The highest paid professions in the world. civil aviation pilot

The highest paid professions in the US

1st place - Doctors

Medicine in the United States is very developed and respected. Plus, she pays well. The top ten highest-paid professions are led by medical specialists, including anesthesiologists, surgeons, orthodontists and dentists, plastic surgeons, internists and pediatricians. The average salary of a doctor in the United States is $15,000 per month (about 900,000 rubles), while in Russia, doctors expect an average of 50,000 rubles. The big difference in salaries is explained by the fact that in the USA there is practically no free medicine, any visit to a doctor costs a lot of money. Specialists of private clinics in Russia receive 2-3 times more than their counterparts from public medical institutions.

2nd place - Psychotherapist

The profession of psychotherapist is in high demand in North America. Their average salary is $12,000 per month (720,000 rubles). Psychotherapists in Russia receive much less - 31,000 rubles. The reason for such a significant difference is quite simple - we simply do not need these specialists. Our fellow citizens are not accustomed to solving psychological problems with specialists.

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3rd place - Petroleum Engineer

The oil industry is profitable all over the world. A petroleum engineer in the United States has the right to expect an income of $ 12,000 per month (about 720 thousand rubles). Similar specialists in Russia receive about 60,000 rubles. And this despite the fact that the oil and mining industry in general is more developed in our country.

4th place - Air traffic controller

The profession of an air traffic controller is very difficult and responsible. And so it pays well. The average salary of an air traffic controller in America is about $ 10,000 (600,000 rubles), a similar specialty in Russia is also paid well - an average of 120,000 rubles.

5th place - Lawyer

Everyone knows about the insane passion of Americans for litigation. Against this background, legal professionals, including lawyers, earn well. The average earnings of which is $ 9,800 (~ 590 thousand rubles), in Russia, these specialists expect an average income of 50,000 rubles.

6th place - Commercial Director

The commercial director is the locomotive of trade of any firm. The remuneration of these specialists is mainly the result of their own work - the bonus system. Nevertheless, the average salary of a commercial director in the US is about $9,000 (about 500,000 rubles), in Russia, about 70,000 rubles.

7th place - Financiers

The word financier from the USA is understood primarily as professions related to financial analytics and the provision of advisory services by a personal financier. The salary of financiers from the USA is $8,500 per month. In Russia, 32,000 rubles.

8th place - Technical engineer

Engineering is traditionally considered a white-collar profession, well paid and quite in demand. The salaries of engineers in the USA are the highest in the world - about $ 8,000 per month (480,000 rubles). Engineers in Russia expect an average of 40,000 rubles.

9th place - Pharmacist

A pharmacist is a specialist in the field of drugs and preparations. Pharmacology is very well developed in the USA, specialists have the right to expect a salary of $ 8,000 per month (480,000 rubles). Pharmacology workers in Russia receive an average of 20,000 rubles.

10th place - IT specialists

The booming high-tech market is generating a whole wave of in-demand IT specialists. All kinds of developers, layout designers, testers, programmers are in great demand not only in the USA, but also in the whole world. The average salary in the US is $7,000 per month (about 400,000 rubles), in Russia it is 100,000 rubles.

The difference between wages in the US and Russia is huge at the moment, the reason for this is primarily the ruble exchange rate that has collapsed in recent years, as well as the difference in the standard of living of the two countries. It is also important to note the specifics of doing business in the US and Russia - after all, it is more developed in America.

The United States of America has a relatively low unemployment rate and a developed labor market that constantly needs employees of completely different specialties. Even such non-trivial professions as an agile coach and an optometrist are in demand.

Requirements are different for each state. For example, in New York, there are more vacancies related to advertising and information technology, as well as construction, which is explained by population growth. At the same time, for example, in Alaska, workers involved in the fields of fishing and oil production are more relevant. Due to the significant influx of migrants from Latin America, Africa and Asia, there is a lot of competition where special skills are not needed. Thus, the list of the most demanded professions in the United States is very diverse.

The most demanded professions

In March of this year, the American job search site Indeed published a list of the 25 best jobs in the United States at the moment. When compiling the rating, not only wages were taken into account, but opportunities for career growth and development.

Almost half of the places - 10 out of 25 - are occupied by vacancies related to the construction industry.

Topping the list is the profession of commercial project manager. At the time of publication, over 39 thousand relevant vacancies were posted on the Indeed site, while even very large companies, such as AECOM, are interested in employees. Following this profession on the list are building superintendent and building manager. Thanks to the growth of the population and economy in America, there was a need for new roads and developed infrastructure. In turn, this has created jobs for those who can build.

According to statistics from the US Department of Labor, electricians, mechanics, boilermakers, elevator operators, painters and others are also in special demand. All these specialties do not require special education, a high school diploma is enough.

Paul D’Arcy, Vice President of Marketing at Indeed, noted that developers and programmers led the list of the most in-demand professions in the US last year. At the moment, they are present in the top, although they noticeably lost their positions and gave way to representatives of construction specialties, which were not at all in the previous rating. Over the past year, these professions have rapidly climbed to the top and reached the top five.

Nevertheless, it cannot be said that the technical industry is not represented at all in the list of in-demand professions in America. Thus, the second place was taken by a full-stack developer (a specialist involved in the creation of web applications at all stages). The third position was taken by a computer vision system developer who creates 3D scanners and 3D face recognition systems.

The ranking also included representatives of such interesting professions as an agile coach (a trainer who helps companies reach new heights), an optometrist (a doctor who helps correct vision with contact lenses and glasses), and an affiliate program manager (aka affiliate manager).

The last positions are occupied by political scientists with $114,290 per year and minimal salary growth (2% until 2026), as well as medical service managers. They currently earn an average of $96,540 a year, but by 2026 they will be earning almost 20% more. 23rd place is occupied by actuaries - specialists in insurance mathematics. By 2026, they are expected to earn 22% more than they do today (100,610).

Interestingly, in terms of wages, workers in the construction industry did not even make it into the top thirty. Information Security Analyst ranked 32nd ($92,600 per year). The locksmith is ranked 48th with $51,450 a year, while the lowest tier builders are in 89th place with $36,940 a year.

If you are thinking about whom to go to study so that later you will probably get a job in the USA, then here is information for you to think about - the most in-demand professions in the US, 10 most-most! We read and shake on the mustache! πŸ™‚

The most demanded professions in the USA - TOP companies that love foreigners

5 most "needy" states:

  1. Texas (salary $4260/month);
  2. California (salary 5830 $ / month);
  3. New York (salary 6240 $ / month);
  4. Florida (salary 3980 $ / month);
  5. Illinois (salary 4830 $ / month).

Profession translator.

5 most "needy" states:

  1. California (salary $24/hour);
  2. Texas (salary $22.4/hour);
  3. New York (salary $ 26.8 / hour);
  4. Florida (salary $19.6/hour);
  5. Virginia (salary $ 34.2 / hour).

By the way, the demand for translators is growing extremely fast.

Software developer.

To get started, you need a bachelor's degree. States in need (in dark green):

5 most "needy" states:

  1. California (salary $59.7/hour);
  2. Texas (salary $48.7/hour);
  3. Massachusetts (salary $55/hour);
  4. Virginia (salary $52.5/hour);
  5. New York (salary $ 50.1 / hour).

And here, for example, my profession (although not included in the list of "The most demanded professions in the USA"):

food technologist.

To get started, you need a bachelor's degree. States in need (in dark green):

5 most "needy" states:

  1. California (salary $31.3/hour);
  2. Minnesota (salary $36.9/hour);
  3. Texas (salary $34.4/hour);
  4. New Jersey (salary $34.6/hour);
  5. Wisconsin (salary $33/hour).

Sometimes it is not enough to have an education, but all sorts of certificates are also needed. These requirements are usually written in the requirements chapter for a particular position. is a popular site for job searches. If you are looking for a sponsor (that is, a person who wants to pay you for the H1B work visa that I wrote about), do not despair after 10 resumes sent. People send hundreds of resumes before getting a job offer. And if you received such an invitation, you don’t need to rejoice too much (yes, this is a small victory, but this is not the end), because you still need to apply for a visa (the number of work visas is limited, you may not be on the list of lucky ones). I wrote about the recognition of Russian diplomas in the USA.

As you can see in-demand jobs in the US quite different, they cannot be combined into any one group. But I hope you find your way and don't give up, even if it seems hard!

Oksana Bryant was with you, bye-bye! πŸ˜‰

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The highest paid professions in the world dictate the rules of labor migration on the planet. Specialists are ready to move to other countries in search of a better life. Often the difference in wages in different states can be huge. For example, they receive almost 10 times less than in the USA.

Every year a list of the most demanded professions in various countries of the world is compiled. The report is objective and is based on official data from relevant ministries (for example, the United States Department of Labor), which are publicly available.

TOP 10 highest paid professions in the USA

Practice shows that popular specialties in the United States are in demand in other developed countries. Therefore, many are guided by the data of American studies. But this rule does not apply everywhere, and in order to obtain a work permit, Russians need to confirm their qualifications. Consider the TOP most expensive professions in 2019:

These are the highest paid professions in the US at the moment. In this country and in Europe, doctors are most valued, which causes labor migration there.

The highest paid professions in the USA. Source:

Anesthesiologist and Anesthesiologist Assistant. These specialists are needed in any hospital that has an operating room. They calculate the required amount of anesthesia and inject it into the patient's body. Also, their duties include monitoring the patient's breathing and his main vital parameters during the operation.

Surgeon. There are various specializations in this profession. Employees work in medical facilities and perform surgeries. They also carry out initial and repeated examination of the patient, control the rehabilitation process and make the necessary appointments.

Obstetrician-gynecologist. It helps during childbirth. Controls the entire process and makes decisions on the need for medical intervention in a particular case.

Orthodontist. This is a person who deals with the correction of bite in patients. Most often, people in this profession open private practices and provide services on the basis of a license.

Therapist. This doctor is most often treated in the presence of various signs of the disease. He conducts an initial examination and makes further appointments. If necessary, sends to narrow specialists.

Dentist. Doctors are engaged in the treatment of teeth and gums and are included in the TOP of highly paid specialties. Most often they open their own company. You need a license to work for yourself.

IT specialist. These employees are engaged in software development and are at the bottom of the TOP 10 highest paid specialties in the world. They must have programming skills, know several programming languages ​​and be able to work in a team. The success of most projects in this business depends on the latter. Companies are willing to work with young professionals, regardless of work experience.

Marketing Manager. He is in charge of global planning. The interaction of all business processes in the enterprise depends on the level of his professional training. Therefore, it is necessary to be stunned by a lot of experience in order to take this vacancy.

The highest paid companies

Typically, people who have mastered the above professions work in federal institutions or open private practices. However, there is a list of organizations where it is possible to receive a fairly high salary.

Thus, lawyers and consulting professionals can also earn good money if they can find good employment. If you want to leave to work in the USA, you need to study the list of the highest paid professions. This will allow you to find a good job and get a great job in this country.

The list of main highly paid professions changes periodically, as does the amount of remuneration to employees. But at the top of the pyramid are traditionally doctors and experienced managers.

Ranking of countries in the world by average salary

According to the report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the average salary in the world in 2019 is very different, depending on the state. The cost of living affects wages. So, in the northern states (Iceland, Sweden, Norway), more money is needed for living, so the level of income of the population is higher.

Today, the average salary in Europe and Asia is very different. This sets the trend for labor migration on the planet. Millions of people every year move to another state to earn big money. But to do this, they need to know which countries have the highest salaries.

State Average salary, $ Minimum salary, $
Denmark6 370 –
Switzerland6 250 –
Monaco6 165 2 005
Iceland6 090 –
Luxembourg5 950 2 370
Norway5 450 –
Germany4 510 1 735
Austria4 300 –
Singapore4 200 –
Belgium4 040 1 800
Finland4 000 –
Sweden3 900 –
Ireland3 750 1 870
France3 490 1 735
Andorra3 390 1 210
Netherlands3 370 1 800
The Republic of Korea3 327 –
Italy2 990 –
Japan2 900 1 335
Israel2 890 685

This is the average salary for the top 20 countries in the world. The highest income is received by doctors, builders, teachers and IT specialists in European countries. Minimum income for unskilled workers and service personnel. However, the latter, while working in Europe, receive additional tips, which are not taken into account in the OECD report.

Important. These figures are before taxes. Therefore, in Europe, residents receive much less in their hands. In some states, indirect taxes paid by the employer reach up to 40%. You also need to understand that most workers receive less than the average salary.

The US is not included in this report as it is not a member of the OECD. According to the ILO (International Labor Organization), the United States is in 9th place in the world in terms of wages. Here specialists, on average, receive $3,540 per month, and the minimum wage is $1,015 per month.

Russia ranks 69th, which is equivalent to 640 dollars per month.

Average salary in Europe

Considering that many migrate to European countries, it is useful to know how the average wage is distributed in these countries. In 2019, the rating was formed as follows:

  1. Denmark.
  2. Switzerland.
  3. Monaco.
  4. Iceland.
  5. Luxembourg.
  6. Norway.
  7. Germany.
  8. Austria.
  9. Belgium.
  10. Finland.
  11. Sweden.
  12. Ireland.
  13. France.
  14. Andorra.
  15. Netherlands.
  16. Italy.
  17. Great Britain.
  18. Spain.
  19. Slovenia.
  20. Malta.
  21. Czech.
  22. Portugal.
  23. Greece.
  24. Slovakia.
  25. Poland.

The average income in Poland is $1,270 per month. The minimum wage is $610 per month. Therefore, in this country, too, there is a migration of labor to other European countries.

Thus, the main labor force goes to economically strong powers: to France, Germany and Italy. Also, many seek to get to the UK, as there is a large minimum wage (1,140 USD), but recently it has become difficult to migrate to it.

The highest paid professions in the world

The TOP of professions around the world is generally similar to the data from the United States. Most of all in developed countries they value qualified employees, namely:

  • Doctors. Surgeons and anesthesiologists earn the most. Physicians and pathologists have the lowest income.
  • Builders. Today, Europe needs engineers and designers who can control the process of building construction.
  • Top managers, who manage large corporations, always receive a high income. Their responsibilities include determining the organization's development strategy.
  • IT specialists who work in large corporations can earn high income. They must develop applications and ensure their stable operation on various devices.
  • Teachers at universities they can also make big money. But here it all depends on their load.

It is important to understand that in the states with the highest salaries, it is required to confirm qualifications and pass an exam in knowledge of the state language in order to obtain a residence permit and work permit. Each state has its own requirements for obtaining a residence permit.

In America, everything is different from ours. People receive higher education, which is the key to a comfortable life in the future. With us, getting one does not guarantee anything. So, let's see the list of the highest paying professions in the USA.

1. Surgeon

Average annual salary: $165,720 - $225,390

The work of doctors is usually long, with irregular hours, requires an expensive comprehensive education, including 4 years of medical school and 3-8 years of internship, depending on the specialization.

2. Director

Average annual salary: $173,350

Specialists: 273,500

The director as an employee is the number two most profitable position in the states;

3. Dentist

Average annual salary: $158,770

Specialists: 87,700

Dentists are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases. More than 90% of dentists work in clinics as employees. The rest are in private practice.

4. Lawyer

Average salary for the year: $129,440

Specialists: 561,350

Everything is clear here - a lawyer is a lawyer.

5. Specialist in the field of natural sciences

Average annual salary: $129,320

Specialists: 45,920

Physicists, mathematicians and other smart heads working in universities and laboratories. Associated with research in the field of economics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and even government.

6. Petroleum Engineer

Average annual salary: $127,970

Specialists: 28,210

They work with the extraction and processing of oil and gas.

7. Engineer-architect

Average annual salary: $125,900

Specialists: 174,723

They work in the field of development of new construction projects. Most architects are in California and Texas (about 43,000 in total), but Alaska pays the best ($150,060).

8. Specialist in computer and information systems

Average annual salary: $123,280

Specialists: 288,660

The main task is to coordinate the activities of data processing, the functioning of information systems, systems analysis and programming. There is a shortage of specialists, with salaries ranging from $207,840 in Jacksonville to $73,430 in Kansas.

9. Marketing Specialist

Average annual salary: $122,720

Specialists: 164,590

Promote the products and services of their companies. They find new consumers, develop pricing strategies, increase the company's profits and its presence in the market.

10. Treasurer

Average annual salary: $116,970

Specialists: 478,940

Such workers are engaged in a number of areas, including working with bank accounts, investing, insurance, and so on.

How to get a six-figure salary?

If you want to make a lot of money, go into medicine, but don't forget the many years spent on training and education.

And before you start envying medical professionals, don't forget that one year in medical school is one year of your career, which you could have started if you had chosen something else.

And on lower levels income pyramids once again turned out to be those who work in the fast food system. Their average annual salary, according to Forbes, is $18.12 thousand. These are kitchen workers, cooks, waiters, dishwashers and coffee shop sellers.

Here are the top 24 of the highest paying jobs in the US:

1 Surgeon: $181,850

2 Anesthesiologist: $174,610

3 Obstetrician-Gynecologist: $174,610

4 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon: $169,600

5 Therapist: $156,790

6 Dentist: $156,710

7 Orthodontist: $153,240

8 Psychiatrist: $151,380

9. Chief Executive Officer: $140,880

10. Technical lead: $140,210

11 Pediatrician: $140,000

12 Generalist Family Physician: $137,980

13. Physician/Surgeon, all others: $137,100

14 Civil Air Pilot: $134,090

15 Dentist: $132,660

16. Orthopedist: $111,130

17 Lawyer: $110,590

18. Dentist, all other specialties: $106,040

19 Air Traffic Controller: $100,430

20. Computer and information systems manager: $100,110

21 Marketing Manager: $100,020

22. Science manager: $97,560

23. Sales manager: $96950

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