layout. GetArea ("Hat");

Cap. Parameters. Fill in (ThisObject);

TabDoc. Display (Hat);

// TabularPart1

TabDoc. Display (Region);

End of Cycle;

// Basement

Basement = Layout. GetArea ("Basement");

Basement. Parameters. Fill in (ThisObject);

VAT Amount = VAT Amount * VAT Constants. Get () / (100 + Constants.VAT. Get ());

Basement. Parameters. VAT Amount = VAT Amount;

Basement. Parameters. TotalQty = TotalQuantity;

Basement. Parameters. RecipeSum = RecipeSum;

TabDoc. Display (Basement);

TabDoc. ShowGrid = False;

TabDoc. Protection = False;

TabDoc. View Only = False;

TabDoc. ShowHeaders = False;

TabDoc. Show();


End of Procedure

3.3 Document Sale of goods

Document Sale of goods includes additional details in the header of the document: Company, Buyer, Discount, Comment; in the tabular section: Name, Quantity, Price, Amount. The Name field should have a selection button to select an item from the directory, the Quantity field should have a selection button to call the calculator. The value of the Price field should be calculated as Purchase Price + Markup-Discount. The line amount should be calculated automatically. The total amount for all rows should be displayed under the tabular section. If the invoice amount exceeds the Purchase volume value from the Discount catalog, then this customer is given a discount at the Discount level level and is recorded in the counterparties catalog. The printed form of the document should be formed in the form of a consignment note. In printed forms of documents, the amount of VAT is calculated and indicated. The document Sale of goods must be formed on the basis of the Buyer's application document.

Figure 18 - Creating a document "Sale of goods"

Figure 19 - Completed document form

Figure 20 - List of documents

Figure 21 - Consignment note

Object module:

Procedure Tabular Part1NameOnChange (Element)

String = Form Elements. TabularPart1. CurrentData;

Line. Price = String. Name. Purchase Price + String. Name. Purchase Price * String. Name. Markup / 100 - (Line. Name. Purchase Price + Line. Name. Purchase Price * Line. Name. Markup / 100) * Discount / 100;

Line. Amount = String. Price * String. Quantity;

End of Procedure

Procedure TabularPart1QuantityOnChange (Element)

String = Form Elements. TabularPart1. CurrentData;

Line. Amount = String. Quantity * String. Price;

SumDoc = TabularPart1. Total ("Amount");

End of Procedure

Open Procedure ()

Firm = Constants. Name of the Firm. Receive();

End of Procedure

Procedure Print1 (Item)


// This fragment was built by the constructor.

// If you reuse the constructor, the manually made changes will be lost !!!

TabDoc = New TabularDocument;

Layout = Documents. Sale of goods. Get a Layout ("Print");

// Title

Scope = Layout. GetArea ("Title");

TabDoc. Display (Region);

// Cap

Header = Layout. GetArea ("Hat");

Cap. Parameters. Fill in (ThisObject);

TabDoc. Display (Hat);

// TabularPart1

Scope = Layout. GetArea ("TabularPart1Hap");

TabDoc. Display (Region);

RegionTableSection1 = Layout. GetArea ("TabularPart1");

For Each TextRowTablePart1 From TabularPart1 Loop

Region TabularPart 1. Parameters. Fill in (TekStringTabularPart1);

TabDoc. Display (RegionTablePart1);

End of Cycle;

// Basement

Basement = Layout. GetArea ("Basement");

Basement. Parameters. Fill in (ThisObject);

VAT Amount = VAT Amount * VAT Constants. Get () / (100 + Constants.VAT. Get ());

TotalQty = TabularPart1. Quantity();

RecipeSum = NumberInwrite (SummaDok, "ruble, ruble, rubles, kopeck, kopeck, kopeck, zh, 2");

Basement. Parameters. VAT Amount = VAT Amount;

Basement. Parameters. TotalQty = TotalQuantity;

Basement. Parameters. RecipeSum = RecipeSum;

TabDoc. Display (Basement);

TabDoc. ShowGrid = False;

TabDoc. Protection = False;

TabDoc. View Only = False;

TabDoc. ShowHeaders = False;

TabDoc. Show();


End of Procedure

BuyerOnChange Procedure (Item)

// Insert the content of the handler.

Discount = Buyer. Discount;

End of Procedure

4 . Working with magazinesdocuments

4.1 Journal of Purchasing Documents

Figure 22 - Creation of the journal "Procurement documents"

Figure 23 - Procurement documents

4. 2 Sales Documents Magazine

Figure 24 - Creation of the magazine "Sales Documents"

Figure 25 - Sales documents

5 . Working with pregisterami

Let's create the accumulation register Remaining.

Figure 26 - Creation of the register "Balance"


System 1C: Enterprise is a universal system, together with the configuration it represents ready-to-use software for automating enterprise activities.

The work considered the features of the implementation of the configuration, which implements the accounting of goods in the warehouse of clothing and footwear.

In the course of work, we worked with configuration objects, these are directories, documents, journals, constants, accumulation registers. Users and interfaces for them were also created.

Thus, the accounting of goods has become more convenient, it has become easier to monitor the condition of goods, control sales and the arrival of goods.

Posted on


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The 1C: Enterprise 8 Retail program allows you to move goods between your own warehouses or stores for more efficient accounting at each stage of moving to the end consumer. This is necessary to avoid confusion in accounting and better audit performance.

Accounting for the movement of goods to places of storage and sale, provided for by the 1C program

The 1C Retail program has a convenient configuration that allows you to visually and transparently keep track of goods, both in quantitative and value terms. The order of registration of the movement of goods between different stores and warehouses of one store will be slightly different from each other, so we will consider each of them.

1. Moving goods to places of storage

For any movement of goods to storage locations, the documentary registration of the document "Internal movement" is provided, the form of which can be found in the menu "Warehouse operations", section "Warehouse". You just need to create a new document and all its required details will be filled in automatically. You just have to fill in the tabular part of it, using the "Product selection" function or by adding rows in the table, choosing the necessary items from the stock list.

Alternatively, the internal movement of goods, the Retail configuration of the 1C: 8 program, allows the Enterprise to create on the basis of the document its receipts, in this case even its tabular part will be filled in automatically. You just have to write down and post the executed document. Well, to control the movement of goods in warehouses, there is a special reporting form "Balances in warehouses", which allows you to track the entire movement of any nomenclature item.

2. Moving goods to places of sale

To move goods between outlets of one company, another document is provided, which can be found in the "Supply" menu from the "Purchases" section. It is called "Transfer order", on the basis of which you need to create another document, which is called "Goods movement". Almost all lines of this document are filled in automatically, as provided by the 1C: Retail 2.0 (2.2) configuration. You only need to set prices manually, you can do this as follows:

· Fill in the prices based on the retail prices of the shipping shop;

· Fill in prices using a specific type of prices that are used in the company.

Thus, it is possible to fill in prices both for the entire product moved by this document, or only manually selected lines. And, as the program 1C: Retail, version 2.2 allows, a document for the movement of goods can be created directly on the basis of the invoice for its purchase, which is located in the "Supply" menu of the section of the same name.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that an order system is provided for the documentary movement of goods to storage locations in the 1C Retail program. This means that after the document for transfer is posted, its quantity remains unchanged in the warehouses. To write off and post goods in different warehouses, incoming and outgoing orders are used, for filling which it will be most convenient to use the "Distribution of goods" function.

Accounting for other operations related to the movement of goods

In addition to accounting for the movement of goods to places of storage and sale, the 1C 8: Retail 2.2 program also provides for the accounting of its transfer to another company. This is formalized by filling out the "Transfer of goods" document, in which you need to select the recipient and, using the selection from the nomenclature list, the items to be transferred. Alternatively, you can form a selection of all negative positions. This function will be useful in the case when the goods are transferred to the recipient after their sale.

And finally, the return of goods to the supplier, which is quite common practice, especially when concluding long-term contracts. For its documentary registration by the 1C Retail program, version 2.2, it is envisaged to fill in the document "Return of goods to the supplier". Or, alternatively, this operation can be executed by moving goods. What is not provided for in this version is the maintenance of mutual settlements with suppliers. Therefore, we recommend that the money received from the supplier for the returned goods be entered into the company's cash desk by filling it out with an incoming cash order, setting it in the form of operations "Refund".

If you have any questions, you can use any means of communication convenient for you.

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The program implements the ability to draw up documents for the delivery and shipment of goods to several warehouses, which are indicated in the tabular section of the document.

Setting up the indication of warehouses in the tabular section of documents

The program separately configures the ability to specify warehouses in the tabular section of sales and purchase documents.
In order for the user to be given the opportunity to specify warehouses in the tabular section of sales documents, it is necessary in the accounting parameters settings on the page Wholesale check the box Use warehouses in the tabular section of sales documents.

In order for the user to be given the opportunity to specify warehouses in the tabular section of the purchase documents, it is necessary in the accounting parameters settings on the page Stocks and purchases check the box Use warehouses in the tabular section of purchasing documents.

It is also necessary to define the groups of those warehouses that can be indicated in the tabular section of the document and the possibility of specifying warehouses in the tabular sections of orders ( Customer order,Supplier order) and invoices ( Sale of goods and services,Receipt of goods and services). This information is defined in the form of a warehouse group. The setting is common for sales and goods receipt documents.

The following options for setting up the indication of warehouses in the tabular section of documents are provided.

  • Prohibit... Warehouses that belong to this group cannot be indicated in the tabular section of documents. Orders and invoices can be issued only for a specific warehouse, which will be indicated in the header of the document.
  • Allow in orders ... Warehouses that belong to this group can be indicated in the tabular sections of orders. The waybills must be drawn up separately for each warehouse.
  • ... Warehouses that belong to this group can be indicated both in the tabular sections of orders and in the tabular sections of invoices.

The choice of the option for setting up the indication of warehouses in the tabular section of the document affects the ability to upload data about the warehouse to the Enterprise Accounting configuration. In the event that the warehouse is indicated in the tabular section of invoices, then in the configuration Enterprise accounting as a warehouse, information about a generalized warehouse will be uploaded, which is specified in the settings for exchange with accounting.

Any warehouse registered in the directory can be selected as a generalized warehouse. Warehouses (storage areas).

Checkout of a customer order

To indicate warehouses in the tabular section of the document Customer order it is necessary to indicate the group of warehouses in the header of the document. All warehouse groups are shown in the list of groups for selection. Those groups of warehouses that are not available for selection (the Prohibit) are marked in gray.

Thus, when drawing up a document, it is possible both to indicate a group of warehouses and indicate warehouses in the tabular section of the document, as well as to issue a document to a specific warehouse, which will be indicated in the header of the document. The list of warehouses that can be specified in the tabular section is limited both by membership in this group and by those restrictions on the availability group of warehouses that are specified for the user.

In document Customer order it is also possible to set the warehouse in the tabular section of the document manually for the list of selected items.

Execution of the implementation document

The order of execution of the implementation according to the customer's order depends on the selected checkbox for selecting the group in the group of warehouses specified in the header of the document Customer order.

In the implementation document, it is allowed to indicate warehouses in the tabular section of the document

If a checkbox is selected in the sales order that allows you to specify warehouses in the tabular section of the sales document ( Allow in orders and invoices), then based on the document Customer order a document will be drawn up Sale of goods and services, in the tabular section of which information about warehouses will be filled.

When filling out, the date of shipment specified in the sales order will be taken into account. In the tabular section of the document, only those goods will be filled in, the shipment date of which is less than or equal to the current date. In the header of the document, information about a group of warehouses is automatically filled in and an additional flag is set, which signals the user that the document can be shipped from several warehouses. The implementation document can be drawn up from the list of implementation documents on the page Shipping orders... When filling out the document, in this case, not only the date of shipment is taken into account, but also the warehouse, which is specified in the list settings.

In the implementation document, it is forbidden to indicate warehouses in the tabular section of the document

If a checkbox is selected in the customer order that prohibits specifying warehouses in the tabular section of the sales document ( Allow in orders), then based on the document Customer order it is necessary to draw up separate sales documents for each warehouse. When entering a sales document based on such an order, the document does not fill in the information about the warehouse and the list of goods, if several warehouses are indicated in the customer order in the tabular section of the document. The user must manually select a warehouse and fill in the information about the goods (button Fill in by order).

The list of goods will be filled in in accordance with the warehouse specified in the document, taking into account the date of shipment specified for the goods. In the event that the implementation is drawn up from the list of sales documents (page Shipping orders) then the information about the warehouse and the list of goods will be filled in automatically in accordance with the specified parameters in the list.

A sales document indicating warehouses in the tabular section of the document can be issued without specifying an order. In this case, a warehouse group is selected in the sales document, for which it is possible to select a group in invoices ( Allow in orders and invoices). Information about warehouses is indicated in the tabular section of the document. At the same time, the same mechanisms for displaying balances are available for line-by-line input and selection of goods, as in a customer order.

Registration of delivery documents

Principles of working with delivery documents ( Supplier order and Receipt of goods and services) are similar to those that apply to the shipment of goods. When processing documents, the same groups of warehouses are used as when processing shipping documents.

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